• Published 28th Feb 2018
  • 10,781 Views, 616 Comments

Full Circle - Sotharan

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Part V: Daughter of the Sun || Chapter 46: Sisters in Loss

Sunset elected to return to the human world somewhat incognito. She wanted to see her friends very soon, but she was exhausted, and first wanted to be reunited to her human mother and aunt. She was welcomed home with joy and great interest, and spent a quiet evening with her human family, bringing them up to date. She turned in early; her fatigue getting the better of her. But there was one last thing to do before bed. She sent a text message, and receiving the reply she hoped for, looked forward to meeting Applejack early in the morning.

The next day, the two young women worked in the barn for a while in silence. Applejack knew Sunset pretty well at this point – it was obvious to her that Sunset had something she wanted to talk about, but either wasn’t sure how to begin, or was having trouble working herself up to do it. Applejack also knew that all she had to do was be patient. If she just waited a bit, the fire of Sunset’s spirit would compel her to bring up what was on her mind.

Sure enough, after about an hour, Sunset stopped, leaning on her pitchfork. She looked at Applejack. “AJ,” she asked without preamble, “back when I was evil, I never teased you about your parents, or used what had happened to them against you.”

Applejack stopped too. “That’s true,” she agreed.

“Do you know why?”

Applejack baled a bit more hay. “Ah didn’t know at the time, of course, but now…Ah figure that since you’d lost your parents too, you…just couldn’t go there.”

Sunset nodded. “I didn’t have many scruples back then, but making fun of anyone whose parents were dead was one of them.”

Applejack decided that now that Sunset had gotten started, it was ok to keep the ball rolling. “Ah’m glad to hear it. May Ah ask why you’re bringin’ it up now?”

“You remember the story. How I was found on a frozen mountainside, and my parents’ bodies were never found. No one even knew their names, or where they came from. I was lucky that apparently I was old enough to know my own name.”

Applejack nodded, listening supportively.

Sunset swallowed. “AJ…when I went back to Equestria, I found out some things.”

Applejack’s expression immediately softened. She was beginning to be able to tell where this was going.

“Princess Celestia had done some research. She used time magic – a lot of it – to travel back in time to try to find out who my parents were and what happened to them. Well, it turns out that she…succeeded.”

Applejack had already moved closer to Sunset, ready to hold her. It was clear as day that some holding was going to be needed. “Go on, sugarcube,” she said quietly.

Sunset took a deep breath and looked down. “Celestia…she was able to find them, not long after it happened. She was glad of that…because…,” Sunset swallowed again, “…because if she’d found them right before it happened, she’d have been tempted…to try to save them.” And she looked up into Applejack’s eyes with a look of such anguish that Applejack took her upper arm in her hand.

“Oh, darlin’,” was all Applejack could say. She understood. How many times had she dreamed of somehow saving her own parents? Far too many to count.

“AJ…you understand why she…,” Sunset was squeezing her fists now, trying to keep her composure. A tear ran down her cheek. “…why she couldn’t do that…”

“Ah suppose that saving them could…well, change history or somethin’, huh?”

Sunset could only nod. “There was a cart…with them. It had things in it. Once she knew where to look, she was able to find it…and them…in the present day. AJ…the things in the cart – perfectly preserved! They were frozen, you see.”

“Ah understand.”

Sunset was breathing hard now. She didn’t say anything again for a moment.

“Sunset,” Applejack asked, very softly, “would you like to show them to me?”

“Yes!” Sunset exclaimed, glad and relieved that Applejack had figured that out. “To all the girls. But I want to show you first.” She looked up at Applejack again.

“You don’t have to explain. Ah know why,” Applejack reassured her.

Sunset closed her eyes and sighed with relief. But Applejack could tell she wasn’t done. “Celestia also…had…,” here Sunset almost broke down. She reached out and grabbed Applejack’s hand as more tears spilled from her eyes. Applejack squeezed back, trying to pass on some of her own strength. “…she had their bodies moved. Buried. In Canterlot!” Sunset gasped and covered her mouth with her hand.

“Of course she did, sugarcube. So…you were able to visit them, right?”

Sunset nodded. “Oh, AJ,” she said through gritted teeth.

“Ah know. Ah know. It’s ok, Ah know.”

Sunset took another very deep breath, steeling herself to finish what she had to say. “There are good things. I know their names now!” Sunset managed a true smile. “I know what they looked like. I know they loved me. And once Celestia knew who they were, and where they were from…AJ, I have family! I met them! I have all four grandparents, an aunt, an uncle, and five cousins!”

Applejack gave her a warm smile, full of true happiness for her.

“And they were so glad to meet me! They love me, even though…well, they thought I was dead too.”

Applejack nodded.

Sunset’s mood dimmed again. “But AJ, as glad as I am to find out where I’m from, and to meet all these wonderful relatives, and to have closure…” her eyes filled with tears again. “AJ, I’ve mourned them before. I’ve cried for them off and on through the years, but now…it’s different. I…feel like I’m losing them all over again! It’s…” she couldn’t continue.

“It’s different now,” Applejack agreed gently. She could tell Sunset would only last a little longer.

“Yes! Because…because…now I know who they were! Now they aren’t just a dream or an idea – they’re real ponies, and I’ll never meet them! I’ve really lost them, AJ! This time, I’ve lost them for real!” and she began to sob piteously.

Applejack was ready, taking her in her arms and holding her. There was no need for words. Applejack had some tears of her own, of course. She understood so well. So, they cried together for a while. Eventually, Sunset’s tears slowed. “It’s not fair,” she whimpered. “It’s not fair!”

“It’s not. It’s not fair.” Applejack agreed.

Sunset pulled back a bit, looking gratefully up at her friend. “I knew you’d understand. That’s why…I had to tell you first. Just the two of us. And…I want to be there for you, too. Please. If you need to talk about them, if you need to cry and need someone’s shoulder, please…think of me.”

“Ah will,” said Applejack with a warm smile. “And Ah’ll do the same for you.”

“I want you to tell me about them. If it isn’t too hard.”

“Ah will. Ah’ll tell you all about them. Ah love talking about them, Sunset. You’ll see.”

“And maybe, if you’re up to it, you can take me to see them? Because I want to take you to Equestria someday. Not just so you can see where mine are buried, for lots of other things, of course. But I do want you to see them.”

“Of course, sugarcube. Ah’d like that. You know what Ah mean.”

“I do. Thanks, AJ. It means so much that you understand. Maybe…even today you could show me where yours are…uh…buried?”

“Sure thing. We’ll go after we finish this hay.”

Sunset nodded gratefully.

Author's Note:

What can I say about this chapter? I’m so fortunate – I was raised by my biological parents, who love me very much – unconditionally. I am so grateful for that. I’ve tried to imagine how hard it can be to lose your parents, or to have never known them. I hope I did it some justice.

I really think in the case where Sunset is an orphan that she and AJ would have a special sisterhood. That’s where this chapter came from.

Next chapter begins the Friendship Games. As with Rainbow Rocks, I'll be using the script, but with added scenes/expanded dialogue, etc.

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