• Published 28th Feb 2018
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Full Circle - Sotharan

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Part III: Redemption's Flower || Chapter 31: The Circle Made Whole

The Rainbooms, Sunset, Vinyl, and Spike emerged from a door in the lower back part of the stage. They could hear the Sirens beginning to sing. Vinyl flashed them a victory sign and hurried into the evening darkness. Rarity found their costumes and started helping each of her friends into them, as Twilight scanned the audience and the area around the stage, settling on a small hill beyond the farthest bleachers. “Come on!” she commanded, as soon as each bandmember had a costume.

Sunset felt further relief wash over her as Twilight led the Rainbooms up the hill. With Twilight back in charge, she had hope they could truly defeat the Sirens. Suddenly, she and her friends crested the hill and looked down on the student body and the Sirens as they performed. The situation was already not good at all.

Several things struck Twilight and Sunset at the same time. First was that the Sirens had grown so strong that they could now sense their magical signatures, even at a distance of nearly 100 yards – and they were not small. Second, they noticed that the crowd was clearly already under their control. Third, while the Rainbooms had their instruments with them, they had no amps or microphones or speakers.

“How are we supposed to play over them from up here?” Rainbow asked, giving voice to Twilight’s concern.

As if in answer they saw lights behind them and heard a horn. Vinyl Scratch pulled up directly behind them in her car, which proceeded, incredibly, to transform into a mobile sound stage complete with huge speakers and lights.

Awesome!” Pinkie exclaimed.

Sweet!” Rainbow agreed emphatically.

Vinyl leapt from the car and quickly showed the Rainbooms how to plug in all their instruments; there was even a mic for Pinkie’s drums and a standing mic for Fluttershy. Last but not least Vinyl handed a wireless microphone to Twilight and gave her a meaningful smile. Twilight would have hugged her, but there wasn’t time. She turned to face the Sirens with her bandmates. Off to the side, Sunset watched her friends in helpless hope as she held Spike.

Her head snapped around as she felt the Sirens surge with magic, and she felt her hope wane as she saw they had undergone a transformation. Like her friends, they now had pony ears and hair extensions of their own, and they floated over the stage on fin-like wings. Sunset’s mouth fell open in horror; the Sirens’ power signature, which had already been intimidating, had just been cubed.

Twilight, however, was not intimidated; she hadn’t even powered up yet. Sunset perhaps didn’t realize how much she had encouraged her. Now Twilight was feeling strong, and determined, and angry, and she would not back down from a challenge. She raised her hand, ready to drop it to give the signal to start playing.

Below them, the Sirens finished a defiant verse:

Nothing can stop us now!

And Twilight’s hand fell. Vinyl’s car was up to the task; the Rainbooms’ music stormed over the stadium, easily matching the Siren’s volume.

Oh-oh, oh-whoa-oh ,

I've got the music in me!

Oh-oh, oh-whoa-oh!

The heads of the student swiveled to look for the new source of sound, and they stared up at the Rainbooms in wonder.

Twilight’s voice rang out, defying the Sirens and their dark magic.

Don't need to hear a crowd
Cheering out my name!
I didn't come here seeking
Infamy or fame!

The Rainbooms joined her:

The one and only thing
That I am here to bring
Is music, is the music
Is the music in my soul!
Gonna break out (OUT!)
Set myself free, yeah!
Let it all go (GO!)
Just let it be, yeah!
Find the music in your heart
Let the music make you start
To set yourself apart!

And with a burst of magic the Rainbooms ponied up. Sunset looked on in breathless amazement – her friends’ power signatures had grown immensely – it was almost enough. It might just be enough! She thought to herself, feeling her hope return.

Below them the Sirens’ spell was weakening – most of the students were now looking up at the Rainbooms and dancing happily to their music.

But Adagio Dazzle was no amateur. Hers was an ancient power, not to be overcome easily or lightly. Forcing down her incredulity that the Rainbooms were making inroads against her spell, she regained her footing and played her final card. She and her sisters sang to counter the Rainbooms, accepting their challenge:

What we have in store (ah-ah)
All we want and more (ah-ah)!
We will break on through (ah-ah)
Now it's time to finish you!

Blood-red light exploded from the Sirens’ gems, and, as they lifted their hands, great shapes appeared in the air over each of them. Slightly insubstantial, they were large (perhaps 15 feet in length and height) and looked like crosses between a dragon and a seahorse. There were three, and their colors vaguely matched those of each Siren. Twilight recognized the spell instantly – these were avatars. The Sirens could attack with them, and any harm the Rainbooms did would not affect the Sirens themselves.

Still, Twilight knew, the avatars had a limited duration and strength. Overcome them, and the Sirens would be vulnerable once more. So, as the three avatars moved to attack, Twilight did not wait, and nor did her friends. With short solos they each released a salvo of magic, driving Aria and Sonata’s avatars back. Somehow, Vinyl pushed the volume higher. But once again Adagio was unconcerned – she understood that if she could strike down the leader…

Twilight launched a burst of magenta stars against Adagio’s avatar, but Adagio sang hard, countering it. Rapidly catching on to the strategy, Sonata and Aria’s avatars rushed to Adagio’s aid, and, their three voices combining, they released a stupendous wave of sound that knocked Twilight to the ground, her friends falling around her. The microphone spun away.

Shaken, Twilight wracked her brain frantically. They had ponied up. They had been pushing the Sirens’ avatars back. But the last blast from Adagio, supported by her fellow Sirens, had shown that the Sirens clearly had the advantage. And still the Rainbow Wave would not trigger. Twilight struggled to her knees as her fellow Rainbooms did the same. She cast about desperately for the microphone.

Suddenly she found it – it had stopped by Sunset’s foot. Sunset looked at it fearfully, then tentatively stooped down and picked it up. Above her the Siren avatars were wheeling around for another attack.

Something is missing! What could be missing? Twilight fumed with frustration. She took a breath to call out to Sunset, when it finally hit her:

Sunset. Sunset is missing! OF COURSE! How could I have been so…no time for that now!

Sunset Shimmer!” she yelled at the top of her lungs. “We need you!” And Twilight held out her hand.

Sunset stared at her in terror at first, but somehow, she found the courage to do what was needed. She dashed over to Twilight, throwing her jacket aside as she came. Rainbow would later remember thinking Oh, it’s on now!
Sunset made a sign to Pinkie, who understood instantly. She started the beat from the bridge of Fluttershy’s song, and somehow Vinyl Scratch found yet more volume.

Sunset spun to face the Sirens. She lifted her hand at them in defiance.

You’re never gonna bring me down!

You’re never gonna break this part of me!

Twilight almost wept with relief. Sunset had a clear, strong voice, perfectly on-key. It was exactly what they needed. Sunset turned toward her and took her hand, helping her up. The symbolic irony was not lost on either of them, but of course there was no time to fully appreciate it at that exact moment.

My friends are here to bring me ‘round

Not singing just for popularity

Twilight held on to the microphone with her. All around her their friends were leaping to their feet, and their magic was flowing again – but this time, immeasurably stronger.

Sunset smiled at her, her eyes radiant with joy. Together they sang:

We’re here to let you know

That we won’t let it go

All the girls joined in:

Our music is a bomb and it’s about to blow!

Sunset and Twilight again, their voices in flawless harmony:

And you can try to fight

But we have got the light of

All together:

Friendship on our side!

Pinkie went crazy on the drums.

Got the music in our hearts
We're here to blow this thing apart

Moved by the music, Twilight and Sunset lifted their free hands and touched them together over their heads. As they drew their hands apart again, a tremendous ring of Rainbow Power arced out from them, and the Sirens’ spell over the crowd was broken.

And together, we will never
Be afraid of the dark

Twilight couldn’t resist stealing a glance at Sunset. She was so happy she was practically glowing. Wait a minute,Twilight realized, she is glowing!

And then it happened. Sunset was surrounded by a nimbus of soft red light. Her toes left the stage, and she ponied up, just like her friends. Yes! YES! Twilight exulted. Oh, I’m SO happy for her!

Here to sing our song out loud
Get you dancing with the crowd
As the music of our friendship
Survives, survives!

All seven of them were in the air now. And Twilight could feel it. Through her mastery of magic, she could feel the Rainbow Wave building. She looked up and saw pillars of light shooting up into the sky in the colors that represented her and each of her friends: her own royal violet, Rainbow’s brilliant azure, Rarity’s alabaster white, Pinkie’s bubblegum pink, Fluttershy’s golden yellow, and Applejack’s harvest orange. But a new color was joining them – a pillar of fiery scarlet rose from the overjoyed Sunset Shimmer. The colors met above them in a globe of sparkling light.

Now all the students were singing with them:

Got the music in our hearts
We're here to blow this thing apart
And together, we will never
Be afraid of the dark

Glorious feathered wings spread out from the globe of light, stretching from one side of the stadium to the other. Twilight had to work hard to focus on singing as she watched in amazement. From the globe emerged a colossal multicolored alicorn, shining almost dazzlingly bright. She was beautiful beyond anything Twilight had ever seen. The alicorn lowered her refulgent horn and charged. Twilight couldn’t resist – she laughed aloud with the sheer joy of impending victory. On her enemies’ faces she could see only dread.

Here to sing our song out loud
Get you dancing with the crowd
As the music of our friendship
Survives, survives, survives!

Twilight cried out as an impossibly bright rainbow-colored blast of magical energy lanced out from the alicorn’s horn. It erased the Sirens’ avatars and barreled into the Sirens themselves, smiting them from the sky. Their amulets shattered and fell to the stage. The Rainbooms had won.

To their credit, the Sirens actually tottered back up and tried to keep singing. “Oh no you don’t!” Twilight bellowed, and fell upon the stage like a thunderbolt with the other Rainbooms right behind her. But there was nothing to worry about. Whether from the destruction of their amulets or the effect of the Rainbow Wave (or both) the Sirens’ singing was now ear-splittingly off key. They were chased from the stage by a hail of boos and assorted rancid vegetables.

Twilight alighted on the stage. Sunset had landed just ahead of her and had picked up the pieces of one of the amulets. “I guess now we know why these were so special to them,” she smirked.

Twilight agreed. “Without those amulets and the magic you brought from Equestria, they’re just three harmless teenage girls!” She was nearly interrupted as Flash Sentry stormed the stage, lifted Twilight off her feet, and spun her around in a hug.

“Rainbooms rule!” he crowed with a silly, warm grin on his face. “That was amazing!” Suddenly he realized what he was doing and put Twilight down. The two of them separated slightly, both blushing with embarrassment. Sunset and the others giggled at them.

Trixie suddenly appeared, choosing that moment to be a buzzkill. “You may have vanquished the Dazzlings, but you will never have the amazing, show-stopping ability of the Great and Powerful Trixie!” she proclaimed, and threw a dark object on the ground. Grey smoke erupted from it, starting everyone coughing. When the smoke cleared, she was nowhere to be seen.

“She’s GONE!” Pinkie exclaimed, as dramatically as ever. Then, spotting Trixie climbing over the back of the farthest line of bleachers, she pointed her out to her friends. “Oh wait. There she is.” Trixie lost her grip on the bleachers and fell from site. “Trixie is O.K.!” they heard her distant muffled voice call.

The Trixie issue having been solved for the moment, the girls looked at each other, reveling in their victory and the renewal of their friendships. Flash, sensing they needed a moment, winked at Twilight and stepped offstage.

Rainbow looked at Sunset. She wasn’t sure where to begin – it seemed like there was a lot to say, but she hadn’t had time to think it all through. Only one thing seemed absolutely clear. “Well, you know, Twilight’s probably going back to Equestria soon, Sunset. The Rainbooms could really use someone to help Fluttershy on backup vocals…”

No one expected what happened next. Sunset broke into a maniacal grin and dashed to the other side of the stage, where Trixie’s electric guitar was still resting on its stand. She grabbed it, not particularly caring at that moment whether she had permission or not, and proceeded to play a stunningly excellent guitar riff. Having finished, she clasped her hands behind her back and declared, unnecessarily, “I also play guitar.” She continued to grin at her friends, secretly enjoying their actual openmouthed amazement.

“We’ll…see…” Rainbow stammered, her eyes bugging out of her head.

Sunset just smiled back with satisfaction, but then became aware that Twilight was eying her with a smile of her own.

“What? What is it, Twilight? Why are you looking at me like that?” Sunset asked, suddenly a bit uncomfortable.

Twilight walked closer and stopped about two paces from Sunset. She was bouncing up and down on her toes. “Because. I’m so happy!”

Sunset misunderstood. “Yeah, we sure did turn the tables on those three, didn’t we?” she said with a victorious smirk, looking at her nails with mock haughtiness.

“Yes, but that wasn’t the main thing I was referring to.”

“Oh. Well…what is it then?” asked Sunset, confused. She realized she was feeling a bit shy – she could have sworn Twilight was looking at her affectionately, if not fondly.

Twilight looked down. “I’m happy because I made the right decision. About you.” She looked back up.

Sunset was still confused, though she was beginning to suspect what Twilight was getting at.

“Sunset. You just did something amazing. You know that, don’t you?” Twilight asked.

“I…I’m still not sure exactly what happened, but I hope…”

“Well, let me clear it up for you. You saved the day. We’d be toast without you.”

Sunset blushed. The other girls had recovered from their shock at Sunset’s apparently mad guitar skillz and had gathered behind her, but she hadn’t noticed them yet. They were eagerly watching the exchange between the two Equestrians.

“Who figured out that our infighting was making the Sirens stronger and helped us stop? You did. Who helped us realize that we needed to listen to each other, and be graceful toward each other, to defeat them? You did. Who found the courage to pick up that microphone and take a stand against the Sirens when everyone else had fallen? You did. And…” – here Twilight took one more step until she was right next to Sunset – “who ponied up and added her color and her strength to the whole, enabling us to defeat the Sirens and save the school, this world, and probably Equestria too, for that matter? That’s right, Sunset. You did!” Twilight’s smile would have lit up the dark side of the moon.

“Really? I…I thought that was what happened, but…it does help to hear you say it!” Sunset admitted.

Of course it does!” Twilight shouted happily, raising her arms into the air. “That’s why I’m saying it! Oh, Sunset, I’m so proud of you! Look how much you’ve changed! Before, you were a villain, that’s true. But now – now you’re a hero. A true hero!”

The other girls burst out in a cheer, totally surprising Sunset, who still hadn’t realized they were behind her. She yelped, but then burst out laughing. Suddenly there was a long and heartfelt group hug. “Welcome to the good side, Sunset,” said Twilight happily in her ear. “All the way.”

They all enjoyed the embrace for nearly a full minute, but then Sunset pulled away a bit. “Girls,” she said tentatively, “I…have something I need to ask you about.”

“What is it, darling?” Rarity asked with solicitous concern.

“Well…it’s about the Dazzlings.”

“Go on,” said Twilight.

“Well, if we just hit them with the same thing you all had to hit me with, then I can’t help wondering…”

Fluttershy and Rarity’s eyes widened. “Oh no!” Fluttershy cried.

“Yes, Flutters,” Sunset confirmed. “I’m worried they might be in need. Maybe the Rainbow Wave did the same thing to them that it did to me. And while they have each other, I think you all saw that their relationships with each other aren’t that great.”

“Say no more, Sunset,” said Twilight with authority. “You really have learned a lot. Compassion was shown to you, and now you want to show it to them. Nothing could make me more proud. I’m guessing you want to look for them?”

“Yes, please,” Sunset confirmed.

“Then what are we waiting for?” Rainbow cried. “Let’s get looking!” The rest of the Rainbooms agreed wholeheartedly.

It was then that Principal Celestia dashed on stage. Without a word she practically tackled Sunset and hugged her within an inch of her life. Sunset was startled at first, but quickly and gratefully returned the hug. The other girls sighed happily, glad that Sunset and her adopted mother were reconciled now that the Sirens’ spell was broken. Twilight however, was confused.

“Uh, is it normal for human principals to be that…affectionate with their students, even at a time like this?” she asked Rarity out of the corner of her mouth.

“GOOD HEAVENS!” Rarity shouted unexpectedly. “There’s been so much going on – we haven’t had the time or the chance to tell you!”

“What? What is it?” Applejack asked, not having heard Twilight’s question. The other girls turned to look at Rarity as well.

“She doesn’t know!” Rarity said, pointing to Twilight. “About Sunset’s living arrangements!”

Twilight swung to look at Applejack, who took off her hat. “Well Ah’ll be darned. You’re right, Rarity.” She turned to look at Twilight. “We’ve got a whole lot to fill you in on, sugarcube. Suffice it to say for now that, while we took Sunset to Fluttershy’s the first night, the next day Ms. Celestia came and…had a discussion with her. Turns out Sunset had been living in an abandoned warehouse, all by her lonesome.”

Twilight’s eyebrows disappeared under her bangs. “Oh. Oh…that’s…horrible!” she exclaimed.

Sunset and Celestia continued to hug joyfully, largely unaware of what was going on around them.

Applejack continued. “Well, Ms. Celestia wouldn’t stand for that. And Ah guess she felt Sunset needed some adult supervision. So, she and Ms. Luna took Sunset in. Ms. Celestia legally adopted her and everything. And, well, as you can see, it didn’t take long at all for their relationship to become, well, pretty strong.”

Twilight was staring at Applejack with open mouth. She looked from Applejack, to Sunset and Celestia, to the other girls, then to Applejack again. A slow smile began to break across her face, until suddenly she cried, “That’s so wonderful! I can hardly believe it! Oh, what a relief!” She actually sat down for a moment, shaking her head in amazement.

“A relief? You ok, sugarcube?” Applejack asked, squatting down next to her.

“Yes, yes, I’m great! I was worried about her, AJ, these last two months. To know that she was safe in the hands of this world’s Celestia herself – I can’t tell you how happy it makes me. And look at the two of them,” she said, smiling at them. “Oh, these last two days must have been hard for Sunset if Celestia and Luna were under the Sirens’ spell.”

“That’s why we all stayed at my place last night, Twilight,” Pinkie explained. “We didn’t want Sunset to have to face her mom and aunt like that, and we didn’t want her to be alone.”

Twilight was nodding in realization when Luna dashed on to the stage, having been organizing and reassuring the happy but confused student body. “My turn!” she yelled. Celestia and Sunset separated with a laugh, and Luna enclosed Sunset in a bear hug. “I’m so sorry, baby! You know I didn’t mean that! I didn’t mean any of it!” she cried.

“I know. I know,” Sunset reassured her gently. “It’s ok now. It’s ok.”

The girls surrounded Celestia and the still embracing Sunset and Luna. Celestia noticed Twilight and gave a little start. “Princess Twilight! I…thought you were here, but everything’s been so fuzzy…”

“No worries, Principal Celestia!” said Twilight happily. “I came to help, but honestly, it was Sunset who really saved us all.”

“I thought that’s what happened, but I’m mostly confused. Can someone explain what’s been going on?”

The girls looked at each other. There was a lot to tell. “How about this?” Sunset piped up. “Twilight, the girls and I will look for the Sirens. You can bring Celestia and Luna up to speed, and they can bring you up to speed?”

This seemed a logical course of action to everyone but Celestia. “Oh no,” she said, shaking her head and getting into full-on mom mode. “I’m not letting you out of my sight, young lady!”

Sunset understood that Celestia was just feeling protective and worried. “Celestia…mom…I have to do this. Please trust me.”

The girls and Luna gasped. Except for Twilight, they knew Sunset had never called Celestia ‘mom’ before.

Celestia wavered – Sunset had never looked at her like that before. It was becoming clear that her daughter had changed significantly in the past 48 hours, and she was desperate to know exactly how. But Sunset was a young adult – she had to be given some latitude. The nodding and encouragement of the Rainbooms and Twilight started to push her over the edge into allowing Sunset to pursue the Sirens. There was also the fact that Sunset had just called her ‘mom’ for the first time. Celestia knew that Sunset wasn’t trying to manipulate her. Instead, she was asking her something from her heart, and she wasn’t afraid to show it.

“You have your cell phone?” she asked pointedly.

“Yes, right here,” Sunset held the phone up with a smile.

“All right. But I want you to check in every half hour – and don’t be gone long! And be careful! Aren’t these girls you’re looking for dangerous?”

“Not anymore,” said Sunset with a smirk, which faded quickly. “Actually, we’re concerned they might be going through what I went through.”

Celestia’s eyes widened. “Oh! Oh. Now I understand, little sun. Go, and good luck! If you find them, we will help,” she finished, nodding at Luna.

“Thanks, mom,” said Sunset. She gave Celestia a quick hug, then raced off with her friends in the direction the Sirens had fled in.

Celestia stared after her for a moment. “Don’t worry, Tia,” Luna comforted her. “She’s with her friends. They will be ok.”

Celestia took a deep breath, then turned to Twilight. “Twilight, are you all right?”

“I’m fine. Actually, I’m so happy and proud, I’m pretty sure I’m going to cry now,” she answered with a sniff.

“Well, sweetheart. Come with us – we’ll take you to our townhouse. We can catch up and wait for the girls there.”

Unfortunately, the search for the Sirens was disappointingly fruitless. Apparently they had fled to a hiding place that was very well concealed. Sunset was the most disappointed, but Twilight cheered her up as the tired girls filed into the townhouse. “You don’t have to stop looking for them, Sunset,” she pointed out encouragingly. “I have a feeling your path will cross theirs again. Until then, I’m sure the girls will help you continue the search.”

“We certainly will,” Applejack said reassuringly.

To everyone’s surprise and joy, Twilight had decided she needed a vacation, after having faced Tirek and now the Sirens in less than a week. She decided to stay in the human world for a few days and nights to hang out with her human friends and to get to know Sunset better. Celestia was totally supportive of course, being not only delighted to see Twilight again, but also wanting to encourage the blossoming friendship between Sunset and Twilight, which she rightly saw as being highly beneficial to them both.

It was time for pizza and another slumber party. Celestia and Luna were around too, of course, but they had given the younger girls some space. Some. They were both so proud of Sunset that every now and then one of them had burst into the basement, where the girls were partying, to hug her within an inch of her life. Sunset soaked it up shamelessly, which was just fine with everyone else. And no one was the least bit annoyed by these ‘interruptions’. As far as the girls were concerned, Celestia and Luna were the most wonderful adults (other than their own parents) in the whole world.

The evening wasn’t all fun and games, however. Though the Rainbooms had listened to Sunset’s warning under the stage and had remembered that they were friends in time, there was some clearing of the air to do. Heartfelt apologies were exchanged all around, but most especially from Rainbow to Applejack about whose band it was, from Applejack to Rarity about the costumes, from Rainbow to Fluttershy about the song choices, and from Rainbow and Rarity to Sunset.

“I’m very sorry I chewed you out like that after you knocked Rainbow over. It must have made you feel so alone,” Rarity said to her sorrowfully. Sunset gave her a lopsided smile and took her hands.

“It’s ok, Rarity. I forgive you,” she said warmly.

“Thank you, darling.” Rarity suddenly chuckled ruefully. “See. I told you I’d mess up eventually!”

“And we promised we’d always forgive each other,” said Sunset.

“That we did, darling. That we did.”

Rainbow was standing next to them. “I’ve gotta echo Rarity’s apology, Sunset. You were just trying to help. AJ was right – I lost control. It’s probably because I ponied up a little that the Dazzlings knew to target us. So I’m sorry too.”

“And I forgive you, too, Rainbow,” said Sunset, rubbing Rainbow’s arm. “Let’s leave it behind.”

Rainbow, however, was particularly chastened. “Thanks, Sunset. But I think I owe everybody an apology.” She looked around the room at each of her friends. “I’m sorry guys,” she said dejectedly. “I really got carried away. I promise I was just so excited about having an awesome band that I lost my head and forgot it can’t be about just me. It has to be about all of us, or it’s not worth doing. And that includes you, too, Sunset. You’re going to be singing at least, but how does rhythm guitarist sound?”

Sunset’s almost comically broad smile served as her answer. Rainbow returned it with a joyful laugh. “I’ll take that as a yes!” she exulted. The other girls accepted her apology gratefully.

Then Twilight stepped forward a bit tentatively, looking at the ground. “I think I owe everybody an apology too. I forgot that I can’t do it all alone. I didn’t want to let you all down, but I lost sight of the fact that by not confiding in you all how much pressure I was feeling, I wasn’t showing that I trusted you.” She looked up. “But I do trust you all,” she said earnestly. “I really do. And I’m sorry.” Again, one by one the girls forgave her and told her it was in the past.

“Is that it?” asked Fluttershy hopefully. “Have we covered everything?”

Twilight spoke again. “Not quite…”

“Uh oh,” said Pinkie, a bit crestfallen. “What else?”

Twilight looked a bit sad. “I’ve figured out why the Rainbow Wave wasn’t triggered the first time we confronted the Dazzlings – you know, at the party in the gym? And I think if you all think about it for a moment, you’ll figure it out too.”

Rainbow spoke up almost immediately. “Wasn’t it because of all the tension between us? Even at that point we had said and done some pretty hurtful stuff to each other. Mostly me,” she said, hanging her head a little.

“You’re partly right, Rainbow, but the tension was leading us to make a specific, critical mistake. Just think. Why did the Wave trigger at the final battle?”

One by one, the head of every girl swiveled to look at Sunset.

“Uh oh,” said Pinkie again, her hair partially deflating and her shoulders slumping.

“Yes, that’s right, Pinkie. The Magic of Friendship won’t work when you’re excluding someone – intentionally or unintentionally,” said Twilight, looking guiltily at Sunset.

“We’re sorry, Sunny!” Pinkie cried. “You must have felt so left out!” The other girls quickly echoed her and surrounded Sunset in another group hug.

Sunset couldn’t help it – Twilight’s apology, and the fact that the other girls clearly felt the same, overwhelmed her a bit. “It…did hurt,” she admitted. “But I guess I figured I hadn’t earned the right to be fully included yet.”

The other girls pulled away slightly in surprise. “Whoa, whoa, whoa!” Rainbow cried. “What’s this about having to earn being fully included? I may not be a friendship princess like Twilight here, but even I know that you shouldn’t have to earn friendship, Sunset.”

Sunset looked at her in amazement. The other girls were nodding vehemently.

“That’s right, Rainbow,” said Applejack. “Sunset, if you felt like you had to earn being a full member of our group or something, then we really blew it. Ah think friendship is like forgiveness. You don’t earn it – it’s either fully given or not given at all.”

“Thanks for saying that, both of you,” said Sunset to Rainbow and Applejack. “It means a lot to me that you didn’t want me to feel left out on purpose. An awful lot,” she said, very seriously. “But I think it’s more complicated than that. I think you’re being too hard on yourselves.”

The other girls looked at her quizzically.

“I’ve done a lot of research about apologies and forgiveness, as I’ve said before. And one thing I’ve learned – one thing I’ve had to be patient about – is that there’s a difference between forgiveness and reconciliation. Just because you all forgave me doesn’t mean it was a reasonable expectation that you all would trust and fully include me right away. Forgiveness may not have to be earned, but reconciliation does. It has to be built over time, based on growing trust. The person who’s done wrong has to prove, step by step, day by day, that she’s changed.”

Applejack understood what Sunset was saying right away. “You do have a point, sugarcube. But in this case Ah think we have to look at the evidence. Bottom line: the Rainbow Wave didn’t work until we included you.”

“And then it was more powerful than ever,” Twilight added.

Applejack continued. “Exactly. Maybe reconciliation does have to be earned, but the facts are clear, Sunset. You had earned it by the party, if not before. You were the one who realized what a threat the Sirens were, and you were the one who figured out how to contact Twilight. And, as Rarity pointed out, writing that first letter to Princess Celestia can’t have been easy. At all. You’d already proven that you were willing to go out of your way to do what was needed. You’d already proven you were a good friend.”

Rainbow was nodding. “And we’ve been pretty inconsiderate of you lately in general. I think you pointed out why – we let our conflicts over the band overshadow everything. I’m sorry about that remark about, well, ‘whooping your butt.’ That was pretty thoughtless.”

“I think your exact comment was, ‘whooped its sorry butt’, RD,” said Sunset with a playful smirk and a twinkle in her eye.

“Yeah, that was it,” said Rainbow sheepishly. She couldn’t help cracking a little smile of her own, realizing that Sunset was teasing her.

“Ah think Ah made a thoughtless comment about a certain ‘power-crazed lunatic’ at some point mahself,” Applejack said sorrowfully. “Ah do apologize, sugarcube. Ah promise Ah don’t think of you that way anymore.”

“And I kind of imitated zombified students in the music room. That can’t have been funny to you at all,” Pinkie said sadly.

Before Sunset could respond Twilight jumped in. “And one of the first things I mentioned at Sugarcube Corner was how you turned into a ‘horrifyingly awful winged monster’. That must be such a painful memory for you, Sunset, but I just brought it up without a thought. I’m really sorry for that.”

“We really haven’t been very good friends lately, have we, Sunset?” said Fluttershy softly. “We haven’t been setting a good example at all.”

Sunset felt almost unspeakably relieved and reassured. She tried to comfort them, since they all looked very sorrowful. “Girls, thank you so much for saying all of that! It helps so much, I promise! And I still think you’re being too hard on yourselves.”

“I don’t know, Sunny,” said Pinkie skeptically. “It’s pretty much been up to you to be the good friend through all this.”

Sunset smiled fondly at Pinkie. “Pinkie, you’re just making my point. If I’ve learned to be a good friend, who taught me that?” Sunset’s comment had the desired effect. One by one, the girls relaxed and clearly started to feel much better.

“That’s right,” Sunset finished with a happy smile. “You all did.”

Once the air was fully cleared the girls’ victory party truly got into full swing. It was the most fun any of them had ever had together, but in spite of the merrymaking, Sunset found herself feeling odd as the hour grew late. Right before a third round of Balderdash, she excused herself up to the living room for a break to try to figure out what she was feeling.

Her friends had learned a lot from the past couple days. As soon as they heard her shut the door at the top of the steps, they started to confer.

“Guys, should we go after her? Is she ok?” Rainbow asked, concerned.

“I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want to,” answered Twilight, “but I think it’s ok if we give her a few minutes. She probably has a lot to think about.”

Rainbow didn’t seem satisfied. “I just don’t want to drop the ball again, Twi. You know?”

“Sunset is probably feeling a bit overwhelmed again, Rainbow. Let’s just give her a little while to get her thoughts in order. If you’re worried about her, why don’t you send her a text? She took her phone with her,” Rarity pointed out.

Rainbow brightened and reached for her phone.

“Just make sure you let her know we’re all thinkin’ of her, sugarcube, but that we’re letting her have a little space,” Applejack put in. Fluttershy and Pinkie nodded.

“We’ll go after her if she’s gone for too long,” Twilight said. “But I have a feeling she’s not alone. I’ll bet her mom knows exactly what’s going on.”

Sunset padded softly into the living room and went over to the windows. She drew the curtains aside for a moment and looked out. Bright moonlight bathed the development and the surrounding hills in a silver sheen. She smiled. A moment’s peace was indeed what she needed.

She checked over her shoulder – she had not been followed. A bit of lamplight from upstairs let her know that her mother or aunt, or both, were still up. She felt a vibration from her phone an instant before it chimed. Automatically, she pulled it out and looked at it.

RD: Hey Sunny. We’re willing to give you some space, but don’t be gone too long, or we’re coming after you! ;D But if you do need some company, let somebody know, ok?

She broke into a heartfelt grin. Rainbows’s message was received – Sunset understood what she meant, and that the message wasn’t just from her. It was awfully nice to be cared about like this. Once again she was amazed by how quickly she had gone from being alone and lonely to being part of a circle of wonderful friends. She decided to text back so they wouldn’t worry.

Thanks, RD. I’m ok, just needed a minute. Tell the girls not to worry.

As Rainbow sent back a happy face, Sunset turned and looked out the window again. In a way, the text from Rainbow had helped her to crystallize what she was feeling – the speed of the changes in her life was leaving her a bit breathless. She examined the trees and the moon, letting the timelessness of midnight bring a measure of solace.

It was only a few minutes before she heard footsteps on the stairs. She looked back over her shoulder and saw her mother coming down. Celestia smiled and came straight over to her. She stopped next to Sunset and looked out the window with her in silence for a moment, putting her hands on Sunset’s shoulders. Sunset, in turn, leaned back against her as Celestia’s arms drew her into an embrace. Still Celestia was quiet, allowing the moment to be peaceful.

Eventually, she simply asked: “Needed a few minutes?”

Sunset nodded in response, still looking out the window.

“I don’t blame you. A lot has happened in the past two days. I know I would need some time to process it.”

Sunset responded with another nod. Celestia held her quietly for a few more minutes, then decided she did want to talk about something. Giving Sunset a little squeeze, she said, “You called me ‘mom’, little sun.”

In response Sunset twisted around in her mother’s arms and hugged her back, burying her face in Celestia’s shoulder. “It…just seemed like the right moment somehow. You…don’t mind, do you?” Sunset looked up into Celestia’s eyes.

Celestia’s eyes were full of joy. “Not at all. In fact, I’m so glad that you did. I hope you…keep doing it?”

Sunset nodded back happily.

Celestia put a hand on Sunset’s cheek. “You make me so happy. Do you know that? Even before what you did today. I love you, Sunset. And I’m very, very proud of you.”

Sunset hugged her tighter. “I love you too, mom.” The joy of saying those words and meaning them almost overcame her. She let Celestia just hold her for a while. After a few minutes, Celestia drew back a bit.

“Feel a little more grounded?” she asked.

Sunset smiled and nodded.

“Good. You’d better get back down there, then, before they send out a search party.”

Sunset laughed, and, with one more squeeze, headed back downstairs.

She had missed a full round, but luckily the girls were just getting going.

“SUNNY!” Pinkie yelled, almost leaping into her arms. Sunset laughed happily.

“You ok?” Twilight asked as Sunset took her place again in the circle.

“Twi, I am better than ever!”

Author's Note:

Rarity (her counterpart being a unicorn) could sense the Sirens’ magical power too, but, she being untrained and new to magic, she didn’t understand what she was feeling.

I felt the scene at the end of the battle (the one which ends in a group hug) needed to be fleshed out considerably. So I did it.

Sunset’s smirk has returned…

I really do think that Sunset looking for the Dazzlings would have happened. And there are a lot of other fanfics (and therefore authors) who agree with me. There’s no way she would have been satisfied with not knowing they were ok – not only in case they needed help, but in case they were still dangerous somehow.

I also felt it was important to describe how the air was finally cleared between the girls – hence the scene at the townhouse. Plus this is the end of Part III, so it needed some denoument.

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