• Published 15th Jan 2018
  • 927 Views, 39 Comments

4 Seasons - Norwegian boy

Four sisters were the best of friends ever since they were born until one fateful day, the day Luna became Nightmare Moon and was send to her prison in the moon.

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Chapter 6

“Thanks for the muffins Mrs. Cake.”

A unicorn stepped out from Sugarcube corner with muffin in her magic grip, the unicorn has green hair with light green fur and her cutie mark was three branch with green leaves. “What a nice pony.” She took a bite of the muffin, she couldn’t help but moan. “And an excellence baker.” She finished her muffin pretty fast. “Let’s see if I can find my little sisters.” She stared to follow their tracks.

As she walked through town she couldn’t help but notice how happy ponies in this town was, they were talking and laughing to each other. ‘What a nice town, maybe I should move here.’ She then stopped dead in her track, she could fell a familiar magic signature. ‘No, not her.’ She looked up in the sky and coming toward the town was no other than Celestia here self. ‘What’s the doing here? I can’t let her sense that I’m here.’ She changed her magic signature so Celestia wouldn’t recognize it.

She watched as Celestia’s chariot landed in front of a giant tree, then she saw that Celestia and another alicorn stepped off it. It was Cadence, the alicorn of love. ‘Why the hell did Celestia bring that abomination with her?’ She watched as Celestia and Cadence walked towards the door, then Celestia stopped and looked in her direction. She decided it was time to head off and find her sisters.

Celestia watch as a green unicorn walked away, she could swear that she had seen that pony before, she just shook her head.

“Is there something wrong aunt?” Cadence asked her?

“Nothing is wrong Cadence, let just go and talk with Twilight.” They both walked into the library.

The green unicorn watched as Celestia and Cadence walked into the library. ‘That was too close, I don’t really want to talk Celestia.’ She stared to walked again. ‘Time to find my sister’s.’

Meanwhile two ponies and a dragon were closing in on a three house that belong to the CMC, Spike walked to the door, he opened it and walked inn.

“Are you sure we can just walk in like that?” Springs asked Spike with some concern in her voice.

“Don’t worry about, I usually walked out here once in while to collect the comics they borrow from me. I’ll be back in a second.” Spike walked into the club house leaving the sister’s alone.

“I can’t believe that we are doing this, finding comic books so we can read them.” Autumns said with a bored tone.

“What’s wrong with reading comic books?” Spring asked her sister. Spike came out from the club house with comics in his hands, he closed the door with his foot.

“Reading comic books is something young ponies does.” She then looked over at her sister who was just starring straight forward. “But then I remember who my sister is.” Springs didn’t even react by those words, Autumns just shook her head. “If we are going to read comics, then I suggest that we do it somewhere ells. Something tells me that it very cold in the club house.”

“We aren’t far from Applejack’s house, we can read them there.” Spike suggested, the sister agreed to what he said, with that they walked to Applejack’s house.

Meanwhile at the library, Celestia was trying to convince Twilight that she saw another alicorn was just a dream.

“A dream? You think that I dreamt it all?” After Twilight had told Celestia she saw Wintres transform into an alicorn Celestia was trying to convince her that it was a dream. “It was no dream, I was wide awake. Your sister was there to, she can confirm it, Applejack was there to.”

“Yes, Luna was there and therefore it was a dream. You can dream about a lot of thing and that means also a new alicorn.” Celestia told her in calm tone.

“Why wont you believe me?” Twilight said in a sad tone, she also gave Celestia a sad face.

Celestia put a hoof on Twilight shoulder. “Listen Twilight, is not that I don’t believe you but the only alicorn’s that is alive or have lived is me, my sister, Cadance and my parents. There aren’t any more alicorn’s.”

“So that’s it, after all this years you won’t believe me. I have been your student for over ten years and this is how is going to be.” She swept away her hoof. “I want you to leave.” That shocked Cadance who had been listing the hole time.

“Twilight be reasonable.”

“You know, I thought after all these years you would believe me and now…” She couldn’t finish that sentence, Celestia could hear the sadness in her tone and it hurt to lie to her. “Can you just leave.” Celestia just gave her a nod and stared to walked towards the door.

Cadance just watch as her aunt walked to the door, she could swear that she saw a tear fall down her cheek.

“Are you coming Cadance?”

She looked at Celestia who just wanted to leave. “Just give me a minute, I want to talk to Twilight before I leave.”

Celestia nodded. “Don’t take too long.”

Cadance watched as Celestia walked out and closet the door, she then looked over to Twilight who just stood there looking down on the floor. She walked over to the unicorn and put a hoof on her shoulder.

“You okay Twilight?”

Twilight shock her head. “No, I’m not okay. I thought after all these years Celestia would believe me, I guess I was wrong.” She said with sadness in her voice.

“Well, if it makes you fell any better. I believe you.”

Twilight looked up at her old foal sitter. “You do?” Cadance answered with a smile. “Thanks, Cadance. It helped a little.” They gave each other a hug.

“Anytime Twilight, I better get going. Celestia is waiting for me.”

They broke the hug. “I walk you out.” They both walk to the door.

Well outside Twilight watch as Cadance got up in the chariot with Celestia, as they took of Cadance waved goodbye to Twilight, she waved back. Twilight watch as their chariot disappeared into the horizon and back to Canterlot.

“That went better than I thought.” Who ever spoke managed to scare Twilight so much that she jumped a few meters up in the air, she landed in the snow on her stomach. “You okay their Twilight Sparkle?

Twilight got up and looked around but all she could see was snow. “Wintres? Where are you? I can hear you, but I can’t see you.”

“Take it easy Twilight Sparkle, I’m right here.” Wintres appeared right beside the startle unicorn. “Sorry if I scared you.”

Twilight shocked her head. “That’s okay, how did you do that? You were completely invisible, even I can’t do that.”

“Me and my sister and blend in with our seasons, making us completely invisible. Not even Celestia and see me, very effective if you are going to play hide and seek.” Wintres couldn’t help but smile when she thought how many time Celestia became frustrated when she couldn’t find her or her sister. “Good times.”

“I see, but what are you doing here? Are you here to talk to the princess Celestia? If you are then you are a little late.”

“That was my intention but then I saw she had Cadance with her and decide not to talk to her.”

That just confused Twilight. “What’s wrong with Cadance?” She asked Wintres.

She just snorted. “A lot of thing, now if you would excuse me. I have to find my sister, I know that she is her in Ponyville.”

“Yes, I know. They are with Spike, I think they are at Sugarcube corner.”

That got Wintres attention. “You mean that all my sisters are her in Ponyville?”

Twilight was about to give her a nod but then… “Wait, did you just say all your sister?” She asked Wintres.

“Yes, I did. Which one did you mean?”

“Your little sister, they went to Sugarcube corner with Spike.”

“Well then, onward to Sugarcube corner.” She stared to walk to Sugarcube corner.

“Can I join you? I would like to ask you some question.” Twilight asked the alicorn.

“I don’t see why not, but only one question.”

Twilight’s mouth fell open when she heard that, she had hope to ask her many question, but that dream was now shattered. She was lucky that she got one, she closed the closed the door to the library with her magic. She then followed Wintres to Sugarcube corner.

“So, what would you like to ask about Twilight Sparkle?”

“Well, your little sister told me that you don’t know your parents. Is that right?”

Wintres stopped, so did Twilight. “Hold on, you have talk to Springs and Autumns?” Twilight nodded. “When?”

“This morning, they arrived right after you left.”

Wintres threw her hoofs in the air in frustration. “You got to be kidding me, are you telling me that if I had stayed a minute longer I would have bumped into them?”

“Yes?” Twilight answered her.

Wintres just groaned in frustration. “Unbelievable, talk about bad luck.” They stared to walked again, Wintres looked at Twilight.

“To answer your question; Yes, it’s true. We don’t know who our parents are, Celestia and Luna’s mother found use in a clearing in the Everfree forest, but you knew that already, didn’t you?”

“Yes, your sisters Autumns and Springs told me. I just wanted to hear it from you.”

“You wanted to know if it was true or not?” Wintres said threatening voice.

Twilight was now very nervous. “Yes, I’m still not sure if you are real or not.”

Wintres was stun when she heard that, after she revealed herself and Luna’s word. Celestia’s student was still in denial, she was about to yell at her for that, but she managed to contain herself. Shen just shook her head. “Let’s just get Sugarcube corner already.” She stared to walked faster, that caught Twilight off guard.

When they arrived at Sugarcube corner, Twilight went in to talk to the Cake’s about Spike and Wintres sister’s while she was standing outside using her magic to track her sisters.

It didn’t take long before Twilight came back outside. “It looks like Spike and your sisters was here, but she doesn’t know where they went after that.” She saw that Wintres was scanning the ground with her magic. “What are you doing?” Twilight asked the alicorn of winter.

“I’m scanning for my sister’s magical signature, we leave a different signature then other ponies.”

That intrigued Twilight. “Fascinating, four ponies that leaves four different magic signatures. I know that earth, pegasus and unicorns leaves same signatures but that this, this is just marvelous. I must document this.”

Before Twilight could summon something to write on she was surrounded by white magic and then she floated towards Wintres, they looked eyes with each other.

“Now you listen here Celestia’s student, if I find out that you have written anything about my and my sisters on a piece of paper I will freeze every bone in your body. Then you will be an ice sculpture for the rest of your life, do I make my self clear?” Wintres said in a tone so cold that I actually froze Twilight breath, Wintres eyes was oozing of anger. As a respond Twilight nodded her head up and down like crazy. “Good.” Wintres release Twilight and she landed on the ground.

Twilight was trying to catch her breath, there were times Celestia had been angry at her but never like this. “I’m sorry, I just like to learn new stuff and I have never heard about ponies that have different magic signatures before.”

“That’s okay, there’s nothing wrong with waiting to learn. But this something I don’t want you to write down, got it?”

“Yes, I got it.” Twilight said while rubbing her throat, some of Wintres breath had gone down it and was now cold.

“Good, now come on. I know where Spike and my three sisters went.” Wintres stared to walked towards the destination.

“That’s good, I was wondering where Spike had… Wait a minute, did you say your three sisters?” Twilight said while walking after her.

“Yes, I said three sisters. Autumns, Springs and Summers. They are all here.”

Twilight could not comprehend what was going through Wintres mind right now, meeting Summers after all this time. I can’t be easy for her, Twilight wanted to ask her what she was felling but she decided that it would be best not to do it.

In the meanwhile, the twins and Spike had just arrived at the farm, Spike walked over to the front door and knock on it. It didn’t take long before someone open the door, it was Applebloom.

“Hey, Spike what are you doing here?” She then noticed the twins. “And who are those behind you?”

“Hey Applebloom, we were wondering if we could come and read some comics we found at your club house and they are Wintres little sisters. They are twins.”

Applebloom gave him a smile. “No problem, I was bored anyway and need something to do.” She stepped aside to let them in. “We can read in the living room.”

The dragon and the two alicorn in disguise walked in, Applebloom closed the door when they were all inside. On the way to the living room they saw that Applejack was sitting in the kitchen drinking cocoa from a cup, when she heard noises she looked up from her cup and saw Spike and the twins entered. Applebloom, Spike and Springs was walking towards the living room while Autumns walked into the kitchen.

“What’s going on?” She asked Autumns.

“Those three are going to the living room to read comics.” Autumns answered.

“And you’re not?”

“Nope, I don’t read comic.” She sat down in one off the chairs by the kitchen table. “That’s for kids and my sister is a kid, most of the time. But, I can’t expect much from the former element of laughter.”

“Wintres told me about that, you were generosity. I am I right?”

Autumns gave her a smile. “That’s right, I’m guessing she told you which pony were the rest of the element?” Applejack gave her a nod, Autumns couldn’t help but laugh a little. “I thought so.” She then looked to the living room where she could see her sister reading a comic. “Sorry for just dropping in like this.”

Applejack just waved a hoof. “Don’t worry about it, you want some cocoa?”

Autumns sniffed the air. “Sure, it’s smells good.”

Applejack got up from her chair, but she didn’t come very far. Someone was knocking on the door. “Who is it now?” She asked no one in particular.

Outside stood a nervous unicorn, she was walking back and forward on the porches. “What am I going say to them? it’s so long.” Then the door open and a she saw an orange pony standing in the door opening.

“Can I help you?” Applejack asked the unicorn.

“Yes, is Autumns and Springs here?” The unicorn asked with a nervous tone.

Applejack couldn’t help but cock an eyebrow of that question. “And who might be asking?” AJ asked the unicorn.

“It’s Summers.” She said with even more nervosity in her voice.

Then they heard some noise behind them and Applejack was lifted away with magic and then Autumns was standing there, looking in her sister eyes with rages.

“What the hell do you want?”

Author's Note:

The next one will be out when it’s finished.