• Published 15th Jan 2018
  • 927 Views, 39 Comments

4 Seasons - Norwegian boy

Four sisters were the best of friends ever since they were born until one fateful day, the day Luna became Nightmare Moon and was send to her prison in the moon.

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Chapter 9

Wintres and her little sister Springs, appeared right in front of an ice cave which was Wintres home. “Here we are.” Both of them had dropped their disguise. Wintres walk in while Springs was just standing outside, looking at the ground. “What’s wrong Springs?” Wintres asked in a worried tone.

“What had happened to our family?” She looked at her sister with tears in her eyes. “It’s like were not sister’s anymore, I just want my family back.”

“I don’t know Springs, I want to blame Celestia, but something tells me that it’s not her fault.” She looked over the horizon. “I don’t know what to believe anymore.” She looked back at her sister. “Let’s go inside, I don’t know about you, but I am starving.” Then her stomach decide to make some noise, Wintres face became red.

Springs couldn’t help but laugh. “Yeah, food sounds good.” She followed her sister into the cave. Her sister house wasn’t that special, her living room had a couch, a chair and a table. Her kitchen wasn’t that special either, a refrigerator, kitchen equipment, nothing special. The only thing that stood out was the blur flames on the wall. Springs sat down by the kitchen table.

Wintres opened the refrigerator. “You want some scrambled eggs?” she asked her sister.

“Yes, that sounds good.”

Wintres took out the necessary ingredients and got to work, it didn’t take long before she was done. After she was done, she took out dinner plates and cutler, she then placed them on the table, she then served the food. “Eat it while it’s warm.” Springs didn’t need to be asked a second time, she started to eat right away.

After they were done eating, they decide to head to the living room. “So, what do you do around here?” Springs asked her big sister.

“I usually read or take a walk around Equestria.” Wintres told her while sitting down on the couch. “What about you? What have you and Autumns doing all these years?” Wintres asked her little sister.

“Not much, mostly what you just said, read and walk around Equestria.” Springs answered her sister, she then looked around the room and then at her sister. “Say, what were you and Luna talking about?”

“Sorry, but that’s between me and Luna.” Then Springs looked at her with puppy dog eyes. “That look doesn’t work on my anymore Springs, I am not betraying Luna’s trust by telling you what we talk about.” Then Springs started to pout. “Pout all you want, it’s not going to work.”

Knowing that her sister won’t tell her what they talk about, she decided to ask another question. “Are you really going to reveal yourself to Applejack’s friends tomorrow?”

“Yes, do you have a problem with that?” Wintres asked in some irritation in her voice.

Springs shock her head. “No, I’m just surprised that’s all. I thought you wanted to stay hidden from the public.”

“Maybe that needs to chance, I’m sick of hiding from them and Celestia if has a problem with it, she can come to me and complain.”

Springs was amazed of her sister, she never thought she would say those words. “Wow, I am impressed Wintres. I never thought you had in you.”

Wintres just shrugged her shoulders. “I have my moments.” She then heard a yawn from her sister. “Tired?” Springs just nodded. “Come on, I’ll show you to the guestroom.” Wintres got up and started to walked further back in the cave, Springs followed her.

They eventually stop in front of a door, Wintres opened it and they both walked in. The was just like a normal room, bed, wardrobe and nightstand. “It’s isn’t much, but…”

Springs cut her off by walking in. “Don’t worry, it’s has a bed that’s all that matter.” She looked around. “It looks like a guestroom.”

“Yeah, I made this room a while ago when I thought I would get guests, it didn’t happened.” Wintres watch as her little sister touched the bed very carefully. “Don’t worry, the sheets are clean.”

“Just making sure.”

Wintres couldn’t help but groan of what her sister said. “Just go to bed already.” She then walked out the room and closed the door after herself with her magic.

Then Springs was all alone. “Was it something I said?” She looked around the room and notice something. “It’s dark in here.” She light up her horn so she could see the bed. “Time to go to sleep.” She climb on the bed and fell asleep as soon as she lay down.

Early the next morning the door to the guest room with bang and Wintres walked in. “Rise and shine little sister, it is morning and it’s time to get up.”

A very tiered Springs lifted her head of her cosy pillow. “What time is it?” She asked in a tired voice.

“Just past seven in the morning.” Wintres said with a smile on her face.

“It’s too early, come back two hours.” Springs went back to her comfy pillow.

“Oh no you don’t, you are not in your own home now, you are in mine and here we are up early.” Wintres walked over to the bed and used her magic to flip her sister out of the bed.

Springs landed on the floor with a dump. “Hey, I was sleeping.” Springs said in a annoyed tone.

“Not anymore, come on. It’s time for breakfast.” Wintres walked out of the room leaving a very tired Springs who was still trying to figure out what just happened.

About twenty minutes later, Springs arrived at the kitchen, she was still angry at her sister for waking her so early. She sat down by the table, sulking. Wintres was by the stow busy making breakfast, she looked over her shoulder as her sister sat down by the table. “I can see that you are not used to waking up this early.” She said as she saw Springs face, Springs mumbled something she didn’t hear. “Cheer up Springs, I’m making french toast.” That made Springs a little happier, she like frence toast.

After serving the food, they ate in silence. When they were finished and alarm went off. “What the heck is that?” Asked a confused Springs.

“That’s my alarm, it actives when somepony are approaching the cave.” Wintres told her sister while putting away the cutlery. “And it’s a pony you know all to well.” She said while walking towards the entrance.

Springs was still confused. “A pony I know all to well? What are you talking about?” Then it dawned on her. “Tell my twin that I don’t want to talk to her.” She told Wintres.

Waiting outside the cave was Autumns, she had tried to entered the cave but was stop by an ice barrier. She knew better than try and brake the barrier, Wintres magic was strongest in the winter and impossible to break. She had to wait for her sister. Lucky, she didn’t had to wait long.

Wintres stop just at the barrier. “Is there something I can help you with Autumns?” She asked in a cold voice.

“What? No hello or good to see you little sister? This welcome is colder than usual.”

“Colder then usual? Are you trying to be funny or are your trying to get me mad?”

Autumns eyes widen a little. “What? No. I am not trying to be funny or get you mad, I am here to talk to Springs, can I talk to her?”

“No.” Autumns was taken back when she heard that. “She don’t want to talk you, she probably sour for what you said yesterday.”

Autumns ears folded when she heard that. “That’s why I am here, I want to apologies to her for what I said, I didn’t mean it.”

Wintres wasn’t convince. “It sounded like you meant it yesterday.”

“It was late and I was tired.” Wintres was still not convince of what Autumns just said, she looked at her sister with narrow eyes. “What? Why are you looking at me like that.” She keep looking at her sister and it was creeping Autumns out. “Would you stop looking at me like and tell me what’s your problem is.”

“My problem is that I don’t believe you, I don’t think your outburst was because you were tired, I think it was because you are fed up with Springs.”

Autumns was in shock when she heard that. “What? I am not fed up with Springs. Sure, I can be tired off what she says from time to times, but I am not fed up with her. She is still my sister.”

“Then why don’t you want to find the mare in the woods.” Springs snap at her, voice surprised both of her sisters. “Every time I mention her you think that I am crazy, just because I am the only one who have seen her doesn’t mean she is real.” Springs said while walking to her sisters.

“That she is real have nothing to do with it, you says the stranger things something and it hard for me to believe you sometimes, you were the element of laughter after all.”

“Yes, I was the elements of laughter but that was over thousand years old. Yes, I can joke around when I want to but I am more serious than the current bearer.” Autumns had to give her that one, Springs was more serious than current bearer. “This time I am serious, the mare in the woods does exist.”

Autumns looked at her sister face to see if was joking or not, she wasn’t. Autumns couldn’t help but smile, she didn’t know why, she just smiled. “I believe you Springs.”

“Thank you, Autumns.”

Before Autumns could react, her little sister gave her a hug. “Alright already.” She tried to push her twin of. “You know that I don’t like hugs.” Springs let go her twin. “Now that we have gotten that sorter out, what are you two doing today?” Autumns asked her sisters.

“I don’t know about you two but I am going to reveal myself to Applejack’s friends today.”

Autumns gave her sister questionable look. “Are you sure that’s wise? Revealing yourself to others?”

“I think it about time that Equestria knows who we are and this time Celestia won’t be able to covert it up, if she does, I am going to freeze that thing she calls a castle.”

Her sister couldn’t help agree what she said, it was about time Equestria knew who they were. They were the alicorns of the seasons and they were toward of hiding.

“Do you think Summers thinks the same?” Springs asked her sister.

Autumns couldn’t help but groan when she heard that.” You had to mention her.”

“Why wouldn’t I mention her? She is our sister. Sure, she disappeared after she imprisoned Luna in the moon but that was because Celestia trick her. She couldn’t know what would happened, none of us could.”

Wintres and Autumns couldn’t help but be shock by Springs words, she was right. None o them could knew what would happened to Luna when Summers and Celestia used the elements on the night princess.

“When did you become some wise?” Autumns asked her twin.

Springs just shrugged her shoulders. “I had a long time to think about it.”

“We can disgust this when we see her next time.” Said Wintres. “Right now, I am off the Applejack’s, you two can join me if you want.”

Her sister’s agreed with that, it’s not like they had anything ells to do. They stood beside their elder sister, Wintres horn started to glow and they teleported to Applejack’s farm.