• Published 28th Feb 2018
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Full Circle - Sotharan

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Part IV: I'll Stand By You || Chapter 36: New Seedlings

In the small hours of the night Sunset awoke to the sound of whimpering. She experienced a moment of disorientation, but then realized it was Sonata. She propped herself up on her elbow and tried to scrunch closer to her. Behind her, Sunset heard Luna stir. She looked back over her shoulder and saw Luna turning on a flashlight. In the dim light, Luna mouthed, “I’m here.” Sunset nodded, appreciating the support, and then turned back to Sonata.

She was crying softly, her back to Sunset. Sunset reached out and stroked her hair. Sonata was just able to turn and look at her. Her eyes were wells of sorrow. Sunset reached out and pulled her into an embrace, but Sonata only cried harder. “Shh, shh, Sonata, it’s ok. We’re right here. You’re not alone,” Sunset whispered, trying to comfort her. She was still weak – she could hardly sit up on her own.

“But I’m so sad, Sunset,” Sonata said. “I’ve said…done…horrible things. I want to cry about them. They’re worth crying about. I have to cry!” Sunset felt Luna’s warmth as she sat down next to them. She looked at Luna. Luna shook her head, and Sunset nodded in agreement. She tried to think of how to explain it to Sonata.

“Sonata, listen to me. Please listen!” She put her hands on either side of Sonata’s face. Sonata was able to slow her tears for a moment and look into Sunset’s eyes. “There will be time to mourn. I promise. But right now you’re too weak. Right now you need to rest and get stronger. It’s ok, baby. Everything is going to be ok. I promise. I know what you’re going through. I know what you’re feeling. I understand,” Sunset hugged her again, rocking her gently.


“I want you to try to believe me. Just try. Focus on how nice it feels to be hugged. Let yourself feel that we care for you, and that you’re safe. Think about how soft the sheets and the blankets are, and how wonderful it is to be clean and warm.”

After a few seconds, Sunset felt Sonata start to relax and sink against her a little more. She was still crying a little, but not as hard as before, and now her tears seemed more tears of relief than pain.

“There. There. That’s my girl,” said Sunset encouragingly. “I have an idea. Let’s go get you a nice cool glass of water, and maybe a midnight snack. How does that sound?”

“I’ll try, Sunset,” Sonata said. She looked a bit despondent, but no longer actively distressed.

“Come on. Aunt Luna will help.”

“I certainly will. Come, little one. Let us each take an arm.”

Carefully and gently they helped Sonata out of the bed and helped her down the stairs to the kitchen. Sunset turned on a lamp in the dine-in area, which cast enough light to get some things done in the kitchen without blasting everyone with the kitchen lights.

“Let’s try some cereal,” Sunset suggested, and started getting a bowl ready. Luna sat with Sonata, who still needed to be watched to make sure she could sit up on her own. Sonata looked around the kitchen blearily, trying to take it all in. Finally she looked at Luna.

“This is your house, right Ms. Luna?” she asked Luna timidly.

“Yes. I share it with my sister, who is Principal Celestia,” Luna answered gently.

“Wow. And Sunset lives here too?”

“Yes, Principal Celestia adopted her. That’s why she calls me Aunt Luna, and you’ll hear her call Celestia ‘mom’.”

“Wow,” said Sonata again. There was a pause as Sunset brought a bowl of cereal over to Sonata along with a spoon.

“Here you go. Please eat up,” Sunset encouraged.

“Thanks. I still don’t understand why you all are being so nice to us. But I’m grateful,” Sonata said, picking up the spoon.

“Do you remember when I was talking with Adagio and Aria earlier, in the living room?” Sunset asked.

“Not very well,” Sonata admitted. “In fact, I don’t think I remember much from the past couple days. What day is it, anyway?” She took a bite of cereal.

“It is now Saturday, the 7th of December,” answered Luna.

Sonata’s eyes widened. She swallowed, then said, “Wow, I must have been really out of it. I don’t remember much since Tuesday night.”

“You were very dehydrated, Sonata, and maybe starving too,” Sunset pointed out.

Sonata chewed some more cereal. “The last couple weeks have been…hard,” she said finally, looking morose again.

“I know,” said Sunset.

“How do you know?” asked Sonata with genuine curiosity.

“Because the same thing happened to me.”

Sonata’s eyes widened again. She put her spoon down. “The same thing!” she exclaimed.

“The same thing,” Sunset confirmed. “I was pretty lost, Sonata. Princess Twilight and her friends had to ‘Rainbow Wave’ me, too.”

Sonata stared silently at Sunset, unsure how to respond.

“We looked for you and your sisters, you know. After the Battle. We tried to find you, because we knew what you were probably going through.”

Sonata’s mouth opened slightly and tears started in the corners of her eyes again. “You…looked for us?”

“Yes,” said Sunset softly. “We were worried about you. We have been for two weeks now, actually.”

Sonata sniffed a couple times, but managed not to break down. “Wow,” she said again. After a moment she took another bite of cereal and chewed it up. “I guess…we sure are lucky. If it wasn’t for you guys…” she said after swallowing.

Sunset smiled at her. “We’re glad to help.” Luna was nodding in agreement.

Sonata ate quietly for a while, but in the end wasn’t quite able to finish the entire bowl of cereal.

“Your stomach has probably shrunk,” Luna told her. “Your ability to eat a normal sized meal will return. We are certainly planning on stuffing you over the next few days, even if it is frequent small meals at first,” she finished with a wink.

Sonata was moved again, sniffling and wiping away a tear. “What’s…what’s going to happen to us?” she asked in a very small voice.

Luna looked at Sunset, who seemed a bit surprised. Then it occurred to her why Luna was looking at her. “Well, I think we’ll have to talk to Princess Twilight about it,” Sunset told Sonata.

Sonata became a bit pale as fear returned to her eyes.

“Don’t be afraid, Sonata,” said Sunset, covering one of Sonata’s hands with her own. “Princess Twilight will feel the same way as we do. She won’t want to hurt you or your sisters, or be harsh or even angry.”

“How do you know?”

“Because she was here when we started looking for you. She knew why, and she supported it. Besides…it was Princess Twilight who first extended compassion to me. So don’t worry – I think she’ll be glad we found you, and she’ll even want to help,” Sunset finished with a warm smile.

Sonata digested this for a moment, then looked back at Sunset, directly into her eyes. “Sunset…I don’t know what’s happening to me. I feel so…”

“Disoriented? Confused? Overwhelmed? Frightened?”

“Yeah, that. All that.”

Sunset leaned a little closer. “I understand. So listen to me, because I’ve been through this. I’ve been down this very road – in fact, I’m not all that much farther down it than you are. It’s going to get better. It might get a little worse before it gets better – I won’t lie. You and your sisters appear to be experiencing some of the effects of the Wave in reverse order. But it will end. You’ll get your strength back. You might even be able to sing again – who knows? This I promise you. No one is going to kick you out, or throw you away. You’re safe now, and we will help you through this. And if you listen to the lessons you must learn, and accept the change that’s being asked of you, your life will be so much better than it was before that you’ll find it hard to believe you ever lived like you used to live.”

Sonata just stared at her, unable to form a response.

“Come on,” said Sunset. “Let’s get you back to bed. You need rest.”

Sonata took a deep breath, then allowed Sunset and Luna to help her back to her feet. They went slowly back up the stairs and helped Sonata to lie back down in Sunset’s bed. She was out like a light in seconds. Sunset climbed into bed and snuggled up next to her to keep her warm. As she closed her own eyes, she heard her Aunt whisper in her ear.

“I’m so proud of you I can’t put it into words.”

Sunset opened her eyes, but Luna had already laid back down on the cot, so she just smiled happily to herself and went to sleep.

The next morning was very busy. Pinkie and Rarity came over fairly early, so there was no shortage of help. Sunset discovered, as she had expected, that the Sirens were weaker today (though in the case of Sonata it was hard to tell). They were experiencing the weakness in reverse order, which Sunset found very interesting. Like many very powerful magical artifacts, it appeared that the Elements of Harmony had a kind of intelligence and purpose of their own; Sunset was quite sure the Elements had left the Sirens most of their strength early in the process because they knew they would not be coming under the care of those who wanted to help until later. Now that they were safe, the Sirens would be required to experience the full effect, which would make the next two weeks pretty challenging. Still, Sunset wondered at the compassion of the Elements – just as she had been, the Sirens were being disciplined, not punished. It made her again think, as Twilight had suspected, that her own experience the night of the Fall Formal had been more engineered by the Elements than not.

In any event, they were as weak during their third week as Sunset had been during her second. Sunset explained the situation to them, and reassured them that she was quite sure by the 30th day they would recover fully. She also explained the nature of her relationship to Celestia and Luna to Adagio and Aria, who hadn’t quite gotten the full picture the night before. This required her to also explain that she herself was from Equestria, having been born a unicorn. This made a great deal of sense to Adagio and Aria, and it made a lot of things much clearer. Sonata, meanwhile, was able to eat more for breakfast, and, after everyone had eaten, they all retired to the living room.

Sunset sat on the coffee table facing the three Sirens, with Pinkie and Rarity behind each shoulder and Celestia and Luna looking on from the two living room chairs. Sunset wasn’t looking forward to this part, but it had to be done.

“Adagio, before we move forward, there’s one thing that we need to be absolutely, crystal clear about,” Sunset began a bit sternly. Pinkie and Rarity folded their arms, and Celestia and Luna looked very serious.

Adagio swallowed. “Ok.”

“Your gems. Where are they?” Sunset asked curtly, with a slight frown.

Adagio sighed and hung her head. “We…still have some of the fragments.”

“I see. Have you been able to repair them?”

“I’d…be lying if I said we hadn’t tried, but we would need magic to do it…and we don’t have any.”

“So they don’t work anymore?” Sunset asked, knowing Adagio would be unable to lie.

Adagio shook her head. “No. They have no power…and neither do we,” she finished softly.

“Right. Let’s see them, then.”

Adagio seemed reluctant, but, as Sunset knew, she wouldn’t be able to resist Sunset’s command. Slowly, she reached into her pocket and pulled out some red shards.

“Is that all of them?” Sunset asked.

Adagio nodded. “I decided to keep all of them. I’m not sure why, now. Probably because I used to be the leader or something.”

“All right. I’ll take those.” Sunset held out her hand.

Adagio did try to resist this time. “Sunset, I…”

“Adagio. Have those gems ever been any good to you? Any true, real good?” Sunset asked pointedly.

Adagio’s mouth opened, but she couldn’t think of what to say.

“I know this is a big, big change for you. For all three of you,” Sunset said a little more gently, taking Aria and Sonata in with her glance. “But it’s part of the deal. You don’t need those anymore. They are only bad news for you. So, you must give them up.”

Still Adagio hesitated.

“Come on,” Sunset encouraged, holding her hand a bit further forward.

Slowly, breathing hard, even gritting her teeth, Adagio extended her hand and tipped the gem fragments into Sunset’s hand. Aria and Sonata’s eyes did not leave the fragments for an instant. Sunset withdrew her hand and put the fragments into her own pocket.

Adagio sat back on the couch with a relieved exhalation. All three of the Sirens looked extra morose.

Sunset put her hand on Adagio’s knee. “It’s going to be all right. I promise,” she said softly.

Adagio nodded, wiping away a tear. “It’s just…they were a part of us for so long. I…we don’t know how to live without them. We’re…scared, Sunset.”

“I know. But we will help you. You aren’t facing this alone. You have each other, and now you have us. It really is going to be ok, though it will take time.” Sunset rose, nodded to her two friends, and went upstairs to write to the Princess of Friendship. Rarity and Pinkie stayed with the Sirens to encourage them.

Upstairs, in the privacy of her room, Sunset got out her journal and opened to a new page.

Dear Twilight,

We found them! Or actually, they found us. Adagio, Aria, and Sonata showed up on my doorstep last night. They were actually very sweet. Adagio had no pride – she begged for help and admitted that they had hit rock bottom – no jobs, no food, nowhere to live. And Sonata was not doing well – she was dehydrated and probably starving.

So, mom and Aunt Luna and I have taken them in. They’re experiencing the Rainbow Wave aftereffects – a little differently from me, but the overall effect is the same. The girls are helping too, and I have to say that it’s awfully nice to be on the helping end myself this time around. Plus, it seems to really be a blessing to them that I understand, and…well…it’s a blessing to me too.

Let me reassure you that they are sorry and want to change, at least at this point. Once they are free of the effects of the Wave, we’ll have to see. But I think you and I both know that if we take good care of them now, what’s happened to them will have a better chance of sticking. One thing’s for sure – no gems. I’ve been very clear with Adagio about this – their gems no longer work at all and they haven’t been able to repair them. I’ve taken custody of the fragments. So they are harmless, at least. I think you should probably take the rest of the fragments back to Equestria, like you did with the ones they left on the stage.

Anyway, I wanted to let you know. We’re not sure what to do with them in the long run. Obviously we’re going to take care of them until they’ve recovered from the Wave (which I estimate will be about 15-16 more days), but after that we’re going to need a plan. I haven’t talked to mom and Aunt Luna about it much, but the townhouse is probably a bit too small for all of us to live here for long.

I don’t know if they could come back to Equestria – that’s a decision for you and Princess Celestia, I imagine. In any event, we definitely need your input on the matter. Also, I think it would do the Sirens good to see you again – they want to apologize to you, and, since I know you won’t be angry at them and will want to help them, it will be good for them to see that, too.

If you can, please come to visit soon. I understand if you’re too busy, though, so no pressure.

Your friend,


Sunset looked at the letter in satisfaction, then closed the journal, activating the spell that would notify Twilight that there was a new letter. Then she decided to surf the web for a bit. There was a chance that Twilight would respond immediately if she was able, and Sunset didn’t want to miss it.

Sure enough, after about 15 minutes, the journal started to buzz and flash. Eagerly, Sunset grabbed it and opened it to Twilight’s latest message.

Dear Sunset,

That’s great news! I’m so glad you found them, and that they are headed in the right direction, though I know some tough days are still ahead.

You were right about them – both that they would be in need and that they might turn to good. That makes me glad too.

Of course I will come, right away! For something like this I’ll clear my schedule. I need to ask Celestia a few questions before I go, but I’ll leave Spike to convey her responses via the journal. So yay, I’m headed your way! Can somebody come pick me up at the portal in, say, an hour?


Sunset could hardly contain her excitement. She loved seeing Twilight, and she had hardly dared hope that she would come so soon. She quickly penned a response.

Twi – I’ll come get you myself. See you in a few.

She closed the journal, checked the time, did some math in her head, and figured she had about 45 minutes before she had to leave. She headed back down to the living room.

She found Aria sobbing, with Rarity rubbing her back and Adagio holding her hand. Pinkie and Sonata were looking on sadly.

“What on earth happened?” Sunset asked.

“Another one of the waking dreams/memories,” Rarity said a bit glumly.

Sunset sighed. There was a long way to go. She decided, knowing from personal experience, that Aria could use a distraction to help her move on. But first she needed to talk about what she had just re-experienced. She sat down on the coffee table again. “Aria,” she said gently, reaching out to touch Aria’s cheek.

Aria looked up a little, tears still pouring from her eyes.

“You need to tell us about it.”

Aria shook her head, looking frightened.

“Trust me. I know what I’m talking about.”

Aria gasped, trying to fight her instinct to keep her pain to herself. “Sunset…” she began in a tight voice. “…I can’t. I’m too…ashamed!” She hid her face in her hands.

Sunset didn’t relent, though her voice, if it were possible, became even more gentle. “No one here is going to judge you. We’ve all made mistakes. We’ve all hurt people. Especially me.”

“All of us,” agreed Rarity. Pinkie nodded.

Aria seemed confused. “But…I thought you two helped Sunset…that she had wronged you…”

“That’s part of the story,” said Rarity, cutting Sunset off authoritatively. “But even before she turned to good, the five of us had already treated each other uncharitably, assuming the worst of each other. And later, during the Battle of the Bands, we were insensitive to Sunset and we were downright unkind to each other.”

“But we pushed you into that!” Aria objected.

“Is that an excuse?” Rarity asked pointedly. “You might have nudged us, Aria, but you never charmed or dominated us. We hurt each other quite on our own, even showing we hadn’t fully learned the lessons Twilight had tried to each us. So don’t feel like you’re worse than anyone else here. We all have had to apologize and grow,” she finished, with a grateful smile to Sunset.

Sunset returned the smile with equal gratitude. “See! You’re safe, Aria,” she said, turning back to the weeping Siren. “It will feel good to get it off your chest. It’s hurting you.”

Aria tried to stop crying, her breath still hitching. She squeezed Adagio’s hand a little more tightly. Her eyes flicked to Sonata, then down. “It’s…about Sonata,” she said, in a small voice.

“Me?” Sonata said, surprised.

“Yes!” Aria wailed, starting to cry again. “I saw…all the times I’ve insulted you. All of them. They just kept coming! There were so many! I thought it would never end! And I could feel how much they hurt you! I could see how cruel I looked. Oh, I never want to look like that again! I’m so sorry, Nata! I’m so, so sorry!” She was beside herself now.

Sonata started to get up to go to her and stumbled, but Pinkie helped her. She looked stricken. Rarity got up so that Pinkie could help Sonata to sit down next to Aria.

“Please forgive me, Nata! I don’t think you’re the worst! You’re better than I am!” Aria sobbed. “I love you so much! I couldn’t live without you. Why, why was I so cruel?”

Sonata embraced her. “Oh, Aria. Of course I forgive you! Please don’t cry. I love you, too!”

Rarity, moved, wiped away a tear of her own. “Awwww,” Pinkie cooed.

Sunset sighed and hung her head. This was progress, but there was a long way to go indeed. She waited a while, until Aria’s crying had died down.

“Girls,” she said softly.

The three Sirens turned their sad faces toward her. She tried to smile at them with an encouraging smile.

“Princess Twilight is coming!” she said brightly.

Rarity and Pinkie reacted similarly: “Ooo! Today?” they both asked, happily.

The three Sirens shrank into each other a little, but tried to be brave.

“Today,” Sunset confirmed. “In fact, I’m going to go pick her up in just a few minutes. Can I chat with the two of you for a moment?” she asked Rarity and Pinkie.

“Of course, darling,” Rarity answered. Pinkie just squeed.

Sunset gave Adagio’s knee a squeeze, and smiled at the other two, then stepped away with her two friends. “Girls, are you ok alone with them?”

“Yeppers!” Pinkie cried.

Rarity smiled at Pinkie with amusement. “Don’t worry, Sunset. We know what to do, and we care about them just as you do. You can count on us to take good care of them while you’re gone. After all, we’ve been through this before.”

Sunset thanked them, then went in search of one of her elders. She found Luna putting some clothes in the washing machine. “Aunt Luna?”

Luna looked over her shoulder. “Yes, little sun?”

Sunset smirked at her Aunt’s use of her diminutive. “Princess Twilight wants to come over for a while, to check on the Sirens. Is that ok?”

Luna stopped what she was doing, settling in a pile of clothes next to the washing machine. “Oh, what harm can one more do?” she asked rhetorically. “Besides, I suppose it is a question of jurisdiction and all that, right?”

“Erm…something like that,” Sunset confirmed a bit sheepishly.

Luna just shook her head. “You girls. You really are something. Do you need me to help you pick her up?”

“No, I’ll get her on my motorcycle.”

Luna’s eyes widened for a moment, then narrowed accusingly. “Sunset. Are you trying to give Twilight a bit of an…exciting time this morning?”

Sunset looked up at a corner of the ceiling innocently. “Maybe….”

Luna just smirked. “Then more power to you, my dear. Go for it. I’ll stay here and keep an eye on things.”

“Thanks, Aunt Luna. By the way, where did mom go?”

“My dear, your mother has gone to the grocery store, for obvious reasons. Don’t feel bad – you have quite enough on your plate. You let us worry about logistics.”

Sunset smiled at her aunt with true gratitude. “Thanks, Aunt Luna.”

Luna smiled back at her. “All right then. Off you go!”

About 45 minutes later, Twilight stumbled through the front door, looking wide-eyed, slightly stunned, and somewhat disheveled. Sunset followed her, closing the door and smiling maniacally. The three Sirens, Rarity, and Pinkie looked on in confusion.

Twilight, swaying a bit, turned to Sunset. “Well,” she said breathlessly. “That’s…quite a thing you’ve got there, Sunset.”

Sunset’s smile, if it were possible, grew even wider. “Isn’t it great?!” she gushed.

“Yep. It’s great. That’s it,” Twilight said, still catching her breath. She turned and noticed Pinkie and Rarity. Pinkie jumped for joy, nearly bowling her over. Rarity sauntered over, gave Sunset an accusing yet playful look, and embraced Twilight as she now was attempting to recover from Pinkie’s hug. Sunset pretended not to notice Rarity’s look.

“Twilight, darling, how nice to see you again, and so soon!” Rarity said, stepping back from Twilight with a smile.

Twilight blinked a couple times, seeming to recover fully. “Yes, here I am. And it’s nice to be back. But let’s catch up a bit later – for now, I want to see them.”

Rarity gestured to the living room, where Adagio, Aria, and Sonata were still huddled together on the couch, looking apprehensive, ashamed, and shy. Twilight’s heart went out to them immediately, so greatly were they changed from the Sirens she had known. The three of them were dressed in some of Sunset’s pajamas, with no makeup on, their hair in simple ponytails – the contrast with their elaborate stage costumes and previously cocky attitudes was stunning. They looked completely harmless and extremely unhappy.

“You weren’t exaggerating,” she whispered to Sunset.

Sunset’s face became very serious. “No.”

“Is this how it was…with you?” Twilight asked hesitantly, looking back at Sunset.

“Yes, part of the time. As I said in the letter, they’re experiencing some of the effects in reverse order from me. What you’re about to see is what I was like in the second week. I’m afraid next week will be much worse for them, though at least it will be the last.”

“Because it will be like your first week? Right after the Rainbow Wave?”

“Yep,” said Sunset grimly.

Twilight grimaced slightly, then looked at Rarity and Pinkie, who both nodded. She steeled herself, then went up the short flight of steps from the entryway and came into the living room, followed by the others. She tried to adopt a nonthreatening posture, moving slowly and smiling slightly.

“Hello, girls,” she said gently.

The Sirens didn’t respond. If anything, they became even more shamefaced and shy. It was one thing to face Sunset, who was a normal Equestrian subject and who had been hit by the Rainbow Wave too. Meeting an Equestrian princess, who probably had some measure of authority to judge and punish, was another matter entirely.

Twilight took a seat in one of the chairs and Sunset in the other. Pinkie and Rarity had gotten chairs from the dining room to sit in. “Don’t be afraid,” Twilight said. “I’m not here to get angry, or berate you, or pronounce judgment. I’m here to help. As you know, Sunset went through something very much like this, and since then she has become a wonderful friend, and we’ve all forgiven her. So, as hard as what you’re going through is, if you’re sorry too, then I think there can be a lot to look forward to.”

The Sirens looked at each other as their body language showed that they had relaxed just a little. When Twilight didn’t immediately say anything more, Adagio felt compelled to say something.

“We are sorry, Your…Your Highness,” she said, looking down. “Very sorry. For everything – what we did in Equestria before we were exiled, and what we’ve done here.”

“Thank you for saying that, Adagio,” said Twilight kindly. “And there’s no need for honorifics. I’m not really comfortable with them, to be honest.”

Adagio nodded, still looking down. There was a moment of uncomfortable silence. Sunset broke it.

“Oh, Twi, before I forget…” she held out her hand to Twilight. There was a flash of red as she handed the remaining shards of the Sirens’ gems to the princess. The Sirens watched intently, but once Twilight put the shards in her own pocket, they went back to looking down.

“Thanks, Sunset. Before I forget – Adagio, the three of you can live without your gems, right?”

Adagio looked up, caught off guard. “What do you mean?”

“I mean: are you dependent on these gems to survive? Or can you live on normal food?”

“Oh! Well. Um, well, we used to be normal seaponies. The gems were given to us by our king, to launch an attack on Equestria. I…guess we can live without them? We did before.”

“So Sonata’s weight loss and physical condition – those are due to lack of food, not lack of magic?” Twilight asked.

“I think so. Though we haven’t been without these gems in many years, Prin—Twilight. I have to admit I’m a little worried…” Adagio answered. Aria and Sonata looked at her in surprise – she hadn’t discussed this with them.

“Have you needed to eat normal food before while you’ve been in this world?” asked Sunset.

“Yes. Oh, we definitely need normal food. I mean, how else would you explain Sonata’s taco addiction?” This question, though it appeared to be completely serious from Adagio’s perspective, prompted amused smirks on the faces of the other girls. Aria smirked and Sonata just blinked innocently.

Trying to keep from chuckling, Twilight cleared her throat and continued. “Thanks, Sunset, that’s a good clarification. So let me reassure you, Adagio, Aria, and Sonata,” she said, looking at each of the three of them in turn, “I’m not interested in you wasting away or being permanently unhealthy. We’re going to watch you carefully, and if it turns out you need a source of magic to live, we’ll find a way. But I doubt it will be through these gems. They’re tools of dark magic, and if you were normal seaponies before, you aren’t inherently creatures of dark magic. Therefore, it should be possible for you to live without dark magic, at least.”

Adagio seemed relieved. In fact, within a few seconds, she was actually tearful. “Th…thanks,” she said, her breath hitching. “That’s a big…relief. And I know it’s more than we deserve.” It was obvious to all of them that this had been a bigger source of worry to her than she had been letting on.

Aria looked at Adagio a bit reproachfully. “Dagi! Why didn’t you tell us?!”

Adagio swallowed, wiping tears away. “I…I didn’t want the two of you to have to worry about it.”

Aria was still upset. “Still bearing all the burdens yourself. That’s the old way, Adagio!”

Adagio seemed ashamed and uncomfortable. “I’m sorry. I guess old habits die hard. But this is all my fault, anyway,” she protested weakly.

Aria bristled. “All your fault? Nope. That’s just not true. Maybe you were the leader, but we followed. You aren’t responsible for us, Adagio. Not any more than we are for you.” Sonata was nodding in agreement, but a bit fearfully. Clearly she was still afraid of Adagio’s old temper.

But Adagio’s head fell and she started to cry again. “I know,” she sobbed. “I’m trying. I just feel like I’ve failed you both! I’ve led you into darkness…and evil…and pain!”

To everyone’s surprise, it was Aria who suddenly got choked up. “No, sweetie. You haven’t failed us,” she said, trying to maintain some composure.

“What?” Adagio asked, confused.

“Because. You led us here,” Aria finished, before embracing her big sister. Adagio went completely to pieces. Sonata joined in the embrace.

The Rainbooms looked on, becoming somewhat moved in their turn. Twilight pulled out a handkerchief and dabbed at her eyes. She turned to Sunset, who was blowing her nose in a tissue. “Is it always this intense?” Twilight asked.

“Not always, fortunately,” Sunset answered. “But it can be exhausting. For everybody involved.”

“Still,” said Rarity, frowning at the running mascara she had just wiped from under her eyes, “this is quite healthy.”

“Right!” agreed Pinkie cheerfully. She alone was tear-free, and her smile was a genuinely happy one. “They’re getting closer as we speak. It’s amazing to watch in real time, isn’t it?”

Twilight was nodding. “It’s pretty profound.”

On the couch, the Sirens were recovering some of their composure. “Thanks, Aria,” Adagio said in a watery voice. “That was really sweet. It helped a lot.

Aria smiled in her turn. “You’re welcome. This is more fun than being mean.”

“You said it!” Sonata agreed.

Twilight sighed happily. Adagio became serious again, and turned and looked at Twilight. “Twilight,” she asked tentatively. “What’s going to happen to us?” Her sisters turned to look at the princess as well.

Twilight took a deep breath. “Well. I have to admit I’m not sure at this point. You see, my authority is limited. While Princess Celestia has delegated authority to me about what happens to Equestrian subjects in this world, she still has primary jurisdiction in Equestria proper. So partly, it depends on whether she decides you need to come back to Equestria or not.”

Adagio digested this for a moment, then asked, “What if we want to come back? Can we come home?”

“I don’t know. That’s something she and I will have to talk about.”

“Will…will we have to go to…Tartarus?” asked Sonata fearfully.

Twilight tried to look reassuring. “I really, really doubt that. Seriously, girls, it helps a lot that you’re sorry and that you want to change. Celestia’s famous for being more merciful and kind than anybody expects.” The Sirens didn’t notice as Twilight’s eyes flicked to Sunset’s for an instant, but Rarity and Pinkie did. Sunset looked away pointedly. “The impression I get,” Twilight continued, “is that she doesn’t send anyone there unless they are unrepentant.”

The three Sirens looked somewhat reassured.

“There’s another wrinkle – it may not mean anything, but we need to be technically correct about our terms here. Let me get this straight – you were equipped with the gems by your king, who sent you to Equestria to attack it, am I right?”

Adagio nodded sadly.

“So, you aren’t Equestrian subjects. What you and your king did was, technically, an act of war.”

The Sirens blanched and recoiled.

“It’s ok, don’t be afraid,” Twilight re-emphasized. “I know those terms sound scary, but we need to be clear about the situation. Bear with me. If we consider your coming to Sunset and basically giving yourselves into her hands as a military surrender…then you can be considered Prisoners Of War. Which has certain advantages!” she said quickly, as the Sirens began to look apprehensive again. “That war has been over for a long time. And, at the end of a war, usually POWs are just sent home.”

The Sirens looked at each other, amazed.

“Would you be ok with expressing what’s happening that way? It’s the most technically correct, and it gives us more tools to work with,” said Twilight.

Adagio looked at her sisters, who nodded at her. “Yes. I’m not sure that we want to go back to our homeland, but, if it’s best to express what’s happening this way, then…we surrender,” she said quietly.

“Thank you. I know that sounds harsh, but everyone here wants to help you and take care of you. It’s just a technical/legal thing. Now, as far as what happened during the Battle of the Bands, it does lie within my authority to forgive that. Which I’m willing to do – you’ve already expressed your sorrow to me. I think, however, that I have to ask you each to apologize, individually, to each of the other girls, and to Principals Celestia and Luna, if you haven’t already. As long as all of them are willing to forgive you, then we can put that matter in the past.”

The three Sirens nodded sadly. Twilight turned to Sunset. “What about this world’s authorities?” she asked.

“I think it’s best that we keep them out of this, Twi. Mom decided the same thing with me, and she did ask a judge she trusted. U.S. law has no provision for any of this, and if they were brought to the government’s attention, it’s possible they could end up being taken prisoner for…well…experiments.”

Twilight’s eyes widened. “Yes. Well. That won’t do at all. I agree; we’ll handle this matter internally.” She turned back to the Sirens, whose eyes were like saucers. “So it comes down to this: I’m going to have to talk with Princess Celestia about you. I’m sorry I’ll have to keep you in suspense for a bit, but that’s the way it is. I did send a message before I left, so at least she’s already thinking about it.”

Adagio nodded. “Thank you, Twilight. As I said before, your kindness is more than we deserve, and we’re grateful.” Her sisters nodded.

Twilight smiled warmly. “Don’t worry. I see a lot to be optimistic about. It’s so wonderful to see you changing. And I know it means a lot to Sunset and the girls, too.” She stood up. “I can stay tonight and help a bit,” she said to Sunset. “But first, can I talk with you for a moment?”

“Sure.” Sunset stood up and she and Twilight went upstairs to her room.

“Sunset,” said Twilight, exhaling and sitting down on the desk chair, “what do you think about what should happen to them?”

“You’re asking me? I’m flattered, Twi, but I’m not a princess.”

“Maybe not, but what they did was as much against you as any of us. And you were the main hero who overcame them, as far as I’m concerned. Well, to the victor go the spoils. You certainly get a vote.”

Sunset was about to object, but Twilight brushed her objection aside.

“I’m serious, Sunset. I want your opinion.”

Sunset sighed. “Ok. Well, here’s the deal. They’re doing great now, and we’ll get them through this. But in two weeks, when the effect of the Wave wears off, they’re going to discover that while the change has begun, there’s still a long way to go. Like I told you, Twilight, in the end, you’re given a choice. You can stick with the repentance, or you can go back to your old ways. I think the true test will be how they do in the first few weeks and months after the Wave effect is gone. If they get through that, even with its bumps and setbacks, then we’ll have a better idea what to do with them. In any event, I recommend keeping them here for a while. Here, we know they have no access to magic. And it minimizes any potential threat to Equestria. They don’t know where the portal is, other than that it’s nearby, I guess. Plus, the girls and I can take care of them here. We know them best, and they trust us. It might actually frighten them to take them away, at least, so soon.”

Twilight was smiling broadly. “See! That’s crucial input! I think we should do exactly what you suggest, and I can’t imagine Princess Celestia will disagree.”

“Thanks, Twi, but please don’t tell her it was my idea.”

Twilight’s smile disappeared. “Sunset. You’ve got to move past this. And I’m saying this as a friend, not as a princess.”

Sunset made a frustrated sound. “I’m just not ready…”

“I’m not asking you to talk to her, or even communicate with her in a direct way. I’m not asking you to do anything but let me give credit where credit is due!”

“But what if she’s still angry or…disappointed, or both? If she knows the suggestion’s from me, she might be less likely to accept it!”

Twilight paused, a sad expression on her face. For the first time, she really understood how terrified Sunset was of her former mentor. What in Equestria happened between them? she wondered to herself. “Sunset,” she began, more gently. “Don’t you believe me? I’ve told you she’s been worried about you. The first thing she asked me when I came back after the Fall Formal was if you were ok! And you told me Luna came into your dream and told you she still cared about you! And later, when I told her how you led us to beat the Sirens, she was so proud!”

“Then why did she send you the journal, huh?!” Sunset demanded, her temper suddenly flaring. “Didn’t want to deal with me anymore, right? Doesn’t that mean she’s done with me?”

Twilight sighed heavily. “Sweetie, is that what you think? Ok, I can see how you might come to that conclusion. But the truth is…quite a bit more pitiful, frankly.”

“Pitiful?” asked Sunset in grumpy confusion.

“Yes. Sunset, she sent me the journal because…she’s as apprehensive about communicating with you again as you are about communicating with her.”

Sunset froze. “You…you can’t be serious.”

“I’m completely serious. No joke.”

Sunset looked down at her bedspread. “I don’t understand. Why would she be afraid to talk to me? I was the one who messed up.”

“I’m not sure she completely agrees. Or, at least, to her it’s more complicated than that.”

Sunset didn’t say anything.

“Listen. I’m not going to force you to talk to her. But I insist that you let me tell her about your idea for the Sirens. And…”

Sunset started to object.

“AND,” Twilight continued over her, “when I come back and tell you that she thought it was a great idea and that she completely agrees, you are going to admit that she still cares about you.”

Sunset deflated. “Are you speaking as a princess now?” she asked quietly, unable to keep a hint of bitterness out of her voice.

“No!” said Twilight firmly. “I will never pull rank on you, Sunset! That would be…beyond cold. And we both know all the reasons why. I care so much about you now – the last thing I’d ever want to do is to…”

“I know,” said Sunset gratefully, as her gloom began to lift. “You don’t have to explain.”

“I am speaking as a friend. And sometimes friends have to do what’s best for each other, even if it’s a little uncomfortable.”

Sunset sighed. “Ok. And I’m sorry I got upset.”

“You don’t have to apologize for that. I can see that there’s a lot of really strong emotion around all this. I guess even until today I hadn’t realized exactly how hard this is for you, but now I think I understand better.”

They heard a knock on the door.

“Come in!” Sunset answered.

Luna’s head craned around the door into the room. “Is everything ok? I…heard…well. I promise I wasn’t eavesdropping!”

Sunset smiled. “Don’t worry, Aunt Luna. Everything is fine. I was worried about something that maybe I don’t need to worry about. Maybe. Twilight is helping me.”

Luna seemed a little relieved. “Good. These can be stressful times. I wouldn’t blame anyone who got a little overwhelmed.” She pushed the door open and came all the way in. “So, is it going ok with them? How are you feeling about it all, Twilight?”

“Well, it’s a lot to take in. For one thing, I don’t have the authority to address all the different options. I’ll have to go back to Equestria and talk with your sister’s counterpart about it all. But one thing I think I can reassure you about – I think they are headed in the right direction, and I want them to be ok.”

“I’m glad to hear it. I mean, I know they are much older than they look, but it’s still hard to be very angry with them when they are in the state that they are in. It’s almost exactly like what Sunset went through.”

Twilight spoke up again. “That’s the other big thing. It’s…wow, I don’t know what the right word is, but it’s certainly something else to get an idea of what Sunset experienced. I mean, you’ve told me about what it was like,” she said, turning to Sunset, “and the other girls have given me a lot of details, but the descriptions don’t do it justice.”

“Just wait ‘till next week,” Sunset said grimly.

Twilight sighed. “I think I’ll make plans to come back and help some. Because…” Here Twilight began to get a little emotional. “I know it sounds strange, but I hate that I missed out on helping Sunset. And this…well, it’s like a second chance, but the mind-blowing thing about it is that Sunset’s helping too!” Twilight shook her head in amazement with a sniff, wiping a tear from a corner of her eye. “It’s kind of deep,” she finished.

Sunset put a hand on her shoulder, giving her a warm smile.

Luna chuckled. “Well, I’m glad that things are going well, and that you are here, Twilight. And I know a bit about what you mean. It goes without saying that Tia and I are very proud of Sunset, and watching her treat the Sirens the way she was treated is, frankly, a beautiful thing.”

Sunset blushed. “I learned from the best,” she offered.

Twilight smiled back. “Well, let’s go check on them. Now that we have a plan for the next few weeks, I’m happy to throw myself into just taking care of them. Luna, may I stay the night? I know you’ve got a lot of guests now, but, well, as I’ve said, I really want to help, and I just need a sleeping bag and a few square feet of ground.”

“Sunset already asked on your behalf, Twilight. You are very welcome.”

Twilight ended up staying for a few days, not just one. And, in that time, not only did the Sirens learn to truly trust her, but Sunset grew closer to her as well.

At last, however, it was time for the princess to return to Equestria. "I'll be back in a few days, Sunset," she told her friend as they stood together at the portal. "I won't leave you and the girls, and your mom and aunt, to face the hardest week with the Sirens without me. I just need to go back and check on things."

"I know. Don't worry. We're proud of you, Twilight. You're our princess!" said Sunset, with true warmth.

Twilight returned Sunset's smile, though she was slightly troubled by Sunset's words. Sunset pressed on, though; she had something to say. "Twilight."

"Yes?" Twilight responded softly, sensing that Sunset's mood had just taken a U-turn.

Sunset didn't answer right away. She looked at the ground, and sighed, but finally she spoke what was on her mind. "Twi... you know...I surrender, too."

Twilight's eyes bulged. "Sunset! Oh my, uh...what? What are you talking about?!"

Sunset looked up at her sadly. "What I did was no less than what they did. In fact, what I did was worse -- it was treason, because I was an Equestrian subject."

Twilight swallowed. She understood what Sunset was saying -- what she was getting at. "Sunset...I...don't know what to say..."

"Just tell me you accept my surrender. If you do, that is."

Twilight's eyes bulged even further. She paused for a moment and gathered her thoughts. "Sunset, don't you remember? Not three weeks ago you fell to your knees in front of me and...abased yourself. I haven't forgotten! I'll never forget. It was so far beyond what you needed to do, but now I understand it. I know you better, now. And that makes what you did so much more meaningful. Oh Sunset, my friend! We are so far past that! I pardoned you, with joy! Haven't I told you? If not, I'm so sorry!"


"Yes," Twilight breathed with a smile. "It was Celestia's idea. It's official and everything! Sunset, my sweet friend!" Twilight embraced her. "You really are forgiven! Don't you believe me?"

Sunset cried for a moment. "I...I want to believe. It's just...hard sometimes."

Twilight squeezed her a little tighter for a moment, then stepped back, holding Sunset by the upper arms. "Then all I ask, while I'm gone, is that you try to believe. Can you do that?"

Sunset's smile was glad. "Yes. I can try."

Author's Note:

If you’ve ever been depressed, or had regrets, or both – you know what the Sirens are feeling now, and what Sunset felt in the first chapters of this fic.

It took all of my strength not to have Sunset say, “Right. I’ll have those, then” when she takes the shards from Adagio. It’s a British speech pattern, but Sunset is living in “Amareica” so she wouldn’t say it that way. I grew up with a grandmother who spoke with a British accent, and a grandfather who spoke with an Australian accent. So sometimes I’m tempted to slip into a more Commonwealth way of talking…

The Sirens have trouble giving up the gems because they are basically addicted to them. Not entirely their fault, as will be explained later.

"You let us worry about logistics" -- Luna. They say that amateurs worry about strategy, but professionals worry about logistics. Lol, I'm not quite saying that Sunset is an amateur -- she's not. But like any late adolescent, she benefits from the wisdom and guidance of her elders.

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