• Published 15th Jan 2018
  • 927 Views, 39 Comments

4 Seasons - Norwegian boy

Four sisters were the best of friends ever since they were born until one fateful day, the day Luna became Nightmare Moon and was send to her prison in the moon.

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Chapter 4

The very next day Wintres woke up with a messy hair, she had nor slept very good. She had dreams about Mac. “Stupide handsome Mac.” She got out of her bed and headed to the bathroom to take a shower.

Once inside the shower she turned on the water and let it run down her body, it would be difficult for the alicorn of winter to take a shower when consider that almost everything that touch her body turned into ice. She had developed a spell that prevent that.

After the shower and she had dried herself of she felt like new mare. ‘That feel good.’ She decided to have breakfast. Once inside the kitchen she opened the door to her refrigerator and only see that it was empty.

Wintres blinked a couple of time to determined that what she saw was right. “What the… where’s my food?” Then it dawned on her. “I forgot my bag at Applejack yesterday.” She closed the door and stared to hit her head against it. “Stupid, stupid, stupid.” She sighed. “I guess I have to go back there, maybe they will invited me to breakfast.” Her horn stared to glow and she teleported herself to Applejack farm.

Once she appeared back at the farm, she cast the unicorn disguise on herself and head towards the main house. Once there she knocked on the door and waited, she did not have to wait long. The one that open was Applejack and she was surprised when she saw that it was the alicorn.

“Wintres, what are you doing her at this hour?” She asked Wintres.

“Hello Applejack, I think I forgot my bag with food here yesterday and I’m here to collect it.”

“I thought that bag was yours, I put it in the refrigerator for you.”

Wintres bowed her head. “I thank you for that Applejack.”

Applejack rubbed her neck. “Stopped that, you are making blush. Almost. Do you want to come in for some breakfast?” She asked the winter alicorn.

“That sounds good since I don’t think I have the time to make something myself, and considering I don’t have any food to make breakfast.”

Applejack smiled. “Good, come in. Oh, just a heads up. Twilight and Spike stay the night, they are eating breakfast right now.”

“Great, I can’t wait.” She said with sarcasm in her voice.

When they entered the kitchen Wintres could see that Applejack was telling the truth, sitting by the table was Twilight and Spike. When Twilight saw Wintres she dropped the glass she was holding with her magic, lucky Spike manged to catch the glass before it hit the floor.

Twilight just stared at Wintres. “You, what are you doing here?”

“I was here to collet my bag but then Applejack invited me to eat breakfast, I haven’t eaten yet. Are you going to deny me breakfast?” Twilight shook her head. “Good.”

She then saw Big Mac sitting by the table, her cheeks became red. She shook it off. Applejack sat down at in her chair, Wintres notice that there was no free chair see could not sit on. Applejack also saw that.

“I’m sorry Wintres, we don’t have any more chairs.”

“Don’t worry Applejack, I can stand while eating.”

She levitated a sandwich to herself and stared to eat it, out from the corner of her eye she saw that Twilight was watching her. “If there something you want to say Twilight Sparkle then say it.” Twilight said nothing she just went back to her food, Wintres couldn’t help but roll her eyes. She finished up her sandwich and went over to the refrigerator to get her bag. She opened the door and levitated the bag on her back and headed to the front door.

“Leaving already?” Applejack asked her.

“Yes, it’s a little difficult to eat when Celestia’s student are still trying to confirm that I’m real or not.” She opened the door. “Thank you for the sandwich Applejack.” She walked out and closed the door.

Applejack and her family looked at Twilight with disappointing look, even Spike gave her a disappointing look.

“What? What did I do?” She asked them.

“You didn’t believe me when I told you that I was rescued by an alicorn, you won’t believe that a unicorn turned out be a alicorn and you won’t believe princess Luna that Wintres is real. What does it take to convince you that she IS real?” Applejack told her.

Twilight felt bad now, Applejack was right. She had denied that facts that was right in front of here; Applejack can’t lie, Wintres turning into a alicorn in front of here and Luna’s words. She got of her chair and ran after Wintres.

Outside Wintres just stood there looking at Applejack’s house, she then just shook her head. “Arrogant unicorn.” She was about to teleport herself home when the door open and Twilight came out.

“Wait Wintres.” Twilight ran towards her but she slipped on the ice, she landed on her stomach and slide to her stopping by Wintres feet.

“You should really watch were you are going, It’s slippery out here.” She said in mocking tone.

Twilight got up. “I notice.” She stared to rub her stomach.

“Is there something you want Twilight Sparkle?”

“Yes.” Twilight took a deep breath. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry for what I said about that you didn’t existed. It was selfies of me and for that I’m sorry. I was wrong” Then she bowed her head.

Wintres just stood there in shock, she never thought that Celestia’s student would apologize or admit that she was wrong. She shook it off.

“Well, I never thought I hear that coming from you Twilight Sparkle. Considering what happened yesterday.”

Twilight looked at her. “Well, it’s a little difficult to denied you when I saw you turned into a alicorn, there also Applejack’s and princess Luna’s words who I have to apologize to later.”

“There’s nothing wrong to admit that you are wrong Twilight Sparkle, maybe you can teach Celestia that. She could use some humility.”

Twilight rubbed her leg. “I don’t know about that, she has lived for so long. I don’t think I can teach her anything.”

“It doesn’t matter how long how you have lived Twilight Sparkle, you can always learn something new. The problem with Celestia is that she thinks she’s know all, which is a lie.” Wintres look out into the horizon. “I better get home with my food, what are you going to do Twilight Sparkle? Are you going to write a letter Celestia and tell her that I am real?”

“Yeah, I think I’ll do that. but I don’t think it will help, she is coming later today to have a talk with me.”

Wintres smiled. “Very well then, maybe I’ll come back later today. Perhaps it’s time I have a talk with Celestia, I suggest you step back, it can be a little windy when I teleport.”

Twilight did as she said and then Wintres horn stared to glow, the wind stared to pick up and then she was gone. Twilight looked where she had stood, she couldn’t help but smile. She walked back to farm house little did she knew that two shadows were coming out from the Everfree forest.

Well inside Twilight saw Spike that in living room with Applebloom reading comic books on the floor, Applejack was sitting couch reading the newspaper. She walked up to her friend.

“Anything new Applejack.”

“Same old, same old.”

Twilight smiled, now was the hard part. “Listen Applejack, I’m sorry I doubted your words yesterday. I hope you’re not too mad at me.”

Applejack didn’t look up from the newspaper. “That you didn’t believe me yesterday hurt me the most Twilight, you should know better that I can’t lie and that’s have nothing to with me begin the element honesty. I’m an apple, I can’t lie.” She said with some anger in her voce, Twilight heard that.

“I know that and for that I’m truly sorry.”

“I hope you are because I’m not ready to forgive you yet.”

“That’s fair.” She looked at her assistant. “Come on Spike, I need to get home and get ready for princess Celestia. She is arriving soon and I want to be ready.”

Before she and Spike could get ready someone knock on the door, Applejack put down the newspaper and went to see who it was.

“I wonder if Wintres forgot something.” She mumbled to herself.

She was to open the door. “Are you sure this is the place Autumns?” Said a voice on the other side of the door.

“For the last time Springs, yes. Can you please stop asking.” Said another voice.

Applejack open the door and there stood two unicorns that Applejack could swear she had seen before, one had yellow fur with orange mane and the other had pink fur with white mane. They were talking to each other.

“I’m just saying that your tracking spells isn’t the best.” Said the pink one.

The orange one groan. “Would you give it a rest already? You have complaining since we left Wintres place.”

“Can I help you two?” Applejack ask them.

Both of them looked at her, the orange on decide to speak. “Yes, we are looking for our sister. I track her here, do you know where she is?”

“You mean Wintres the alicorn of winter?”

That shook the two unicorns. “How do you know who she is?” Asked pink one.

“She saved me two days ago, I’m guessing you two are her little sisters, Autumns and Springs.”

“Well, so much for holding a love profile.” Said Autumns with annoyance in her voice, she then looked at her sister. “I blame you.” The orange one.

Springs eyes widen. “Me? How is this my fault? I haven’t done anything.” Springs answered, the pink one.

“Not yet but you will.”

Then Twilight and Spike came to the door, she then noticed the two sisters. “Hey Applejack, who are they?”

“They are Wintres little sisters.”

Twilight gave them a smile. “Wintres sister? That nice, wait a minute.” She pointed hoof at them. “That’s mean you two are alicorn.” They both nodded. “Aw come on.”

Autumns took a closer looked at Twilight. “I’m guessing you are Celestia’s student.”

“Yes I am.” Twilight said with pride in her voice.

She wasn’t impressed. “I expected more from her, you are nothing special.”

That got Twilight’s mouth to feel on the ground. “Excuse me, I’m the youngest to be her student, I hatch Spike from a dragoon egg and I’m the element of magic.”

Autumns was still not impressed. “What do you want? A medal? Why don’t you ask Celestia about Sunset Shimmer next time you see her, that would at least make her speechless.” Autumns looked at Applejack. “Do you know where our sister went?”

“Yeah, she said she was going home, I don’t know when or if she is coming back.”

Autumns nodded. “Alright then.” She looked at her sister. “Ready to head home.”

Springs groaned. “Come on, I have been looked up in the house for so long. Can’t we at least walk through town?” She asked her sister.

Autumns thought about it. “It’s been a while since we have been to a town.” She looked at her sister who was given her the puppy dog stare. “Alright, we can go. Just stop staring at me with those eyes, you are creeping me out.”

“Yay.” Springs hug her sister and she stared to jump up and down like a little foal.

Spike wasn’t sure what he saw while Twilight and Applejack couldn’t help but smile. They were just happy that two sisters getting alone together.

“You must really love your sister.” Said Applejack.

“Springs can be handful, but we are twins so I have to live it.” She stopped looking at her sister. “Can one of you show us the road to the town?” She asked to two ponies and dragon.

“Me and Spike are going home now, we can show you the way.” Said Twilight.

Autumns smiled. “Thanks, hey Springs. Stop acting like a child, we are go into the town.” That got here sister to stop, she then got a big smile on her face and stared to jump some more. Autumns just shook her head of her sister behavior. “Sometimes it feels like I’m dealing with a five year old child.”

Twilight and Spike said good bye to Applejack and with the two alicorn sisters they were on their way to Ponyville.