• Published 28th Feb 2018
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Full Circle - Sotharan

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Part I: Moon of Remorse || Chapter 13: The Second Week

It was Saturday morning. The second week of Sunset’s recovery had begun. Warm sunlight poured in the window. She woke up feeling a little stronger and less tired, though she could still tell she didn’t have her usual strength or energy. She sat up in bed, with a little less pain and a little more quickly than she had been able to yesterday. The pain in her muscles was almost completely gone, and the pain in her knee was less too. She remembered the doctor had said she could start trying to walk on it today. So, as she carefully swung her legs out of bed, she gingerly put her feet on the floor and prepared to try to stand without her crutches.

Apparently, someone had heard her rustling. Rainbow Dash appeared at the door. She was still in her pajamas, and her multicolored mane of hair was pointing in every direction.

“Hey sleepyhead!” she teased. “Whatcha’ doing?”

“It’s been a week,” Sunset explained. “Remember – the doctor said I could try to bear a little weight on my knee, and the PT guys agreed.”

“That’s right! Ok, sounds good. I’m gonna stand right next to ya, though, just in case.”

“Thanks. Here we go.” Slowly and carefully she started to stand, putting most of her weight on her right leg. Soon, she was standing. She grimaced slightly – her thigh muscles were still a little achy.

“Does it hurt?” asked Rainbow Dash with a bit of concern. Her hands were spread out, ready to support Sunset if she needed it. Applejack appeared in the door, watching also.

“Not yet – thighs are still a little stiff. Ok, here goes.” She put a little weight on the left knee. Then a little more. Finally, when she put a normal amount on her knee, she felt a slight ache.

Applejack and Rainbow were looking at her closely. “Still hurts, but not as much,” she reported.

“That sounds about right,” said Rainbow. “You wanna try taking a step?”

“Yeah, I guess I should.”

Applejack came into the room then, and took up a position on the other side of Sunset, ready to help.

Sunset took a breath and tried to step forward. As her left heel struck and she started to put weight on it, it twinged a bit. She stopped. “Ok. Not sure it’s that great an idea yet. But it does hurt less even so.”

Applejack and Rainbow smiled. “Well that’s good at least,” said Applejack. “You want the crutches?”

“Yeah, it’s probably for the best. But I’ll keep trying a little here and there.”

Applejack grabbed the crutches from the wall by Sunset’s bedside table and handed them to her.

“Thanks.” She took them and crutched out of the room, followed by Applejack and Rainbow.

She found Pinkie and Rarity in the kitchen, getting some breakfast together. Fluttershy was sitting on the couch with her bunny. All of them were still in their PJs and looked like they had just gotten up.

“Did I miss much?” Sunset asked.

“Naw – I was just teasing. We all just got up about half an hour ago,” said Rainbow.

Later that week, in her dream, Sunset walked in a dark and empty land. She felt despair creeping into her heart, but she fought it, as she knew Celestia and Luna and Twilight and her friends would want her to do. But she was still so weak. Just as she thought she was about to run out of strength and give in, she saw something that made her heart stop.

Far above her, in the black night sky, she saw the moon. It was waning now, a gibbous moon that still gave off a sickly light that bathed the forsaken landscape around her in a ghostly glow. But as she watched, the light began to change. She caught her breath, as the light ceased to be sickly and became almost warm, gentle, silver, and comforting. A shadow took shape, covering the moon and rushing toward her with incredible speed, but instead of fear she felt only curiosity and wonder.

The shape became clearer, and suddenly it alighted on the ground in front of her, taking the form of, of all things, an alicorn! Indeed, a mighty being had landed before her. Instinctively, she knelt, knowing herself to be in the presence of royalty. But to her surprise, the midnight blue mare cantered toward her and lifted her face with her hoof so gently she gasped. The alicorn bore a black crown, and her neck was adorned with a black necklace, and on each sable flank rode a crescent moon. Sunset knew her history and her mythology. She knew who this was.

“Your Highness, Princess Luna. To what do I owe this honor – I who am unworthy among the unicorns?” she asked as humbly as she could.

“Your knowledge serves you well, Sunset Shimmer,” the dark Princess answered calmly. “You are quite intelligent and perceptive, as my sister has informed me.”

Sunset’s eyes widened, but she did not know what to say.

“Indeed I am the Princess of the Moon, and all dreams are my dominion. But there is no need for anxiety or trepidation. I am come to you to encourage you – to give you hope.”

Sunset let out a single sob of relief. The great mare moved closer to her, wrapping her forelegs around her and holding her. Luna spoke again, more softly. “Long have I sought you. Not easy was it to cross the gulf between our world and the human one, but I found the way at last.”

Sunset snuggled closer to her.

“My sister cares for you, Sunset. Even now her dreams are troubled by thoughts of you. I love my sister. Much do I owe her, and Twilight and her friends. Those who they love, I love. So, hear my words.”

Sunset looked up, and the face of the midnight princess was gentle and kind. “I understand what you face. I too have been burned by the Rainbow Wave. I too have faced my sins, enduring the very agony they caused to others. And I have tasted the emptiness of my pride. Be encouraged, young one. A new day will dawn for you, as it did for me. You are loved and cherished by ponies and people of great worth, who eagerly desire your redemption. My sister is one of those. Have courage and endure, and let your friends aid you. The worst will be over sooner than you think. And when it is passed, I look forward to seeing your face in Equestria again, even if only for a visit.”

Sunset was overwhelmed. She could only look up at the ebon-crownéd princess and moan with the desire of comfort.

“My time grows short. My heart tells me that my counterpart in the human world, my sister’s counterpart, and the counterparts of the Element Bearers care deeply for you. Trust them. Do not be afraid to rely on them. Sunset, it is true; there is hope for you. Rest now, in dreamless sleep. And hear my final words – you and I are akin – let there never be formality between us.”

Sunset felt Luna touch her forehead gently with her horn, and she knew no more until the morning sunlight, striking her brow with warmth and brightness, awakened her and embraced her.

Sunset passed a quiet day of trying to complete some of her schoolwork and walk from room to room in the townhouse without falling, and doing it all without crying nearly continuously. She had to admit she did feel a little emboldened by her visit from Princess Luna in her dreams the night before. It was very comforting to know that Princess Celestia’s sister would take time from her busy schedule to pay her a personal visit, and it was extra comforting to hear that Princess Celestia was worried about her and still cared for her.

Toward the late afternoon, Sunset decided it was time for her to start doing something useful around her new home. She knew she was too weak to cook or clean, but maybe there was something she could do. She thought to herself for a few minutes with some discouragement as she discounted physically demanding household tasks one by one. At last she had an idea – the mail! She could get the mail. Surely she could make it from the door of the townhouse to the mailbox and back! She didn’t even think about how such a task would have been less than trivial to her before her fall – she was just too excited to try to start helping out.

With a bright-eyed smile on her face for the one of the first times in nearly ten days, she slowly limped to the key rack, got the keys to the mailbox, and started toward the door.

Pinkie hummed a jaunty tune to herself as she hefted the two grocery bags and shut the car door with her foot. She was so excited. It was again her night to stay with Sunset, and Celestia had agreed to allow her to cook for all of them as well. She had some very special, uplifting, happy recipes in mind for a certain gloomy young lady. Tonight, Sunny, we’re getting you to a 7! she thought to herself gleefully.

She capered up the stone path from the driveway to the back door of Celestia’s and Luna’s townhouse. When she came to the door, she put the grocery bags down and tried to remember Celestia’s instructions. She poked around in the small garden for a certain rock, and, finding one that matched her memory of Celestia’s description, she turned it over and sure enough! There was a faint outline in the bottom of the rock that suggested it was not completely natural. She slid the hidden compartment open to find a key. She glanced over her shoulder, trying to make sure no one was watching. Reassured, she opened the compartment and retrieved the key to the back door. She replaced the rock carefully, planning to return the key later.

Pinkie slid the key into the doorknob and opened the door. She could not have known that she had just missed Sunset limping out the front door.

Sunset closed the front door with some effort. Taking a few breaths and resting briefly, she looked up at the late afternoon sky. It burned with golden sunlight – the last gasp of a summer that was now officially three weeks into the past. Some distant part of her realized that the light and relative warmth of the day should have touched her soul, but she was too focused on her goal to consciously realize it. The stairs had to be tackled first. Gingerly, one step at a time, she lowered herself to ground level. Then, carefully using the single crutch she had brought, she slowly limped down the long sidewalk toward the mailboxes.

It couldn’t have been more than 50 yards, but it was still farther than Sunset had gone on her own since It happened. By the time she was halfway she was panting. And when she actually reached the mailbox she was almost completely out of breath. She was very glad she had remembered to bring the key. After resting for a minute, she opened the mailbox and pulled out all the mail. To her chagrin, there were several fairly heavy catalogs interspersed with the actual letters. Oh boy, she thought to herself, frowning.

Setting her jaw with grim determination, she started back toward the townhouse. It did not take her long to realize that the way back from the mailbox was slightly uphill. Soon, after only about 15 yards, she was panting again. The sun seemed to be getting warmer. Come on, Sunset! she exhorted herself. Step, crutch. Step, crutch. Oh, I’m so tired. How can I be so tired?

In the townhouse Pinkie had put the groceries on the kitchen counter. She knew that Celestia and Luna would not yet be home, but she knew that Sunset should around.

“Sunny!” she called brightly. “Sunny! Where are you? I’m here to make you a meal you’ll never forget!”

There was no answer. Oh well, thought Pinkie. She’s probably asleep. Poor girl has been sleeping a lot lately – she has a lot to recover from. Pinkie decided she’d be as quiet as possible. She didn’t want to wake Sunset if she was sleeping peacefully. She set to unloading the groceries and putting things in the fridge and pantry.

Sunset had made it maybe 35 yards when her strength gave out. No, no, this can’t be happening! How can I be so weak? She had just enough strength to lower herself gently to the sidewalk. The mail clattered to the concrete surface. She tried to stay up, at least on her knees, but she couldn’t. Again, by stretching out her arms, she was at least able to lower herself to a completely prone position. At least the sidewalk wasn’t that hot. She groaned with disappointment, pain, and frustration, then resumed panting as though she had run a marathon.

Pinkie was about to put the milk in the fridge when her entire body shook with an intense shudder. Instantly she knew something was wrong. She froze, except that she put the milk down on the counter, and listened intently. Through the open windows of the front of the townhouse, she thought she heard a clatter and a groan. Huh, she thought to herself. I better check on things. She went up to Sunset’s room and found it empty. There had been no one in the bathroom either. Wisely, she decided to go back downstairs, open the front door, and check outside. The sight of Sunset, collapsed on the sidewalk in front of her, greeted her eyes. “Sunset!” she cried. She dashed forward, kneeled beside her newest friend, and gently, carefully, helped her to sit up.

Sunset looked up at her with fatigue. Her breathing was slowing down, at least. “…tried…to get…the mail…” she explained.

Pinkie looked at her with a mixture of affection, concern, and compassion. “Well, sweetie. Of course you did. Let’s let you rest a little longer.”

Sunset nodded and leaned against her. She was grateful there was no one else around. “Sorry…” she breathed after a few moments.

“There’s nothing to be sorry for. I’m actually glad you tried, though it might have been a good idea to let someone know beforehand,” Pinkie said.

Sunset was confused. “You’re…glad?”

“Uh huh. Sunset…how do I explain this? You’re a strong girl. You have such a strong personality. Maybe you used to use it for evil, but now you’re learning to use it for good. We want you to be strong again. I promise.”

Sunset just listened intently.

Pinkie felt the need to continue. “There’s a fire in you. Right now, it’s faded to a spark. But we look forward to when it kindles again. I don’t know how else to put it. We really do want you to become who you’re supposed to be. And if you have to take a few risks to get there? You won’t get any objection from me.”

Author's Note:

I loved writing Princess Luna for this chapter. I got to use the word “sable”! It made my week. Plus I got to give her all kinds of cool names, and give her archaic speech patterns!

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