• Published 24th Feb 2017
  • 900 Views, 11 Comments

Lucid Dreams - Jumping Jack

A young orphan pegasus escapes into his dreams and imagination while trying to overcome his fear of befriending others. And to do that, he needs the help of three young fillies and a majestic alicorn.

  • ...

Lessons in Dreaming

The afternoon continued on and the hunt for a lone colt ended with many questions flowing through the minds of the children. Ghost Pepper had found himself tied to the chair at his desk (thanks to a certain snow white filly) and the fear increasing even more. He tried whatever he could to loosen the binds, but to no avail. Alabaster sat on his bed with her hooves crossed. Merriweather sat next to her while Pallet and the CMC circled him. Pallet rubbed his mane.

"Err... Alabaster, are you sure this is necessary? All we had to do was just-." he started.

"It's entirely necessary." she stated flatly. Ghost Pepper grunted as he tried to struggle again. He gave a defeated sigh and bowed his head. Princess Luna walked in the room, the children standing outside his door and moving aside as the princess did and blinked once in confusion. Ghost Pepper looked up and shrunk back at the sight of the tall alicorn. She returned his look with a kind smile and her horn glowed, untying the colt. Alabaster eyed the colt suspiciously as the binds came undone.

"You need not to worry, young one. I am not here to harm thou. I only want to talk." Ghost Pepper didn't say anything. The sight of having all eyes on him was unnerving.

'Please don't let me die!' he thought fearfully. Applebloom rubbed the back of her mane before looking over to Princess Luna.

"Errr.... so what exactly was that giant circle in the sky?" she asked. Princess Luna furrowed her brows worriedly. She took a moment to collect her thoughts before speaking.

"Children. As Princess of the Night, it is my duty to walk in your dreams. To watch over you and to replace the nightmares with good dreams." she sighed. "But there are some cases where even my watchful eye cannot contain." she turned to the children staring into the room. Their eyes curiously on her.

"Now wait just a minute." a voice said from outside. The children stepped aside as Funnel walked in. He looked to the rest. "Go back to your rooms. I will discuss this when Mother Wisp gets back." The children groaned in protest. But Funnel wasn't having any of it. He closed the door and turned to the princess. "Your highness, if I may be so inclined, but what right do you have in singling out one child?" Ghost Pepper eyed him suspiciously. But Princess Luna smiled at the stallion.

"I do not mean any bad will towards this orphanage. I have only come to discuss a certain privilege with the child." the alicorn said. Funnel arched a brow and looked at the colt.

"Privilege?" he asked. Ghost Pepper didn't like the way Funnel had asked it.

"Pepper can go inside other's dreams!" Applebloom chimed in, smiling at the colt. This raised a few brows in the room. Applebloom quickly followed it up. "W-well, I mean, can he?" Princess Luna nodded before turning to the colt.

"Young one, do you recall the scene with your friend? How you were able to witness what she was dreaming?" Ghost Pepper wasn't sure which pony she was referring too.

"F-friend?" he asked. Alabaster spoke up.

"Ghost Pepper may know a lot of us, but rarely have I ever seen him attempt friendship with anypony here." She looked to Applebloom. "Which reminds me. Why did you influence both Pepper and Pallet to go outside of the intended area Mother Wisp has stated we were never supposed to leave?" Applebloom looked at her confusedly.

"Intended area?" she asked. Alabaster closed her eyes, trying her best to remain calm and collected as she spoke.

"We were told to remain near the plaza. And what do I find? You leading both Pallet and Pepper away from the area." Pallet and Ghost Pepper seemed to bow their heads in shame. Scootaloo spoke up.

"Well, we technically didn't stay long. I mean, we went straight to Sugar Cube corner. Isn't that like... near the plaza?" Princess Luna eyed the young snow white filly, who remained stoic and sharp.

"May I ask you, child?" Princess Luna addressed the filly. Alabaster looked at her. "I understand you mean well towards your friends. So I will entrust you with a certain task I have in mind?" Alabaster arched a brow.

"Task? By the princess herself?" This seemed a little far fetched to the filly.

"It will explain what we all have witnessed. But, I need everypony's cooperation." The children exchanged glances before Alabaster sighed and nodded. Princess Luna smiled.

"Sweetie Belle." she said. The white filly perked up.

"Y-yes?" she asked.

"Would you care to help us in a certain test?" The filly looked at her friends before walking over to her. "Now stand in front of him." She did. "Hold his hoof." She was hesitant. Even the colt himself was shocked at the sudden command. "Trust me." Ghost Pepper flushed a little when Sweetie Belle took his hoof into hers. The rest looked on, one of them eyeing them suspiciously. "Now then, close your eyes, Sweetie Belle. Think of the most happiest of memories you can think of."

Sweetie Belle did as she was told. Her face scrunched up as she tried to recollect a certain memory she would deem happy. And it was one. When her and Rarity were at the sister hooves social. She could imagine her and her sister beating the competition up until the last bit where they lost by a nose hair to another group of sisters. And yet, it wasn't about the competition. It was about the trust she had towards her. Ghost Pepper saw the filly smile, her eyes remained closed.

He then looked past her to see Princess Luna levitate the plain old book that had mysteriously appeared on his desk over to him. The colt took it in his free hoof.

"Now then, child. I want you to open the book. It doesn't matter what page, as it will write whatever page you stop on." Write on whatever page he stops on? The colt arched a brow before looking at the book and opening it to the middle. He gasped, seeing words being displayed in the book.

Sweetie Belle found herself enjoying the simple moment of playing in the mud with her sister. A sign of true trust between them. Indeed, she never had so much fun in her life. And the same could be said for her sister.

The book suddenly glowed and Ghost Pepper blinked once, finding himself being drenched with rain. The storm blowing a cold wind and the mud under his hooves dirtying him up to his knees. He looked around, stunned at the sudden change of scenery. He then heard what sounded like laughing. He looked to see two white ponies, one he recognized as Sweetie Belle, mane and coat drenched and muddied, as she tackled a mare with a long drenched purple mane and bearing three diamonds as a cutie mark playfully into the mud. Ghost Pepper took a moment to register this.

He was in a different place, witnessing Sweetie Belle playing with her sister. Not only that, he could see that Sweetie Belle didn't even have her cutie mark yet. 'How long ago was this?' He heard a small pop next to him and the faint image of Princess Luna stood next to him.

"Sweetie Belle had just come to terms with accepting her sister for who she is. And in turn, Rarity found herself to enjoy the time she spends with her. The two's bond were forged this day invoking them to tolerate each other. This is something that Sweetie Belle could never forget." Ghost Pepper said nothing as he continued to watch the sisters play in the mud.

Despite the confused feeling he was getting, he couldn't help but feel envious towards her. Princess Luna eyed the colt with a smile before her horn glowed. Ghost Pepper saw the book pop in front of him. It hovered, opening itself to him.

"This book holds more than blank pages. It can read the dreams of those asleep and the memories of those awake." Ghost Pepper looked between her and the book before furrowing his brow.

"Why?" he asked suddenly. Princess Luna smiled again.

"To be honest, young one. It is an enchanted book that was given to me by a long time friend. She was always the studious of the archivists. And she entrusted me the book to aid me in my studies of the dreams. And now..." she looked to him, forcing the colt to meet her gaze. "I shall entrust it to you." Ghost Pepper didn't know what to say. The princess had entrusted him something that could probably be a danger, if not damaging. Luna, however, saw the worried look he gave and giggled. "Not to worry. You cannot change a memory that has already been recorded." She then turned her expression into a serious one. "Which is why I must warn you in using this as well."

Ghost Pepper felt himself suddenly being pulled back, the area around him warping. In the blink of an eye, he found himself sitting back in his room with Sweetie Belle looking at him groggily. She shook away the daze before arching a brow.

"What just... happened?" she asked, rubbing her head. Pallet was in awe.

"I don't know. But, you both were in a trance like state." he said. Princess Luna nodded.

"When you walk in the memories of others, you cannot be seen or change its fact. Because what you saw was what Sweetie Belle keeps close to her heart." Sweetie Belle looked confused.

"Umm... I don't quite understand." She then blinked and looked at her hoof. Ghost Pepper followed suite and he flushed when he realized he hadn't let go of her. He pulled back and rubbed his foreleg awkwardly.

"So, that book allows the kid to see the memories of others?" Funnel asked. Princess Luna nodded.

"Yes, but only to a certain degree. If you stay within the memory for too long, you will be forced out of it." Merriweather winced.

"Sounds painful." she said.

"Tis a serious headache. But, I digress. We shall go on into the next lesson, child." She looked over to Alabaster. The filly returned it with a raised brow. Princess Luna hummed slightly in thought before turning to Funnel. "Perhaps you would like to be the next lesson?" Funnel eyed the colt. He returned the suspicious look. The colt wasn't too keen on the pony being his next lesson. But then again, he was not expecting a lesson on how to read memories and dreams today. He could care less at the fact.

'But how can I refuse somepony as Princess Luna herself?' he thought. He was afraid that if he didn't go along, Princess Luna might scold him for being reckless. He didn't want to be thought of that way to the other kids. He get's it enough from Alabaster and her influence. Funnel sighed.

"Fine then. But don't expect me to hold that colt's hoof." he said as he stood next to him. Ghost Pepper frowned slightly before facing the Princess, whose horn was glowing.

"No need too. This next one will involve walking through your dreams." she said. Funnel blinked once.

"Wait, my drea-?" a small beam shot out of her horn and pelted him straight in the forehead. The stallion swayed a little before falling to his haunches and snoring loudly. Ghost Pepper arched a brow. Princess Luna looked to the CMC.

"I would like some assistance on this as well." the fillies smiled.

"You got it!" Scootaloo said before they stood next to him on both sides. Ghost Pepper wasn't sure what the princess was thinking. This seemed all so sudden. But the book began to glow and the colt opened to no particular page. He looked to see the pages being written in fancy cursive:

I found myself walking amongst the dirt path. On both my sides were flowers I can never remember the name of. But the sight was enough to inflict long ago memories of... her

Ghost Pepper blinked once again and found himself standing amongst a field of multicolored flowers. Their small, dainty appearances dotted the landscape. A cool breeze can be felt. Ghost Pepper shivered when it came by. However, it felt... nice. Like something out of a story. A small pop made him look to see the faint images of Princess Luna and the CMC. The fillies looked around, awed by the scenery. Princess Luna smiled.

"Are we..." Applebloom spoke.

"Indeed we are. At this moment, your gardener is dreaming." Scootaloo rubbed her mane in confusion.

"But I don't recall a field of flowers being anywhere in Equestria. I mean, other than Fluttershy's flower bed." the alicorn walked over to the colt.

"That is because the flowers are mental projections of the dream he is having. They are not real in anyway, shape or form. But to him, they are a meaning that will develop his dreams." The colt saw Princess Luna looking ahead. He followed suite and squinted his eyes, seeing in the distance silhouettes. Ghost Pepper arched a brow before walking up the small dirt path through the flowers. As he did, the figures became clearer. One, he knew all too well to his own dismay, was Funnel. And the other was a... very pretty mare he had never seen before. In fact, something about the mare seemed... pleasant.

Almost motherly if he could guess the presence. The mare had her back turned on the colt. Funnel seemed to be speaking happily to her, yet he couldn't make out what he was saying. The words were garbled. Ghost Pepper looked confusedly to the princess, who understood his look.

"Forgotten speech. Something that most dreams only want the dreamer to listen too. At the moment, his dream is trying to recall the memory of words he had spoke to her." she explained. The CMC were baffled by this.

"He looks so happy." Scootaloo said. Ghost Pepper looked back to the figures and stared at the back of the mare's mane. Ivory white as the flowers around them. Her hide the same as well. Funnel must have said something funny as the mare made a motion of giggling. Ghost Pepper noticed the book that was floating next to him glow. Curious, he opened a page and words began to scribble out:

My life is one of many regrets. But her? Heh... she was fool to even think I could be saved. And look where it got both of us.

The wind picked up, causing the colt to shiver. If only he had his scarf with him. He looked up from the book and cocked his head in confusion. The mare was gone. In her place was another mare. One that he couldn't help but find familiar. The sapphire mane and blue hide. Funnel had suddenly changed as well. He was tending to the flower bed at the base of the tree. The flowers were lined in a particular fashion around a small dirt mound. His expression grim.

"What's going on?" Sweetie Belle asked suddenly. Princess Luna closed her eyes for a brief moment, as if trying to collect her thoughts before turning to them.

"Dreams are a unknown factor in some cases. Such as this one, the dream he is in now is recollecting what he has experienced in another life." she said. Ghost Pepper frowned a little before looking and seeing the orphanage materialize in front of him. The flowers seemed to fade and replaced with the similar dirt ground path. He could see Funnel trotting up to the patio of the orphanage. The colt hummed softly in thought before quickly trotting after him.

Princess Luna eyed the colt curiously while the CMC were confused as to what was really going on. The colt stopped at the bottom of the steps, seeing the door opening and a younger looking Mother Wisp peered from the entrance.

"Mother Wisp?" Funnel asked. The mare opened the door fully now and studied the stallion.

"You must be the new gardener Mother Terra hired?" she asked. The stallion nodded.

"I heard that the previous one had an unexpected... state of mind." he said. Ghost Pepper noticed the book glowing again. Opening to a page, he saw more words being written out under the previous sentence:

I figured I would turn a new leaf around. Just work a simple life as a normal pony. But I guess that was too much to ask for. The mothers were kind enough to take me in and put me to honest work.

There was a slight pause before another sentence scribbled out:

But subtlety isn't my specialty. There is taint on these hooves that I can't wash. All I can hope for is to find whatever it is they are trying to find. Or let the sister's divine punishment be my undoing.

The words suddenly seemed to slither into the middle of the page and began forming a strange circular pattern. The same circle that was seen over the orphanage. Not too far off, Princess Luna and the CMC watched on. Scootaloo suddenly felt as if a presence had appeared behind them. She turned and noticed that the path they had walked on no longer being there. Instead, a dark wall began slowly crawling towards them.

"Uhhh... what is that?" Scootaloo said with worry. Princess Luna furrowed her brows, as if judging the wall. The CMC suddenly huddled together as the darkness crept closer. "L-Luna, what do we do?" Princess Luna looked past them and fell her gaze on the colt.

"Children, head inside the orphanage." Princess Luna stated. Sweetie Belle looked up at her.

"What about you?" she asked. Princess Luna gave a kind smile.

"Do not be afraid, children. Your princess will see no harm comes to you. Now take Ghost Pepper with you. He will help you out of the dream." she said. "Oh, and before you do." Her horn glowed and the CMC felt a tingly sensation on the sides of their flanks. They looked back to see their cutie-marks glow and dim. "Whenever you hear a call for help in your dreams, your marks will guide you. You have worked long and hard for them. And in return they will reward you." She turned to the creeping darkness. "Now go. I will catch up with you in the real world." The CMC looked to one another before nodding and galloping towards the unaware colt.

Ghost Pepper watched entranced by the patterns moving. His ears twitched when he heard the sound of hurrying hoofsteps heading his way. He looked up and balked when Scootaloo and Sweeite Belle ran to his sides and started tugging on him.

"We have to go!" Scootaloo shouted. Ghost Pepper gapped when he saw the creeping darkness loom over them. He found himself being dragged along into the orphanage's doorway. As he looked back, he could see Princess Luna looking over her shoulder and smiling at them. Her mouth moving, but the colt couldn't make out what she was saying. The darkness seemed to engulf her and the door shut.

Only the quiet breathing of the children could be heard. Ghost Pepper eyed the fillies with quiet suspicion before looking past them, his jaw partially lowered at the sight he was seeing. This was indeed the orphanage, but he was pretty certain the entrance didn't have a long hallway. In fact, the hallway seemed to remind him of the ones on both floors that lead to their rooms. Applebloom was the first to speak up.

"What is this place?" she asked. Sweetie Belle was examining a vase on a small round table by one of the doors and tapped it. The vase was solid to the touch, but its design rippled when the filly tapped it again. Scootaloo looked to the colt. Ghost Pepper returned her confused look and shrugged. She then rubbed her chin in thought before noticing the book under the colt's wing glowing.

"Didn't Princess Luna say that you can lead us out of the dream?" she asked. Ghost Pepper arched a questioning brow at her. This filly was joking right? Her look told him otherwise. Ghost Pepper sighed and pulled the book out from under his wing.

'Maybe the book might tell me?' he thought. He opened to a page, but the book remained blank. The colt frowned again before shaking it slightly. 'Is it broken?' He shook it furiously this time. The pages remained blank. Scootaloo sighed and looked to her friends.

"Perhaps one of the doors can lead us out? I remember Twilight mentioning about dreams being doors to the mind." she said, recalling a recent study assignment Ms. Cheerilee gave them over the break.

"Only one way ta' find out." Applebloom stated as she hopped up on her hind legs and pulled the knob. The door didn't open. Applebloom frowned before pulling again, only this time with all her might. It didn't budge. Applebloom backed away and rubbed her chin. "Sweetie Belle. Think your magic can do something about the lock?" she asked. Sweetie Belle rubbed the back of her mane.

"Ummm.... I guess?" Ghost Pepper watched the filly reach with her magic to the knob and began fiddling with it. However, Sweetie Belle seemed to be struggling, her face scrunched in sheer concentration. Ghost Pepper furrowed his brows before looking back into the book's pages. Words were now scribbling out:

My grandmother took me to a circus parade once. It was the most fun I've ever had! I got to ride an elephant, pet the animals and even watched silly looking ponies that did tricks! There was even this one nice one that gave me a balloon in the shape of a star! I was sad to see the circus had moved on. But I knew that someday, I would be as much as an entertainer as Magnified Magnificent himself!

The colt cocked his head. The book was writing down an encounter with a circus? No... this was something else entirely. If he can recall what Princess Luna told him, then this must be... He looked up and saw the door's edges glowing. Even the CMC noticed the change.

"Whoa! What happened?" Scootaloo said as she backed up with the other two. Ghost Pepper watched as the words slithered out of the book's pages, dripping to the floor before slithering up on the door and spiraling into the same pattern circle on the door. The door made a clicking sound before opening up. The children exchanged glances before peering into the doorway.

Ghost Pepper was baffled at the sight. Their vision obstructed by a flock of balloons that eventually floated away to reveal a tall three ringed circus. The children could hear what sounded like carnival rides and chatter in the distance. Not only that, Ghost pepper noticed that the entrance into the circus had two mime like ponies making strange gestures as if they were trapped by some unknown force. The colt shivered when he realized that the mimes expressions were non-existent. Just where exactly are they?

He pulled away and looked back to see the long hallway of the orphanage. Something wasn't right here, that he was certain. And yet, maybe the book did have someway of leading them out? The colt frowned to himself again.

'For a Princess who walks in our dreams, she's not very clear in matters, is she?' But he digressed.

"Wow... I didn't think a place could exist!" Sweetie Belle stated as she stepped through the door, causing the other three to panic slightly, only to realize nothing had come down to smite her. Ghost Pepper followed in after the fillies, uncertain if this was such a great idea or not.

'I mean, it seems like fun, but I don't think being transported to a circus is something to be casual about.' The colt quickly looked back into the book. The pages were blank again. 'And more importantly, why did the Princess entrust this thing to me? What am I supposed to do with a book that supposedly lets me see other's dreams and memories?' Again, the thought of Princess Luna's logic remained questionable to him as he stepped forward ahead of the CMC. The four walked up to the gate, only to suddenly have the mimes jump in their way and hold their hooves out to them, halting their progress.

At the same time, the gate suddenly shut tightly behind the mimes. A red spot light shone on them and the painted wooden face of a smiling mask sprang to life overhead.

"Naughty children! Where are your parents?" The four huddled together in more surprise than fear. "Admission into the circus is ten bits per pony. Children get in free with purchase of the family admission for only fifty bits." Scootaloo swallowed quietly before speaking.

"A-admission?" she asked. Ghost Pepper rose a brow at the mask that swayed back and forth, as if attached to a spring.

"But of course! If you want entrance into the Magnificent Monocle's Wonderous Entertainment and Family Fun Rides, then you must have admissions! But since you are without parents, I do not expect admissions without approval of adults." the mimes seemed to advance on them, causing them to back away slightly. "Therefor, I am afraid to have to turn away at such innocent eyes. Please, do come back another time with an adult and you can have all the fun you want!" Ghost Pepper shivered, the fear suddenly creeping up his spine. Applebloom turned.

"Quickly, back out the door!" she stated.

"What door?" Sweetie Belle suddenly exclaimed. They looked to see that the door they had entered into had vanished. Ghost Pepper balked and quickly ducked, scrambling out of the way as a mime reached a hoof out to him. He had to get out of here. But how? The book wasn't proving to be useful. And not only that, the three fillies stated that he is the one that can help them out of here? What is going on?

'Why did this go from simple brainstorming to manure hitting the fan really quickly?' he thought again as he bolted away from being reached at by the second mime. While the colt was unintentionally keeping the mimes distracted, the CMC quickly looked around, trying to find the door they had come through.

"Oh, horsefeathers! Where is that door!?" Applebloom said in slight annoyance. Scootaloo scanned the area and balked when she saw a giant figure of an elephant barreling towards them.

"Uhh... I think we might be in more trouble here." she said. Sweetie Belle looked frustrated.

"Oh, come on!" she exclaimed. Ghost Pepper backed up into the gate and shrunk back as the mimes advanced on him. He closed his eyes, afraid to see what will happen next.

'Somepony! Anypony! Help!!' He thought. What he wasn't expecting, however, was seeing a giant elephant suddenly loom over him. What was more surprising was seeing the CMC suddenly riding on top of it. Ghost Pepper bolted away in time as the mimes looked back to see the elephant crash into the gate. The elephant let out a cry before slowing its' charge into a walk. Ghost Pepper was speechless. The CMC slid down the elephant, high hoofing each other before smiling at the colt.

"You alright, Pepper?" Scootaloo asked. Ghost Pepper said nothing, but gave a questioning look. Applebloom spoke.

"How we managed ta' tame an elephant? It was really weird. One moment we were about ta' dive out of the way and then the next thing 'ah knew, we were ridin' on top o' it. As if we intended to do that." she explained. The CMC seemed just as confused as Ghost Pepper. However, now that they had some sort of breathing room, Ghost Pepper found himself scanning the empty pages of the book, expecting to see if new words were written.

The jealousy I felt for my sister was a choice I’ve fully regretted. I have learned to accept it. But it still haunts me more than I like to admit.

A door appeared in front of the four as if from nowhere. Sweetie Bell reached with her magic to the door and opened it. A blinding light flashed and the four found themselves in inside what appeared to be a throne room. The ceiling high above their heads making them feel like ants. Scootaloo looked around.

“Where are we now?” She asked. Ghost Pepper felt a sudden panic rise inside of him. The colt took a step back, clutching the journal in his chest. The three fillies followed his gaze to see Princess Luna looking sternly down at them from a throne bearing the moon. She stood up and walked over to the steps leading down and stood before them some distance away.

“Did you really think you can best me? The one, true ruler of Equestria?” Luna challenged. Applebloom arched a brow.

“What are ya’ sayin’, princess?” She asked. Luna stomped her hooves fiercely that they echoed with a thunderous boom, causing the four to huddle together in fear.

“There can only be one princess in Equestria! And that princess… will be me!!” She roared. Lightning flashed outside the windows and a loud, thunderous crash shook the entire place. The circular window above the two thrones darkened as the moon eclipsed the sun. Luna began floating into the air as a dark, midnight mist began to surround her.

The four gasped. Sharp teeth a, cold stare slowly turning into a gleeful, unnerving sparkle. Coat as dark as the night. Ghost Pepper cowered behind the three fillies as the being began an escalating laugh, her flowing mane filling the room with a starry cloud.

“N-N-Nightmaremoon!” The three said in fearful unison. Nightmaremoon glowered at the four, her horn aiming at them. They huddled together as a beam of midnight sailed towards them. Time slowed. Ghost Pepper felt his panic rise even more. Fearfully watching as the beam got closer and closer. Then, as if a prayer has been answered, Princess Luna herself landed in front of them and unfurled her wings in a majestic manner of challenge. Time sped up and the beam bounced off of Luna’s barriers around them. Nightmaremoon looked on in shock.

Princess Luna aimed her own horn and a white, thin beam punctured Nightmaremoon, the being exclaiming her protests of anguish before popping in a bright flash of sparkling stars. The three fillies gave relieved sighs.

“Thanks, Luna!” Scootaloo said with a grateful smile. Luna turned to them and nodded before her eyes fell onto the cowering colt. She eyed him worriedly before smiling and extending a hoof to him. Ghost Pepper peeked out from his forehooves and looked up at the princess with awe.

“Let us return to the waking world.” She said. Ghost Pepper hesitated, extending his own hoof out towards her’s. When he held on, she brought the CMC in with her wings and closed her eyes. The world around them faded.

Princess Luna opened her eyes and smiled as she watched the three fillies stir from their own slumbers. Ghost Pepper stirred and blinked tiredly as he saw the many eyes on him. The other children had peeked their heads in.

Funnel stirred awake next to the colt and rubbed his head. Princess Luna gave the stallion an apologetic look.

“I am deeply sorry for mine sudden invasion. You have helped greatly.” She said. Funnel frowned and stood up.

“You should have let me pick the dream…” he mumbled. Ghost Pepper eyed the stallion with suspicion. Funnel dusted himself off. “Any other wants, your majesty?” There was a hint of sarcasm underneath his tone, but Luna shook her head and stood up.

“Tis all I have accomplished here. But may I ask to speak with the young one here privately?” Luna asked. She smiled at the three fillies. “With present company included.” Sweetie Bell yawned and rubbed her eyes.

“Sounds good.” She replied. Funnel continued to grumble, stepping around the princess. Ghost Pepper narrowed his eyes, seeing the glance Funnel made to an unaware Luna. Luna then looked to Alabaster, Merriweather and Palette.

“May I ask of thee children to wait outside? Tis will not be long.” She smiled kindly to them. Alabaster shot a stern look at the colt.

“Be on your best behavior, Pepper.” The filly said before hopping off of the bed and walking out the door with Merriweather glancing at her with concern while Palette followed with a small wave and smile to him. With the five now alone in the room, Luna put a hoof to her muzzle and aimed her horn at the door. Ghost Pepper eyed the princess curiously as Luna turned back around.

“Thy curiosity of thy playmates are to be expected. We need not worry about them for now.” Luna said. Applebloom rubbed her head in a confused manner.

“So… I don’ git what happened. All of that was a dream?” Luna nodded in response to the filly’s question. “You said Ghost Pepper could lead us out. Was that intended?” Luna sighed and looked sad before speaking.

“I am afraid that what you all saw was what happens when a pony buries memories. If the dreamer doesn’t want others to know, the cleanser will throw you back out.” Luna then looked to the colt, sternly. “Young one. Heed my warning. I’ve granted thee these gifts of lucid dreaming as a request for thine aid. A dark aura has fallen onto this orphanage and it has the will to do harm to everypony here.” The colt stiffened and began to shiver. The princess’s gaze never leaving him. She then smiled softly.

“Do not be afraid, for thy will not do this task alone. I have asked these three to aid thee. And I too shall lend my aid. There is a spell I must cast if we are to rid of this danger. Which is why I ask of thee to ensure the safety of thy playmates. Doing so will allow me to find the danger and banish it.” The young colt wasn’t sure how to process any of this. Luna’s stern gaze made him feel overwhelmed. So much so, that he glanced out the window. Imagining himself just bolting out and flying away, never to be seen again.

That option was much better than having to deal with all the stress and anxiety running through his head at the sheer thought of approaching the others in their dreams.

Author's Note:

It has been a long while since I’ve worked on this fic. Yet, it still feels like yesterday the ideas I had for it.