• Published 24th Feb 2017
  • 900 Views, 11 Comments

Lucid Dreams - Jumping Jack

A young orphan pegasus escapes into his dreams and imagination while trying to overcome his fear of befriending others. And to do that, he needs the help of three young fillies and a majestic alicorn.

  • ...

Brisket County and The Whoppers

Mother Wisp gathered the kids outside the front of the orphanage. Making a quick head count, she was relieved to see Ghost Pepper had managed to be present, albeit further behind the kids. Nevertheless, Mother Wisp looked to the children.

“Today we will all be working on your presentation to your potential adoption pair. That means you will all be able to show off what your interests are as well as any hobbies or special talents. I will be heading into Ponyville with a list of things that you all will request. But, I need to ask that you all think long and hard about this. This is meant for an opportunity to have you all show off what makes you special. No requesting stuff that is not relevant to your special talents.”

The children began muttering amongst themselves. Mother Wisp held up a hoof.

“To those that do not have a cutie-mark, do not worry about being excluded. This is for everypony. Your talents will come to you. Do what you do best. Now then, I’ll be going around to each one of you and asking what you need. We’ll start with… Torque.” Mother Wisp might as well get the elephant in the room out of the way. The children began to chat amongst themselves as Torque stepped forward. Mother Wisp brought out a note pad and a pencil, writing down the filly’s materials. Which, to no ponies surprise, was a lot of electrical stuff.

Pepper watched as one by one, the kids were interviewed, some taking a bit to decide on what they could possibly think of. Mother Wisp seemed a bit irritated by some requests and quickly suggested something much more down to earth. When it came to Merriweather’s turn, she asked couple of rubber balls, a couple of bowling pins and three rings. She also shyly asked for a couple of plates from the orphanage. Mother Wisp found this to be quite an interesting request, but shrugged and wrote it down.

That just left Ghost Pepper. The kids grew quiet as Pepper nervously stepped forward. Either for curiosity's sake or what other, Mother Wisp studied the colt. With the attention he has been getting, it was hard to make out quite what should be expected. And Pepper knew this. Princess Luna states that his special talent is lucid dreaming. But in the ways of adoption, what parents would want to have a kid be able to sleep a lot and walk freely in dreams?

Parents would want their children to make something of themselves. Sleeping is just lazy. Mother Wisp put the pencil into the spiral of the notebook and sighed softly, sitting down on her haunches.

“Pepper. You must understand that I want nothing but the best for you. This is your chance to show ponies that you are not a skittish colt. You may have certain… privileges at the moment. But that should not distract you from going to a good home. Just do your best, Pepper, and you’ll be golden.” She brought out the pencil and waited for the colt to request. Pepper felt all eyes on him. What should he do? He has honestly never really put much thought into what he wanted to do or be.

The colt thought long and hard. Maybe a writer? While still a newbie at writing, he did find enjoyment in writing just a bit more than anypony here. He rubbed his foreleg before looking up to her.

“M-maybe an empty book and some pencils? I-I want to try writing.” He muttered. Mother Wisp couldn’t help but find it a simple, but surprisingly normal request. She wrote it down and nodded with a soft smile.

“Very well. With that in mind, you all are free to play whatever you want while I’m away. But remember, no going past the oak tree, out in the field or give Funnel trouble. And especially don’t make a mess or else everypony will be on chore duty again.” She said sternly.

“Yes, Mother Wisp.” The kids said in unison. Mother Wisp picked up her saddle bag and trotted over to a waiting wagon that had pulled up during the interviews. Mother Wisp always had time to contact the taxi wagon puller. A close friend to janitor Weiss for convenient travel. As the wagon took off down the road, the kids began to chatter amongst themselves, eventually leading up to a free for all game of tag.

Pepper sat on the porch with his journal open. He re-read the passage that Mrs. Marigold left behind. Where would her happiest memory be? And how could it help him? No matter how many times the colt read it, it just didn’t make sense. As the colt closed his eyes for a brief moment to think, when he opened them back up, he felt a presence that made him turn with a startled expression. Funnel was leaning against the post pillar connecting the stair railing to the porch. He watched the kids play before casting a downward sideways look at Pepper. He then motioned with his head and began to walk to the side of the orphanage. Pepper's ears dropped, gulping softly before putting his journal under his wing and following Funnel, unaware of the attention it brought to a young filly.

Funnel led Pepper towards the side of the gardening shed and looked over to see if any of the kids were getting curious. He then brought Pepper around sternly, causing him to hiss in a bit of pain.

"You've been busy, haven't you?" Funnel began. He let go of Pepper, he rubbed his foreleg. Funnel noticed the journal under the colt's wing and he yanked it out of his hold. Pepper balked and reached for it, only for Funnel to put a hoof on his head and hold him back, despite the colt trying to push back.

"Give it back!" He said with a raised voice. Funnel shushed him and put the book on the ground, flipping open to the passage. Pepper was then pushed away, the colt shivering as he shrunk back at the stallion's cold glare.

"Keep your voice down and I promise to not tell Mother Wisp where you were last night." He stated. Pepper's eyes widened in surprise. Funnel shifted his frown before pointing at the journal. "Do you know what this passage means?" The colt eyed the journal and then back to Funnel. Pepper shook his head softly. Funnel looked down at the journal and scanned the page. "Happiest memory, huh? I wonder what kind of happiest memory the nanny has?" He muttered under his breath. Funnel looked to the colt. "Were you able to get anything else out of nanny's dream?" He asked. Pepper's terrified look turned to that of slight confusion. Mother Wisp's dream? The colt looked at the journal and his eyes glinted in realization. Pepper racked his brain, coming up with a small idea.

"I-I wasn't able to understand most of it. J-just a memory about her late husband and kids." He replied. Funnel rubbed his chin.

"Late husband and kids? Hmmm... And are you sure there was nothing else?" The stallion frowned as the colt tried to come up with another excuse, only for the stallion to take it as the colt being scattered brain. He clicked his tongue and batted the journal over to the colt. Pepper quickly closed it and hugged it close to his chest. "So much for being a bright child. Regardless, it's something at least." He sighed and scrapped the ground with a small kick of his foreleg. Pepper balked. He had to do something. The colt stood up.

"M-Maybe at the neighbor's house?" He suggested. He wasn't sure if it was good enough. But the stallion froze and looked at him, narrowing his eyes.

"Mrs. Marigold's?" He asked. The stallion's look transitioned to that of a victorious smile. "Of course... the nanny was great friends with that old bat. It's only right she would keep some secrets with her neighbor..." He then grinned at the colt. "Good work, kid. But that can't be all there is. I expect you to probe the nanny's mind a bit more. Remember, her safety is on the line. You do this favor for my job and you'll be a hero. Just like in your fantasy novels." He pat the stunned colt on the shoulder. "Dunno what Mother Wisp was thinking. You are a pretty great helper." With that, he brought Pepper around and gently pushed the colt forward, making him stumble a bit. "Run along now. I gotta' tend to the gardens here. And don't worry. Your little night trot is safe with me." Pepper looked down at the ground worriedly. He hoped he had done enough to throw off the pony's trail of that inheritance letter.

As much as his trust was towards his playmates and the nanny herself, Princess Luna's words kept resonating in the back of his mind. He had to ensure the safety of the others. But... does he have to ensure the safety of Funnel as well? Princess Luna seemed a bit off when the colt mentioned Funnel in his dream. The colt sighed and adjusted his scarf. His look furrowed into a thought. He held up a tail of the scarf and studied it. It was only twice, but he remembers his scarf coming to life into massive, long extra limbs that seemed to brutally handle a situation. Once in the dream and the other was what ever happened to the orphanage. Another thought came to his mind. Taking a look around, seeing that Funnel was digging through the shed, Pepper held the book under his wing and began to canter around the side of the house, darting just close to the shrubs and flowers planted by Funnel by the porch and entered inside the orphanage. He made his way towards his room, retracing the steps that led to that activation.

When he climbed out the window and floated up to the roof of the orphanage, he crept low as to not make himself visible to the others. Finding a good spot, he sat down and examined his scarf tails. How did they work? What could he do to trigger it again? He opened the journal and laid it out next to him. He then began to flail the tails out in front of him. Seeing as that wasn't working, he scrunched his muzzle in thought.

"Okay... then maybe it's... voice activated?" He asked himself quietly. He stared determinedly ahead and took a deep breath. He tossed out his hoof outstretched in front of him. "Go forth!" He commanded. Nothing. The colt looked quizzical. He waved his hoof. "Err... I call upon thee?" Still nothing. He frowned a little as he then unwrapped his scarf around him and put it down at his hooves. He tapped it.

Does it require to be in a certain environment? Perhaps the dream plane? The colt hummed softly to himself in thought. He took his journal and flipped to an empty page. He brushed the page softly and furrowed. He then closed his eyes and began to imagine his scarf coming to life. He imagined it standing up on the tails and began to walk around him. He chuckled as he imagined a small little dance it would do too.

When he opened his eyes, he found that nothing has changed. Pepper frowned. He sighed and tossed his scarf back around his neck. The only piece of clothing that was from his home. He couldn’t quite remember his home anymore. He doesn’t even remember his parents at all. Who they were or what they did. It felt strange to feel homesickness despite the colt having already accepted the orphanage as his residence for now. He then heard a “psst” call out to him from behind.

He looked over his shoulder and tilted his head slightly. He saw a hoof wave at him before ducking behind the other side of the roof. Pepper gave a concerned look. Did he intrude upon somepony else taking refuge on the roof? Most of the children here are earth ponies, save for a couple that were unicorn or pegasus. The only other pegasi he knows of is a colt named Puffle Cloud.

Curiosity got the better of him. Pepper crept over to the top of the roof and peeked over. He could see the kids down below playing. He heard another “psst” that made him turn to his left. He saw the top of somepony’s head duck under the roof. That’s odd. Pepper shimmied and crawled over to where the head had ducked behind, only to see that it led down to the side of the orphanage. Pepper frowned. Is Puffle messing with him.

Pepper looked back to the playing kids. He squinted his eyes and spied the pegasus colt talking with two other kids. Pepper’s ears flicked as he heard muttering from below. He looked over the roof, only to duck back and peek out. Funnel is talking to the two other bad ponies, Pickle Rind and Shanty. Pickle wore his usual brown suite while Shanty was now clad in a casual Rarity dress. Yet, despite the lady like looking appearance, she was boredly twirling what appeared to be a small knife around her hoof.

“… He’s been kind enough to accept those collections we made. But we need to get that letter now or all of us will be put to the gallows!” Pickle growled. Funnel sighed.

“And I told you I have it taken care of. The colt has been a major help.” Funnel replied unimpressed. Shanty scoffed before stabbing the knife into the side of a tree.

“You think a little brat is going to help? The snot ridden bastards are the most brutally honest insects known to pony kind. Keep in mind that now both princesses are involved in this dispute.” She hissed coldly. “And with Princess Luna being favorable to the younger populace, what’s to say that colt hasn’t given away our plans?” Pepper’s eyes narrowed as he continued to listen.

“Because I made him believe I’m an agent working to protect the nanny and the others. I know it worked because he showed me a passage in that little dream journal of his giving a clue as to where it could be kept. The very pony we borrowed from.” He explained. Pickle rubbed his muzzle.

“You better be right. Because if you mess up this time, it’ll be your head.” He growled. “The heroes of Equestria. Princess Luna and Celestia. This place has been getting much more attention than it deserves. Our client will not have any more delays. You have three days left, Funnel.” The stallion adjusted his suite collar and nodded. “Good day.” Shanty smirked at Funnel, taking out the knife, twirling it before flicking it down in front of his hooves.

“If you feel the pressure is too much, just save us the trouble. Ta-ta!” She trotted over to Pickle, helping her into the wagon before stepping inside. Funnel spat on the ground and picked up the knife. He studied it before flipping it closed and pocketing it. Pepper ducked back as the stallion made a motion to scan the sky. The colt listened as he heard the hoof steps of the gardener trot back around the orphanage. The colt darted his eyes in thought.

Pepper stood up, only to slip on a loose tile. He yelped as he began tumbling down the roof. The colt panicked as he felt he was close to falling off the edge but was stopped, his hindlegs dangling over the edge. The colt scrambled to righten himself, whimpering. He then felt something around his neck a little firm. He looked back to see that the ends of his scarf had become familiar looking claws that dug into the roof.

Pepper took a moment to calm himself before tugging on his scarf. He saw the claws reform back into the tails of the scarf. The colt looked dumbfounded as his scarf draped in front of him. It actually happened. But… how did it happen? Ghost Pepper cautiously tapped his scarf. No reaction. The colt then sighed.

"Pepper! Get down from the roof!" A voice called out. He froze and looked down to see Alabaster frowning disappointedly at him. A couple of the kids looked up from what they were doing. Pepper narrowed his eyes spitefully at the filly. Rule or not, he doesn't want to deal with his tormentor. The colt turned and scampered up the roof to the other side. "Hey! Don't ignore me! I'm going to tell Mother Wisp!" She called out. The filly groaned in frustration and scrapped the ground with a fore hoof in a kick. "Why does he have to be so frustrating?!" She frowned. Merriweather looked worriedly at Alabaster.

"M-maybe just let him be?" She asked. Alabaster turned a glare to her, and Merriweather panicked. Alabaster has done a lot to help Merriweather's confidence. But as much as Merriweather admired Alabaster, any mention of Pepper would leave her agitated. Merriweather never understood what caused her to start picking on Pepper so much. But she can't really disagree with her. Pepper was once a great helper around the orphanage. But one misstep caused Alabaster to call him out.

And ever since, they have been noticing the colt cutting corners.

"Now, class. I hope you all have your science project essays ready! I'll be going around and doing a run through of your projects before we will present them in the science fair." Ms. Cheerlie said. The kids began chattering excitedly amongst each other. Ms. Cheerlie held up a hoof. “Settle down and get with your science partners. I’ll be coming around to hear about what you’ll be presenting.” The children paired up. Applebloom and Sweetie Bell together. Scootaloo with Pipsqueak. All four sat with each other, papers in front of them.

“What’ll ya’ll goin’ to do?” Applebloom asked Scootaloo and Pipsqueak. Pipsqueak held up a paper as Scootaloo presented to them.

“A replica of Mount Vahoovious. Figured we just try something simplistic but fun.” Scootaloo smiled as she pointed to Pipsqueak. “Pipsqueak made some minor tweaks though.” The small colt nodded.

“Made a special compound that’ll wow even Princess Twilight herself!” He said excitedly. Sweetie Bell snickered.

“I think Twilight would be impressed with anything science-y.” She spoke. Scootaloo motioned to the two.

"What about you two? What are you planning on doing?" She asked. Applebloom pointed at her paper.

"We are plannin' on using the many ways you can use apples. More than just cider and sauce and pie, mind you." The filly stated. There was a loud snort and the four turned to see Blackheart kicking back in his desk. The four frowned.

"Sounds like a whole load of boring." The colt said boredly. Scootaloo crossed her forelegs.

"I bet Featherweight's is much more interesting then. Since clearly you both worked on it." The filly replied sarcastically. Blackheart had been a recent addition to the schoolhouse. Yet, it hasn't been three months in when the colt already made a big impression towards the children. Manipulative and cold. A bully to the bone. And for some strange reason, Ms. Cheerlie is oblivious to it. Which baffled the kids as Ms. Cheerlie is usually so much better at catching bad behavior. Even Diamond Tiara is finding it annoying. The reformed bully has made it a war with the colt, who gladly had accepted the challenge and the two had been getting into plenty of petty situations. The Cutie-Mark Crusaders and the kids tried their best to stay on Diamond Tiara's side, but Blackheart always seemed two steps ahead of her. Diamond Tiara remains ever vigilant, however. Blackheart shrugged.

"Colt is smart enough to handle it. Never was good with science. Now, athletics, is more my thing. Featherweight did most of the thinking. And I did the walking." The colt smirked smugly. Sweetie Bell shook her head disapprovingly.

"And what is that supposed to mean?" She asked with an arched brow. The colt waved a hoof lazily.

"Featherweight is making an obstacle course for me to run in. Each obstacle being a representation of inertia. And so on and so forth." He pat his chest proudly. "Might involve a couple of collateral projects, but I aim to win." He grinned slyly. This didn't sit well with the group. Knowing it was going to be no good, Applebloom motioned with her head to the others.

"C'mon, guys. Let's find someplace quiet without any distractions." She said. Blackheart waved at the group as they walked over to the other side of the classroom, chuckling softly to himself. With the group ignoring the colt, Scootaloo sighed.

"What is that colt's deal? I swear, he's just so... abnormal." She stated. This wasn't at all wrong. This wasn't the usual type of stereotypical bullying. The colt seemed to know his strengths and weaknesses, using both to somehow turn everything to his favor. Some of the kids feel it was dumb luck and happenstance. Blackheart eyed the kids as they went about their talks. He hummed to himself with a smug smile on his face. It all came to him in a dream. The science fair project that'll crush the other competition, leaving him the top dog of the schoolhouse. The colt found that all his ideas came from his dreams. Something he noticed when he was an urchin back at the run-down orphanage.

As much as the twiggy pegasus wanted to do something entirely different, the colt made sure that they went with his idea. Who would have thought? Being able to run and crush things would be a good project for science? The colt could just relive it now. He closed his eyes and imagined it. Monkey bars, see-saw, swings and many other things so happily provided by Diamond Tiara for the new playground. He imagined the other children's own projects. How they were perfectly aligned with his trajectory and motions. Each project being crushed under his hooves. Yes, a perfect thought. But when the colt opened his eyes, he gasped at the sight in front of him.

A cottage up in flames. The smell of ash and burnt wood. The smoke rising high. And the colt stood in soot covered coat and mane. He wasn't crying. He wasn't even sad. The memory flowed into him as quickly as the fire had started. A small smile crept on his face as tears began to trail down his face. The many times this has come back to haunt him, he could only chuckle at it. Such vindication welled up inside of the colt. The colt blinked once, knowing that if he did, he would be back in the real world. Yet, it didn't happen. And this puzzled the colt immediately. He began to look around before his eyes fell onto a familiar colt.

The light cyan pegasus looked on in horrified awe at the burning cottage. Blackheart's mind wasn't able to comprehend the sight of the colt until he met his look. Blackheart expected the colt to tremble at the sight of him. It was to be expected. The many beatings, including the recent one, should have stuck with the colt for as long as he lived. Yet, he only looked at him in apologetic worry. Once again, Blackheart was puzzled by this.

"Pepper?" He finally spoke.

"Pepper?" a voice spoke, waking the colt up. Ms. Cheerlie looked at the colt in stern worry. "Would you care to explain how peppers will be implemented into yours and Featherweight's science project?" She asked with an arched brow. Blackheart blinked and tapped his chin.

"Not sure. I just felt a strange craving for peppers. But, if you think about it, maybe Featherweight can work something out." The colt replied in a non-chalant manner. This came natural to the colt. Roll with the flow was his motto. The teacher mare looked to Featherweight. Blackheart hadn't noticed the colt. Featherweight glanced fearfully at Blackheart before nodding.

"Y-yes. I-I can probably figure something out. A-after all, Blackheart is going to run the course." He replied. Blackheart put on a feigned smile and nodded. This swayed Cheerlie to shrug and shake her head softly.

"As long as the topic remains true, I just hope it doesn't take up too much time. Each child is to present their project within a ten minute timeframe." She said. Blackheart smirked challengingly and pat his chest.

"I can clear it in three." He stated. This satisfied Cheerlie, the mare turning to trot over to the next group. From afar, Applebloom narrowed her eyes.

"Did he just say, Pepper? As in, the name Pepper and not peppers?" She asked the others. Sweetie Bell and Scootaloo exchanged glances and nodded. Applebloom rubbed her chin in thought. Pipsqueak stopped what he was writing to chime in.

"I hear Blackheart was an orphan. Adopted by Mr. and Mrs. Stock that moved in two years ago." He said in a low voice as to not draw attention to them. The three fillies' eyes widened slightly in realization. The bell rang and Ms. Cheerlie tapped her desk.

"Now remember, my little ponies! We will all meet at the front of the Town Hall when you've all gathered your projects. Don't be late!" She said over the children gathering their stuff and filing out of the schoolhouse happily. Blackheart snorted and looked to Featherweight, grinning.

"Lucky for us, everything is all set. Just need to make a few adjustments. You can also forget about the peppers." He said with disgust. Featherweight saluted, zipping away from the colt. The fillies and Pipsqueak watched as Blackheart crossed his hooves and frowned, as if struggling with a thought. When he noticed the fillies staring, he grinned. "Take a picture. It'll last longer." He said, standing up and trotting past the group, shoulder bumping into Scootaloo to knock her on her haunches. She glared at the colt as he walked by. Sweetie Bell hummed in thought.

"I've got a bad feeling about today." She said. The three fillies suddenly had a flash of a burning cottage and a soot covered colt looking puzzled. The three rubbed their heads and shook them. Pipsqueak looked at them worriedly.

"Are you girls alright?" He asked. Applebloom nodded.

"'Ah think so." She replied. Sweetie Bell furrowed her look.

"At some point, we should check up on Pepper.” She said. Applebloom smiled and nodded.

“After the science fair, let’s race on over to the orphanage!” She stated. Pipsqueak motioned towards Ponyville.

“Wouldn’t it be dark by the time you three make it to the orphanage?” He asked. Applebloom nodded.

“That’s okay though! We have somepony that can get us there likity split!” She grinned. “Ain’t that right, Scootaloo?” The pegasus filly grinned.

“We’ll be there before the sun hits the horizon!” She stated. With that settled, the four cantered towards Ponyville. As they raced by in the directions of their homes, fliers were posted almost everywhere about the Honeyfield Orphanage Adoption Fair. The flier read:

Honeyfield Orphanage Adoption Fair!!

Potential parents, come meet the talented adopts wanting a good home! There will be cake!

Mother Wisp had returned from her trip to Ponyville. Funnel helped her unload the wagon and pass out the requested items for each kid. She personally handed Ghost Pepper, who was snoozing quietly on the porch chair, a blank book and a couple of pen, quill and quill ink. Pepper stirred as Mother Wisp nodded to him.

“I’m a bit curious, Pepper. Whatever did you have in mind to write?” She asked with genuine curiosity. Pepper has thought about it a bit. But he soon came up with an idea. He wanted to make something similar to Of Rice and Ponies, but with a western take. The characters would be a mix of Sherclop and Wattson. Constance and Tussel. The title he had thought of was something that just popped into his head.

Brisket County and The Whoppers. The colt smiled and opened the book, taking a pen to the page and began scribbling the title. Mother Wisp tilted her head at the chicken scratch but found the name of the title rather silly. She left the colt to his devices, giving a stern look at Pallet nearly dropping a paint bucket against the house. As Mother Wisp went around to each children regarding their presentations, Ghost Pepper’s head began to fill with ideas.

Brisket County would be an orphan, like him. But he’s a do gooder sharpshooter, accompanied by his three companions, forming a gang called The Whoppers. The colt thought it a fitting name. Brisket, the heart of gold, rugged sharpshooter. Sesame, the strong and brave genius with a love of all things rustic. Prickly, the hot headed and sharp-tongued slash disgraced sheriff. And lastly, Crumbs. The lovable oaf who isn’t the brightest, but a loyal friend to the end. The colt hummed as he drafted out the ideas in his head.

His journal next to him shuddered, catching the colt’s attention. He blinked and opened the book.

I could relive this moment forever. Let it be known that I will take control of my own life. Rest in peace, Glitter Hope. You will not be missed.

The colt furrowed his look in concern. He turned to the next page and his jaw dropped a bit. His journal had jotted down his ideas into the pages. The colt cautiously tapped the page, wondering if anything else would be written. But seeing as nothing did, he warily went back to thinking of more ideas. Throughout the remaining time the children had and in between chores, Pepper thought of more things for his book.

He would start with Brisket saving one of the companions. The two would then later meet the other companions down the line. When the four would meet, they would handle a few jobs before getting caught up in a land dispute from a rich baron and a rival gang. The colt thought about it a bit more. With some minor changes, he could come up with something worthwhile in this matter. He had another thought.

Maybe Brisket would be guided by a mysterious figure that only he could see? The Mare of Limbo. Perhaps? The colt shook his head. He’d have to come up with a different name for the figure. As the day progressed and it was wind down hours, the kids would idle in their rooms or chat amongst each other, even a couple helping each other out with their presentations. Alabaster and Merriweather were well under way with it.

It seems the filly took inspiration from Pinkie Pie. She tried juggling the balls, wanting to see if she could sing along with Alabaster’s song. But the clashing genres seemed to not work out as they intended. Merriweather decided to pass on her requests to a young filly with a frizzy sapphire mane and a light purple coat. Ferris Wheel loved all things carnival. It didn’t take long for Ferris to teach Merriweather a bit of juggling, leaving Alabaster to practice her violin.

Pallet and Tea Stout were the picture-perfect partners. One wanting to be a mane stylist model while the other wanting to do nothing but fill in blank canvases. Pallet waved to Pepper as he walked by, but the colt was too engrossed in his book to notice. As the colt trotted into his room and shutting the door, he turned around and froze. Something felt off about his room. A heavy presence lingered around him.

The colt looked around cautiously, feeling a sudden panic that caused him to feel his heartbeat. Pepper warily went back to thinking up ideas for his story, sitting at his desk and lighting the candle. When the colt sat back, he continues to ignore the heavy presence that now seemed to send a shiver down his spine. Sensing it was behind him, he took a moment to calm himself and focused on writing. It helped to distract him from it all.

As the colt began writing down his first ever paragraph, using the ideas from the journal earlier, he made it to the next paragraph when he froze. The presence was heavy. Much heavier than usual. The colt looked down at his book terrified. Why is this happening to him? Why is this presence choosing him? Why is it always him? He was unable to move. He could hear something creak from the adjacent bed next to his. Heavy hoofsteps beginning to walk around his room.

They eventually came to a stop behind him. Pepper’s ears began to ring as he felt his breathing being held. He was afraid to turn around. Afraid to see what was waiting for him to do so. The colt shut his eyes tightly, making a small prayer of help.

As if the very divine beings answered, there was a loud clack against his window. The presence immediately vanished and the colt spun around, glancing around his room. The clacking turned into a knock. Pepper quickly darted over to the window and peeked out from the side. He gapped as he saw a familiar yellow and red filly balancing on a small brick to look in.

When she saw the colt, she smiled and waved. A feeling of relief and curiosity replaced his fear. He opened the window and Applebloom saluted coolly.

“Hiyah, Pepper! May we come in?” She asked as Sweetie Bell and Scootaloo poked their heads up and smiled. Pepper eyed the fillies. He shouldn’t do it. Allowing other kids outside of visiting hours is against the rules. While there is no harm in having outside friends, Mother Wisp made it clear that some things will drastically change. It’ll be better if the outside children were back at home and shouldn’t be out after curfew.

But being told that it was rude to refuse aid, the colt nodded and stepped aside. They did scare off whatever was in his room, after all. The fillies climbed in and looked around, Sweetie Bell shivering.

“Brrr… You need to have some sort of heating in here.” She stated. Pepper tilted his head. Spring evenings are cool if anything. Applebloom took a seat in front of the side of his bed while Scootaloo took a seat on the window edge. Sweetie Bell turned to the colt and smiled. “Bet you are wondering why we are here at this time of hour.” She said. The colt held up a hoof in a shush manner. He crept towards the door, putting his ear against it for any sounds. Thankfully, it appears that the sound of a violin was making it hard to hear anything right now.

He turned back to the three and nodded. Sweetie Bell cleared her throat and continued.

“Well. We wanted to check up on you. Have you’ve been napping lately?” She asked. Pepper scratched his head with the tip of his hoof quizzically before nodding. Scootaloo hopped off the window edge and walked over to the desk, scanning the page of his journal.

The colt balked and quickly dashed over, closing the journal and hugging it close to his chest. The fillies arched brows at him.

“Are you alright?” Applebloom asked. They knew it was going to be a bit tricky to get the colt to respond appropriately. But Pepper did shake his head.

“D-don’t look in it…” He muttered. Scootaloo rubbed the back of her head.

“Alright? I guess?” She shrugged to the others. Applebloom motioned to the journal.

“Can ya’ at least tell us what that burnin’ cottage was about?” She asked. Pepper’s eyes widened in recognition. How could he forget. Luna had told him the fillies are tied to his dreams. He bit his lip, trying to think of a good way to explain it.

“I… I don’t know. I-it wasn’t a dream. I-it felt like a memory.” He stated. “B-but I’m not sure how. I… I don’t want to go back there.” Scootaloo crossed her hooves and hummed in thought.

“Was it that traumatizing? That colt didn’t seem too upset. Though, it was hard to tell.” She said. Applebloom nodded.

“It didn’t look like a Ponyville cottage either. I wonder where it was?” She asked more to herself. Sweetie Bell saw the concerned knowing look in Pepper’s expression.

“Do you happen to know that colt, by chance?” She asked him. Pepper quickly balked in surprise before shaking his head furiously, hugging the floor and burying his face as he shivered uncontrollably. All the horrifying memories of his tormentor coming back to him. Applebloom went over and pat the back of the colt.

“Relax. No need to be frightened. It’s just somethin’ we saw. We don’t have to get too into it.” She said with a reassuring smile. The two others nodded in agreement. Pepper peeked out from under his hooves and eyed them cautiously. His ears flicked as he noticed something was off. It was quiet. And the sound of hoofsteps and child chatter were beginning to reach closer. Pepper stood up immediately, panic in full swing.

He looked around and saw his wardrobe. He dashed over to it and opened it up, motioning for the three to hide in it. Just as they were going to ask, they heard Mother Wisp.

“Alright, children. Roll call. Please come out and wish each other goodnight.” She called out. The fillies nodded to each other and squeezed into the wardrobe. Pepper shut it just in time too as Mother Wisp knocked on his door. “Pepper. Please come out and say goodnight.” He quickly moved over to the door and unlocked it. Mother Wisp eyed the colt as he stepped out, taking a quick glance into his room. The window was open, but that was the norm with the child.

He looked to his sides, seeing the other kids, some in night caps as they lined up in front of their doors. Mother Wisp smiled softly before trotting down to the end of the hall.

“Goodnight, children!” She called out.

“Goodnight, Mother Wisp!” The children replied in unison.

“Tomorrow you will all be practicing for your presentations, so get plenty of rest. Funnel will be checking up on everypony and if they aren’t in bed, you will hear it from me. Understand?” She said sternly.

“Yes, Mother Wisp.” The children replied in unison. She nodded, satisfied with the night routine, turning to enter her room. Pepper looked around, seeing the kids begin to walk in. His gaze fell onto Alabaster, who gave him a sideways glance as she turned to enter her room. He frowned and turned around to enter his own, locking the door and sighing. He trotted over to the wardrobe and opened it as the fillies nearly stumbled out of it.

Applebloom dusted herself off while Sweetie Bell disgusted shook off a spider.

“Ewewew!” Pepper held up a hoof in a shushing manner. Applebloom nodded.

“Pepper’s right. Keep your voices down.” She whispered. Scootaloo looked out the window as the moon began to rise.

“What now? We won’t make it back to Ponyville.” The pegasus filly whispered back. Sweetie Bell hummed and shrugged.

“We’ll just have to make up an excuse right now. Let’s say…” she smirked. “We were invited to a sleep over and forgot to mention it.” Pepper froze and looked at the filly in horror.

Sleep over?!

Author's Note:

Took a bit longer of what I wanted out of this chapter. Not too satisfied, but as they say, the show must go on.