• Published 24th Feb 2017
  • 900 Views, 11 Comments

Lucid Dreams - Jumping Jack

A young orphan pegasus escapes into his dreams and imagination while trying to overcome his fear of befriending others. And to do that, he needs the help of three young fillies and a majestic alicorn.

  • ...

Ghosts and Whispers

Princess Luna was pacing at the foot of her's and her sister's throne. Celestia watched amusedly as Luna spouted her fears and worries.

"I worry so much about the state of that colt's mind. It's been deteriorating more and more. What's worse is that he didn't dream a single dream last night. Something must have happened. I just know it." Luna grumbled. Celestia hummed softly before addressing her sister.

"Luna? Do you want to discuss the matter more? We have time before the representatives of Dodge City and Manehatten show up." She stated. Luna stopped and looked towards the regal alicorn, who had finally stood and began walking towards her. Luna sighed.

"Doth thou remember the colt I mentioned at the orphanage?" She asked. Celestia nodded as she reached her sister. "As the Princess of the Night. It is my duty to ensure the safety of our subjects while they sleep. Yet... I've noticed that the plane has began to... shimmer? As if it is calling out for help." She looked worriedly at Celestia. "I've followed the trail and found a crack. A young colt's psyche. From it, a dark aura has been spewing out and infecting other dreams. I've... tried my best to triangulate the source, but this is more than the Tantabus. It is not of my creation." She sat on her haunches and sighed frustratedly, rubbing her muzzle. "I've worked tirelessly. I need the child's help. But he cannot seem to find a moments peace to himself." Celestia looked worriedly at her sister.

"Is there anything I can do to help? I... know I cannot help you in the dream realm. But I will do my best to ensure that you fulfill your own duty to this child. What is his name?" She asked. Luna tapped her hoof worriedly.

"His playmates call him Pepper. He's rather... skittish. But I have seen his dreams. He's not normally like that. He's a very bright and imaginative young one. He's even quite the little helper without asking. But that light seemed to have faded." Luna then furrowed her look. There was whispering in her mind. Celestia looked worriedly at Luna, about to ask what was wrong when Luna's eyes began to glow. Her horn being traced through the grooves.

Luna found herself having to recover from tumbling through the sky. She looked around as she floated in the air. This was strange for the princess. Never has she been forced into a dream. She gasped as the night sky started to ripple and shimmer. She looked around again, seeing the orphanage below her. She floated down, sensing she was being called to a window. When she leveled with the window, she balked, seeing Ghost Pepper laying on his back in the bed. Gripping the sheets and looking horrified as distorted, mass of shadows surrounded him. These creatures... they aren't normal nightmares she could combat. These are the very creations of the dream realm. Luna had to try something. She spun around and bucked open the open, causing the shadow creatures to shudder and bob around the room. Floating in, she trotted over to the colt, ignoring the threatening whispers around the room.

Ghost Pepper was breathing heavily, his eyes darting in panic. Luna closed her eyes and unfurled her wings, throwing out a barrier that pushed the creatures back into a corner of a room. She has to make this quick. She looked back to the colt and began to pet his head, smiling.

"At ease, young one. I am here." She said soothingly. Ghost Pepper had tears in his eyes as he managed to shut them and began to calm his breathing. Luna glanced challengingly to the shadow blobs bouncing in the corner. "Pepper, listen to me very carefully. If you are to break free of these creatures, you must do as I say. Close your eyes. Calm your breathing. And push with your mind. Push against the presence. It cannot harm you. It cannot have power over you. You are in control. Push the darkness back. Will it if you must so." The colt steadied his breathing, doing as the princess told him. As the colt began to will himself to push the heavy presence off of him, the shadow blobs in the room began to fade. The colt glowed as an in-equine screech shook the place. Pepper shot open his eyes in fear, but Luna shushed soothingly and pet the colt in a motherly way. She even began to hum a small lullaby.

Pepper found himself relaxing now, whimpering, but steady. He pushed again, glowing brightly as the shadows began to fade back to where they came from. The area around her began to ripple and shimmer again. Luna felt something pulling her back. Fighting it just a bit longer, she leaned over the colt and put her horn to his head.

"Sleep easily, child. I will return when you require aid once more. Remember, these creatures cannot harm you if you remain calm and push them aside. You are not alone either. The gifts I gave you will help you avoid them entirely. Remember this." Luna felt herself being pulled back as the area began to fade. Yet the colt had a peaceful look on his expression before fading away. Luna found herself back in the throne room, a concerned sister eyeing her.

"Luna?" She asked worriedly. Luna shook her head and rubbed it.

"It's... worse than I thought. It appears the dream realm is wanting to rid itself of the crack that it began to make creatures to haunt the poor child." She then looked sternly up at her sister. "Celestia, if this keeps going, more than the dream realm will be in trouble. I... I have to stop this. The spell isn't ready yet." Celestia gave an understanding nod.

"Do what you must, sister. I will aid as best as I can." There was a small pop and a scroll fell at their feet. Celestia took it in her magic and unrolled it.

Dear Princess Celestia. We would ask to begin an investigation into the Honeywood Orphanage on the outskirts of Ponyville. There is something I can't help but find off about the area. I'll keep you updated with anymore info as we progress. Yours, Twilight Sparkle.

Celestia smiled softly before turning to Luna.

"I have full faith in you, sister. Please, be careful on your way to the orphanage. Do not worry about attending today's meeting." Luna smiled kindly at her sister before hugging her.

"I'll let you know what I find into my own investigation." She said before trotting off down the two heavy doors that opened as two ponies in well-dressed business attire walked in. Luna excused herself around them, heading out to the balcony. She tossed on her hooded cloak and nodded to the two royal guards who quickly latched themselves to the chariot. As they soared across the sky, Luna tapped her hoof impatiently. She needs to act fast. Or else, the colt might end up more than broken by the dream realm.

The young colt found himself swinging on a tire swing. Rather, he was in a place he wasn't familiar with. Yet, the colt non-chalantly swung. Next to the tree he swung on was a yellow cottage. The chimney smoked high above of a newly lit fire. On the porch of a cottage sat a pretty, violet mare with ruby eyes and chestnut mane. She wore a purple dress with a pearl necklace around her neck. She was on a swinging bench, looking fondly out into the distant field. It was a nice overcast day. The angel rays making this quite a moment that even Pallet would stop to draw. Pepper blinked as he stopped swinging, seeing an approaching wagon. The mare smiled and stood up, walking down the dirt path to meet the wagon. Pepper watched as three ponies funneled out. A stallion earth pony in grey coat and royal blue mane with emerald eyes, dressed in a brown trench coat, smiled as he hugged the mare that threw herself on him. The other ponies, a young but familiar looking earth pony mare. Rustic color and a silver mane. She wore a bright green sundress and seemed be a little plump in the belly area. A young earth pony colt then pushed his way past her and over to Pepper. The colt balked and quickly hurried off the swing, dodging just in time as the colt laughed and threw himself into the tire swing. His brown mane and cream and caramel, two toned coat matched the happy personality of the child. His sunflower eyes sparkling brightly.

Pepper tilted his head before looking over to the grown-ups. The mare laughed at something the other mare said as the stallion put a foreleg around her.

"It's great to see you two!" The violet mare smiled. The rustic mare gave a bashful hoof wiggle.

"Please. If I had known you recommended such a lovely place earlier, we would have come sooner. I can already tell River is going to love it here." She said. The mare nodded.

"And I am more than proud to be a neighbor. Has the move been easy?" She asked. The stallion spoke.

"So far so good. It's going to take some time, but I think it was the right call. Need more open space for the little one and our new member of the family." He said, giving a soft kiss on the rustic mare's head. The latter rubbed her belly softly.

"We still have yet to come up with a name." She said. The violet mare hummed.

"What about Sunflower Wisp? During the summertime, this field is full of sunflowers." she suggested. The rustic mare beamed and looked to the stallion.

"I think that sounds perfect! After all, we did move from the riverbank! It's only seems like fate would have us name him in a manner. River and Sunflower Wisp..." The mare seemed to glow at the idea. Pepper blinked and looked down to his side when he heard the sound of a thud. The plain, leatherbound journal lay at his hooves. He sat on his haunches and opened the book.

I can't remember the last time I was so happy with a move. I came from a rich household, so imagine my surprise when my dear friend recommended me to move to Ponyville. The outskirts are quite breath taking. I knew our family would be happy here. We bought out a cottage about a mile down from Mrs. Marigold. It will require a lot of work, but nothing my husband, Light Wisp, couldn't handle. I've never been more satisfied with a move. A peaceful, quiet scene away from all the hoity toity elites in Dodge City.

Pepper looked up and watched as the three spoke happily with each other.

"You know, I really did like it here." A voice said, causing the colt to drop his journal and spun around quickly in surprise. The young colt on the tire swing slipped out and began to walk over to the tree. He stuck his tongue out as he began to climb it. "A lot of open space for me to play in. Couldn't you have imagined it? I could have thought of a lot of things! And I did! A king! And the field my land!" The colt smiled down at Pepper. "Hey! You could be my loyal knight! To serve your king and protect my land! To save the princess and slay the dragon! I think you'd make a great knight!" Pepper looked on in awe as the pony sat on a branch and chuckled. "Why the long face? This shouldn't surprise you at all. I'm showing you this dream after all." The area around them began to ripple and Ghost Pepper flinched as they found themselves in the orphanage. Only... things were different. It was much more... homey. The wallpaper had cute flowers that weren't peeling off. The wooden floors neatly varnished and smooth. It was as if the place had been recently built.

The colt that was once on the tree, poked his head out from around the kitchen doorway, waving to Pepper before ducking back in. Pepper tilted his head before cautiously following the colt. He poked his head around the corner and he could see the colt on a stool and stirring a whisk into a bowl. The rustic mare, looking a bit more plump than last time, hummed a tune as she cut some carrots. The mare looked over her shoulder and smiled.

"How's the batter coming along, River?" She asked. The colt had his tongue out in concentration, stirring just a bit longer before smiling and showing his mother.

"Look! I did it exactly how you would!" He beamed. The mare giggled and walked over to the colt, petting his head proudly.

"Good job! Are you ready to use the cutters?" She asked. The colt beamed and looked over to Pepper.

"Can't my new friend help?" He asked. The mare looked over and her eyes fell on Pepper. Yet, she seemed a little confused at the proposition before her look turned to recognition. She then smiled and nodded.

"Of course! What is your friend's name?" She asked. He happily rested his head on his forehooves against the counter.

"Ghost Pepper! He's my knight! And I'm the king!" He grinned. The mare giggled.

"My, sounds like the king has gotten himself a stalwart ally! What kind of feats has he made?" She asked. River blinked.

"Err... nothing yet. But, I know he can do some amazing things!" He chuckled. The mare nodded and poured the batter on the pan, flattening it with a roller.

"Such a bright, imaginative mind! You both don't cause too much trouble for Light." She said. "Speaking of. Where is that stallion? He's supposed to be back from work." She looked out the window and smiled as she saw the wagon pull up. "There! Right on cue!" The mare turned to River. "Keeping flattening the dough batter and I'll be right back, dear." She said before trotting happily out of the kitchen. Ghost Pepper wasn't sure what to make of everything he witnessed, but he looked to see River smile at him.

"Mom doesn't think you're real. But that's okay. I would have myself a new playmate very soon!" He said excitedly. The area rippled around them and Pepper found himself sitting outside an ER room with River next to him. They watched as the stallion trotted back and forth in a pace, looking grizzled and worried. Pepper tilted his head quizzically. River smiled. "Dad was really worried. And he had every right to be." River watched his dad pace before there was a sudden cry of protest from inside the room. He gasped and rushed over to the door, opening it.

"Amber?" He asked. Pepper peeked around the stallion, seeing plenty of ponies around a screaming rustic mare. Two nurses began to push the stallion to the side, preventing him from entering. "No! I need to see my wife! What's going on!?" He cried out. A shrill cry from the mare came from the room as the doctor and nurse ponies crowded around an area, seemingly in a rush over whatever was happening. River bowed his head sadly. Now that the colt noticed, River was holding onto a small gift. On the tag read:

From big brother To little borther

River's dad was arguing with the nurses as everything began to drone around the colt. Pepper looked worriedly at the colt.

"Why did it have to be this way? I could never understand why. No matter how many times the question ran through my head. It always was the same." River looked ahead sadly and the colt followed his gaze. A doctor had stepped out and confronted the stallion. The stallion then gave a pain-stricken expression and sat on his haunches, his eyes tearing up as he then, what the colt would imagine, a guttural cry of anguish. The doctors and nurses looking solemn and grim. The area rippled around them and Pepper found himself sitting on a stool next to a hospital bed. River sat on the bed, an IV stand at his bedside as well as plenty of tubes hooked up to him. He held the leather-bound journal in his hooves, looking up and smiling at him. "This is a pretty neat book. You should really hold on to it. You never know when the brave knight needs to save his kingdom."

Pepper took the book as River held it out to him. The journal opened to a page:

River seemed to be managing quite well. Yet, I couldn't help but still worry that something might go wrong. I'll do everything I can to ensure he is quite comfortable. His birthday is today and my husband and I had quite the surprise for him. I hope he'll like it.

The area began to ripple again. River sighed and looked at Pepper with a small smile.

"Seems you are wanted back in the real world. Take care, Pepper. I always cherished our friendship." The colt then laid on the bed and closed his eyes. The last thing the colt heard was the steady, droning sound of the heart monitor. A straight line from one side of the screen to the other.


Pepper opened his eyes, groaning tiredly.

"Hey, I think he's coming to!" A muffled voice stated. Pepper shifted his head slightly, seeing his room crowded with ponies. The Princess of Friendship and her friends, Mother Wisp and Funnel. The kids were peeking in from outside, only to have the door closed gently by Fluttershy.

"Oh, thank goodness you are awake." Fluttershy stated.

"Are ya' alright, sugarcube?" Applejack asked the colt worriedly. His eyes then fell to Mother Wisp, who looked distraught. Seeing as the colt was looking at her, Mother Wisp gave a relieved, quiet sigh. Rarity put a hoof against the colt's head and hummed.

"Well, it isn't a fever." She said before smiling at the colt. "You gave us quite a scare, dear." Pepper sat up in the bed and rubbed his muzzle. His head was pounding. Twilight walked over, putting a hoof to her chest.

"It's good to see that you look fine. Though, just to be sure." She closed her eyes and put her horn to his forehead. Pepper felt his pounding head start to clear and his slightly pain stricken face softened. Twilight pulled away and nodded. "Now then. Are you okay to talk?" She asked. Pepper didn't say anything. All these ponies in his room is strange to him. In fact, he was missing the quiet comfort of his lonely room. Pepper studied the alicorn. She smiled as Pepper softly nodded. "I've heard from Princess Celestia herself about the concerns of Princess Luna regarding this orphanage." Mother Wisp balked and stood up.

"C-concerns?" She quickly stated. Twilight waved a hoof at the nanny.

"Nothing negative. It's more of a... well... magical matter." She responded. There was no real way to describe the feeling of this orphanage. But it kept sending red flags for her. "I've also heard from Applejack that Luna had recently visited, requesting the aid of Applebloom, Sweetie Bell and Scootaloo. Would you mind explaining to me on what happened during that time?" Funnel snorted.

"An invasion of privacy. The princess thinks this colt has a special talent. To go into pony's personal dreams and able to walk around freely." He stated. Twilight furrowed her look.

"Lucid dreaming?" She questioned, more to herself. Pinkie Pie, bouncing in place, tilted her head.

"What's that?" She asked. Twilight explained to the group the very definition of lucid dreaming. How it can be an open plane of existence that. Something that they all had dealt with before with Princess Luna and the Tantabus. Rainbow Dash smiled and crossed her forelegs over her chest.

"Heh, so that is lucid dreaming? I thought it was Luna just allowing us with her own magic." She said. Twilight shook her head softly.

"Princess Luna can force ponies into a lucid dreaming state in order to communicate with them. But doing it naturally is something entirely different. Only a few accounts of ponies lucid dreaming have been documented." She looked to Pepper with concern. "If Pepper here ends up doing it wrong, I don't know what would happen, but it would have a massive consequence on his psyche." Pepper looked horrified and began to shiver. Twilight realized what she had said and gave a nervous smile and wave of her hoof. "B-but that's all just theory talking. No real harm has ever happened to anypony that has messed up lucid dreaming." She hoped it would reassure the colt, but it seemed to not work. Mother Wisp shook her head.

"This... is all so much for a young child. Princess Luna and now the Princess of Friendship? What on earth is going on here? Why is this child so special to be burdened with so much?" This was frustrating for the nanny. Ghost Pepper never does well under pressure. Even with the change in behavior. She was at a loss as to how to handle this. Never once did any of the children give her so much stress before. But Pepper glanced at the nanny, knowing otherwise. Funnel sighed.

"So... what now? Are you going to whisk him away on some grand magical adventure to save the world?" He frowned. Twilight shook her head.

"We are not inclined to borrow anypony from anywhere. If Peper wants to join, we would be glad to help him, but it's all his choice in the end."

"No!" Pepper shouted. All eyes focused on him and he shrunk back into the corner of his bed. "N-no! I-I can't..." He wasn't sure what compelled him to say this so suddenly. It must have been instinct. But thinking about it more, Pepper knew why. He had kept asking himself, what would Sherclop do? He wouldn't back out from an investigation. Pepper shook his head. "Th-there's something... something I have to do here. Err... I mean..." He whimpered as the six began to smile.

"It's alright, dear. You can tell us." Rarity nodded kindly. Pepper immediately shook his head. No pony would believe him. Mother Wisp sighed and rubbed her muzzle.

"I must admit, this has all been so tiring. And I am afraid visiting hours are up. The child needs rest and he cannot do so with a full room." She frowned. Twilight hummed before nodding softly to the nanny.

"That sounds reasonable. After what happened, we need to ensure we have all the facts." She smiled at Mother Wisp. "You wouldn't mind us doing a quick search around the property?" Funnel immediately shook his head.

"Don't think about it. Nothing out here but coyotes." He said sternly. Twilight blinked quizzically while some of her friends narrowed their eyes suspiciously. Mother Wisp shook her head.

"I am afraid I had enough visitors for one week. In fact, I will have to ask that you all can come back when the adoption fair arrives. Then perhaps I'll be inclined to show you all around." She said sternly. Mother Wisp didn't want to put her hoof down to a princess, but this was all so sudden and felt a little intrusive. Just because they are heroes doesn't give them the right to bury their noses in a place such as an orphanage. Twilight nodded softly.

"Very well then. When will the fair take place?" She asked.

"Four days from now. The children need to prepare to work on their talents. And they can't do that with all these distractions." Mother Wisp replied. Pinkie Pie beamed.

"Oooh! I have an idea! We can spread the word about the adoption fair! Get everypony to have a party here and give a chance to show off their talents to potential parents!" She squeed. Both Mother Wisp and Funnel protested.

"No! It is the children's idea and they will host it. We do not have the funds to buy balloons, confetti and other stuff. This is meant to show off how special they are and go to a good home. Not a birthday party." The nanny exasperated. Applejack put a reassuring hoof on a concerned Pinkie Pie.

"It's alright, Pinkie. We'll let the children handle their fair. But, maybe we can help to draw a crowd." She tipped her hat forward and crossed her foreleg over the other. "'Ah agree with Pinkie Pie. We draw a crowd to the orphanage. No party throwing. No shenanigans. Just git the message out to the crowd." Rarity beamed and clapped her hooves together.

"Oh! I can make the fliers! Even get Sweetie Bell to help out with it!" She said. The colt stiffened. Did this mare just mention Sweetie Bell? Rainbow Dash grinned.

"I'm sure Scootaloo would place those fliers around no sweat! Ten seconds flat!" She grinned. Scootaloo as well!? The colt remained silent. He eyed the ponies, catching the attention of Mother Wisp, who began shooing them with a wave of her hoof.

"We'll talk about this outside. Right now, the child needs to rest. Out you go." She said sternly. The six ponies filed out of the room, the exception being Pinkie Pie who bounced out. Mother Wisp followed behind, stopping to look at the colt. "Pepper. we will speak later. And you will not get out of it. Funnel, can you watch over him? I won't be long." Funnel nodded stoically as Mother Wisp closed the door. The colt eyed Funnel suspiciously, the stallion studying him. As the hoofsteps became distant and the voice outside, Funnel reached into his vest pocket and pulled out a pocket watch. After checking the time, he made a silent scoff before putting it back in his vest.

"You know, kid. I've been noticing the way you've been eyeing me lately. Those suspicious glints. Do you take me for somepony bad?" Pepper froze. Funnel didn't remove his look as he walked over to the door, opened it just slightly to see if the coast was clear. He then closed the door and locked it. Pepper felt the terror rise inside of him as he crawled over to the other side of the bed, keeping his distance from the stallion. Funnel cast a sideways glance. "I don't know what the princess sees in you or why she is even bothering to waste time on a skittish creature like you. Hmph. Lucid Dreaming? What the hell kind of talk is that?" He sighed before turning to him. "You have a lot of high ponies looking at you. A mere street urchin. Almost overwhelming, eh kid?"

Pepper shivered. Funnel shook his head.

"Relax, kid. I'm not going to hurt you. In fact, I've been meaning to ask a favor of you." Funnel walked past the colt and over to the window. Pepper narrowed his eyes, wondering if the stallion was looking out towards the patch where Mrs. Marigold was buried. "Mother Wisp has been nothing but kind to you children. Always taking time out of her day to ensure you are all stable and ready to be adopted. I think she'll be a lot less stressed if she can manage to find every single one of you a good home. She plans on retiring once every child is adopted. Don't you want to go to a good home?" Pepper didn't say anything. Only eyed the stallion with suspicion. Funnel ignored his look before continuing. "You know, most children would be happy to have special attention from the princesses. We all figured you'd be a bit more excited to help out with this request of her's. That journal she gave you. It allows you to see other ponies' dreams?" He pointed at the leather-bound journal on his bed. "I know you are probably busy enjoying dream land, but maybe you can help out the nanny in her's? See, there's a certain... letter that she has acquired from her family from Dodge City. An inheritance letter.

"The nanny is pretty rich despite living in a run down cottage like this. It's a mystery as to why she wanted to live out here and not in a luxurious mansion that rightfully belongs to her. Regardless, I want to make things pretty clear here. There is a group of ponies. Bad individuals that mean harm. I'm here under orders to ensure the safety of Mother Wisp and I figured if I can get a hold of that inheritance letter, she'll be a lot more safer. That way, the bad ponies don't go doing anything bad. Understand?" Pepper only nodded softly. He understood clearly. Funnel is not a good pony. All this time, he thought Funnel was just a hired help. But seeing his actions last night solidified his justification.

The only issue is, no pony believes him. How can he expose Funnel to Mother Wisp if she is completely unaware of the ponies intending to rob her? If only Sherclop was here. He'd put a stop to it. But the colt knew better. This isn't a story book. A threat has been made. If he tried to expose him now, his entire freedom would be lost. Or probably worst, he'd be resting alongside Mrs. Marigold out in the field. The atmosphere began to change. Funnel eyed the colt and the colt looked back at the stallion, terror in his eyes. Funnel then walked past him and unlocked the door, opening it just in time as Mother Wisp rounded the corner and sighed.

"They are gone, finally. Maybe now, the kids can focus on their activities. Also, Trove began digging into your garden again. I've already given him his cleaning punishment. I figured I should tell you." The nanny said. Funnel groaned and shook his head.

"That colt, I swear..." Funnel stormed out of the room, leaving Mother Wisp to close the door and look at Pepper. She eyed the colt curiously.

"Pepper... I know you are quite overwhelmed with all the attention you've been getting. And I won't lie, all of it is just too much. You are a child. You need to go to a good home. This isn't a fairytale story book." She faced the colt, who bowed his head. He was beginning to grow frustrated. He knows all of this already. But why him? Why did he have to be picked? Why was he given the special ability to walk in other's dreams? Why did it all matter? He couldn't help but think back to the two ponies in his attempt to rewrite a happy ending. He could just never get it right. Mother Wisp sat down next to his bed and smiled tiredly. "You are a bright child. I've always known this. But lately, your behavior has been out of line. What happened to you? You used to be so helpful. Always picking up what the others couldn't." Pepper remained quiet. What can he tell her? Every attempt at explaining his actions have always been brushed away by Alabaster or written off as child imagination. And now, after all the attention he is getting, Mother Wisp wants to listen? Pepper shook his head. The one thing he does know is that not only is some of his playmates potential threats, but Mother Wisp could also be one too.

Everypony was out to get him. He couldn't trust any pony. Not even his own caretaker. He brought the journal close to his chest and hugged it, narrowing his eyes at the nanny. Mother Wisp looked a bit hurt by the action, but she had to remind herself that the colt has been dealing with a little too much lately. She stood up and sighed.

"Alright, Pepper. You can rest for as long as you like today. But I hope to see you during lunch. If not to mingle, then at least let me rest easy knowing you won't be starving yourself. And hopefully, again at dinner." Mother Wisp turned to the door, opening it and giving one last concerned look at the colt before closing it. Pepper held the journal close, sniffling just a little. He opened the book and found that his dream had been recorded. There was one last line added into the journal.

I must do what I can for the children. For my family’s sake.

Sweetie Bell yawned as Scootaloo finished up drawing a diagram. Applebloom stood behind a small podium and looked over some child like drawings. Scootaloo smiled, satisfied with the design of the diagram before looking to her friends.

“So… is no pony going to mention that strange flash of images we had earlier?” She asked. Sweetie Bell and Applebloom furrowed their looks.

“‘Ahm not sure what that was all about. But… maybe it had to do with Pepper dreaming?” She asked. Sweetie Bell yawned again, feeling exhausted out of nowhere.

“Could be. I don’t know why it’s taken it out of me. I felt like I haven’t slept at all. But I slept fine last night.” She then rubbed her chin in thought. “As for those images, Princess Luna did state that anytime Pepper dreamed, it would record it and we would be able to tell what he dreamt about.” Applebloom looked at her with concern.

“‘Ah dunno about you two, but that dream was… off putting. What were we even trying to see from that?” She asked. Scootaloo walked over to the wall behind Applebloom and tacked the diagram up.

“Your guess is as good as mine, Applebloom. But I had an idea after it happened.” She turned and presented the diagram. Three circles overlapping at the edge. “I figured we would be able to break down what the dreams mean into several categories.” She pointed to the one at the top. “That would represent the emotional undertone the dream portrays. How it would possibly affect us and Pepper.” She pointed to the right circle. “That category would represent the symbolism of the dream. Questions that it would bring up and how can we piece together to make an answer for it.”

She then pointed to the left circle. “That one would represent the stability of the dream. Would it make sense in pacing. How quickly we would transition from one to the other scene.” She then motioned to the middle. “We would have stability and emotion together to form a definitive impact. Emotion and symbolism together would make a driving reason. And symbolism and stability would form a guesstimation of the state of mind.” She then pointed to the three combining in the middle. “Of course, at the center of it all would be the psyche. With these categories, we can probably get a good read on the situation.” Applebloom and Sweetie Bell stared in awe at Scootaloo.

“Since when did you think this far ahead?” Sweetie Bell asked, completely baffled. Scootaloo gave a nervous but quizzical look in response.

“N-not sure. It was like… something compelled me to think of it.” She replied. Applebloom hummed as she studied the diagram.

“So, these would help us triangulate whatever Princess Luna is hunting, is what you are sayin’.” She asked. Scootaloo beamed.

“Exactly!” Sweetie Bell smiled and rubbed her chin in thought.

“You know, that’s actually a good idea. If we can read the dreams, we’d be able to stop whatever is causing this… dark aura?” She shrugged at them and the two responded in kind.

“Tis glad to know that you three have been hard at work.” A voice said. They turned and gasped as Princess Luna looked in from the window.

“Princess Luna?!” All three exclaimed in unison. The princess removed her hood and nodded softly with a motherly smile.

“Mind if I come in? We have much to discuss.” She spoke.