• Published 10th Jul 2012
  • 29,168 Views, 3,106 Comments

Shackles and Friendship - Zaibatsu

A HiE fic filled with light comedy and a bit of adventure. Enjoy.

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Chapter 20 - It appears you have quite a knack with children

Shackles and Friendship
Chapter 20 - It appears you have quite a knack with children
Edited by Noxxels

AN: Massive delay incoming, details below.

If the sudden explosion of rainbows of in the distance was any indication, I'd say my little trick did it's job, much to Twilight's dismay. The two of us spent the next thirty minutes bickering outside of Carousel Boutique, 'actually it was just Twilight screaming at us.' And it would have gone further on into the night if Rarity hadn't stuck her head out the window and convinced Twilight to go home, 'actually it was just Rarity threatening to cut Twilight's mane if she didn't stop screaming and go home.'

So after ensuring that no harm was done with another torrent of apologies to Twilight, and one to Spike for yanking his tail, we parted ways. Thankfully while I was away on Rarity's errand she actually found time to do a bit more clean up on the second floor, meaning that for tonight I actually get to sleep on a real bed. Unfortunately said bed was not made to human specification, in fact the way the room was decorated and furnished I swear a pony lived here at one time or another. But seeing as Twilight and I had bothered her far too much already I decided to ask her another time and tried to make the best of it.

[The next day....]







"GAH my ears!" I shot up from the bed clutching my ears while grinding my teeth in pain as what could only be described as nail on blackboard sound continued ripping through my eardrums. I only caught a glance of a filly standing by the door screaming her head off before dashing away.

"Rarity! There's a monkey sleeping in my bed!!" I continue to gaze at the open door dumbstruck for several seconds before pinching the bridge of my nose and letting out a frustrated sigh.

I continue to mumbled several more lines of curses before falling back to the tiny bed only to curse loudly in pain and springing back up, "It's way too early for shit like this." Realizing it was impossible to go back to sleep, I got up and made my way towards the bathroom, 'I get the feeling this is gonna be a loooong day.'

After a quick freshen up I headed downstairs to find Rarity already busy in the kitchen making breakfast for us. I was about to greet her when a pair of large eyes caught my attention from under the dining table. "Ah good morning Rodney, I see you've met Sweetie Belle." Said Rarity while still busy cooking what looked like an omelette.

"You could say that." I replied while rubbing the inside of my right ear with a finger. "So, Sweetie Belle is it?" Now that I had a good look, and not paralyzed by pain, I noticed she was a unicorn and roughly the same size as Applebloom which probably makes her somewhat the same age. She has extremely light gray coat, almost near white, with a shade of purple and pink as her mane and tail. Like Applebloom she too lacked a mark on her flank.

Once it was clear that I was giving her my full attention she bolted straight towards Rarity and hid under her while grasping one of her hooves which caused Rarity to stumble a bit. "Now Sweetie Belle, how many times must I keep mentioning how dangerous that is? Especially while I'm cooking." After placing the hot pan down and getting the omelette on a plate she bent her head down and used her muzzle to push the little filly out from under her towards me. Sweetie Belle fell on her haunches and planted her hooves hard on the floor to stop, however the floor was far too slippery for any traction so she just continued sliding closer to me. "Now be polite and introduce yourself." Said Rarity in a pleasant tone before turning around and tending to the kitchen again.

Despite Rarity's encouragement Sweetie Belle just sat there staring up at me with her ears fallen back and eyes the size of apple seeds, clearly she was too afraid to say or do anything. Fortunately I've handled children before as a part time job when I was desperate so I've picked up a nifty trick to get children to approach me easier, and considering how small this town was there's a fairly good chance my plan would work. I looked away from the filly and made my way to sit at one of the chairs around the dining table though, just like in the castle, I still had to sit crossed legged considering how low it is. I rested my head on my right arm looking as nonchalant as possible while looking at another direction but keeping her near the edge of my vision, I activated both my 'Sense' and 'Sight' before I started speaking again.

"You know, you remind me of Applebloom." Almost immediately I could see the change in the way her 'fire' burned, where it was once flickering nervously now it was burning with a bit more strength to it.

"You know Applebloom?" 'Just as I thought, they know each other. Time for the final push.'

"Yes I do, Applejack's little sister, she wears a big red bow on top of her head. I gotta tell ya, she was a lot more friendly and less of a chicken than you when I first met her." Just like before her 'fire' suddenly intensified as her fear and suspicion were now replaced with anger.

"I'm not a Scoota-er chicken! Take that back!" With a smile I turned and looked at her with my full attention, only this time she didn't shy away and instead kept on glaring at me.

"Hmmm I don't know, I still think Applebloom is friendlier." I teased.

"Hey I can be just as friendly as Applebloom!" She defended.

"Prove it." I said with a grin before sticking my hand out towards her. "Rodney."

Immediately and with determination she shoved her right hoof into my open hand and started shaking it, "Sweetie Belle." she replied with a smile of her own. We continue to shake each other's limbs for several seconds before her eyes suddenly widened in realization. My smile spread wider as she looked at me, down to her hooves in my grasp and back up to me, "Oh, you're good."

"My my Rodney it appears you have quite a knack with children." Rarity trotted over towards the dining table along with three plates of omelettes behind her.

"It's nothing to brag about, just something I picked up when I was working part time as a caretaker." I replied while grabbing one of the plates as it drifted towards me. "So, Rarity Belle and Sweetie Belle, sisters then?" I asked.

"Yes that is correct, my parents must have just dropped her off again. Forgive me for not telling you about her earlier I was too preoccupied with my orders and setting up the party that-"

"It slipped your mind, I get it. Don't worry about it boss." I replied before stuffing my face of the golden omelette in front of me.

"You know it's impolite to cut it off somepony like that." she scolded.

"Shorrie uhmout-"


"Sorry about that, old habits die hard I guess." Rarity merely glared at me before she too started eating.

"How come he called you 'boss'?" asked Sweetie Belle.

"Simple, cause I work for her." The rest of the conversation was mostly just Rarity and me explaining my current living situation and even told her about the incident regarding the building, though I dumbed it down a bit. Why frighten her with details.

"I thought the house looked different! Mom and Dad told me it was just my imagination." She shouted to Rarity all the while keeping close and beaming up to her. Clearly Sweetie Belle had great affection and looks up to Rarity, albeit a bit too much perhaps.

"So what's on my job list for today boss?" I asked after placing the last dish away to dry.

"Only the usual clean up and store prep, but other than that you're free to do whatever you wish for the rest of the day. It will do you some good to let those injuries heal a bit." Rarity levitated one of her glasses towards her along with several tools like scissors and needles before trotting off towards her work station. "I, on the other hoof, will be busy all day as usual fulfilling orders."

"Ooooh can I help?" Sweetie Belle squealed as she bounced up and down around the room, knocking down several items and even a ponyquine off balance, luckily Rarity caught every single one with her spell.

"Actually Rodney there is something..." 'Saw that one coming.'

Before Rarity could continue, "Got it. Hey Sweetie Belle, how's about you help me clean up a bit? After that you could show me around town, I haven't had a proper tour of the town ever since I got here."

Sweetie Belle scratched her chin while gazing upwards as she contemplated my offer, "I don't know, Rarity might need my help to-"

"It's quite alright darling I'll manage, you go ahead with Rodney." Although she tried to hide it I still noticed how the words came out a bit too fast, luckily Sweetie Belle didn't seem to notice.

"Well there you have it, c'mon, we'll do some quick clean up then you can show me all the cool places in town." An idea popped into my head. "If we have time maybe we can ask Applebloom to come with us, whatta ya say to that?" I asked while walking towards the front of the store with Sweetie Belle trotting up to follow.

"Oh oh, can we get Scootaloo to come too? That way the Cutie Mark Crusaders can give you the tour."

"Who and what now?" I asked with a cocked eyebrow.

"Oh I guess you haven't met Scootaloo yet, well she's a orange pegasus and together with Applebloom we're," Sweetie Belle raised a hoof in pride, "the Cutie-Mark Crusaders!"

"AH my ears!" I clutched both ears and gritted my teeth against Sweetie Belle's high pitch scream. Sweetie Belle’s ears fell while curling up in fear at my sudden outburst. "Sorry Sweets I didn't mean to shout like that," I apologized, "...it's just that I'm particularly sensitive to high pitch noises. I don't mind you screaming but just watch that pitch for me ok?"

Slowly my words calmed her brought her back to her cheery self, "Oh, uhm, I guess I'm sorry too then, I didn't know monkeys have sensitive ears like that."

I let out a frustrated sigh, "I am not a monkey Sweets, I'm a human." 'Why do I get the feeling this is something I’m going to have to put up with for a LONG time.' "Anyways let's get to it shall we?"

But before either of us could begin cleaning up I heard Rarity shouting from behind the store, "Rodney! Could I speak with you for a moment?"

"Why don't you get started a bit while I see your sister." With an adorable salute from Sweetie Belle I turned around and headed back to Rarity, "Yea boss?" Once I entered the back room Rarity dropped all the tools that were floating around her and looked at me with a serious demeanor.

"Now Rodney I hope you understand that this is not some simple grocery job you're undertaking, this is my sister I'm trusting you with. Family." Her eyes were hard and I could sense a bit of threat when she emphasized the words 'family', and understandably so.

"Rarity I promise, no matter what happen Sweetie Belle's safety, as well as any other under my care, is my priority above all else." I looked into her eyes as I said these words without falter.

"Hmm, I may not be Applejack but I can still tell you're serious." She kept her gaze on me for a while before giving an nod. "Very well I'll take your word for it then, just...please be careful dear."

I decided to butter up a bit and maybe ease the tension, "Fret not my dear Rarity," I spoke in a prince-like manner along with a sweeping bow causing her to smile and giggle a bit, "...I got this." and just like that her smile disappeared.

"Why must you raise my hopes up only to crush it a moment later?" she asked flatly. "It’s as if you enjoy it."

"I don't know what you're talking about boss." I answered with a mischievous smile.

Rarity just rolled her eyes at me, "Moving on." Her horn glowed as she levitated a small pouch from a nearby table towards me. "Here are some bits for you and Sweetie Belle in case you get hungry, there should be enough for the rest of the crusaders as well." I grabbed the pouch which jingled a bit.

Just then a loud clamor came from the front of the store. "I think that's my cue." I gave her another reassuring smile before heading towards the source of the disturbance.

"Rodney if even a hair of her mane is injured I'm cutting your salary! Do you hear me?" I chuckled at Rarity's threat and made my way to the front of the store.

'Wait a minute, I have a salary!?'

AN: Yes I know it's another short chapter, I could add a bit more but I like the ending as it is. But there's another reason behind it, no it's not because I'm playing Guild Wars 2 (at least not entirely), it's cause I gotta prepare to pack and ship all my stuff back to the US. Packing, flying and then unpacking will probably set the next chapter a week late or so.

But at the least I'm all better now, no thanks to Pinkie.

Hey I gave motivational support!

But then you hammered my head in! Again!! And stop popping the bubble wraps.

*grumble* Party pooper, I'm eating your peanuts!.

Fine just don't bother me while I'm....wait a minute, I don't have any-Pinkie those are packing peanuts! They're not real-




Huh....so that's what happen when ponies eat styrofoam.

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