• Published 24th Feb 2017
  • 900 Views, 11 Comments

Lucid Dreams - Jumping Jack

A young orphan pegasus escapes into his dreams and imagination while trying to overcome his fear of befriending others. And to do that, he needs the help of three young fillies and a majestic alicorn.

  • ...

The Colt, The Scarf and The Book

Ghost Pepper found himself trotting along a dirt path. To his left, nothing but fields of apple trees. To his right, the same thing. Out before him, the same as well. A vast expanse of apple trees as far as he could see. This place seemed... familiar in a sense. He knows that he has never been here before. But he couldn't help but feel he had once caught a glimpse of this place. He continued trotting along, Celestia's sun setting over the horizon. He was in awe at the sight. He wouldn't have thought an apple orchard could look beautiful at this time.

A cold breeze blew by him, making him shiver and adjust his scarf. It was going to be a chilly night. But... why was he wandering the orchard by himself when the sun was beginning to set? He continued to trot down the path, admiring his surroundings in the process. The apples dangled tantalizingly overhead. The colt felt his stomach growl. 'Perhaps one bite won't hurt.' He extended his wings and hovered up to an apple, plucking it from the stem before landing back on the ground and brushing an apple against his coat.

He bit down, the sweet juicy flavor savored in his mouth. Taking a few more bites, he looked around. Strangely enough, night time arrived quicker than the colt expected. The moon now shone high over the tree tops. The wind began picking up, causing the colt to stop chewing and furrow his brows worriedly. He then looked at the apple. 'I hope irony doesn't have it out for me.' He thought, dropping the apple. As he did, he heard the sound of hoofsteps further up the road. He stiffened. It sounded like whoever they belonged too, they were in a hurry. He quickly looked around, hoping to spot a hiding place.

He beamed when he noticed a barn in the distance. He looked back to see if whatever was running towards him had picked up speed. Thankfully, it sounded steady enough. The colt quickly galloped down the road, reaching the barn right as the wind started howling. His scarf flailed behind him as he desperately tried to pull open the barn doors. With his effort in vain, he looked his surroundings over. He was out in the open by the barn. He looked to see the barn door having a long wooden bar locking it in place. He frowned.

'Ohh, why now?' He rubbed his chin, thinking of a way he could possible move it. His ears strained over the howling of the cold wind. It was hard to think as his body began shivering. He looked back to see if anypony had appeared in the time he was trying to open the door. He was still in the clear. The wind picked up more. The colt felt his heart beat when he started hearing the sound of a wooden window pane slapping the side. The windmill by the barn spinning faster than it should.

His fear started to set in. This felt... unnatural. What was going on? Where is he? He turned to see, to his surprise, the wooden bar no longer blocking the door. Instead, it was neatly propped up as if supporting the wall. He was confused at the sudden change, but the wind increasing in strength told him now or never. Ghost Pepper rushed in and pulled the door closed. The wind outside continued to howl, making the barn creak in agony. The colt was beginning to dread the idea of going into a barn in the middle of the night. He has read a certain horror story he had stumbled upon in the small library in the orphanage.

'The Barnyard Killer' as he recalled. The title made him shiver. 'Why would anypony create such a horrible book!?' Let alone find itself in the confines of the orphanage's library! He ruffled his mane in frustration. 'I'm an idiot for reading it!' The slapping window pane interrupted his thoughts. 'I have to get out of here! I don't want my legs to be served to ponies!' He looked around desperately, hoping to find some sort of exit. The colt stiffened, hearing another banging over the slapping window pane. It emitted from the barn door. The colt backed away, the banging increasing in impact.

He waited. Waited to see if an axe would come through the door. Just like the killer did when chasing that mare. When nothing happened, the colt leaned forward, curiosity and fear taking him over. The window pane then suddenly snapped shut and the colt yelped in unison with another surprised yelp. The pony that had entered the barn lost her balance and tumbled down the bale of hay, crash landing into a water bucket and knocking over tools.

Ghost Pepper had hid behind another stack of hay, peeking out to see who had entered. He was surprised to see a yellow filly with a red mane and bow tangled up in tools. She shook away the daze and looked fearfully around.

"W-whose there! Show yer' self!" Applebloom called out. Ghost Pepper did. Stepping out slowly from behind the hay bale, Applebloom balked. "Ghost Pepper? What are ya' doin' here?" she asked. Ghost Pepper said nothing, the usual feeling coursing through him. Why was it so difficult to talk to these fillies? Ghost Pepper remained silent as he trotted over and helped her out of the mess. As he did, they stopped to look over to the barn door, hearing it bang again. Only this time, an axe blade was poking through it. Ghost Pepper ducked behind Applebloom, much to the fillies confusion.

The blade pulled back, striking the barn again. Applebloom and Ghost Pepper backed away.

"W-we need to find someplace to hide!" she quickly said. She looked around and saw a stack of hay being the perfect spot. She quickly pulled Ghost Pepper along and they both took cover. And just in the nick of time too. The barn door was bucked open forcefully, the wind howling as the killer entered the barn. Applebloom covered her muzzle along with Ghost Pepper. They didn't want to breath. Because they knew that even a single sound could alert the creature to their presence.

But Ghost Pepper found it strange. There was indeed somepony inside, however, it sounded like it was all around them. As if the very killer didn't have a physical being. Applebloom took notice of this and quietly peeked out, seeing that there was no pony to be seen.

"What in tarnation?" she whispered. Ghost Pepper eyed the filly worriedly. He then felt a sensation that was similar to the fear he had. A presence was behind him. He looked in time, yelling as he saw a glint of a sharp axe strike down in the space between him and Applebloom. The two quickly bolted out of the hiding spot and rushed to the other side of the barn. The breathing was heavy, but they couldn't see where the killer was. The two huddled together in fear as they heard a maniacal deep laugh. "Wh-where is he!?" Applebloom stated in confusion.

Ghost Pepper didn't want to find out. He quickly bolted towards the opened barn door. Applebloom balked in surprise.

"W-wait fer' me!" Applebloom turned back, gaping as she saw a glint of a sharp axe. Ghost Pepper was about to reach the door when he heard a scream. He stopped and looked back, seeing that Applebloom was nowhere to be seen. All that was left behind was a bow. Ghost Pepper found it hard to breath.

'Oh goddesses! Please help me! I-I didn't... I....' The deep maniacal laugh rang through his ears. He crumpled to the floor, covering his ears and shaking his head furiously. 'No! No I don't want die! Somepony... anypony....' He opened his eyes when he heard the sound of hoofsteps stop in front of him. He looked up to see a towering pony in bloodied overalls and a white mask, bearing an axe. "HELP!!" he shouted.

The pony in the mask reared back, axe in motion. But something unexpected happened. The colt's scarf came to life. The tips forming into what looked like a giant palm and claws. The left claw stopped the axe from being swung and the other came around and with a clenched claw, struck the mask wearing killer. When it did, the claw grabbed the head of the pony, covering it fully before applying pressure. A loud sickening crack of bones and flesh followed after. A dark metallic liquid splattered on the colt.

And in the blink of an eye, it was over. The killer had vanished, the wind had stopped and it was suddenly day time outside. The colt was stunned. What had happened? He watched in awe, seeing the limbs of his scarf sway in place. They then slithered back, creating the scarf that sat on the colt's neck. He blinked in confusion. What was going on? He didn't know what to think. His scarf had come to life and saved him. He wasn't sure whether to be afraid that it sprung to life or glad that it didn't turn on him.

He looked over to where the killer had vanished. Other than the dark stain that dotted the colt, everything seemed back to normal. He looked to see the bow Applebloom had once worn. He suddenly felt another feeling hit him. This was also a familiar one. He had abandoned the filly in hopes of staying alive. Something that one of the protagonists in the story did, leaving the mare to be chased and cornered in the barn.

'Why did I do that? I should have helped her...' He grit his teeth, seeing his vision blur. 'I could have saved her! I could have done something!' He bowed his head, eyeing the scarf that covered his muzzle. If he had known his scarf would help him, Applebloom would probably still be alive. 'This has to be a dream! This has too!!' He stiffened, sensing a presence from behind him. He turned as a shadow loomed over him. He felt his hopes rise when he saw Applebloom standing at the barn doors, her head bowed.

"A-Applebloom?" he asked, suddenly feeling like something was wrong. The filly sniffled.

"W-why...?" she asked. Ghost Pepper drooped his ears, the guilt rising again. "Why did you leave me?" Ghost Pepper shook his head.

"I-I didn't mean too! I-I was hoping you would follow after!" he said quickly. Applebloom shook her head.

"Some kind of friend you are..." she rasped. Ghost Pepper bowed his head apologetically.

"I... I'm sorry... I didn't mean to leave you behind..." he truly meant it. But it seemed the filly made it clear that she wasn't looking for apologies. He looked up, noticing a small glint. He balked in fear, seeing the axe being dragged across the ground in the filly's teeth. Ghost Pepper backed away. "A-Applebloom, what are you doing?" he asked as he felt himself backing into the barn wall. His eyes widened, remembering his scarf springing to life. "D-don't do this! You'll die!" he protested.

But the filly seemed to ignore him. He couldn't move. He was too afraid to. The filly brought the axe back. The sound of a singing blade was all he could hear next.


Princess Luna awoke from her slumber. She quickly sat up from her bed and looked around. She could sense it. The Dream Plane crying out in pain. Taking a moment to collect herself, she slid out of the sheets and over to the balcony, peering over the railing. She had just retired to her quarters after her duties as the raiser of the moon. Her sister's sun beginning to rise over the horizon. She looked to see Princess Celestia standing proud and tall as she usually would when raising the sun.

Princess Luna furrowed her brows worriedly, however. Her sister, while attuned to the Dream Plane along with her, couldn't hear it calling out. She could hear the whispers increasing in volume. She blinked, shaking away the thought.

'Perhaps we should discuss this with her. She has to know the danger we are in.' And she would. Princess Luna walked out of her quarters and down the hall. She picked up into a trot as she neared her sister's quarters. Upon opening the door and entering, Princess Celestia looked from over her freshly brewed cup of tea.

"What troubles you, my dear sister?" she asked with a smile. Princess Luna looked over her shoulder, making sure they were not followed. She then closed the door and trotted over closer to her sister.

"Celestia, we must discuss a certain... worry I have recently been in." she started. Princess Celestia smiled and extended her wing out to her sister.

"I would be glad to talk." she said. Princess Luna was hesitant at first. Accepting her wing, she sat down next to her.

"Celestia, I fear that the Dream Plane maybe in dire state." she said. Princess Celestia looked at her worriedly. "I could sense something trying to escape. I have even heard it. Tis an unpleasant presence. One that intends to do harm." Princess Celestia gave a small hum in thought before replying.

"Perhaps we should assess and see what we are truly dealing with." she stated. Princess Luna shook her head.

"I have already taken the liberty. What doth thou think of the source?" Luna responded in more of a question to her sister. Princess Celestia furrowed her brows.

"The source? So you already know where it is?" she asked. Princess Luna gave a slow and sad nod.

"Indeed. And it is one I hope to prevent from ever happening. If it were to break out... all those children..." Princess Celestia studied her sister. The look of desperation clear on her face. Princess Celestia then smiled.

"Worry not, my sister. I will ask Twilight if she can pinpoint where it might be exactly." She snickered softly. "I hear she has been studying the Dream Plane more after the Tantabus." Princess Luna returned Celestia's look.

"But what of her duties? Doth she not have any assemblies of negotiation?" she asked. Princess Celestia darted her eyes in thought. Her horn glowed and she dipped a quill in ink with her magic as she levitated a scroll over to her. She scribbled something down in a quick but neat manner. She then rolled it up, branding it, before sending it aflame into nothingness.

"We shall await her response. In the meantime, I will trust the watch of the Dream Plane over to you this night. If we do not hear from her for a while, then I will go ahead and see if I can find it." Princess Celestia reassured her sister. "It will be alright, Luna. The children need not to worry. Your watchful eyes eases them more than mine. Now then..." she stood up and walked over to her door, the cup of tea floating next to her. "I have several audiences I need to overlook before visiting the School for the Magically Gifted. I will let you know when we have received a response." Celestia gave another reassuring smile before leaving her sister to dart her eyes in thought.

'I know you mean well, sister. But, I cannot idly sit by and wait for a response.' The whispers were increasing more. 'I can only hope the gifts I bestowed upon the child to aid him and his own until I can finish the spell. But...' She was uncertain. How can she trust one colt to do the job alone? And while, she had intended for the colt to grow from his dreams, she fears that the colt would falter. 'The colt remains afraid of befriending others. He feels it is necessary to not say a single word around them as he might say the wrong things.'

She had studied the colt for a while now. It was innocent at first. The colt having so much energy and kindness in him, only to have it suddenly remain in a shadow of what he once was. The colt that had once gladly helped around the orphanage was now a timid mouse. But she could see his heart. His dreams displaying his fears and ambitions. He wants to break free. He wants to be the colt he once was. But that fear has him too deep in the shadow. She has to find a way for him to see the light again.

And she just might know the help she can get.


Applebloom groaned as she groggily rose from her bed. The shadows under her eyes and her tufted mane displaying the bad night she had. Never in her life had she had such a nightmare so intense. She thought back to it. Walking down the apple orchard, enjoying the sight. And then all of a sudden, it had turned on her. The day became night in a blink of an eye and a cold wind blew over the trees. She had slowed her trot. She had soon stopped and noticed a figure fleeting over to the barn in the distance.

She remembered reaching the barn, only to find it closed and refusing to open. She had walked around and climbed through the window. She couldn't quit remember after words. But, she did recall one thing. Ghost Pepper was in her dream. Applebloom winced and groaned, rubbing her pounding head.

"That is the last time I eat Pinkie's sugar coated frosting cakes." she said to herself groggily. Sliding out of bed and dragging her hooves out of her room and down the stairs, she found herself perking up slightly at the smell of scrambled eggs and toast. Entering the kitchen, she yawned and stretched. "Mornin' everypony." she said. Applejack, who was setting down a plate, smiled at her.

"Mornin', sugar cube." She noticed the disgruntled state her little sister was in. "Sleep didn't get ya' well?" Applebloom stretched as she took a seat next to a muscular and quiet red stallion in a blonde mane. Big Mac was casually chewing his bread as he pushed the butter over to Applebloom, who happily took a knife and cut the butter before spreading it on the toast.

"'Ah errr.... just had a bad dream." she said. Applejack took a seat across from her.

"What kinda' dream?" she asked, taking a bite out of her toast. Applebloom followed suite, swallowing before speaking.

"Well... 'Ahm not rightly sure." Applebloom rubbed her mane. She tried to recall what happened after meeting Ghost Pepper. But nothing seemed to come to mind. Her dream had switched to something else. And it involved her in a chicken suite, embarrassed that she had to wear it while dancing throughout Ponyville where everypony witnessed it. She sighed before chomping down on her toast.

The siblings ate their breakfast quietly. Once they were finished, it was time to get to work in the apple field. Applebloom was tasked with cleaning the dishes before being asked to handle the chickens today. As she scrubbed the dishes, she looked to see the sun now hovering over the mountain tops in the distance. It seemed like it was going to be a nice day. She took a moment, squinting her eyes when she noticed a small dark speck in the distance.

'What's that?' she asked herself as she scanned the horizon, trying to get a better look. The speck seemed to travel closer... and heading this way. She could see figures now. They looked to appear to be royal guards pulling a chariot with a cloaked figure inside. 'The Canterlot Guard?' Applebloom quickly hopped off the stool she stood on to wash the dishes and galloped out of the house. She noticed Applejack looking up, confused by the sudden figures that circled around them. Applejack held a hoof over her brows, squinting her eyes to get a better look.

"Princess Luna?" she said suddenly in surprise. Big Mac and Applebloom stood next to her as they watched the ponies touch down and the cloaked figure stepping off. Princess Luna smiled from under her hood.

"Greetings, Applejack, Appplebloom and Big Macintosh." the alicorn said. Applejack and Big Macintosh immediately bowed, causing Applebloom to delay hers in sudden surprise.

"Yer' highness. It's a surprise to see you here." Applejack said, trying her best to be formal as much as possible. Princess Luna nodded, her expressions suddenly dimming to a small, worried frown.

"I apologize at the sudden interruption of thy work. But, I must ask thy sister of something." she said. The siblings exchanged confused glances at each other. Applebloom pointed at herself.

"Me?" she asked. Princess Luna nodded.

"Indeed, young one. I have come here to ask of thine assistance." Applebloom didn't know what to say. The Princess Luna, the sister to Princess Celestia herself, had traveled this far just to ask for her assistance? Princess Luna looked at the siblings, her expression serious. "Applebloom. I know tis a sudden request. But, I cannot do this alone." She rubbed her chin slightly. "The same can be said for thou." Applebloom took a moment to process this before perking up.

"If that's the case, I'll go get Sweetie Belle an' Scootaloo!" Applebloom said as she turned back to the house and galloped up to her room to quickly gather her saddlebag. Applejack watched her sister go before turning to the Princess with a confused look.

"Err... forgive me if 'Ah ask this, but why does it need to involve mah' sis?" she asked. Princess Luna smiled softly at her.

"I apologize for this, Applejack. The Dream Plane is in trouble. And I wish I could find the source of the problem." She sighed. "But, the source of the problems seems to only presents itself when the mind of a young one that isn't connected to it is present." Applejack rubbed her mane.

"Connected?" she asked. Princess Luna nodded.

"While everyone of our subjects walk the Dream Plane in their own minds, the mind of foals are a special case. They can go beyond the normal laws of the Dream Plane." Princess Luna looked over to the house where Applebloom had entered. "This is what we call Lucid Dreaming. They are able to bend the laws to their own. Allowing them free reign to imagine anything they want, whenever they want. And unlike most dreams that are laid out, these can be manipulated. Nightmares can be bested for better or worse. And they have free reign of their own dreams." Applejack furrowed her brows.

"So, my sis is a lucid dreamer?" Princess Luna shook her head.

"Unfortunately, there are only a few cases where ponies can naturally lucid dream. In order to do so, one must be aware that they have full control of their dreams. In some cases, it is through a certain object..." Princess Luna held up an apple and showed it to her. "So simple such as this, to somepony having an audio cue. Lucid dreaming is a powerful gift for one's mind, as it allows their imaginations to run wild." She furrowed her brows. "And then, there are the cases where those that are aware try to abuse it to no end. As Princess of the Night, I walk the Dream Plane, studying them and making sure they are in check. If a dream were to escape into the plane, it can affect not only myself, but everypony's dream." Applejack rubbed her chin.

"Kinda' sounds like the Tantabus." she said. Princess Luna nodded.

"Indeed. But this is more than just the Tantabus." She faced the orange mare, her expression serious. "An orphanage is in danger of having the Dream Plane escape into reality. If that were to happen, it would cause more chaos than Discord on an easy Sunday." Applejack balked in surprise.

"An orphanage?! You mean the one outside of Ponyville??" Princess Luna hesitated before nodding sadly.

"Which is why I require your sister and her friends. I have attempted in preventing it as best I can, but it seems to escape me when I attempt to hunt it." she said. "The children of the orphanage are unaware of the danger, except for one. However, he refuses to see it. If your sister and her friends can convince him, I will be able to stop the Dream Plane from escaping." Applejack seemed hesitant.

"Does Twilight know about this?" she asked. Princess Luna sighed.

"I have discussed this with my sister and she had written a note to her. But..." Princess Luna bit her lip worriedly. "I apologize. I have full faith in Twilight. But, I cannot just sit by and watch. We maybe attuned to the Dream Plane, but we are not capable if it does escape. Which is why we need to stop it now before it gets out of hoof." Applejack smiled suddenly and put a hoof on the Princess's shoulder in reassurance.

"No worries yer' highness. 'Ah'll talk to the rest an' see if we can reckon up a plan." Princess Luna smiled.

"Much help would be greatly appreciated." she said. They looked to see Applebloom trot out and started to head down the road. "Young one! No need to walk!" Luna called out. Applebloom looked over confusedly. Princess Luna stepped into the chariot and held a wing in motion for her to come. Applebloom smiled, feeling her excitement increase.

'The Cutie Mark Crusaders are back in action!' she thought eagerly as she galloped over to the chariot and hopped on. Applejack and Big Macintosh watched the fleeting figures soar into the sky and heading towards Ponyville. Big Mac looked to his sister, who returned his worried look.

"'Ahm sure Princess Luna knows what she is doin'. But better to be safe than sorry. Hold down the fort for a while, Big Mac."

"Eeyup." was all the stallion replied with as he watched Applejack gallop down the road.


Ghost Pepper sat at his desk. He puffed his cheek, studying the mysterious book that had somehow gotten onto his desk. There was nothing unique about it. It was just a simple, plain old boring book. Out of curiosity, he opened it to reveal that its many pages were blank. All except for the back page which had one sentence written on it:

The mind and imagination are one.

He wasn't sure what it meant. However, with an empty book provided an empty canvas. Perfect for the story he wanted to write. He looked to see the sun high overhead now out of his window. He had almost slept for half a day if he hadn't been woken up by a soothing sound of a violin. Said violin was still playing. Alabaster must be getting some practice in.

The children had a free day today. They could laze about while Mother Wisp went to Ponyville to handle some errands. And while the afternoon went on, Ghost Pepper started hearing from the other children during snack time that a couple more had gotten adopted over the morning. He sat alone while the rest were chatting just loud enough for everypony to hear. However, the colt tuned them out as he continued to stare at the book. So many ideas were running through his head. What should he start with?

'Perhaps somepony really cool. Like a superhero!' Ghost Pepper rubbed his chin in thought. 'But... what kind of superhero? Perhaps one with the ability to have his nose hair have a mind of its own?' The colt gave a blank response to this idea. 'What a ridiculous notion. What about one that can see into the future... and fights robots or something...' The colt frowned. 'Probably not. Not really feeling it.' There has to be some idea he can come up with. 'What about... a detective. One who can rival Sherclop in mind and skill, but has a tendency to flee from the law due to his actions being close to the criminals he catches?' The colt beamed. 'Yeah, that sounds like an idea! And he could have a side-kick, just like Sherclop! But... I don't really want the side-kick to be on par with the detective's intellect.'

Ghost Pepper hummed in thought before coming to an idea. 'Perhaps have the clumsiness of Tussle. A viable ally that the detective's enemies sorely underestimate. His partner in crime. Always driving the detective up the wall with his antics, but always seeming to work to his advantages. And they are both really great friends!' Having come to a conclusion of the characters, it was time to brainstorm. And while he did, he was unaware of a certain snow-white filly eyeing him from afar suspiciously. Merriweather sat next to her, chewing happily on a cracker before noticing her friend staring down the colt.

Alabaster has been acting strange ever since she came back with Ghost Pepper in a tattered state. Despite having smelt like garbage, she noticed that Ghost Pepper had gotten the worse of it. The bandages on the colt's cheek and lip were visible along with a patch over his swollen black eye. Whatever had happened to them made the children nervous. Merriweather had tried her best to get Alabaster to explain exactly what had happened, but the filly remained stubborn in the fact that she had "failed her duty as an activity manager". Merriweather chewed her cracker before seeing a slender like colt with an artist barrette and yellow scarf suddenly take a seat across from them.

"Umm... I hate to be a bother, but do you know what happened to Pepper?" he asked. Merriweather shook her head.

"I'm just as confused as you are. I've tried getting Alabaster to tell me, but she keeps ranting about how she had failed in her duty." Merriweather stated as she arched a worried brow at the stoic filly who didn't seem to notice she was being addressed. Merriweather was hesitant before poking the filly's shoulder. Alabaster blinked out of her stoic state and looked ahead, seeing Pallet sitting across from her. She immediately frowned, causing the colt to shrink back a little in confusion.

"And why didn't you keep an eye on him? You were partnered with him, weren't you?" Alabaster said sternly. Pallet rubbed the back of his mane.

"I-I-I didn't mean too. I was hoping he would join in, but I didn't realize he had left until Merriweather had said something." he quickly said. Alabaster narrowed her eyes at the filly, causing Merriweather to flush and advert her eyes.

"And you. Why didn't you stay near me? We weren't supposed to be separated from the intended area or each other." she said. Merriweather faltered.

"W-well, I did try to stop you. B-but you seemed only focused on Pepper." Alabaster hummed slightly in response. "I-I-I-I mean like you were... well... so intent on catching him red hoof in his antics that you err... kinda left on your own accord..." Alabaster looked between the two, keeping her stoic like expression before sighing.

"In any case. I cannot understand why Pepper appears to act like that assault didn't happen." she furrowed her brows suddenly. "Why didn't I stop it? I let them get the better of me. I should have done something!" she grit her teeth. "But he is too stubborn to tell me anything... If he would just open up, I would probably not be on his case all the time!" She looked to Merriweather. "I promised you I would get him to confess his actions to Mother Wisp about your teddy bear. But it's just been a constant impasse. I keep failing with that colt." Merriweather gave Pallet a "I-told-you-so" look. The grape-colored filly sighed.

"Alabaster... I don't mean to be rude but... maybe you can drop the whole teddy bear incident?" Alabaster looked confusedly at her. "I-I mean... that was years ago. Mother Wisp had already stitched it up and everything. Pepper didn't mean to do that." Alabaster stood up suddenly, making both the filly and colt jump.

"What are you talking about? I can't let such an injustice go unpunished! He still has to apologize!" Merriweather and Pallet glanced around, seeing that Alabaster's sudden stance caught the attention of the children. Even Ghost Pepper looked over to her in confusion. "I will not rest until every injustice is confessed and rightfully given the punishment!" She turned and glared at the colt, who quickly shrunk back when the filly marched over to him and grabbed hold of his shoulders, shaking him furiously. "Confess your actions, Pepper! Confess them and be freed of your torment! Confess, damn you!" Ghost Pepper wasn't sure what was going on. Alabaster's shaking caused him to get dizzy. Alabaster stopped, her ears twitching when she heard the sound of the front door knocking.

"I'll get it!" the small stout filly named Tea Stout said as she trotted out of the small cafeteria hall. The children waited for a brief moment, hearing the stout filly open the door and suddenly scream. Alabaster quickly dropped Ghost Pepper on the ground, rushing out of the cafeteria. The sudden action caused the children to become curious and follow after the filly. Pallet and Merriweather exchanged glances before trotting over to Ghost Pepper.

"Are you alright, Pepper?" Pallet asked. Ghost Pepper shook away his daze before looking confusedly over to where the children had gathered at. Alabaster was the first to arrive on the scene, seeing Tea Stout in utter shock and awe in front of the door. Alabaster looked to see a tall and majestic cloaked figure standing on the porch. Her kind smile and twinkling teal eyes met the filly's. The rest of the children arrived, displaying the same shocked and surprised expressions.

"P-p-p-p-princess Luna?" Tea Stout stuttered. The alicorn drew back her hood, revealing her long flowing spectral mane.

"Indeed, child." she said in a motherly like voice. "Is Mother Wisp present?" None of the children responded. They were too stunned at the presence of royalty at their doorstep. Alabaster then quickly looked down, seeing three fillies that stood in front of her. She recognized them. The very fillies that had influenced Ghost Pepper and Pallet into breaking the rules. She narrowed her eyes suspiciously. The fillies took notice of this and awkwardly waved at her.

"She ain't, I'm afraid." a voice said behind the princess. She turned to see Funnel wipe his hooves with a rag before trotting over to her. "I'm currently watchin' over the children while she is out on business." Princess Luna smiled.

"Then perhaps, you do not mind if I talk to one of the children present?" she asked. Funnel arched a brow.

"Depends. Who exactly are ya' lookin' for?"

"We are here to see Ghost Pepper!" Applebloom stated. Slight murmurs of confusion escaped the children, causing the three to exchange glances.

"Err... is there something wrong?" Sweetie Belle asked. Funnel shook his head.

"I don't mean to be rude, Princess. But that colt is just as quiet as a mouse in winter. He probably won't be able to talk to ya' at all." He snorted. "Probably a good thing." he muttered. Princess Luna hummed in response before turning to the children and smiling.

"Would thou all care to escort me to Ghost Pepper?" she asked. The children let out excited murmurs of agreement. Luna giggled before motioning to the three fillies. "Come along. We must discuss this post haste."

"Hold on a minute!" Alabaster said, causing everypony to look at her confusedly. "To what discussion, may I ask?" Tea Stout balked along with most of the children. One of the colts whispered to her.

"Alabaster, this is the Princess Luna. Show some respect." Alabaster glared at the colt, making him shrink back. The three fillies and alicorn watched as the snow-white filly turned her attention back to them.

"I mean no disrespect, your highness. But I want to know what exactly you want to discuss with him." The children glanced nervously at each other. Princess Luna smiled before speaking.

"I am here on my own behalf to discuss a matter that has to deal with his..." she darted her eyes in thought.

"His book!" Scootaloo spoke up. Princess Luna and the other two looked at her. Alabaster raised a brow.

"His book?" she asked, rubbing her chin. Now that they mention it, Ghost Pepper did walk in with a book under his wing. Sitting by himself and pulling it out, he flipped through the pages and just started staring at it, making strange faces in the process. She didn't know the colt had discussed publishing a book. "Wait, Pepper wrote a book?" Applebloom nodded quickly.

"Eeyup! Characters an' all!" she said. Sweetie Belle chimed in.

"We are the Cutie Mark Cru... err... Crucibles! We uhh.... interview up and coming authors and publish their book!" Scootaloo whispered to her friend.

"Crucibles?" Sweetie Belle replied with a shrug. Alabaster eyed them suspiciously before looking at the princess, who seemed calm and cool.

"He never mentioned about writing a book!" A voice said. They looked to see Pallet and Merriweather stand outside the snack room. Pallet was beaming. "I have so many ideas that I want to discuss! Maybe I can help with cover art or something! If it sells well, hello Prance!" Merriweather arched a brow.

"But even then, I don't recall Pepper mentioning anything about writing anything" Princess Luna nodded.

"Which is why we need to speak to him. Where is he?" Pallet beamed.

"Oh, he's right over he-." he looked to see that the colt was nowhere to be seen. The confused look Pallet gave told them that the colt was no longer in their presence. "Again? Really?" he exasperated. Alabaster frowned before looking back to the four ponies.

"You see, that is also why I ask. Pepper never really talks to anypony, let alone three fillies. I wouldn't be surprised that he locked himself up somewhere at the sheer thought of a princess looking for him by name." Applebloom rubbed her mane.

"Does he always hide? I mean, he seemed just like a shy colt to me." she said. Alabaster shook her head.

"Perhaps we can explain once we find him." She turned and nodded to Merriweather. "We will split up into teams of two. Scout each and every nook and cranny for him. No stone left unturned, understand?" The colts and fillies seem to give a small salute before trotting off down halls and up stairways. The sight of the children acting upon this baffled the three fillies. Princess Luna, however, looked on sadly.

'I cannot allow it to happen. Their future is still bright.' Applebloom looked to her friends.

"Maybe we should help out? It'll be great fer' recon of the place." Scootaloo rubbed her mane.

"That sounds good. But what about getting lost?" she asked. Princes Luna giggled.

"Not to worry." Princess Luna's horn glowed and a faint spectral string slithered out and wrapped around the three's waist. "I'll keep thy three tethered to me. I can pull thou back if lost." The three smiled before getting to work. While the hunt went on, Ghost Pepper himself sat on top of the roof with the book clutched in his chest. His heart pounding as the feeling rose.

'Dammit! Of all the worst things that could happen to me this week, why them!?' He remained quiet, listening through his opened window as the sounds of hoofsteps entered and left his room. 'I have to find someplace to hide!'

"Pepper?! Where are you?!" a voice shouted from below him. He peeked over and saw Sweetie Bell along with Merriweather and Pallet as they scanned the area. Ghost Pepper ducked back.

'Buck!' he thought. He tipped hoof across the roof, only to stop and duck back again when he noticed another group being led by Scootaloo trotted around front. He could see Funnel tending to the flower bed with a bored expression while the group looked around his area. He quietly crept back and was about to enter into his room, when he saw the backside of Alabaster talking to two more colts about locking a certain area down. He ducked back just in time when the filly turned and peered out of the window. 'Double Buck!'

This was looking bad for him. Every inch of the orphanage was being covered. Which was surprising at the fact that only fourteen remain here now. But what was even more difficult to get around was the fact the three fillies had entered the fray this time. And from the looks of it, they knew what they were doing. Almost as if this wasn't their first hunt. He could just imagine their muzzles suddenly splitting into four with teeth at the tips and a low rapid clicking sound would follow.

He noticed the book suddenly glowing. Ghost Pepper blinked in confusion before quietly opening the book. However, when he did, the book shot open and the pages flipped rapidly as if a strong gust of wind came through. It stopped on one page:

The young colt realized that he was trapped. What cruel fate awaited him? The colt, now a prey in the hunt, waited for his inevitable end. Only if he had a means of defending himself. But of course... he hasonething that might help. A gift that was bestowed upon him along with a plain old book.

A bright light shot out. From inside, Princess Luna gasped, quickly turning to rush outside and look up. The children that had made it outside watched in awe. Funnel too was shocked by the sudden giant rune floating overhead. Princess Luna furrowed her brows before her horn glowed bright. Taking aim, a beam shot out and struck the rune. Meanwhile, Ghost Pepper had to hold onto dear life on the tiles as the book floated in the air. He had no idea what was happening. All he knew was that he had activated something that he felt might have devastated his entire life.

He looked up to see a beam striking the rune. The rune, filled with nothing but strange letters and glyphs, suddenly split in two like a paper being cut with a sword. Alabaster, from within the colt's room, suddenly realized that something had moved in her shocked state. In a blink of an eye, something blue and white zipped past her and up onto the roof. She took a moment to process this before stepping out and climbing up the roof.

Ghost Pepper did his best to hang on as he felt himself being blown away. Losing his grip, he yelled as he tumbled away from the book. Fortunately, an unexpected accessory found itself wrapped around his neck and the ends morphed into giant like claws. One claw dug into the roof while the other extended itself over to the book. It opened itself before clamping the book in its' grip. The light emitted from within its' grasp. It soon began dimming and the rune faded into nothingness. Ghost Pepper hung onto the scarf arm before seeing the wind no longer pushing him back. He landed on his belly with a thud before shaking away the daze and watching in awe as the claw slithered back to him.

Alabaster had witnessed the claw retreating back and dangling over the confused colt. Ghost Pepper held up a hoof and the claw placed the book in his foreleg before morphing back into his normal scarf. Ghost Pepper looked at the book in awe, questions floating through his mind. He looked up to see a baffled Alabaster, who quickly looked past him, making him turn to see a majestic alicorn hovering behind him.

He found himself shrinking at the sheer size of her wingspan and height. And not only that, she looked at him sternly.

"We have much to discuss, young one." she said. Ghost Pepper felt the feeling creep back.

'Triple Buck.'

Author's Note:

Five days until the festival. Fourteen remain.

This book is dedicated to my soon to be child. In my time of writing this, I will pass on the knowledge of this book and its power in hopes of watching over him. My sweet little Silent Night.