• Published 24th Feb 2017
  • 900 Views, 11 Comments

Lucid Dreams - Jumping Jack

A young orphan pegasus escapes into his dreams and imagination while trying to overcome his fear of befriending others. And to do that, he needs the help of three young fillies and a majestic alicorn.

  • ...

Wicked Ways

Mother Wisp sighed tiredly as she waited in line to buy vegetables. The orphanage had run out of greens and the field mice had gotten into the dry foods. Funnel spent the whole morning capturing and setting up traps for the field mice. At some point, she would need to stop by Fluttershys and see if she can do anything humane with the pests. The line moved and she was the next one up.

A pretty vanilla pegasus mare in a walnut colored mane tussled into a bun smiled in recognition to the nanny.

“Mother Wisp! How are you this afternoon?” The mare asked. Mother Wisp gave a tired smile.

“Afternoon, Sunny Springs. I’m doing well enough. The usual order please.” Mother Wisp replied, passing a scroll from her saddle bag to the mare. Sunny laid it on the counter and scanned it, nodding as she turned and began to gather the order.

“So, how are the children?” She asked.

“As imaginative as usual. They believe there is a ghost now. A ‘Black Eyed Colt’. Macaroni had freaked out this morning having heard voices coming from Pepper’s room. I’ve done a run through, but nothing out of the ordinary.” She replied. Sunny chuckled as she placed the orders into a brown bag.

“Adorable. Any adoptions?” She asked. Mother Wisp nodded.

“Just one. Caboose went home to a family from Las Pegasus. They plan on moving to Manehatten.” She smiled. “Lovely couple. Caboose would fit right in.” Sunny smiled.

“That’s great! I hear there is an adoption fair the kids plan on doing? Have you figured out where you’ll host it? Not many ponies go out that far.” She said as she passed the bag to Mother Wisp, who proceeded to place it in her saddle bag. She stepped aside to let Sunny multitask handling the next one as well as chatting with her.

“Mayor Mare was kind enough to offer Town Hall for the kids to display their talents. I am surprised Princess Twilight and the others were able to get the word out so fast.” Mother Wisp furrowed her look. “But I just can’t shake the feeling something might go wrong. I don’t know how to describe it, but something is telling me that I may need to ask more than Princess Luna to chaperone.” Sunny passed the order of the customer before helping the next to reply.

“Oh dear. That sounds ominous. But you shouldn’t worry. If things go wrong, we Ponyville ponies are capable of handling things.” Sunny said in confidence. Mother Wisp gave a feigned smile. While true that Ponyville ponies are capable of many things, safety isn’t one of them. Being only several hoof trots away from the Everfree, it’s only luck that the Elements of Harmony are around to keep everything at bay. This is one of the major reasons Mother Wisp doesn’t want to move in or closer to Ponyville. That and the fact that the neighbors are a bit... chaotic in nature. She feared they would be too impressionable on the children and ruin any chances of adoption. Mother Wisp only ever wants the children to stick to their own talents and shine for their potential parents.

Mother Wisp bid Sunny good-bye, only to be stopped by a her.

"Just a moment!" She called out after passing a bag to a stallion. She trotted over to her and withdrew a parcel. She held it up to the nanny. "Do you think you can give this to that handsome stallion that helps around the garden? It's a special... item of mine that I think he will like." She gave a flustered smile, leaving the nanny to narrow her eyes in response. She took the parcel and Sunny beamed. "Thanks!" She trotted back to her kiosk and Mother Wisp frowned. She dropped the parcel into her saddle bag without care and proceeded to the next bit of business on her list. She trotted over to the potato kiosk, ordering a bag of them. The weight of her saddle bag was normal for her as she proceeded. The ponies of Ponyville have always been friendly towards Mother Wisp. They have even expressed their admiration for taking in children who have been through so much.

She would only respond with a nervous smile with the amount of attention. It usually hindered her shopping. Being in a town is not her ideal form of living. Honeyfield is the perfect place. The thought of the home made the mare sigh sadly. Taking a bit of a breather as she was now pulling a wagon full of groceries, she thought back to the orphanage. How her simple little dream home turned into a sanctuary. She couldn't quite remember how she came to accept stray kids. But she could only recall back to the many walks of seeing children out on the streets of Dodge City. When she wanted to grow up, she wanted to use her inheritance to create shelters for the children. If only it were that easy. Her family home back in Dodge City is too busy with disputes that has lost them more bits than her grandfather would care to enjoy. It became ugly to the point that they resorted to extortion and increased taxes.

Mother Wisp took the chance to leave home the moment the opportunity showed. She doesn't regret it. She had closed her eyes to rest a bit, finding exhaustion catch her. However, the peace didn’t last long.

“Oh my Celestia! Is that Amber Wisp?” A voice said in front of her. The nanny opened her eyes to see a familiar looking mare. One that she has seen hanging around Funnel with another stallion. A sense of annoyed dread fell over the mare.

“Shanty… How… delightful.” She responded to the mare with her best smile she could manage. Shanty smiled in response, her sun dress hugging her figure and an umbrella to shield herself from the sun. She then reached back into her saddle bag and withdrew an extra umbrella, passing it to the mare. Mother Wisp blinked quizzically at the gesture.

“Come now, Wisp. Haven’t you heard? Cloudsdale is scheduled for rain today. Don’t want your groceries to be drenched. The poor children would starve.” Shanty said with a condescending tone that made Mother Wisp disgusted with the mare.

“I’ll be well enough, thank you. Just needed to rest my eyes a bit.” She grumbled. Shanty spun the umbrella on her shoulder.

“I completely understand, what with you being so busy with… how many children? Twenty?” She asked with a small glint in her eyes. Mother Wisp shook her head.

“Thirteen. One went home to a family this morning.” She replied. Shanty smiled.

“Adorable. I’m sure they will be happy with their new life. Dull or interesting as it might be. But dear Amber, I thought you wanted to hurry and give the kids homes so you can be free of your burden?” Mother Wisp sighed softly.

“If you mean the property, then I am unfortunately not ready to decide just yet. I’m sure Morgue has been kindly patient, but the children come first.” She said sternly. Shanty smirked.

“I mean, that is fair. Speaking of.” She pointed to a wall of a cottage. Mother Wisp looked to see a flyer for the Honeyfield Orphanage Adoption Fair. Designed exquisitely to draw in attention with the design that Mother Wisp could only assume was Rarity’s doing. “How many children will be left after the fair? Why, I can only think of a couple would be staying at the orphanage. It’s sad really. All this effort and there is a high chance of the children not getting adopted.”

Mother Wisp frowned.

“Not every pony is ready to be parents, biological or otherwise. Children are a big responsibility in the lives of the parents. Even if they do not get adopted after the fair, then things will proceed as normal. I’ll ensure they all have a good home to go to. Once I can ensure the children are satisfied with their new lives, then I will decide.” The nanny responded. Shanty hummed and sighed.

“Of course, ‘Mother Wisp’. I was just merely checking on a client when I saw you. Figured I’d say hi. Isn’t that the Ponyville etiquette?” She grinned. Mother Wisp narrowed her eyes as Shanty turned, waving a hoof. “Ta-ta for now! Give Funnel my regards.” Mother Wisp crossed her foreleg and arched a brow as she watched Shanty trot daintily down the street.

Morgue always kept awful company. Mother Wisp regrets having let slip about her property value. But then again, even if she didn’t, her grandparents would have made it known one way or another. The many letters she had tossed into the fire for kindling from home brought sour memories. Mother Wisp blinked as she felt something wet hit her snout. She looked up and saw the Cloudsdale pegasi moving grey and darkened clouds en mass.

Mother Wisp stood up and latched the small wagon to herself. She had to get moving if she was to make it back before it got worse. Yet, that was easier said then done as she was stopped by two Canterlot guards. This caught her completely by surprise. What are Canterlot Guards doing here? Is Princess Celestia visiting? Did Twilight hire security this time? The two stallions eyed the mare.

“Are you Mother Wisp?” One asked. The nanny meekly nodded, unsure of how to respond to the sudden confrontation. The other stallion nodded and unfurled a wing towards the Hayburger joint. “Right this way. You are requested by Princess Twilight.” Mother Wisp furrowed her look. Of all the rotten luck. The nanny groaned in annoyance before nodding and following the guards. Little did they know they caught the attention of a young colt who had taken a walk from home and saw Mother Wisp shopping.

Blackheart took a final huff of the white bud before tossing it down and crushing it. Adjusting his hood, he slipped out from the alley and tailed them. This fascinated the colt. His old care taker being brought in by the request of the Princess Twilight. What trouble did she cause for a personal audience? The guards helped the nanny with the saddle bags and groceries, keeping them covered with their wings at the side as Mother Wisp stepped in.

She looked around and spied Princess Twilight indulging herself into a hayburger messily. As Mother Wisp approached, her jaw dropped at the amount of food the alicorn had. Her assistant and helper, Spike, sat next to her and helped himself to hayfries. Mother Wisp gave a small clear of her throat to announce her presence, causing Twilight to look up from her burger and beaming.

“Mosther Wisps!” The princess said with a full mouth. She stopped herself and took a moment to swallow her food, wiping her muzzle with the burger and placing it down. Twilight cleared her throat and motioned to the seat across from her. “Join us?” Mother Wisp felt a little sick to her stomach with the amount of food. How is this mare able to keep a good looking figure with this amount of food? Mother Wisp shook her head but sat down.

“I-I’m good, thanks.” She said nervously. “F-forgive me for the sudden question, but I was requested by you personally? Whatever for?” Twilight nibbled on a hayfry and took a sip of her drink before replying.

“I wanted to talk to you about the fair. I know it is a special and important time, especially for the children. I was wanting to ask if you need anything in particular to be provided?” She smiled. Mother Wisp was taken slightly aback by the offer.

“However do you mean?” Mother Wisp asked with a slight narrow of her eyes. Twilight motioned towards the Town Hall.

“We could help out by getting things set up for the kids before they show up. Ease a bit of stress from you and having the kids more time to prepare.” Twilight proudfully pulled out a scroll with her magic and unrolled it on the table. “I have a good scheduling regimen as well that will make sure things go smoothly as well. Kids will arrive in the morning to enjoy breakfast provided by yours truly, practice and going over their talents by ten, head to the Town Hall around eleven where Applejack, Rarity and Rainbow Dash will draw in the crowd, letting them into the hall by eleven thirty no later, lunch provided by Pinkie Pie and free time for the potential parents to get to know the children better, after lunch is recess for the kids and interviews with you leading into one on one interviews by one and headcount by two. Day completed and fair a success!”

Mother Wisp looked at the alicorn dumbfounded. She looked at the scroll and scanned it. Twilight definitely had an organized and thought out time for the event. Something Mother Wisp hadn’t had time to plan properly. The thought of the children being treated with such recognition couldn’t help but increase her worry that things still felt off for her. Twilight saw the struggled look on the mare.

“I-I’m sorry. Did you have something else in mind?” She asked with worry. Mother Wisp shook her head.

“No, no. I… appreciate this, Princess Twilight. I’m just… worried about a different matter.” The nanny stated. Spike chimed in.

“Does it have to deal with that one colt that Princess Luna has taken an interest in?” He said casually. Twilight frowned at Spike at the same time Mother Wisp looked quizzically at him. Spike looked between the two and shrugged. “What?” Mother Wisp sighed.

“Yes and no. I cannot play favorites with the children. I have full faith they can be their best in this fair. It’s just… with all the attention we’ve been getting over one colt, I fear that the fair maybe blindsided to ponies who are here to only see Princess Luna and Ghost Pepper.” She motioned to the Town Hall. “I want what is best for the colt, but if his only special talent is dreaming, he will never get adopted. And I am sure Princess Luna isn’t ready to be a mother either.” Twilight tilted her head.

“What makes you say she isn’t interested in adopting Pepper?” She asked. Mother Wisp slumped. The thought of one of the sisters adopting a child would be a godsend. They would be well off in life for the rest of their time on this mortal plane. But the issue lies in their immortality. The thought of the children unable to out live their parents sounded wrong to her. But there was also another reason she noticed. She shook her head to the alicorn.

“Princess Luna is not just visiting the orphanage out of want for a child. I’ve seen how she is always scanning the fields and house. It’s… as if she is hunting something. And from what the kids told me what happened to Ghost Pepper on the roof of my house, she proceeded to ‘teach’ the colt to properly dream. I do not know what is happening and I feel all this attention has been damaging for the colt. You saw him faint when you asked for him.” Twilight winced and began to sweat a bit.

“O-oh yeah… I… I have to apologize. I didn’t think he would.” She said. Mother Wisp crossed her forelegs sternly.

“Ghost Pepper has never been one to handle stress well enough. He always kept himself busy with house work before his attitude about it changed. I don’t know what happened, but Pepper needs to have ponies who will treat him well and take care of him. Not to be treated as a student for whatever strange adventure that might hurt him even more. He’s still a child and he needs to be raised to better handle stress.” Twilight sighed and nodded sadly.

“I understand your concerns, Mother Wisp. And I am sure Princess Luna has good intentions when it comes to Ghost Pepper. If you want, I can discuss it with her when she arrives to overlook the fair.” She replied. Mother Wisp rubbed her muzzle.

“I only want this to go off without any trouble. No over the top parties. No main character attention seeking. And most certainly no wild distractions. The fair is hosted by the kids for their own benefits. It is their special hour to shine. I can only ask you all to respect that decision.” Mother Wisp stood up and nodded. “I appreciate the preparations, Princess Twilight. Pray, forgive this mare for her behavior this afternoon. I wish you good day.” As Mother Wisp began to trot towards the exit, Twilight stood up.

“Mother Wisp, wait!” The alicorn trotted over to the nanny who had turned to look at her. “Err… would you like to save some time of travel to the orphanage? I can teleport us there with everything you have on you.” Mother Wisp studied the princess.

“I do have a ride but…” she looked out the window and the rain was beginning to hit the window. “I have a feeling he’ll be a bit late than I would like. If you see a stallion in a taxi wagon, please tell him I have already made it home.” Twilight smiled and nodded.

“Of course.” Without further ado, Princess Twilight and Spike escorted Mother Wisp out, the guards saluting. As Twilight popped into a purple bubble along with Mother Wisp and her groceries, the guards proceeded to trot off, giving Blackheart enough space to come out of hiding. He rubbed his chin and grinned.

“The adoption fair huh? Guess I am overdue for my reunion.” He grinned mischievously.

Sweetie Bell watched boredly as her big sister trotted about the boutique, muttering to herself on how to present the Town Hall.

“I know Mother Wisp wouldn’t want something grandoise. But I feel what the crowd needs is something to draw them towards the Town Hall needs to be something with some pizazz!” Rarity levitated fabric and ribbons here and there, tying them into fashionable knots and placing a decoration on them before redoing it to something else. Sweetie Bell sighed and motioned to no general direction.

“Don’t you think you are overthinking it just a little bit, Rarity?” She asked. Rarity didn’t take her eyes off the many floating ribbons and fabric in the room as she replied.

“Sweetie, darling. I am not overthinking this. This is to be a special day and it cannot be left without care. These children need to go to a good home.” She said with determination. Sweetie Bell smiled softly but shrugged.

“That’s admirable, sis, but I think just simple ribbons for the banner would do. We are working on this together, remember?” She asked. Rarity looked to her sister and in a posh manner, wiggled a hoof.

“Don’t be silly, darling. Simple maybe fine. But pizazz is the moment to shine!” She beamed at an idea that formed in her head. “And I have the perfect solution!” She smiled as she quickly levitated over silk and fabric, working them together to form a flower design. Sweetie Bell couldn’t help but “ooh” at the design. Rarity levitated it over to her younger sister. “Would you be a dear and paste this onto the velvet ribbon?” She turned to make several more as Sweetie Bell happily trotted over to the banner on the ground and began to work at aligning the design to the banner, pasting it before going to the next one.

The two worked diligently at the banner, taking it in stride. After ten minutes, they pulled back to see their work. Simple, yet with pizazz as Rarity envisioned. The flower designs dotting the stitching to make the woven words pop out to the reader. The words read:

Honeyfield Adoption Fair

The two sisters high-hoofed each other as Sweetie Bell squeaked excitedly as she spoke.

“I can’t wait for the others to see this!” Rarity hummed and looked at her sister in slight worry.

“Sweetie Bell. Mind if I talk to you for a moment?” She asked. Sweetie Bell sat on her haunches and smiled.

“Shoot!” She replied. Rarity bit her lip before sighing.

“It’s about this… task Princess Luna assigned to you.” She began. Sweetie Bell arched a brow. “Well, I’m not saying that I am not proud, in fact, I am extremely proud that my sweet little sister is being recognized by the princesses. I’m worried at the… vagueness of the letter.” Rarity pulled a scroll with her magic from a nearby table and read the passage. “To Rarity and Sweetie Bell. I must ask of thee, Rarity, to allow Sweetie Bell a task that is of utmost importance in regard to the fair. Please allow her and her Crusaders to move unabated. Princess Luna.”

Sweetie Bell shrugged. “I’m not quite sure either. But if it is on the fair, then I am assuming we’ll find out when the time comes.” Sweetie Bell replied. Rarity furrowed her brow and pointed at the scroll.

"It doesn't have to do with that... ahem... unusual colt?" She asked. Sweetie Bell frowned slightly.

"He's not unusual, Rarity. He's just skittish and needs a little confidence." She stated. Rarity smiled nervously.

"R-right, of course. Forgive me it's just... I worry that it might be a bit... dangerous?" She tried to find the right words, but something was telling her it wasn't as fine as it was made out to be. Sweetie Bell laughed.

"Now whose the one being silly? Relax, Rarity. I'm sure everything is going to be fine. If anything goes wrong, we have Princess Luna in attendance. That and you are just as capable of handling it." Sweetie Bell stood up and trotted out of the room, wanting to head out to meet up with the others, leaving Rarity taken aback.

"Wha? Sweetie Bell! That's not what I mean! I... oh what's the use?" Sweetie Bell left the boutique and began to gallop down the street and into Ponyville with an umbrella over her head. She splashed through a couple of puddles, giggling happily. When she arrived to the Clubhouse, she shook her umbrella before placing it at the side. Scootaloo and Applebloom were looking over a recently hung poster that Applebloom had drawn. They smiled as their friend trotted over.

"What did I miss?" She asked. Scootaloo motioned to the paper.

"Nothing much. We were just brainstorming on how we can help out at the fair. It's going to be a little crazy from how Princess Luna worded it." Scootaloo said. Applebloom nodded.

"As vague as it is, ‘ah do wonder if Luna has something special in mind. After that whole ordeal with that dream monster, ‘ah jus’ think she might be a tad worried about nothin’.” She said. Sweetie Bell shook her head.

“Did everypony forget about the Tantabus? We had to stop it from escaping the Dream Realm. That took the whole town to manage. I’d say Luna has every right to be worried.” She stated. Scootaloo nodded.

“Fair point. So, what should we do?” She asked. Applebloom hummed along with Sweetie Bell as they thought of what to do. It sounded like they were tasked for security in a way. But then, Scootaloo’s eyes widened a bit before smiling.

“Pepper! I think that’s who she is worried about.” She stated. The other two arched their brow at her. Scootaloo pointed at the drawing in front of them. The strange, childlike misshapen drawing of the slug creature sprawled out at their hooves. “Luna says that these things are parasites for lucid dreamers. If it’s anything similar to the Tantabus, maybe these things are trying to do something parallel?” Sweetie Bell hummed.

“That… makes some sense. But we aren’t going to be walking around the Dream Realm at the fair. If anything, I think it’s just monitoring the orphans. Making sure things go off smoothly.” She stated. There was a knock on their clubhouse trunk, causing them to exchange glances. Who would be out in the rain to visit them? The fillies opened the door to the house and they saw a cloaked figure at the bottom of their ramp. Applebloom recognized the figure and she beamed.

“Oh, hey Zecora! What’re you doin’ out here?” She asked. Zecora smiled under her cloak.

“It’s good to see you three. Are you all free?” She asked. Applebloom nodded.

“Sure! C’mon in.” Applebloom and the others stepped aside to let the zebra in. Her cloak darkened from the rain. She threw her hood back and smiled kindly at them.

“Thank you, Applebloom. I was not expecting the rain so soon.” She said. The fillies sat down as they looked at her quizzically. “I understand the visit being a surprise. So let me reprise. I bear a message from Princess Luna. A task to keep on the down unda’.” The three fillies exchanged glances.

“I guess Princess Luna is pretty worried more than we thought.” Sweetie Bell stated. Zecora nodded solemnly.

“I ask of you three to come and see me. At my hut, a potion I’ll prepare. With some ingredients to spare.” She replied. Applebloom rubbed the back of her head.

“Oh. Uh, when?” She asked. Zecora smiled.

“I will guide you through the woods at night, to keep at bay the frights. Tonight, when the princess’s sun falls to the horizon.” She then threw her hood over her head and nodded. “Be well, you three. When we arrive, I’ll prepare some tea.” And with that, Zecora’s brief visit concluded. The three watched the zebra mare grow smaller and smaller over the rainy hill. Scootaloo rubbed the back of her head.

“Anypony thinking that the day feels a little… off?” She asked. The three nodded in agreement, just as quizzical with the visit.

The surprises just keep piling on as Mother Wisp, along with Twilight and Spike, were stopped by a guard in front of the orphanage. The mare sheltered the groceries on the porch and groaned in annoyance.

“What on earth happened now?” The nanny asked, hoping the kids didn’t do anything troublesome. The guard bowed in the presence of Princess Twilight before speaking.

“Forgive me, your highness. You. Are you the current residence of this place?” The mare guard asked. Twilight looked worriedly as Mother Wisp rubbed her muzzle tiredly and nodded.

“I am.” She replied. The guard removed her helmet and nodded.

“The children are safe. Your gardener, Funnel, was caught injured on the property of Mrs. Marigold.” She said. Mother Wisp’s eyes widened a bit as she looked to the mare for any sign of jokes. When the mare didn’t change her expression, the nanny furrowed her look.

“Funnel was at Mrs. Marigold’s? Whatever for??” She asked, the thought baffling her. The property was quite the trot, but not that far. The house is currently owned by her children. No pony has lived in it after she had passed in her sleep. The guard cleared her throat before speaking.

“He states he saw a trespasser prowling out in the fields. He told the kids to stay in and lock the doors and windows while he was out tracking down the pony. He tracked the pony going into Mrs. Marigolds and began ransacking the place. He proceeded to engage the intruder in a struggle and a shelf fell onto him. A passing mailpony heard the commotion and was lucky enough to encounter Princess Luna on her way to visit Ponyville.” The guard finished her exposition and Mother Wisp was dumbfounded. An intruder wandering so close to the kids? The nanny couldn’t help but wish her heart out to the stallion for being brave, but she was also angry that he would leave the kids unattended and would have gotten killed.

“Did you catch the intruder??” Mother Wisp asked. The guard shook their head.

“When we arrived, the perpetrator was long gone. We found Funnel and tended to his injuries. He’s currently resting in his shack.” She replied. Twilight gave a relieved sigh before smiling softly.

“Thank goodness. I’m glad everypony got out okay. You did your duties admirably.” She said. The guard bowed.

“My thanks, your highness.” Mother Wisp sat on the garden bench and buried her face into her hooves in an exhaustive, frustrated groan. Twilight and Spike exchanged glances.

“Mother Wisp…” Twilight began, only to be hushed by the nanny raising a hoof.

“It’s been a long day, princess. Forgive me for the behavior, but I must kindly ask that you return to what you were doing and allow me a moments peace. I must calm the children.” She said with her eyes shut. Twilight nodded understandably.

“Very well. If you ever need anything else, feel free to stop by and let me know.” Twilight replied. As she turned, Mother Wisp opened her eyes.

“Just a moment, princess.” Mother Wisp called out. Twilight looked over her shoulder as the nanny sighed. “This morning… Funnel has been working hard to handle an infestation of field mice. I wanted to ask if Fluttershy is available to manage it? They are the reason we are running out of food so quickly.” She stated. Twilight smiled softly and nodded.

“Anything else?” She asked. Mother Wisp shook her head.

“That would be all. We will see you on the day after the morrow.” Twilight nodded and with that, she popped into a purple bubble with Spike, leaving the guard to bow to the nanny before taking off. Mother Wisp sighed and laid back onto the garden swing bench, resting her eyes. Today had just been an uphill battle with stress. The nanny took several minutes to rest before she took a deep breath and opened her eyes. She looked towards the shack. Why would Funnel be resting in the shack?

He has always been able to stay inside in the other bedroom. And after a certain event one night, she wouldn’t have minded him in her own bed. Mother Wisp gave into her worried curiosity and stood up, covering herself from the rain as she cantered towards the shack. She knocked on the door loudly, looking around as the rain was beginning to pick up. When no pony responded, she knocked on the door again, hearing some slight shuffling from inside.

The door opened and Mother Wisp looked at a beaten and disheveled Funnel. His eyes narrowed.

“You’re back so soon.” He said. Mother Wisp stepped inside, shivering just a bit from the rain. She expected the stallion to drape a blanket over her, but he just stood by the door, looking sour.

“Had a bit of a run in with the Princess of Friendship. And a couple of other… pleasant company.” Mother Wisp stated with a defeated sigh. Funnel cast a sideways glance at the mare.

“Oh really? That explains your arrival.” He said. The nanny furrowed her brows. Funnel must be pretty sour about having today happen to him. Mother Wisp may have had a stressful day, but nothing life threatening like Funnel. Her look softened and she walked over and put a reassuring hoof on the stallion.

“Funnel. Would you care to tell me what happened?” She asked. Funnel looked out into the rain and shifted his frown slightly.

“Not much to say. Got caught up in a tussle and lost.” He stated with a shrug. Mother Wisp wanted to say more, but no words came to mind. And Funnel certainly didn’t feel like expressing anything else further. Mother Wisp felt her mood beginning to wane at this. She wished she could provide more. She but her lip and put a gentle hoof under his chin, turning him to meet her gaze.

“Don’t stay out here tonight. Let me keep you warm. I can tend to your wounds. You need a proper bed anyways after all you’ve been doing to help.” She said. Funnel studied the mare. Deep down, he was disgusted at the gesture. Another night with the nanny? He’d rather catch a cold in the rain. But, this maybe another opportunity. Perhaps he can get her to open up about her ‘happiest memories’. His time was running out and he needed to act quick.

Funnel’s look softened and he put a hoof to the mare’s cheek, caressing it softly as Mother Wisp nuzzled it softly. He then pulled her into a small kiss, his eyes closing at the tilt of his head. Mother Wisp returned the gesture in kind, bringing herself closer to him. The two embraced and Funnel turned to close the door with his hind hoof.

The two held each other as Funnel began to remove the fabric of her clothing. Mother Wisp flushed, wanting to keep this stallion in high spirits. She looked up to the stallion, the bed against her back, his sharp gaze meeting hers in a trance. They shared another kiss, hooves exploring. As time progressed their sounds were drowned out by the rain.

From the house, Pepper noticed the orphanage door open slightly. The guard must have forgotten to close it properly. He walked over to the door and was about to close it when he noticed a red wagon full of bagged groceries and a saddle bag that belonged to Mother Wisp. This was odd to the colt. Mother Wisp wouldn’t leave out the food for fear of flies and other rodents. The rain began to pour, causing Pepper to balk and quickly bring the wagon in, struggling to pull it as it was heavy.

When he finally pulled in the wagon, he went for the saddle bag and began to pull, only to stop and blink as he heard something fall out of the bag. A small parcel. The colt tilted his head. He looked around, seeing that the coast was clear. He knows it is rude to open up something that isn’t his, but something compelled him to do so. He carefully untied the rope and unwrapped the brown wrapping, seeing a silver locket with a red X crossed over it.

The colt turned it in his hooves, tapping the locket. When he pressed the top, it opened to a picture of a very beautiful mare in a sundress, smiling up at him. The color was faded. Next to the picture was an etched out message.

Time is almost up.