• Published 28th Feb 2018
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Full Circle - Sotharan

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Part VI: Full Circle || Chapter 49: Daydream of Glory

Half an hour later the friends had gathered near the statue, waiting with the other students from both schools for the third and final phase of the Games to begin. Rainbow, Pinkie, and Applejack could hardly contain themselves, but Rarity and Fluttershy were considerably more subdued as they watched Sunset stew and fret out of the corners of their eyes.

The main doors of CHS opened and the four administrators came down, stopping on the lowest step. Cadence leaned over and picked up a microphone lying on top of a large speaker and started to talk about the final event.

“Since the score is tied,” she said, “the final event will determine the winner of the Friendship Games.” She handed the microphone to Luna.

Luna scrutinized a piece of paper as she spoke. “Somewhere on campus, a pennant from each school has been hidden. The first team to find their own school’s flag and bring it back to their home base wins the event.” She handed the microphone back to Cadence.

“And, as soon as our teams are ready, we’ll begin,” Cadence finished.

“Well, that’s our cue,” Applejack stated.

Fluttershy sighed. “I don’t feel like playing these Games anymore,” she admitted.

Rainbow whirled toward her. “But we have to play! This is the last event – for the whole deal!”

Rarity made a scoffing sound and raised her eyebrows. “Well, it’s a little hard to focus with all the magic stealing and portal opening going on.”

“And I feel awful about losing my temper with Twilight,” Sunset said, almost listlessly.

“Especially since she obviously didn’t mean to do all the stuff she did. She’s actually really nice,” Fluttershy pointed out unhelpfully. The others, minus Sunset, gave her an incredulous, ‘you’re not helping’ look, causing her to shrink against the statue. Sunset just put her hand over her forehead.

“Let’s just get through this last event and prove we’re not a bunch a’ cheaters,” Applejack told Sunset gently. “Then, you can go over and apologize to her. Though Ah have to admit, Ah’m not sure there’s all that much to apologize for,” she finished, narrowing her eyes at Fluttershy, who eeped and hid behind Rarity.

“Thanks, AJ, but…” Sunset began, but she froze and focused her eyes suddenly on the other team. Cinch and the other Shadowbolts seemed to have encircled Twilight, and Sunset didn’t like the look of it. She pointed. “Hey, girls. Look at that.”

Applejack moved to stand next to her and Rainbow came up on the other side of her. The three of them watched, joined shortly thereafter by Pinkie, Rarity, and a still embarrassed and red-faced Fluttershy.

There seemed to be a heated discussion going on. Cinch in particular appeared to have put on her most intimidating, imperious face. Sunset could have sworn she said something about ‘release’. It wasn’t long before Twilight emerged from the ring of her fellow students walking slowly and apparently reluctantly toward the center of the walkway before the CHS main doors.

Luna had picked up the mic again and was standing with Cadence so they could share it. “If both teams are ready…” Luna said.

“The last event of the Friendship Games begins…” Cadence continued.

“Now!” they both finished. At the same instant Twilight pulled out her pendant and held it up. Her face was pale and her mouth a thin line. With her other hand she reached toward the cover of the pendant. In a flash Sunset realized what Twilight was about to do. She broke into a sprint, trying to get to her in time. “Twilight, wait!” she screamed desperately, but her voice was drowned out by the other students’ cheering.

She was too late. Twilight pulled the pendant completely open. A foreboding silence fell as the rest of the students and the four administrators became aware of what she had done. There was a crack like thunder and a brilliant flash of pink-purple light. A sphere of blindingly bright energy formed and expanded from the center of the pendant. It began to engulf Twilight, lifting her off the ground as it also gradually rose into the air. She struggled, but it seemed she was unable to let go of the pendant or extract her arms from the energy ball, which was growing by the second. She turned toward Principal Cinch and the Shadowbolt team. “HELP ME! PLEASE!” she screamed. She was able to free a single arm and reach out toward Cinch helplessly before the ball completely absorbed her, instantly cutting off the sound of her scream.

Sunset watched in horror as a livid purple color began to suffuse the energy ball. The color began to coalesce around what was apparently Twilight’s form. At last the light faded and she, and all the rest of the onlookers, was able to see what had happened to her. She had been transformed.

Sunset’s heart fell through her feet. No, she cried out to herself, no, no, no, it’s happening again! Not again! Twilight had become a shadow of herself – a powerful being of magic and darkness. She had a kind of terrible beauty, clothed in a purple and pink dress, with matching boots and armlets. Great, crow-like wings sprouted from each shoulder. From her forehead, incredibly, grew a long and twisted horn – a horn like the ones changeling queens bore back in Equestria – a horn born of dark magic. But any beauty she had was marred by the feral, ravenous look in her eyes. Sunset shivered as she took an involuntary step backward.

The being that was once Twilight Sparkle turned directly toward her and laughed, chilling Sunset to the bone. “You were right!” she cried. “I didn’t understand magic before, but I do now!” And she lifted her hand and shot a blue beam of energy at the statue on top of the portal, blowing it into thousands of pieces. It was at this point that people began to scream and run. Twilight shot more bolts of blue energy from her hands, opening rift after rift, laughing with apparent glee. Through one of them, Sunset saw Canterlot Castle.

“Equestria!” she breathed. Once again, not one, but two worlds were threatened.

Students were now starting to fall into the rifts – no one had fallen through yet, fortunately, but several were desperately clinging to the edges. Sunset’s friends dashed about, trying to pull them back to safety. Meanwhile, Principal Cinch was backing away.

“Hey, where are you going?!” Sunny Flare challenged her, actually scandalized.

“Anywhere to avoid that…monster!” Cinch retorted shamelessly. “And I suggest you do the same!” The Shadowbolt Captain just stared at her in stunned amazement.

To Sunset, it felt like the Fall Formal was happening all over again. But Sunset Shimmer was a different person from who she had been then. Gritting her teeth and shaking off the memory of despair that clutched at her heart, she challenged Twilight. “Twilight,” she yelled, “you can’t do this!”

Twilight scoffed. “Why not? There’s a whole other world right there, and it’s just filled with magic!”

“But you’re destroying this world to get it!” Sunset argued.

“So what? There’s more magic there, and I WANT TO UNDERSTAND IT ALL!” And she shot a bolt right at Sunset’s feet. Sunset leapt aside just in time, landing heavily on her side, but other students weren’t so lucky. This was the biggest rift yet, and several began to fall in, trying desperately to hold on to the edges. Applejack grabbed hold of one’s arms, grunting, “Don’t let go!”

Rarity grabbed another student, but started to fall in herself. “Hang on!” screamed Rainbow, racing to help her. “Obviously!” Rarity retorted testily. But Rainbow wasn’t able to help Rarity alone. Just when she was about to fall in, Indigo Zap appeared and helped haul Rainbow, Rarity, and another student out of the rift. Sunset looked around. Everywhere, she saw Shadowbolts helping her friends to pull students out of rifts. It was perhaps the first selfless thing they had ever done as a team. Something began to click in Sunset’s brain. The Magic of Friendship, she thought. It’s here, even in the middle of this terrible thing. She saw the pendant lying next to her hand and picked it up. It hummed and whirred, apparently still operational. Suddenly, she knew what to do. And she knew that she alone had a chance to do it. I may not be the Princess of Friendship, she thought with a pang of sorrow and regret, but I guess I’ll just have to do.

She jumped to her feet and whirled to face Twilight. “This isn’t the way!”

Twilight turned to her with a haughty look, but seemed to be listening.

Sunset continued, knowing that if she stopped she’d never start again. “I know you feel powerful right now – like you can have everything you want! I’ve been where you are and made the same mistake you’re making! I put on a magical crown and, just like you, I was overwhelmed – distorted and bent – by the magic it contained! I thought it could give me everything I wanted!”

Twilight sneered at her. “Oh, you’re wrong! Unlike you, I CAN have everything I want!”

No, you can’t!” Sunset cried vehemently. “Even with all that magic and power, you’ll still be alone!” With that, Sunset decided to play her last card, and hoped Harmony judged her worthy. She would invoke the Magic of Friendship by calling on the Elements of Harmony. She held the pendant high. “True magic comes from honesty, loyalty, laughter, generosity, and kindness!” To her relief and joy, as she called out the name of each Element, a beam of energy flowed from each of her friends into the pendant. But her friends were not drained of power as they had been before. Instead, each of them glowed with a magical aura corresponding to her color, and a look of peace appeared on each of their faces.

“I understand you, Twilight,” cried Sunset as the magic flowing into the pendant began to lift her off the ground. “And I want to show you the most important magic of all…” She hurled the pendant to the earth, shattering it. A ball of pink light whirled around her, blowing her hair as it surrounded her. Then, Sunset Shimmer underwent her own transformation.

Clothed in a white and sky blue dress with a pink bodice, brilliant yellow boots and armlets, and a necklace bearing the sign of her cutie mark, Sunset floated across from Twilight on sparkling golden wings of light. A bright horn grew from her forehead. “...the Magic of Friendship!” she concluded in triumph.

Her friends, as well as Celestia and Luna, looked at her with a mixture of awe and joy. Twilight was momentarily stunned. With preternatural calm, Sunset spread her hands, and golden beams of energy came forth, closing the rifts.

That snapped Twilight out of her trance. With a cry of bitter anger, she swooped on Sunset, a ball of light forming in her hand. Sunset reacted instantly, forming her own ball. The two titans clashed above the school entrance, shaking the earth as their magic collided and both were thrown back. Twilight brought her hands together and unleashed a thick bright blue energy bolt at Sunset, who answered with her own bolt of gold. The two bolts met and pushed against each other. At first, Sunset was pushing Twilight back, but Twilight poured on her power, not holding anything back. Slowly, Sunset was pushed toward the wall of the school, unwilling to match Twilight’s power output for fear of truly injuring or even killing her. Twilight appeared to have no such compunctions.

Spike saw this. “Twilight!” he cried desperately.

Twilight turned at the familiar voice and saw the tears in Spike’s eyes. For an instant she wavered, and that was all Sunset needed. She overwhelmed Twilight, not with destructive power, but with a high-level spell that neutralized her bolt and flung them both into an Orb of Sanctuary.

Inside the Orb was silence, and white light. Sunset floated a few yards away from Twilight, who looked at her with terror, having been stunned both by the skill of Sunset’s magic and the sad look on Spike’s face. Sunset looked into Twilight’s eyes, and time seemed to slow. For a moment, it seemed as though she could see other faces in Twilight’s face:

She saw Adagio’s face. She saw Sonata’s, saw Aria’s.

She saw her own face.

Then she knew what to do. Suddenly moved by compassion, and fighting tears of her own, she flew slowly toward Twilight and held forth an open hand.

“Take my hand, Twilight,” she pleaded. “Let me show you there’s another way…just as someone else once did for me.” Twilight wavered, staring at Sunset’s hand. For a moment she was perfectly balanced between fear and desire. But at last she began to cry, and made her choice, putting her hand in Sunset’s. Sunset sighed with relief. Carefully, gently, she allowed her magical energy to bleed away, and drained Twilight’s as well. Their forms changed back into those of two teenage girls, and, as the Orb faded, their feet landed softly on the asphalt of Canterlot High School’s front courtyard.

Twilight was sobbing. “I am so sorry!” she wept. “I didn’t mean for any of this to happen…”

“I know,” said Sunset with an encouraging smile, taking Twilight’s other hand and holding it tightly. “And going by my own experiences, we will all forgive you.”

Overwhelmed by guilt and shame, Twilight looked up in disbelief, but Sunset’s kind eyes didn’t waver. Twilight’s tears began to slow as a look of wonder came over her face. Unfortunately, Cinch chose that moment to disrupt Sunset’s ministrations.

“Principal Celestia,” she cried angrily as she stomped up next to Sunset and Twilight, “on behalf of Crystal Prep, I demand that you forfeit the Friendship Games! Clearly, CHS has had an unfair advantage for quite some time! And it's certainly obvious that your students have been using magic for their own benefit!”

Celestia had come all the way down the steps, followed closely by Luna and Cadence. They were quickly surrounded by the other students from both teams.

“You must be joking,” Celestia deadpanned.

Cinch said nothing, staring with arms folded.

Celestia shook her head in amazement. “Well. I'd like to think that saving the world benefits us all,” she retorted, winking at Sunset.

There were a couple seconds of tense silence, interrupted by Sugarcoat of all people. “At least they didn't manipulate Twilight into releasing all the stolen magic and turning into a power-crazed magical creature that tried to rip the world apart just to win a game,” she stated in her patented clipped monotone.

Sunset felt her temper begin to simmer. Just as I suspected, she thought grimly to herself. For her part, Pinkie boggled at Sugarcoat. “Wow! That's a lot to take in when you say it all at once,” she blurted, causing Rarity to give her an incredulous look.

“That’s ridiculous!” Cinch sputtered.

“Nope, that’s pretty much what happened,” opined Spike. At this point, no one was surprised.

“Actually, we’re all to blame,” admitted Sour Sweet sadly. Her eyes ignited and she pointed balefully at Cinch. “Mostly it was her!”

Cinch looked around and found that none of her students appeared to be supporting her. Instead, they regarded her with a mixture of guilt and anger. This made Cinch furious. “Obviously my students have been infected with your magic, but I plan on taking all of this up with the school board!” she thundered, clearly not thinking the statement through.

Celestia smirked in triumph, making Sunset’s heart swell with pride. “Good! I'm sure they would be very interested in hearing all about the magical students with wings and horns,” she said.

“Oh, and the portals to other dimensions!” Luna added for good measure.

“And don't forget to tell them about the talking dog,” Cadence pointed out sagely, stifling a giggle.

“Because none of that could possibly ruin your reputation,” finished Spike, delivering the coup de grace.

Cinch looked around angrily, but found no supporters. With a final frown, she pulled her jacket straight, turned, and marched off toward the Crystal Prep buses.

Celestia clapped her hands together. “Well, I know these Friendship Games haven't been what any of us expected, but given what we've all just been through, I think it's fair to declare us all winners.”

“Even us, Principal Celestia?” asked Sunny Flare morosely. She looked very guilty.

“Even you Shadowbolts, Sunny Flare,” answered Celestia. “Yes, it was wrong for you to support Principal Cinch in whatever method she used to encourage Twilight to open her pendant, but once she did, instead of running away, you all demonstrated bravery and helped to save the lives of many students. I would say you have all learned a crucial lesson, and that makes today a win in my book,” she finished gently.

Sunny and the other Shadowbolts looked a bit relieved.

“Even me?” Twilight said tentatively, still wiping tears away. She was still holding one of Sunset’s hands for comfort.

“Even you, Twilight. While it was wrong for you to open the pendant and take a risk like that with a force that even Sunset doesn’t fully understand yet in this world, once Sunset got your attention, you listened to her. Not everyone would have. Besides,” she said, with a knowing look at Sunset, “I have a feeling that your actions, once you were transformed, weren’t fully under your control.”

“But…I should take responsibility for what happened,” Twilight whimpered, her tears starting again. Sunset put an arm around her shoulder.

“That is very mature of you, Twilight,” responded Celestia, “but again, what happened is, I am quite sure, greatly mitigated by the fact that I suspect you were coerced. Am I right? Isn’t that what Sugarcoat meant just now?”

Twilight looked down at first, then looked up at Celestia and nodded. Beside her, Cadence’s eyes narrowed.

“I’m sorry to hear that,” Celestia said. “That was very wrong of her. It was an abuse of power. Do you understand that, Twilight? Do all of you understand?”

The students all nodded, Twilight included. “Good,” Celestia said. “Twilight, it will be very important for you to tell Dean Cadence exactly what Principal Cinch was holding over your head. I’m sorry to say that what she did may have been a crime.”

Cadence smiled gently at Twilight. “It’s going to be ok, Twilight. Come here. Let’s talk for a while.”

Twilight nodded. She turned to Sunset. “Thank you. Thank you so much!” she said emphatically.

“I was glad to do it,” Sunset said warmly.

Twilight released Sunset’s hand and went with Cadence. As she was leaving, Cadence instructed the rest of the Shadowbolts to wait in the courtyard, as there would be a medal presentation in just a few minutes.

“Luna, would you get the medals, please?” Celestia asked.

“Are you crazy?! The very next order of business is hugging my niece!” Luna cried, scandalized.

Celestia laughed. “Not if I get to her first!” They looked at each other, then at Sunset.

Sunset realized she was about to be embraced vigorously, and quite possibly competitively. She smiled sheepishly, taking a step back. “Now now, you two, there’s…” she stopped when she bumped into Pinkie.

“And where do you think you’re going?” Pinkie asked her with a devilish smile.

Pinkie! What are you…” and she stopped again when her mother and aunt engulfed her. The Wondercolts and Shadowbolts alike burst into good natured-laughter as Sunset blushed furiously. She pretended to be annoyed at first, but it wasn’t long before she was laughing too.

After nearly a minute, Celestia stepped back, holding Sunset by the shoulders as Luna left to get the medals with a wink. “You’ve done it again,” she told her daughter with undisguised pride. “Saved the world. Or maybe two worlds, I think.”

Sunset blushed again and looked down. “I…just did what I knew I had to do.”

“And you judged wisely and well. There are no words to describe how proud of you I am. AND how relieved!” Celestia let out an exaggerated sigh and sat down on the lowest step. “This time I wasn’t under some Siren-induced trance. I have to say, it’s a lot more scary when you know what’s going on!”

“I was completely terrified,” Sunset admitted without hesitation, nodding very quickly.

“That makes…all of us,” Applejack agreed, looking around at all the faces. “Oh, except you, of course, Rainbow,” she finished with twinkle in her eye.

Rainbow rubbed the back of her head. “Yeah…even I’d have to admit…this one got me, well, concerned.”

“CONCERNED?!” the others cried.

“Ok! Ok! I was scared sh…ahem…poop-less,” Rainbow finished, looking at Celestia out of the corner of her eye. Everyone laughed again.

“ANYWAY,” Pinkie suddenly cried, “GROUP HUG! RIGHT NOW!” Suddenly Sunset found herself again engulfed in a hug from her five best friends.

The medal ceremony was joyful, as everyone was relieved that things had turned out ok. And the Shadowbolts, frankly, felt lucky to be allowed a tie, given their principal’s behavior and their own participation in it. But, with gentle words from Principal Celestia, they had accepted their medals and boarded their buses. Before the Shadowbolts could depart, however, there was one last matter of business to take care of.

Sunset and her friends had gathered by the ruined statue, as was their habit. While the others admired their medals, Sunset was examining the statue’s base.

“Well,” she told them, “I think it’s unlikely the portal was damaged. And it seems to be active again – it must have regained its power either when Twilight released the magic or when she powered down from being that…thing.”

Fluttershy came to stand next to her. “Speaking of Equestria, still no word from Princess Twilight?”

“Not yet,” Sunset replied. “On the other hand, I think I’m starting to figure out how magic works in this world. I think we pony up when we're true to the the deepest part of ourselves. I think I’ve been so busy waiting for someone else to give me the answers that I gave up looking for them myself. I’ll bet there will be more magical problems that pop up in this world, but like AJ said, Princess Twilight has her own problems to worry about in Equestria. We can't expect her to always be around to help us.”

“But maybe I can be?” said a familiar voice. They all turned to see human Twilight standing shyly next to Principal Celestia.

“It seems we will shortly have a new Wondercolt,” the principal said by way of explanation.

“I'm not sure how much help I could be. But I'd like to try, if you would all give me a chance,” Twilight continued.

Principal Celestia smiled knowingly. “I'm sure I can count on you girls to help her feel right at home.”

The girls all looked at each other with happy faces, but it was Sunset who spoke for them. “You sure can,” she said emphatically. Pinkie squeed, and a group hug ensued. It was Twilight’s first, and while she was surprised, she soon relaxed and accepted the affection.

Principal Celestia gave her daughter another proud smile and turned to go back to the school, where some final administrative matters awaited her. Sunset watched her go, and, as she watched, her gaze strayed to the setting sun. For just a moment, she could have sworn she saw two shooting stars flash through the evening sky – one faintly orange, and one faintly purple. No, she thought to herself with a gentle chuckle. It must have been my imagination.

The girls were pretty tired out from the adventures of the day, so they resolved to put off any partying/celebration until the next day, which was a Saturday anyway. They had to bribe Pinkie to get her to relent, but eventually they were able to convince her that her “Congratulations On Winning the Friendship Games and On Turning Into An Epically Awesome Super-Angel and On Finding Friends and On Transferring to a Whole New School Where You Can Start Over and Learn Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About How To Be A Good Friend” party could wait until the next day.

Before they parted for the day, however, Pinkie did insist on showing Sunset a video of what she had turned into. How Pinkie had managed to record the climactic events while still helping to keep a number of students from falling into spacetime rifts was left (wisely) uninvestigated.

Sunset watched the video with almost no reaction at first, except for a slight widening of her eyes and an intake of breath. Rarity gave her a knowing look, and that was when Sunset first began to get a bit teary.

“Bit of a contrast to the past, don’t you think, darling?” she said softly, and yet pointedly, as she gave Sunset a goodbye squeeze for the evening.

Sunset just sniffed and smiled back at her. Rarity winked and headed to her car with Sweetie Belle. It was then that Luna came up to her. All the other girls had left, including Twilight, who had boarded the Crystal Prep buses for what would probably be the last time.

“Hey,” Luna said gently. “Big day, huh?”

Sunset took in a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Yeah. Very big. I’m glad we had a bit of a break from the last one like this.”

“Agreed,” said her aunt, nodding. “C’mon. Let’s get home. I know the formal celebrations will be tomorrow, but that doesn’t have to stop us from celebrating a bit tonight, just the three of us. What do you want for dinner? We could even go out!”

Sunset looked up at Luna. “Aunt Luna, would I be a total wet blanket if I wanted to go home and order in? I’m…beat.”

Luna laughed. “You are the heroine of the hour, my dear,” she said. “If home is what you want, home is what you’ll get. Where should we order from, though?”

“Hmm…I’m thinking…sushi?” Sunset hazarded.

Luna smiled happily. “What a great idea! Let’s do it!”

Sunset Shimmer spent a quiet, relaxing, happy evening with her mother and her aunt, who could not be restrained from expressing how proud they were of her. Frequently.

After they finished their sushi, on which they spent a considerable sum, Sunset was relaxing on the couch. She had a full tummy, five amazing friends (and that was just counting the ones in the human world!), a new friend (who might be kind of like a student?), and the most wonderful mother and aunt that anyone could ever ask for. She sighed – but for the first time in a long time, with happiness and contentment. Celestia and Luna joined her in the living room.

Celestia smiled at her. There is nothing quite like the satisfaction of a mother who knows her child is happy and well. Sunset sensed this and blushed slightly.

Celestia laughed lightly. “See. I told you you’d figure it out. I told you I believe in you.”

Sunset smirked a bit. “True. But there’s a difference between hearing your elders encourage you, and actually seeing what they predict come true. Especially when lives are on the line.”

“I’ll give you that. As I said, today was…pretty scary,” Celestia admitted. “But I am not changing my opinion. If anything, today’s events have reinforced my belief in you.”

“I know what you mean,” Sunset admitted. “Here’s what’s really scary, though, if I can be honest…”

Both Celestia and Luna nodded at her.

“What’s really scary is…the fear of losing ponies…people…that you care about.”

Both of the older women were silent for a moment. “Yes. Yes, that is truly frightening, Sunset,” Celestia finally agreed quietly. She seemed to want to say more, but it was taking her a while to come up with the words. Sunset and Luna waited for her to say more in somber silence. “The truth of the matter is that…there is always risk in life,” she said finally. “Part of growing up is realizing that. It is not an easy thing to face, and most of us just…don’t think about it much, but any one of us could get seriously hurt…or killed…just walking across the street. But I’ll give you this, too. Situations like what we have faced in the last few months do make the risks more obvious.”

“And I can’t promise we won’t face more,” Sunset said gravely. “I simply can’t predict what the magic will do next.”

“You and your friends have been up to the challenge so far, Sunset,” Celestia responded without hesitation. “And there is no point in borrowing tomorrow’s troubles or worries. Now, I would be lying if I said I didn’t want to spare you from all danger. I think that’s part of being a parent. But I have had to face the reality that you are special. And so are your friends. Ironically, it’s you who protected me, and Luna, today and against the Sirens. I am very proud, but it’s also…well, a little uncomfortable,” Celestia admitted ruefully. “I feel like…I’m failing you somehow.”

Sunset nearly stood up. “What?! No! That’s not right…”

“Sunset, there’s nothing you can do about it,” Celestia said with a placating smile. “I am your mother. I will always wish I could protect you from all danger.”

A sigh. “I…suppose.”

Luna smirked. “I feel the same way, of course.”

“Yes, and I get to worry about both of you,” Celestia remarked airily.

Luna frowned. “Just because you are the older sister doesn’t mean I don’t get to worry about you!”

“No, I suppose not, but it’s not the same,” Celestia teased. Luna sniffed indignantly and folded her arms across her chest.

Sunset shook her head, allowing herself to be amused by the sisters’ teasing of each other.

“Come now,” Celestia said. “There is much to celebrate, and there is no need to concern ourselves about the future tonight. I insist we engage in a pleasant diversion of some kind. Perhaps a game, or something on TV?”

Her sister and daughter smiled their assent.

Author's Note:

Fluttershy doesn’t mean to be unsupportive of Sunset. She just is concerned that Sunset might be being unkind to Twilight. They have a legitimate difference of opinion about how to approach the issue, but you can rest assured Sunset isn’t hurt by Fluttershy’s understanding comments about Twilight. On the other hand, the reaction of the other girls to Fluttershy’s comments helps Fluttershy to understand how they could be perceived as unsupportive.

I have a theory about why Midnight Sparkle appeared to be stronger than Daydream Shimmer, and it's different from the one presented in this chapter. I can't discuss it here because it will come into play in the sequel and I don't want to give it away.

Last chapter coming up!

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