• Published 28th Feb 2018
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Full Circle - Sotharan

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Part IV: I'll Stand By You || Chapter 39: Pursuit of Love

Princess Celestia took a deep breath. She had not been through the portal in over a thousand years, but she remembered that the transition was not gentle. Twilight looked up at her expectantly. “Are you ready?”

“Yes,” Celestia answered. “Let’s go.” And she stepped into the portal.

As before, an incredible kaleidoscope of shapes and colors greeted her eyes. She felt herself rushing through a tunnel of magic, and felt her body reshaping itself around her. After only a few seconds she felt a rush of air as she was flung out of the other side of the portal. Some long unused remnant of her combat training came back to her, and Celestia tucked herself into a roll as she flew through the air. She hit the ground, rolled about three times, and came up on her feet. Next to her, Twilight slammed into the ground. Celestia winced.

Twilight looked up at her jealously. “How did you do that? Nopony comes through that thing on their feet!”

Celestia had the grace to look a bit sheepish. “Well, I just saw that I was airborne, and executed a standard roll. You don’t know how to do that?”

Of course not!” Twilight cried angrily.

Celestia fought an urge to laugh. Twilight was quite adorable when she was indignant. “Well, Twilight, it looks like there is a defect in your education that we shall have to amend. With all the fighting we’ve been doing lately, combat training will be most useful.” She extended her hand and helped Twilight up. Twilight was still sulking slightly.

Deciding to leave her alone until she calmed down, Celestia looked around. The night sky greeted her. A half moon swung above them. She looked at it with some degree of concern. “Is that normal?” she asked, pointing at the moon.

“Yes,” said Twilight, who had finished brushing herself off. “The moon here is an actual satellite that orbits the earth, while the sun is relatively stationary. The light you’re seeing is reflected sunlight.”

“Ah, so it goes through phases. Fascinating. Are nights and days the same length?”

“It varies by the time of year, but the total cycle – one day and one night – is equal to ours. So, 30 days for them is 30 days for us. Pretty weird, huh?”

Celestia shook her head. “There is much to investigate and learn.” She looked at Twilight and allowed herself to be amazed by her appearance. “Why Twilight, your human form is quite lovely.”

Twilight blushed subconsciously. “Uh, thanks. You look fabulous.”

Indeed she did. She was the spitting image of Principal Celestia, but instead of wearing a stylish pantsuit, she wore an elegant and simple, yet regal and magnificent white dress. A golden crown sat on her head, and a bright golden necklace graced her collar. Her Cutie Mark decorated the center of her chest. However, her hair appeared to be normal. Twilight pointed this out.

“Yes, I suppose it has to do with magic not being as accessible here,” Celestia speculated. “What do we do now?”

“We meet up with Applejack. We’re a bit early – she should be here any moment.”

Just as Twilight said this, a pickup truck appeared at an intersection down the street. It turned onto the school road and drove toward the parking lot. Celestia was amazed. “And this is one of the motor chariots you have mentioned?”

“Yes. It’s AJ’s pickup truck.”

The truck parked nearby and the door opened. Applejack got out of the truck and slammed the door shut. She sauntered over to them. She winked at Twilight, then tipped her hat to Celestia.

“Howdy, Princess,” she said pleasantly, with a broad smile. “We sure as sugar are honored to have you visit.”

Celestia was smiling back at Applejack in total amazement. At last, she simply said, “Applejack. You are so like, and yet unlike, your counterpart in my world. Nevertheless, the honor is mine. I have heard from Twilight of your valour, and that of your friends.”

Applejack took her hat off and held it over her heart. “Aw shucks, Princess. You’re fixin’ to give me a big head.”

Celestia laughed lightly. “Truly, though, I thank you for your part in helping Sunset back to the light. I am so glad she fell into the hands of such kind and compassionate people.”

Applejack’s smile got broader, if that was possible. “You’re welcome, Your Highness. Sunset…well, she’s one of us now. And Ah for one couldn’t be happier.” Applejack put her hat back on. “C’mon! Let’s go see her!” She waved over her shoulder and started toward her pickup. Twilight followed. Celestia tried, but she found walking a bit challenging. Twilight and Applejack paused to let her catch up. Twilight offered Celestia her arm.

“No, Twilight, thanks, but I think I can manage.”

Twilight looked at her a bit sourly. “Seriously? You come out of the portal and roll to your feet, but walking 20 yards is a challenge?”

“I think it’s one of those things where it doesn’t go as well if you think about it,” Celestia mused. “When I came out of the portal, I just reacted. This walking thing is…harder because I’m trying to think about it.”

“Fair enough,” agreed Twilight. They reached the pickup. Applejack got in on the driver’s side, and Twilight helped Celestia in, then slid in beside her. This resulted in Celestia being in the middle. Twilight showed her the seat belt, but she had no idea what to do.

“Here,” said Applejack, pulling the belt across Celestia’s lap and clicking it in place. “You know, that’s exactly where Sunset sat when we took her home to take care of her the night of the Fall Formal. Ah had to help her with her seatbelt too. Of course, it was because she was so weak, and, well, stunned.”

Celestia looked amazed. “She’s not like that anymore, Princess. Now she’s strong,” said Applejack proudly, starting the engine and putting the pickup in reverse. “In fact, she might be the strongest of all of us, now,” she mused quietly, looking over her shoulder as she backed up.

Applejack finished backing up and pulled into the street. Celestia allowed herself to be amazed at the vehicle. “This motor chariot is fascinating,” she breathed.

“I know quite a bit about cars and trucks and tractors and the like,” Applejack said. “If you want to learn about how it works, just let me know.”

“Thank you,” said Celestia.

The rest of the drive was relatively silent. In spite of her age and wisdom, Celestia felt herself growing nervous. Twilight could tell. She sighed with relief when Twilight reached out and took her hand.

“It’s gonna be ok, Celestia,” said Twilight encouragingly. “I just know it. She’s going to be…well, there will be some tears, but once we’re through that, she’ll be overjoyed.”

Celestia just nodded and squeezed Twilight’s hand a little more tightly. The drive was over all too quickly.

The pickup pulled into the development’s central parking lot. As agreed, it stopped some distance from Celestia and Luna’s apartment. Twilight opened the door and hopped out, helping Princess Celestia to do the same. Twilight pointed up a path to a distant gazebo. Princess Celestia took a deep breath and headed up the path. Twilight got back in the pickup.

“I hope it goes well,” she confided in Applejack.

“You got nothing to worry about, sugarcube,” Applejack reassured her. “If your Celestia is anything like ours, those two will figure it all out in no time.”

Princess Celestia walked carefully up the path to the gazebo. In it, standing in the moonlight, she could discern a tall figure with long, flowing hair. At last she reached it and cleared her throat delicately.

“Ahem. Principal Celestia?”

The figure turned and came toward her, stopping a few feet away. There was enough light for the two women to see each other now. There were a few seconds of silence as they looked at each other in amazement.

“Yes, it is I. And you are Princess Celestia, I presume?” the principal asked.

“Indeed. My, this is quite unusual, wouldn’t you agree?”

Principal Celestia laughed. “If there is one thing I have had to adjust to in the past few months, Princess, it is the unusual.”

They looked at each other again for a few seconds. “It is like looking into a mirror, and yet not,” the princess commented at last.

The principal nodded with a smile. “You are not me, and I am not you, yet we are alike. In many, many ways.”

Princess Celestia shook her head in wonder. “I hope that we will have some time to talk. There is much we could discuss. Would you mind if we get down to the business at hand, however? I…must admit I am very excited, and even nervous, to see my former student,” she admitted.

The principal smiled again. “I would not mind at all. I am looking forward to her reunion with you.”

“The let me begin by expressing my very deepest gratitude to you for caring for her. You have gone as far out of your way – perhaps even farther – as Twilight has. If I may be so bold, you have had the courage to do for Sunset exactly what was needed – something that I failed to do.”

Principal Celestia frowned slightly. “I do not think Sunset will see it that way. She feels she has failed you, not the other way around.”

“She does not understand because she is too young. I do not begrudge her that. But the truth of the matter, Celestia, is that I should have adopted Sunset long ago. She came to me as a foundling, you see, and while I have tried to take good care of her, and tried to be as close to a mother to her as I dared, I never made it formal. And, in doing so, I fear I have erred.”

“You cannot know if formally adopting her would have changed things…”

“No, but I strongly suspect it. In any event, I did not create a safe place for Sunset, and I lost my temper with her. In both of those things I am sure I was quite wrong. So, part of what I would like to do today is to amend those errors. But in doing so, I feel I must ask your permission.”

Principal Celestia inclined her head, somewhat taken aback.

The princess explained. “You have done so much for Sunset. I recognize that while she is in this world, she is under your authority. You have adopted her and become a mother to her. I will not usurp that. I will not endanger your relationship with her in any way. I could not bear it if I came between you.”

Principal Celestia’s face softened. “Thank you…I…don’t know what to say, except that I am greatly honored that you would ask.”

“You are very welcome. So, as you have no doubt surmised, I would like to adopt Sunset as well. That way, when and if she returns to Equestria, even if only to visit from time to time, she will have a home and family, as she always should have had. This is not part of an attempt, however, to compel or even encourage her permanent return. I truly wish to leave that choice to her.”

“As do I,” agreed the principal.

“Then, Celestia, will you allow it? May I adopt her in Equestria, and right the wrong that I did to her so long ago?”

“Of course you may! I think she will be overjoyed,” said the principal, closing the last few feet of distance between them and taking the princess’ hands.

“Thank you! I am so grateful. I wish there was a way that I could express that gratitude adequately. Please accept my promise that I will never force or require her to choose between us. And, as far as I am concerned, you adopted her first. So, if you and I disagree about some aspect of her life, I will defer to you.”

“I cannot imagine we would disagree. And, for what it’s worth, I understand you are somewhat…more experienced than I am. I view your wisdom as a resource, not a threat.”

Princess Celestia smiled. “It is my turn to be honored. I thank you again.”

The principal smiled back. “Sunset is a special girl, isn’t she?”

“One of the most remarkable I have ever encountered. I hope she will accept my offer."

“I think she will.”

Their discussion concluded, Principal Celestia began the short walk back to her townhouse to prepare for her counterpart’s arrival.

The counterpart in question returned to Applejack’s pickup. Once again Twilight got out and helped her in. “Well?” she asked somewhat breathlessly.

Princess Celestia smiled down at Twilight. “All is well.”

Twilight sighed in relief. Applejack winked at her. “Told you,” she teased.

Twilight rolled her eyes, but she was smiling. “Are you ready?” she asked, turning to Celestia.

“I am ready.”

“Then let’s go!”

In Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna’s townhouse, the other girls, plus the seaponies and the two administrators, waited patiently for Applejack to arrive. Sunset, of course, was clueless, as were the seaponies.

Soon, lights flashed outside indicating that Applejack had swung her pickup into a parking space. Sunset, trying to be as dutiful as possible, got up from the table where she and Fluttershy and Pinkie were engaged in a friendly game of canasta and went to get the door. She was surprised when Celestia appeared on her right side and Luna on her left. She was even more surprised when Rarity and Fluttershy appeared directly behind her.

“Uh, guys…what’s going on?” she said, instantly suspicious. Rainbow was standing behind Fluttershy and Rarity now, and Pinkie had gone to sit with the seaponies, who were also looking concerned.

“Sunset,” said Principal Celestia carefully. “Someone is here to see you.”

Sunset was silent. She heard steps coming up the sidewalk.

“Please don’t be afraid. Everything is going to be ok. I promise. Do you trust me?” Principal Celestia asked, searching her adopted daughter’s eyes.

Sunset swallowed. “Yes,” she said at last.

“Good girl,” said Principal Celestia, and gently touched Sunset’s cheek with her hand. There was a knock on the door. Principal Celestia nodded to Sunset, indicating that she should open the door.

Sunset turned to the door. Slowly, she reached for the doorknob. She hesitated, then, with a look of determination, she opened the door.

Another Celestia was standing there. Her eyes were very wide. Sunset’s eyes grew wide too. Instantly she realized who this was. She froze, her mouth opening and closing soundlessly.

Princess Celestia spoke first, her eyes brimming with tears and her voice breaking. “Hello, Sunset, my sweet little pony. I have come to you at last!”

Sunset continued to stand there silently. This was the most unexpected thing that had ever happened to her, other than her defeat at the Fall Formal.

Slowly, carefully, Princess Celestia reached toward Sunset. Infinitely gentle, she caressed Sunset’s cheek. “My darling filly. Oh, how I have missed you!”

That was all it took. Sunset dissolved into tears, and Princess Celestia caught her up in her arms.

Some time later, Sunset Shimmer sat on her bed, wrapped tightly in Princess Celestia’s embrace. Her apologies and her tears were over at last. Her last and final fear had been totally dispelled: she understood now that Celestia loved her and forgave her and had missed her. She soaked up Celestia’s love shamelessly – she had left pride far behind after the Fall Formal and was quite able to admit to herself that she needed as much love as she could get. She sighed contentedly.

Princess Celestia chuckled. “Sunset, I am so glad we have cleared the air. For what it’s worth, I feel bad that I did not come to you sooner. I feel I should have come as soon as I became aware that Twilight was able to open the portal at will.” The Princess sighed heavily. “I told myself I was trying to respect your wishes – to give you some space, but now I know that to prove my love for you, I should have come as soon as it was possible.”

“But I feel the same way! I was afraid, but I’m the one who wronged you. I should have come back and apologized as soon as I was able. I’m sorry I was afraid – I should have known better.”

“No, Sunset, I don’t blame you for being afraid. We did not part on the best terms. I…I lost my temper, and for that, I am sorry. Very, very sorry.”

“But I was being disrespectful. Rebellious even. You had every right to get angry.”

“There is a place for anger. But I had not put myself in a position to show you my anger without threatening your emotional safety,” said the Princess, allowing her sorrow and regret to show in her face.

Sunset had no idea what Princess Celestia was getting at. Celestia could tell. “Let me explain. Sunset, what am I to you? This is not a test. Just be honest, and trust me.”

Sunset had to think for a moment. “Well, you’re my teacher. My mentor.” Sunset paused.

“Go on,” said Celestia with an encouraging smile.

“Well, until I left, I…guess I’d always thought of you as…the closest thing I have to a…to a mother,” Sunset mumbled, looking down at her hands. She hadn’t known that she was going to confess that, but somehow she finally felt safe to.

“I am honored that you felt that way. And, to be totally honest, Sunset, I…have always thought of you as a daughter as well.”

Sunset smiled and fought new tears. She hugged Celestia more tightly.

“Sunset,” said Princess Celestia gravely, “I made a mistake. A big one. And I fear it has cost us both dearly. I should have adopted you long ago. You needed a mother – a family. I had a chance to create a safe place for you – a home – but I failed to do that.” The Princess’s face was downcast.

Sunset had no idea what to say. She could see that Celestia was very serious, however, so she just listened.

“Perhaps, if I had done that, you would not have felt so threatened by my anger, and would have known that, no matter how much we argued or disagreed, that you were loved unconditionally, and that you would always have a home with me.” Princess Celestia’s voice broke as she finished. She tried to wipe away her tears, but did not completely succeed; her hands were shaking.

Sunset was stunned. She had never seen Princess Celestia cry before, and certainly hadn’t imagined the Princess crying over her – at least, not in a long time. She forced herself to consider Celestia’s words. She had spent the last four months convincing herself that she had been a horrible pony and had betrayed Celestia almost unforgivably. In doing so, she had completely divorced herself from the concept that Celestia shared any of the blame for what had happened. The idea that Celestia might be partly at fault after all was…uncomfortable – she wasn’t ready to immediately address that. “I don’t know,” Sunset responded cautiously. “I’m not sure it would have changed things that much. There are biological mothers and daughters who still have broken relationships, and who get on each other’s nerves. And if I had been your official daughter, I might have thought that being made an alicorn was even more my birthright than I already did.”

“But we will never know, will we?” Celestia wept bitterly. “Because I did not have the courage to do what was best. To do what you needed! Sunset, if I had raised you as my own daughter, I believe we would have been even closer than we already were. I think it might have made a difference.”

Seeing her Princess weep over her was hard for Sunset to bear. “Please tell me you don’t blame yourself for what happened! I couldn’t bear that! I made my own choice. I was truly evil, Princess. Arrogant, ruthless, and cruel.” Sunset hung her head.

But Celestia lifted her chin, and managed to smile proudly through her tears as she struggled to regain some of her composure. “I sense none of that in you now. And I am very proud of who you are becoming. You have turned back to the light, Sunset, and have acted heroically. Although your way has been harder than I would have wished, you are back on the path that I dreamed of for you.”

Sunset’s eyes were alight with joy.

“I am old enough not to blame myself for what cannot be known. But I can blame myself for not doing what was right. That…is something that I would dearly love to amend,” said the Princess meaningfully, her rueful smile broadening.

Sunset’s eyes got even wider than they had been before. “You…don’t mean…”

“Yes, my darling. My counterpart here in the human world has given me the courage. I want to adopt you as she has. I want to be your mother for real. I want you to be my foal. And I want to try to make up for failing you so, if you can forgive me. And this is not an attempt to get you to come back to Equestria, or to force you to choose in which world you will make your home. Those decisions will remain yours, and yours alone. I do this so you will know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that I do love you, unconditionally, and always will.”

Sunset just stared with open mouth.

“The choice is yours, little sun. Will you have me? Please say you’ll be my daughter,” the High Princess of all Equestria, Empress of the Crystal Empire, and Mistress of the Sun, pleaded, hiding neither her desire nor her vulnerability.

“YES! Yes yes yes!” Sunset cried. “Of course I will! Oh please don’t cry! This is a dream come true!”

Celestia sighed with relief and embraced her new daughter, if it was possible, even more tightly than before.

Author's Note:

So here’s an inconsistency – how would the ponies of Equestria have established a lunar month of approximately 30 days when their moon never goes through phases? As far as I can tell, the moon is always full in Equestria, because it’s always moved by a group of unicorns or by Luna. The only thing I can guess is that before the unicorns learned to move the sun and moon, the moon (at least) went around Equus just like our moon goes around the Earth. Thus, the concept of a lunar moon lasting 30 days would be a very ancient measure of time in Equestria. Therefore, it would certainly surprise anypony who came to the human world to see the moon go through phases like it once did long ago on Equus. Even Celestia isn’t old enough to remember that, though she is familiar with the concept.

So. The two Celestias. Let me say, firstly, that I totally appreciate the interpretation of the author of “Principal Celestia Hunts the Undead” (which you should read if you haven’t already). I chose to go in a different direction. My Principal Celestia isn’t intimidated by her princess counterpart, in large part because of how fierce her love for Sunset is. On the other hand, I would think that Princess Celestia’s honesty, and her willingness to cede the position of primary parent to Principal Celestia, would go a long way to establishing positive relations between the two of them. Principal Celestia is pretty perceptive – she can tell that her counterpart loves Sunset, and regrets her failures. She also knows that clearing the air, and mending the relationship, between Princess Celestia and Sunset will be very beneficial to them both. Finally, my interpretation of Princess Celestia is that she isn’t perfect, and is facing that, as we all must. Thus, the two of them can find common ground to love their mutual daughter without threatening each other.

Also, I think that Sunset (and Twilight, for that matter) is truly special to Princess Celestia. My view is that she takes very few personal students, and that therefore she remembers each one and has a special place in her heart for them. She’s not a goddess – she’s a demigoddess at best, so, she needs to be close to ponies from time to time. She’s not completely an island unto herself, though she’s forced herself to be one in many ways during Luna’s exile.

Here’s the reconcilliation! I hope you enjoy it. I elected to skip most of the actual bawling and tears, because it would have been pretty incoherent. I also hope you find my view of what happened between Sunset and Princess Celestia to be plausible. There are other ways to make it work, and I recognize that. But I like this one.

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