• Published 28th Feb 2018
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Full Circle - Sotharan

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Part V: Daughter of the Sun || Chapter 45: Family and Fate

The next morning Sunset met Twilight at the train station. It was one of those clear, sunny days that seemed brighter in Equestria than anywhere else. Sunset took it as a hopeful sign, even though she was a nervous as a cat. Twilight gave her a happy smile and wave of her hoof.

“Hey! You ready? Shall we hit the road?”

Sunset returned the smile, taking a deep breath. “Yeah. Let’s do it.” The two ponies boarded the train and took their seats. Once the train had departed, Twilight had a question.

“I don’t think you ever came in last night. Is everything ok?”

Sunset blushed. “Yeah…uh…Mom and I just needed some…snuggle time,” Sunset admitted.

Twilight instantly broke out into a ridiculously broad smile. “Oh my gosh that is so ADORABLE!” she squeed happily.

“Twi! Keep your voice down!” Sunset hissed, looking over shoulder.

Twilight chuckled. “We’re alone in this train car, Sunset, in case you’d forgotten. Besides, you have nothing to be embarrassed about. I’m really glad you and Celestia are making up for lost time. And no one will hear about it from me.”

Sunset seemed mollified, but it took a few minutes for her blush to fade.

“You still nervous?” Twilight asked, after she thought Sunset had recovered sufficiently. “I know I’d be nervous.”

“Yeah. Yeah, I have to admit that I am.”

“Well, I’m glad I came along then. But just think, Sunset! Maybe for the first time, and I don’t mean this to make you sad, you are traveling to meet ponies who you know ahead of time are excited to meet you! It’s going to be a totally new experience!”

“Well, that’s part of what’s making me nervous, I guess. I mean, should I, like, hug them and stuff? What if…what if they’re really weird? What if they think I’m weird?”

“Sunset. While I think it’s totally normal to be a bit anxious about something like this, I think everything is going to be just fine. You are descended from these ponies – made out of them. They are going to love you. It’s gonna be ok.”

“You’re…I’m sure you’re right,” Sunset stammered.

“And as for what to do when you meet them, I think that will be ok too. You’ll know what to do. Worst case scenario: let them take the lead. They are old and experienced and all.”

Sunset smiled wanly. “Ok, I’ll try to relax.”

The trip to New Canterlot was not very long – only three hours. As the train pulled into the station, Sunset noted the time – it was 11 am. Still plenty of the day left.

The train lurched to stop. “Ok, sweetie. Are you ready? Celestia said they’d be waiting.”

Sunset looked a bit pale. “Twilight, I’ve never met anyone I’m related to before. I…”

At this Twilight actually laughed a little. “Of course you have, Sunset! You’ve met me!”

Sunset stared at her for a second. Then Twilight watched with satisfaction as some of them tension left Sunset’s body. “Oh. Oh, of course. You’re right.”

“You can do this. And I’ll be right there. Remember, they’re my family too. I haven’t seen them in a while, but I remember them, and I think they’ll remember me. How about this? I’ll go out just a bit ahead of you and prepare the way. Ok?”

Sunset took a deep breath and slowly let it out through pursed lips. “Ok.”

Twilight nodded and stepped off the train. She looked around, glad again that she had insisted on not being formally received by the local government. It didn’t take her long to spot Sunset’s (and her) relatives. They were standing in a large group with balloons and a banner that proclaimed 'Welcome Home, Sunset!'. She trotted over to them, waving a hoof and smiling as she came.

“Twilight!” a pretty older unicorn mare with light red fur and a pale yellow mane cried out, coming toward her.

“Great-Aunt Sunbeam!” Twilight cried, returning the greeting. She and Sunbeam embraced warmly.

“Look at you. An alicorn and a princess! We are so proud. You’ve grown up so much since the last time we saw you. When was it?” Sunbeam asked.

“Five years ago, at the last reunion. I remember it well.” Twilight said a bit sheepishly.

“I’m surprised,” her great-aunt teased her. “If I remember correctly, you spent almost the entire time shut up in your room reading!”

“Yes, sadly, you’re right. I’m not like that anymore, I’m glad to say. I mean – I still love books! But I’ve got friends now, and I get out pretty regularly.”

Sunbeam smiled fondly at her. “I always knew you’d come out of your shell, Twilight. You’re too much like your grandpa.” They were abruptly joined by an older unicorn stallion with a ruby coat and a white mane and tail.

“Great-Uncle Crimson!” Twilight cried, again embracing her elder.

“Hello Twilight. It’s so good to see you again. It’s been too long. We tried to make your coronation, you know. Unfortunately, your cousin Scarlet was graduating the same day, and so…”

“There’s nothing to apologize for. I understand. To be honest, I would have preferred a small, private ceremony, but Celestia insisted on making a big deal of it.”

The three ponies were joined at that moment by another older unicorn couple. The stallion, who was bright orange with a red mane streaked with yellow, spoke up with a bow. He had a deep, resonant voice. “Princess Twilight, it’s an honor to meet you. I am Firebrand, and this,” he said, indicating an older unicorn mare standing next to him, “is my wife, Golden Glitter.” The mare in question bowed as well. Twilight couldn’t help staring at her for a moment. Although she had a cyan mane, her coat was almost the same color as Sunset’s. And Sunset clearly had her eyes.

“We are Golden Star’s parents,” Golden Glitter said by explanation. She had a very soft voice, only a little louder than Fluttershy’s.

Twilight returned their bows. “Please, call me Twilight. After all, we are related by marriage.”

Sunset’s maternal grandparents looked a bit surprised, but both nodded.

Crimson Gem spoke again. “Twilight, we’ve decided that just the four of us will meet her at first. We don’t want to completely overwhelm her with aunts and uncles and cousins.”

“I think that’s a good idea, Uncle Crimson. She’s excited, but…a bit nervous.”

“In fact, the two grandmas are going first of all,” said Firebrand, motioning to his wife.

“We figure grandmas are pretty nonthreatening,” Sunbeam Sheen pointed out with a twinkle in her eye.

“Well, again, sounds like a good idea. So, are you ready?”

The two mares nodded, looking at each other. They seemed a bit nervous too.

“Why don’t the two of you follow me? You can meet her in the train car. That way, you have a bit of privacy.” Twilight gestured with her head, then began to canter to the train car, the two mares in tow. When she got to the car, she stopped them. “Let me just make sure she’s ready.”

Twilight went into the car, and found Sunset still standing where she had left her. “Sunset, they’re here. Listen, how about this? You’re going to meet your grandmas first. They’re going to come on the train, so it will be more private. Ok?”

Sunset swallowed, then nodded. Twilight couldn’t help but get a bit moved as she gave Sunset a beautific smile of anticipation. She turned and called out the door, “Ok, you can come in! She’s ready!”

Sunset heard the clop of hooves. Then an older unicorn mare came up the steps into the train car, followed closely by another. Sunset could instantly tell they were related to her. Time seemed to stop as they looked at each other.

The one who had come in first, who had a cyan mane and eyes, slowly walked toward her, a look of incredible wonder in her eyes. The other one, who had a pale yellow mane, was close behind, and was already smiling with joy.

The cyan-maned mare spoke first. “Sunset?” she asked softly. “Hello, sweetheart. My name is Golden Glitter. Your mother was my daughter.”

The other mare was shaking her head in amazement. “And I am your other grandmother, Sunbeam Sheen. Your father was my son.”

Sunset looked from one mare to the other, openmouthed, having no idea what to say or do.

Slowly, cautiously, they both came closer to her. “Oh, Goldy. Isn’t she beautiful?” Sunbeam breathed to Golden Glitter. Then the tears started in all three sets of eyes simultaneously, and only an instant later Sunset found herself in the embrace of both her grandmothers.

Listening to the sound of the train tracks coming through the open window, Sunset found herself letting her mind wander. So much had happened over the past few days – her mind was tired. She just stared out the window and took a break from directing her thoughts.

After a few minutes she started to look around the inside of the train car, taking in details she hadn’t noticed on the trip to New Canterlot. She and Twilight were the only two ponies in the car, of course. Twilight being an actual princess, and Sunset having the interim status of a royal duchess, they rated a private car. Like most things ponies made, it was a fine example of high quality, loving workmanship. The woodwork of the car was intricately carved and carefully and fancifully decorated in various pastel colors of paint. Sunset smiled. Ordinary objects like train cars were rarely decorated at all in the human world.

Her eyes wandered to her friend. Twilight was sitting next to her happily reading a book. Sunset loved books herself, but nobody loved books like Twilight. Sunset smirked affectionately at her. It was still strange to see her as a pony. The color of her coat was the same as her skin color in her human form, as were the colors of her mane. Her eyes were exactly the same. She looked again at Twilight’s cutie mark. She had never really noticed it in detail, as, in Twilight’s human form, it formed an interrupted pattern on her dress. It appeared to consist of a six pointed magenta star with an interdigitated white star behind it, surrounded by five smaller six pointed white stars. It was one of the most intricate cutie marks Sunset had ever seen. Something about it was tickling Sunset’s brain.

“Twilight,” she said, breaking the last 30 minutes of silence.

“Hmm?” Twilight responded distractedly, not looking up from her book.

“Your cutie mark. The five white stars – they represent your friends, don’t they? I mean, the Element Bearers.”

Twilight blinked a couple times and looked over at Sunset. “Oh! Yes. I didn’t know that, of course, until after we had rescued Luna. I didn’t even put it together right away – it took a few weeks, but as my relationships with the girls got stronger and stronger, I realized that…” –Twilight got a little moved here – “our friendship had been written on my flanks long before any of us had even met each other.”

Sunset smiled warmly. “That is really sweet. I mean, that’s epic. And the big magenta star represents you.”

“Yes. It represents me, and my own Element – the Element of Magic. But of course, I didn’t know that either, until I actually saw the Element for the first time.”

“This is so interesting! Tell me about that.”

“Well, the Element of Magic only manifests itself when the other five Elements are present and are being wielded by worthy bearers. Until we faced Nightmare Moon, that hadn’t happened in a thousand years, so nopony, except Celestia herself, I suppose, knew what it even looked like. But sure enough, when we stood against Nightmare Moon, and I invoked the Elements, the Element of Magic flared into being right in front of me – a six pointed magenta star.”

“What happened then?”

“Well…we…used the Rainbow Wave for the first time.”

“Oh. That’s when Aunt Luna…”

“When she was freed from the influence of the Night Mare.” It was impossible to ignore the similarities between what had happened to Luna and what Sunset herself had experienced, so Twilight didn’t try. “It was almost exactly like what happened to you, Sunset. She was weak, and in tears, and she ran right to Celestia and begged her to forgive her. And, of course, Celestia did, right away.”

“That’s how you knew. When…I was in the crater…you knew what to do.”

Twilight gave Sunset a reassuring smile and rubbed her shoulder with her hoof. “Yes. As soon as I heard you apologize I started to realize what had happened. And then I knew I had to help you.”

Sunset smiled shyly. “But…at first you seemed really angry.”

“I was, but only until I knew how the Wave had affected you.”

Sunset was genuinely surprised. “You mean it doesn’t always work the same way?”

“Well, no. You know that yourself – it was different with the Sirens.”

“A little different, but not substantially. They experienced everything I did, just in a slightly different order and way.”

“Ok, I see your point. But it’s true – the Rainbow Wave affects different beings in different ways. For example, the two times it was used on Discord, all it did was turn him to stone.”

“No weakness? No…being forced to relive his sins?” Sunset asked in surprise.

“Nope. And when we used it on Tirek, it just took back the magic he’d stolen and banished him back to Tartarus. So, when you were in the crater, I didn’t know what had happened until you said you were sorry, and until I saw your eyes. Then, I knew. It was subconscious at first, but it didn’t take me long to realize it had had the same effect on you that Luna had experienced. And then of course I couldn’t be angry anymore. But even before that I had decided to give you a second chance.”

“You did? Why? I mean, obviously I’m not criticizing! Just…curious.”

“I remembered Celestia’s face. I knew she still cared about you, so I did what I thought she would want.”

“Wow. I…didn’t know that.”

“Well, I’m glad I told you then. You see, Sunset – even in your darkest hour, Celestia’s love for you was with you,” Twilight said softly.

Sunset’s breath hitched a bit. “Through you, Twilight.”

Twilight smiled awkwardly. “Yes. I’m…glad I was able to do that for you, though of course, as we’ve discussed, I really do wish I’d been able to be more gentle with the whole process.”

“And I’ve told you that it was exactly what I needed.” There were a few moments of companionable silence. Then, with a rush, Sunset realized what had been tickling her mind about Twilight’s cutie mark. “Wait…Twilight, you’re saying that, before it manifested when you were fighting Nightmare Moon, the only pony in Equestria who knew what the Element of Magic looked like was my mom?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

“Twilight, when did you get your cutie mark?” Sunset asked intensely.

“Uh, I got it while I was taking the Entrance Exam for Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns.”

“Huh. Ok, go on,”

“Sunset, what’s this…”

“Please, Twi. Just humor me.”

“Ok. Well, I was trying to hatch a dragon egg…”

“Like you do…” said Sunset, nodding knowingly.

“Oh. You had the same test?”

“It’s always the same test.”

“Oh. Well, anyway, I was having a lot of trouble, but suddenly there was a huge BOOM. I didn’t know it at the time, but it was Rainbow Dash performing her first Sonic Rainboom. The sound startled me so much I had a surge.”

Sunset’s eyes went wide as she grinned and started to laugh. “Oh, no! Seriously?”

Twilight smiled too. “Yeah, it was pretty spectacular. I did hatch the egg, which turned out to be Spike’s egg, but the surge continued. I turned my parents into potted plants, among other things.”

Sunset gaped, trying to keep her laughter under control.

“Well, I guess the magical signature attracted Celestia’s attention, because she came into the testing room herself, put out my surge, and polymorphed my parents back into themselves. It was right then that I got my cutie mark. And Celestia asked me to be her personal student right then as…” Twilight stopped as her eyes grew wide. “Sunset…I think I know what you’re thinking!”

“Yes. While I’m sure Mom really was impressed by your magical potential, Twi, the shape of your cutie mark couldn’t have been lost on her either.”

Twilight was shaking her head in amazement. “Why haven’t I ever thought of this? I’ve always thought it was the surge and hatching the egg that convinced her to take me as her student, but it was…”

“Also the fact that the Element of Magic was written on your flank, along with five other stars that she must have realized represented the other five Elements,” Sunset finished for her.

“Which would mean that…”

“That you were always destined to wield the Elements with your friends and overcome Nightmare Moon.”

Twilight was looking at Sunset in awe. “She knew all along. Celestia knew all along.”

“Yes,” said Sunset simply. She only needed one last piece of information to complete her conclusion. “What year was that?”

“995. Why?”

Sunset sighed slowly and heavily. Twilight found this distressing – she hadn’t heard Sunset sigh like that since before they had defeated the Sirens. “Sunset. What’s wrong?”

“It was always you. It was never me.” Sunset shook her head.

“I think I know what you’re getting at, but tell me more,” Twilight encouraged gently.

“She accepted you as a student only one year after she accepted me. That means that almost the whole time I was her student, she knew I wasn’t going to be the one to wield the Elements or face Nightmare Moon.”

“Ok. So, what does that mean?”

“Twilight!” Sunset cried with frustration. “I knew about the legend. I read most of the same books you did. I mean, I didn’t know Aunt Luna was Nightmare Moon, but I knew Nightmare Moon was going to return soon. I thought I was going to be the one to stop her. It’s part of why I started to push Mom as the time drew closer, and part of why I couldn’t understand when she wouldn’t let me learn faster.”

“Oh, I see.”

Sunset shook her head again, frowning. “Just another stupid idea I had about myself that got me into trouble,” she said with dejection.

“Did you ever talk to Celestia about it?”

“No. I’m not sure why. Maybe I realized subconsciously that I’d be too disappointed if she said I wasn’t the one. Or maybe I wouldn’t have accepted it.” Sunset hung her head. “And most of those books were in the Restricted Section…”

There were a few moments of silence. Twilight decided Sunset had talked herself out. “Sunset. It’s in the past. Please don’t beat yourself up about it.”

“It’s not that easy, Twi. I don’t know…what I’m doing anymore. I don’t even know…”

“What do you mean?” asked Twilight, increasingly concerned.

Sunset looked directly at Twilight. “Twi, if I wasn’t going to be the one to overcome Nightmare Moon, why did Mom take me as a personal student? She must have had a reason. But the worst thing is – whatever the reason was, well, it’s over now.”

“Over now? Ok, I’m really lost.”

“Oh come on, Twi! I threw it all away! I know Mom and I have made up – in fact, our relationship is growing and getting stronger every day. But I never finished my studies. And I stole an Element of Harmony – the Chief Element, by the way – and I misused it. You’ve forgiven me for that, and you know I’m grateful, but whatever…potential or destiny I might have had…well, I’m pretty sure it’s long gone.”

Twilight felt her heart go out to her friend. In a way, she was glad their conversation had led to this point. She had hoped that Sunset was truly moving beyond her past, but now she knew that Sunset was still struggling with guilt and regret. What was new was that uncertainty and disappointment were added into the mix. It was a hard burden to bear, and Sunset needed to share it. “Sweetie, is that what you think?” she asked softly.

“Yes. It is.” Sunset admitted. “I feel…like my life has ended before it even had a chance to begin. I’m not bitter, just…disappointed. I have so many regrets. And I don’t know what to do. Magic came into the human world because of me. I feel like I may have to stay there, to protect it – to do damage control. I don’t know what my destiny is, Twilight, or if I even have one anymore. I feel like…I threw away any chance to achieve the potential Mom saw in me. Whatever it was.”

Twilight pulled her into a hug. Sunset didn’t resist, but she didn’t return the hug either. She was feeling too angry at herself. Twilight decided to drop some hints. It wasn’t her place to reveal anything definite, but she couldn’t leave her friend down in the dumps, either. “Well, you’re wrong.”

Sunset shifted slightly. “What?”

“You’re wrong,” Twilight said again, simply.

Sunset turned suddenly so she could look into Twilight’s eyes. “You know something. You know something, don’t you?!”

Twilight gave her a compassionate look. “It’s not my place to give any details, so you need to talk to your mom about this. But I can tell you not to be so down on yourself. You may have left one path, but there are others.”

Sunset stared at her. “Twi…”

“I’m serious – I can’t say anything more on this subject. You’ve got to talk to your mom about this.”

Sunset thought for a moment. Then, she finally relaxed into Twilight’s hug. “Ok. I’ll...I’ll talk to her.”


That evening, Sunset watched in awe as her mother lowered the sun. Another day was done. On a nearby tower, Sunset saw her aunt raise the moon. She smiled. It was a privilege to watch them. But the same cloud that had covered her heart on the train back to Canterlot earlier that day came to haunt her again. Here were two mighty alicorns who knew their places in the grand scheme of things. Next to them, she felt very lost and very small.

Celestia gave a great sigh as she allowed her magic to come back down to normal levels. She smiled to herself and turned to her daughter, immediately noticing the hanging head and unhappy mood.

“Darling. What troubles you?”

Sunset looked up. “I…don’t know what to do. I don’t know where I’m going. I don’t know what I’ve lost.”

Celestia nodded. “I had a feeling it would not be long before these questions began to occur to you.”

“Twilight and I were talking about it on the train today. She said I should talk to you about it.”

“She was right.”

Sunset swallowed. “Mom, listen – it was…having the wrong idea about my destiny – about my place – that got me into trouble the first time around. I don’t want to risk that again. So, any question that I ask – if you think it’s best not to answer it, I promise I’ll understand. I won’t push. Never again!”

Celestia just nodded.

“Mom…what is my destiny? Have I lost it? Has my failure cost me everything? What did you see in me? Is it still there? Who did I see in the mirror that day – who I could become, or just who I wanted to become? Do you understand what I’m asking?”

Celestia took a deep breath, and did not answer right away. “Come inside, love. It’s getting chilly. Let us sit by the fire to discuss these matters.”

The two ponies went back into Celestia’s private quarters and sat down by the fire. Celestia pulled Sunset close and draped a wing over her shoulders. “Now, what brought this on?”

“I was looking at Twilight’s cutie mark, and I realized that you knew all along that she was going to be the one to bear the Element of Magic and stop Nightmare Moon. You knew this almost the entire time I was your student. Which means that my destiny, if I ever really had one, must have been different. I guess I’m wondering what you saw in me, and…if I’ve lost it. Given it up, thrown it away, by…falling so far.” Sunset’s head was hanging low now.

Celestia understood that the conversation she and Sunset were about to have would be one of the most important conversations of Sunset’s entire life. She wanted to make it a very positive one. “Sunset, first let me reassure you. There is true forgiveness. What you did from the time you left until the time Twilight defeated you – that really is forgiven.”

“But there are consequences for wicked behavior. I can be forgiven, but still…have thrown away what or who I could have been.”

“There are consequences. Some of those you have already faced. Others may not be clear to you for many years. But your fundamental nature has not changed, Sunset. You are still yourself. In fact, you are more yourself now than you ever were before.”

Sunset was confused. She looked up at Celestia quizzically.

“I would say that the true Sunset Shimmer is the one I see before me now. She has learned the value of kindness, generosity, laughter, honesty, and loyalty. And she is brave, and has risked her own life to save the lives of her friends. In a very real way, Sunset, you are now yourself. The old you was a mockery – a shadow of who you were meant to be.”

Sunset’s eyes were very wide.

“So you see, in an equally real way, you are now free to achieve your destiny, when you weren’t before. Do you understand, Sunset? Turning from evil has made you free. You have not diminished – rather you have grown! Now, would you have achieved your destiny more quickly if you had not given in to evil? Perhaps. It is hard to say for sure. And do you now carry burdens and regrets that I would have spared you? Yes. But these things can be turned for good. They can teach you wisdom and compassion, and from what I’ve heard, they already have.”

Sunset felt a bright joy welling up inside her. Her mother was taking her fears and turning them on their heads. “You’re amazing,” she breathed. “With just a few sentences, you’ve given me back my hope.”

“Good. I can tell you a bit more. And again, note this, Sunset – I can tell you more now because you are ready. You weren’t before.”

Sunset just smiled.

“I did see something different in you from what I saw in Twilight. Now, I know you no longer desire greatness, or to rule over others, but those things may be your fate nonetheless. This I will tell you, and then I must leave the rest for you to discover: do you know how many ponies have been born in the entire history of Equestria whose cutie marks consist of an eight-rayed sun?”

Sunset thought. “Uh, no. I don’t know.”

“Exactly two.”

Sunset boggled. “But that means…”

“Yes. Both of those ponies are here in this room, my love.”

Sunset was almost speechless – the different possible implications of what Celestia had just told her were astounding, and not all of them were good. “But Mom…I…”

“There is nothing to be afraid of. I know your mind will run with what I have just told you, but there is one thing I can reassure you of – this is a good and wonderful and happy thing. Don’t worry. I am not going anywhere – at least not anytime soon.”

Sunset swallowed. “Ok. That’s…that’s a relief.”

Celestia smiled proudly at her daughter. “You have a bright future, my little sun. Now, I have entrusted you with some heavy knowledge. I have done this believing that you are mature enough to handle it. So, don’t dwell on it or overthink it or let it go to your head. The main reason I’ve told you this is to encourage you. Ok?”

Sunset smiled. “Yes, mother. I’ll try. I’ll do my best.”

Celestia nuzzled her affectionately. “That is all I can ask of you.”

Author's Note:

Please don’t get on my case about not describing/narrating the three days Sunset spent in her home village getting to know her grandparents and extended family. It would be another fic in and of itself, and I’ll never get this published if I don’t press on. If there’s lots of demand, maybe I’ll make another fic about it. The focus of this fic is more on Sunset’s life in the human world – Book 5 is an interlude, and I can’t let it get too long.

Suffice it to say that Sunset is completely welcomed, gets many chances to tell her story and to learn all about her relatives, and gets showered with gifts/heirlooms/love before she heads back to Canterlot.

I’m not kidding about Celestia knowing Twilight’s destiny the moment she saw her cutie mark. I’m probably not the first person to think of this.

Sunset’s reference to who she saw in the mirror refers to her vision of herself as an alicorn princess in Star Swirl’s mirror in “The Fall of Sunset Shimmer”.

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