• Published 10th Jul 2012
  • 29,189 Views, 3,106 Comments

Shackles and Friendship - Zaibatsu

A HiE fic filled with light comedy and a bit of adventure. Enjoy.

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Chapter 5 - The one with stars on her butt

Shackles and Friendship
Chapter 5 - The one with stars on her butt

AN: I need an editor!!

I woke up sometime near daybreak and I would have just went back to bed but I was too hungry to fall asleep. After doing a few stretches and popping some joints I got of the bed and made my way to the food from yesterday. Luckily the dish that were brought in earlier was left at the table in the other side of the room, the soup, vegetables, as well as some fruits tasted surprisingly good despite being left there over night. The apples in particular was the best I've ever tasted, they were so fresh and so sweet it was almost enough to make up for the lack of meat, almost. By the time I finished eating only four apple cores were left on the plates, it took me less than ten minutes to inhale one bowl of soup, a pile of steamed vegetables and half the fruit bowl. I threw myself on the bed and just laid there basking in the after effects of a full stomach and drifted back to sleep. I didn't even question how the soup and veggies was still hot.

A few hours later I woke up to the racket from outside the balcony. Now some might count it as a blessing, waking up to a beautiful sunshine and the sound of birds singing. I threw up a little and had to wake up with the taste of bile in my mouth. By the amount of sunshine flooding the room it was still quite early, I was about to go back to sleep but my nose decided to wake up, 'damn is that me?' I was stupid enough to double check and sniffed my sleeve which was so foul I began to feel a headache coming on. I got of the bed and made my way to the door which, as I suspected, lead to a bathroom. Once inside I had a hard time keeping my jaw of the floor, I had expected the bathroom to be as luxurious as the bedroom but I just didn't expect it to be so....shinny. The floor was polished marble and most of the stuff inside was made out white ceramic. The sink and tub had gold lining around the edges and the wall were decorated with artistic vines of plants and flowers. The room reflected the light so much it was hard to look without squinting, it was only until I closed the door that the light was dim enough for me to see normally.

It was weird how everything looked so familiar like the sink and the tub as well as how to control the temperature of the water. I was wondering how ponies would use the water faucets when clearly they lack the ability to grab and turn it. I decided not to question my good fortune so I went about to fill the tub with warm water, while that was filling up I looked around and sure enough found a tray with some expensive looking bottles. Most of them smelled too "girly" for my taste but I found one that strangely didn't smell of anything, it wasn't good or bad it was just, nothing. So I brought it to the side of the tub and started to undress, by which point I realized I would eventually have to wear it again after.

'I gonna have to find some more wardrobe.' I was thinking of asking Celestia if it was possible for someone to make something for me, though I didn't like the thought of having to rely on her over and over again. But for the current situation I really didn't have a choice, 'she did say I was stuck here.'

I got in the tub and with the soap I found earlier I started to lather myself while my chains jingle about. Which made me wonder if these things act the same way metal do, and whether or not they'll rust? 'If they did Celestia will probably just get them replaced or something, hell they got magic.' With my worries laid to rest I laid back into the tub allowing the sweat and grime to float away in the water. 'I gotta say this is pretty nice, I'm starting to get why girls like tubs so-ZZzzZZzzz.'

I startled awake to the sound of knocking on the door, I quickly got out of the water and luckily I wasn't as pruned and wrinkled as I thought I would be. It took me a while but I eventually found where the towels were kept and started to dry myself of, I was drying my hair when I noticed the setup. Here I am, naked with a towel over my head and someone was just knocking on the door and I was stupid enough not to answer, 'Fate I swear to god if you-' the door opened.

'I hate you so much.'

"Is anyone in..." it was the same maid from before. Her voice died out immediately once her eyes fell on me and started gawking at me. Her jaw was halfway to the floor and her eyes was looking at me under my waist and her face started to glow red. Her expression turned to that of both embarrassment and anger, I expected her to start screaming and lobbing at me, but as fast as her anger came it changed again. Her lids fell halfway and she smiled at me with a dreamy look, which disturbed me even more.

"Can I help you?" I asked seeing as she wasn't going to say anything.

"Hmm? Oh no dear I'm quite alright,"


"I'm just here to tell you that Princess Celestia and her student are on their way."

"Oh, ok. Thank you."

"You're welcome." I was hoping that would be the end of that but she just stood there looking at me and sizing me up.

"Is there anything else?"

'Please say no.'


'Oh crap.'

"I was wondering if you still needed help."

"Help with...what?" she trotted up to me while flicking her tail about playfully. As soon as she was close enough her voice fell to a seductive tone.

"Help teaching you all about pony physiology."

"OOOKAAY! I think it's best if you leave now." I was about to reach for my clothes only to find the mare standing in the way.

"Oh no sir, I can't possibly let you wear such filthy clothes after your bath. It is my job to see that guests are properly, taken care of."

[Elsewhere in Castle Canterlot...]

Twilight was practically skipping along with Celestia as they made their way towards Equestria's only resident human, Celestia smiled at her student's barely contained excitement.

"Excited Twilight?" Twilight caught herself and started to walk normally.

"I'm sorry Princess, its just I have so many questions for it. A being from another world? Who knows what we could learn from it."

"You mean 'him'." Celestia corrected.

"Oh right, sorry."

"It's alright but please be mindful about him. Even with the little time I have with him, I've discovered that he's just like anypony else."

"I understand, but still I have so many questions about himself and his world."

"That's understandable but remember what our priority is."

"I understand Princess, learning about his powers is already on top of my checklist."

"However, do so with...discretion. I do not think he himself realize his own potential and danger. His chains should prevent any disastrous accidents, but still, its best we keep most what what we know a secret to everyone. Perhaps most of all to himself."

"I will, though I have been meaning to ask. What are those chains? It's definitively not normal and its made out a metal I'm unfamiliar with."

"It's best if we explain it with everypony present, Luna is also on her way as we speak." Eventually they made their way to the guest room where they find the two guards standing diligently on duty. "Is everything in order?"

"Yes your Highness, the...'guest' has remained inside ever since your last visit." Celestia nodded in response and was about to make her way when the guard continued to speak. "However, the maid that went inside has yet to leave. We were about to go inside and investigate before you arri-"


"Luna, good morning. You're just on time."

"Good morning Sister. *yawn* And to you dear Twilight, it is always a pleasure to see you again."

"And to you Princess."

"Well then Luna, shall we begin? Or would you prefer to retire for the day?" Celestia could easily see how tired her sister was, usually Luna would have slept within the hour of moonset but that has been hours ago.

"Tis quite alright dear Sister, we have stayed up specifically for this session. Besides, somepony needs to keep an eye on that thing. And you have obviously grown fond of it." despite her sister's words Luna still found it hard to trust the creature, in fact the only reason she's here is to protect Celestia should the need arise.

"I know that our initial....confrontation, was less than ideal he does not mean any harm. He can be quite troublesome with his antics but I believe his heart is in the right place, quite like yourself in fact."

"Surely thou art jesting!" even if it was a joke Luna did not enjoy the thought of resembling the creature in anyway or form.

"I'm only asking that you give him a chance. Now, we've loitered long enough." with that the three made their way inside. It took a moment to see that the creature was nowhere in sight, Luna was about to question the guards but stopped when she heard the sound of a body hitting the floor. Both princesses looked at each other and quickly made their way to the door and as Luna's magic enveloped the door it swung swiftly open.

[23 seconds earlier....]

"Oh no sir, I can't possibly let you wear such filthy clothes after your bath. It is my job to see that guests are properly, taken care of."

'Crap! Crap! Crap! Crap! Crap! Crap!'

With each step the mare took I made one away from her, but as luck would have it my leg stepped on to the tralng edge of the towel around my waist and I tumbled down to the floor. Seeing her chance the mare made a dash and leaped on top of me and was now towering above me with my waist right between her front hooves.

"Oh my, *giggle* you're a large one aren't you?" I was too confused and rattled with the situation my mouth was pretty much working on its own.

"From a pony's view I guess I do appear quite large though even in my world I was considered a bit buff, so yea you could say that."

*giggle* "I wasn't talking about your body."

'Oh really? Well I-gah snap out of it! Think! It's already too far gone to talk my way out of this, I'm gonna have to get physical hopefully just get her away or knock her out gently. Wait...' the memory of the nurse in the interrogation room resurfaced and immediately I tried waking up my 'Sense'. From the fear and a little adrenaline flowing in my veins the 'Sense' came almost instantly. By now her head had been slowly approaching me, going in for the kill. I basically just reenacted what I remembered with the nurse and imagined myself touching her 'fire', 'wow that sounded so wrong.' And just like last time I could feel her 'fire' fly straight at me and disappear, the mare's eyes rapidly start to drop and her legs gave out under and she hit the floor with a loud THUD!

I let out a long sigh, relieved I was able to dodge the bullet in time before anything happened. I looked at the mare lying with her hooves sprayed out and on top of me with her face laying sideways on my stomach.

'Wait a minute,

1) I'm naked.

2) there's a mare sleeping right on top of me positioned in a VERY suggestive manner.

3) I have terrible luck and Fate is a bitch.'




"Ah sonnava-" before I could even finish I saw the door aglow with a deep blue aura which suddenly swung open. And right there stood Princess Celestia, a purple unicorn, and Princess Bust-a-Ball.

*tingle-tingle* 'Yea, I feel ya.'

"In my defense, she was the one coming onto me." I could she Luna was shaking in anger and was about scream something with that sonic cannon of hers. I immediately covered my ears and braced for the coming verbal onslaught, but none came. Instead her expression was shifting from anger to, something, and back to anger again. It was clear she was struggling with something and apparently the others were too, though the purple one was losing badly. Soon she had the same dreamy expression as the maid and began licking her lips as her tail started twitching, she was looking at me up and down and I saw a predatory glint in her eyes. I saw Celestia's horn glow and a white-translucent bubble formed around me and the mare. Almost immediately everyone seem to snap out of it.

"Wha-what? How...why did I...oh my gosh!" the purple one had suddenly started to flush a deep red looked away from me.


"It's, it's nothing Princess I-I just...oh I can't believe I was about to...gah!" for a moment she looked at me and recoiled immediately, her head is practically glowing red.

"EXPLAIN YOURSELF THIS INSTANT!" I saw murder in Luna's eyes I looked to Celestia hoping she could calm the raging beast, but she was also waiting for my response.

"Can I at least put on my clothes first?"

[Several minutes later, in the bedroom....]

"...and that's when Fate decided to screw me over again and you guys came in." I told them about how the maid was acting strangely and that I was forced to knock her out before things escalated. All the while I was still surrounded by the bubble.

"And you did nothing else? No accidental magic? Nothing to yourself?"

"No, well at least I think I didn't. I don't even know how to use magic. All I did was take a bath, how does that result in me doing magic?"

"Exactly what did thou do while bathing?" luckily Luna had accepted the fact that this was all unintentional on my part, but she still hates my guts so there was some ice in her voice.

"Nothing! It was just a bath. I filled the tub with water, grabbed the soap and started washing myself and that's it." Celestia was looking down in thought with a hoof scratching her chin. Her horn glowed and I could hear clattering in the bathroom and saw a bunch of bottles surrounded in the same aura as her horn floating towards her.

"Which one of these did you use?" I looked and sure enough there was the bottle of soap I used and pointed. "Anything else?" I shook my head. "So you only used this soap and nothing else?" I nodded. "I see, I think I know what happened. Rodney, do humans have pheromones?" it took me a while to register the unusual question and even longer to come up with an answer.

"Uhh actually yea I think we do. Though its extremely minuscule and we've evolved past the point of being affected by it the same way other animals do." you're probably wondering how I know this. Well I had huge dry spell once and was getting desperate, I saw an add for some pheromone pills and got curious, unfortunately after some research turns out it's all bogus. Don't judge me.

"Well it looks like we've found our cause." she shook the bottle in front of me. "This bottle here has no scent because its meant to amplify others, usually used after applying fragrant soaps to enhance the smell. Since you used it and nothing else it must have amplified your, other smell. We ponies are intelligent but are still somewhat affected by our more, primal urges. Luckily I was able to recognize the effects and conjured the bubble in time."

"Oh....oooooooohhh." suddenly everything makes sense, I looked towards the purple unicorn who avoided my gaze and started to blush again. Though Luna was able to look me I could see a slight tinge of pink growing on her cheeks.

"Now that we have that settled, guards!" the door opened and both ponies entered the room and saluted. "Please take her to the infirmary for rest." with another salute they picked up the unconscious mare and left the room. "Rodney, this is Twilight Sparkle, my star pupil and your supervisor. I believe you've met before."

"I think so. Weren't you there in the forest when I first woke up? The one with stars on her butt?" she became somewhat peeved at how I mentioned her tattoo.

"Yes, my cutie-mark." I tried to suppress my giggle but it was too late and she heard me. "What's so funny?"

*snort* "Cutie-mark." she looked confused.

"Whatever, I am here to help teach you how to control magic. So that you don't go about accidently shooting magic at everypony." I couldn't help but imagine walking around shooting magic beams out of my groin and throwing ponies about. It took everything I had not to go into a laughing fit.

"Actually before that can anyone explain what these are for?" I lifted my arms to show them the chains, Twilight turned to Celestia.

"You will need to know about magic in order to understand them properly. You see everypony has a finite amount of magic they can contain, think of it like stamina. It is also harder for somepony to control their magic if they were born with the ability to hold a larger amount of magic. You, Rodney, have an unusually large 'container', and considering how you have never used magic before you came to Equestria, you have little to no natural ability to control it. But that is not all, am I correct to assume that your world has no magic whatsoever?"

"You are, although there are stories of some humans being able to, but their mostly works of fiction and legends. My world relies on technology and making the laws of the universe work for us."

"I see, than it would appear my assumption were correct. Equestria is a world rich in magic, thus all living things can, in some way and form, replenish their magic over time. You however, as a creature without magic in their world, lack the ability to do so. Instead your body attempts to fill your 'container' by siphoning magic from your surrounding and even from somepony in certain cases, which is what happened to the nurse and the maid."

'So those 'fires' are their magic, and them jumping to me was actually me taking it. Great I'm a leech.'

"Which is where those chains come into play, they were crafted by myself and Luna and was originally intended on somepony else." I was about to question who, but Celestia raised a hoof to silence me. "That is a discussion for later, when I deem you ready. Now to continue, these chains have a special property that nullifies and cancels magic around it. It prevents you from siphoning magic unintentionally."

"Then what about the nurse or the maid earlier? I assume that's me siphoning magic right?"

"Correct, however in those instances you actively siphoned them, even though they were both unintentional is still took you some form of effort or thought to do so."

'Like reaching out and imagine myself touching them.'

"What the chains prevent is your passive nature to siphon magic, a primal part and something you cannot control. Without the chains your like a sponge that absorbs everything around it with no control, with the cuffs your like a needle and only takes something you focus on and actively control. We can change how much influence the chains has upon the wearer, if we wish we can block your ability completely with nothing more than a thought. But living in a world infused by so much magic, but being the only living creature without any can cause some, unpleasant reactions."

'In other words, we've got you on a leash and we have a big stick.'

"How is it that you know so much about me already?" this time however Luna answered.

"While thou was still unconscious after our, 'attack', we did some tests though they were mostly trial and error. Remember those wires when thou awoke?" I nodded. "We could not keep our equipment anywhere near you as thou would eventually start siphoning them through the wires. We had to keep them at a distance for them to work long enough."

"I thought you said the chains would stop me passively absorbing magic?"

"Thou is correct, however giving thou control over your active ability means we also cannot block out all of your passive ones, it would seem that anything non-living would lose their magical charge if in direct contact with you."

'So stuff here runs on a battery of magic instead of electricity and I can drain it by touch. So what if I touch actual magic?' I reached out and poked the bubble with a finger where it instantly popped causing the air in the room to shift. Twilight had immediately jumped up from her sitting position and made a dash to the door.

"Calm down Twilight Sparkle, the soap has worn off quite a while ago." hearing her mentor's reassuring voice the unicorn made her way back though somewhat cautiously. "So then Rodney, ready to begin your lessons?" Twilight's ears suddenly perked up and she gave me a smile that shot shivers down my spine.

"If it alright with you I would just like to retire for the rest of the day." I can hear Twilight's jaw hit the floor.

"I understand, please be ready tomorrow morning and meet us for breakfast before we begin. The guards will escort you to the dining hall." by now Twilight was sullen and walking away from the room with her head hanging low. "I will also inform the tailor to make some new wardrobe for you."

"Eh tell them to make it simple, nothing like what I'm wearing. These aren't exactly my normal clothes or and they don't fit my taste."

"I'm relieved to hear that." and with that, all three made their way out the room and I was left alone.

It was still around mid afternoon but between the bathroom fiasco and what I had just learned I was ready to collapse on the floor. I jumped on the bed, closed my eyes and just let the darkness take me.

[Meanwhile, in the hallway...]

"Uhm...Princess Celestia?"

"Yes Twilight?"

"You said that we should keep his potential a secret right?"


"Than why did you tell him he had a large 'container' for magic, wouldn't that give it away?"

"That was a lie." Twilight looked at her mentor in confusion, waiting for her to continue.

"The truth is, he has no 'container'."

"What!? But that's impossible, how was he able to cast magic without a 'container' to hold magic in the first place?"

*sigh* "In all honesty I too do not fully understand it. Nevertheless the fact remains that he can control magic even without a 'container'." Celestia has been contemplating whether or not she should inform her student of her theory, but considering Twilight's sharp mind it would only be a matter of time before she arrives to the same theory. "Twilight, what I'm about to tell you must remain a secret of the highest degree. You shall not tell anypony, not even the other elements about this, understand?" Twilight was somewhat hesitant to keep anything from her friends, but she also trusted the Princess.

"I understand you Majesty, you have my word." Celestia leaned in and nuzzled her gently, grateful to have such a student as trustworthy as her.

"In truth Twilight, I believe that Rodney has no 'container' because he has no such limitations. I believe that, given an appropriated supply of magic, the amount of magic he can contain is infinite." Twilight was looking up to Celestia as if she had somehow gone mad in her long immortal life.

"But that's...that's impossible!"

"Is it? Remember that although he failed to contain it all in himself, he was able to siphon almost all the magic in Equestria unto himself. And he was able to safely control such magic and return it to the land without so much as a scratch on him."

Twilight was completely stunned by the implications, such a creature would have the potential to defeat the Princesses easily. But as much as she tried to disagree, the proof was there and she saw it with her own eyes. Celestia was grateful that Twilight had stopped asking questions, for she had told another lie during the conversation. Neither Celestia nor Luna have the ability to alter the influence of the chains whatsoever, Rodney was already under the full effects of the chains from the beginning. The very same chains meant to hold the likes of Discord himself.

And it still wasn't enough.

AN: I hope this wasn't too confusing for some people, I tried to put the puzzle pieces together but I had trouble doing it smoothly. So anyone who a bit confused at all please speak up, I will answer the question (without spoiling) as much as I can and make changes to the chapter to make it better.

And as I mention above I do need an editor, BAD! It's taking too long for me to edit my crap by myself, so if anyone is interested please send me a private message (PM). And please point out if you have any writing or editing skills, it would help.

And that's pretty much it, probably one of the shorter AN's I made. Isn't that right Pinkie?

Pinkie: *grumble-grumble*

I'm sorry, I didn't catch that.

Pinkie: *grrrrrrr*

What's the matter cat got you tongue?

Pinkie: "Hmph!" *bounces away*

Best. Duct tape. Ever.

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