• Published 10th Jul 2012
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Shackles and Friendship - Zaibatsu

A HiE fic filled with light comedy and a bit of adventure. Enjoy.

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Chapter 19 - There's a troll I need to deal with

Shackles and Friendship
Chapter 19 - There's a troll I need to deal with
Edited by Noxxels

The party was...nice. It was eerily familiar with birthday parties back home, at first it felt awkward but soon enough I found myself enjoying the nostalgia, even if some of the games were a bit childish. Rarity however insisted that I freshen up first, using her magic to clean up most of the dirt and sweat while dressing up my back with fresh bandages. I came back to the party looking much more presentable and seeing how much more relaxed everyone suddenly became showed that I must have looked much worse before than I thought.

I was pleasantly surprised that most of the ponies that make up the bulk of the crowd were genuinely interested in meeting me, some were still a bit fearful, but that fact that they still kept an open mind after all I've done meant a lot. Mostly it was just getting to know their names and the usual greetings, it didn’t take long for some to question me about the two incidents. It did feel repetitive and tiring to explain and repeat myself over and over again, but I kept up with it. The more townsfolk that knew the truth, the more it'll spread. I hoped that soon enough everyone will hear of it and stop bugging me whenever I use my spells in public.

Twilight and her friends were also a great help, there were some that didn't have the nerve to talk to me directly so they would slowly introduce me to them while staying close to keep them comfortable. Applejack even introduced me to the rest her family, and wouldn't you know it they’re called the Apple family. Big Mac was, to pony standards, huge but to me he was only about a head taller than most ponies, resembling Luna’s height but much bulkier. He looked at me firmly and I could tell he was sizing me up, he's probably a family man and just trying to keep his family safe so I didn't mind. Unfortunately Applebloom wasn't around, apparently bedtimes exist in this world as well. I questioned Applejack if it was safe to leave a child, or a foal I guess, alone at home. She mentioned how another member of her family, an elderly mare named Granny Smith, was looking out for her.

I was grateful that Applejack came, more accurately because she brought several dishes with her, and of course they were made primarily out of apples. The apples were already amazing as it is but Applejack was just a gifted cook as Rarity, the apple pies were to die for. But most of all, they were the only other food source other than the many pastries that Pinkie baked for the party. Don't get me wrong they were amazing, but after eating a slice of the large cake in my honor I was convinced that these ponies were somehow immune to diabetes, it's the only explanation for Pinkie's continued existence.

For the rest of the party I spent most of my time either alone or around the six mare after introducing myself to everyone willing to meet me, it's best to let them come to their own conclusions. Twilight along with Spike was kind enough to bring along my stuff I left behind, including my little journal. The party went on till somewhere near midnight before ponies started leaving, the girls hung back to help clean up after the party. I struck up a conversation with Twilight trying to setup another town meeting to make a formal introduction to the town when Spike interrupted with a belch. I had expected Twilight to start berating him, but instead she just stood there and waited while a trail of smoke from Spike suddenly exploded in a bright flash leaving behind a scroll.

Seeing my dumbstruck expression, Twilight went on to explain how Spike's dragon fire can be used to deliver and receive letters from Celestia directly, much to the dragon's pride. "Yup, since I was hatched by Twilight's magic my fire is different from normal dragons, pretty cool huh?"

'If by cool he means unhygienic and plain out gross, than yes.'

"Not the word I'm looking for, but sure, why not." I turned to Twilight who was busy reading the letter, "So what's it about? I'm guessing it's about me."

"Princess Celestia is asking how the town is faring ever since your arrival." Twilight started drawing circles on the floor nervously, "I haven't really told her about the incident's yet." I cocked an eyebrow at her. "Well I didn't want her to take you away after only spending several days in Ponyville."

"Because to you it felt like you failed her right?" Twilight's head hung low while looking away from me.

"Is it really that obvious?" I chuckled and started to rub her head.

"I'm actually flattered you would go about hiding it considering who she is to you." I brought back my hand so that she'd look at me. "Which is why you should tell her, I'd never forgive myself if you got into trouble for my mistakes. As long as the town is still willing to have me, I doubt Celestia or Luna will do anything drastic."

"I guess that makes sense, thank you Rodney." I shrugged nonchalantly. "And I'll talk to the mayor about another town meeting tomorrow." I went back to work cleaning the floor with a broom while Twilight brought out a quill and parchment out of nowhere before writing a reply. Somehow the idea of Twilight constantly having a quill and parchment at hand, or hoof I guess, everywhere she goes isn't all that surprising. Several minutes later she rolled up the parchment and gave it to Spike before he puffed up and blew a stream of green fire which incinerated it.

"I'm guessing that's how you reply back?" I asked as I traced smoke as it flew out the window.

"That's right, goes straight to the Princess." Spike replied with pride.

"To her office or-"

"Nope, straight to Princess Celestia herself." He replied again. I scratched my chin as I pondered the many possibilities that presented until an idea hit me, I slowly turned back to look at Spike with a wide smile that showed my teeth. "Whoa, dude that's creepy."

I simply started laughing as I made my way towards Twilight, "Twilight do you have time to teach me how to make enchantments?"

Twilight cocked a brow at me, "I guess, it's not that different from making passive spells. But why the sudden interest?"

With an innocent smile I replied, "There's a troll I need to deal with." I laughed when Twilight looked even more confused.

[About thirty minutes later.....]

While most of the girls started to head back Twilight and Spike stayed behind a bit longer as I requested while Rarity headed upstairs to bed. Thankfully Twilight was right, enchantments are quite similar to passive spells. The only major difference is where, instead of working with my source of magic, I had to program the spell to work off an entirely different and independent source, in this case the parchment itself. The hardest part was actually learning to 'inject' magic to the parchment, something Twilight had intended to teach me on future sessions as part of my training. 'Injecting' magic is basically as it sounds, pouring in raw magic to fuse with an inanimate object. In my case however, the parchment kept burning up due to the nature of my magic if I put too much. If I put in too little, it dissipates before I could apply the enchantment. Since the parchment was made out of plants it could hold a decent amount of magic, just enough for what I have in mind.

Unfortunately, even though Twilight was starting to enjoy teaching and training me again, it was really starting to get late and Spike could barely keep his eyes open. So I decided to let Twilight inject the magic into the parchment while I programmed the spell. There was no real way to know if the spell would work considering it's just a prototype, but even if it doesn't work Celestia will only receive a blank scroll and I can just try again.

"You promise this won't hurt her?" Twilight asked again for the umpteenth time.

"Twily, I promise that whatever I'm doing will not in any way harm Celestia. It's just a little light show as thanks for all she's done. Think of it like fireworks," Twilight's eyes widened, "...without the explosions. Trust me Twilight, Celestia knows this is coming for her, and it's been long overdue." With a sigh Twilight finally relented and started to inject some of her magic into the rolled up parchment in front of her.

"Now remember since it's made of plants it can hold a bit more magic than most materials however its been processed it won't be able to hold it for long, I estimate fifteen seconds before it starts to dissipate. But-"

"But during travel it's under a completely different spell so the magic should be suspended until it forms back into a scroll at Celestia's side. Yes Twilight I get it, it should be enough time for Celestia to open the scroll."

Twilight huffed irritably before sending the scroll to float in front of me, "Now make sure you don't touch it otherwise-"

"Yes yes Twily I know can we please move on?" Twilight let out a sigh of defeat.

"Very well, ready?" I picked up the sleeping dragon of the floor and held him before giving Twilight a nod. Twilight's horn glowed brighter and slowly the floating scroll started to glow just as bright, after about a minute Twilight shouted, "Now!"

I reached out with my mind towards the scroll and applied my spell on it causing it to spontaneously burst into blue fire as the spell took hold. "Spike wake up!" I gently shook the dragon but he only curled up on my arm and continued snoring. "Sorry Spike, but revenge is more important than you beauty sleep right now."

Twilight's ears perked up and she shot me a glare, "Revenge!? Rodney what are you-" but before she could say another word I positioned Spike's snout in front of the scroll and I yanked his tail.

With a yelp of surprise a small burst of green emerald flame erupted from his mouth incinerating the scroll, "What the hay!?" Spike was glaring up at me with anger, I made a quick apology while keeping my eye on the trail of smoke as it flew out the window.

[Canterlot Castle, about a minute earlier....]

"...and it is written here that he magically lifted an entire building on his own!" Luna was pacing back and forth nervously in front of Celestia inside her chamber. "Sister mayhaps we were too hasty? Perhaps we should reconsider retrieving him, clearly he has yet to master his abilities."

Unlike Luna, Celestia was seated nearby sipping tea and remaining calm. As ruler Celestia realized long ago that anxiety would do nothing to fix any problem, "Please calm down Lulu, you and I both know that something like this was liable to happen, although I admit I myself did not expect Rodney to cause so much trouble so quickly." Celestia sipped her tea again before continuing, "Nevertheless Twilight remains confident he is safe enough to continue, by her words both incidents were caused by lack of foresight on both parties and nopony was injured. Besides now we have clear evident proof that the band is working as it should and he remains unaware of it, so it's not all bad."

Luna trotted towards the table and sat in front of Celestia, "That is also something we are uncomfortable with, we do not hold much love for Rodney, but we do not enjoy causing him so much pain. Is there no other way Tia?"

Celestia let out a sigh while placing her tea on the table, "I don't take pleasure in it either but the nature of his powers prevent any other alternative, I want to believe he's harmless but I cannot risk it. Not until I have absolute proof that he is not a threat to Equestria. I hope he is ever an ally, personally I find his company to be enjoyable. The castle has been far too boring ever since he left, I almost miss-" Suddenly both alicorns noticed another trail of smoke flying in from the window towards them and gathering in front of Celestia. With a flash a scroll appeared in front of both alicorns and before gravity could take over Celestia had already wrapped it around her spell.

"Another one?" Luna asked nervously, "Did Rodney cause another incident already?" Luna continued looking nervously at Celestia as she started unfurling the scroll. "What does it-" suddenly the scroll was enveloped in a familiar azure flame, "Is that not-"


(AN: Go to 11:55 for visual help)

"TIA!" Luna was about to leap over the table to inspect and hopefully heal whatever injury her sister had suffered, but once the lights disappeared she fell back on her haunches completely dumbstruck. The door exploded inwards as both dayguards and nightguards started filling the room.

One of the guards that came in first stepped forward, "Princess Luna we heard some-something....." but as he followed her gaze he too fell silent with mouths agape much like Luna's along with the rest of the guards. Seated across the Princess of the Night, Celestia was wide eyed with a look of absolute confusion with her beautiful mane completely blown back and stood frozen on ends.

"Pfft..............BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!" Luna fell to the floor on her back laughing her head off with her hooves dangling upwards. Slowly the laughter started to infect the guards and one by one they started to join, first it started with snickers but before long it was full blown laughter. With great effort Luna brought herself back upright and turned towards Celestia, "Per-perhaps thou are correct dear s-sister phfft, his company would bring us great enjoyment." Celestia turned to look at Luna with a glare but it only sent her into another laughing fit.

"This is not over monkey."

AN: Well this was fun to write, I had this idea stashed away ever since I saw that video. Unfortunately I couldn't find a picture with Celestia having her mane blown back, just imagine those old cartoons from back in the day.

Also thumbs up for Rodney getting two achivements in a row. Credit for the pic goes to Noxxels.

I'm improving, still sick but definitely feeling better, kinda suck that Pinkie won't be wearing that outfit for long.

Don't worry I've got tons more laying around in case of costume emergencies.

See now I just have to know. Stop being a tease Pinkie!

*giggle* Is Zai falling for little Pinkie Winkie?

Sorry Pinks but I'm sick not suicidal. No wait Pinkie that was just a jo-


Sorry but it's sleepy time for Zai, come back next time. And remember to leave comments.

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