• Published 10th Jul 2012
  • 29,168 Views, 3,106 Comments

Shackles and Friendship - Zaibatsu

A HiE fic filled with light comedy and a bit of adventure. Enjoy.

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Chapter 15 - Why aren'tya in a zoo?

Shackles and Friendship
Chapter 15 - Why aren'tya in a zoo?

Update: I did some alteration to the chapter so if there’s any inconsistency or problems that you notice please, PLEASE inform me. Thank you.






*sigh* "Spike this has better be........dafuq?"

[Library main room.....]

"Good morning Rodney! You're up early."

"Twilight, *sniff* what is this?" The chains made a few jingling noise as I raised my right arm, where what looked like a small bird with tiny wings and an enormous beak the size of its head was hopping about between my hand and elbow. What's interesting about the little creature was how little bits of flame would streak out whenever he moves or flapped his tiny wings. Those flames felt strangely familiar to how I 'feel' magic, they certainly gave off heat but never beyond a point where it hurts. Considering that this world has unicorns, pegasi and a purple dragon, it wouldn't be much of a surprise if the little guy turned out to be a...

"Oh that's Peewee, Spike's pet baby phoenix." 'Called it.' "I was wondering where he went. The little guy likes to explore a lot so we tend to lose sight of him here and there, though he always manages to come back just fine. Was he down in the basement with you all this time?"

"Not sure, I thought Spike was trying to wake me up a few minutes ago but instead I found Peewee here pecking me head." I tapped the side of my head for indication. "So...a phoenix." It let out several small chirps in response. "Where did Spike find it, is there like a pet store that sells phoenixes in town?" I started to pet the little guy with a finger. "Cause I would freakin love-"


"Oh right, Peewee likes to bite things. So don't-"

"AAAAARRGH!! Get it off me! Get it off me! Oh god it hurts!" Twilight jumped up in fright before turning around to see me frantically waving my hand about. I was hoping the momentum would dislodge the bird from my finger but it only caused the chain fly around and smack me in the face. "God dammit!"

"Rodney hold still! You’re going to hurt Peewee if you keep waving your arms like-"

"Twilight I swear I'll drain this guy empty if you don't do something!" Even though it didn't draw any blood it had bit down on a particular area that had a large cluster of nerves.

"No don't! We don't know how your powers will react to a magical creature like Peewee! You could harm it!" She pleaded.

"Arrgh! Then do something!" I pointed my finger at her, shoving the little devil to her face. She suddenly bit down gently but firmly on its little tail feather and started to pull back. It took a while and the strain caused even more pain but eventually its beak slid off. After smacking into Twilight’s face, the fiery bird jumped up and started chirping atop Twilight’s head like it had all been a game or something. "What is it with everyone's pet trying to eat me?" I mumbled irritably.

"What does that mean?" This time Twilight clearly overheard.

*sigh* "Back at Fluttershy's cottage while I was on her bed upstairs she went down below preparing tea for me. That's when this white bunny, Angel I presume, jumped on the bed and started looking at me funny. I reached out to pet it, but the little bastard suddenly bit down on my finger much like how Peewee did. Luckily it didn't have much jaw strength so I manage to pry him off by waving my hand like I did earlier." I started sucking on my finger, hoping that will somehow ease the throbbing pain.

"That didn't sound so bad."

"It wasn't really, at least for me it wasn't. Unfortunately for Angel he let go at the wrong moment. Bastard flew out the second story window."


"Hey it wasn't my fault and it was an accident! Besides, when I looked out the window I saw him scurry off somewhere so he's fine." I argued.

*sigh* "The next time we see Fluttershy you're going to tell her and apologize." Twilight lowered her head down to the floor where Peewee jumped off and started hopping to who knows where.

"Yea alright." I said somewhat flatly which caused Twilight look at me with narrowed eyes. "I will ok? Promise." She seemed convinced and went back to whatever she was doing before. It was then that I noticed how different the library looked. "Oh wow you've been busy."

From the looks of it, Twilight had gotten up early to finish organizing the library back to shape. All the books and tomes that were left on the floor last night had disappeared back into their proper place among the many shelves along the wall. She went even further and started to clean up after my disaster as well. Now the library was in the exact pristine condition it was when I first arrived, except for the kitchen which is still missing a great deal of furniture and utensils.

"Well I just couldn't sleep properly knowing the library was in such a mess." Her horn was glowing as several dusters moved about the room finishing up the last few dirty corners in the room. "Plus we have a lot to do today so we can't waste time cooped up in here. Still got that cold I see."

"Don't worry about it, I feel much better. It'll probably be gone by tomorrow. Where's the little guy?" Looking around there was no sign of the purple dragon anywhere.

"Spike? He went to Fluttershy's cottage to check up and bring back Owlowiscious, I was suppose to bring him back along with you but after the what happen I completely forgot about him." Her head sunk slightly. "How could I forget about him like that? *sigh* I'm a terrible owner."

"Don't say that Twilight, it was mostly my fault. Besides, I'm sure Fluttershy took good care of him and I doubt he feels lonely with all the animals she has." Twilight's demeanor brightened a bit as she started smiling again. "How long has he been gone though?"

*giggle* "He's going to be out for quite some time."

"What's so funny?"

"The vet is also waiting there for him."

"But didn’t you say it was going to be next....oooohh. Wow didn't think you had it in you Twily, making someone walk into his own death sentence like that. Cold." I teased.

"Don't say it like that! Besides it's for his own good and Fluttershy is the only one who can help."

"But why Fluttershy? What's wrong with the vet?" I could tell she was good with animals but convincing a kid like Spike to get an injection? I had my doubts.

*sigh* "Despite his age he is still a dragon, sometimes he's even harder to catch than Opal, Rarity's pet cat. I don't know what I'll do once he gets his wings. So I have to rely on Fluttershy, she's the only who can keep Spike still long enough to get the treatment."

"He's going to get real pissed once he get's back."

"That's another thing," her voice suddenly taking serious tone. "The Princesses and myself may tolerate that kind of language back in the castle. But you will watch your mouth in Ponyville, there are children here and I will not have my Spike talking like you. Understand?" Her glare left no room for argument.

"Yes ma'am." Satisfied she went back to cleaning out the library with her magic which reminded me of something I meant to do. "Hey Twilight you got a minute to talk? I've been meaning to ask you something."

'I'm telling you this is unnecessary.'

"Sure, what is it?"

"I've been meaning to ask about this whole 'siphoning your magic thing' we have going on." Now that I was actually going through with it I felt uneasy and unsure.

"What about it?" Looks like she pick up the fact that I was struggling with this conversation and was now giving me her full attention.

"Well I, uh... *sigh* It just feels like I'm taking advantage of you more, and the fact that you've been supervising me and even willing to take me in didn't help either."

"Let me get this straight, you're feeling guilty for taking my magic?"

"In a nutshell, yes." Out of nowhere Twilight started to giggle and laugh. "Ooook.... Did not expect that."

*giggle* "I'm sorry Rodney, I guess I'm just surprised. I just never expected something like this since your so...."

"Immature? Childish? Juvenile? Crude?"

"How’s about all of the above? *giggle* But seriously though it's fine Rodney. Princess Celestia and Luna sent you to Ponyville to learn not only about ponies but to also learn more about yourself. That includes your abilities and magic and if you need any just come to me, I'm more than happy to give you some. Besides I still don’t know the extent of your abilities, how can I conduct any research if you can’t use magic?"

"So no hard feelings? At all?" she shook her head. "But don't you also need magic to continue your studies?"

"Don't underestimate me Rodney, I may not be as powerful as the Princess but my special talent is magic after all. I have more than enough to give."

'Oh I know Twilight.' During the earlier sessions with Twilight I started to realize how much larger her 'fire' was from every other ponies around. In fact, till now I've yet to see anyone that comes close to Twilight's level other than Celestia and Luna.

"Truth be told Rodney I had expected to find ponies sleeping on the street by now."

"Ouch. Twilight that just hurts, I'm not that low."

"I'm sorry, honestly you’re really hard to predict at times you know that. So is that all then? No more deep thoughts you wish to share?"

*chuckle* "No Twilight that’s all, thank you. Maybe next time. So is it ok then if I...." I smiled sheepishly at her and she just rolled her eyes and gave me a smile before her horn started to glow. The same purple sphere from our sessions appeared and floated towards me, I reached out with my mind and drained the spell until I felt the familiar tingling headache start to form before I stopped. "Thank you Twilight."

"Like I said, it's no problem at all. Now then, are you hungry?"


*giggle* "I'll take that as a yes, unfortunately there's not much left after last night. We'll have to go to the market today if we want to eat anything, or maybe Sugarcube Corner."

"The pastry shop? Hell why not? Sugar for breakfast!" I shouted childishly. Twilight just rolled her eyes a second time in response as she continue to dust off a few more corners before returning the feather dusters back behind a compartment.

"Honestly, sometimes you're no different from a foal. Didn't you say you were considered an adult back in your world? Or is this" she pointed a hoof at my head and traced it to my feet, "what's considered adult behavior?" I merely looked at her with a childish grin across my face.

"A wise man once said: Growing old is inevitable, growing up is entirely optional." And before Twilight could start lecturing me about how stupid that sounds I ran up the stairs, into the bathroom, and shut the door.

[Some time later, on the street towards Sugarcube Corner....]

It took some time getting used to but eventually I started to ignore all the stares, it was actually a bit amusing really. One stallion actually came up to me and asked where he could buy a pet monkey like me, only for Twilight to march up to him and start lecturing him like a child in front of a crowd.

'Well at least we know she actually cares.'

"I'm so sorry about that! Please don't mind him he didn't know what he was saying, says he missed the town meeting about you."

"It's alright Twily, it was actually kinda fun watching you talk him down like that." But seeing as she's still somewhat uncertain I started rubbing her head again which immediately brought a satisfied smile on her face. "Does it really feel that good?"

"Mmm it's like getting a message, your hands are really soft you know. Not like Spike's."

"Lady fingers eh? I guess I can take that as a compliment in this world." She looked at me through her ruffled mane waiting for me to elaborate. "The stereotype for men in my world is that guys should be rough and tough, it's an old one but it's still there."

"You don’t have to worry about that here. I’m sure Rarity will love it, she often goes to the spa for massages but I-hhmm I doubt the twins could match your fingers."

"Alright that's enough of that, otherwise they might start getting the wrong idea about us." Once Twilight snapped out of it she noticed how many of the ponies around was now staring at her, interestingly enough one mint green unicorn actually looked jealous of her. We eventually continued on our way with Twilight taking a quicker pace trying to escape the crowd's attention. Sometime later my eyes fell upon a building which appeared to have jumped straight out of 'Hansel and Gretel', it looked just like how I imagined the witch's house to be.

"Twilight this might sound like a weird question, but the building isn't really made out of...."

"Of course not silly, otherwise Pinkie would've eaten it already. It is understandable though, once in awhile somepony from out of town would actually try and take a bite." She raised a hoof and pointed a nearby corner of the building. Sure enough there were some faded bite marks on some chocolate fudge decoration.

"Admit it Twily there were times when you wished it was edible right?" I said playfully.

"Ehehe, how'd you guess?" Her cheeks started to glow a bit in embarrassment .

"It's nothing to be embarrassed about, it's actually kinda cu-GUH!" Out the front door flew a hyper pink pony which hit me in the stomach and sent me flying back a few feet, ass kissing dirt.

"Oh my gosh you’re here! You're here! You're here! Did you come here just to see me!? Huh? Did'ya did'ya did'ya?" As if being barreled down wasn't enough, she was now using my gut as a trampoline.

"Pinkie please I-ugh. I need you to-ugh. Pinkie you're hurting-ugh. Twilight don't just-ugh. Twilight!" With suppressed giggles Twilight's horn glowed as she magically lifted the pink hazard away from me.

"Oh heya Twilight! What are you doing here? Is the library fixed? Where's Spike?"

"We came to pick up breakfast, the library is fixed except we still need to resupply the kitchen, and Spike is with Fluttershy." It's obvious that Twilight's gotten used to Pinkie's behavior.

"Oh well then come on in, I've just finished baking a fresh batch." Twilight walked through the front door with Pinkie floating behind still being suspended in a purple aura.


'Can we please make an effort to stay away from that one?'


"Yah a'right there partner?" A pony wearing cowboy hat came into view as she trotted up before my head. "We haven't been properly introduced yet have we? Name's Applejack, ah run Sweet Apple Acres with mah brother Big Macintosh." She raised a hoof over my head which I took, where she suddenly shook with a rough and wild shake.


"It's a pleasure meeting ya Rodney! Would yah like to try out one of our apples from the farm? Best apples in Equestria and freshly picked too." She waved a hoof in a large arc before me with pride.

"Sure why not? But I don't have any money with me."

"Think of it as a sample, ah'm positive yer gonna want more in the future. Applebloom, an apple please." It was only when I got back on my feet did I notice how Applejack was strapped onto a stall with wheels loaded with baskets filled with the reddest apples I've ever seen. Just looking at them made my mouth water, even more so considering I haven't eaten anything today.

From the corner of my vision I noticed a large red ribbon poking behind the corner of the stall and right below it was the cutest pair of awestruck eyes I've ever seen, after Fluttershy of course. Her coat was yellow, similar to that of Fluttershy's and her mane and tail were light-rose red. She's the first filly I've seen so far, basically a shrunk down version of a normal pony. She was afraid and wary of me but being a child her curiosity got the better of her, slowly she started to emerge from behind the stall. When I finally got a clear view of her I realize that unlike other ponies she lacked a cutie-mark on her rear end. The fact that I was able to noticed it so quickly showed just how much I've gotten used to being around these ponies.

'Please, you just like staring at their flanks.'

"It's a'right Applebloom, don't be shy now." With some encouraging words from Applejack the little filly hopped onto to the stall and jumped back down with a bright red apple held in her mouth. As she made her way towards me I bent low to a crouch taking a less intimidating posture, with a gentle smile I held out my hand where she slowly approached and dropped the apple. The moment I grasped the apple, her demeanor changed instantly. All semblance of fear gone to the wind allowing her childish curiosity to overwhelm her behavior. She started to poke me in a few places with a hoof, sniffed at my clothes which made her cringe a bit and even tried to climb over my back before Applejack intervened.

"Awww but Applejack." She pleaded. Her voice was light and she had the same southern slur as Applejack which made me suspect the two to be related.

"You two related?" I asked with a bit of a chuckle at their antics.

"Yup! Ah'm Applebloom, but I guess yah already know that, Applejack's mah sis, Big Mac's mah brother and there's Granny Smith." She was still circling around me scrutinizing my figure and my clothes. "Hey mister-"

"You can call me Rodney."

"Right uhm, Rowdney, why ar'ya wearing all them clothes? Ain'tcha hot in that getup? How come ah'v never seen anypony like you before? Where's yer cutie-mark?" It took quite a bit of effort to resist the urge of picking her up like a puppy, from the way her bow bobbed around to her movement, to her innocent curiosity, it was probably enough adorableness to cure cancer.

"I'm called a human, no we do not have cutie-marks and the reason for the clothes is because humans like me don't have coats like you do, so we need them to keep warm. And as for not seeing someone like me before it's simply because there's only one of me in all Equestria."

"Soooo, yer like one of them endangerous species?" She asked with one eyebrow raised.

"Endangered, and yea I guess you could call it that." Applebloom placed a hoof on her chin as if trying to solve a riddle.

"Then why aren'tya in a zoo?"

"Applebloom!" I was barely able to suppress my laughter from Applejack, I didn't want her to know I wasn't the least bit insulted. "Yah don't go around asking ponies why they ain't in a zoo!"

"But yer the one who said rare critters can only be seen in them zoos!" My body started to jerk a bit from the urge to burst out laughing, unfortunately for Applejack she thought that meant I was angry or something.

"Please don't mind the little one, she's still a youngin and don't know any better."

"Ah ain't little!" Between Applejack's flustered face and Applebloom's adorable scowl at her sister, it was too much for me to handle.

"Pfft HAhahaha! It's alright Applejack I understand, I'm not offended or anything. *chuckle* No Applebloom I don't belong in a zoo." Applejack let out a sigh of relief as the tension left her, only to be replaced by a look of irritation.

"Well why didn'tcha say so in the first place?"

"And where's the fun in that?" I asked with a mischievous grin which made Applebloom giggle.

"Why I ahtta-"

"Applejack? Applebloom? What are you two doing here? I was expecting to see you at the marketplace." Twilight came out of Sugarcube Corner levitating a small box in front of her. "Rodney what did you do this time?" She asked flatly.

"I was just getting to know Applejack and little Applebloom, and I resent the fact that you immediately assume I am at fault in every situation."

"Ah ain't little!"

"It's a'right Twilight he speaks the truth, we were just getting acquainted is all. Ah just happened teh be on mah way from the market and setup shop when ah saw him laying on the street and thought he might be hurt or somesuch." Applejack explained.

"Don't worry, it was just Pinkie being Pinkie."

"Thought so. Care to buy a few apples while ah'm here?"

"Actually I was hoping to buy some, we were on our way to the market to resupply the kitchen. Wait, did you say you were came from the marketplace? Why did you leave so early? That's not like you AJ."

"Didn'tcha hear sugarcube? There's a rain scheduled today, the markets pretty much deserted by now." I looked up and sure enough gray clouds were starting to gather above where pegasi were.....'wait a minute.'

"Was that today? Well in that case I'll gladly-"

"Twilight." I interrupted. "Why are those pegasi doing?" Above our heads flew several pegasi here and there carrying bundles of gray could sand sticking them like clay.

"What? The weather team? They're just getting ready for the rain today, don't tell me you forgot they could manipulate the weather. I know I mentioned it before."

"You did but I, it's just...*sigh* I guess it's something else to actually see it." Truth be told, when Twilight mentioned 'manipulate', I assumed it was simply to alter or subtly affect it. But based on what I'm seeing these ponies have complete mastery of the weather, 'it's like playing with legos, except with mother nature.'

Twilight and Applejack went back to their discussion and chatter while I continue to gawk at the spectacle above me, much to Applebloom's amusement. Eventually the two concluded their business and with a hefty sack of apples we parted ways and headed back to the Library, or so I thought.

"Do we have to? I just can't, what's the word I’m looking for. Deal with her."

"What's the matter Rodney? Finally there’s somepony that can put you in place?" Twilight teased.

"Please Twilight you know you’re the only mare for me." Her face suddenly started to glow red, that is, until I cast my trademark mischievous grin at her. "It's just that she's so....*sigh* You know what? Forget about it. What are we doing there anyway?"

"Applejack said that she met Rarity earlier today, apparently she was looking for you and Spike. Probably done with your new attire."

"Already? That was pretty fast, I expected making an entire set would take at least three days." Despite my hesitation to meet the ivory unicorn again I kept remembering how Applebloom cringed when she sniffed me, a proper indication I need a fresh new set of clothes.

"Rarity is an extremely talented seamstress, I wouldn't be surprised if she made several sets for you. By the way are you going to eat that apple or would you prefer some of these cupcakes?" She opened the box with her magic to reveal several colorful cupcakes.

"Nah, I'll stick with the apple. Thanks anyways." As tantalizing as those cupcakes looked, the bright red apple in my hand looked too good to pass up. But considering how it was given to me I rubbed it across my sleeve before taking a bite.


[Several seconds before, on the road to Sweet Apple Acres.....]

"Ah like him, he's funny." Applebloom stated as she trotted by her big sister.

"Ah guess he's an a'right kind of pony. Although ah'm starting to feel sorry fer Twilight, I reckon he's quite the troublemaker."

"If he's a troublemaker how come yah gave him an apple?" Applejack nuzzled her sister gently at her innocence.

"Not the bad kind Applebloom, more like them critters that keeps getting into trouble now and again. As as for the apple, well call it business smarts. Ah'm sure he'll be clamoring for more."

"How'd you figure that?"

"APPLEJACK! Get your flank back here so I can kiss it!!" with a blush Applejack beamed as the familiar voice continued to echo away from Ponyville.

"Oh, just a feeling." The two siblings continue to make their way back home as Applejack trotted with a new spring to her steps as she looked forward to her new customer.

And the bits he'll bring.

AN: I now realize why there were very few fics that included Peewee, since he only got less than 30 second air time we really know nothing about him. Heck I don't even know what gender he is, I'm using 'he' since Peewee sounds like a guy's name to me. Anyways since season 3 is on the horizon I decided to post pone Rodney's adventure with Peewee until I can get more info.

Now some of you may remember that I mention how the story will start to move on at a quicker pace, however right now Rodney is still just settling down on Ponyville. So the story will still revolve around daily routines every two chapters, though that's subject to change depending on the plot.

Oh and I finally get to introduce one of the CMC's! YAY! I myself am getting giddy just thinking of all the chaos those three will wreck upon Rodney's life. So look forward to that.

And as usual please leave comments and criticize my work, especially if anyone is starting to have problems with the story's pacing.

And things are working well with my new editor though it's still a bit early to tell but I'm starting to fall into a writing patter so updates should come at a predictable pattern, unless life gets in the way. So again give credit to Noxxels for his effort.

Did you enjoy your little time with Rodney Pinkie?


Hey Pinkie you in-oh. Another one.

Dear Zai,

Heading to Noxxels place.

-Pinkie Pie

Oh boy.

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