• Published 10th Jul 2012
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Shackles and Friendship - Zaibatsu

A HiE fic filled with light comedy and a bit of adventure. Enjoy.

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Chapter 13 - A purple unicorn and a naked human

Shackles and Friendship
Chapter 13 - A purple unicorn and a naked human

Update: I did some alteration to the chapter so if there’s any inconsistency or problems that you notice please, PLEASE inform me. Thank you.

'Murphy's law, fucking you up no matter which world your in.'

I look around the kitchen trying to analyze the situation and find a solution, who knows maybe these ponies have a fire extinguisher or something. Looking at the intensity of the fire I figured it started from what looked like an old wood-base stove, 'which is built into the tree. *mental-facepalm*' by this time the rest of the group had caught up with me each giving out a sudden gasp when they saw the blazing kitchen. Judging by how fast it's spreading it'll reach the main hall with and all the books in a matter of minutes, if that happen the entire building will probably be nothing more than coal and char in an hour or two.

'Priority: 1) Purple-lizard-thing-that-thinks-he's-a-dragon's safety. 2) Containing the fire, if that fails bail out and try to save as many books and stuff as possible.'

'Agreed, levitation spell?'

'Never tried it on something living, but it should work. Just snag him outta there.' using my right arm I reached out into the air and focused on the purple dragon through the smoke and heat. So far I've only been able to control my spells strictly by visual or visible effects, unlike a physical body my magic have no sense to relay information such as contact, pressure, temperature, etc. Which is why it was difficult to tell if my spell was working properly since my magic blends perfectly with the fire, I could 'feel' my magic reserve draining but I wasn't sure if the spell was affecting the right target. Thankfully the little guy gave a sudden shout of surprise which hopefully meant that he was being lifted up. I jerked my hand back in a pulling motion and sure enough the smoke suddenly split apart as Spike flew past the fire, unfortunately by the time I realize that I didn't give much thought to which direction I was pulling, it was too late.

"OOMPH!" the impact blew the air out of my lungs and left me somewhat disoriented but fortunately I was able to catch him in my arms and keep my balance.

"Oh my gosh Spike! Are you ok!?" Twilight stood on her hind hooves while her front rested on my thigh, trying to get a closer look.

*cough* "I'm fine, dragon remember?" *cough* "But Owlowiscious...." I looked down and saw that Spike was carefully holding unto an owl the same way I was holding unto him. From what I can tell it had numerous singed feathers which weren't all that bad, the worse was one wing which was char black.

"Oh no, Fluttershy!" the yellow pegasus galloped towards me and took the same standing position as Twilight next to me.

"It doesn't look like there's any permanent damage but the smoke is causing most damage. We have to get him outside immediately." I lowered Spike down so that he could ride on top of Fluttershy who started galloping out the front door.

"Everybody out! Twilight and I will try to get the fire under control!" they didn't budge. "MOVE!" with a flinch they turned around and started galloping out of the library following Fluttershy.

'Right, options?'


Closest thing is the sink in the kitchen, won't get enough in time to douse the whole thing.

'We could always try stomping on it.'

'Dammit now's not the time for-wait. That's it!'

"Twilight! Can you make a shield spell that wraps around the entire kitchen? One that works like Celestia's bubble?"

"The one after you used that shampoo? Yes but why-"

"Don't have time to explain, just make one that wraps around the kitchen wall but keep the entry way open."

"What are you-"

"TWILIGHT! NOW!" she jumped back in fright but eventually her horn glowed and her signiture purple aura started to form around the walls in the entire kitchen room except for the entry way. "Now Twilight, on my signal I want you to close the entry way and seal the room completely, understand?" she nodded.

'How much magic we got?'

'Not a lot from the looks of it, Luna's kick really drained our reserve. But it should be enough.'

'I'm using it all just to be safe.' I channeled all the remaining magic in my into my stretched out palm where my raw magic started to form slowly into the size of softball.

"Ready Twilight?" she nodded with a look of realization on her face, her horn glowed brighter and so did the purple aura around the kitchen. I threw the fireball into the entry, "Now!" Just as it passed through the entry way the purple aura closed in and separated the kitchen from the outside world, trapping the air inside.


Following the explosion was a surge of rushing flames and for an instant the entire kitchen engulfed by an azure inferno, the purple layer in the entry way bulged out threatening to break. But it held on and just as fast as it grew it shrunk back to it's original size once the inferno inside died out, the explosion instantly consumed all the oxygen in the room. In other words I used fire to fight fire. From what I could see pass the purple bubble there were no open flames, all that was left were a few glowing embers here and there. Unfortunately the kitchen was now completely black with char, ash and soot. It would take considerable renovations to get it back up and running, but it was a small price to pay to save the entire structure and it's contents.

"My kitchen!" Twilight screamed.

*exhale* "It's called Murphy's law Twily, anything that can go wrong will go wrong."

"This isn't suppose to happen! It can't happen! I personally weaved the fire-proof spell, it was perfect." both of us walked into the kitchen to inspect the damage. Other than what looked like a fridge everything else was burnt, even the pots and pans were deformed by the heat.

"Maybe it expired or something, when did you cast it?"

"Not a chance, I design it to recharge itself a bit every time I walk past the front door. There's no reason for it to just suddenly.......*smack*" Twilight facehoofed.

"Figure out what happen?"

"YOU happen Rodney!" my eyes shot wide and I looked at her with a mix of surprise, confusion and even anger at her sudden accusation. "You drained the spell out of my house! The moment you stepped inside every enchantment and ward I put up around the house is gone! In other words it's all your fault!"

"My fault!? Your supposed to be the braniac around her, aren't you supposedly Celestia's prized pupil? You should've thought ahead!"

"Uhm...excuse me."

"You should be the one who's more aware, its your freaky powers after all!"

"Uhm....Twilight I-"

"I don't know jack shit about my powers! You told me physical contact affect non-living objects, this tree looks pretty alive to me!"

"Please, we-"

"That’s why we need to do more research and training! If you had just-"

"TWILIGHT!" both of us turned back to the entryway to see Fluttershy which suddenly shrunk into a nervous fit upon our gaze. "Oh, uhm...so sorry to bother but, uhm... I really need to get Owlowiscious back to my cottage. If you don't mind that is."

"Oh my gosh! Owlowiscious!" with that Twilight galloped out the kitchen and out the front door, as she passed Fluttershy she lifted her up with her spell and dragged her along which made her squeal, which sent me into another twitching convulsion.

So there I was standing in the char remains of the kitchen alone with a twitching right eye and having absolutely no idea what to do next. 'I could just walk around town.'

'And possibly cause a town riot, we still don't know much about this town. And considering our initial arrival and nearly burning down the town's library, I doubt they'll want to do anything with us. Thanks to the smoke there's probably already a crowd outside, if they find out we're the ones that-'

'Got it, stay inside, stay out of sight.' still I didn't like the thought of laying about for Twilight's return. Seeing as this was a library I thought to just grab a book and start reading. When I walked out the kitchen though the white unicorn, Rarity I think, was standing in the middle of the room glaring at me.

"And where do you think you are going, hmmm?" her voice was light and she spoke like someone straight out of an old romance chick flick, don't ask.

"Well this is a library so I thought-"

"Do not tell me you are going to ignore that mess! Twilight told me to just keep an eye on you, and from what I over heard you were behind everything."

"But that's-"

"No buts!" her horn started to glow chalky white and out of a closet in the corner floated several janitorial equipment which see dump in front of me.

"Oh hohoho, heeellls no!"

"Ugh, so uncouth. And yes you are! Were you not responsible for this disaster?"

"Only because Twi-"

"And who caused that blue explosion earlier?"

"Well I did but that's becau-"

"And you're still going to stand there and deny you played no part in destroying Twilight's kitchen?"

"Now see if you put it like that..." she just continue to glare at me. "But I didn't..." still glaring. "If Twilight had only-"

"Now you have the gall to accuse Twilight of burning her own home!?"

'Dude even I can't see a way out of this, she's got that whole mother tone down.'

*sigh* "Fine." she gave a satisfied smile as I grabbed some of the stuff which includes a mop and a broom, again the familiarity of this world unnerves me. But not as much as the daunting task in front of me, how I'm going to get rid of all the ash and burnt furniture is beyond me.

'Probably shouldn't have used up all my magic, would've made this a lot more manageable.'

'Well there's a unicorn right in the room, why not leech a bit. I doubt she'll notice anything, plus we can test if these ponies can notice it.'

'Oh no, I've done enough damage turning Twilight's kitchen to cinders, I'm not gonna start leeching from her friends. Besides I still haven't had that talk with her yet.'

'I still think that's a stupid idea.'

'Noted.' so I began to labor about while Rarity kept watch. I started moving some of the remaining intact furniture to a corner, would probably be best to move them out but I didn't want to spread the ash or go out in public yet. By the time Twilight came back with Spike who was carrying a sleeping owl with a heavily bandaged wing.

"Thanks for watching overWAAAH! Rodney?"

"It's me Twily." earlier on when I tried to move what remain of the table it crash and kicked up a lot of ash and soot, now I look just as menacing as I did with my original clothes, probably more with the destruction around me. "I decided to-"


*sigh* "Rarity decided it would be best that I try to clean up after the mess that the fire-"


"That I caused. Happy?"

"Quite." 'Wow, not one day and he already has you on a leash. Better not tell princesses, they would probably recruit her.'

"Well, thank you. That's very kind of you." she trotted next to Rarity. "I'm sorry you have to stay here all day Rarity, I'm sure you were busy with all your projects."

"Think nothing of it dear, it's the least I could do considering the situation. But how is Owlowiscious? Will he ever..."

"Don't worry Rarity, Fluttershy said that he the fire mostly burnt his feather which will grow back, his wing only suffered minor burns. The worst was that Fluttershy needed to pluck out all the damaged feathers to help start new feathers grow but with the burn it would hurt too much, that's why I had to put him to sleep with a spell. The rest of the girls went back home after, I guess they were exhausted with worry over him." Twilight went back to Spike and gently nuzzled the sleeping bird who reacted with a small 'who'.

"Oh the poor thing, I’ll think of something to cheer him up."

"Thank you Rarity but you don't have to-"

"Ah tut tut tut, I will hear nothing of it, it's the least I could do. The poor thing will feel absolutely dreadful being grounded for who knows how long. Maybe something for you as well." it took a moment for me to realize her last comment was directed at me.

"Excuse me?"

"Hmmm, yes your attire simply won't do. It was at most average and clearly made by somepony who never created something for non-ponies." before I could get any say however she started to trot towards the door. "Now for Owlowiscious it will have to be different, nothing too fancy and not hurt his injuries. For...I'm sorry dear but what was your name again?"

"Rodney, and you don't-"

"Interesting name, for you I'll make something similar but it should definitely have some more flare. I like the hood though, oh I could design some new ensembles with those. I could start using gems and..."she started rambling on as she moved beyond the front door until her voice died off.

'I just can't deal with that one.'

"Spike could you get Owlowiscious up stairs, let her rest in your crib for tonight." Spike nodded and went up to the second floor by some nearby stairs. "Now then." she turned and looked at me. "You will be sleeping down in the basement, I've setup a small bed there for you." she suddenly pointed a hoof at me and glared. "Do NOT touch any of my equipment!"

"Look I'm sorry ok? You were right, I should have been more careful, who knows what would happen the next time I accidently erase a safety spell. This time we got lucky, really lucky." her eyes widened in surprise.

"Wow, I guess you can be mature."

"Don't get use to it." I replied flatly. "How did the fire start anyways? I thought my touch was suppose to only affect non-living objects."

Twilight let out a sigh, "In all honestly half the things I know about your powers are based on observations and assumptions. It’s not like I never make mistakes before, just a lot less than anypony else when it comes to magic."

“Very modest of you,” I replied sarcastically causing her to laugh lightheartedly.

“I suppose your touch only affect non-sentient beings then instead of on-living but that’s still a guess. If the everything else still holds true you should only drained the enchantments on the tree itself so some spells around the house should still work. But my main point is your power is unique and unless we both put more effort into research and training something like this can easily happen again.”

"Alright you made you point, we’ll dive back into that once thing settle down a bit ok? So how did....Owlowiscious was it? How did he get burned like that? Being an owl he could just fly away."

"From what Spike said he was sleeping near the fridge to keep cool, the freeze spell gives off a cool air around and it was quite hot today. By the time any of them realize the fire was already spreading, before he was able to take off the fire licked one of his tail feathers and, well if Spike wasn't there it could have gone a lot worse." I could she her hold back some tears as she imagined other outcomes. "Thank you for pulling him out of the fire, I was surprise how fast you acted and took control of the situation. It was actually kinda cool."

"Think nothing of it, truth be told I was trying to save Spike. I wasn't really convince if he was really a dragon at the time." I rubbed my hand over her head. It wasn't like I was petting her like an animal, but being a pony and all it was hard not to. And by the look on Twilight's face I think she's actually enjoying it, maybe a bit too much.

"Mmmmmm that feels nice." I stopped. "Aww don't stop." she pleaded at me with puppy dog eyes and considering how big her eyes are, it was a force to be reckoned with.

"Sorry Twily but unless you want to end up like me," I spread my arms wide to show my ash covered body. "I should probably take a bath."

*giggle* "It's upstairs but it's a shower though. I don't have enough space for a bathtub."

"I prefer them actually, simpler and more efficient."

"Let me show you where it is plus I need to check up on Owlowiscious." with that I grabbed a fresh set of clothes and followed Twilight upstairs.


"Spike, how is Owlowiscious doing?" as Twilight and Rodney took the last step upstairs they saw Spike standing over his crib which Owlowiscious was sleeping in.

"He's still asleep, I'm worried how he'll react when he wakes up." Twilight went over to the purple dragon and gave him a comforting hug. As she him she looked at the human and pointed to a door which lead to the bathroom, seeing as they needed some time together Rodney left them alone and went inside.

"Don't worry Spike, I'm sure Owlowiscious will be fine. You heard what Fluttershy said, he'll grow his feathers back."

"I don't know what happen, all I did was start the fire in the stove and-"

"It's ok Spike, I'm not angry and we stopped it before things got worse. I'm very proud of you for saving Owlowiscious." they parted and stood over the crib.

"I didn't do much, if you hadn't pull me out I-"

"Spike I didn't pull you out," Spike looked at Twilight with a confused expression. "Rodney was the one that saved the both of you. Didn't you see the blue fire?" Spike looked down and scratched his chin with a claw.

"I think so, that time I thought the fire finally caught on me. Is that his magic?" Twilight nodded. "Dude that's....actually kinda cool. What else can the monkey do?"

"It's Rodney Spike, don't be rude now. And yea his magic is, different. He can actually.....oh no." Twilight's eyes widened and her ears dropped flat with dread, Spike took notice of this.

"Twilight? What's-" but before Spike could finish Twilight lifted both Spike and the crib with the owl and sent them hovering above the main room, she then made a sudden dash towards the door the human had just went through. She had forgotten that the shower was not all installed into the building, having water in constant contact with the living tree other than the roots will only harm and damage it. Thus the shower had a faucet that sprayed water with gravity which flowed through a hose sticking through a small wooden covering. That covering hid a great amount of water which was floating and wrapped in magic keeping it from touching and damaging the tree. That magic was controlled by a spell which uses the dials on the shower to control the flow and temperature of the water, if the human came into contact with any of those dials he’ll siphon and terminate the spell.

"Rodney wait! Don't touch the-"


Luckily Twilight wasn't close enough for the door to make contact with her as it suddenly swung open and crashed into the wall, the large torrent of water that came gushing out was a different matter. It flooded the second level and flowed down to the first like a waterfall soaking up the books below and eventually flowed out the front door, carrying some books with it.

As well as a purple unicorn and a naked human.

AN: Finally testing out my ability to describe and tell an intense moment, well maybe not that intense but it helps me test out how well I write out these types of situations. So please comment and criticize me, I'd like to know how to better bring out the story as much as I can. I wanna make my epic scenes in the future as best as possible.

As you know I want to hear your opinions on the chapter as w hole as well, and please point out any grammar mistakes or confusion in the story.

Now then, *shake-shake-shake* let's see if I can spray my 360 back to black.

Pinkie: HI! How ya doing!?


.........Now Pinkie, let's talk about this.

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