• Published 15th Jan 2018
  • 927 Views, 39 Comments

4 Seasons - Norwegian boy

Four sisters were the best of friends ever since they were born until one fateful day, the day Luna became Nightmare Moon and was send to her prison in the moon.

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Chapter 2

Sugarcube corner, the most famous place in Ponyville. Home of the Cakes and the element of laughter, Pinkie Pie. Applejack was sitting in booth with her friends trying to convince them that she was saved by an alicorn the other day.

“I’m telling you Twilight, I was rescued by an alicorn, the alicorn of winter.”

Twilight Sparkle, the element of magic, princess Celestia personal student. She wasn’t entire sure she believed her friend story.

“Are you sure your felling okay Applejack? The cold can make you see weird stuff.”

“Are you saying I’m lying?” AJ asked Twilight.

“Maybe?” She answered with uncertainty.

Applejack slam her head on the table. “You know I can’t lie Twilight, so why would I lie about this?”

“I don’t know Applejack, remember the time with Discord? You lied that time.”

“That’s because he made me lie.” Applejack said with her head still on the table.

“Well I would like to meet this alicorn of winter, she must have looked absolutely beautiful.” Said Rarity the element of generosity. “What did she look like Applejack?” She asked.

“It doesn’t matter Rarity, you don’t believe me either. You are just trying to make me feel better.”

“How dare you, I’m not…” Then Applejack gave her a glare that made her change what she was saying. “You right, I’m only trying to make you feel better.” She stared to laugh nervously. “But I have to agree with Twilight on this one, alicorn of winter? I think you just imagen things yesterday.”

“I did not.” She looked at her three others friends. “What about you three? Do you believe me?”

Fluttershy who was the element of kindness was hiding behind her mane. “I wish to believe you Applejack but if there was an another alicorn wouldn’t princess Celestia tell use.”

“I just don’t believe you.” Was all Rainbow Dash the element of loyalty said.

Applejack looked at Pinkie Pie the element of laughter but she was sitting there humming to herself, Applejack just lay her head back on the table.

“Some friends you are.” She told them.

“We are your friends, but your story doesn’t make sense that’s all.” Twilight tried to ensure her friend.

Applejack lifted her head to looked at Twilight. “Why don’t you go and talk with my brother, he can confirm that I wasn’t home all night.”

“Can I confirm that you were with an alicorn?” Twilight asked her.

Applejack open her mouth nut no words came out to answer Twilight question. “No, he can’t.” She hanged her head in defat.

While they counited to talk a light blue unicorn with blue mane and tail, she has a tree branch as a cutie mark walked in. She looked around to see if the coast was clear. ‘She is not here, good.’ She walked over to the counter where an elderly mare with blue fur and she had two different red colours in her hair, her cutie mark was three cakes.

“Hello and welcome to Sugarcube corner, I’m Cup Cake but everpony calls me Mrs. Cake. What can I get you?” She asked with a smile.

The unicorn smile back. ‘She seems nice.’ The unicorn thought. “Yes, do you sell coffee here?”

“Yes, we do.”

“Good, I take one too go if that’s okay with you.”

“Alright, wait just a minute and I will get it for you.”

Ms. Cake went back into the store to get the coffee, the unicorn stood and waited. Then she noticed six ponies in the corner of her eye arguing, she recognised them as the elements of harmony so she got curious over what they were arguing about.

“How many times must I tell you Twilight, I’m not lying. I saw and was rescued by and alicorn.” Said Applejack.

‘So, she is trying to convince her friends that I exist.’ Wintres thought and by the looks of it it’s not going well.

“I’m sorry Applejack but the only alicorn that now of is princess Celestia and princess Luna.”

‘She didn’t mentioned Cadence.’ She almost gagged when she thought about Cadence. ‘It looks like her friends don’t believe her, maybe I should go and help her.’ She walked over to the booth where they were sitting.

“Excuse me.” She said to them.

They all turned to her and except Applejack who’s head was lying on the table. “Yes, can I help you?” Twilight asked.

“I’m sorry but I couldn’t help but overhear your conversation but your friend over there isn’t lying.”

That got the attention of all of them especially Applejack, she looked at the pony and thought that she looked very familiar. Twilight just wonder who this pony was.

“I don’t mean to offend you but I’m the princess personal student and if there were more alicorns she would have told me.” She told Wintres.

“Well maybe she is not telling you everything, it wouldn’t be the first time she has keep secrets from her students.”

That shocked them all especially Twilight who stared to panic. “The princess is keeping secrets from me? That can’t be true.” She just stared to talk with herself.

“Miss, I got your coffee.”

Wintres looked over to the counter and saw that her coffee had arrived. “Well, this was fun but my coffee just arrived so if you would excuse me.” She walked over to the counter. “How much?” She asked Ms. Cake.

“That will be ten bits.” Ms. Cake told her.

Wintres levitate ten bits from her bag and place them on the counter then she grabbed the cup with Coffee with her magic, she thanked Ms Cake and walked out of the store leaving the elements of harmony alone. Twilight just sat there staring at nothing so Pinkie stared to poke her with a stick, then Applejack got up and headed for the door.

“Applejack, where are you going?” Rarity asked her, she got no answer as Applejack ran out the door. “Well, that was strange and rude at the same time.” Then she looked over to Pinkie who was still poking Twilight. “Pinkie my dear why aren’t you getting ready for a party.”

Pinkie looked at Rarity. “Why?”

Rarity pointed at the door. “Because there’s a new pony in town.”

Pinkie just shrugged. “She doesn’t live in Ponyville so there’s no need to throw her a party.” She went back to poking Twilight while her friends couldn’t believe what they just heard.

Outside Sugarcube corner Applejack was looking for Wintres, she looked around and saw that she was heading for the centre of the town. She ran after her.


Wintres stopped and turned around to face Applejack. “Can I help you with something Applejack?”

Applejack stopped right in front of the disguised alicorn. “It is you but why did you come to Ponyville?” Applejack asked her.

“I told you yesterday, I was running low on food so I came here to shop.”

“Why did you chose Ponyville?”

“Wintres shrugged. “No reason.”

“Did you know that Twilight, Princess Celestia student was here?”

“Of course I did, you know who you are talking to right?”

“So, you know that Twilight is going to write a letter to the Princess to ask her about you.”

Wintres snorted. “Of course, she is going to do that and Celestia will denied the whole thing, according to her me and my sister do not exist. Well it was nice talking with you again Applejack, goodbye.” She stared to walk again but she didn’t come very far.


Wintres groan. “What now?”

“Can I invite you to dinner? As thank you for saving me?”

Wintres thought about it. ‘It would be nice to eat something else then what I cook.’ She turned around. “Alright Applejack, I accept your invitation.”

When they arrived at Sweet Apple Acres the first thing Wintres saw was a house, barn and trees, a lot of apple trees.

“That is a lot of trees your family has.” Wintres took a sip of her coffee.

Applejack just smiled with pride. “That’s right, my family grows apples and we are brought of it. True be told, there isn’t much to in the winter.”

“Don’t worry, you only have to wait a month.”

“How do you… right, I forgot. Alicorn of winter, I don’t think I’m going to get use to that.”

Wintres laughed a little. “Don’t worry, you are not the first one to question me and my sister existence.”

They walked to the main house and Applejack open the door, the both walked in. When Wintres entered the first she saw was a red stallion sitting in a chair reading the newspaper and the first thing she thought was; ‘What a handsome stallion.’ She licked her lips a little.

Applejack noticed what Wintres did and saw that she was looking at Big Mac, she nudged the alicorn with her hoof.

“Would you stop that.” She told Wintres.

“Stop what?” Wintres looked at her with a blank look.

“Looking at my brother like that, I saw you licking your lips while looking at him.”

Wintres couldn’t help but roll her eyes. “Is there a law against that?”

“No, but its creepy and don’t want you doing it.”

“Or what? You going to kick me out.” She snorted. “Well fine, I see that I’m that not welcome her.”

Wintres was about to head out that door when an elderly mare walk out of the kitchen, Wintres saw that she had green fur and white mane, as for her cutie mare it was a pie.

“Applejack, who is your friend and where is she going?” She asked her granddaughter.

Before Applejack could answer. “I was on my out because Applejack here didn’t want me to look at her brother.” Wintres told the elderly mare.

The old mare looked at Wintres and then at her grandson. “I don’t see what the problem is, it’s about time Mac found a mare. Now come on, the food is ready.”

She walked back into the kitchen, Wintres followed her with a triumphed smile, Mac put down the newspaper and followed them into the kitchen while Applejack just stood there trying to comprehend what just happened. When Wintres entered the kitchen, she saw a filly with a bow on her head sitting by the table, one thing that stood out was that she had no cutie mark. Wintres felt bad for her.

“Let me introduces my family, my name is Granny Smith. This one is Applebloom.” She pointed at filly who was busy eating and that did not Granny like. “Stop eating Applebloom and say hello to our guest.”

Applebloom did that and looked at Wintres. “Hello.”

“Hello little one.” Said Wintres.

That did Applebloom not like. “I’m not little, I’m 12 years old.”

“That may be true but to me your little.”

Applebloom was about to protests but Granny cut her off. “This is my grandson Big Mac.” Mac just nodded. “He doesn’t talk very much.” Wintres just smiled of that. “And you know my granddaughter.” Granny notice that she was not in the kitchen. “Applejack, get your lazy butt in here or you won’t get any food.”

They heard a ‘eep’ form that hallway. “Coming granny.” She joined them.

Wintres levitated her bag and place in by the wall on of the floor and levitated her coffee on the table and took a seat by the end of the table, Applejack sat at the other end, Applebloom sat at her right and Mac and Granny Smith sat at her left.

When she saw the food, her mouth she almost stared to drool. “Might I say Granny Smith, the food look absolutely delicious.”

Granny felt pride in her words. “Well thank you, now eat up before the food gets cold.”

They did just that and when Wintres put the first piece of food in her mouth she thought she was in heaven, she made a moaning sound. That got the whole family to look at her, again. This time it was in shock, when she realised what she had done her hole face became red.

“Sorry, it’s been a long time since I have eaten so good food.”

Granny stared to laugh. “It’s about time somepony appreciate my food.” She looked at the rest of her family.

“We appreciate your food Granny.” Applejack told her.

She pointed a hoof at Wintres. “When you are reacting like her then we can talk about appreciate my food.”

The rest of dinner was done in silence but with some small talk, the apples would sometimes ask where she lives and if she had any siblings. She said that she lived in a cottage up north and that she had three siblings, they were surprised that she had two little sisters that were twins. When they were finished with dinner Wintres offered to help with the dishes but Granny said the she and Mac had it covert, so Wintres deicide to head home.

“I’ll walk you out.”

Applejack got up from chair and walked to the door, Wintres picked up her bag and head out the door with Applejack. Well outside it had stared to snow.

“I guess you made it snow?” Applejack asked Wintres.

“Yep, I did when we walked here.” She breath in the air. “I just love the winter, my sister seasons is also fine but I prefer winter. What’s your favourite season Applejack?”

“I never thought about it but if I have to choose one I have to say summer, no offense you and winter.”

“No taken Applejack, everpony have their favourite season. I’m not mad.” She assured Applejack.

“That’s good.” Then Applejack had to ask a question she had wanted to ask for a while. “Say Winters. Why did you call this princess Cadence an abomination?”

Winters took a deep breath. “Let me tell you something Applejack, I was born as an alicorn. So was my sisters, Celestia and Luna was also born as an alicorn but this Cadence was a pegasus and got here horn from Celestia. She made Cadence into a alicorn, that don’t make her an alicorn in my book.”

“I guess I can understand…” Before she could say more she was interrupted by another voice.

“There you are.” It was Twilight and she was furious, she walked right to Wintres and looked her into her eyes. “How do you dare say that Princess Celestia is a liar, I have been her student since I was a little filly and she has never lied to me before.” She said with venom in her voice, Spike who was behind her became very nervous.

Wintres didn’t flinch at all. “Are you sure about that?” She asked Twilight.

“Yes I’m sure, I wrote her a letter and the answer I got was she, her sister and princess Cadence are the only alicorn that only one who are alive.”

Wintres couldn’t help but snort. “Of course, she would write that, she’s covering up what happened with Luna a thousand years ago. What she and my sister Summers the alicorn of summer did to Luna.”

“You and your sister the alicorn of summer?” Twilight question her.

Wintres horn stared to glow and then she was surrounded by a small blizzard, Applejack, Twilight and Spike back off so they were not caught in the blizzard. When the blizzard died down and alicorn stood where the Wintres was, she was almost as tall as Celestia herself.

“That fells so much better.” Said Wintres.

Twilight could not believe what she was seeing, her eyes rolled up and she pasted out.

Author's Note:

This story isn’t doing so well as I thought