• Published 24th Feb 2017
  • 900 Views, 11 Comments

Lucid Dreams - Jumping Jack

A young orphan pegasus escapes into his dreams and imagination while trying to overcome his fear of befriending others. And to do that, he needs the help of three young fillies and a majestic alicorn.

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Unwanted Attention

The shock on Mother Wisp’s face when she came back to see the Princess Luna stepping out of the orphanage made her drop the bags of groceries she had pulled from the wagon. Ghost Pepper peeked out nervously from behind the door as he watched the mare grovel before her, causing Luna to be quite overwhelmed by her.

Funnel was tending to the flower bed, but the colt noticed the gardener’s eyes glaring at Luna. Princess Luna had to wave a wing to dismiss Mother Wisp from groveling any longer before turning to the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

“Applebloom. Sweetie Bell. Scootaloo. You three have an important task bestowed upon thee. One I can trust with thy care.” Luna smiled at them. The three nodded to each other happily. Scootaloo then rubbed her chin in thought.

“So… does that mean we can freely lucid dream to help Pepper?” She asked. Princess Luna nodded softly.

“While thy was in the dream, I’ve tethered each of thee to the child’s journal.” She looked between them, wanting to make it clear she was being serious on the matter. “Whenever the child falls asleep, the journal will record the events. Whatever task he completes will be written into thy own dreams as to keep thy selves up to date, as thou say.” Ghost Pepper ducked back behind the door, only a side of his face peeking out as the four looked back at him. Mother Wisp eyed the princess with worry.

“H-have I missed something?” Princess Luna looked over her shoulder to the mare and smiled kindly.

“I must apologize for mine sudden intrusion onto thy establishment. Please, allow me to explain mine presence.” She began. Ghost Pepper has never seen Mother Wisp so baffled before. Princess Luna had explained a half truth, leaving out the part that she has tasked one of the children for aid. Luna motioned to the three fillies as they introduced themselves properly. Mother Wisp glanced over to the partially hidden colt, the colt aware of the many presences behind him.

“I… I can’t help but feel honored, Princess. Wh-why yes! I think the children would love to have you as a chaperone for the adoption fair! I-if you will have us.” The mare bowed. Princess Luna softly chuckled and nodded.

“Tis would be a pleasure. But for now, I must return to Canterlot to handle mine own duties. Come, little ones. I’ll take thee home.” Princess Luna looked to the three fillies as the princess’s own chariot rolled up. Ghost Pepper gaped at the sight of the ponies pulling it. Midnight armor, bat like wings and dark, tuft coats. Ghost Pepper remembers one study session where Mother Wisp had explained the day and night shifts of Canterlot.

How the dawn guard aid Celestia and the dusk guards aid Luna. Rumor has been told that the guards who are granted with the highest rank of devotion to duty and honor under Princess Luna are blessed with the rite of the Nightmother. Batponies are a rare sight in Equestria, even though it has been confirmed that they live mostly in remote caverns as villages. But those who aren’t natural born batponies undergo a transformation that allows them to gain heightened senses to guard the night.

Ghost Pepper found the idea rather bizarre. Why would anypony want to undergo such a transformation? It seems counter intuitive and unnecessary since you are devoted to the protections of the thrones and Equestria’s safety. Applebloom knocked on the door a bit, startling the colt as she gave an apologetic smile.

“It was nice to properly meet you, Pepper. We’ll be sure to visit again when we can.” The colt’s ears dropped as anxiety kicked in.

‘Again?!’ Ghost Pepper shrunk back a little, leaving Applebloom to look to her friends in quizzical shrugging. Sweetie Bell smiled.

“Don’t worry, Pepper. We’ll prove ourselves that we can help you in your task!” She said a little excitedly. “After all, we are friends now!” Sweetie Bell expected the response. Ghost Pepper whimpered before he bolted past the others, the children questioning the action as Ghost Pepper closed his door and locked it, crawling under his bed and clutching the journal. He felt his breathing a little heavy.

‘They want to visit again?! I… I don’t want to do any of this! Why me?!’ He thought in panic. The colt shivered at the thought of all eyes looking upon him. The weight crashing down on him as he was unable to move. He shivered, terrified of the sudden pressure against his chest. There was a knock on his door.

"Pepper? Open the door." The voice of Mother Wisp said. Ghost Pepper crawled into the very corner under the bed and curled up, trying to quiet his heavy panting. Another knock. "It's very rude to run off without saying goodbye, you know. Open the door. We need to talk." The young colt didn't say anything. His mind repeatedly telling him not make even a squeak. The knocking became sharper. "Open the door, young colt. If you don't open this door now, I'll have to take your recess away." Outside, Mother Wisp sighed in frustration as she rubbed her muzzle. Today was a very unexpected day for her. She glanced to her right, seeing the other children watching her. Merriweather and Pallet exchanged glances while Alabaster trotted over and knocked on the door.

"Pepper. As the right hoof of the monitor, you need to do as Mother Wisp says. I told you to be on your best behavior around the princess." The filly frowned. Mother Wisp smiled softly before shooing the filly away.

"I appreciate the help dear. But that colt is stubborn when he hides. How about you all help me bake some apple pies and fritters today?" She said. The children began to perk up and chatted amongst themselves. Mother Wisp was hoping this would goad the child to come out. But hearing no sound on the other end, she could only slump and fulfill her activity idea with the remaining children. Alabaster narrowed her eyes at the door. As much as it irritated her, Alabaster would find a way to get the colt to fulfill his obligation to the princess. She wasn't sure why the princess of all ponies had taken a stark interest in the colt. However, she was not the only with that question. Ghost Pepper became the talk of the children as they baked with Mother Wisp. When Alabaster mentioned seeing the colt's scarf become extra limbs that stopped a strange phenomena, Mother Wisp couldn't help but find the idea to be rather imaginative of the filly. This was the first time Mother Wisp didn't believe Alabaster. And the filly did not appreciate being made a fool of that day.

Night fell and the orphanage was winding down. The children in their beds as Mother Wisp did one final walkthrough to ensure everypony was in their rooms. She stopped at Pepper's door and studied it. She gently knocked on the door.

"Pepper, dear? Are you in there?" she asked. This woke Pepper up. He had passed out under the bed. What was strange was that he hadn't dreamt of anything. Perhaps all his anxiety wouldn't allow him too. There was another knock and the slight jiggle of the handle. Ghost Pepper balked and kept quiet. "Pepper, please talk. At least let me know you are alive." The colt darted his eyes before tenderly tapping his hind hoof against the wall. Mother Wisp's ears flicked and she gave a relieved slump. He must have been in bed all day. The mare furrowed her look. "Pepper, in the morning, would you like a piece of apple pie or fritter? We've all worked hard to make it. At least eat something before I have Funnel buck down the door to pull you out." Pepper silently thought to himself. He hadn't eaten all day and he certainly was hungry.

The colt listened as the sound of Mother Wisp's hooves stepped further and further away. "Goodnight, children!" Mother Wisp called out.

"Goodnight, Mother Wisp!" the children said in unison from their rooms. The orphanage then fell quiet. Pepper could hear the grandfather clock down the hall ticking each second as the night progressed. He heard his stomach growl. The colt rubbed his stomach and sighed softly. There would be no way he was sleeping on an empty stomach. Perhaps he can grab a quick snack. The colt quietly crawled out from under the bed and unlocked his door, peeking out from behind. Looking both ways, he could see a couple of candle lights from some of the rooms. But there was not a single sound made, save for the grandfather clock. The colt held his journal under his wing closely and crept along the ground as he made his way to the kitchen. When he arrived, he looked up at the counter. The sink was full of baking utensils. The floor recently cleaned. He spotted the apple fritters and pies lining the other side of the counter. He licked his lips as the tantalizing food sparkled in the moonlight. He had thought about it, but then the image of a stern looking Mother Wisp berating him for grabbing a bite early froze him in his spot. His stomach growled and he sighed.

He'd rather not get in trouble. Perhaps, some left over apples? He quietly opened the pantree, seeing that it was stocked with baking ingredients. Mother Wisp is smart. She hid the usual snacks in the higher shelves and cabinets so the children wouldn't get at them. Again, Pepper didn't want to get in trouble for making noise with his wings. He frowned before an idea came to his mind. The shed! Applejack and the Cutie-Mark Crusaders had stuffed a delivery of apples in the shed. He quietly crept out of the kitchen and towards the front door. He frowned as carefully dragged the stool against the wall. Climbing up, he opened the door and put the chair back as to hopefully not ensure no pony knew somepony was creeping around. He closed the door just enough to where he could just push it open as he softly trotted down the steps and over to the shed. The cool, night breeze blew past him. Something about a nightly walk seemed pleasing. He trotted softly over to the shed and looked up to see it, to his chagrin, that it was locked.

Swearing quietly under his breath, he looked around. Maybe there was another way in? He was outside, so he might be able to hover at least. The colt held his journal with his hooves as he flapped his wings and peeked through the window of the shed. He gave it a slight tap and frowned. He floated to the other side. With his ways no longer open, he sighed and landed on the ground. The colt walked around to the front of the shed, only to quickly leap back and crouch, peeking out as he saw a wagon riding up and parking across the street. Funnel spat on the ground as he unlatched the wagon. He trotted around and opened the door for two familiar ponies.

Pickle Rind and Shanty stepped out. Shanty was wearing a tan coat and a cap to cover her mane. Pickle wore his brown business suite, reaching into his pocket and checking a pocket watch.

"We better make this quick. If this place has caught the attention of Princess Luna, it's only a matter of time before things start to gain too much attention." Pickle grumbled. Shanty scoffed and whipped out a flashlight.

"Told you he is unreliable. Spent two years digging dirt in a garden rather than a grave." She frowned. Funnel reached into the back of the wagon and pulled out shovels, tossing one to Shanty, who let it drop.

"Then perhaps you can give your back a rest and work those magic hooves stallions keep talking about." Funnel glowered. Shanty looked at the stallion in disgust.

"Can we stab him and leave him in the grave?" Shanty asked Pickle without so much as looking at the stallion.

"Shut up, you blabbering idiots! The night is still young. Funnel, you've seen where Weiss buried the casket?" Pickle asked. Funnel shouldered the shovel and nodded.

"This way." He spoke. The three began to trot around the side of the orphanage. The young colt eyed the three. Curiosity was getting to him. He asked himself the same question. What would Sherclop do? Pepper nodded to himself quietly, scampering out of cover and keeping quiet and low as he crawled quickly to where the trio had disappeared to. When he peeked around the corner, he saw the beam of the flashlight heading out into the field. He stayed a good distance away as he followed the trio down the field for a good three minutes before they turned down a pathway leading towards a small patch of woodland. Pepper froze and looked around. There was no where for him to really take cover. He then blinked, looking down at his hooves to see a shadow of clouds brisk past him.

He looked up and beamed. He took ahold of his journal again and took off into the sky, disappearing into the cloud and poking his head out from the top. He found it a little fun to be on a cloud. In fact, this was the first time he's actually been on one. Most pegasi originate from Cloudsdale. But Pepper only ever heard of what it is like there. Yet, seeing Rainbow Dash bust clouds in Ponyville before, he nodded to himself. He carefully positioned himself behind the cloud and pushed with his shoulder, grunting a bit as the cloud was a bit heavy for him.

When the cloud was just above the patch, then pushed it a little lower so he could hear the trio, who were already at work at digging. Pickle held the flashlight this time while Shanty and Funnel dug. Pepper buried himself in the cloud and peeked out enough to keep himself covered.

"...The old fool had it coming." Pickle spoke. Funnel sighed as he tossed dirt behind him.

"The royal army isn't for everypony. Sucks what happened, but you gotta' respect a pony for chasing the dream." He said. Shanty smirked slyly at Funnel as she as well tossed dirt behind her.

"Pot meet kettle." Funnel glared at her.

"And what about you? Huh? Mrs. Stock, baroness of the Stock family name. Widow of the late Shirly Stock. Inheritor to her family's and playpony's top model! Oh yeah, you are living the dream alright. From top of the world to the bottom of stallions." Shanty stabbed her shovel into the ground and snarled at Funnel.

"Keep believing lies all you like, traitor! At least I didn't run away and faced my difficulties proudly!" Funnel tossed his shovel down and got into the pony's face.

"Keep running the mouth and you'll find your teeth being added to the casket!" He shot back. Pickle groaned and kicked dirt at both of them.

"The night is still young! Funnel, you are very adamant on Shanty's troubling time in her life. We all have our darkest lows. Mine was being a butler to one of the Riches's distant family members in Manehatten. Just an awful pair. Shanty had it easy. But she is right, traitor. We didn't run from our problems. Only made it a better opportunity." His eyes glinted as Funnel growled at Pickle. "We continue to serve our Equestria. Hehe, well, if I didn't know better, I'm surprised you didn't just shit yourself while the Princess Luna was in town. Worried she would figure out you betrayed their faith?" Funnel roughly picked up the shovel and began digging furiously, tossing big chunks of dirt out.

"You high society ponies make me sick. I don't give a damn about the Princesses's faiths. I'll shove it down their throats if I have to! No way I'm serving a bunch of cold-hearted tyrants!" He snapped. "What they did to Weiss was sickening." He had hit something hard and tossed aside the shovel, leaning down and brushing away the dirt. The colt tilted his head at the conversation. Tyrants? The princesses? But the children had been told nothing but good things about them. Even Mother Wisp made it clear that the decisions the two sisters have made in their upbringing have been less black and white than most think. The history books have recorded them so. The colt narrowed his eyes. These ponies definitely were not right, that much he knew. But Funnel has been working at the orphanage for as long as he could remember. Yet, why is it only sounding like he recently had met these ponies?

Funnel pulled back and dusted his hooves off his shirt. Pickle shined the flashlight over a wooden casket buried into the earth. Shanty sighed and shrugged.

"This'll have to tide our client over. Until you can stop tending to Mother Wisp's gardens and find that nanny's inheritance will, we'll continue to monitor this hick village from getting any wiser. Which is going to be a lot more difficult now that the Princess Luna has taken an interest in one of the brats here." She snarled. Funnel sat down on his haunches and rubbed his muzzle.

"It's not my fault. Don't know what the alicorn saw in that squirt. Colt hardly talks and is always getting pestered by his own playmates. He even wet himself at the mere sight of seeing the princess and even bolting to his room just to avoid any social interactions." He snorted. "Yet, apparently, the kid has the ability to lucid dream freely. If you even call it that invasion of privacy." Shanty pointed at Funnel.

"It shouldn't matter. He's just a brat. Nopony believes him anyway. Should be stealing candy from a filly." Shanty grinned smugly. Pickle pulled out his pocket watch and clicked his tongue.

"Let's get what we came here for and get out." Pickle suggested. Shanty hummed and rubbed her chin.

"Hold on... that gives me an idea..." Shanty smirked. She looked to Pickle. "Do you two even know what lucid dreaming is?" Pickle sighed and rubbed his muzzle as Funnel began hacking away at the casket with the shovel.

"Since we clearly have time to waste, I'll humor you. No, I don't know." Pickle said. Shanty leaned coolly against the shovel.

"It's a form of dreaming that allows one to take control of their dreams. Usually, if the pony is aware they are in one, they can do whatever they want freely." She then glanced at Funnel. "You even mentioned that Luna gave the colt a journal that allows him to record dreams he goes into?" Shanty motioned with a hoof. "What if we get the colt to lucid dream into the nanny's dream? Perhaps he can record where the blasted bitch keeps her inheritance will." Pickle raised a curious brow. Funnel slowed his pace. As if the dawning realization of the idea hit him like a wagon. Ghost Pepper shrunk back, his anxiety beginning to rise. Shanty grinned smugly. "Somepony is more than just a 'mare down on her luck'." She glanced slyly at Funnel. Funnel snarled and hacked at the casket. Pickle tapped his hoof as he glanced at his pocket watch.

"You and I will need to go over that plan a bit more. For now, let's speed things up. Come on. Night is-"

"Still young." Both Funnel and Shanty said in annoyed unison. Funnel broke through the casket and ripped open the hole. Pepper gasped, quickly covering his mouth as Pickle looked up and scanned the skies at the sound. He narrowed his eyes at the cloud before looking back to the two. A skeletal pony in a decayed, blue dress grinned back at the trio as Funnel reached in and yanked the jewelry from the pony. He tossed it to Pickle, who caught it and held it up to examine it. Shanty ripped the peal necklace from the skeleton and snorted.

"Mrs. Marigold is such a nice mare to give away her riches to ponies in need." She smirked at the skeleton. "Thanks, ya' old bitch. Give my regards to my father in Tartarus." Funnel took a golden tooth out of the skeletal grin and tossed it over to Pickle, who once again, caught it and wrapped it up in a hoofkerchief and pocketing it. Shanty was helped out of the hole by Pickle, the former dusting herself off before looking back at Funnel, who was looking up at the two miserably. Shanty grinned and waved a lazy hoof at him. "Don't look so down, Funnel. You want out? You better get your hooves deeper than a flower garden. Or out of one. You'll be doing Mother Wisp a favor that way." Funnel growled. Pickle turned and nodded to Funnel.

"See you at the old pub, sport. Give the late Mrs. Marigold my regards." And with that, the two trotted back over the field, leaving Funnel to stare down at the skeletal remains of Mrs. Marigold. Ghost Pepper had no idea Mrs. Marigold, one of Mother Wisp's old friends, had passed away. He vaguely remembers the mare coming over and helping out around the orphanage. It wasn't clear what happened, but Mother Wisp had cried int he same way for Weiss. The colt continued to find this confusing. Why does it matter to her? There was the sound of a growl and the colt shrunk back into the cloud as Funnel looked up and scanned the sky. He stood up and gave one final look at the remains.

"Hmph." Was all he said before he spent the next ten minutes reburying the mare, trotting over the field when he was done. Ghost Pepper looked horrified. What was going on? Why the cloak and daggers? The colt peeked out from the cloud again, watching the stallion reach the shed and unlocking it. Stuffing the tools inside, he closed the door and locked it before heading inside the orphanage. Ghost Pepper took off from his cloud and descended carefully to his window room. He opened his window and floated in before closing it. He sighed and turned to his bed. He wasn't sure exactly what was going on. But that night, the colt wasn't able to sleep. The constant image of the skeletal grin of the pony kept popping back in his head.

The next morning at breakfast, the children and Mother Wisp eyed Ghost Pepper, who looked out of it. Bags under his eyes and looking miserable than ever. She didn't show it so much, but the nanny was worried about the colt. He looked pale and sickly. She cleared her throat.

"Pepper? Can you please finish your fritter and pie?" She asked. The colt tiredly blinked and stared at his plate. His stomach growled and the colt gave in. He buried his muzzle into the pie and began eating it inside before working on eating the crust. Newfound energy flowed through the colt as he hungrily dug in. The ponies watched with stark awe as the colt ate his breakfast, the colt only stopping to drink his water before continuing. With a full belly and a satisfied smile, the colt then found tiredness catching up to him and his head drooped down onto the table, banging his head against the table slightly before quietly snoozing. Alabaster grumbled as the other children began whispering amongst themselves. Mother Wisp finally caved and her look showed worry. She trotted over to the table and shook the colt gently. He groaned and blinked tiredly. He then shot up when he saw Mother Wisp over him and straightened himself, something he did when he knew he was in trouble with Mother Wisp.

"Pepper. Are you feeling alright?" The nanny asked. Pepper didn't say anything. He was still certain he was in trouble in some way. As if a strange, divine intervention, Funnel walked in and cleared his throat.

"Mother Wisp. We have some more visitors. The Princess of Friendship this time." He said. Pepper shrunk back in his seat, his eyes staring horrified at Funnel. The stallion narrowed his eyes at the colt. He didn't think much of it. The colt was skittish. It still didn't help that Princess Luna saw something in this child that rubbed Funnel the wrong way. Mother Wisp tilted her head.

"What is it this time?" She asked with a slight bit of annoyance. All this attention was starting to build up stress on the nanny. The two trotted out of the room, leaving the kids to whisper and look out the window.

"The Princess of Friendship?!" Tea Stout gasped as she stared out the window with Pallet and two other fillies. Merriweather tapped Alabaster on the shoulder.

"A-Alabaster? Can we go see them?" She asked meekly. Alabaster blinked and looked at her. Pepper took the moment of distraction to creep out of the room without anypony noticing. Is what he thought. Alabaster stood up, pointing at Pepper.

"Thinking about seeing the Princess of Friendship, Pepper? Not on my watch." She said sternly as the colt froze in place. Merriweather beamed. The other children began to file out of the room, bringing the unfortunate colt along. Alabaster held out a hoof to Merriweather and smiled. "That's better." The two followed after the crowd and began to walk out of the orphanage, remaining on the porch as they oohed and ahhed at the sight of six ponies. The children recognized Pinkie Pie, who was waving excitedly at the children. The white pony with the beautiful mane and fashionable aura would be Rarity, as the colt remembers. Then there was Applejack. A yellow coated and shy looking pegasus with a long pink mane smiled at the children. Pepper narrowed his eyes. Fluttershy was the name of the pony. He then noticed a cyan pegasus with a rainbow mane hovering over the others. Of course, everypony knew Rainbow Dash. And the last, who was talking to Mother Wisp and Funnel, a lavender coated alicorn mare with a purple highlighted mane, looked past the two and smiled.

Mother Wisp and Funnel looked back and the nanny waved a hoof.

"Go back inside, children. I'll be with you all shortly." She said. The kids couldn't hold their excitement. They rushed down and began chattering as they crowded the six. Ghost Pepper remained on the porch, thinking about retreating back into the orphanage, only to be stopped by Alabaster eyeing the colt stoically from the door. He winced as Merriweather pushed past Alabaster and him to canter over to the six.

"Where do you think you are going?" Alabaster asked, staring down the colt. The colt shivered, but he gulped and stood his ground.

"G-g-going back in the orphanage like Mother Wisp said." He stuttered. Alabaster shook her head.

"Why aren't you joining the rest? We'll just only end up doing some chores after this." She frowned. "Which reminds me. Don't you have a duty to handle with Princess Luna's request? Did you even carry it out last night?" She narrowed her eyes questioningly at him. Pepper kicked the porch softly and bowed his head. Alabaster nodded. "Fulfilling a request from the Princess should be of your highest priority. Yet, you completely disregarded it. You are a very rude colt. I'm almost inclined for you to go to Canterlot and apologize to her." Pepper was baffled by this. Why does it matter so much to Alabaster? He shook his head.

"W-w-we aren't allowed past the oak tree..." He muttered. Alabaster leaned in.

"Come again?" Pepper sighed before repeating himself. Alabaster scoffed. "That didn't seem to stop you last night." Pepper stiffened and looked at her with surprise. Alabaster leaned against the door coolly. "I happened to have stepped out to use the washroom when I saw you disappearing around the corner." This was true. She had just seen the colt's scarf flutter around the corner. She had followed out of sight, seeing the colt scrounge the kitchen. She wanted to bust him for taking the apple pies and fritters they made, but seeing as the colt didn't do so frustrated the mare. When she followed him outside, she had to stop and hide in a bush as the colt began trailing three ponies in the far-off distance. She wanted to follow, but seeing the field held no cover, she waited until the colt came back through his window. Pepper then looked over his shoulder towards Funnel and then quickly pushed Alabaster back into the house softly, causing her question the colt. "What do you think you are doing?"

The colt held up a hoof to his muzzle and closed the door just slightly. Making sure the coast is clear, he sighed and rubbed his foreleg. Alabaster maybe a tormentor to him. But seeing as she had tried to stand up for him back in Ponyville, he could at least hint something is wrong.

"I... I don't think Funnel is a good pony." He said. Alabaster arched a skeptical brow.

"Considering he's been a godsend to the nanny. I hardly doubt that." She said. Pepper bowed his head. It was an expected response. But the colt looked her in the eyes.

"I... do you remember Mrs. Marigold?" He asked. Alabaster studied the colt before shaking her head.

"I remember some of our playmates talking about her. But I wasn't around during that time. Why do you bring that up?" She replied. Pepper winced and looked towards the door. He then leaned in and whispered.

"Funnel robbed her in her grave." He said. Alabaster's expression frowned.

"You must be so sleep deprived that you think there is a graveyard around here." Pepper shook his head in response.

"You'd think that, but from what I saw... she is buried out in the field in a patch of woodlands. I... I don't know why she's buried out there but..." Alabaster narrowed her eyes at the colt as he suddenly gave a terrified look. "I... I think they want to use me to hurt Mother Wisp." Alabaster then began laughing. Pepper slumped in defeat. She had to support herself against the wall.

"You? Hahaha! Why would they want to use you? Hehehe! As if you have any use to harm anypony." She wiped a tear from her eye. Pepper frowned. He tried. That's all he can really tell himself. He then stiffened as he watched Funnel walk in and stare down at the two. Alabaster took a moment to gather herself before she smiled up at Funnel and waved at him. "Hello, Mr. Funnel. You wouldn't believe the joke Pepper here told me." She snickered. Funnel remained stoic, but he arched a suspicious brow at the colt.

"You can tell jokes now." He stated in a non-questioning manner. Pepper looked horrified. He was about to bolt when Funnel reached down and bit on his scarf, pulling him around and nudging him out the door. "You are being asked about, kid. Don't be rude." Pepper froze, but Funnel pushed the colt across the porch and over to the crowd. Funnel nodded. "This is Ghost Pepper." He said to them. Pepper shivered and looked on in horror as all eyes focused on him. He started to feel his breathing heavy and his ears began ringing. A wild sense of vertigo overcame him. He looked to see the alicorn smile and say something to him. The world was beginning to get greyer and greyer. The look of worry then spread across her face as Ghost Pepper reeled forward, clutching his chest and breathing heavily. The ringing wouldn't stop. Why must the world torment him so much? What has he ever done to deserve this kind of hell? No pony seemed to raise a hoof to help.

Soon, the world began to blur and fade. And before the colt knew it, the world melted to black.

Author's Note:

Four days until the fair. Fourteen remain.