• Published 15th Jan 2018
  • 925 Views, 39 Comments

4 Seasons - Norwegian boy

Four sisters were the best of friends ever since they were born until one fateful day, the day Luna became Nightmare Moon and was send to her prison in the moon.

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Chapter 5

Two alicorn’s in disguise as unicorn, one unicorn and one dragon were walking towards Ponyville, Twilight who was walking beside Autumns, whit Spike on her back. She wanted to ask the disguised alicorn some question, but she wasn’t sure what, Autumns noticed that.

“If you want to ask me something Celestia’s student, then ask.”

“I was just wondering who your parents are, I know that princess Celestia and princess Luna had parents. Who are yours?”

The two sisters gave each other a looked. “Should we tell her?” Springs asked her sister.

“I don’t see why not, it’s not that special.” Autumns looked at Twilight and Spike who was looking at whit eager eyes. “Truth be told, we don’t know who our parents are.”

That just confused the unicorn and the dragon. “What do you mean that you don’t know who your parents are? Everpony has parents, even Spike have parents. I have meet them.”

“We are not quite sure who are our parents or that we have parents.” Autumns told them.

“Then how were you born?” Twilight asked Autumns.

“We don’t know, we were too young to remember anything. When we were old enough our sisters told us that we were found in a clearing in the Everfree forest by Celestia and Luna’s mother. She with her husband adopted us, they treated us like as we were their children, but it never felt right, you know. They were not our parents.”

Twilight was astounded, she has never heard that somepony was just born without parents. “Have you ever tried to find where you came from or who ‘made’ you?” She asked them.

“Many times, but every time we search we came up with nothing. In the end, we gave up.” Autumns said in a sad tone, Springs was looking down on the ground with a sad face.

Twilight wanted to ask them more but then she notice that they had arrived in Ponyville. “Well, I have to get ready for princess Celestia.” She looked at Spike. “Why don’t you show them where Sugarcube corner are, I can talk to the princess alone.”

Spike was surprised when he heard that, usually is he the one that’s makes sandwiches and tea when the princess is coming. “Do you mean that Twilight?” She answered with a smile. “Thanks.” He jumped down from her and gave her hug and she returned it, he broke the hug and looked at twins. “Follow me and I show you where you can get the best cupcake in Ponyville.” He stared to walked towards Sugarcube corner.

Twilight walked home while the twins followed Spike. “That was really nice what Twilight did, I didn’t think she was that nice to her assistant.” Springs said to her sister.

“Yeah, I’m surprised that she did that.” Autumns couldn’t help but smile. “Come on, let’s see what’s so special about this Sugarcube corner.”

“But, we don’t have any money. Who are we going to buy something?” Springs asked with some concern in her voice.

“Hello.” Autumns nodded her head towards her back. “I brought along my bag with money.”

“Oh yeah, when did you bring that with you?” Springs asked her sister.

“I took it with me when we left the cave, how could you miss that?” Autumns told her sister with some anger in her voice.

“I was already out, playing in the snow.” She answered with innocent smile.

Autumns was baffled by her sister. “You know, sometimes I think I’m dealing with child and not somepony that’s is same age as me.”

Springs nuzzled her sister. “You love me either way.”

“That can be debatable.”

They finally arrived Sugarcube corner and what the twins saw was a house that looked like giant gingerbread house, they weren’t sure if they should go inn or eat the whole thing. Spike saw that they were staring at the building.

“You two okay?” He asked the twins.

“Yeah, I’m not sure what to think about this building.” Autumns answer him, then she saw her sister walked up to the building. “Springs, what are you doing?”

Springs decide to lick the building, as soon as she did that she back away from it and made grimace. “This does not taste good.”

Autumns slapped a hoof on her face while Spike was on the ground laughing. “It’s a building made off wood, of course it doesn’t taste good. What did you think it would taste like, candy?” She asked her sister.

“I don’t know, I’m allow to hope that it tasted something.”

Autumns just shook her head of her sister’s behavior. “Let’s just go inside already.” She lifted up Spike with her magic and walk towards Sugarcube corner, her sister followed her while trying to get away the bad taste she had in her mouth.

Once inside the twins saw many different ponies sitting by tables, eating and enjoying themselves. Then Springs noticed a pegasus with cray fur and yellow hair and tail, her cute mark was some bubbles. But what stood out the most was her eyes, one of them was pointing down while the other was pointing down. Autumns notice her sister staring at the pegasus.

She nudged her with a hoof. “Springs, it’s rube to stare at other’s ponies.” She scolded her sister.

“But Autumns, looked at her eyes.”

“I know they are weird but it still wrong to stare.”

“That’s Derpy.” They both looked at Spike who was still hovering in the air by Autumns magic. “She is the local mail pony, when it comes to her eyes. Well, they have been like that all her life. I don’t know what the disease is called.” He told them while scratching his chin.

Autumns nodded. “I see.”

“Now that you know that can you put me down? It’s bad enough that Twilight does this to me.”

“Sure.” Autumns put Spike down on the floor. “Springs, why don’t you find us a table while me and Spike order some food.” Springs said nothing, she just walkaway to find a table while her sister and Spike walked over to the counter where Mrs. Cake was, she was reading the newspaper.

“Hello Mrs. Cake.”

She looked over the edge of paper and smiled when she saw that it was Spike. “Spike, it’s good to see you.” She put away the newspaper. “What can I get you?” She then noticed Autumns. “Who’s your friend?” She asked the dragon.

“My name is Autumns and I just met Spike today, so I can’t consider him a friend.“ She looked at Spike. “No offence.”

Spike just shrugged his shoulder. “No taken.”

Mrs. Cake just nodded. “If you say so, what can I get you two?”

“We’ll take three of what you are famous for and…” She looked for her sister who was sitting by a table in the corner still trying to get the taste out of her mouth, she as now trying to get it away with her hoof. “…something to drink, my sister thought it was smart to lick the building.”

Mrs. Cake couldn’t help but laugh when she heard that. “Pinkie did that to when she first saw this building, it was really funny.”

That didn’t not surprised Spike. “Yeah, that sound like Pinkie. We take three muffins with three milkshakes.”

“That will be 40 bites.” Autumns levitated the money out from her bag and gave them to Mrs. Cake. “Thanks, take a seat and I will bring your order to you.” She disappeared into the back to find what they order.

Spike and Autumns want over to where Springs sitting, she was still trying to get the taste out from her mouth with her hoofs. They sat down beside her. “Springs, would you stop doing that.” Autumns told her sister.

“My mouth taste bad.”

“I know that, and we have order some food and drinks, then you can get that taste from your mouth.”

As soon as she said that Mrs. Cake came with their order on a plate balance on her back. “Here you go, three muffins and milkshakes.”

Autumns were shocked. “How did you make all this so fast?” She asked Mrs. Cake.

She just smiled. “Well, the muffins were ready this morning and the milkshakes is easy to make.” She said while putting their order on the table. “Enjoy.” She went back to the counter.

“Now that I call services.” Autumns was about to take a bite from her muffins when she saw her sister going for her milkshakes. “Take it easy Springs, don’t drink it all at once.” But too late, she drank it all, when she was finished she had a happy smile on her face. “Better?” Autumns asked her.

“Much better.” Springs said with a hug relief in her voice, then she saw that the she had no more milkshakes. “But now I don’t have anything to drink.” She said with sadness in her voice.

Autumns just rolled her eyes of what she said. “Don’t worry, I’ll go and buy you one.” She got up and walk to the counter to by another milkshake for her sister, leaving Springs alone with Spike.

“So, Spike. How is it to be a dragon?” She asked him, he just gave him question look and she saw that. “I have never talk to a dragon before.”

“It’s okay I guess, I can create flames, thanks to my scales I don’t get hurt so much.” He answered her.

Then came an awkward silence until Autumns came back with a new milkshake to her sister. “Her you go Springs, just don’t drink it all in once this time.” She levitated the glass to her sister.

“Thanks sis.” Springs said while taking the milkshake from her sister, this time she took a smaller sip from the glass. “That felt good.” She then took a bite from her muffins, her eyes light up when the muffins entered her mouth. “You have to taste this muffins Autumns, it’s absolutely delightful.” She kept eating with a smile on her face.

Autumns looked at her muffin. ‘Is the muffin really that good?’ She took it with her hoof and took a bite of it and her sister was right, it was absolutely delightful. “You are right Springs, this is good. I wonder if I could get the recipe.” She took another bite.

“I hope not, you are lousy chef.” Said her sister.

Autumns looked at her sister with an angry look. “Am not.”

Springs snorted. “Oh please, you managed to burn the food every time you cock.”

That made Spike laugh, Autumns couldn’t help but question his reaction. “Why are you laughing?” She asked the dragon.

“Sorry, I’m not laughing at you I’m laughing because you remind me of Twilight. She also burns the food when she cocks.”

Then Springs stared to laugh while Autumns just stared at them. “Are you two done laughing?” Both managed to calm themselves down and they went back to eating and drinking their food, Autumns just rolled her eyes of her sister and Spike’s behavior.

After they were finished eating they were standing outside Sugarcube corner wondering what to do next, Autumns decide to ask Spike. “So, what do ponies do for fun in this town in the winter?”

“I’m not sure, there’s not much to do here when it’s winter. I usually read comics.”

Those last words got Springs attention. “Did you say comics.” This mad her sister to groan. “I love comics, I haven’t read one in years. My sisters won’t let collect them.” She said with a little sadness in her voice.

“That’s because you always managed to lose them, I still don’t understand how. You buy them one day end the next day they are gone, do you teleport them in your sleep or something?”

“I don’t know okay, maybe I do teleport them away in my sleep maybe I don’t. I just want to read Spike’s comics, I don’t intended take them with me.” She looked at Spike with puppy dog’s eyes.

Spike tried to look away from the eyes, but it was very difficult, eventually he gave up. “Alright already, just stop looking at me with those eyes. You are worse than Applebloom and her friends.” Springs had a winning smile on her face. “We better go to the CMC club house, I think that they borrowed some of my comics a few days ago.” He told them, he stared to walked to the club hose and the twins followed him.

“Why can’t be go to the library?” Springs asked the dragon.

“I don’t think that is wise Springs, considering that princess Celestia is probably at the library now.” Her sister told her.

Springs let out a big oh. “Yeah, I don’t want to talk to her. By the way Spike who’s is the CMC?”

“Cutie Mark Crusaders.” That just confused the twins. “They are three young ponies who is in a quest to find their cutie mark, they will do everything to find their cutie marks.” He couldn’t help but laugh a little when he thought about what they have done.

“What have they done?” Autumns asked the dragon.

“You have to be more precise, they have done so much.”

Autumns thought for a moment. “Alright, what’s the worst thing they have done in the quest for their cutie marks?”

That was an easy one. “They tried to be reporters once, they were so desperate that they published humiliating things about other ponies.”

Springs frowned when she heard that. “That is not very nice.”

“Yeah, it didn’t help that the editor wasn’t very nice.” Then there were silence and the mod a little awkward, so Spike decide to ask something. “What about you two? How did you get your cutie marks?”

The twins looked at their cutie marks, Springs mark was a tree branch with some knots on them and Autumns was a tree branch with leaves that was ready to fall to the ground.

“There’s nothing special with our stories, we just ventured into our time of the year and got our cutie mark in Spring and Autumn. The same happened to our big sister’s to.” Autumns told him.

Spike scratch his head. “That’s it?”

“What did you expect? A story with explosion?” Autumns asked him.

“Well, yes?” Spike answered with a smile.

She just rolled her eyes. “Let’s just get there already.” With that they walked towards the clubhouse.