• Published 24th Feb 2017
  • 900 Views, 11 Comments

Lucid Dreams - Jumping Jack

A young orphan pegasus escapes into his dreams and imagination while trying to overcome his fear of befriending others. And to do that, he needs the help of three young fillies and a majestic alicorn.

  • ...

The Long Night Part 2

“Hello? Is anypony out there??” A filly’s voice echoed from the maelstrom. Twilight and her friends heard it, their expressions showing relief. Twilight called back.

“We’re here! Is everypony okay??” She replied. No response aside from tapping.

”Torque, turn it off. Those creatures might hear us!” a colt’s voice replied. The filly’s voice responded.

”We should be fine, Mac. I’ve adjusted everything to a low frequency as to not draw attention.” She explained.

”I have to agree with Mac, sweetie. We shouldn’t draw attention to ourselves. Or other ponies! Who knows what’ll happen if those creatures get a hold of anypony!” The voice of Mother Wisp echoed. The six friends exchanged glances.

“What in tarnation is goin’ on in there?” Applejack asked. Twilight didn’t skip a beat.

“They are calling out for help. Which means they heard my voice.” She gave a relieved smile. “Now we know they are okay. But we have to get in there! Everything we’ve tried has either been pushing us back or attacking us.”

”If anypony is out there, we are safe! Please, help us!” The filly stated. Twilight hovered up into the air a bit and tuned her Canterlot voice.

“We can hear you! Whatever you’ve done is getting through to us! I’m glad you are all alright! We’ve been trying to get in but a force keeps pushing us out! How are things inside?” Twilight asked. They heard a gasp from the filly and several voices of the kids breaking through.

”Children, quiet! No attention! Princess Twilight? We can hear your voice. What is happening out there?” Mother Wisp responded. Twilight was ecstatic. They can now figure something out for sure this time.

“A dark maelstrom is surrounding the field! I’ve never seen magic quite like this! How did this happen??” She replied. There was a moment of silence as Mother Wisp broke through.

”I can’t believe this is actually working. Regardless, I’m not quite sure myself. Alabaster, you warned us. What did happen?” There was another momentary pause before a filly spoke up.

”I’m… not so sure myself. We were looking for Ghost Pepper when I saw a dark fog creep out of the woods along with monsters. The air was heavy and sinister, so I raced back and warned everypony.” Alabaster replied. Twilight balked.

“Pepper is missing?” She asked horrified. Another pause before Alabaster responded.

“He went into the woods with Funnel and three others. Applebloom, Sweetie Bell and Scootaloo.”

“WHAT?!?” Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Rarity exclaimed in unified horror. Twilight’s look became serious.

“Are you certain you saw them?” Twilight responded. There was a conjoining chorus of children voices clashing with one another. Mother Wisp made a hiss.

”Calm down, children! Let Alabaster finish. Go ahead, dear.” The nanny said. Alabaster didn’t skip a beat.

Yes, princess. In fact, all of us except for Mother Wisp saw him and the others go into the woods. That’s when this whole thing started.” she replied. Twilight looked back to her friends, seeing the anxious looks on them. She looked back, scanning the blanketing dark maelstrom fog beneath her.

“Alright, just keep yourselves safe! We are doing everything we can to get to you!” She called out. She floated back towards her friends, bracing herself for the outbursts of three of them.

“That’s it! We have to do something now!” Rainbow Dash growled in frustration towards herself. Twilight looked at her worriedly.

“Calm down, Rainbow. We’ll get to them, but we can’t pull anything risky. There is one thing I do want you to try.” She said.

“Anythin’ to get my lil’ sis back.” Applejack said determinedly.

“Hear hear.” Rarity said. Twilight smiled and nodded.

“Don’t worry, girls. Working together, we always find a way. Rainbow, use your Sonic Rainboom. Get as close as you can when you break the barrier to the fog. It might disperse it enough for us to get a better look.” She said. Rainbow Dash saluted and without a single moment's hesitation, she bolted high into the air, taking aim at the fog. When she was high enough, she stopped her flight and let herself free fall back before straightening herself out, hooves outstretched and gained speed. The five watched as their friend dove like a missile, beginning to break the sound barrier. Rainbow Dash pushed herself to get as close as possible. Then, when she felt close enough, she banked sharply ahead as a loud boom rang throughout the area. A colorful rainbow wave explosion soared overhead. Rainbow Dash looked back to see her rainbow trail follow her. However, she frowned as the fog did not disperse. Rainbow flew back towards her friends, coming to a screeching halt and scrapped the ground with her hind hoof.

"You gotta' be kidding me! I was skimming the top!" Rainbow stated in frustration. Twilight held up a hoof.

"It's okay, Rainbow Dash. It was an attempt. And, it helped me think of another solution." She turned to her friends. "Fluttershy. Maybe you can get some of your animal friends to dig under? We do need eyes inside." She asked. Fluttershy nodded and turned to look around. She spied a groundhog hole further into the field across from the fog and flew over to it. She peeked in and tapped the ground. Something inside stirred and peeked their head out.

"Oh, umm... I'm really sorry to wake you up so late mister groundhog. But, I could really use your help right now. You see, we need to get into that fog and-" The groundhog began to squeak to her. "Oh? Oh my, that does sound awful. Are you certain there is nothing that can't be done?" The groundhog squeaked in response to her question and Fluttershy nodded solemnly. "Oh, okay. I understand. Sorry for disturbing you, you can go back to sleep." The groundhog squeaked in dismissal before Fluttershy flew back over. "I-I'm sorry, Twilight. Not many critters have been around the field ever since this Funnel has been laying traps to capture them. The groundhog I just talked too says that every critter is too afraid to approach the orphanage. Even more so now that this fog showed up." Twilight sighed and nodded.

"Thanks for trying, Fluttershy." She said.

"It seems that you are having trouble." A voice spoke behind her. They readied themselves, only to stop to see a cloaked hooded figure holding a lantern emerge from the fog. Twilight narrowed her eyes.

"Who are you?" She asked. Applejack lowered herself a little.

"Careful, ya'll. That fog has been swipin' at us. It might be a trick." She said. The figure chuckled.

"You are wise to hold suspicion as such. But I assure you, I am a friend. I want to save the orphanage as much as anypony." The figure said. Rainbow Dash tilted her head.

"What's in it for you? We've been trying to get in and that fog has been preventing us. How are you able to walk from it?" She asked. The figure turned around, motioning with the wave of the lantern.

"Would you rather ask questions all night or save lives?" The figure asked. The friends exchanged glances before Twilight nodded determinedly. The figure smiled. "Then stick close to me. I know the path." The six heroes gathered close to the figure as they began to traverse into the fog. They expected something unearthly to swipe at them, but to their surprise, it was only unintelligible whispering around them.

"Argh! It's no good!" Applebloom stated in frustration. The kids were circled around lit candles and the black book in the middle. Pepper had his journal open to the words to recite. "Are we mispronouncin' somethin'? What are we missin'?" They have been trying to cleanse the black book for a good ten minutes. Not too far off, River had taken the liberty to watch Funnel, eyeing the stallion with suspicious hate. Funnel, however, was studying the locket in his hoof, ignoring the stallion's looks. Sweetie Bell looked over Pepper's shoulder to read the passages.

"Maybe we aren't, but perhaps something we missed?" Pepper shrugged, just as puzzled. There has to be something. Pepper wished Luna would give them some sort of direction. Seeing as she wasn't responding to his pleas, he sighed and sat on his haunches, looking at the black book. This has to be the reason they are all here. And there was no way they would be getting out without cleansing it. Pepper racked his brain. What could they be doing differently? Scootaloo sighed.

"Well, guess we are stuck here until we can figure something out." She said. Pepper mindlessly flipped through the pages, hoping to at least find something that he could put together.

‘Together… wait a minute…’ He looked to the three fillies. A flashback to them shooting a rainbow from themselves. The decimation of the slug like creature. What if… Pepper stood up and looked to the three.

“Scootaloo. Applebloom. Sweetie Bell. Do you… three remember a rainbow?” He asked. The three blinked in response.

“A rainbow?” Applebloom asked. Sweetie Bell rubbed her chin.

“Now that you mention it. Earlier in Applebloom’s nightmare I had this overwhelming feeling of… well… friendship. And the next thing I knew was everything sunshiny and happy.” Scootaloo nodded and crossed her hooves in thought.

“Oh yeah. That was really strange.” She said. Applebloom rubbed the back of her head.

“A rainbow? Wait, are ya’ sayin’ somethin’ like the Elements of Harmony?” She asked. Pepper nodded. It isn’t a secret to anypony who wasn’t there during the heroes's use of the Elements of Harmony. A bright and colorful rainbow was always around when their friendship was the strongest. It has been a while since anypony has seen the heroes use the elements, however. This thought was with the three as well. Sweetie Bell shook her head.

“But… how were we able to do that? We don’t have elements. Let alone able to trigger something like that on command.” She said. Applebloom rubbed her chin.

“I remember ma’ sis said that it happens when ya’ jus’ feel a really strong bond with the ponies ya’ care about. Like family in a way.” Applebloom stated. Pepper darted his eyes. He looked over to River, remembering what he said before nodding.

“Exactly like that. Applebloom, you were having a nightmare and we did our best to protect you. But in the end, it was your family that did. And Scootaloo and Sweetie Bell were included in it.” Pepper said, flipping through his journal. “If you three can replicate it, that might be enough to weaken it to where it can be properly cleansed.” The three exchanged glances.

“Are ya’ sure we can pull it off? Jus’ us three?” Applebloom asked. Pepper hesitated.

“I-It’s the only thing I can think of that could work. It killed that slug creature. So, it should be powerful enough to kill that shadow?” The colt said. Sweetie Bell nodded.

“I agree with Pepper. It’s the only thing we can try that can help us. We’ve tried reciting and praying.” She said. Scootaloo stood up.

“Alright then! Let’s do this Crusaders!” She said with a grin. Applebloom and Sweetie Bell exchanged quizzical glances.

“How though?” Sweetie Bell stated. Scootaloo hummed in thought.

“Well… they held hooves and then… say something friendship-y and then they start glowing.” Scootaloo shrugged at them. Funnel chuckled, catching the attention of everypony.

“Heh. That really does sound like something. The power of ‘friendship’. A power that seems to only be capable of truly being utilized by the chosen six. Shooting nothing but rainbows to solve your problems. How is it that only six ponies can truly harness it? Anypony should be able to. So long as friendship is strong, right?” Funnel smirked. “That must mean that friendship is just super fickle. You maybe friends with ponies, but do you truly consider them friends? Do you exhibit anyone of the traits strongly enough to be able to harness that power?”

River glared at the stallion.

“As if you know friendship.” He retorted. “Let alone family.” Funnel laughed.

“Oh, such hurtful words! What would dear ol’ mama Wisp think about her potty mouthed deceased son?” He grinned uncaringly back. River stood up and socked Funnel across the cheek, sending the stallion tumbling to the ground.

“River, no!” Pepper called out. River shook his head.

“You better make it quick you four, because I’m beginning to lose my patience with this piece of garbage.” He growled. Funnel wiped his lip and stood up, chuckling.

“And what would happen to you when we get out of here? Would you just go back to the grave and wait and see if your ‘friends’ join you? If you feel too lonely, I can happily grant you all eternity together. Nothing like long lasting friendships, yes?” Scootaloo frowned.

“I’ve never seen a pony so distrustful and hostile towards others! How do you even continue to live with yourself?” She stated. Funnel shrugged.

“The same reason why the princesses seem to keep their immortality. The day they give that up is when Equestria is truly coming to an end.” He replied. Sweetie Bell arched a brow.

“So, you are holding out till the very end?” She asked. Funnel looked down at the locket in his hoof.

“My Equestria is possibly already at the end… but I won’t know until I can save it.” Pepper furrowed his brow worriedly. He then stepped forward, Funnel eyeing the colt as he approached.

“You really care about that pony, don’t you?” He asked. Funnel narrowed his eyes and continued to study the locket. Pepper bowed his head. “It must be nice to truly care about somepony. She must mean the whole world.” Pepper looked down at his journal. “I… always wondered how it’d feel like to have somepony like that. Just… a friend you can truly count on.” Pepper sat down on his haunches.

“It may not be as much of a deal to you, Funnel, but ever since I’ve started living in the orphanage, I’ve tried to make friends and even help around. I thought I did. But seeing as everything I was doing was being undermined by others, I… started to not put too much effort into anything anymore. I only wanted to be left alone after that.” He rubbed his foreleg. “Of course, only a couple had tried to extend their hooves out to me, but they would still continue to follow the leader.

“The times I really had to care about others is only ever because I was told too. By Princess Luna herself. ‘Protect your playmates.’ She made it clear I had to ensure their safety. Even the ones that undermine me. Why do I have to do so? Why did Luna pick me? Why do I have to care about ponies who don’t truly care about me?” Funnel looked up from the locket towards the colt. River and the Crusaders looked at Pepper worriedly. “I… I didn’t ask for any of this. If I knew my dreams were going to put me here, then maybe I shouldn’t have dreamt at all.”

Pepper shut his eyes, having flashbacks to seeing the many colts and fillies who got adopted before switching to Applebloom’s ghostly family.

“I shouldn’t dream of going to a family. I shouldn’t dream about what I want out of my life. What I want to be. I shouldn’t dream about making friends and I definitely shouldn’t dream anything that makes any remote sense if I knew this was the result of it.” Pepper stamped his hoof. Everypony was quiet. Applebloom stepped forward.

“But, you should always dream no matter what.” She said. Pepper peeked out from his bangs to the filly with a frown. “‘Ah know it may seem like there isn’t any hope for anypony out there. But ‘Ah’ve been told by ma’ family that we make the most o’ what we have.” She smiled. “We do have a few bad apples. But mostly they are jus’ misunderstood. If ya’ jus’ take the time ta’ understand them, then you’ll come ta’ realize that they are new friends.”

“Yeah! My parents aren’t really around much, but I do have ponies who have become my friends when they’ve come to watch me.” Scootaloo said with a smile. This shocked Pepper a bit, but seeing as the filly claimed there were other ponies watching her, his mood didn’t rise that much. Sweetie Bell walked with Scootaloo towards them.

“What we are trying to say is that even if it doesn’t seem like it, maybe if you just took the time to understand the others, you could have a whole new perspective of who you could call friends.” She said. Pepper worriedly looked at Sweetie Bell. He understands one thing. What the three are trying to do for him. Funnel looked between them and shrugged.

“Life sucks, kid. I’ll admit, I’m surprised to hear all of that. Maybe I should have taken our partnership a little more closely. In a way, you’re just like me.” He said. Pepper looked to Funnel and shook his head.

“But… I’m nothing like you.” He replied. Funnel gave a skeptical look. “I don’t have the courage to stare down life like you do, even if it is terrible. I’m always running away from my problems. I don’t have the guts to face it. Like I said, I only ever jumped in because I was told too. You stand defiantly in front of it, weather you are right or wrong.” Funnel’s look softened a bit. Pepper sighed. “The same could be said for you River. And you three as well.”

He turned to River. “You have amazing ideas. Some that I wasn’t up for at first. But taking time to think about it, they do play off well into my own. But seeing you take the lead tonight, I wish I had that much critical thinking like you. And to you three.” He turned to the Crusaders. “You all have a bond that rivals that of the heroes of Equestria. A pony like me… I’m not able to have something like that.” He walked over to the black book and eyed it. “I’m an orphan. I don’t have anywhere to belong too. Even if I do have a family, there is no guarantee that it’ll be a healthy one.” He sighed and bowed his head. “I’m in no position to choose. How can I? I can’t even figure out how to become friends with ponies I’ve known throughout my life?”

The Crusaders gave sad looks before they walked over to him.

“Pepper…” Scootaloo began.

“‘Ah know things have been rough lately. There is a lot of pressure on you. And it can get overwhelmin’. But ya’ can’t let those bad impressions affect you so negatively.” Applebloom said with a reassuring hoof on his back. “Friendships take time. Ya’ can’t rush ‘em. They’ll come aroun’ eventually. Same as you. Why, ‘Ah’d say you already have us an’ River.” Pepper looked at the filly sadly. The other two nodded.

“Exactly! We know you aren’t the best under pressure. But we can always help you take the initiative. All you have to do is ask.” Scootaloo said with a smile. Pepper studied the three, seeing their genuine smiles. For some reason, Pepper felt they wouldn’t have lied to him here. River stood up and rubbed his own foreleg. As he walked over to them, they saw him began shrinking to that of a colt again. He stood before them and sighed.

“I’m… sorry Pepper. I didn’t mean to put you through so much grief. I only ever wanted to… well… be around a bit longer. Protect mom from evil. I caused her so much loss and pain all because I found that dumb book. I kept showing up to you because I’ve felt drawn to you. You have something about you that made me able to do something I couldn’t when I was alive. And seeing your dreams and ideas… I guess… I just wanted to make a friend myself.” He sighed. “I’d understand if you didn’t want me around you anymore. I haven’t been keeping your safety in mind as much as I thought.”

Pepper arched a brow as the colt continued. “Those creatures we kept running into. They were hunting me. I… may have done something long ago that caused them to do so. For a while I wandered, trying to escape them. Then I came across you and I don’t know why, but I felt… safe with you. Of course, that didn’t stop them.” River bowed his head. “I truly am sorry, Pepper.” Pepper studied the colt. Once again, he for some reason knew that River wasn’t lying to him.

Pepper smiled, but quickly dropped it when his journal began to glow. His journal floated out of his hooves and opened, a bright flash of light causing everypony to shield their eyes. The light dimmed and they watched as words began to write themselves in the pages and began to peel off of the paper, swirling around Pepper. The colt gave a worried look as he felt himself beginning to float up into the air as the words swirled around him.

He felt an overwhelming sensation of warmth surround him. The others watched in awe as a long scarf began to form around his neck, the tail elongating into claw like limbs that stretched out towards the black book. The black book responded by lashing out dark tendrils to bat at the claws. Everypony expected the claws to start ripping at the shadow, but it instead pacified the tendrils and scooped up the shadow, surrounding it in a bright light. The shadow squirmed inside of the hold.

The light began to churn and morph the shadow within, scribbled words trailed down the scarf tail and surrounded the shadow. Pepper watched in awe as the strange, swirling sphere of words and light now hovered slightly above the claw. Pepper touched the ground and looked baffled. What is happening?

He looked to the others, who seemed just as puzzled by it. He looked to see the journal hovering above him, the pages glowing. Words flowed from the pages like fog. Then, as if sculpting with clay, the claws began to mold what was once the shadow. The scarf claws, once finished, set down its’ creation and withdrew back to the colt. They looked to see that what was molded, to their utter shock and surprise, was Princess Luna, laying on her side as if sleeping.

“Princess Luna!” The Crusaders exclaimed in unison. They cantered over to her as Luna stirred and opened her eyes weakly. Pepper looked at her worriedly. She looked different. Paler, no flowing mane or tail. And when her eyes fully opened, they were colorless. River walked over to her.

“Princess? What happened to you?” He asked. Princess Luna pushed herself up, aided by the fillies. Luna gave a weak smile towards them before looking around.

“I… was pulled?” Her eyes met Pepper’s. “Young one. We do not know how long we have before we are pulled back in. Thou art so close. The last step to escaping this trial is the spark. Find it, Pepper. It is here in this very room!” She said, looking around in a worried panic. Everypony has never seen Luna terrified. Pepper balked and looked around as well.

‘Spark?! What spark?! How can I find a spark here?!’ Pepper thought. He gasped and everypony except for Luna backed away as the black book began to rise high into the air. Black fog quickly spewed out as it opened, a dark and sinister cold wind encapsulating the room. The fog began to surround Luna, claw like limbs grasping at her as the weakened alicorn struggled against them, grunting. Applebloom was the first to react, waving away the fog furiously, only to get swiped at. Scootaloo expanded her wings, growing them before flapping them towards the black book. It worked to lessen the fog, but more claws emerged and began to drag Luna back.

“What do we do?!” Sweetie Bell called out in panic. Pepper looked around in worry as River rushed towards Luna, grabbing ahold of her and trying to pull against the claws and being dragged along with her. Applebloom did the same, digging her hind hooves into the ground. Scootaloo and Sweetie Bell followed suite, the four now fighting against the pulling in a tug-o’-war.

“Children… stay back…!” Luna grunted, digging her own hooves into the ground to fight against it. Pepper looked to see the glowing journal still hovering but not glowing asd much as before. Pepper quickly hovered over to the journal and opened it, only to shield his eyes as a bright light flashed the room. The black book retreated its’ claws from Luna and let out an in-equine shriek. Luna and the others tumbled down onto the ground, the children scrambling to their hooves.

Applebloom and River dragged Luna away as Scootaloo and Sweetie Bell looked back at Pepper and smiled.

“Good one, Pepper!” Scootaloo cheered, a faint glow surrounding her. He didn’t do anything. The book was alive. A bubble formed around him and from the book, a beam of light shone in a cone at the black book. Pepper could see the black book smoking. The shrieking was getting louder and louder. Luna stood up and looked to the sight, gasping. Something about the light gave off a familiar power. Pepper felt an overwhelming sensation of power that he didn't think possible to have.

"Come on, Pepper! You got this!" Sweetie Bell called out, glowing suddenly. Applebloom smiled and nodded, glowing as well.

"This is all you, Pepper! Ya' ain't a coward!" she said. River held up a hoof in a cheering manner, glowing.

"Beat back the darkness, Pepper! Save everypony from this nightmare!" He said. His eyes darted worriedly between the group. Luna looked to the colt and gave him an encouraging smile. Proud even. Pepper gasped. He felt a spark within him. These ponies haven't left his side. They didn't ridicule him, nor have they ever talked down to him. They have always encouraged him and pushed him forward. Extending their hooves out to friendship and actually care about it.

Pepper gave them a determined look and nodded before turning back and taking a hold of the journal. With this newfound feeling within him, the room was filled with a silvery glow. The light swirling around him before lashing out towards the book. Princess Luna couldn’t believe her eyes. She didn’t think a power resembling that of the heroes could exist. The bubble around the colt resembling the full moon. The light that of the moon’s glow. And the faint color of a rainbow shined down upon the black book.

Everypony in the room shielded themselves as the black book lashed out its' own power, enshrouding the room in darkness. Luna pulled everypony in, including Funnel, to cast a protective barrier around them, the only light being from the children. Pepper took a deep breath. The words from the journal began circling around him, peeling off of the page. The words were being translated in front of him. He recited:

“From the darkness, shineth the light. Evil shall bask in the moon’s light. Yield before the might of my dream. Behold, the will of the lucid king!” Pepper exclaimed, his voice echoing through the darkness. The light brightened and everything went white.

Twilight and the others were galloping through the woods, the hooded figure staying with them. Fluttershy yelped as she was pulled aside by Rainbow Dash as a lanky limb tried to grab her. Applejack sprang forward in her gallop to avoid a limb swiping at her. The hooded figure waved the lantern in front of them, desperately trying to fend off the shadows around them. Rarity shrieked as she had to come to a halt as several limbs lashed out and grabbed her. Twilight gasped and quickly spun around, firing a beam that sliced the limbs and freeing Rarity, which Applejack proceeded to pull along to keep her moving.

All it took was on misstep that caused them to be in this situation. And they made it so far to follow the figure’s instructions. But the figure wasn’t counting on a stray shadow figure wandering in their path and bumping into Pinkie Pie. There was no laughing these creatures away. The pink party pony’s senses told her to run, causing the others to hurry too as soon as the figure let out a shriek. No pony has seen Pinkie this terrified. Twilight knew that this was no ordinary magic, but to cause somepony as positive as Pinkie, even in the face of danger, to run for her life, she began to think they had bitten off more than they could chew.

“We are almost there! Just a bit further!” The figure exclaimed. Twilight looked to her.

“How can you be sure?!” She asked, feeling a bit skeptical this time. Her skepticism was quelled when they barreled into open field. The fog was thick and black. But they could see a dim glow of a fallen lantern next to a house in the distance.

“Come on, ponies! Double time!” Rainbow Dash shouted as she looked back to see a dark shadow further in but gaining distance towards them. The group galloped across the field, arriving at a small patch of woodland that they had to stop at. Ahead of them, the shadows began to surround them.

Twilight was quick and threw a protective barrier around them. The moment she did, she felt a heavy pressure on her. She grunted and dug her hooves in, standing firm to keep the barrier going.

“What do we do now?!” Pinkie Pie rasped. Twilight grunted before responding.

“I… I don’t know…! It feels so… heavy…” Her friends gave her a worried look. Rarity turned to the figure.

“You got us into this! I hope you have something to get us out!” She said desperately. The figure turned to her, the figures apologetic expression hidden under her hood.

“I-I’m sorry… I wish I can do more. But…” she then looked down to her hooves. She scraped what was fresh dirt to reveal a destroyed coffin head with a skeletal pony skull grinning up at her. Rarity shrieked causing panic amongst the others. Applejack looked at the figure.

“Wh-what are you?!” She asked. The pony removed her hood, revealing herself to be Mrs. Marigold. The ponies were stunned in horrified awe, seeing pale skin and sunken, hollow eyes. A ghoulish expression saddened.

“I am Mrs. Marigold. This curse has been siphoning what little I have left in this realm. Soon, I will no longer be here. No peace. No hell. No existence. Only what remains of my being to rot away.” She replied. “Before I would vanish completely, I want to do something to help. Sadly… I did not account for the danger to be this persistent. I want to give Amber peace with her child before he too is lost forever. To see the children she cares for to fulfill their lives.” The heroes exchanged glances.

Twilight began to sweat as the pressure was piling on and on.

“Then… we keep going!” Twilight rasped. “We just have to push it back… somehow…!” Her friends nodded. They had to try something. But what? They do not have the Elements of Harmony in their possessions. They were all thinking the same thing at this point. If only they had the elements. Twilight’s barrier began to crack, Twilight buckling at her legs a bit as she refreshed her barrier to keep it going. She has to think of something. Perhaps she can teleport them out of here.

But what if that doesn’t work? What if it just keeps them in?

‘It’s now or never, Twilight!’ She thought to herself. Just as she was about to drop her barrier, the pressure was lifted. She quickly refreshed her barrier again and blinked in confusion.

“Whoa… what is that?!” Rainbow Dash asked, pointing ahead of them. They looked to see a glowing light from within the area they came from. Distant, but bright enough they could see it. Whatever it was, it put the pressure off of Twilight entirely. She could sense the entities changing focus. The light began to shine brighter and brighter, the unseen creatures howling now in protest.

From inside the orphanage, Mother Wisp huddled with the rest of the children. Some were asleep while the others were occupying themselves in their own thoughts. Torque's Echo Box crackled to life, startling them and even waking the rest of the children up. Mother Wisp grabbed the rifle and shouldered it before walking towards the box. She was about to turn it off when a voice began to echo through.

"From the darkness, shineth the light. Evil shall bask in the moon’s light. Yield before the might of my dream. Behold, the will of the lucid king!"

Alabaster's ears twitched and she gasped.

"Pepper?" She said with a dropped jaw. Mother Wisp looked to Alabaster quizzically. Before she could ask, light shined down the attic stairs. Mother Wisp readied the rifle, cautiously approaching the stairs and peeking around the corner. The hole where the bullet punctured through shone brightly. Mother Wisp darted her eyes. She could hear the howling outside in a chorus of protest. Mother Wisp peeked through the hole, seeing the shadows retreat out of the back door. Puzzled and strangely curious, she began to move the blockade back up the stairs and to the side. She turned to the kids.

"Stay here. Count to one hundred. If I am not back by then, barricade the door again. Help is coming. Just keep yourselves close." She said sternly. She cantered down the stairs. Merriweather turned to Alabaster.

"You heard Pepper from the Echo Box?" She asked. The children turned to her as the filly nodded. Torque tilted her head and twisted a knob. There was a soft, humming sound coming from it. They began to hear voices. Downstairs, Mother Wisp carefully approached the backdoor, softly moving aside the curtain with her rifle barrel. She gasped when she could see a bright light in the very distance. It was strange. It looked small, but the light was reaching the house as if it was the moon’s glow.

Mother Wisp could see a mass of shadows retreating towards the light. Then, as if from out of a genuine fantasy novel, a beam fired out into the sky, a faint rainbow-like phenomenon that Mother Wisp only ever heard about through a book she read as a filly. A Moonbow. Said to be rare here and can only be seen on certain nights in certain events. The moonbow streaked across the sky, the echoing howls quickly retreating into the woodlands.

Out in the fields, Twilight and her friends looked on in awe at the sight of a faint rainbow streaking across the sky. While nothing spectacular like their own rainbow power, Twilight could sense the strong magic behind it. Almost as if it was willed into existence. Twilight looked back and saw the mysterious mare… regain color. No longer ghoulish, even to the mare’s own surprise. Mrs. Marigold examined herself and began to laugh happily.

“He did it…” She giggled. Twilight’s friends exchanged puzzled glances.

“Who did?” Rarity asked. Mrs. Marigold looked up at the shining beam of light.

“A sleeping power long to have been forgotten. I’m glad the young colt is the one to hold such power.”

Back at the orphanage, Mother Wisp stared in awe at the brilliant light in the distance. The shadows and fog having cleared and no longer visible save for the natural shadows. The moon’s light shone down upon her and the orphanage. Mother Wisp hasn’t taken the time before to admire the beauty of the night. Or better yet, get a proper look at it. Her ears flicked as she heard movement from behind her. She looked over her shoulder to see the children stepping out of the house.

She would chastise them for not following directions. But then, she would have to explain why she had taken so long with no danger. However, they seemed just as occupied with the beam of light in the distance. No words were spoken, but they all thought about it. They had made it through whatever hell had fallen upon them. Mother Wisp has never felt so old in her life.