• Published 10th Jul 2012
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Shackles and Friendship - Zaibatsu

A HiE fic filled with light comedy and a bit of adventure. Enjoy.

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Chapter 11 - Oh it is on like Donkey Kong

Shackles and Friendship
Chapter 11 - Oh it is on like Donkey Kong

AN: Not enough time to edit as I want, so sorry for bad quality. What you expect I'm traveling.

I had thought that the prospect of leaving and venturing to places unknown would cause me to lose some sleep, yet strangely it was just another normal night. I'm probably just over exagirating about the 'unknown' part, its not like I'm going to the jungle or even be left alone. I'll expect it would be more like traveling to a different country or something, a cultural shock would probably be more or less the worse I'll experience, I hope. 'For crying out loud! They got magic, YOU'RE doing magic!. I seriously doubt that anything can fall under what we expect.'

'But you also can't deny the uncanny resemblance this world has with our own. Hell I don't even know how we're communicating with the same language. And do you really have to shoot down my every attempt to reassure myself?'

'Only when they can get us killed, or worse. So far we've only been living inside the castle of their leaders, which probably means we're in one of the safest place in this world. Now we're about to go out to a village, no walls and probably not enough guards to secure absolute the law completely. For all we know it could be as bad as the worst part of our city.'

'From what we've seen of them I seriously doubt we're gonna get mugged right-'

'Do you really want to take that chance? Like I said, stupid ideas. DON'T get careless because their world resemble the happy dreams of a ten year old girl.'

'When did you get so morbid?'

'How many times do I gotta remind you? I'm your id and your instinct, including your survival ones. Just don't get too careless ok? It's why we spent so much time on that shield spell.'

'Fine, and how goes it anyway? Any problems so far?'

'Too early to tell, it's on but it's dormant. Really the only way to tell is in actual situations when we need it.'

'In other words we'll find out when we're actually under attack? Wonderful.'

'Hey your the one who coded it, I just keep watch over it.'

'Too bad we can't make it big enough to cover me entirely.'

*sigh* 'Like I keep saying, it's too-'

'Yea yea I know, it's too taxing on our magical reserve thus leaving us completely drain and vulnerable. Making it counter productive.'

Which lead to another thought, I'm certain Twilight will continue to aid me in my training and research, but does that mean I'll always rely on her for my supply of magic? I know she's ok with it but it still feels....uncomfortable. Something I'll have to talk to her about later. 'Again with the stupid ideas. Why do we have to make this an issue? Magic is pretty much our only ace in this world aside from draining it, we got no guns or anything to help us survive or fight so either we get it from someone OR we take it by force which would probably get us thrown in jail or worse. She's wiling to give it to us freely and you want to make this awkward and potentially cut of our safe and secure supply? WHY!?'

'It feels wrong! Why? I don't know but I do. You might have the luxury of being free of morals and ideals but I'm not!'

'Right back at you! Those things are a luxury! When it comes down to survival it's who live and who dies. Which one do you think I prefer?' Correction, I didn't lose any sleep by the prospect of leaving the castle. Instead I spent a good three hours arguing with myself over the moral and immoral implications and outcomes of my actions, and how he thinks none of that matter. Yes I realize how it shows how far gone I've fallen over the deep end.

Which was why when I woke up the next day it was with an irritable and sour mood which, based on Twilight's question, was quite noticeable.

"Is everything alright Rodney? Are you having second guesses about moving to Ponyville?"

"It's nothing Twilight, I just found out I may potentially be a psychopath." Twilight pace suddenly slowed and stopped and I only noticed it when she suddenly disappeared from the corner of my vision. I looked back and she was looking at me with a bit of worry. *sigh* "It's a joke Twily." I said flatly.

"Oh, ok." her expression visibly relaxed and she galloped a bit to catch up to me. When we continue walking I noticed that her demeanor changed, by the looks of it she had something in mind.

"What's up? Not like you to be lost in thought, at least not in the mornings." I ended in a joking matter.

"Oh nothing, it's just that you called me Twily instead of my name."

"Is that ok? I didn't mean anything bad by it, it's a human thing to give nicknames to people-er, ponies their friends with. I can stop if you want."

"Oh no it's ok, we do that too. It's just the first time that you called me something other than my name, it just kinda got me by surprise. It's fine you don't have to stop if you prefer it."

"Well ok then, I was kinda hoping you'd let me, it sounds cute." that last remark made Twilight blush a bit and she immediately found the floor we were walking on a lot more interesting than it should. It's also something that I've started to realize, with exception to certain ponies like Celestia and Luna, most are a lot more innocent and honest. Something we humans have lost a long time ago.

We continue walking in silence and eventually arrived at the hangar which completely went unnoticed the last time I was here considering the stampede I was running from. To say it was massive was an understatement, several football fields could easily fit in. It wasn't the kind of hangar that would house planes either, for one thing I doubt their anywhere close to that level of tech, but it was definitely for something that was flight worthy. The only thing that came to mind when considering the sheer volume of space needed was a blimp, or something of the like.

Eventually my gaze fell back down and I saw Celestia and Luna standing next to each close to a chariot, as usual both princesses were flanked by guards. We walked up to them where Twilight then started to bow in a similar fashion to ho cat's a dogs could stretch.

"Celestia, Luna. What's up?" although neither princess nor Twilight seem surprised or mind my casual greeting, the guards eyed me with some hostility. I gave them my trademark 'who gives a fuck' look.

"Now Rodney remember what I said." despite Celestia's voice her expression showed that it was nothing more than a scolding a mother would give to her child. And I was the perfect little hellion when I was young.

"Oh dear me how foolish of me to forget! Please, I deeply apologize from my lapse in judgment." I ended with the most over dramatic bow as I swung my right arm about with my left arm tucked behind me.

"You're never going to stop with your antics are you?"

"Hell's no." Celestia gave out a long sigh of defeat while Luna started to giggle in mirth.

"In any case, are you ready?" I tried to give an honest answer but I couldn't, so I jut shrugged. "That's a good, shows you have given this some thought." we started to make our way to a large balcony outside and once it was close enough I threw the bag I've been carrying into the chariot. It was a large bag probably enough to pack most camping equipment, however it only carried the clothes I originally wore and the extras that the staff made for me. Shows how much of a fresh start this world has been.

It finally it came to that dreaded moment in every parting, that awkward moment when you don't really know what to do. Do I just say goodbye, shake a hoof, slap their flanks again? That last random thought sparked an idea in my head.

'Oh fuck no!'

'Oh c'mon, it'll be the perfect test. It's much better than a field test.'

'And if it fails? I don't think our boys can handle another beating like that.'

'Trust me this'll work.'

'Do I have a fucking choice?' however before I could initiate my plan.

"Ehm, excuse me?" I turned towards the voice and saw a maid standing by the entry way of the balcony.

"Shine Bright?" Celestia asked. She nodded and gave a bow just like Twilight. "Is there something wrong my little pony?" she didn't move and kept looking down, probably having second thoughts about whatever she was about to do, but she did glanced at me which Celestia noticed. "Ah I see, Luna, Twilight offer them some privacy." with that they walked back into the hangar until only the guards, Shine and myself were left on the balcony.

"So..." there were some very awkward silence so I decided to start things off, whatever this was. "Your name's Shine Bright eh?" she nodded. "I'm guessing that has something to do with your cutie-mark?" she nodded again and bent sideways so that one of her front hooves could reach and lift a piece of clothing covering her flank. Her mark was an ivory white dish plate with gold lining around the edged, a star was etched on the top left of the plate mimicking how a clean plate would shine in the light.

"I uh, I came to say thank you." even though it was meant for me, the way she spoke while looking down made it look like the floor was in on the conversation.

"Thank you for.....?"

"With Prince Blueblood."

"Oh, that. Heh it was nothing."

"No it's not!" she suddenly spoke up and was now looking at me straight in the eye, her shyness was completely gone. "It was more than that, the staff and myself has always been treated badly by him but no one dares to do anything or report it since he's related to the Princess. But you did." small tears started to show around the corner of her eye which surprised me more than her sudden bravery.

'Why is she taking this so much? I mean I would've done it either way, it was just coincident that she was there.'

'I guess she had to deal with Blueblood a lot more than we thought.'

'True but is that all?'

'Shows how innocent these ponies are, to them being saved from a stuck up noble with enough ego to dwarf a nuclear reactor must be quite an achievement is like saving their life or something.'

"Why do you let him treat you like that?" Shine was a bit puzzled by this.

"Uhm, because he' Princess Celestia's nephew." she said as if common sense.

"It doesn't mean that he has the right to, or that you have to take it all."

"What do you mean?" I felt a bit hesitant, after all I was about to teach her how to be a big enough jerk to topple someone in power, but Blueblood really has it coming.

"Tell me, is Celestia a just ruler?" again she looked at me funny like I was stupid and nodded. "And how many staff is in the castle in charge of tending everyday life?"

"Uhm, about two hundred and forty, excluding the kitchen staff."

"Wait, there's two hundred and forty of you guys? Maids and butlers that deal directly with your employers?" she nodded. 'Well fuck me this is a lot easier than I thought. Oh and pampered much?' "In other words it's going to be near impossible for someone to memorize every single member of the entire staff."

"I guess, why does that matter?"

"Because my dear I'm about to teach you, and hopefully you would teach the entire staff, how to royally fuck Blueblood on a daily basis without any retribution."

'Hells. Fucking. YES!'

[Several minutes later....]

"....and that's when you put ink in his tea, and the really strong stuff too so it stains for a month." over the past several minutes I had told her almost every single 'fuck the boss' prank that every employee has ever devised, though I kept some ideas involving bodily fluids cause that's just gross. I even noticed how the chariot was mysteriously closer than it was before, looks like the guards will have some fun as well. Too bad Celestia had to ruin the fun.

"I'm sorry everypony, but we are on a schedule." Celestia emerge from the corner of the entry way.

"It's alright Celestia, were done." 'and so is Blueblood.'

"Yes Princess, than you for granting my selfish request. And thank you Rodney." with one of her hoof she beckoned me down so I crouched until I was just a foot or more taller than she is. She reached out and placed both her hooves around my neck and hugged me, which after getting over the surprise, did the same. Just when we were about to move apart she closed in again and gave me a kiss on my cheek. I looked at her n both confusion and more surprise as she just blushed beet red and practically jumped of me and galloped away in embarrassment.

*giggle* "My Rodney, I didn't know you were so good with the mares." Celestia was expecting some rebuttal but I was still slacked jawed in disbelief. *laugh* "Is that what it takes to get you in control? Perhaps I should follow suit." that got my attention.

"Don't you freakin dare Celestia!" but all that did as egg her on as she started to approach me with malicious intent in her eyes. I tried to stand up but I put too much effort which resulted in pushing my ass on the floor, Celestia nuzzle was now only inches away.

"Sorry, but your not my type." she said in a deep husky and sultry voice.

'Di-did I just got trolled by Celestia!?'

'This means WAR!'

"Is everything alright sister?" Luna and Twilight made their way to us while looking somewhat worried and confused at our position.

"It's nothing Luna, fret not."

"Yea Luna, everything is just dandy." I gave Celestia a look and a small smile that could only mean one thing, 'oh it is on like Donkey Kong'. She gave me one in return but there was something in her eye that spoke, 'bring it monkey'. We stared at each other, like adversaries in chess trying to get into each other's head even before anything has begone.

"Uhm, Princess?" Twilight's voice broke our little duel. I picked myself up while Celestia went to stand beside Luna again. "Er, shall we then?"

"Yes, I believe we've delayed you enough. Twilight please send my regards to the other elements of harmony please."

"And our too if you will." Luna added.

"Of course your Highness." with another bow she jumped onto the chariot.

"I guess I'll see you two later." and I too jumped in.

"Fare thee well Rodney, and remember thou purpose in Ponyville."

"Will do Luna." both sisters took several steps back before turning around to head back in, I saw Luna's flank.

'Dammit I was hoping you'd forget!'

With a smile I jumped back down to the balcony just as the chariot started to move and silently walked up behind Luna and carefully placed myself right behind her, I raised my hand and slapped her flank just as I did after our first encounter. As predicted her reflexes kicked in as she raised her left rear hoof ready and reared kicked me right at my groin. Three things occur, one there was a flash and blue sparks flew everywhere, two there was no excruciating pain from my balls, three I was flying backwards back into the chariot which pushed it over the edge of the balcony. Luckily the two pegasus was able to get the chariot in control and soon the we were flying up into the clouds.


"Rodney what the hay! Why did you do?" Twilight mane was a bit frazzled as she tumbled about in the chariot.

"Two things Twily, one I had successfully tested my magical crotch guard which was a blazing success, and two I made Luna angry enough to speak normally." I explained with a big smile while rubbing the back of my head as a lump had started to grow. "Well, mostly successful."

"But why would you slap Princess Luna on her flank!?" I shrugged as if it didn't matter. "Ugh! I swear you bring nothing but trouble!"

"I love you too Twily." for a moment her face flashed beet red but when I flashed my teeth in a wide grin she just rolled her eyes and fell flat on her stomach, pulled out a book from her saddle bag and began reading as we continue to fly across the sky. I put my hands behind my head, leaned back and enjoyed the cool breeze as I make my way to Ponyville, my new beginning.

AN: Yes I know, I did say the next chapter was going to include the mane six and all but I felt this chapter needed to make the transition easier. Plus I had fun writing this one. I also wanted to further show how different Rodney is with his id, hoping to add a bit of tension between the two.

And like I said earlier it's hard to write properly while traveling, and it's hard finding a good connection so I didn't want to lose it. So help out and point to anything that's wrong and I'll change it ASAP. Or just comment anyways, you guys know I'm addicted to it.

And if anyone's wondering, I'm actually at-


What the fu-


Pinkie? What the hell are you-wait how did you even find me?

Pinkie: *pant-pant* You said I was going to meet Rodney again!

You are! Just in the next chapter!

Pinkie: Well what am I supposed to do with all these cupcakes and cake huh? Pinkie does not give out stale pastries!

What do you want me to do about-

Pinkie: Open your mouth.



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