• Published 15th Jan 2018
  • 927 Views, 39 Comments

4 Seasons - Norwegian boy

Four sisters were the best of friends ever since they were born until one fateful day, the day Luna became Nightmare Moon and was send to her prison in the moon.

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Chapter 8

“You wanted to talk to me Summers, then talk.” Luna said to Summers.

Summers took a deep breath, she had practise this speech a thousand times but now, she had trouble speaking. “I want to tell you what your sister said to me after you were banished to the moon.” Luna said nothing, she just listen. “I don’t expect you to believe me, but this is what your sister told me, she talk like it was your destiny to be banished to the moon.”

Luna was just confused when she heard that. “What do you mean that it was my destiny?”

“She told me that it was necessary, she didn’t told me why.”

Summer didn’t expect what next, Luna tackle her into the snow and placed one off her hoof on Summers head. “What do you mean it was necessary? What did my sister say?” She asked in a threatening voice.

“I don’t know, I really don’t know. Your sister never told me why, she walked away before I got the chance to ask her we haven’t talk since that day.” Luna look for any singes to see if Summers was lying. “You know that I wouldn’t lei, I was the element of honesty for a reason.”

Luna wasn’t sure if she should believe her, but she was always honest with her. “Alright Summers.” Luna stepped off her. “I don’t like it, but I believe you. If you are telling the truth, then my sister sent me to moon against my will. The question is why she did it and you do not know why.”

Summers stood up. “No, she never told me. She stop talking to me after we send you to the moon.” She look down on the ground. “’I’m sorry for what I did, I believe in Celestia’s lies and send you the moon.”

Luna could hear the she meant it. “I believe you Summer, but I am not ready to forgive you yet. Not until I find out what my sister send me to moon a thousand years ago.”

Summers look up at Luna. “What are you going to do?”

That was a good question. Luna couldn’t confront Celestia directly, she would just deny the hole thing. She need a plan. She couldn’t use Twilight, considering she is Celestia’s student and she could tell Celestia everything. She look at Summers and got an idea, she smile.

The smile made Summers nervous. “What? Why are you smile at me?”

“Do you and your sister still know that barrier spell? The one that you can enter but not leave until one have permission from you?”

“Of course, we do but the spell wont work for me now, I have to wait until summer is here. Why do you ask?”

Luna just gave her a sly smile. “I might have an idea, but I need Winters help. Is it possible you can get her for me?” She asked the summer alicorn.

Summers nodded. “Sure, I can do that.” She started to walk towards the house, she was also very confused.

Inside the house sat an earth pony, a unicorn and three alicorn’s in disguise and drinking cocoa. Twilight was sitting in the living room with Autumns and Springs, while Applejack was with Winters in the kitchen.

Winters took a sip out of her cup. “I’m sorry for the trouble I have cost you Applejack.”

Applejack just shrugged her shoulders. “Don’t worry about it, it’s not like princess Celestia’s guards are her to arrest me.” That made Wintres smile a little. “But, you could do something for me. if that’s ok with you.”

“Name it.”

“I want you to revealed yourself for the rest of my friends.”

Wintres blink a couple of time, not sure if she heard right. “Did you just say that I should revealed myself for the rest of your friends?” Applejack nodded. “Why?”

“They didn’t believe me when I told them you saved me and that you are an alicorn.” She look down at the table. “When others doesn’t believe me it hurts, it has nothing to me begging the element of honesty, I am an apple and we don’t lei. Heck, I can’t lei.”

Wintres could hear the pain in Applejack’s voice, she didn’t like to be called a liar. Wintres wonder if she should do it. She wasn’t like Celestia, hiding in a castle surrounded by guards and servant who would probably lick her hoofs if she told them do it. One the other hoof, she has been hiding for a thousand years. Maybe it was time to let Equestria know that she existed, there was also the matter of her sisters. She didn’t want to this without them. She looked over to Autumns and Springs who was laughing at something, Winters couldn’t help but smile how relax they were, they were acting like normal ponies. There was just one issue, Summers. A sister who disappeared when Luna was sent to the moon, a sister who none of them has talk to for over a thousand year.

Wintres let out a heavy sighed. “I don’t know Applejack, I want to discuss this with my sisters first, I want to hear their opinion.”

“Even Summers?” Winters nodded. “Well, I was hoping you to say yes but I guess you can talk to your sister first.”

“Saying yes isn’t the problem her, the problem is that is we have been gone for so long and I don’t know how your friends or the rest of Equestria would react to use. There’s a chance that Celestia will cover it all up and say something to protect herself, considering me and my sister know what really happened a thousand years ago.” She then turned to Applejack with a smile. “What the heck, I’ll do it anyway and if my sister’s have problem with that, they can complained all they want. Just bring your friends to your farm tomorrow and I will reveal myself.” That made Applejack smile.

“You are doing what?” Springs had somehow appeared beside Wintres, scaring her and Applejack.

“Springs, are you trying to give us a heart attack?” Wintres put hoof to her chest to try and calm herself down, Applejack did the same

Springs now felt bad for scaring her sister. “Sorry, but why are going to reveal yourself for her friends?”

“Because they didn’t believe Applejack when she told them the truth and you off all ponies knows when should know that felling.”

Wintres was right in that part, there were many times when Springs told her sister the truth and they didn’t believe her. “”Like the mare in the forest.” Springs said with a smile.

Wintres just slammed her head into the table when her sister said that. “Not that again.”

Applejack just looked between the two sisters. “The mare in the forest? What’s that?”

“The mare in the Everfree forest, it’s something Springs has come up with.” Wintres look up from the table. “Why? I have no idea. Probably to get attention.” Wintres said in a dry tone.

Then they saw tears in Springs eyes. “After all this time you still don’t believe me, none of you won’t.” She then ran out of the house, crying.

They just watch as she left, Twilight didn’t understand what just happened but Autumns did. She knew her twin sister better than anyone ells. Wintres felt bad for threating her sister like that.

Applejack looked at the winter alicorn with a disappointment look. “Dd you really have to say like that and what’s the mare in the forest?”

“I didn’t mean to be so cold when I said it, I am just so sick of hearing about the mare in the forest. And what she is…” That’s was all she could say, because Summers entered the kitchen.

“Why did Springs just run out of the house and she was crying, what did you two say to her?” Summers asked her two sister, she gave Autumns a questionable look.

“Hey, this time it wasn’t me, it was Wintres.” She told her big sister.

Summers looked at her little sister. “What happened?”

“She was talking about the mare in the forest again and I said that she created her for attention.” Summers gave her sister a disappoint look. “Don’t give me that look, I’m just tired of hearing about that fairy tale.”

“I understand that but that’s no excuse to make her cry.” Summers rubbed her head with a hoof. “I better go and talk to her.” She turned around.” Oh, I almost forgot.” She looked at Winters. “Luna wanted to talk to you.” She walk out the door.

Wintres got up. “I guess I’ll go and talk to Luna.” She looked at her younger sister.” You can explain to Applejack and Twilight about the mare in the forest.” She started to walk towards the door.

Autumns eyes widen when she heard that she had to explain the mare in the forest. “What? Why me?” She asked Wintres.

Wintres stop just in front of the door. “Because you know Springs best.” Before Autumns could protest, Wintres walked out the door, leaving her alone with Applejack and Twilight.

Autumns was in shock, she couldn’t believe that she had to explain about her sister fantasy. She looked over to Twilight who had curious look and Applejack who had entered the living room with the same look on her face, Autumns let out a frustrated groan. “Fine, I will tell you both. I will only say it once so you two better pay attention.” She told them both, they both nodded. Autumns rubbed her head. “It started a few years after we were born.” She then saw that Twilight was about to say something. “Yes, I know I told you that we don’t have any parents Twilight Sparkle, just go with it.” Autumns told her in a frustrated tone, Twilight decide to shut her mouth.

Autumns continued. “As I was saying, it started a few years after we were born. It was spring, and Springs was playing in outside the castle, she always loved her own season, we always loved our season more than the others.” She could help but smile. “Anyway, while playing she got a little far away from the castle and wander into the Everfree. Just a reminder, this was before Discord, but the forest was still dangerous.” Both Applejack and Twilight nodded. “While playing, she got lost in the forest. She got really lost.” Then Twilight raised a hoof. “Yes, Twilight Sparkle.” Autumns said in an annoyed voice.

“If this is Springs that got lost, how do you know about it?”

Autumns gave her a blank look. “She told us when she got back.” Twilight couldn’t help but feel pretty stupide right about now. “I thought that you were the smart one, can I get back to the story?” Twilight just nodded. “Thank you. Now, where was I.” She thought for a second. “Ah yes, lost. She didn’t know for how long she walk, trying to find a way back to the castle but the forest was just to big. Then, she arrived at the same place where queen Gaia had found us. It was a clearing in the Everfree that wasn’t affected by it corruption, it had a tree stump there." She took a pause. “When she arrived there, she felt tired, so she fell asleep. Sleeping in the Everfree isn’t the best thing to do but at that moment I don’t think she cared.”

“Out of curiosity, where did the queen find you.” Twilight asked with her hoof raised.

Autumns look at her with an annoying look. “Didn’t I just tell you that?” Twilight felt very stupide again. “From now on, you are going to keep your mouth shut, understand?” Twilight nodded again. Autumns couldn’t help but shook her head. ‘Unbelievable.’ She went back to the story. “She didn’t know for how long she sleep but when she woke up, it started to get dark. She knew that it was to dangerous to walk back and she was to young to use her wings, she couldn’t teleport yet. It looked like she was going to spend the night in the forest but then she arrived, the mare in forest.” Autumns said in a mocking tone. “She had brown fur with green mane and tail and her cutie mark was a branch with some leaf that was falling off, she was also an alicorn.”

Autumns look over to the two ponies and saw that Applejack’s eyes had widen while Twilight’s eyes started to twitch, Autumns couldn’t help but think how pathetic Twilight was, she was freaking out over nothing. She counited the story. “When Springs saw she was afraid of her, when the mare saw that she talk to her in a smooth voice that she had no reason to be afraid and that she would help Springs to find her way out. The alicorn did that and Spring was led back to the castle, when they got there my sister wanted to thank the mare, but she had disappeared before she could. Over time, Springs saw the mare appeared at times, she says that the mare was watching over her and her sister, I think It’s just her imagination.” She took a sip out of her cup and again looked at two ponies that was listing. Applejack had a normal expression, it was like she believe that hole story. While Twilight, it looked like she was about to have a panic attack.

“I can’t believe it, another alicorn. I have to write to princess Celestia.” She got up and started to walk towards the stairs to get Spike, but she didn’t get very far.

Autumns used her magic to drag her back. “Sit your ass down Twilight Sparkle.” She used her magic to push her back on the floor. “Writing a letter to Celestia is pointless, if this mare in the forest really exist, I don’t think that she is going to be much help. Springs is the only one that have seen her and claims that she is real.” Twilight was about to protest but when she thought about, Autumns was right. Writing to Celestia would accomplish nothing when Springs was the only one who have seen her.

“I believe her.” Spring and Twilight look at AJ with questionable look.

“You believe her or me?” Autumns asked her.

“Both, I believe you both.”

Autumns couldn’t help but groan when she heard that. “You got to be kidding me.” She but a hoof on her face and let it slide down, she then look at them with an annoyance look. “Listen, there is no mare in the forest. Is just something Springs made up.” She then looked at Applejack, who started to sweat. “And you. How can you believe her? I was the one who told the story.”

“I don’t know, I just do.” AJ answer with an innocent smile.

This time it looked like Autumns was going to have a panic attack. “I am surrounded by idiots, one are so dependent on Celestia that she can’t think for herself and the other one is to honest with herself.” She got up. “I had enough, I am heading home.” She headed towards the kitchen. “Thanks for the drink honesty.”

Summer had just step out from the house to find Springs, she looked around to see if she could see her little sister. No luck. She then saw Luna, who was standing not far from the house looking up at the moon.

“Luna.” The moon princes look at Summers. “Did you see Springs? I am looking for her.”

“Yes, she ran towards the entrance of the farm.”

Summers thank her and headed there, while she did that, came Wintres out from the house. Summers looked over her shoulders and saw that she walked over to Luna and they started to talk, she didn’t care what they were talking about, she was going to find her little sister and comfort her.

It didn’t take long before Summers found her little sister, Springs was leaning against the fence that surrounded the farm, her front hoofs was on the fence. Summers decided to approach her as carful as she could.

“If you are here to make fun of me Summers, then go ahead. I am used to it.” Summers had a surprised look on her face. Springs look over her shoulder at her sister. “What? I could hear that it was you.” Summers couldn’t help but smile, of all of them, Springs was the one who had great hearing.

“I am not her to make fun of you Springs, I just wanted so see if you were ok.” Summers told her while walking to her.

“Oh, I am feeling great. My sisters won’t still believe me that I saw a female alicorn in the forest when we were young, which was over two thousand five hundred years ago.” Summers could hear the sarcasm. “I feel just great.” Then tears started to feel from her cheeks.

“Well, I believe you.”

Springs didn’t react of that. “You don’t have to say that just because you feel sorry for me, I know that you are just saying it, so I will feel better.” Her ears fell flat.

Those words hurt Summers. “You know what? If you don’t want to me believe you then fine.” She was about to walk away. “After the incident with Luna, do you know what I did?” Springs just shrugged her shoulders. “I went looking for her, the mare in the forest.” That got Springs ears to perk up. “That’s right, I wanted to find out if my little sister was telling the truth or not. Sure, it took me a while, but I am the only one who believe you, I was honesty for a reason.” With that said, she started to walk away.

Springs look back at her sister, who was walking away. She knew that Summers wasn’t found of lying, she could lie from time to time but this time, this time her words felt right. Springs got off the fence and went after her big sister.

It didn’t take long before Springs caught up with her. “Did you really try and find the mare?” Summers gave her a nod. “Did you find her?”

Summers stopped and so did Springs. “Unfortunately, no. I didn’t. I tried to look for her where Gaia found us, and I tried to look around the area, I had no luck.” Springs hung her head when she heard that, she then felt a something wrap around, it was Summers hoof. “Don’t look so sad, let’s see if we can ask Wintres and Autumns to help us looking for her. Convincing them is another thing.” Springs knew that she sister was right, convince her other sisters wouldn’t be easy.

When they arrived back at the house, they could see Autumns standing outside, probably waiting for them. She was looking up at the sky. “That didn’t take long.” She look at both of them. “Did you manged to convince her that the mare don’t exist?” She ask Summers.

“No, I told her that I believed her, and we are going to try and find her together, and we were hoping that you and Wintres would join us.”

Autumns couldn’t help but look at her sister’s with a disbelieve look, she the then let out a frustrated groan. “There’s no way I am helping you look for this pony, she doesn’t exist.” She said that last part with anger in her voice.

“Who doesn’t exist?” Said Wintres while walking towards her sister’s.

“Springs mare in the forest, they want us to help look for her.”

Wintres let out a ‘ooh,’ “Sure, I’ll tag along.”

That surprised all of her sister’s, especially Autumns. “Are you kidding me? You want to help them?” Wintres nodded. “Why?”

“Aren’t you a little curious if she really does exist Autumns?”

“No, I am not curious. This is just a fantasy that Springs have come up with and if you three are going to try and find her, then it will be without me.” Autumns sister’s looked at her with a disappointing look, which she ignored. “I’m going home.” She the teleported home.

Then door to Applejack’s house open and she step out with Twilight and Spike. “What’s going on? We heard shouting-“

“Oh, it’s Autumns begin herself.” Wintres told them. “I’m also going home, see you tomorrow Applejack. Just bring your friends here when you can.” Applejack just gave her a nod.

Wintres was about to teleport when Springs spoke up. “Wait Wintres.” She stopped. “Can I sleep at your place tonight? I don’t think that Autumns want to see me at the moment.”

“Sure, I have spare bed.” Springs walked over to her sister. Wintres was glad to hear it, she hasn’t been with Springs for a while. “Ready?” Springs nodded and then they teleported away.

Author's Note:

I don’t have a editor anymore.