• Published 15th Jan 2018
  • 927 Views, 39 Comments

4 Seasons - Norwegian boy

Four sisters were the best of friends ever since they were born until one fateful day, the day Luna became Nightmare Moon and was send to her prison in the moon.

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Chapter 1

Author's Note:

Here’s the first Chapter of my new story, enjoy.

It was a cold even in Equestria, happy heart’s warming day has just ended. Everypony had celebrated with their love once and at Sweet apple acres the apple had celebrated with each other. Applejack was sitting on the couch in the living the living room with a cup that had hot chocolate in her hooves, outside it was terrified storm and Applejack was glad she was inside.

“Going to bed soon?”

She looked behind her and there stood here big brother Big Mac.

“I’m going to finished this first.” She showed him the cup.

“Alright, don’t stay up to long then.” He walked up the stairs to the second floor.

“I won’t.” She told him.

She sighed she loved her family and her friends but sometimes it was god to be alone, she took a sip of the cup. She just happened to look out of the window and she could swear that she saw somepony out in the blizzard. She put down the cup on the table and walked to the window to get a better look, she squints her eyes to see if she could see anyone out there but she saw nothing.

“Must be my imagination.” She said to herself.

She was about to go back to the couch when she saw figure in the blizzard. “Sweet Celestia, there somepony out in the storm.” Whit out thinking Applejack ran out the door trying to find the pony.


She searched but could not find the pony she saw, she then tried to find the way home but she was lost. So, she stared to walk in hope the she found the right way home, but the more she walked the colder she became.

“I’m getting sleepy, I think I’m going to take a nap.”

Applejack fell face first in the snow and then she saw a pony walking towards her, then she pasted out. When Applejack finally was awake, she felt cold in her entire body. She tried to open her eyes, but it was a little difficult at first but when she finally managed to do it she saw that she was laying a bed. ‘Huh, I guess that Mac found me.’ She looked up at the celling and what she saw was not the roof of her room but an ice roof, she tried to stand up to get a better look at the room.

“I wouldn’t do that if I was you.” Said a voice, it was female.

That scared Applejack so much that she almost got her heart in her throat, she looked were the voice were coming from. On the other side of the room sat and pony at a table with its back towards AJ, she tried to get up from the bed but was held back by magic.

“What did I just say?” The pony said with annoyance in her voice.

It was the pony that held her back, Applejack could see a horn on her head and a pair of wings on its back. ‘She’s a alicorn.’ Not temping to argued with a alicorn Applejack lay back in the bed.

“I guess you can listen after all.” The alicorn said with tease in her voice, AJ just rolled her eyes. “Your welcome by the way.”

“What do you mean?” AJ asked the alicorn.

“For saving you, you shouldn’t go out in a snow storm alone.”

“I was trying to save a pony that was in the storm.”

“Well I didn’t need your help.”

That got Applejack to react. “You were the one I saw in the storm?” The alicorn nodded. “Just who the hay are you?”

The alicorn stopped what she was doing and turned around, for the first the Applejack could get a good look at the mare. Her fur was pure white that would make Rarity jealous, her mane was light blue. She had not pegasus wings, they looked like insect wings. She was holding cup in her magic.

“My name is Wintres and I’m the alicorn of winter.” She said while walking over to the bed.

Applejack was shocked when she heard that, the only three alicorn she knows are Celestia, Luna and Cadence, Wintres noticed that in her looked.

“I’m guessing that this is a shocked to you.” AJ tried to speak but no word came out. “What? A cat got your tongue?” Wintres laughed at her own joke.

AJ eventually managed to speak. “Are you a princess?”

Wintres raised an eyebrow. “Excuse me? I’m a what?” She sounded offended.

“Are you a princess?” AJ asked again but this time she had fear in her voice.

“It sounded like you were saying that. DO I LOOK LIKE A PRINCESS?” Applejack tried to become so small as she could. “Do I have a crown on my head? Do I have a neckless on my neck? Do I have shine shoes on my hooves?” She showed one of her hooves.

“No, you don’t” Applejack said in scared voice.

“Good, don’t compare me to Celestia and Luna and don’t you dare compare me to the abomination Cadence.” She levitated the cup to Applejack’s hoof’s, AJ took the cup. “Here, drink this. It will make you feel better.” She walked away and out a door leaving Applejack alone.

She looked down in cup and saw a green fluid. ‘Does she expected me to drink this?’ She sniffed it. ‘It doesn’t smell that bad.’ She just shrugged and swallow everything, after she was done she gagged. “It may smell good BUT it did not taste good.”

She threw the cup on the floor. ‘Where am I?’ Applejack looked around in the room and it looked like it was a combination of a workshop and a bedroom the walls was of ice. She then noticed a picture on nightstand, on it was Wintres with three other alicorn that she had never seen before. They looked almost like Wintres but their color was different, she picked it up to get a closer looked at it.

Wintres was laying in front while the others were behind her and they were all smiling. ‘They all looked so happy.’ AJ thought for herself. Then the door open and Applejack stared to panic, she had touch something that didn’t belong to her so quickly put the picture back where was before. She saw Wintres enter the room.

“How are you feeling?” Wintres asked Applejack.

“Better.” She answered a little too fast.

Wintres nodded. “That’s good.” She walked over to the cup and picked it up with her magic and put it on the table on the other side of the room.

“What was that green liquid?” Applejack asked the Wintres.

“It was a potion that would help with the cold in body, don’t you feel better?”

Applejack didn’t really think about it but she didn’t feel cold anymore. “Your right, I don’t fell cold anymore.” She was amazed by that the only one she could do that is Zecora.

Wintres couldn’t help but smile, she then noticed that the picture was moved. “I see that your curiosity got the better of you.” She picked up the picture with her magic.

Applejack’s eyes widen. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to look at it and yes you can say that my curiosity got the better of me.” She hung her head.

“You got no reason to be sorry for in fact, I’m the one to be sorry.”

That confused AJ. “For what?”

“For my outburst, I didn’t mean to shout.” She sighed. “Is just that you’re the first pony I have talk with for over thousand years, except my sister.”

“You mean those alicorn on the picture?”

Wintres nodded. “What’s is your name by that way?”

“It’s Applejack.”

“Well Applejack, nice to meet you.” She took a bow.

Applejack just looked at her strangely. “You’re a little weird.” As soon those words left her mouth she covert her mouth with both of her hooves.

Wintres just shrugged. “Like I said, I haven’t talk to a pony in over a thousand year. Do you have any siblings Applejack?”

AJ nodded. “Yes, I have a big brother and a little sister.” Her face became gloomy. “I bet they are worried about me right now.”

“Yes, they worry at times. Don’t worry, as soon this storm dies down I will send you home.” She levitated the picture to AJ who took it in her hooves. “These are my sisters.”

Applejack looked at the picture, ‘again’. One has pink fur with white mane, the second one has green fur with dark green mane, the last one has light yellow fur and orange mane. They were all smiling.

“The one with green fur is my big sister Summers, the one with pink fur is my little sisters Springs and the one with orange fur is Autumns they are twins.”

“You and your sister look so happy.” Applejack told her.

“Yes, we did. This was taken before Luna was prison on the moon.”

That got AJ curious. “What do you mean ‘before’?”

“Celestia never told you?” Applejack just shocked her head. “Why am not surprised, after all this time she’s still lying. I was one of the elements of harmony, I was loyalty.”

Applejack eyes widen and her mouth feel open, she couldn’t believe what she was hearing. This alicorn by the name of Wintres was one of the elements a thousand years ago, she wasn’t lying, Applejack could see that begin the elements of honesty herself.

“What happened?” Applejack asked her.

“Before Celestia imprisoned Luna in the moon we were best friends we did everything together then HE arrived, Discord.” Applejack could hear the anger in her voice. “After we sealed him in stone me and my sister lost control over our season, we wanted him to pay for what he did to us but Celestia had other plans for him. I don’t know what those are but I’m guessing that it benefits her and not Equestria.”

She levitated the picture back to the nightstand. “After that we didn’t speak to her or Luna for a few years, then Luna went mad. You know about Nightmare Moon, right?” Applejack nodded. “Of course, you and your friends help Luna.” Wintres sat down on the floor and took a deep breath. “When Luna turned into Nightmare Moon Celestia came to us asking for our help, she wanted to use the elements to cure Luna. But first we wanted to know what happened.”

“Celestia told us that Luna became Nightmare Moon because of her jealousy over her sister, when I heard that I didn’t believe her and thought that it was more to it, I was right. Turns out that Celestia was ignoring her sister and that made me furious, who in their right mind would ignore their little sister like that? So, I refused to help her so did my little sisters.” She stared up in the roof.

“I’m guessing that your big sister help Celestia.”

“Yep, she and Celestia sealed Luna in the moon for a thousand years and I haven’t spoken to them ever since.” She looked back at Applejack. “What do you think? Was I and my little sisters selfish not to help Celestia?”

“Maybe, but she wanted your help so you could have help her.”

“True, but let me ask you something. Do you have any friends?” Applejack nodded. “Put yourself in my position, would you use the elements on your friends?”

Applejack looked down on her blanket. “Never thought about it that way.”

“Of course not, you and your friends are loyal to Celestia and you believe everything she says.” Wintres stood up. “Get some rest, I will take you home tomorrow.”

She left the room leaving Applejack alone with thoughts. ‘Is she telling the truth? Off course she is. I’m an apple and I’m know when someone is lying and she isn’t, I can’t imagine the choice she had to make a thousand years ago, If I were there I could never do it. Right now, I wish I wasn’t the element of honesty.’ Eventually she fell asleep.

Applejack woke up the next morning by something that smelled good, she opened her eyes and noticed she was in same ice room as yesterday. ‘I wasn’t dreaming after all.’ She tried to get up and felt that her body were not cold anymore. ‘I guess that drink she gave me yesterday work, where’s my hat?’ She looked around the room and saw that her hat was hanging on a chair, she went over and put it on her head. ‘Better.’ She then followed the smell.

She opened the door to the bedroom and what she saw was a room that looked like combination of living room and a kitchen, she saw Wintres standing by the stove. Wintres looked over her shoulder.

“Good, your awake. Take a seat at the table, breakfast is almost ready.”

Applejack sat down one of the chairs and waited for the food to arrive. “No hats at the dining table.” Not wanting to argue with a alicorn, Applejack took of her hat and hang it on the chair. It didn’t take long before Wintres arrived with the food, Applejack could see pancakes on a plate and that made her droll.

“I see that somepony is hungry.” Said Wintres with a tease in her voice.

Applejack wiped away the droll. “Sorry, I guess I’m hungrier than I thought.”

Wintres just smile. “That’s okay.” She l the levitated the pancakes on the table. “I hope that you like pancakes, this was the only food I could make. I guess I have to go shopping again, I’m low on food.”

“I don’t mind pancakes.” Applejack looked around the table.

“Is something wrong?” Wintres asked her.

“Don’t you have something I can put on the pancakes? Sugar or honey?”

Wintres shock her head. “Like I said, I’m low on food.”

Applejack said nothing, she just started eating. Wintres sat down and did the same. After a few pancakes, AJ stared to poke her food.

“Is something wrong Applejack.”

AJ sighed. “I don’t know, I keep think about what you said yesterday. About that part that you wouldn’t help Celestia and you sister to use the elements on Luna, you were the element of loyalty. Aren’t you supposed to be loyalty to your friends?”

“You are right Applejack I WAS the element of loyalty but even if I wanted to help it wouldn’t have work.”

“What do you mean?”

“We were missing an element, Luna.”

AJ just realist that she was right. “I had forgotten about that.” She hung her head. “I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be, you have every right to doubt my words.”

Then applejack decide to ask something. “Say, who was which element a thousand years ago?”

Wintres stared to laugh a little. “Well, you know my already. Celestia as you might have guess, magic.” Applejack nodded. “Luna was kindness, my big sister Summers was honesty, Springs was laughter and Autumns was generosity.”

“Luna was kindness? I guess I can see that.”

Wintres laugh again. “Yeah sometimes she was to kind.” She looked down on the table with a sad face. “But all that chance when she possessed by the nightmare.” She looked at Applejack with sad smile. “Finished you breakfast so I can take you home.”

After they were done eating Wintres levitated the dishes to the kitchen, Applejack put her hat back on.

“Alright, time to take you home.”

Wintres stared to walked a door that Applejack assumed was the exit so she followed her, once outside Applejack saw a landscape that she did not recognize.

“Where are we?” AJ asked Wintres.

“We are just outside where the Crystal empire should have been.” Wintres answered her.

“The Crystal empire? What’s that?” AJ asked.

“Why don’t you ask Celestia, prepare yourself.”

Before Applejack could say anything, Wintres horn started to glow and they were gone. When Applejack world stopped spinning she notice that she was just outside Ponyville.

“You could have warned me at you were about to use a teleport spell.”

Wintres just rolled her eyes. “I did but you didn’t prepare yourself, see you around Applejack.” Wintres stared to walk towards the Everfree forest.

“Wait.” Wintres stopped. “Aren’t you going to erase my memory?”

Wintres looked over her shoulder. “Why do I want to do that?”

“Are you not worried that I’m going to tell Princess Celestia about you?”

“No:” Whit that said Wintres disappeared into the forest.