• Published 15th Jan 2018
  • 927 Views, 39 Comments

4 Seasons - Norwegian boy

Four sisters were the best of friends ever since they were born until one fateful day, the day Luna became Nightmare Moon and was send to her prison in the moon.

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Chapter 3

Evening had come in Equestria and inside the house to Applejack lay Twilight on the couch, passed out. After Wintres had shown her true from Twilight had passed out so Applejack brought her in so she could rest on the cough, when the rest of AJ family saw Wintres they were shocked but they didn’t past out.

Spike was sitting in chair near the couch watching over Twilight, Wintres was standing beside him.

“That Twilight fainted didn’t surprised me at all.” Said Wintres.

“And why’s that?” Asked Applejack who came into the living room.

“Because she has been living on Celestia’s lies all this time.”

That Spike reacted on what she said. “Celestia isn’t a liar.” He said in angry voice.

“If that’s true then why haven’t she told Twilight about me?” Spike tried to come up with answer but he had nothing. “Thought so.”

Then Twilight stared to move. “New Alicorn… not possible… Celestia would have told me…” Twilight mumble in her sleep.

When Wintres heard those words she just rolled her eyes, she then walked towards the front dor.

“Where are you going?” Applejack asked her.

“I’m going to find a pony that maybe can convince Celestia’s student.” She disappeared out the main door.

“Stay here and watch over Twilight, I’m going after her.” Applejack told Spike before walking after Wintres.

When Applejack arrived outside she saw Wintres standing outside, then she saw her horn stared to glow and then a beam shout up in the sky but nothing happened. Applejack walked over to the alicorn.

“What kind of spell was that? It didn’t do anything.” Said Applejack.

“It’s special spell that only I and Luna can see.”

Meanwhile in Canterlot Luna was standing on her balcony looking over Canterlot, she let out a big yawn. “I’m so bored, nothing ever happens around her.” She looked over to Ponyville. “I wonder what Twilight Sparkle and her friends are doing.” Then she saw something she hadn’t seen over a thousand years, a giant snowflake in the sky. “Wintres?” She took off and flew towards the snowflake as fast as her wings could carry her.

Back on the farm, Applejack and Wintres was waiting to see if Luna really showed up, it was not easy for Applejack to stand in cold at night. She was freezing but the cold didn’t bother Wintres.

“Aren’t you cold?” Applejack asked Wintres chattering teeth.

“I’m the alicorn of winter, remember. I don’t get cold.”

“Lucky you.” Wintres sighed and then her horn glow and then it was warmer around Applejack. “What did you do? It suddenly became warmer.”

“I created a heat bubble around you so you wouldn’t freeze.”


Wintres nodded. “Yes, looked down.”

Applejack did that and she could see some of the snow was starting to melt. “Wow, thanks.”

“Your welcome but don’t get used to it, I’m not playing favourites with you ponies.”

Applejack was about to answer but then she and Wintres heard beatings wings, then Wintres remember something. “Oh crap.” But before she could react she was tackle into the snow by Luna, then she got a hug. They both landed in the snow.

“Wintres, I have missed you so much.” Then she stared to cry into Wintres coat. “I’m so sorry for what I did a thousand years ago, I hope you can forgive me.”

“You have nothing to be sorry for Luna, I’m the one who should be sorry.”

Luna blinked a couple of time. “For what?”

Wintres looked away. “For ignore you when you need somepony, I was your best friend and I just ignored you.” Then Wintres started to cry. “I’m SO sorry Luna.”

Luna hugged Wintres again and she hugged back. “I forgive you Wintres, I was never mad at you, you are my best friend and that will never change.”

On the side line stood Applejack with a smile on her face, she was happy to see two friends which are making up after so long time. They broke of the hug, both of them got up.

“So Wintres, what can I help you with?”

“You can help me with Celestia student.”

Luna laugh a little when she heard that. “Let me guess, she pasted out when she saw you. Am I right?” Wintres nodded. “I guess I have to talk to Twilight Sparkle, where is she?”

“She is in my living room princess Luna.” Applejack told her.

Luna looked at Applejack. “Applejack, the element of honesty. Good to see you again.” She looked between her and Wintres. “How do you know Wintres?”

“I saved her after she went into a snow storm yesterday.” Said Wintres.

Luna nodded. “I see, now. Shall we go in?”

They were about to go in. “Hang on a minute.” Wintres horn stared to glow and then Applejack was cold again. She ran into the house.

Luna was confused. “What did you do?” She asked Wintres.

“I just removed the heat bubble around Applejack.” Luna just gave her a ‘ohh.’ “Come on, let’s get this over with.” They both walked towards the house.

Well inside they saw that Twilight was sitting on the couch drink something from a cup, Applejack and Spike was sitting beside her, Wintres looked at Luna and she nodded. Luna walked towards them. When Twilight heard footsteps, she turned her head to see who it was, her eyes widen when she it was Luna.

“Princess Luna, what are you doing here?” She asked with panic her voice.

“I called her here.” Wintres told her.

When Twilight saw Wintres she stared to panic. “No, you can’t be real. Celestia never said anything about there be more alicorns. You can’t be real.”

Wintres couldn’t help but groan. “Am I not real?” She walked towards Twilight who jumped of the couch. “Maybe I should turn you into an ice sculpture.” She was right in Twilight face. “Then your friends have to call you Twilight Sparkle, Celestia’s ice student.” Now twilight was terrified, she could actually feel the cold in every word Wintres spoke.

“Wintres, that’s enough.” Wintres back away from Twilight who was shaking. “You call me here so I could convince Twilight that you are real, the last thing I need is you scaring her.” Wintres just snorted and walked back to Luna. “Good.”

Twilight was trying to get her breathing under control, she was shaking but not of fear but of the cold. As soon Wintres came near her she could feel the cold and it was terrifying, she was brought back when Luna spoke.

“Twilight Sparkle, I have heard that you don’t believe that Wintres isn’t real. Is that true?” Twilight nodded. “And why is that?”

“Because Princess Celestia never mention her.” Twilight told Luna.

“That’s because she hats me and we haven’t talk since Luna was banished to the moon.” Now all eyes were on Wintres.

“Since I was banished? What do you mean Wintres?” Luna asked her friend.

Wintres looked at Luna. “You mean that you sister never told you?”

“Told me what?” Luna asked with confuse in her voice.

Wintres just sighed. “Why am I not surprised, she still lies after all this time. This is what really happened a thousand years ago.”

One thousand years ago.

Celestia and Summers stood where Luna was a minute ago, they looked at the smoking spot where they had used the element of harmony on. On the side line stood Wintres with her little sisters, they were in shock over what Celestia and their big sister had done.

“What have you two done?” Wintres asked her sister and Celestia.

“We did what was necessary.” Said Celestia.

“Necessary?” Wintres walked over them and stood in front of them. “Necessary? You two just send Luna to the Moon just because she became this Nightmare Moon, what the hell is wrong with you two?” She looked over to Celestia. “And you, you just send your little sister to the moon. Don’t you have a heart?”

“Of course I do but it wasn’t no other option.”

Wintres snorted at what Celestia said. “There’s always another option, all she wanted was a sister that listen to her but all you did was ignoring her for months. It’s your fault that she became like this in the first place.”

Celestia raised a brown. “Excuse me? My fault?”

“Yes, it’s your fault. If you just have listen to her instead of ignoring her this wouldn’t happen but look what you did.” Wintres then looked at sister. “And you.” They looked into each other’s eyes. “I can’t believe that you did this, that you took Celestia’s side in this.”

“I thought that the elements would help her, Celestia told me that they would.”

Wintres could not believe what she was hearing. “And you believe her? What am I saying, of course you believe her, you two are best friends.” She walked closer to her sister. “Luna was my best friend and I will never forgive you for what you did.” Wintres whispered into her sister ear.

Wintres walked over to her two younger sisters. “What about you two? Are you going to stay with her?” Wintres nodded towards her big sister, she walked part them and open a portal and went into it.

Springs and Autumns looked at Looked at each other, they nodded and walked towards the portal.

“Autumns, Springs don’t leave me.” Summers said to them.

Springs walked into the portal while Autumns looked at her big sister. “Sorry Summers but we are with Wintres on this, you shouldn’t have done this.” She walked after her two sisters and the portal disappeared.

“I haven’t spoken to my sister or Celestia since that day.” They could see a tear on her cheek that became ice.

“What about Autumns and Springs?” Luna ask her friend.

“We stayed in contact for a while but we drifted apart, I haven’t spoken to them for a while.” Wintres sighed.

“I don’t believe you.” They all looked at Twilight. “This is all lie, it was Celestia that banished Luna to the moon a thousand years ago.”

Wintres just groan. “I knew that you would say something like that, you know what. Believe what you want I done explaining it to you.” She headed to the door. “Maybe you will listen to Luna.” She walked out the front door.

In that kitchen, Mac had heard it all and he felt bad for Wintres, having to watch her big sister banished her best friends to the moon. It couldn’t have been easy.

Wintres stood by the gate of the farm looking up at night sky, she should be happy that Luna was back but she wasn’t. She was angry, angry at Celestia who keep tailing leis about what really happen all those years ago.

“Nice night.” Wintres almost jump out of her own skin of who spoke, she looked behind her and saw Mac approach her.

“Yes, Luna had magic touch when it comes to the night.” He stood next to her. “Celestia manged never to capture the magic, it was like she never put her soul into it.” They just stood there looking up at sky. “Was there something you wanted Mac?”

“I overheard what you told my sister and the others, sorry you have to go through that.”

“You overheard what I said?” She looked at him with narrowed eyes.

“Not on purpose, I was thirsty so I went down for a class of water, when I going to back to bed you stared to tell your story. I didn’t mean to listen.” He turned around. “I’m sorry, I should go back to the house.”

Mac didn’t come fare. “Wait, don’t go. It’s nice to have somepony to talk to that isn’t Luna. I haven’t talk to other ponies for a thousand years.”

Mac was shocked when he heard that. “For that long?” Wintres nodded. “I would like to talk some more but it’s getting late and I have to get up early tomorrow.” Wintres was disappointed when she heard that and Mac saw it. “You can walk with me back to the house if you want to.”

That put smile in Wintres face, they walked back together. Mac decide to ask Wintres something.

“How was it? To watch your big sister banished your best friend away?” Wintres didn’t say anything, she just looked forward. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have asked.”

“No, it’s not that. I wasn’t expecting that question.” She took a deep breath. “It made me sick, that my big sister would listen to Celesta and not me.”

“Why did your sister listen to princess Celestia and not you?” He asked.

“Because Celestia is a master of manipulate others, she did it to my sister a thousand years ago and she probably have Twilight Sparkle believing whatever she thinks.”

Mac was about to answer but they arrived back at the house and Luna was waiting outside, she saw them together and gave them gave them a goofy smile. Wintres saw that and gave her a stare that said, ‘don’t you dare.’

“How did it go with Twilight Sparkle?” Wintres asked Luna.

“Hard to say, she wants to believe that what happened a thousand years ago is a lie and she also want to believe what I said. She has already send a letter to my sister, she would probably come to tomorrow.”

Wintres just rolled her eyes. “Well, as much fun it’s to try and persuade Celestia’s pet. I’m tired and I want to go to bed.” She looked at Mac ”Take care of Applejack, don’t do the same mistake I did all those years ago.” Then she looked at Luna. “It was good to see you again Luna, I hope next time will be different.” She back away from both of them and then her horn stared to glow, then snow stared to gather around her and then she disappeared.

Mac and Luna just stared at the spot where she had stood, then Mac ask Luna. “Princess, is that normal?”

“What’s is?”

“The snow that gather around her, I have seen Twilight teleport before and that has never happened to her.”

“That happened only to Wintres when she teleports she is surrounded by snow.”

“Ohh.” Mac too one look at spot one more time and walked towards the door.

“She is pretty is she not.”

That got Mac to blush. “Well, yes. But I don’t think I have chance with here.”

“And why do you say that Big Mac?”

He hung his head. “She is alicorn and I’m just and ordinary earth pony.” With that he walked inside his house leaving Luna alone.

Luna looked at the door to his house and then where Wintres stood, she then spread her wings and flew towards Canterlot.