• Published 10th Jul 2012
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Shackles and Friendship - Zaibatsu

A HiE fic filled with light comedy and a bit of adventure. Enjoy.

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Chapter 21 - Is that what I look like when I do it?

Shackles and Friendship
Chapter 21 - Is that what I look like when I do it?
Edited by Noxxels

AN: I'm ba~ack!

"Uhm you know what, let's just skip the cleaning part for today and just head on out for that tour." I looked around the store, or at least it once looked like a store. The floor was littered with torn up fabric and tables turned over spilling their whatever items sat atop them. "Yup, definitely going out."

'I would have thought such blatant acts of chaos and destruction HAD to be done on purpose to cause this much damage, but this kid? I swear she was born when the planets were aligned or something.'

Sweetie Belle's head hung low, "I'm sorry, I was just trying to help." She mumbled while tracing circles on the floor. For every bit of progress I made cleaning and prepping the store, Sweetie Belle undid the next second later by some elaborate domino effect.

I let out a sigh, "It's ok Sweetie I'm not angry or anything." 'Irritated maybe, cleaning this up will take all night.' Seeing how the filly was still depressed I kneeled down in front of her and started rubbing her head gently. "Don't worry I'm not upset, like you said you were only trying to help, they were just accidents."

'Still have my doubts you can call'em accidents.'

Sweetie Belle giggled as I messed her mane about, "That tickles!" She squirmed her way out from under my reach looking much brighter than before.

"Better?" I asked with a grin.

She nodded whilst still giggling, "Uhuh."

"Well come on then, you're the guide. Show me what Ponyville can offer." I held a hand towards the door allowing Sweetie Belle to lead on.

But just as we were about to open the front door Rarity decided to check up on us, "So how is everypony-WAHAHAA!"

"Time to move." Before Rarity could recover from her shock I picked Sweetie Bell up cradling her under one arm and ran out the front door. "Don't worry Rares we'll be back by dinner!" I could practically feel Rarity seething with frustration behind me. Her screams started to diminish the more distance I put between us all the while Sweetie Belle just giggled under my arm.

I kept pumping my legs for the next minute or so before I started running out of breath. I may not have neglected physical fitness in my life but neither am I what you can consider strong or fit, all I did was the occasional jog around the neighborhood. I placed Sweetie Belle back gently on the ground before taking a moment to catch my breath.

"That was fun! Can we do that again?" Sweetie Belle was beaming up at me with a childish smile. "It kinda felt like I was flying, though a bit bumpy." Suddenly it looked like she was trying to hold something down. "Actually...never mind." I chuckled as she tried to suppress another urge to throw up.

"Sorry about that, you ok?" She nodded. It was only after catching my breath did I notice the ponies around us looking somewhat suspiciously at me.

'Well they did just see an alien running out of a house carrying a child. Better do something quick before some idiot decides to make the situation worse.'

'That's easy.' I bent over Sweetie Belle and picked her up with both hands on each side. "Here Sweets, this should be a much smoother ride." She weighs a bit heavier than she looked so it took some effort but I was still able to safely lift her over my head and tuck her on top of my shoulders. My injuries stung me a bit when I lifted her off but once I set her down the pain eased off until it was just nothing more than a discomfort. Her hind hooves tightened around my neck as it dangled over my shoulders while her fore hooves wrapped around the side of my head. "You ok there Sweets?" I could feel her trembling a bit, "Sweetie Be-WHOA!"

She suddenly jerked up and actually climbed to stand on my shoulders with her front hooves on top of my head, "Oh my gosh this is so cool!"

"Easy there Sweets I don't want you falling off, Rarity will kill me if anything happens to you." Luckily I was fast enough to compensate for the sudden shift in balance, though she did accidentally nudge my back causing me to hiss in pain. "Now calm down and just settle back down like before."

"Aaawww." Although I couldn't see her I was positive she was pouting with puppy dog eyes. I guess it didn't occur to her that she was beyond my vision which, considering how adorable she is, was probably a good thing.

Seeing as I didn't relent, Sweetie Belle slowly slid down and sat behind my neck like before. "So, where to miss tour guide?"

"To Sweet Apple Acres! I can't wait to show see the look on Applebloom's face when she sees me riding you like this." I laughed at the irony of it.

"Aye aye cap'tn!" I shouted in a pirate accent causing her to laugh. It took me a few steps to realize something, "Uh Sweets, you're gonna have to show me where it is. Kinda forgot my map back in the house and I don't want to go back on account that your sister scares me." My jibe at Rarity caused her to laugh again before pointing down a street on my left with one of her front hooves.

Seeing as Sweetie Belle was clearly having the time of her life everybody eventually started moving along and getting back to their daily chores. There were certainly a number of ponies still staring at me simply because I'm still a bit of a mystery, but those were simply out of curiosity so I didn't really mind. In fact most of them stared at me simply because I was an oddity, the ones with any sense of contempt were few and far between.

'I guess that party really did help out. Remind me to thank the girls for that.'

'Even the pink one?'

'Her especially, give credit where it's due.'

I continued to make my way to Sweet Apple Acres with Sweetie Belle showing me the way. It took a while and soon enough exhaustion was creeping back in, Sweetie Belle was already starting to feel heavy. Still I couldn't find it in me to spoil her fun and I needed the exercise anyways. Sweetie Belle took on the role of tour guide to heart and kept pointing to different stores and buildings informing me what each of them did or who lived there. Although, since she was just a child, most of her knowledge of the town revolved around places children would normally enjoy, like Sugarcube Corner or the local toy shop.

Eventually we we made our way beyond Ponyville's perimeter as the street became a bit more rugged with more dirt than stone, soon enough it was just dirt. It didn’t take long before I started walking by a white picket fence indicating we were already by the Apple family's property. By the time the large entryway to the farm came into view I was already sweating from both the heat of the sun and the trip. Since Sweetie Belle was both a living being and covered in fur it felt like I was wearing a winter scarf with its own heating system, I was already starting to get a bit light headed.

"Hey Sweetie Belle, is it ok if I let you down from there?" I asked.

"Do I have to? We're really close and I really, really want to show this to Applebloom." Much as I tried, I couldn't bring myself to argue with that adorable voice.

"Alright, but after that you're gonna have to walk on your own again." 'Otherwise I might just pass out.' To my relief I spotted Applejack only a minute later pulling a large wooden cart filled with empty buckets towards the apple trees with Applebloom trotting along beside her. None of them seemed to have noticed us yet.

"App-mmph" Sweetie Belle suddenly lurched forward and covered my mouth with a hoof.

"Hang on a minute, I got an idea." I looked up to see Sweetie Belle smiling mischievously down at me.

'My god is that what I look like when I do it?'

[Some minutes later, in the apple orchards...]

Although Applebloom was too young to start apple bucking like her sister, she was still determined to help around the farm as much as she could. Leaving the hard work to her able-bodied sister, Applebloom did her best to place the buckets under the apple trees and pick up any strays that missed. The sisters continued to work around the orchard while keeping up conversations. Naturally the conversation constantly veered towards Applebloom's lack of cutie-mark.

"C'mon sis gimme another chance!" Applebloom begged using her weapon grade puppy dog eyes.

"Ah said no and that's final, and stop looking at me all cute like that. It don't work on me no more." Those eyes have conquered many ponies before, fortunately Applejack had built up an immunity to it over the years ever since Applebloom discovered she could abuse it. "Ah don't mind yah tagging along with me to the market but yah ain't selling nothing to nopony no more."

"It's called aggressive salesponyship." Applebloom argued.

"Now don't start using fancy words to muddle the issued." Applejack loved her sister and especially her enthusiasm, but sometimes it's too much even for a tough mare like her. "Now you get back to work now, those apples ain't getting into them barrels by themselves."

Applebloom took out her frustration on a small pebble kicking it a fair distance away, "This ain't over AJ!" With that Applebloom trotted away towards one particular apple that had rolled away.

"Don't ah know it." Applejack mumbled under her breath.

Applebloom let out a sigh as the apple she was chasing had rolled down the hill and was now resting a fair distance away in a pile of dead leaves from last fall. She was tempted to just leave it there but fought the urge, it simply wasn't the Apple family way. She trotted down the hill being careful not to slip and tumble down and eventually stood over the runaway apple.

"C'mere yah little rascal." Applebloom's head hung low and was about to bite down on the apple but stopped when she heard leaves rustling nearby. Her head shot back up with her ears standing at attention, she stood still gazing around her and trying to spot anything out of place. She shifted her ears to face various directions trying to focus and catch the slightest noise, but all she could hear was the shifting of tree branches around her and Applejack's grunt in the distance as she continued to harvest the apples.

"Just the wind ah reckon." With a shrug Applebloom once again bent her head over the apple, only to hear dried leaves breaking again only now it was much louder and closer. This time Applebloom jumped in fright and spun around with her eyes darting about frantically, "Big Mac? AJ? Winona? That you?" Nothing. Much as she tried to see and hear there was nothing and nopony anywhere nearby.

"Ah know sompony's here! Show yerself! Ah-ah can scream real loud!" Applebloom tried to put on a brave front but her voice trembled in fear. She knew she had strayed too far from Applejack and even if she screamed it would still take some time for anypony to reach her.

Suddenly she heard movement from behind causing her to jump and face the source out of reflex. Her eyes darted about trying to find whoever or whatever made the noise, instead all she saw was a rock rolling on the dead leaves.

Her first thought was relief, 'Thank Celestia it's just a rock.'

Then confusion, 'Hang on a minute, rocks don't move or fly by themselves.'

Followed by realization, 'That's cause somepony threw it.'

And finally fear, 'Somepony threw it!' Unfortunately by then it was too late, before Applebloom could do anything her vision suddenly darkened as something large and tall cast its shadow over her.

(AN: Best I could find.)

Due to Applebloom's short stature it was difficult for her to notice how similar the shadow looked to a certain human she’d met. So far the creature just stood there behind her doing nothing, Applebloom froze in fear thinking that if she did anything so too will the creature.

"APpLeblOOooOm" Applebloom jerked hard trying to suppress the urge to simply run away putting as much distance from the creature as possible. Its voice chilled her to the bone, it sounded so alien as if two voices were talking at the same time, one deep the other a much higher pitch.

She couldn't take it anymore, the tension was starting to suffocate her, slowly she shifted her body and turned to look behind her. Her ears fell flat against her head and her pupils shrunk to pinpricks as she slowly started lifting her chin to gaze upwards at the creature. It was completely covered in brown dried up leaves with vines and bits of bark underneath making it look like it was created purely out of the dead remains of plants and trees. To Applebloom the creature stood much like how Rodney would and it even had arms like he did. But the head, if it was the head, was much thicker and taller. Most of all it had what looked like two smaller limbs sticking out from the side.

Applebloom's heart skipped a beat as the creature suddenly bent over towards her. The thought of being this creature's next meal jolted her body into high gear with a single thought dominating her mind.


Applebloom turned and bolted away kicking off dust and leaves towards the creature causing it to cough and wave its limbs about. When the dust finally cleared off Applebloom was already up the hill and running towards the farmhouse, soon only her big red bow was the only thing the creature could see. The creature's skin started peeling off and falling to the earth revealing a dirt covered human with a unicorn filly riding on top its shoulder. The human lifted the unicorn off its shoulder and placed her on the ground before unwrapping the chains around his arms and dusting himself off.

"Man that filly can run. You ok there Sweets?"

"I think we went a teensy bit overboard, Applejack's going to be angry we scared her like that," replied the filly.

"So will Rarity once she sees you covered with dirt and mud like that."

"I...I should go apologize huh?"

"You and I both. But it was totally worth it right?"

"Oh most definitely."

[About forty minutes later, just outside the farmhouse....]

"Ah oughta hog tie and buck yeh all the way to Appleloosa for what yeh did!" Applejack was pacing back and forth glaring at us, well at me mostly. 'Actually it’s just us.'

"Applejack I'm sorry, I really am. I'll admit the prank got a little overboard but-"

"A little? It took me fifteen whole minutes just to convince her to come out of her bed!" I looked down at Applebloom who was sitting on her haunches next to Big Mac still shaking a bit from the adrenaline. Although Big Mac didn't talk much I could tell he was even more upset than Applejack. I kept imagining those giant hooves of his flatting me to a pulp and he had enough muscle to do it too.

I kneeled down and looked straight at Applebloom, "Look I'm really sorry for what I did, honest. And please don't be angry at Sweetie Belle, it was all entirely my idea." Sweetie Belle was about to interject but luckily I was quick enough to rub her head and stop her. I had decided to take the full blame and pretend Sweetie Belle was simply tagging along for the ride, it all started out as an innocent prank and I didn't think she needed to get blamed for that. From the looks of it she still learned her lesson, even more so since someone else is taking the blame.

"Sweetie Belle just wanted to you to come with her and help give me a tour of the town," I continue to explain. "She mentioned something about going crusading and-" instantly out of nowhere Applebloom's demeanor shifted a hundred-eighty degrees.

"Yah mean ah get to go crusadin!? Are we going to pick up Scootaloo too?" I was caught a bit off guard when she started jumping up and down. "Maybe we can get our cutie-marks as tour guides!"

"That what I said!" Whatever hit Applebloom had spread to Sweetie Belle because she too suddenly got all excited, the two started talking and shouting gleefully with each other as if nothing happen. Fortunately the sight of the two smiling fillies instantly killed any and all tension in the air, that had probably saved me wrong a whole heap of trouble.

"Ah guess since nopony was hurt ah can let yeh off the hook. But I better not catch yah scaring the apple outta mah mah family like that again yah hear!"

"Yes ma'am."

Applebloom trotted to Applejack's side and gaze pleadingly to her, "So can ah go then? Please?"

"Ah don't know Applebloom...."

"Let her come along Applejack, after what I put her through she deserves some fun to balance things out. Plus it gives me a chance to make it up to her." Applejack looked at me as if I had gone crazy. "Applejack I swear on my life I'll look after them like my own."

"Ah still don't think it's a good-"

"I'll spend half of my next payday from Rarity entirely on your apples."


Applejack was kind enough to let us use a nearby well to clean and freshen up, I couldn't do much with my clothes but I was able to help get rid of most of the earth out of Sweetie Bell. Applejack also packed us a few slices of her amazing apple pies before finally making our way back towards Ponyville. To my misfortune Applebloom also wanted to ride on my shoulders much like Sweetie Belle did. And after what I put her through I can't rightly say no now can I? So for the rest of the journey back to Ponyville I was Applebloom’s personal human taxi.

"So ladies, where to now?"

"Let's go find Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo is always following her around." answered Sweetie Belle.

"And does anyone know where to find Rainbow Dash?"

"Hmm ah reckon she's by the lake, she spends most of her time practicing fancy flying moves all day." replied the filly on top of me.

"Well then, onward to the lake! With haste!"

[Back at Sweet Apple Acres....]

"Yah sure it's alright to leave Applebloom with him?" asked the large red stallion.

"Ah can't say ah trust him completely, but ah could tell he was genuinely honest 'bout looking out for her. That and I'm pretty sure he was covering for Sweetie Belle, ah am the element of honesty after all. That Rodney's a decent fellow." Replied the stetson wearing mare. "Besides those three fillies have gone and done their thing on their own before, ah reckon they can take care of themselves."

"It still don't feel right lettin' him go like that. We could've at least make him work the farm a bit, ah reckon those hands of his can fix up some of the tools in a jiffy."

"Rarity already has that one workin' for her and whoever said ah was lettin' him off?" Big Mac looked quizzically at her causing her to chuckle. "He just volunteered to look after those three through one of their crusading business, knowing nothin' of what's to come. Ah think that's a fair amount of punishment right there dont'cha think?" Big Mac's turn to gaze back towards the distance to see the human figure continue walking down the dirt road towards Ponyville with Sweetie Belle by his side and Applebloom riding on top of him.


AN: I'm finally in the US and have settled down a bit, college is starting again and that means less time to write. So unfortunately the chapter's will be coming up in longer delays. I'm not sure if I can even keep it consistent so it's all really random.

Give credit to Noxxels for giving input on this particular idea, I was having a bit of trouble and wasn't sure how this chapter would fit. And of course for editing and preventing grammar genocide.

Anyways I'm still in the midst of unpacking and buying furniture for the house, I actually have to take into consideration durability thanks to a certain pink pony who decided to move in with me.

I still think we should-

Pinkie you are not turning the basement to your own personal party lab! That basement will and forever remain nothing more than a basement.

Well where am I suppose to keep all my party gear?

I don't care just not here, I am not sleeping in a house with a explosives. Especially with you party grade material, I'm pretty sure your's is stronger than the military's.

So it's ok if I keep them somewhere else?

That's what I just said.

Okie dokie lokie! I'll see you tomorrow.

Wait where are you going? Pinkie! *sigh* I have a bad feeling about this.

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