• Published 28th Feb 2018
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Full Circle - Sotharan

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Part I: Moon of Remorse || Chapter 7: First Steps

The next morning Sunset was noticeably slightly less sad. She was also in less pain with regard to her muscles, joints, scratches, and cuts. Her knee was not much better, and she was just as weak, but overall incremental improvement was seen. Luna and Celestia had already left for school when she got up, but Rarity was there to help her get a bowl of cereal and some toast.

Rarity commented on Sunset’s mildly improved mood. “You seem a little less sad today, Sunset.”

Sunset looked away. “It…is helping a little to know…that I said something the demon wouldn’t have,” she said shyly.

Rarity smiled at her. “Good. How are you feeling physically?”

“Still pretty weak. But my aches and pains are a bit better, I think.”

“Very good. Hopefully yesterday was truly the worst day, physically, anyway. Still, ibuprofen is probably a good idea for a while yet – I’ll get some for you.”

“Thanks. So, what’s the plan for the day?”

“Well, we got most of our homework done last night. Let’s finish the little bit that’s left, and then we can do other things.”

“Other things? Like what?”

“Well, I have a few things in mind, but I must admit I’d be interested to learn what you would be interested in.”

Sunset paused. “Huh. That’s a good question.” She furrowed her brow and seemed to be thinking deeply and intensely. When several seconds passed and she still seemed lost in thought, Rarity hazarded a clarification.

“Sunset…I didn’t mean to stump you, darling. I thought it was a relatively straightforward question…”

The other girl frowned. “Rarity, I guess I haven’t made the scope of my dedication to my ambitions clear. I wouldn’t be exaggerating if I said that I had hardly done anything over the past two and half years except plot and plan. And before that, when I was the Princess’s student back in Equestria, I hardly did anything but study!”

Rarity blinked a few times, but recovered quickly. “Darling, that’s nothing to worry about. It’s ok that you don’t know much about what interests you and what you enjoy – that will be something that you and I and the others can discover together.” Rarity smiled warmly. “It may actually be quite enjoyable! Look, let’s get our work done, and then we can try a few things I have in mind. How does that sound?”

“Sounds good!”

The two young women rapidly completed their remaining homework – while Rarity wasn’t quite the genius that Sunset was, she was definitely one of the smarter girls in their grade, and she kept pace with her newest friend quite respectably.

Afterward, Rarity introduced Sunset to the world of style and high fashion. Sunset enjoyed herself immensely. Although she could tell that she would never have the degree of passion for clothing and accessories and décor that Rarity had, she took great pleasure in learning to appreciate beauty and craftsmanship as things that had value in and of themselves, rather than just as a means to an end.

For her part, Rarity had a wonderful time sharing aspects of herself which were most dear to her. She found, happily, that Sunset had the potential to appreciate fashion and design to a level that, of their friends, only Fluttershy had shown so far. This had Rarity practically bouncing on her toes with joy. Oh, thank God, she thought to herself. Another friend who won’t think I’m out of my mind half the time! Rarity had thought ahead and had brought a number of accessories with her. Realizing that Sunset was still too weak to do any full-fledged modeling or trying on of entire outfits, instead she asked her to try on various scarves, sunglasses, jewelry, belts, headbands, hats, and even some makeup. The two of them had such a blast that when the doorbell rang they realized that, since Rainbow Dash had clearly arrived to relieve Rarity, they had forgotten to eat lunch!

“Oh dear!” Rarity cried, and jumped up to get the door.

“Hey Rares!” Rainbow greeted her jauntily.

“Rainbow! We’ve completely lost track of time! It must be after three, correct?”

Rainbow looked at her watch. “Three thirty on the nose, Rares. Guess you two have been having fun, huh?” She gave Rarity a puckish wink.

“Well, yes. Apparently.” Rarity turned to Sunset. “Darling, this just will not do! I’m supposed to be taking care of you, not making you skip meals!”

“Don’t worry, Rarity! I was having fun too! It’s not just your fault!”

“Well, thank you darling, but before I leave I simply must ensure that you get a light lunch at least. And perhaps you would enjoy a snack, Rainbow?”


“Right then. Hang on, both of you!” Rarity disappeared into the kitchen.

Half an hour later, Rarity had watched like a mother hen as Sunset obediently ate a cheese sandwich and some potato chips, while Rainbow had been perfectly satisfied with a couple cookies and a glass of milk.

“Well done, darling,” Rarity said to Sunset. “Now I must be off – Sweetie Belle is waiting. But first I must say this has been one of the most pleasant days I have passed in quite some time!”

Sunset smiled warmly. “Me too, Rarity. I…thanks. Just thanks.”

Rarity returned her smile and gathered up her various fashion accoutrements as she prepared to leave. Rainbow decided to tease her a bit.

“You think you’ve had fun so far, Sunny? Just you wait. Clothes and makeup are cool and all, but have you ever played…Corona?” She held up a video game cartridge in obvious triumph.

Rarity rolled her eyes, matching Rainbow’s teasing measure for measure. “Some people appreciate the finer things in life, Rainbow Dash, and I’m pleased to say that Sunset appears to be one of them. Nevertheless, perhaps she shall find some small diversion in the sorts of pursuits that you enjoy.”

“Yeah I have no idea what you just said. C’mon, Sunny. I know you’re going to love this!”

Rarity chuckled. “All right. Have fun, you two,” she said more softly, meaning every word.

Rainbow smiled back at her, and Sunset did too. “We will. Have a great evening, Rares,” said Rainbow.

“Bye, Rares!” Sunset cried, daring unconsciously to use Rarity’s nickname. To her relief, Rarity wasn’t offended. She waved goodbye to them both as she donned her sunglasses and headed out the door.

“All right, Sunset Shimmer,” said Rainbow with exaggerated seriousness. “Prepare to be wowed.”

Sunset’s eyes widened. She had seen a few video games before, and Flash had even attempted to get her interested in one or two, but she was still pretty naïve to the world of gaming. That was about to change.

The next thing that intruded into their world of challenge and striving was the sound of the door opening in the entryway above them and Luna’s voice filtering down to them. “Girls! I’m home!”

Sunset paused the game and looked at the clock. It was five thirty – they had been playing for an hour and a half straight without break. She smiled to herself – she was quickly learning that time passed quickly with good friends – especially when you were having fun.

“We’re down here!” she called up the stairs as Rainbow stood up to stretch for a second. They heard Luna’s purse get put down on one of the end tables in the living room, then they heard her steps come rapidly down the stairs into the basement.

“Ooo! What are you two playing?” she asked, with bright eyes, like a fellow schoolgirl.

Corona,” said Rainbow nonchalantly.

“The original?” asked Luna incredulously. “Wow, that’s old school, Rainbow Dash.”

“You don’t expect me to initiate Sunset into the world of video games without introducing her to the classics, do you?” Rainbow asked, acting slightly offended.

“I suppose not. But you can’t possibly realize what you’ve started…”

“And what would that be, Ms. Luna?” Rainbow asked, anticipating the response.

“I was nationally ranked in my day, Rainbow,” declared Luna darkly. “Care to see if you can hold your own?”

Rainbow’s eyes flashed. “I think I can handle a thirty year old,” she said airily.

“Thirty-four. Get it right, Rainbow Crash,” Luna sneered.

Sunset was fighting to avoid rolling on the floor in laughter. She decided, wisely, to sit this one out. To her amazement, she next witnessed what was probably one of the most epic video game duels of all time. Rainbow challenged Luna to a 1v1, 20 kill limit. Luna was a bit rusty – she hadn’t played the original game for almost 4 years. Consequently, Rainbow was out to an early lead, 7 to 3. She smirked, but her overconfidence proved a weakness. As she shook off the rust, Luna stormed back. Soon it was tied, 10 to 10. But Rainbow got herself back under control. The two video warriors traded kills for the next 15 minutes in silence, each exerting her full strength in an effort to win. Sunset held her breath – it was 19 to 19 – the next kill would bring victory. Suddenly, it was all over – Luna dropped Rainbow from all the way across the map with a sniper shot to the head.

“WHAT?!” Rainbow cried, leaping to her feet.

“Relax, Rainbow,” Luna said consolingly. “I was playing this game before you were even in middle school.”

“Still! Did you see that shot? I didn’t even know you could do that!”

“One of my signature attacks,” said Luna, a bit haughtily. But she relented almost immediately. “What do you play mostly, Rainbow? Corona 3?”


“And I bet your team is nationally ranked, yes?”

“We’re number 11 right now, with a shot at 10 this weekend.”

“Well, take heart. My Corona team never got above 14,” Luna said with a wink.

Rainbow smiled back, feeling a bit better.

Luna stood up. “Well, that was invigorating. But I need to get dinner going. Keep playing if you like, you two.”

An hour later Sunset, with Rainbow’s help, had scaled the basement stairs and entered the kitchen to find Celestia and Luna just about to sit down for dinner. “Hello, Sunset,” said Celestia warmly. “How are you doing today?”

Sunset didn’t respond immediately – a lot had happened and she didn’t know where to start.

“Not an easy question to answer, eh? That’s all right. Why don’t we have some food, and you can get your thoughts in order. Sound good to you, Rainbow?”

Rainbow smiled broadly. “It smells incredible up here. What are we having?”

Celestia filled in Rainbow in on the various components of their dinner while Luna helped Sunset into her chair. “Thanks,” Sunset said with true gratitude.

Luna gave Sunset’s shoulder a little squeeze. “Don’t mention it. Now, let’s eat!”

Dinner was soon finished. Sunset found that, in spite of having had a largish snack only two-and-a-half hours before, that she was able to eat quite a bit. She started to wonder, not for the first time, if she was a bit on the malnourished side. I’m healing physically too, Sunset thought to herself. That might require more calories as well.

She had also been able, eventually, to express how her day had gone. She had been a bit embarrassed to be completely open in front of Rainbow at first, but soon discovered that Rainbow wasn’t going to judge her, and in fact was glad that she’d had a good time with Rarity – as long as she’d had a good time playing video games in the basement with Rainbow as well!

Celestia seemed pleased. Her plan was working well so far – already Sunset was learning how much fun friendship could be.

Bedtime came all too soon – Sunset found that while she was physically exhausted, she didn’t want the day to end. She was having too much fun hanging out with Rainbow. Celestia prevailed on both of them, however, to finish their homework and get ready for bed.

“Don’t worry, Sunset!” said Rainbow brightly. “We got all our work done. That means tomorrow, until AJ gets here – CORONA! That is, if you’re enjoying it,” Rainbow said, remembering herself.

“That sounds great, RD,” Sunset said a bit sleepily. She didn’t even realize she’d given Rainbow a nickname.

Rainbow, for her part, laughed delightedly. “’RD’. I kinda like that. No one’s called me that before. Nice one, Sunset!”

Sunset suddenly realized what she’d done, but Rainbow’s more than happy reaction reassured her that she hadn’t made a mistake. She settled back into her pillows. Soon, her head was nodding. She didn’t see Rainbow smile fondly at her, and didn’t feel Rainbow’s and Celestia’s hands as they helped her to lie down and wrap up in her blankets.

She looked down on her handiwork from the throne, high up on a dais. The throne room of Equestria was littered with broken stone and stained glass. In the absolute center of the room laid the body of the High Princess of Equestria, motionless and cold. A red pool spread out from her form, marring the beauty of her pastel mane as the setting sun’s rays fell upon her.

In front of her, also motionless in death, was the body of a smaller, purple alicorn with an indigo mane striped with pink and purple. She had clearly fallen trying to defend her mentor. Other bodies, mostly ponies of the Royal Guard, were spread throughout the room, all dead. At the great doors of the throne room stood a group of ponies, still living, but whose glazed eyes and lack of activity indicated they were actually students from Canterlot High under her mental control.

Sunset had never felt so alone. She looked down at her bloodstained claws and screamed.

As Sunset awoke in horror, Rainbow Dash leapt out of the cot and wrapped Sunset in her arms. “Easy, now, Sunset, it was another dream! Just another dream, I promise. It’s ok. It’s ok. I’m here. You’re not alone!” she cried.

Again, Celestia and Luna came into the room and sat down on the bed with a still near-panicked Sunset and the worried Rainbow Dash. They each took one of Sunset’s hands.

Sunset was starting to become coherent. “Rainbow, I can’t take this! I can’t take this! Oh, when will it end?” she wept.

“Shh, shh, it will end. I know it will. I don’t know how I know, but I do,” said Rainbow firmly.

“How? How can you know? What if I have dreams like this for the rest of my life? How will I live?” Sunset wailed.

“I just can’t believe that’s your future, Sunset. It’s hard to put into words, but I just don’t think that’s what all this is about. The Rainbow Wave put the Magic of Friendship into you. It’s hard now, but it will get better. Because having friends will help you heal! I just know it!” Rainbow answered.

This seemed to make sense to Sunset. She calmed down a little. “I…I hope you’re right. I want to believe you’re right. I already know I wouldn’t have made it this far without all of you.”

Rainbow smiled at her. “There you go. There’s hope. And we’re glad we can help. Truly.”

Sunset just leaned against her, trying to slow her breathing.

“Your life is going to be so much better than it was before – just like Flutters said. That’s what this is about. I believe that,” Rainbow continued.

Sunset was calming down. Her tears were drying. She sighed heavily.

“It hasn’t even been a week,” said Rainbow gently. “Give yourself some time.”

Sunset nodded briefly.

“Ok. Now you have to tell us what it was about,” said Rainbow a bit grimly.

Sunset looked at her, then at Celestia and Luna. She took a deep breath and told them. They all looked at her compassionately. “Wow,” said Rainbow, “that was a bad one. I don’t blame you for waking up and screaming. Not one bit.”

Sunset sighed again. “That’s another thing. I keep waking you all up…”

“Don’t worry about that, Sunset,” said Rainbow. “I know you’d do the same for any of us. Wouldn’t you?”

Sunset thought about that. “You know, I would!” she said. She perked up a little. A tiny, relieved smile crossed her lips. “I really would! I promise!” The others smiled a little at her earnestness.

“We know. Don’t worry, sweetie, we know,” said Luna.

“And Sunset, remember, it was a dream – none of that happened. Again, you’ve seen what could have happened, but that’s not what did happen. Your homeworld is safe, and so is Twilight. You didn’t lead the CHS students into the mirror. You’re not a demon. And you are safe too. I promise,” reassured Celestia.

Sunset nodded. She was getting sleepy again. They stayed with her again. And once more, for the rest of the night she was free from fear and slept deeply and calmly.

Author's Note:

I reason that Rarity is probably the second smartest of the Mane 7 (prior to human Twilight’s arrival). It’s just me – personal preference – but I think that since unicorns are magic users (and Rarity’s pony counterpart is a unicorn), in general they have high intelligence. Yeah, it’s my D&D showing.

Corona is my thinly veiled Halo reference. Yep, showin’ my age, too. I don’t intend for the two games to be identical, however, so don’t get too technical. I can’t remember if there was a 1v1 setting with a 20 kill limit, for example, but I’m pretty sure there was…

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