• Published 28th Feb 2018
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Full Circle - Sotharan

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Part IV: I'll Stand By You || Chapter 35: From Student to Teacher

Sunset could not believe it. Who could be knocking on the door at 11:30 pm on a Friday night? For some unfathomable reason, she got out of bed, put on her slippers, and padded over to the door. She looked through the eyepiece.

Then she looked away very quickly.

She looked around the room several times with short spastic movements, as though considering escape. She wrung her hands for several seconds. Finally she paused, took a deep breath, sighed it out, and unlocked the door. With resignation, she opened it to reveal three bedraggled, pathetic looking young women.

“NO. WAY. Seriously? Seriously?” was all she could say.

The three young women hung their heads. After a few seconds of silence in which Sunset could be heard fuming, the tallest of the three, who was standing to the right with what would probably ordinarily be glorious, voluminous orange hair, lifted her head and floored Sunset by simply asking, in a very small voice, “Sunset Shimmer, please wait. Please listen!”

Sunset didn’t answer immediately. But deep down she had known in her heart exactly what the appearance of these three girls on her doorstep meant as soon as she saw them. And she had understood exactly what she was being asked to do. So, she said, somewhat sternly, “I’m listening.”

Adagio Dazzle looked a bit surprised, but she forced herself to continue. “We…we need help! We’re so lost. We can’t sing any more, and…well…we don’t know how to get jobs, or find a place to live, or anything. We know you’re angry, and you have every right to be, but…we’ve heard…that you might understand what we’re going through. Please. Please help us. We don’t know what to do!”

Beside her Aria was also looking up at her with pleading eyes. Sonata seemed to be leaning on her, and wasn’t looking up. She looked weak. All three of them had clearly lost some weight, but Sonata’s cheeks looked almost hollow.

Sunset’s compassion awakened within her. She marveled at its strength, since she herself was still new to it. But she was daunted too. There had only been one of her. There were three of these girls. And if these three were suffering from the effects of the Rainbow Wave like she had been, they had a long road ahead of them, and they’d need a lot of love. She sighed heavily. But then she remembered she wasn’t alone. In fact, this townhouse wasn’t even technically hers to offer. But she decided to take a risk. She thought Celestia and Luna would at least want them to come inside for a little while, if only to figure out what to do with them.

“Ok. Listen up! Here’s what were going to do. You’re going to come inside and get something to eat, and get warm. It’s cold out here. Now this townhouse isn’t mine. I can’t make the decision to let you stay here tonight, but the good news is that the people who own this townhouse are pretty wonderful, and they’ll know what to do. And I have some friends who I think you know who can help too. So come on. In!” She pointed into the townhouse behind her. Adagio and Aria turned to Sonata and helped her up the steps.

“Thank you! Thank you!” said Adagio, with tears in her eyes. This was totally shocking to Sunset, and convinced her more than ever that they had been Rainbowed.

“What’s wrong with Sonata?”

Adagio looked very worried. “She’s the youngest, and well, the weakest. Physically anyway. Oh Sunset, I think she’s starving. We haven’t eaten in days.”

“Well come in then. Let’s get her to lie down and we’ll see if she’ll eat something.”

Aria and Adagio helped Sonata in while Sunset turned some lights on. She kept them low, though. The girls didn’t look like bright light would be well tolerated. They helped Sonata to lie down on the couch. She moaned slightly. Sunset sat down on the coffee table and looked at her intently.

“Sonata? It’s me. Sunset Shimmer. Do you remember me?”

Sonata’s eyes fluttered open. With some effort she focused on Sunset. “Yes,” she whispered. Sunset’s heart almost broke when she saw the corners of Sonata’s lips try to turn up in a weak smile. “You’re nice. Sorry about what we did.”

Sunset felt almost overwhelmed by the desire to help her, and her sisters. Was this what Twilight had felt, when she had offered Sunset her hand? “Don’t worry about that right now. Do you think you can drink a little water for me? And maybe some chicken soup?”

Sonata really did smile this time. “I think so. That would be really great,” she whispered again. Sunset tried to suppress the icy feeling in her stomach. She hoped Sonata’s ability to smile signaled that she wasn’t in true danger. Still, she had read that starving people sometimes had to be fed very carefully the first few days – slowly and gently. So she decided water for hydration and chicken soup for some calories and electrolytes and hoped it was the right answer. She turned around. Adagio and Aria had collapsed, but they were looking at Sonata with undisguised fear.

“Ok, you guys need some water too, for starters. Come into the kitchen.”

“Sunset, I don’t want to leave her,” said Adagio earnestly.

“Ok, that’s all right. Just try to keep her awake. Aria, can you come with me?”

Aria didn’t speak. She just nodded obediently.

They went into the kitchen. Sunset pulled down three glasses, then, on second thought, pulled down one more. She filled two from the fridge and gave them to Aria. “These are for you and Adagio. Drink up. You’re probably dehydrated. You can have more in a bit, but let’s take it easy.”

Aria downed the water quickly. “Oh, it’s so good! Thank you. Thank you so much.” Her voice was hoarse.

“You’re welcome. Now take that one to Adagio and I’ll be right there.”

Aria went out. Sunset filled the other two glasses and then took a few sips of her own. She went back into the living room and sat down again on the coffee table. She looked over her shoulder at Aria and Adagio. They already looked a little perkier. Adagio mouthed a “thank you” to her. She nodded and turned back to Sonata.

Sonata’s eyes were still open. She was looking at the glass of water. “Ok, Sonata. Just a few sips at first. I don’t want you to throw it back up or something.”

Sonata just looked at her, so Sunset brought the glass to her lips. Sonata tried to take the glass, but she wasn’t strong enough. Sunset had to hold it for her as she took a few sips, then a gulp or two. “Ok, ok, that’s enough! Sorry, sweetie, we have to see if it stays down. Just trust me. There’s plenty for you, ok?” Sonata looked up at her imploringly. “Just a few minutes. I promise.”

She turned back to Adagio and Aria. “I’m going to have to call in the cavalry, girls. I can’t take care of all three of you by myself.” They simply nodded at her. “Go get some more water. I’ll watch her.”

Adagio hesitated again, but, after a nod from Aria, she acquiesced. As the two girls got up and went into the kitchen Sunset got out her cellphone and dialed Celestia’s number. She picked up on the fourth ring. “Hello, sweetheart. What’s up?”

“Mom, you’ll never believe who just showed up at our front door.”

Uh. Huh. I can’t imagine.”

“I’ll give you a hint. There are three of them.”

A few moments of silence. “Not…the Dazzlings?”

“The very same. And they are not in good shape. I’m pretty sure they are going through what I went through. Mom, I need help. I can’t handle all three of them by myself, and Sonata might be in real danger. Will you please come?”

Of course! Luna and I will be right there!”

“I think I should call the girls in too. We might need all hands on deck for a while. Are you ok with that?”

I trust you. If you think that’s a good idea, go for it.”

“Ok, see you soon.”


She hung up, then dialed AJ’s number. By now it was 11:45 pm. She hoped AJ wasn’t asleep yet.

She heard a click as Applejack answered on the third ring. “Sunset? Is everything ok? It’s kinda late.”

“I know, sorry about that. But everything isn’t ok. I have three new houseguests, and I need help.”

Let me guess. The Dazzlings?”

“You got it.”

Ah had a feeling they’d be showin’ up. Not in good shape, Ah’ll bet, are they?”

“Not at all. I am pretty sure they are going through what I went through, as we suspected.”

Oh boy. Dang. Ok, you probably have your hands full. Did you call your mom?”

“She and Aunt Luna are on their way.”

Ok, let me round up the others and we’ll be there as fast as we can.”

“Thanks AJ. I can’t tell you what it means that you all are willing to help. There’s no way I can handle all three of them. Sonata’s not doing well at all.”

No worries. On our way, partner.”

“See ya.”

She hung up the phone and turned back to Sonata, who was looking sleepy. The water had stayed down. “Ok, sweetie, let’s try some more.” This time she let Sonata take three big gulps before making her lie back down. She was pleased – the water was almost halfway gone.

Aria and Adagio came back in. “Do you think you two could manage pizza? No, wait. Better go with Chinese. It’ll be milder – grease might not be a good idea. We’ll get some steamed rice and something nice and gentle, like Beef with Broccoli. I won’t have any, but I’ve already eaten. You guys aren’t vegetarians, are you?”

“No,” Adagio answered, “and you get whatever you think is best, Sunset. We’re just so thankful you’re willing to help us.”

“I’m very glad I can. You’ll understand that better in time.” Sunset called up the only Chinese delivery place that was still open and ordered two orders of Beef with Broccoli with steamed rice.

There was some awkward silence. Sunset broke it. Keeping her eyes on Sonata, who looked just the slightest bit more alive, she said, “You were right, earlier. I think I do know what you guys are going through.”

“So, you got hit by the same thing?” Adagio asked tentatively.

“The same thing. It was horrible. I deserved it, of course. After having turned into a raging she-demon, I was trying to take over the school and enslave all the students so that they could become my army to invade Equestria. And to top it all off, when Twilight tried to stop me, I tried to kill her.”

Adagio and Aria could only stare. They’d heard Sunset had once been bad, but not that bad.

“When it hit me – the Rainbow Wave – time slowed down for me. I got to re-experience all the nasty things I’d done since coming here, but this time from the other persons’ perspectives. I got to feel their pain. All of it. And then I got to feel what I was missing out on by being evil, and that was the hardest to bear of all.”

Still Adagio and Aria stared, but they were openmouthed. Something like horror was on their faces.

“When the smoke cleared I was left face down in a crater. I felt like dying – I was so sorry for everything I’d done. But Twilight had compassion on me. She pulled me out of that crater with her own hands, and asked her friends to take care of me. And they did. I’m doing ok now, though I still have some tough days – and nights – sometimes.”

Adagio swallowed. “You had to experience it all at once?”

“Yes. Didn’t you?”

“Not all at once, and I have to admit I’m glad. It’s been hard enough. What you had to go through sounds…excruciating.”

“That seems to be the word that occurs to most people who hear about it.”

Aria piped up. “For us it’s been more gradual. Like waking dreams, though there are sleeping dreams – well, nightmares – too. Each day we feel a little sorrier. And each day we feel a little weaker. But yes, we are having to re-experience all the awful things we’ve done from the other side. And yes, we are being shown what we’ve been missing out on.” Aria’s eyes filled with tears.

“That’s been the hardest part, just like you said, Sunset,” Adagio continued. She was on the verge of tears too. “We’ve even been mean to each other – really mean. And now we wish with every fiber of our beings that we’d loved each other instead of…used each other.” She hung her head. “And I’ve been the worst of all.”

“Don’t say that, Dagi! I’ve been horrible to both of you!”

“But I was supposed to be the leader! I was supposed to look out for the two of you! I was supposed to take care of you! Some leader.” She put her face in her hands.

Aria didn’t know what to say.

Sunset sighed. She already saw signs to be hopeful about, of course, but she didn’t envy them the hard part that they were going through at that moment. She helped Sonata sit back up. This time, she let Sonata finish the water. Sunset was reassured a bit, because Sonata was able to help hold the glass for a few seconds. She was still terribly weak, though. Without even thinking, moved by compassion, Sunset reached out and gently stroked the side of Sonata’s face. Sonata practically purred. When she realized what she was doing, Sunset gave a little start. Amazing, she thought to herself, allowing herself to relax. It’s so natural. Like I’ve been doing it all my life. But then, I’ve had good teachers.

“Aria, would you refill this?”

“Of course!” she got up and took the glass to the kitchen. Sunset became aware that Adagio was weeping. This made Sunset feel frustrated. Adagio needed a big hug, but Sunset didn’t think she could take her eyes off Sonata. She thought quickly. “Adagio, come over here and sit by me.”

Adagio stumbled up and sat down next to her. Sunset became aware, to her chagrin, that it had probably been a few days since Adagio’s last shower. But that was a minor consideration. She put her arm around Adagio’s shoulders, and Adagio leaned against her and cried harder.

“She doesn’t deserve this!” Adagio wept, gesturing to Sonata. “She’s the sweet one. She just went along for the ride. I’m not saying she’s innocent, but the bad things were always my idea, or Aria’s. I think if it were up to Sonata, we’d just try to get some tacos every day!” Adagio cried even harder. Sunset squeezed her shoulders.

“Adagio, you’re probably not ready to hear this yet, but it sounds to me like you’ve already come a long way. Please, try not to worry about Sonata. We’re going to help her, and you’ll be a part of it. As big a part as you want to be.”

Adagio just buried her face in Sunset’s shoulder. At that moment Sunset felt a wave of relief wash over her as she heard the sounds of keys in the door to the townhouse. The door opened cautiously and Celestia peered in. The lights were low, but she saw Sunset and Adagio sitting on the coffee table. She came in quietly, followed by her sister.

“Hello? Sunset?” Celestia ventured.

“Over here. I’m so glad you’re back!”

Celestia and Luna came over to the table and sofa, tossing their coats over the armchair as they did so. They looked down at Sonata, who was breathing more deeply, but still looked pale, thin, and exhausted. They could not hide their concern. Sonata did not look well.

“Ok,” said Celestia, trying to get an idea of where things stood. “What have you done so far?”

At the sound of Celestia’s voice, Adagio jumped to her feet. Her hands went to her mouth and she tried to suppress a yelp of surprise.

“Prin…Principal Celestia!” she exclaimed fearfully.

Celestia looked at her calmly, but not unkindly.

“Please, please…we didn’t know you lived here…I…we…”

“You are welcome in our home, Adagio.”

Adagio only stared.

“It’s true,” Luna added.

Adagio looked terribly confused, and still afraid.

“We took Sunset in after she was hit by the Rainbow Wave,” Celestia explained gently. “She has lived here ever since, and we’ve been helping her to heal, and learn, and grow. So there is no need to be afraid. We know what you’re going through, and we want to help you through it too.”

This was far too much for Adagio. She sank slowly to her knees, shaking her head in disbelief, but, as had been the case for Sunset, the effects of the Rainbow Wave were too strong for her. She could not hide her deep desire to be taken care of – a desire that outweighed her fear. She started to cry again.

Celestia went to her quickly, knelt down with her, and pulled her into an embrace. ‘It’s going to be all right. You will see. It will take time, but it will be all right.” Adagio went completely to pieces. Aria chose that moment to return from the kitchen with a new glass of water and almost dropped it when she saw Luna and Celestia. Luna did the same thing with Aria that Celestia had done with Adagio, and it ended with Luna taking the glass of water and handing it to Sunset, then pulling a terrified Aria into a reassuring embrace. “Hush, little one. You are safe now. Please don’t be afraid.”

Sunset sighed heavily. There would be a lot of work to do tonight. But she was glad to have help now. Celestia was looking up at her. “I’ve given them all water,” Sunset reported,
“and ordered some Chinese food for Adagio and Aria. I think chicken broth for Sonata?”

“A good decision. She may need medical attention, but if we can get her to keep some down, it might wait until morning. Well done, Sunset.”

“I haven’t actually had a chance to start the broth. Give Adagio to me – would you please do it?”

Celestia rose, gently helping Adagio to sit by Sunset again. Sunset put her arm back around Adagio’s shoulders. “I’m on it,” Celestia confirmed. She went into the kitchen.

The doorbell rang. It was the food. Luna put Aria on the other side of Sunset, then went and collected the food. She went about setting the table, and after a few minutes, in which Sonata drank more water, still keeping it down, she called to Adagio and Aria. “Adagio, Aria, please come and eat something. Sunset will look after Sonata. It will be ok.”

Reluctantly, Adagio and Aria got up and went to the table, watching Sonata the whole way. Soon, however, instinct took over and they were devouring the food, much to Luna’s good-natured amusement. Celestia came in with a bowl of chicken broth, and she and Sunset took turns giving Sonata a spoonful at a time. This was Sonata’s breaking point. She was crying now too – the broth was so warm and comforting. Sunset realized the fact that Sonata was able to produce actual tears was a good sign that she was no longer dangerously dehydrated.

The doorbell rang and Applejack and Rainbow Dash arrived. It wasn’t five minutes before Fluttershy arrived too, with Pinkie Pie and Rarity in tow. The five girls were old hands at this, and knew exactly what to do. In fact, as soon as she found out that Sunset had been with the Dazzlings for the longest, Rarity even relieved Sunset and insisted she take a break and eat a snack.

“This must be emotionally draining for you, darling. Rewarding, but draining. You’ve got to take a break. You yourself haven’t been fully back on your own feet for all that long.” When Sunset tried to protest, Fluttershy started to give her The Stare.

“Ok! Ok!” Sunset cried, hurriedly backing down. Fluttershy broke into a shy grin, which Sunset returned, shaking her head. Fluttershy then settled down with Rarity to help Celestia with Sonata.

The townhouse was now a flurry of activity. Once the profusely grateful Adagio and Aria had finished eating, they were ushered into the upstairs bathroom for showers by Applejack and Rainbow Dash. Fortunately they were past the battered and bruised stage that Sunset had been in the first night they had taken care of her, and though they were weak, Applejack and Rainbow really only had to help them find towels and soap and shampoo. Meanwhile, Pinkie Pie helped Luna set up Sunset’s room to handle the extra girls. It was decided that Sonata would have the bed. Sunset decided she would share the bed with Sonata to keep an eye on her. A spare mattress was set up for Adagio and Aria, thick with blankets and pillows. Rarity had brought extra pajamas for the Dazzlings.

Luna insisted on setting up the cot again on the other side of Sunset’s bed. She didn’t want Sunset to have to handle the Dazzlings alone if things got challenging in the night. Sunset was grateful. “Rarity was right. I am enjoying helping someone else through what I went through. But it’s very tiring.”

Luna smiled at her. “I know,” she said, simply. Sunset looked at her in wonder, realizing what she meant. There would need to be some conversation about this, but now was not the time.

Meanwhile, Sonata was starting to perk up. She was alert now, and able to talk. She was keeping her broth down like a champion, though sitting up was still a little too much for her. Celestia decided they might risk a little toast, but to give Sonata a little more time to make sure they weren’t refeeding her too quickly, it was decided she’d have a bath first. Sonata was far too weak to bathe herself, so, just as they had done for Sunset, Rarity and Fluttershy helped her with every step. This was cause for a few tears from Sunset, who insisted on helping too. Adagio and Aria also wanted to help, but it was explained to them that for now they needed to be taken care of themselves, and that they would have plenty of chances to help Sonata, and that merely their desire to help was a very good sign. Sonata was a perfect angel, thanking Rarity, Fluttershy, and Sunset for everything they did.

Soon there were three clean, warm, pajama-clad Dazzlings very much ready for bed. Sonata was able to take half a piece of toast, even with a little jam on it, and some more water. Then, she was helped into Sunset’s bed, where she instantly fell into a deep and untroubled sleep. Adagio and Aria were harder. Like Sunset had been, they were not excited about the dark, and were anxious about nightmares. So, after a night-light was set up, Fluttershy sang them gently to sleep, pony ears glimmering on her head. Sunset darted out of the room – she was overcome with emotion. The memory of Fluttershy singing her nightmares away the first night was so dear to her that she couldn’t watch it happen again without falling apart. She went down into the living room and tried to collect herself. Celestia and Rarity came with her. Pinkie, Rainbow, and Applejack were already resting there.

Sunset sat down heavily in one of the armchairs. She was shaking slightly. All five of the girls noticed this instantly, but also understood that further overwhelming her would be a bad idea. Rarity sat down on the arm of the armchair to be close to her, and didn’t pressure her to do anything. Sunset reached out and grabbed her hand. Rarity just held it. The others just waited, patiently and supportively.

It was a few minutes before she felt calm and collected enough to say anything. “Wow. Wow. That last part was just a little too much, I guess.”

“Are you really ok, Sunset? It’s ok if you’re not,” Rarity said gently.

Sunset smiled up at her, though she still seemed brittle. “Yes, I am. Really. It’s…just like you said. Almost too soon. But I wouldn’t miss out on this for anything. No one can help them like I can, except maybe Luna.”

“You mustn’t exhaust yourself, darling. No one is expecting you to exhaust yourself,” Rarity pointed out. Across from her, on the couch, her mother was nodding.

“In fact,” Celestia said, “I insist that you not. You still need quite a bit of TLC yourself, but you are right that it’s good for you to help them. Just keep listening to us. Believe us when we tell you that you need a break, and accept that we know you well enough to be right.”

It was then that Fluttershy came down. She looked tired, but satisfied. She sat down on the couch next to Celestia. “Well, I think they are all asleep and should have a calm and quiet night.”

The other girls smiled at Fluttershy with a mixture of affection and pride. There were a few moments of quiet, but then it became clear Sunset wasn't ok after all. It was just too much. She tried to hold it in, but her own memories of her first night were just too fresh, and seeing Fluttershy again was the final straw. She leaned forward, covered her mouth with her hand, and made a high pitched keening sound. Rarity had her arm around her in an instant, but Sunset was already sobbing piteously. The other girls and Celestia flocked to her.

“I’m…sorry,” she tried to explain, “I just know what they’re going through. And I remember everything you all did for me. It’s just too much…”

“Hush now, little one,” said Celestia softly, nuzzling her hair. “You don’t have to explain. You have nothing to be ashamed of.”

“Just let it out, sugarcube,” Applejack encouraged. “Just let it all out. Just like in the song, right?”


Don’t be ashamed to cry,” said Pinkie.

Let us see you through,” said Rainbow, almost in tears herself.

We’ll stand by you,” Fluttershy finished.

So Sunset let herself cry. But they were cleansing tears – the pain was leaving her and she was healing. Her mother and her friends held her until her eyes were dry again.

Author's Note:

Did you know that the entire cast of Rainbow Rocks sings the last verse of Shine Like Rainbows? In other words, including the voice actresses of the Sirens? I like to think this was the writers’ way of hinting that there’s hope for the Sirens.

One might argue that the Sirens are acting pretty OOC in this chapter and the next few – I’d say they are under the effects of the Rainbow Wave, and their full personalities will return in time, just as Sunset’s did.

If you don’t recognize the song referred to at the end, it’s the Pretenders one I referenced three chapters ago. If you haven’t already done so, GO AND READ THE LYRICS, D@&M IT!

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