• Published 15th Jan 2018
  • 925 Views, 39 Comments

4 Seasons - Norwegian boy

Four sisters were the best of friends ever since they were born until one fateful day, the day Luna became Nightmare Moon and was send to her prison in the moon.

  • ...

Chapter 7 (edited)

“I asked you a question Summers, what the hell do you want?”

After tracking her sisters for most of the day, Summers had finally found both of them at Applejack’s house. However, the welcome was less proving to be less than pleasant.

“I want to talk Autumns,” Summers told her.

When Autumns heard that she couldn’t help but snort. “Are you serious? Do you want to talk now? After a thousand years, now you want to talk.” Autumns shouted at her sister, prompting Summers to back away from her.

“Where are you going? You wanted to talk right, fine let’s talk.” She started to walk with her big sister, deciding it best just to deal with the issue now. “Where have you been for the last thousand years?”

Summers looked down at the ground. “I ran away.”

Autumns wasn’t sure if she heard right. “You ran away? What do you mean that you ran away?”

Summers let out a heavy sigh. “After you, Springs and Winters left I had a talk with Celestia. I ask if she knew what would happen to Luna, and she said she did. When I heard that I was devastated, I could not believe that I was tricked into doing that to Luna.” She started to cry. “I’m so sorry for what I did, I don’t expect you or the others to forgive me, but I am sorry.”

“You’re sorry? We don’t hear from you for over a thousand years and the only thing we get is that you're sorry?” Autumns snorted, her expression hardening. “You know, I don’t think you're sorry at all. I think you knew that it would send Luna to the moon all long.”

“No, I swear that I didn’t know,” Summers told Autumns, but she didn’t believe her. Then she saw Springs standing in the doorway. “Springs.” Summers walked past Autumns and to her other little sister. “You believe me, don’t you?”

Springs wasn’t sure what to believe at the moment, on one hoof she wanted to believe Summers, but on the other hoof, she wasn't sure she could.

She looked at her twin who was furious and then at her big sister, who was afraid and Springs could see guilt in her eyes. She then felt magic building up and saw that Autumns was about to fire a beam at Summers, she then decided to tackle her sister before that happened.

Autumns landed in the snow when she realized what happened, giving her twin a surprised look. “What are you doing Springs? Why are you protecting her? You know what’s she's done.”

“I know that, but that doesn’t give you the right to attack her, she is still our sister.”

Autumns snarled, quickly getting up and preparing another attack on Summers. She didn’t get very far, however, as a giant ice wall appeared, blocking her way. All three looked in the direction of where the ice wall was coming from, and found Winters standing but a few feet from it, with Twilight right beside her.

“What in the name of Gaia are you doing Autumns?” She asked her younger sister. “Can you explain to me why you are apparently trying to kill your own sister?”

“Are you kidding me? You of all ponies should want to hurt her, why are you protecting her?” Autumns asked with venom in her voice.

Winters walked towards them, eyes focused on her three siblings. “Yes, it’s true that I hate her, and I doubt that will change, but I’m not going to let my hate for her cloud my judgment.” She stopped between her sisters. “Hatred is no excuse for attacking her.”

Autumns just snorted. “Whatever.”

Winters just shook her head at her sister's behavior before looking at Summers. “Mind telling us where you have been all these years?” She asked older sister.

“I will but is possible that we can do that inside? It’s a little cold outside.” The second she spoke, a cold wind blew through, sending shivers through most of the sisters, Winter being the obvious exception.

“Fine.” Winters started to walk inside, quietly muttering to herself. “You never hear anypony complains in the Summer.”

Applejack watched as the sisters and Twilight walked into her house, wondering how she went from dealing with simple day to day farm problems to hosting four alicorns. "Never thought I'd be missing the days when my biggest concern was mah chores."

“Sorry about this Applejack, I understand this is a little overwhelming.” Winters' voice brought her back to reality.

“Ah, don’t worry about it Winters, they're your siblings and if there is one thing I understand plenty of, it's family.”

In the living room were Applebloom and Spike, busy reading comic books when they heard someone entering the room. They looked up to find Winters and her two sisters, along with a pony they haven’t seen before, walk in.

Twilight quickly entered and walked over to Spike, who looked confused. “Twilight, what’s going on and who is that pony.” He pointed at Summers.

“That’s Summers, you're Winters big sister.” Spike's eyes widened at the revelation.

The sister walked into the living room and none of them knew what to say, then Winters decide to speak. “Well Summers, we're all waiting, care to fill us in.”

Summers took a deep breath, readying herself as she began to speak. “After you all left me alone with Celestia I asked her if she knew what happened to Luna when we used the elements on her.”

“And what did she say?” Winters asked.

“She said that she knew.” That made all of the room gasped in surprise, expect Applebloom, who had no clue what was going on.

“And what did you do after that?”

“I started to yell at her, I was furious that she did that to Luna and then I asked her why she did it.” She paused for a second, wondering if she really should say it.

Her sisters saw that she hesitated. “Well, are you going to tell us or not?” Winters asked her.

“She said, that it was necessary.”

That came as shock to everyone in the living room except for Applebloom, still clueless on what was going on.

“What did she mean by, necessary?” Autumns asked her sister.

“I don’t know, after that, she didn’t want to talk to me anymore. She just told me to leave, it was like she became a different pony.” Summers sat down on the floor. “After that I left, traveling around the planet. Helping other ponies where I could.” All of sudden she felt someone hug her, it was Springs. “Why are you hugging me, Springs?” She asked her younger sister.

“I don’t know, I just felt like I should be hugging you.”

Winters and Autumns just rolled their eyes at their sister's behavior while Summers just smiled. “Glad that you haven’t changed that much.”

Back with the little filly, Applebloom had enough. “Can somepony please tell me what the hay is happening.” All eyes were on her now, Applebloom pointed a hoof at Summers. “I want to know what’s going on and who you are?”

Applejack went over to her little sister. “Applebloom, can you be quiet.”

“No, I want to know what’s going on.” She crossed her hoof’s. “I’m sick of not knowing what is happening, so can somepony please explain it to me.” Then she started to pout.

The ponies in the living room and Spike just stared at her. Applejack was just baffled at her sister's outburst, while the others were similarly taken aback. Summers, however, couldn’t help but smile.

“I do suppose an explanation is in order. Well, little one, my name is Summers and I’m the alicorn of Summer.” She looked at sisters. “And these are my little sisters, who as you probably figured out are the alicorns of the remaining three seasons.”

Applebloom just rolled her eyes of the ‘little one’ part. “Okay, now that I know that, just what were you all talking about? From what I could hear, it has something to about Princess Celestia.”

“You are right, we were talking about what happened the day Princess Luna was banished to the moon.”

Applebloom nodded. “Oh, so kind of like those legends and history that Ms. Cheerilee goes over in class?"

"Something like that, yes."

Applebloom's interest all but immediately dropped at the mention of the discussion being something like school work and immediately headed for the stairs. "Well, that sounds plenty interesting. But I think I'll just stick to mah comics if that's okay."

She turned her attention to her pint-sized companion. “Are you coming, Spike?" The baby dragon nodded, also not especially interested in the current subject matter.

All of them watched as Applebloom and Spike walked out of the living room and up the stairs. Oddly enough, Springs seemed eager to follow suit, only to be met by away courtesy of Autumns.

“And where do you think you're going?” Autumns asked her twin.

“I’m going with them to read comics.”

That got Autumns to stare at her twin, wondering what was wrong with her. Winters and Summers couldn’t help but laugh, while Applejack and Twilight just smiled at the sisters' behavior.

“No, you’re not. We're all going to stay here and discuss this.” Autumns just shook her head, visibly agitated. “Sometimes I wonder what’s going through your brain.” Springs sat down on the floor, crossed her hoof’s and started to pout.

Then Summers cleared her throat. “Now that we got that out of the way.” She looked at Winters. “I was hoping that you could get Luna here, I'd like to have a few words with her if possible.”

“Sure, I can do that. She should be up by now, I think.” She started to walk towards the door, noting the sun was still relatively high in the air. “Let’s just hope she's that she is in a good mood.” With that, she walked out the door.

Applejack. “Well, while we wait, anypony interested in some cocoa? I was making some when you all arrived? Do you want some Twilight?” The unicorn just nodded, Applejack looked at sisters. “What about you three? Want some cocoa?”

Autumns nodded begrudgingly. “Sure.”

Springs meanwhile seemed excited at the prospect. “Me too.”

Summers. “Not me, I’m going to wait with Winters. And besides, my body is always warm, so I don’t need to drink heated liquid.” She walked after Winters.

Springs lightly pouted at her statement. "That's not the only reason you drink it. It tastes great too."

Once Summers was outside she saw Winters horn glowing and a beam up in the sky, emanating from her horn. She quietly walked over to her sister. “Did you send a message to Luna?” She asked her little sister only for her question to be ignored. “What? You're still mad at me for what I did a thousand years ago?” Winters said nothing, she just looked up in the sky. “Would you please just answer me.”

Winters looked at her sister with disappointment in her eyes. “I'm not angry with you, rather, I'm disappointed that you ran away from what you did. I’m disappointed that you took Celestia’s side and not ours. I’m also disappointed that you actually believed in what she said. I know that you two were best friends but that’s no excuse for what you did.”

Summers quietly hung her head in shame. “I know that and if I could turn back time I would fix it, but I can’t.” She looked up at her sister with tears in her eyes. “I’m sorry okay. I don't know what else you want me to say.”

Winters quietly cast a glance at the night sky. “Well, for starters, I’m not the one you should be apologizing to.”

As soon as those words left Winters mouth the pair could hear wingbeats in the air. The pair looked up and saw Luna quickly descending towards them, landing but a few feet from them. Her expression a mixture of curiosity and slightly perturbed.

“Is there a reason you called me here so early? I had just gotten up.” She said, obviously still sleepy, only for her mood to immediately drop at the sight of Summers. “You! What are you doing here?” She said in a less pleasant tone.

The Princess's tone did little to improve Summers confidence, trying in vain to find the right words to say. “Hello Luna, good to see you?” She said very nervous tone.

Luna let out a scoff at the attempt at small talk. “Yes, I’m doing quite well all things considering. However, I asked you a question: What are you doing here?” She asked, her tone growing more hostile.

Despite sweat dripping from her brow despite the cold, Summers managed to get her next words out. “I just wanted to talk, so I asked Winters summon you here.”

Luna looked at Summer to see if she was lying or not, to which she could confirm it was the later. “Winters, is possible that I and your sister can talk alone?”

Winters looked at her sister and Luna. “Sure.” Winters walked towards the house leaving them to talk.

Author's Note:

This chapter was edited by The Fan Without a Face

This story will be on hiatus for a while.