• Published 24th Feb 2017
  • 900 Views, 11 Comments

Lucid Dreams - Jumping Jack

A young orphan pegasus escapes into his dreams and imagination while trying to overcome his fear of befriending others. And to do that, he needs the help of three young fillies and a majestic alicorn.

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Your Princess is in Another Dream

Pepper stood in front of the massive, towering castle. The black stones giving it a sickening look as a spiraling storm cloud swirled at the very top of the tower. This is the one. After spending a good ten minutes going from dream to dream, he felt this was the one. He had stumbled into this dream after going through several doors, all of which provided nothing but just simple dreams. Arriving in this one, he could feel a presence.

As if it was calling to him. He had to find her here. Without Princess Luna, things will go from worse to devastating. Three fillies are counting on him. Pepper gulped as the overwhelming castle loomed over him. First, he needed to cross a long bridge. Which looked to have seen way better days. He looked back through the dark, dead forest behind him. He shivered in terror as he could see shadows moving and predatory eyes looking at him.

Pepper took a deep breath and looked back towards the bridge, taking a cautious step forwards. The wood creaked under his weight. He applied a bit more to see if it would actually hold. Fortunate he did as the wooden step broke under him, causing him to step back.

‘How am I going to reach the castle at this rate?’ He thought to himself. The colt then blinked and looked to his sides. His wings opened and a leather bound journal fell. Embarrassingly forgetting he’s a pegasus aside, he picked up the journal and brushed the dirt off of it. The pages inside the journal glowed and it opened on its’ own, flipping to an empty page where words were being written out:

Tis unfortunate of the circumstances. I am sorry I cannot do much, young one. For the safety of everypony involved, I hath gathered you and the others to this dream. The rest must be accomplished by you. Have confidence in thyself, Ghost Pepper. We are watching.

Pepper tilted his head slightly. He took another look up at the castle, lightning flashed and thunder crashed from the clouds. Pepper held onto the journal with one foreleg before flapping his wings. He hovered over the bridge, doing his best not to look down into the dark chasm below. Reaching the other end, he landed and walked up to the massive gate. It was closed off. However, it was big enough for him to squeeze through.

He let his journal through first before he crawled and squeezed himself through the gate, nearly stumbling as he did. Picking himself and the journal up, he cautiously began to walk into the castle. The courtyard was expansive in that both sides had tall hedges that split into gardens. Pepper walked further, taking in his surroundings before coming to a stop in front of a statue. It was depicting a beautiful mare with a long flowing mane.

A sharp and petrified stoic gaze stared off towards the castle. Pepper saw a plaque and brushed away the vines:

Time is running out.

Pepper furrowed his brow. He flipped through his journal and found the pendant he had picked up from Mother Wisp’s saddle bag. Pepper couldn’t help but think it was important enough for him to hang onto. That and it wasn’t addressed to any pony in particular. He was planning on asking the others in the orphanage, but the fear of being berated convinced him to stuff it in the journal for safe keeping. He had thought about it in hindsight before putting it back in the journal and closing it, Pepper continued on, taking quick skipping strides up the stairs leading to tall, heavy oak doors.

He pushed with all his might, the doors creaking open into a dark foyer. Slipping through the small opening he made, he took a few steps forward before the doors closed, getting a terrible jump and yelp from the colt. He was swallowed into darkness, unable to see anything. That is until the wall scones came to life. One by one, the scones lit the hallway. Pepper looked back to the door. He didn’t want to admit it, but there was no going back.

Pepper walked cautiously down the hall, his ears flicking when he got halfway, hearing metallic clinking further down. He approached an opening and stepped out into a grand foyer. Pepper looked around in awe, the lighting a bit dark, but lit enough to see everything. His eyes then fell to a red and shining clad knight swinging a sword skillfully at approaching skeleton ponies. They swiped and stabbed, but the knight riposted and countered each one, besting them all into a clatter of pieces.

When the last one tried to crawl away, the knight stomped on the skull, crushing it. Pepper looked at the knight in awe. Intimidating, but posing confidently and heroically. A white cape bellowing behind him with a gold weave of a lion design. The knight turned to face the colt, his hooves removing the helmet. Pepper gasped in recognition. Familiar eyes, two toned coat and a neatly groomed mane.

“Welcome back to dreamland, Pepper.” River said with a handsome smile. Pepper was stunned. When did River grow up? River chuckled. “I know that look. Wondering why I’m all grown up?” Pepper couldn’t help but nod. River motioned to himself. “It’s a dream. This is how I imagined myself to look like if I didn’t… err… get sick.” He then hummed and rubbed his chin. “Though, something about you is missing… aha!” Pepper felt a little heavy. He looked down at himself. The same white and blue knightly garb.

However, instead of a basket helmet, Pepper had a circlet this time. River smiled.

“Don’t want a repeat of the Pygmy from last time. Though… where’s your scarf?” He asked. Pepper sighed and bowed his head. River gave an apologetic look. “Sorry to hear that. I uh… know it’s a little strange but… do you have any idea where the Dark Prince would be?” Pepper looked up and tilted his head quizzically. River sighed. “Right. You came in through the front door. Well, my valiant knight is here now! What do ya’ say Pepper? Take upon the quest with me to save the princess and stop the Dark Prince!” River held out a hoof to him.

Pepper hesitated. This was asking so much of the colt. Yet, if he were to wake up now, the Crusaders would be killed and Funnel would probably do something way worse to him. Pepper has to do this. He can’t go back. River beamed as Pepper reluctantly shook his hoof. River put his helmet back on and turned down a hall.

“We got a lot of ground to cover! Let’s make haste! And watch our steps along the way! The Dark Prince is deathly skilled in laying traps.” He explained, looking around. Pepper looked over his shoulder. Making a small prayer to Princess Luna inside his head, he scampered after River, the two beginning their search for a means to stop this nightmare.

Mother Wisp was starting to lose it. She emerged from the wooded area, lantern in hoof and looking quite disheveled.

‘What was Funnel thinking taking kids into the woods!?! How could he think it was a good idea?! They were supposed to be back hours ago!’ Mother Wisp is livid. She found it odd when the children had mentioned Funnel asked for Pepper and the Crusader’s help to check raccoon traps. Yet, when they haven’t returned after two hours, Mother Wisp began to worry. That worry became frantic panic after another hour. Eventually, she began to feel angry. The kids had watched her out on the porch swing, looking quite frantic and trying to calm herself down.

As the moon began to rise higher, they found her out the back yard with a flickering light. She turned on and off the switch, hoping that the group would find their way back home. She would have stern words with Funnel when they got back. But when they still didn’t show up, the children had taken to trying to calm down Mother Wisp, who was now hyperventilating in a brown bag. Tea Stout and Merriweather pat the back of Mother Wisp while Torque, Macaroni, Pallet, Echo Heart and a couple of other kids helped out in the search for the group.

Alabaster was out on the side of the house, holding up the lantern and scanning the area. The clouds were small and the moon’s light illuminated enough for her to see. Echo Heart stepped outside and over to Alabaster. Without a word, Echo scooped a small hole out from under her hoof and dropped a seed inside of it. After covering it, she closed her eyes and brushed the dirt. Alabaster arched a brow at her.

“Echo, I don’t believe this is time to be playing druid.” She said. Echo shushed her softly, Alabaster sighing in annoyed response. The filly began walking forward, waving the lantern around as she scanned the fields. It got to the point where the shadows were beginning to move. A little too vividly. Alabaster froze and squinted her eyes. A sudden dread took her over. She could see it. A dark fog beginning to creep out from the woods. Alabaster quickly took several steps back, turning and dropping the lantern as she began to gallop back towards Echo.

She pulled the filly away, Echo confused as to why. Alabaster pushed her inside before slamming to door shut and locking it. Echo gave a miffed look at her.

“What was that about?!” She stated. Alabaster turned to her and Echo’s look softened. She hasn’t seen Alabaster terrified before. Alabaster slipped past her before heading to the other children. She tapped her hoof down on the ground to get the children’s attention.

“Everypony! I require your attention!” She shouted. The children quieted. The distraught Mother Wisp looked at them all. Torque lifted her goggles up to her head and arched a brow.

“What’s wrong, Allie?” She asked. Alabaster opened her mouth to say something, only to hesitate. Merriweather’s eyes widened. Alabaster hasn’t been one to hesitate before. Taking a deep breath, the snow white filly spoke.

“We… we need to lock all windows and doors. Now.” She said. Mother Wisp looked at her in concern.

“What are you talking about? They haven’t come back yet!” The nanny exclaimed. Alabaster gave her a pleading look.

“I… I don’t know. But we are in danger right now! Please, everypony! Gather any light sources too!” Alabaster pleaded desperately. This took the children by surprise. And since Alabaster’s attitude has changed drastically, it had to be an emergency. The kids began to scramble, locking their windows and doors, even throwing the curtains closed. Macaroni and another filly saluted to Alabaster as the kids had finished, having accumulated their candles and a couple of lanterns.

Mother Wisp was baffled.

“Alabaster, what is going on??” She asked. Alabaster was about to respond when the atmosphere of the house changed. Everypony froze. Quieting their breathing as they heard the house began to creak. The sound of soft scraping from behind the walls and the sound of whispers began to reach them. The lights began to flicker. Pallet balked and reached for the matches, lighting his candle before passing it on to another filly.

One by the one, the kids lit their lights, sticking close to Mother Wisp and themselves. Mother Wisp stood up and her eyes widened, a knowing look on her face.

“The book…” she mouthed. As if several years of memories flashed back to her, she quickly hurried to the kitchen and reached down into the lower molding. Tea Stout and Pallet watched her open the molding, only to scream as something dark and wispy seeped out of the hole. She quickly closed it back up and looked to the two. “Get the apple bags over here! Please!” She said. Pallet and Tea Stout quickly hurried to the pantry, opening it and grunting as they dragged the heavy bags over to Mother Wisp.

The nanny held the molding with a hind hoof, reaching for the bag and heaving it to block the molding in place. She proceeded to stack it with three more bags, taking a moment to calm herself. The house began to shake, the children beginning to scream and panic. Mother Wisp sprang into action.

“Children! With me! Stay close! Do not run off!” She called out as she hurried into the hall with Tea and Pallet behind her. The children did as they were told, huddling around the nanny. Some of the children began to sob, Echo doing her best to comfort them. Alabaster went over to the back door, standing on top of a chair to peek out of the window. From the woods, in-equine shadows began to shamble towards the orphanage.

Shapeless figures advancing with the dark smog behind them. Alabaster closed the curtains quickly and braced the door with the chair. She quickly cantered back to the others, fear in her eyes. Merriweather began to tear up, hugging Mother Wisp’s leg. The nanny shushed the crying children and did her best to reassure them it will be okay. Alabaster fell to her haunches, shaking her head in disbelief. It was happening so fast. No pony understood exactly what was happening. But in a land of magic and mythology, even orphanages are not safe from the ever unannounced arrival of fate.

And for once in Alabaster’s life, she wished Pepper was here currently.

River felled skeletons one after another in skillful display. Pepper has never seen a pony be so nimble in full armor before. He is glad he ran into him. River seemed to make sense of this whole place, leading them from room to room, searching for anything that might lead them to this “Dark Prince”. The two traveled down a long hall, the walls decorated with strange pictures of black and white.

Pepper saw one as they passed by, showing a group of kids, dirty and smiling with missing teeth, as if not a single care in the world was around them. He narrowed his eyes at the picture. One of the ponies in it looked familiar. Pepper looked ahead, realizing he had lagged behind a little and cantered to catch up to River who had just stopped at a door.

Pepper looked up at the door and gasped. There was a dark fog seeping out of the cracks. River remained quiet, but underneath that helm, he braced himself. He opened the door cautiously and when they looked in, Pepper’s eyes widened.

“Somepony?! Anypony?! Help!!” Scootaloo cried out. She was dangling from a hanging cage directly over a boiling… tiled floor? Pepper saw the mosaic tiles bubble and hiss, heatwaves radiating off from it. River took off his helmet and tossed it in. The helmet sank almost immediately. Scootaloo saw them and relief over took her. “Oh, thank Celestia! Pepper! Get me out of here!”

Pepper’s ears dropped as he looked around desperately. There was nothing in the room that was a safe passage through or any form of escape. River rubbed his chin.

“Are you able to fly?” He asked. Scootaloo winced and looked to her sides. She turned to show them that her wings were missing. River frowned.

“Damn. Hoping to cut the cage and she would fly out. Seems we have to go with plan B. Pepper?” River smiled at him. Pepper balked and pointed at himself. River leaned down to him and put a reassuring hoof on his shoulder. “You can do it, Pepper. You’re stronger here. You can do anything. And save anypony. You just have to believe yourself to do so.” Pepper studied his gaze softly.

River was right. Pepper looked over to the boiling tiles and thought about the situation. Currently, this dream isn’t his own. Princess Luna from the journal states she had gathered them here. So, this is a dream constructed specifically for testing. But… that can’t be all there is. This dream just doesn’t feel like one. Nor close to a nightmare. Pepper couldn’t help but feel that they are stuck somewhere in between.

He looked at his gauntlet hoof and furrowed his look. But even so, this was still a plane of existence. One that he could manipulate. Pepper took a deep breath and put a hoof over the boiling tiles. He closed his eyes and reached within his mind. Grasping ahold of a string, he brought it to him and whispered “freeze” to it. River’s eyes widened along with Scootaloo’s as the boiling tiles popped into solid ice.

Pepper opened his eyes and exhaled, his breath visible from the change. He then took a meek step forward and the ice held. He looked to River and gave a nervous grin. River beamed and with a determined look, he unsheathed his sword and rushed forward, hopping high and making one good cutting motion that broke the cage. Scootaloo smiled and crawled out of the hole, nearly stumbling over herself only to be caught by River.

When she finally touched ground, Scootaloo kissed the ice, her expression relieved to be free and regretting kissing the ice. She shivered.

“G-g-great to finally be on solid ground… for once.” She said. River leaned down towards her.

“Scootaloo. Do you know where The Dark Prince is?” He asked. Scootaloo arched a brow.

“Err… I don’t know… who is the Dark Prince?” She asked. River shifted a small frown but smiled.

“I’ll explain later. It’s good to see you okay. Where are the other crusaders?” He asked. Scootaloo shook her head.

“I… I don’t know. One moment we were captured by Funnel and witnessed him hit Pepper across the head and the next thing we knew, a bright flash happened and I ended up here.” She said. Pepper looked down and had a sense that something wasn’t right. He motioned for them to follow him and when they exited the room, the door closed shut behind them. Pepper looked around. They were back in the hall, but a lingering presence was around them.

River led the way down the hall with the two next to him. Scootaloo smiled.

“Nice armor, River. Bet you are some awesome knight in the real world.” She said. River smiled and shook his head.

“I wish I was. But I’m no longer around.” He said. Scootaloo’s smile faded into concern. River nodded solemnly. “It was a long time ago. Got real sick. Which was strange for everypony, even my mom. I was the peak state of health before I found that Black Book.” Pepper looked up to him, listening intently as he continued. “My mom knew it was a bad idea to keep that book around. But she had been so busy managing her old accountant job and dad was busy selling fruits in Ponyville, none if them had the energy to deal with it.

“The passages that I read didn’t make a lick of sense to me. But there was one passage that I was able to understand. And… I think that’s what caused our home to be cursed.” He sighed and bowed his head. “I’m the sole reason my little brother died. Why my father passed in a freak accident with a runaway wagon. Why my mother is now a childless widow.” Scootaloo and Pepper exchanged worried glances. “I just… I just want my mom to be okay through it all. She’s already pushed through enough grief already. I can’t let the Dark Prince use her. He’s a bad pony. And I plan on giving him no mercy.”

Pepper had a feeling this was the case. It all made sense from what he could piece together. Sherclop really pulled through for him. Yet, he still couldn’t help but feel worse than when he had initially came up with the conclusion. It was just so… wrong. River deserved better. And so does Mother Wisp. Scootaloo froze and looked to the end of the hall.

“Sweetie Bell??” River and Pepper froze as well. Indeed, the unicorn filly could be seen walking further ahead. Yet, she is glitching like before. River balked and quickly galloped over to her, pulling her back just in time as a swinging blade appeared and disappeared quickly. The blade swung back and forth in front of them. Sweetie Bell was aware of the force holding her back, for she hesitated and looked worriedly at the swinging blade. Pepper and Scootaloo rushed over, stopping as more traps began to spring alive further down.

River lowered his expression. “The Dark Prince is aware of us. Step cautiously, you two. Pepper, can you create an off switch?” He asked. Pepper blinked, rubbing his head in thought. He then closed his eyes and imagined a standard lever. As he pictured it vividly, Pepper was hit with flashing images of distorted faces that made him yell in panic, falling to his back. He quickly scrambled back and bumped into River, who looked down at him in concern.

He didn’t need to say anything. A knowing, guilty look replaced his concern, sighing.

“Sorry, Pepper. Didn’t think it was going to be that bad.” He said. Scootaloo helped Pepper up and pat his back, looking up at him in confusion.

“What do you mean by that?” She asked with a slight frown. River motioned around them.

“We are limited to what we can do here. We are in a state of controlled lucidity. Something is testing us. For what, I don’t know. With Pepper being a special case in the Dream Realm, whatever is testing us must have put a lot of dissuasions against him from going overboard.” Pepper shook his head in disbelief. He reached under his wing and withdrew his journal. The pages had glowed. Opening it, he saw a new passage being written out:

I am afraid that we hath no choice but to quell your imagination, Pepper. Please, be careful. Use what you deem is necessary to imagine. I cannot say more.

Scootaloo read the passage with him and arched a brow.

“Who is this ‘we’?” She asked. Pepper spoke up this time.

"D-Dunno." He said. Scootaloo’s eyes narrowed at the passage. Pepper closed the book and stuffed it back under his wing. He then shook his head towards River, who nodded in response. The colt took a deep breath and readied himself.

“I’ll see if I can find a lever on the other side. Keep watch of Sweetie Bell. She can sense us, but she doesn’t know who it is.” He said. Without a moment to lose, River sprang forward, skillfully dodging, twisting and turning himself under and around the traps. Scootaloo whistled.

“He’s pretty cool.” She said.

Twilight Sparkle frantically skimmed through several books, tossing them aside in a haste. Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash were all present, watching Twilight work. It got to the point that Rainbow Dahs finally spoke up.

“Geez, Twilight. I know this is a serious issue with Princess Luna missing, but when we do find her, you won’t be in a stable mind to save her.” She said bluntly, catching the frowns of Rarity and Applejack. Pinkie Pie bounced over to the observation telescope that Twilight had constructed over the week to specifically look at the stars. Now, it was repurposed to search for a missing princess. Pinkie looked into the scope, making “oohs” and “ahhs” as she playfully scanned Ponyville and the valley around it.

Twilight groaned and tossed her book into the air.

“I just don’t get it! The way Princess Celestia described the events just doesn’t add up!” She said. Applejack arched a brow.

“In what way?” She asked. Twilight levitated over a letter and held it up.

“The Nightfeaster. I’ve never heard of a creature in Equestria! It is also supposedly powerful enough to best Celestia! Luna couldn’t defeat it and only willingly let herself get taken to save Celestia! We don’t know where it could have taken her.” Twilight buried her head into her book. “I’ve tried every cross reference and everything pertaining to mythos and the new and old bestiaries. Nothing shows up!” Applejack furrowed her look. She then looked to the others.

“‘Ah… ‘Ah think ‘Ah have an idea…” She began. Twilight looked up from her book, looking down in the dumps as Applejack continued. “‘Ah remember talkin’ with Applebloom about her and the other’s nightly tasks with Princess Luna. She told me that the very same Dream Realm Luna manages is a whole other world with laws and such. And with Princess Celestia mentionin’ some sort of punishment, maybe… Luna broke a law and the Dream Realm… took her??”

Even as Applejack explained it, it sounded strange to even think of for herself. But the conversation she had with Applebloom earlier did bug her. She motioned with a hoof in no particular direction. “It’s the only thing ‘Ah can think of.” Twilight scrunched her muzzle in thought, quickly turning to realization.

“That’s it!” She exclaimed, hopping to her hooves. She then reached with her magic, pulling books from the shelves and circling them around her. “Princess Luna manages the Dream Realm. What if this Nightfeaster isn’t an actual creature, but a visage of a nightmare that broke through?” She explained, skimming through one of the books. Fluttershy rubbed her chin.

“But… then wouldn’t it have a devastating effect in the real world? If we had let the Tantabus out, it would have put us all into an eternal nightmare.” She stated. Twilight nodded.

“Exactly. But it only took Princess Luna and left. If it was trying to come into the waking world with a name like the Nightfeaster, it would have done just that. But it didn’t. Which means something took the visage of the Nightfeaster. If that’s the case, we have to explore a little more inside the mind.” She said. Pinkie chuckled.

“Nice one, Twi! But I think you don’t have to look too far.” She said. Her friends gave her arched brows in response. “There is this nasty black smog swirling around where the orphanage used to be.” Everypony’s eyes widened.

“Used to be?!” Rarity said horrified. Everypony gathered around as Twilight looked through the glass. Her jaw dropped. In the far off distance, beneath the bright moonlight, a swirling sphere of dark smog swirled around what would be the orphanage. Twilight’s mind clicked the pieces together.

“The orphanage! Luna has to be there! If that curse item she was hunting had been found near the orphanage, then it only makes sense!” She stated, her look grim. Rainbow Dash growled.

“The kids are in danger too! We have to help them!” She stated. No pony disagreed with her. They gathered around her and in an instant, all were teleported. However, Twilight was aiming for the orphanage inside. The dark smog had kicked up a fierce wind that nearly blew everypony off their hooves. They had to retreat a bit, looking up in horror. They could hear agonizing screams and loud choruses of whispers from the smog. Then, an in-equine roar shrieked from inside.

Twilight stood firm and swished her head, aiming her horn and firing a dispersal spell. Nothing happened. Rarity shielded herself, looking around.

“What do we do?!” She shouted over the wind. Rainbow Dash dove into the smog, only to be blown back out and crashing into the fields across the road. She shook away her daze and flew back to the others, rubbing her neck.

“Brute force isn’t going to cut it!” She stated. Twilight stared up at the dark sphere of smog, her mind racing with ideas she could try. But they were running out of time. Whatever this kind of magic is, she could already tell it’s at its’ peak. She didn’t want to think about what the morning would bring if they don’t do something soon.

The group found themselves in another open room. Though, room would be an understatement. It was almost like a small orchard. Yet, it was not outside. It was a bedroom in the small field of an orchard. The group looked around, their awe and confusion clear across their face. Sweetie Bell looked to Pepper.

"Are you sure this is the right way?" She asked. Pepper shook his head before pointing straight ahead. They looked to see a bed. In it, to their surprise, was Applebloom. She had a pained and struggling expression, her eyes shut tight.

“Applebloom!” Both said in unison before galloping over to her. Scootaloo shook her to try to wake her, but Applebloom began tossing and turning. They looked back to River and Pepper. “How do we wake her up?” River looked around. Nothing stood out of the ordinary for a dream. Pepper, however, saw the journal glow. He opened it and read the passage:

There are times in mah’ dreams where ‘Ah can just feel them watchin’ over me. ‘Ah wish ‘Ah can at least see ‘em again. Mah’ sis an’ big brother always told me that they always pulled through together no matter what.

Pepper tilted his head. Was Applebloom dreaming inside of a dream? The thought felt confusing to understand for the colt. But when the howling around them froze them in their thoughts, confusion turned to panic. Pepper looked to his right and yelped, falling back onto his haunches and scrambling away as yellow, predatory eyes stared the colt down. From the shadows of the tree emerged a wolf like creature, with bark and sticks for a body.

Four more had appeared, surrounding them, Pepper scrambling over to hide behind River, who had his sword at the ready and aimed at the creatures. They growled and snarled, low to the ground as if they were ready to pounce. Sweetie Bell turned around and began to shake Applebloom harder.

“Come on, Applebloom! Wake up! We need you!” She exclaimed. But the filly grumbled and began to sweat. Pepper looked around in panic. They have to do something. Maybe a creature they can use as their own to help? Pepper shut his eyes and began to imagine a friendlier Timberwolf to them. A loyal companion willing to stand up against the face of evil. He was then stricken with flashes of disturbing imagery that made him fall onto his haunches. He shook his head, feeling his head starting to pound.

‘I can’t even help us defend ourselves? What good am I if I can’t think of something to help??’ River swished his sword at the creatures, preventing them from getting to close, but refusing to back away as they circled them. Pepper looked to Applebloom, her friends trying to wake her. ‘Wait… help them…’ Pepper flipped through his journal to Applebloom’s passage.

‘Sometimes, she thinks of them. But… who exactly is that? Maybe her siblings?’ He thought about Applejack, the strong willed and honest to goodness, hardworking mare. Sweetie Bell and Scootaloo yelped as Applebloom began to glow. Everypony, even the timberwolves, looked to see a white, wispy mare with a hat rear up and kick her forelegs out defiantly over Applebloom. Pepper’s eyes widened in realization.

Of course! This is her dream. So, if he can’t make something up, perhaps he can think about the things close to Applebloom’s heart. ‘Let’s see… The Crusaders are very close with each other. That could work.’ He thought. Sweetie Bell and Scootaloo suddenly began to glow, floating up into the air. River beamed and nodded to Pepper.

“Brilliant, Pepper! Just like Princess Luna would do!” He cheered. He wasn’t entirely sure if this was the correct way to handle this, but it’s better than having to go back and suffer a fate worse than what Funnel has planned. The wispy image of Applejack began to bound around them as Sweetie Bell and Scootaloo floated back down. Each bearing long, flowing capes with their crusader insignia. Sweetie Bell’s regal and elegant while Scootaloo’s torn but cool. They each wore a knightly outfit each with their own representative colors.

The two blinked and looked down at themselves.

“Coooool…” Scootaloo marveled. In her outstretched hoof, a bright light flashed and an ivory saber appeared. Scootaloo hovered in the air to compensate her posture with it, but she smiled and gave it a test swing in the air. Sweetie Bell reached out her hoof in mimic to Scootaloo and a similar flash happened. A purple and white wand staff with a sharp spear at the end. Pepper saw Applebloom’s expression relieve a little. Scootaloo smirked and flew towards an unknowing timberwolf and with a hefty swipe, the creature splintered into smoke.

The wispy image of Applejack galloped down and tackled two more, shattering them before disappearing. River slashed the one he was facing, shattering it. Sweetie Bell, with her basic knowledge of some magic, could only think of one thing. She waved her wand and pointed a the last creature, causing it to erupt in flames, howling in pain. All that was left was ashes. With the beasts felled, Sweetie Bell and Scootaloo looked to Applebloom, only to see she hasn’t woken up.

However, respite wasn’t long. Before they knew it, more timberwolves appeared from the darkness of the room. More of them than the last. The group found themselves backing up towards Applebloom’s bed. Two wolves snapping at River who swiped his sword at them. Pepper, in panic, quickly reached out to Applebloom, a wispy image of Applejack appearing once more. She bounded around them, sailing down and crashing into three of them, yet upon them shattering, more appeared.

Again, Applejack was summoned and she felled three more. Pepper thought again, only this time, it wasn’t just Applejack. It was a stallion as well. A tall and bulky one wearing a worker’s harness around him. He split from Applejack and the two worked to take down several. Again. And again. And again. Pepper wasn’t thinking about it anymore. He was watching in awe as Applebloom was seemingly aware of what is going on.

A third pony appeared. This time, an elderly one. Her mane tussled into a bun as she bounded in a circle around Applebloom with Applejack and, what he would guess, her big brother. Pepper saw his journal glow and he opened it to see a passage being written out.

Apples are stronger together. An’ ‘Ah couldn’t be happier an’ proud to be one. If only they could see us now. If they could see me. How proud would they be for me gettin’ my cutie-mark?

Pepper arched a brow quizzically, only to change it immediately upon having wooden teeth snap at him. He cantered up towards the group as the wolves began to circle.

“Wh-what do we do now?” Sweetie Bell asked, tossing a fireball in a direction, missing a timberwolf. Scootaloo looked over her shoulder.

“C’mon, Applebloom! Wake up!” She exclaimed in desperation. Applebloom had a pained look, struggling with something. Pepper blinked and noticed a tiny black hair wriggling from her forehead. Pepper looked around. With no other option, he bit down on the hair tip and pulled. To his and everypony’s else surprise, a slug like creature surrounded in black smog and smoke shrieked in Pepper’s hold. He instantly dropped it and crushed it under his hoof multiple times.

Yet the creature was like a cockroach. Refusing to die, it scurried out from under Pepper, who tried to crush it on its’ way out. It dove straight into a nearby timberwolf. The creature burrowed into the wolf and the timberwolf grew tremendously. The wood spewing out dark smog from every crack the timberwolf couldn’t cover. It snarled down at them, massive, wooden stake teeth dripping with yellow liquid.

The group braced themselves. Pepper couldn’t believe he would fail here of all places. He doesn’t want to die. He stared wide eyed into the open maw of the wolf. Then, as if a gift from the very heavens themselves, they saw it. Two stars that were thought to be painted decor twinkled and began to sail down towards them. They pierced the massive timberwolf from the back through the chest, bounding towards them and circling the group quickly. Pulsing waves of light flashed out of them like a heart beat, knocking the timberwolves away and even shattering some.

Even the massive timberwolf couldn’t approach, as each time it tried to bite down, a pulse would knock it back, causing it to step back finally. The two star like orbs floated above Applebloom, circling her rhythmically. Then, the group watched a spectacle. One that caused the dream around them to stutter and static the background.

Pepper hissed and clutched his head as disturbing images began to flash through him. However, as quickly as they did, they were suddenly replaced with a bright, lush orchard field. The apples red and shiny and the sounds of celebrating echoed in his mind. Pepper was stunned at the next feeling. One that made him shed a single tear. This was love. A mother and father’s love for their children. Their family.

It completely overwhelmed Pepper as he watched dumbfounded at the wispy images of the many ponies bouncing about and quelling the creatures into splinters. The wolves tried to run, only to be herded into their shattering fates. The massive timberwolf snarled at the wispy ponies, but everything it did didn’t halt the many ponies circling it.

From the crowd, the two star like orbs began to circle rapidly around Applebloom. Scootaloo and Sweetie Bell began to float up and glow, looking shocked and confused. Pepper and River saw their eyes began to glow, followed by the wispy images of Applejack, the big brother, the elderly mare and several other ponies, including a mare that wouldn’t stop bouncing, floated around them. In a magnificent display of power and family kinship, a rainbow exploded from the crusaders and the wisps, piercing the hide of the massive timberwolf.

It howled in pain as the rainbow began to swirl around it, rapidly growing smaller and smaller. Pepper and River could see the silhouette disintegrating inside, the slug like creature vanishing into nothing. When nothing was left, the rainbow shot up and exploded over the room, changing the whole scenery to a sunshine day with a rainbow high overhead.

Sweetie Bell and Scootaloo floated back down gently onto their hooves, their eyes returning to normal, however dazed. They shook their heads and looked around quizzically.

“What just… happened?” Sweetie Bell asked groggily. Scootaloo blinked and shushed her before looking towards Applebloom. The filly was sleeping peacefully as the wispy images of Applejack, Granny Smith, Big Macintosh and two other ponies, whose faces were obscured through the bright day, smiled down at Applebloom. The ghost mare reached out and gently brushed Applebloom’s bangs, giving a kind and motherly smile while the stallion brought the blanket up to Applebloom, tucking her in.

The faceless ponies turned to the others and nodded, hugging each other before vanishing into nothing. As the images of Applebloom’s family disappeared, the filly finally woke up. She sat up in her bed and yawned, stretching before rubbing her eyes and looming at the others.

“Oh. Hey guys! What’s goin’ on?” She looked around and rubbed her head. “Err… correction. Where are we?” Scootaloo and Sweetie Bell smiled. They were a little giddy from seeing the display of family that they tackled Applebloom into a hug, laughing. Pepper looked on at the sight. An overwhelming feeling of loneliness washing over him. He bowed his head and rubbed a foreleg. River sat on his haunches and sighed in relief.

“Whew. Close call. Glad the power of family is stronger than any nightmare, eh?” He said with a grin towards Pepper. Seeing as the colt didn’t respond, River rubbed the back of his head and stood up, patting the back of the colt. “Chin up, Pepper. The night is still young. But we do need to reach the Dark Prince soon. Everypony is in danger right now.” Pepper looked up at the stallion, his eyes studying him. With nothing else left, the colt walked forward with River. The crusaders pulled away from each other, smiles unwavering from their expressions.

Pepper studied the filly. She had dawned a garb with a shoulder cape and a western knightly attire. One that Pepper couldn’t help but find interesting. Inspired even. However, the loneliness lingered, causing him to sigh. River sheathed his sword and nodded.

“Well then, my brave, knightly Crusaders! Onwards to the Dark Prince!” He pointed ahead. The Crusaders high hoofed each other and looked to Pepper. The colt blinked and looked between them. They nodded in approval. Pepper hesitated, but meekly put his hoof against theirs.

Twilight, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy weee baffled at how high the dark sphere was. It was covering the whole field. As if an inner storm has collapsed on itself. They had spent a good hour trying to find a way into the maelstrom, only to be either pushed out or lashed at by multiple claws. Twilight landed next to the others and shook her head.

“It’s no good. It’s covering the entire field with no way inside! This kind of magic is something I don’t know if I can counter.” She said exasperated. Pinkie Pie looked up at the maelstrom in worried panic, doing a small panicked hoof bounce.

“We have to do something! A nanny and children are in there!” She stated. Twilight nodded, racking her brain. It was hard to think with all the panic ensuing. Twilight looked up into the night sky. The moon was bright and shining down beautifully on them. A cruel sight for the current situation. However, looking a the moon gave Twilight a bit of an idea. She took off into the air at the worried expenses of her friends and flew over to where she would have pictured the orphanage to be.

Copying her Canterlot Voice, she spoke loudly.

“Mother Wisp? Children? If you can hear me, please, remain in a safe and secure part of the house! We are doing our best to get you all out! Just hang in there!” Twilight canceled the spell, hoping that they would at least be relieved to know that their are ponies out here to help them.

From afar down the road, a wagon was parked. Shanty looked through a pair of binoculars while Pickle Rind flicked open his pocket watch.

“I think it is safe to say that this entire job has been botched. Should we report to Morgue that the Honeyfield Orphanage and the property around it is no longer viable for value?” He asked. Shanty snorted and tossed the binoculars out of the wagon uncaringly.

“What a waste of time. The ‘Princess of Friendship’ and her friends trying to fight a hopeless battle. At least our inside pony is no longer a problem. And the kids and Mother Wisp won’t be pains in the assess anymore. No witnesses.” She said coldly. She knocked on the wagon and the pony that was taking a quiet snooze looked up and turned the wagon around, before trotting down the road.