• Published 10th Jul 2012
  • 29,186 Views, 3,106 Comments

Shackles and Friendship - Zaibatsu

A HiE fic filled with light comedy and a bit of adventure. Enjoy.

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Chapter 38 - I know you want this

Shackles and Friendship
Chapter 38 - I know you want this
Edited by Hollyhock & AndyGrey
Pre-read by Same (duh. Hollyhock)

Credit for the art goes to Hollyhock. Thank you again.

“Come now Twilight,” he reached out and caressed the side of her muzzle. “I know you want this.”

“I-I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She raised a hoof to push him away only to feel his fingers wrap around it.

“Enough with playing pretend.” Twilight let out a yelp as she was suddenly pulled towards him. She tried to resist, but the soft silk underneath kept making her hooves slide over the mattress.

‘Matress?’ Glancing around Twilight realized she was atop an impossibly large bed, surrounded by a wall of large pillows. Everything was colored in varying shades of red, and even the air seem to glow, creating a very intimate feel to the place. No matter where she looked, certain thoughts kept appearing in her mind making her body hotter than usual.

“No more games Twilight.” She felt the mattress sink as the human suddenly lunged forward and leaned over her with hands pressed beside her head. They were apart by mere inches now and Twilight could feel the heat from his body.

“Wait! Rodney I-I….I’ll give you all the meat you want, ok?” Twilight begged.

“That’s generous, but no. The only meat I’m interested in eating...” Twilight pushed her head back against the bed as he started to descend. “Is. Right. Here.”

“Aaah!!” Twilight screamed, her horn bursting into light as she attempted an emergency teleport.

“Spike? Are you in there?” Shine called, her voice echoing into the bathroom.

“Ahm khere,” the young dragon replied before continuing to brush his teeth. From the mirror he saw the door open to reveal the library’s newest resident.

“Breakfast is ready,” Shine Bright informed Spike in a pleasant tone.

“Okhay,” was Spike’s only reply as he continued to stare at his reflection. A thought came to mind as he regarded his counterpart in the mirror; he hadn’t grown much.

In fact, the more he thought about it, the more he realized how little he has changed physically. He turned his head, bared his fangs, stuck out his tongue, and circled in place trying to find something different or new. But nothing had changed; the same purple scales, the same blunt green spikes, the same round belly and the same tail.

Nothing had changed at all.

‘If only I was bigger,’ he thought. That of course led him to remember the time he grew to adulthood in a matter of days. ‘I could’ve taken that dragon on by myself if I...’ Spike shook his head discarding that train of thought. He knew that was wishful thinking, the last time it happened he had lost control of himself and wrecked the town. Ponyville would have been left with two dragons to deal with. With a long depressed sigh the young dragon leaned over the sink and cleaned himself before jumping off his stool with breakfast on his mind.

But just as he was about to reach for the door, he heard a loud heavy din from right outside. He immediately rushed to the window and leaned his head outside, searching for the disturbance. First he scanned the skies, expecting to see the green dragon return for another attack on the town. Relieved to see the skies clear, he turned his gaze downward and spotted the source of the commotion.

“Uhh, Twilight?” Spike called, recognizing the purple mare laying atop her bed out in broad daylight. “What are you do…. Did you teleport in your sleep!?” Instead of answering, Twilight started to scramble away from her bed, only to stumble over and land head-first onto the ground making Spike flinch. “Are you ok!?” he yelled, now worried.

“Spike?” she finally spoke, recognizing his voice. “Wha...I was...” Even from that height, Spike could see her eyes widen in surprise while her entire head glowed red with embarrassment. All around her, ponies who were going about their business froze in place to stare at the librarian and her bed-mane.

Spike saw her horn glow bright, and Twilight, along with her bed, disappeared into thin air shortly before hearing a loud thud originating from the bedroom.

“Spike,” Shine called from downstairs. “What was that?”

“Nothing to worry about!” Spike shouted back. “This oughta be interesting,” he spoke in a quiet voice and left the bathroom.

=========[Sometime after...]=========

“A nightmare?” Spike repeated skeptically. “Really?”

“Yes Spike, a nightmare,” Twilight answered before taking a mouthful of hay. Spike stared suspiciously across the table at the unicorn. It took him some time, but he eventually managed to convince Twilight to come out from under her blanket and walk down to the kitchen for breakfast. He noted that she was still blushing after the incident, but he simply assumed it was embarrassment from having her bed-mane publicly revealed.

“I haven’t seen you sleepcast in years. Back then you only made things levitate.” Spike took a bite of his emerald. “To actually teleport, that must have been one nasty nightmare.”

“Not to mention extremely dangerous,” Shine added from one side of the table. “Apologies ma’am, that was rude of me.”

“Please Shine, just Twilight. And don’t apologise, you’re right that was dangerous.” Twilight sighed. “Princess Celestia will be so disappointed if she finds out. The very first thing she taught me was to make sure I had complete control over my magic, and because of him, I lost it.”

Him?” Spike asked, catching the slip.

“I-eh. Did the paper arrive yet?” Twilight quickly asked, hoping to divert the subject.

“It hasn’t,” Shine answered as she took her empty plate to the sink. “I don’t think the mail service would be operational so soon after the atta-” Shine was cut off when something heavy collided with the front door. The impact echoed loudly throughout the library.

“Mail’s here,” Spike spoke casually, before hopping out of his seat and walking towards the front door.

Twilight noticed Shine's confused expression. "Our mail mare is rather...unique”

Shine gave another look towards the front door before continuing to clean her plate. While Shine was busy cleaning, Twilight noticed something different about her kitchen. The wooden walls were gleaming and there wasn’t a speck of dirt on the floor.

“Shine, did you clean the kitchen?” Twilight asked, she knew that Spike was never this meticulous with his chores.

“Just a bit. I woke up before daybreak and well... I didn’t really know what to do with myself. So I decided to help with the chores. After all, you’re letting me stay in your home, this is the least I can do. Oh, but don’t worry; I cleaned, but left everything where it was.”

“I’m grateful for what you did, but…,” Twilight paused as she formulated her thoughts. “I know Celestia sent you to help keep an eye on Rodney, but you’re not my maid or anything...”

“I’m aware of that ma’am-”

“Twilight,” the unicorn corrected again.

“Uhm, Twilight. With Rodney still in the hospital there’s little for me to do until the next visit. I hope I’m not too intrusive.”

“You’re not. I just wanted to make sure that-”

“You two will want to take a look at this,” Spike interrupted. Both mares turned just as Spike returned with the newspaper. Before either mare could inquire what he meant, the dragon held the front page for both to see.

“An interview!?” Twilight shouted, both surprise and slightly confused.

“I thought the newsponies were restricted from entering the hospital,” Shine wondered aloud. “How did anypony manage to… Do you think it’s fake?”

“I seriously doubt that,” Twilight replied, levitating the newspaper out of Spike’s grasp. “The Canterlot Post won’t risk their reputation unless it’s legitimate.”

“I bet they’re calling him a hero,” Spike spoke impassively, which Twilight noted as strange. She watched her adopted sibling for a moment as he went back to breakfast, before her attention returned to the article.

=========[Carousel Boutique]=========

“How many-ngh more do you need?” Sweetie Belle spoke while trying her best to roll a square bundle of cloth.

“Two should be enough,” replied Rarity. Despite the focus needed to control the numerous floating tools, Rarity could barely contain her excitement. The front page of today’s newspaper was a pleasant surprise, but the real gift was reading the small section that mentioned the boutique.

She felt euphoric imagining the towering amount of attention her work would receive. There had been opportunities in the past, ones that she had unfortunately missed, but this was different. Many would come to see him and that of course would mean publicity for her work. Especially considering that he worked for her. Forget the fire ruby. If this worked out as she imagined, Rodney would have paid her back a hundred times over.

‘I’ll have to make something truly special to repay him,’ she thought losing herself to the moment.

=========[Sweet Apple Acres]=========

“And yeh sure he ain’t a monkey?”

“Course Ah’m sure, Granny Smith,” Applejack replied, feeling slightly irritated. “Ah know what a monkey looks like, and he ain’t one.”

“Hmmm….” The old pony hummed as she brought the newspaper closer. “Sure looks like one.”

Applejack rolled her eyes and went back to finishing her breakfast. “You haven't spent any time together, have ya?” she asked her older sibling as he read a different part of the paper.

“Nope,” the large red stallion answered in his trademark stoic tone.

“Well you should!” shouted Applebloom with a smile. “Ah think you’ll like him. Ah really hope he gets better.”

“You ain’t got nothin to worry about Applebloom,” Applejack assured. “He’ll be fit as a fiddle in a few days.”

“Let’s give him a ‘get well’ present!”


Applebloom tapped her muzzle, thinking. “Free apples for life?” Big Macintosh nearly choked on his breakfast as he started coughing loudly.

“Free might be a tad bit too much there Applebloom,” Applejack spoke with a hesitant smile. “How’s about a private discount instead?”

“And a basket of apples!”

“And a basket of apples too,” Applejack conceded.

=========[Sugarcube Corner]=========

“Uhm, Pinkie,” Mr.Cake called hesitantly. “What are you baking?”

“Oh I’m glad you asked! It’s my ‘Thank You For Saving Ponyville’ cupcake!” the pink pony replied hyperactively, all the while keeping an eye on a nearby oven.

“I see.” Mr.Cake gazed around the kitchen, particularly noting the many large empty bags of sugar strewn across the floor. “And exactly how many batches are you making?”

“Oh no this is a very special cupcake for a very special somepony. Though I suppose he’s not a pony, so should I call him somerodney or somehuman? Unless of course he-”

“Hold on,” Mr.Cake interrupted, “you’re only making one?” He looked again at the empty sacks of sugar. He counted eight of them on the floor. “Don’t you think that’s-”


“Oh my gosh, it’s done, it’s done, it’s done!” With large pink oven mittens Pinkie pulled the cake out of the oven, turned, and revealed her creation. “It’s PERFECT!!”

“I...eh. It’s...” Mr.Cake was at a loss for words. Rather than a pastry, this was more like a block of sugar, shaped to look like a cupcake. He could feel his bowels shudder in fear at the thought of digesting this sweetened death sentence. Even the air seem to taste sweeter.

“Pinkie, I don’t think-” he started, hoping to save a life.

“You’re right! It still needs my super special frosting!” In a blur of pink the mare darted towards the other corner of the bakery.

“Wait! Pinkie, that’s not what I...” He paused, dumbfounded by what he saw. Next to a large mixing bowl full of frosting lay even more empty sacks of sugar stacked atop each other. “Oh Celestia…”


“I wish he would be slightly more subtle about keeping his origins secretive.” Celestia paused and considered while sipping on her morning tea. “But definitely better than what we expected, wouldn’t you agree?”

“As they say nowadays; speak for thyself.” Luna sighed heavily. She could only imagine the grievance this article would bring for her. “I can already hear the ruffling of quills from a great many protesting mails.”

Celestia giggled at Luna’s predicament. “You have to give him credit for using the media to get what he wants. Besides, did his actions not more than deserve a prize?”

“Of course they did,” Luna answered. “I had every intent on rewarding him. I even called for a gryphon to cook the feast properly. Leave it to a meat eater to cook for a meat eater.”

“I’m sure he’ll enjoy that. Even more so if he believes his plan worked.”

Luna grumbled something under her breath before turning and trotting away to her chambers.

=========[Golden Oak Library]=========

“This is...,” Twilight paused as she quickly skimmed through the article. “This is good. I mean really good!” The newspaper descended on the table before the purple aura around it disappeared.

“I agree. Especially the last part,” Shine Bright added with the same enthusiasm.

“Knowing Rodney I expected him to… I don’t know, cause another incident or something.” Twilight’s body visibly relaxed knowing that everything was in the clear.

“Has he always caused problems?” Shine Bright asked hesitantly, fearing that perhaps her perception of the human might be mistaken.

“Not intentionally. I suppose I shouldn’t be too harsh. Most of the big ones were the result of ignorance, but sometimes he can be so...mischievous. Acting like a foal without a care in the world.” Twilight shook her head. “Most of the time he knows that the things he does aren’t sensible. They are counterproductive and accomplish nothing, and yet he still does them anyway.”

“I see.” Knowing she’d eventually spend a great deal of time with Rodney, Shine Bright mentally took it down.

Twilight frowned and laid her head down on the table. “The worst part is that times during our training sessions he does things that are absolutely brilliant. It’s frustrating to see him waste his talent on whatever happens to strike his fancy.”

“So he’s gifted with magic then?”

Twilight pulled her head back up and hummed deep in thought. “Not the way somepony might expect. I mean, he does grasp the theory and practical skills of magic quite quickly, so I guess he is rather gifted. He also... thinks differently. He takes basic theoretical ideas or simple spells that every unicorn knowns and envisions them from a different angle. You’ve never seen his gems, have you?”

“His gems? You mean the arcane gem inside that box?”

“No, not that. I meant….never mind.” Twilight uttered with a sigh. “You’ll see it soon enough. It’s a project that he’s been working on for a while. Since before the dragon attack.” Twilight smiled as a thought came to her. “Let’s just say that if it works the way he explained it to me, Rodney might be sitting on very lucrative and innovative business opportunity.”

“It’s really that impressive?” Shine asked, now with great interest.

“It could change Equestria.” Twilight answered truthfully. “Don’t tell him that though. I don’t want him getting overconfident. Or worse, develop a ego.”

“Wow.” Shine didn’t know much about magic or how it’s marketing and patent system worked, but if Celestia’s student herself spoke so highly of it, then she was willing to believe it.

“Where’s Spike?” Twilight asked, noticing Spike’s absence from the table.

“Over here!” came a shout from the large circular room of the library, followed by a few chirps. “I’m about to take Peewee out on her-BUUUUURP!”

“Letter?” Twilight yelled and waited for a response, but for a while all she could hear was Peewee’s impatient chirping. “Spike?” she called.

“Uh, Twilight.” Spike walked nervously into the kitchen holding a scroll in front of him for Twilight to see. It was obvious to her that this letter did not come from Celestia. Instead of the usual trademark red band, this one was white and bore a different seal.

Silence followed suit. The only sound that could be heard was Peewee’s insistent chirping and Shine’s movement as she looked back and forth from the two confusedly. “What’s going on?” she asked worriedly.

“Nothing good,” Spike answered cryptically as Twilight levitated the scroll from him.

“What does he want?,” Twilight asked in an irritated tone.

Shine moved towards Spike while watching Twilight as she ripped the seal off in a clear display of hostility. “What’s going on?” she asked again.

“Only one other pony can send letters through me; The Professor.” Both Shine and Spike watched as Twilight started ranting under her breath while unfurling the letter.

“It doesn’t look like she likes him,” Shine commented noting the unicorns obvious scorn. “Did something happen between the two of you?”

“More like what didn’t happen,” Spike answered.

“What!?” Twilight suddenly yelled before crumbling the letter into a tiny ball and throwing it into the trashcan.

“What did he want?” Spike asked, moving aside as Twilight trotted angrily out of the kitchen.

“He’s coming to stay here for a few days.” she yelled. “And he’s even bringing a guest!”

“Should I- ,” shine began thinking of finding a different place to sleep.

“No.” Twilight interrupted in a tone that left no room for argument. “You stay. There’s no need for you to move just for him. I’ll reorganize the place to make room.” Spike and Shine watched as Twilight climbed up the stairs, hooves thumping loudly along the way.

“So what happened?”

Spike sighed and rolled his eyes. “He’s never given her a perfect grade on anything.”

Author's Note:

Ok I’ll admit it; I’m starting to slip. More than a month since the last update. It’s old but my job got really complicated, for those in the gaming industry we are now in crunch time.

Anyways, I’ll get to the main plot after this chapter. I just wanted to address some of the effects and result of the interview. Plus it was fun writing those small segments. Apologies to Rainbow and Fluttershy fans for not including them. At least not here.

And of course, the awesome newspaper article goes to Hollyhock. I’m lucky to get such a talented editor/artist.

Anyways, let’s also welcome AndyGrey as my additional editor. When he doesn’t edit, he complains and points out everything that’s wrong about my writing. So he’s actually helping me become a better writer.

Again, I’m lucky.

Hope you all enjoyed the chapter. I’ll try, try to write up the next one faster.

Oh! Also please tell me if there's any trouble reading the article on a smartphone or any mobile device. Since the whole things is actually a picture, you may have trouble reading it. Depends on the resolution. I'll try to figure something out to help you.

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