• Published 10th Jul 2012
  • 29,168 Views, 3,106 Comments

Shackles and Friendship - Zaibatsu

A HiE fic filled with light comedy and a bit of adventure. Enjoy.

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Chapter 18 - I guess these ponies aren't so bad after all

Shackles and Friendship
Chapter 18 - I guess these ponies aren't so bad after all
Edited by Noxxels

"A bit more to the left. No no, too much. Hmmm bring it to the front-oh heavens no, that would never do. Aaaaaand...actually, could you rotate it to the left side for just-"


"Oh very well you may place it where it is and must you scream like that? It is impolite to shout at a lady."

'And people wonder why chivalry is a dead.' With a tired sigh I slowly released the levitation spell, causing the large cabinet to hit the floor with a soft thud. "Anything else you need me to do?"


I pinched the bridge of my nose and let out another long sigh of frustration before continuing, "Is there anything else you would like me to do Miss Rarity?" Surprisingly, I didn't slur the words out. Rarity had, for reasons unknown, taken it upon herself to "make a gentlecolt out of me." And considering how I trashed her place, ruined her arcane gem, and rotated her home fifteen degrees west, I couldn’t find it in me to deny any of her requests. No matter how absurd.

Carousel Boutique was, for the most part, still structurally intact, however everything else inside looked like a bull went through it all along with an earthquake and a cyclone. Luckily, being levitated by my overpowered levitation spell kept it inert in the air instead of being thrown about which kept most of the larger furniture intact, the more fragile objects like glass and perfume bottles were broken and littered the floor.

The first night was spent mostly just clearing the floor of any sharp objects which was easy enough, especially with Twilight’s help. I, on the other hand, didn't really do much. It wasn’t that I didn't try as my guilt kept pushing me to do something to contribute to the effort, but Twilight kept threatening to cut of my supply of magic if I didn't take it easy. Sitting down on my ass watching these mares work, even though they were using magic, still didn't change the fact that they were cleaning up after my mess.

Twilight left once it got dark but not before giving me another supply of magic, seeing as I was drained empty from my little episode. Of course it was then up to me to explain it to Rarity since Twilight had to leave, I'm not sure how she took it though. She had an interested expression the whole time but it hardly changed so I couldn't tell if she felt comfortable or not. Even after telling her how explosive my natural magic was, she just looked down to the floor deep in thought. She didn't even look remotely fearful of me after I was done. I was a bit confused whether to be thankful or suspicious, maybe she just trusted me since Twilight was pretty comfortable around me.

Since they only had time to clean the first floor everything else upstairs was still a mess, thus for the night I slept on a large red and overly laced Victorian couch. Somehow, the fact that she has one of these didn't surprise me one bit. Unfortunately due to the injuries on my back I was forced to sleep facing down, a position I was never comfortable with and one the couch wasn't made for. There was however one upside to everything, Rarity still has a fully stocked and workable kitchen despite the mess, and let me tell you, that mare can cook. I would go as far to say that it rivaled castle food, she's that good. Still, it doesn't change the fact that I'm getting really desperate to eat meat, hell I'm starting to get weird ideas about her cat. Apparently she must've sensed it or something cause the little fur ball kept her distance from me. Considering my luck with pets in this world that suits me just fine, especially since this one has fangs and claws.

But I digress.

"I believe we've done enough cleaning up for today, there are still other rooms to clean but with this I can at least get back to work. Because of your little fiasco some of my ensembles were damaged and require fixing, luckily none require me to remake them from scratch so it shouldn’t put me behind schedule too much." I was about to apologize again but Rarity cut me off. "Yes yes I know, it was an accident and you feel sorry I know. Don't worry dear I've forgiven you already, after all you are trying to make it up by working as my new assistant."

'Too bad she has to be so aggravating about it.'

"However, as I'll be too busy to do anything else I'll need you to pick up several items from the various shops around Ponyville. Don't worry, I'm a regular at every shop so just mention you work for me and ask for what's on the list." Rarity levitated a scroll towards me along with a map of the town. The list consisted mostly of materials like several bolts of cloth of a particular color or pattern, one item however didn't seem to make much sense.

"Hey Rarity what's-"

"Ahem." I sighed again out of frustration, something I've been doing far too much lately.

"Pardon me Miss Rarity, but if you could please elaborate on one particular item on the list that I find confusing." She gave me a pleased smile before nodding. "Where the hell am I suppose to find a bottle of liquid rainbow?" Her smile faded in an instant.

"You're not going to make this easy are you?" she asked flatly.

"I've no idea what you're talking about boss." Rarity just shook her head as she rolled her eyes.

"You're most likely to get it from Rainbow Dash, she usually has some lying around. If not then you'll just have to ask her to get some and pick it up at a later date."

"That's not exactly what I...forget about it." Whatever it was I'll find out when I get it. I headed towards the door and was just about to push through when I suddenly stopped and hesitated. I had just realized that this would be the first time I'd be out in town on my own, Rarity sensed my hesitation.

"Rodney dear unless you take the initiative and make an effort to know everypony in town they'll never know who you are. In fact being cooped up inside and out of sight will only create more tension, eventually somepony will start spreading rumors and before you realize it there's a stigma placed upon you." She approached me from behind and nudged me forward with a hoof. "Besides, what's the worst that could happen?"

'Oh you bitch.'


'Smile, wave, keep walking and repeat.' I kept repeating my little mantra over and over again as I walked along the streets of Ponyville. As expected everywhere I looked ponies around me would pause and stare at me as I pass by, unfortunately they weren’t the same looks of curiosity or confusion that greeted me when I first arrived, though there were some here and there. Due to recent events they were more cautious and wary of me, some even ran away probably expecting me to blow someone up. Those that did stay, however, kept giving me disapproving looks and even a few scowls like I was the town's only troublemaker, which I guess was understandable but it still sucked.

I was too focused on not making a scene to pay any attention to where I was going, in fact I had yet to look at the list or even the map for my first stop. Worse, before I realized it my casual walk turned to a brisk pace and was just about ready to sprint from the tension. Had I not glanced in front of me in time I would have barreled over three ponies and a flower stand. Fortunately I was able to stop right in front of them, unfortunately I now found myself in an awkward situation with three mares about ready to faint in front of me.

'Don't scream don't scream don't scream don't scream don't scream don't scream-'


"........hi?" It was more of a whimper than actual speech but hell, they’re not screaming. I noticed how each of the earth ponies had a different type of flower as marks on their flanks. The one in the middle has a rose for her mark, her coat was pale yellow and her mane and tail had two different shades of red. To her left stood a pony with three lilies flowers as her mark, with pink coat and two shades of amber for her mane and tail. The last one sat on her haunches with two daisies as her mark and had brighter pink coat than the one before, her mane and tail was a bright lime color.

The awkward tension built again as I stood there staring at them and vice versa, it went on until it was clear I had to be the one to break the silence. Although I'll never mention it to Rarity, I decided to lay it as thick as possible. "Ladies, I was wondering if it would be possible for you to aid me." I bent my knees and lowered myself till I was roughly their height. "I was tasked with retrieving several items for my employer, however she failed to mention where they are located." Even though I had a map I decided to pretend otherwise for the sake of it. "I was given this list and I was hoping that one of you dazzling mares would be kind enough to point me in the right direction."

'Oh god I think I'm gonna hurl.'

Ignoring the voice in my head, yes I realize how that sounds, I kept up a small gentle smile as I held the scroll and offered it to them. To my relief their expression and posture softened and their eyes now gazed at me more out of curiosity than fear and suspicion. "But where are my manners, my name is Rodney. Equestria's one and only resident human. And you lovely ladies are?"

The one with the green mane nudged the middle with a hoof causing the two to have a silent argument with each other, which lasted a few seconds, before she finally decided to speak. "Uhm, my name's Rose Luck. This is Daisy," she pointed her hoof towards the green maned pony, "...and this is Lily." She pointed to the last of the trio. Each mare tried to smile nervously as their names were called while I gave a nod to each.

'What is up with these ponies and their names.'

'At least it makes it easier for us to remember them.'

"Appropriate names befitting such fine mares." To be honest I was actually starting to enjoy this out of simple curiosity as to how far I could take it. "Now back to the matter at hand, would you please kindly show me where I can find the nearest item on the list?" Rose slowly leaned forward and taking the scroll with her front hoof, how she managed to do that is beyond me. By this point I've decided to simply go with the flow whenever these ponies decided to do something that goes beyond the realm of shit-that-makes-sense.

Rose unfurled the scroll and began reading it while occasionally glancing nervously at me, like she actually thought I was going to jump her or something while she wasn't looking. "Uhm most of these stuff can be found along Trademares Street, just go down that street," she pointed down a street at my four-o'clock with her muzzle before continuing. "...then take the second right and just keep going. Although I'm not sure if anypony sells any liquid rainbow." She lifted her hooves off the scroll and let it furl up again before handing (hoofing?) it back to me. I took it from her outstretched hoof and was just about to leave, but by now I was enjoying it a bit too much.

"Thank you so much my dear for your assistance, however I can tell from your eyes, which are beautiful by the way, that you have something on your mind. Please feel free to question me what you wish, I have nothing to hide and I would like everyone to feel comfortable around me." There was some hesitation at first, but seeing that she was still alive after talking to me Rose once again was the first to ask.

"So are you like, some kind of monkey?"

"Again with the monkey ques-I mean." I coughed a bit pretending to clear my throat. "Yes my dear, scientifically you could say my kind are distant cousins to them. But I promise that we humans are far more sophisticated and never act like animals." 'mostly.' "Is that all?"

"You're not going to hurt us?" asked Daisy.

"Perish the thought my dear! How could I ever harm anyone as lovely as you." To my surprise she actually started to blush. 'Damn I can't believe this shit is actually working!'

"So you're not going to," Lily swallowed nervously before continuing. "...eat us? Even though you have fangs?"

"I will not hide it, I do eat meat." They all tensed as the word 'meat' came out. "But I would never eat a pony." ' Depends on how desperate we are.' That did however gave me an idea, one that put a smile on my face. "But I guess that all depends."

"Wha-what do you mean, depends?" asked Rose, she looked at me with renewed fear in her eyes while her ears fell flat.

I simply let a wide grin spread while slowly inching closer to her face causing her pupils to shrunk even more. "Well, it all depends if a gorgeous mare like yourself or your friends would enjoy being eaten." I spoke in a deep, husky voice just above a whisper, emphasizing the last word in a sultry tone to ensure that all three got the message, but just in case they didn't I poked my tongue out and started to lip my lips loudly.

'Three. Two. One.' Right on cue their faces exploded with different shades of deep red and were now positively glowing, Rose even tucked her tail under her while Lily and Daisy squeezed their hind hooves closer on reflex. And I was just getting started, I started to approach them step by step which caused them to move backwards until they hit the flower stall behind them.

"I was also told by a certain pony how much she liked my hands." I raised my right hand in front of them. "She especially loved how soft and flexible my fingers are." While their attention was still locked on my hands I started to wriggle each finger about as if each were alive somehow. Whatever it was that went through their heads caused those shades of red to spread rapidly, making their entire heads glow bright. The best part was how Rose started to bite her lower lip.

Unfortunately I realized there must be some ponies around still keeping an eye on me, it was a bad idea to overly embarrass these three in public so before things escalated even further I decided to stop my antics there. "Unfortunately, I am far too busy to satisfy such requests." I stood up and took a step back while brushing of dirt from my pants. With an exaggerated bow like that of a fairy tale prince and another thank you, I started walking away towards the street Rose pointed to before. Once I heard all three release a breath of relief I turned around and clicked my tongue to get their attention. As all three mares looked at me I silently mouthed the words "call me" along with a wink, making them blush all over again. Thanks to those three, I was in too good a mood to let the stares bother me anymore. I calmly made my way towards Trademares Street while still remembering to wave and smile. Only this time, the smile was genuine.

[Several hours later....]

Everything else since then, however, had been both aggravating and tiring. Every time I walked into a store, the shopkeepers would go ballistic and try to kick me out, thinking I was going to burn down their shop or something. 'I guess news does travel fast in small towns like this.' What would have probably only taken an hour or maybe two at most, took nearly five hours to finish. One particular unicorn who owned a jewelry shop actually started shooting magic at me on sight, didn't do crap of course but it still hurt my feelings. It nearly got dangerous when he suddenly got smart and decided to start chucking objects at me. Fortunately, since I absorbed a good amount of magic from his earlier onslaught, I was able to levitate each flying object safely to the floor. It was only when he started to get exhausted that he began to listen to reason, too bad he was a dick. He practically threw Rarity's order at me and didn't even apologize to me, and much as I’d like to punch the old bastard’s face in, I still had to watch how I act. Plus, he was one of Rarity's suppliers and I didn't want to cause anymore problems for her after all she's done.

By the time I got everything, except the bottle of liquid rainbow, it was already sunset. Since it wasn't a priority I decided to just call it a day and head back to Carousel Boutique. With a large bag on each hand while levitating three large bolts of cloth behind me, I started to make my way back, unfortunately due to the nature of my powers the bolts of cloth looked more like large torches. Some ponies thought I was unaware and started to yell or even ran up to me with buckets of water, luckily I was able to stop them before they were able to ruin them. Unfortunately there were a number of ponies who thought I was about to start burning houses down, each time I was able to successfully calm them down but they just kept coming one after another. After another thirty minutes of hollering and screaming I decided I had enough bullshit for one day.

'Don’t do anything drastic, we're already on thin ice.'

'I don't care! I'm tired, I'm hungry and most of all I'm pissed! I just want the day to be over with.'

'It'll only make things worse, for now just bite down and deal with it. It's not worth getting kicked out of town.' After several deep, calming breaths I decided to heed his words. I carried both bags in my right hand while positioning the three bolts of cloth on top of my left shoulder, using my left hand to hold it in place before terminating the spell. After another lengthy argument with several ponies I was able to convince them to leave me be, with a grunt I carried all the items by manpower alone all the way to Carousel Boutique, each step causing my back to jolt in pain by the weight.

'I'm going to have to talk with Twilight about these townsfolk.' After a grueling and painful march, I finally reached my destination. 'I may need to ask Rarity to dress these cuts again, pretty sure some of them are bleeding again.' I pushed through the front door causing the bell above to chime pleasantly.

"Rarity I'm-"


Small pops exploded around me, spraying out party streamers all over me and what sounded like a an army of ponies started yelling and screaming their lungs out. Once my eyes adjusted to the sudden brightness I got a good look around the room, the ceiling was completely covered by balloons and there were party streamers everywhere I looked. Pinkie Pie stood in the middle of a clearing in front of me with outstretched hooves looking up at me with the widest grin I've ever seen.

Behind her stood Twilight, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Rarity each wearing a party hat along with a large number of ponies I didn’t even recognize. Prominently hanging above everyone was a large banner that said:



I was genuinely surprised really but I was too exhausted to show it, I just stood there staring at the scene in front of me looking absolutely miserable while drenched in sweat with the back of my shirt stained with blood. But despite all that Pinkie wasn't at all deterred, she just kept smiling that ridiculous smile along with with everyone else. Eventually it started to infect me and soon my lips started to curve up and before I knew it I had a smile across my face just as ridiculous as Pinkie's, at least as far as humanly possible.

'I guess these ponies aren't so bad after all.'

AN: Sorry for the delay, got sick so had to take a break. Still sick so I'm not sure how long it'll take to write the next chapter. Hope you guys enjoy the chapter, we're back to Rodney's usual antics.

Give credit to Noxxels for not only editing but making the awesome achievement pics.

And don't worry about little old me, I'm in perfectly good hands. Or hoof I guess. As usual please give comments as usual and rate the fic with the thumb thing, they help.

Now then. Oh nu~rse!

*giggle* Ye~s? Is there something you need?

Admit it you guys are jealous.

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