• Published 30th Nov 2018
  • 8,184 Views, 901 Comments

Continuity Disrupted - Doug Graves

Twilight Sparkle arrives in Ponyville, as per the specific instruction of Princess Celestia, and becomes the Element of Magic. All according to plan. But one out of place character threatens to derail everything she has worked for.

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135 Heterochromia

December 30th, 1000 Domina Solaria

The final scratches of a quill echo through the throne room as the penultimate petitioner bows to Princess Celestia, challenged only by the agitated clop of a hoof repeatedly striking the ground. Twilight rests her raspberry aura, doubtful that her temporary position as Day Court Stenographer would be needed for the final supplicant. And, given the brief narrowing of magenta eyes, Princess Celestia shared that particular sentiment.

“Good evening, Prince Blueblood,” Princess Celestia royally states, the barest nod of her head quite indicative of her displeasure at her nephew. The fact that Celestia managed to find other petitioners on such short notice and slot them before him is mere icing on the delectable cake she plans on devouring as soon as she escapes. “I trust you have a good reason for calling a special session of the Day Court?”

“Yes, your Highness,” Prince Blueblood brusquely replies, briefly dipping to a low bow. A golden glow surrounds his horn, the schedule of the festivities for the next day levitating towards the Princess. “I am sorry for the necessity of calling this proceeding, but after repeated attempts I was unfortunately unable to schedule a meeting at a more suitable time.”

Princess Celestia mutters, for Twilight’s ears only, “You say that like it was unintended,” drawing a quickly suppressed smirk from the unicorn.

“As you can see,” Prince Blueblood motions to the schedule, “you have the Lunaris Priestess giving a few select ambassadors and hoofpicked VIPs - ponies you chose, I might add - an aerial tour of Canterlot, as well as a unique vantage point to witness the inaugural lowering of the sun and raising of the moon, commemorating the symbolic rejoining of your Sister as co-ruler of Equestria, etcetera etcetera.”

Princess Celestia nods formally. “Yes. I do believe it was one of my requirements when I approved your program to design and manufacture airships in the first place. That it would be available during Royal functions, in whatever role deemed necessary.”

“Certainly,” Prince Blueblood concedes, a certain growl to his voice, “and I am not contesting that fact.” He motions again to the schedule. “You also have, during the ceremonies, the royalty of Equestria on stage.” At Princess Celestia’s neutral gaze he continues, “All of the royalty. Including, I might add, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza.”

“Who?” whispers Twilight.

“Cadance,” replies Celestia in a hushed tone.


Prince Blueblood clears his throat. “I’m sure you can see the problem.”

“Nonsense,” Princess Celestia returns. “I’m sure Princess Cadance can set aside her feelings for one night at an official function. If just for appearances.”

Prince Blueblood slowly nods, his teeth practically clamping down on his tongue. “Yes,” he finally replies, “and my future generations will be sure to thank her for her understanding. But, surely you see the other problem?” He forces a smile to his muzzle. “The reason the Lunaris Priestess is involved at all?” He waves a hoof in circles at Princess Celestia’s continued neutral gaze. “I’m the pilot? And would be far too busy piloting the Priestess to engage with any of the nobles?”

“Oh!” Princess Celestia exclaims, as if she didn’t realize the problem the entire time. “That certainly is a conundrum.”

Everypony in the room turns as a loud thump comes from behind the throne. Twilight and Celestia’s eyes briefly lock, concern turning to elation as a backpack skids across the marble floor. Twilight scampers off like a foal about to get her Hearth’s Warming presents while Celestia turns back to Prince Blueblood.

“Please excuse the delay,” Princess Celestia calmly states, a short bow of her head to the Prince. She turns to join Twilight, though at a regal walk that itches to turn to a joyous prance.

“Of course,” Prince Blueblood replies to nopony in particular, the six guards stationed around the room trading wary looks.

Twilight leaps into the air as Doug exits the portal. His hands, which were coming down to catch him as he falls over, instead manage to keep the purple missile from smashing into his face, merely knocking him into an upright position. A golden aura helps stabilize the two, Twilight set on making her intentions known as Doug wraps her in a hug.

Doug manages to speak through the slobbery kisses, “Yes, yes, I’m glad to see you too. It’s like I was only gone three days, not two and a half years.” He finally gives in, returning a long kiss to Twilight before glancing over and spotting Celestia.

“I am pleased you made it back,” Celestia states, watching the portal, hoping for a second being to come through. “Did…?”

“I can go over everything that happened, but that’s a story for another time,” Doug says, awkwardly maneuvering Twilight to pull a crumpled up jacket and pants from the backpack. “Suffice it to say, she has not made up her mind.” When he tries to push Twilight away she grits her teeth, horn flaring and teleporting the clothes on him.

“There,” she smugly states, though she already misses the feel of her hooves on his bare skin. “Now you don’t have any reason to set me down.”

“Thanks,” Doug whispers. He looks around the throne room, spotting a confused white unicorn among half a dozen guards at the ready, spears drawn. “Sup, Lunaris!”

“...Sup,” Lunaris Blueblood neutrally replies.

“Prince Blueblood was just telling us about a problem he is having,” Princess Celestia states, her grin turning sly. “Doug, you have flown, correct?”

Doug nods, “Private pilot, not that that means much around here. I flew a hot air balloon to Cloudsdale. Why?”

“Perfect.” Princess Celestia turns to Prince Blueblood. “Nephew, I have found you a pilot. That means that you can spend the evening mingling with the other nobles!”

“...Joy,” Prince Blueblood states, his tone anything but. It takes a few seconds, but he manages to say, “Auntie. Thank you for… assisting with this issue.” He turns, a fast trot out the grand double doors.

Celestia nods to the guards as they return to their previous positions, “Thank you, all. If there is nopony else, I do believe Day Court is finished. Good night.”

The guards spin, snapping a salute as one before they file out, closing the doors behind them.

Doug yawns as Celestia turns back, unable to cover his mouth due to Twilight’s interference. “Sorry, Celestia, but that portal really took a lot out of me. I can write up a summary, and whatever I remember about the place, but I need to sleep.” He ruffles Twilight’s mane, planting another kiss at the base of her horn. “Especially,” he says, looking outside at the twilight sky, “since I’m sure you have some sort of party set up for midnight, and the new year.”

Celestia smirks mischievously. “Oh, just a little gathering of friends, I assure you. I’m sure Twilight will be able to lead you back to your room.”

“I’m sure I’ll be able to do a lot more than that.” Twilight grins as she hops down, tugging on Doug’s sleeve, leaving Celestia frowning. The alicorn shudders, a silent stamp of her hoof against the marble that leaves a small area blackened, before shaking her mane back and forth. Her outburst complete, a pleasant smile spreads across her face, ready again to lower her sun.


Doug shifts at the slight jostle, glancing back at the purple hoof poking him in the back. When no further movement comes he groans, tossing the sweaty sheets off of himself and onto the sleeping mare next to him. Twilight always likes cuddling up with the sheets, though not as much as Rarity. That unicorn always wants an extra comforter or two. No, he prefers a single sheet, if that. Even on frigid nights like this just the body heat of one or two mares proves sufficient. He stretches, feeling much better; like he got a full night’s rest instead of the four hours that passed, judging by the moon.

Twilight doesn’t stir as Doug sits up and stretches. Still several hours before whatever midnight party would start, and his mind is racing with what happened the previous three days, the subtle differences between the mirror world and this one, and ways to plan and account for what might happen should further trips be necessary. Not that he wants to go again.

His search for blank parchment and quill turns up oddly short, though he could have sworn that Twilight packed something. He glances over at the mound of covers slowly rising and falling. Better let her sleep; she had been almost sick with worry, her normal prescription of bingeing on library books failing her about halfway through the second day. At least Celestia had been accommodating, and Luna helped her sleep.

Doug slowly pushes the door open, glancing over at the clip clop of hooves as Princess Luna walks down the hallway, her ethereal mane and tail flowing despite the lack of a breeze. She glances back as the door closes behind him, a pleasant smile crossing her face. “Good’st evening, Doug. Dost thou seek to gain an early start on yon night’s festivities?”

“Evening, Princess Luna. Mostly I was going to look for some paper and a pencil.” Doug shrugs, walking next to the alicorn. “What brings you to this part of the castle?”

“Merely returning to our chambers from’st a visit to the kitchens.” Princess Luna leans in to whisper, “We may have added a surprise to our dear Sister’s cakes.”

“My lips are sealed,” Doug says with a wink.

“Though, we must confess,” Princess Luna says, hurriedly glancing inside one of the nearby rooms, finding it empty except for boxes of supplies along the walls. She slips inside, beckoning Doug to follow.

Doug closes the door behind him, a bit of worry in his voice. “Princess? Is something going on?”

“Thou could say that,” she replies, concentrating hard. A dark blue aura surrounds her horn, a faint green bubble surrounding them. “There. No one outside will hear us. I wanted to talk to you, Doug, about your… dreams.”

“My dreams?” Doug asks hesitantly. His face hardens as he strokes his chin; what had he dreamed about since Luna’s return? “Were there any in particular, or did you want to talk more about the first one? I seem to remember that one giving you trouble.”

Princess Luna stares at Doug for perhaps a second too long, an odd look crossing his face. She shakes her head, “We are referring to some of your dreams regarding, how shall I say, outside threats to Equestria.”

“Oh,” Doug says, his arms falling to his stomach. “I… those dreams haven’t been as bad. In fact, Starlight Glimmer helped out with the whole situation, so I really haven’t worried about that at all.”

“She… she did?” Princess Luna says, raising an eyebrow. “But…”

Doug nods, entirely too cheerful. “Yep! Well, I don’t know if the situation is completely solved, but well in hand. Hoof.”

“...Really. Is that what she believes?”

“Well, you can only do so much about chaos magic, so…” Doug twirls his hand, ultimately giving a shrug. His eyes carefully scan Princess Luna, then flick to the door.

“Chaos magic.” Princess Luna flatly states, following his eyes. “And were there any other… I don’t know, imminent threats facing Equestria?”

Doug stands up straight, folding his arms across his chest. “The only threat I see is standing here in front of me. Princess.

A sneer crosses Princess Luna’s muzzle as her eyes flash green. “Oh? What gave it away?”

“Well, you started strong, but I think casting that spell took too much out of you. Copying the mane and tail and aura at the same time can’t be easy.” As Doug speaks Princess Luna’s mane and tail fall against her, no longer swaying about. “You started slipping up, losing the archaic speech patterns Luna uses, then abandoning them entirely, I think because I wasn’t saying what you expected me to say.”

After a few seconds, Princess Luna nods, muttering to herself. A flash of light later and the changeling form of Queen Chrysalis stands eye to eye. “You are being awfully cooperative, Doug. And I sense no deception in you. Merely awe, or fear, but not for yourself.” She peers closer, staring him in the eyes. “Why is that?”

“Because I know the question that is coming,” Doug readily replies, “and I want you to trust my answer. And the ones after that.”

“You expect me to believe that you have told nocreature of our agreement with Celestia?” She smirks at Doug’s nod. “And you still plan on arbitrating fairly, giving no unfair advantage to one side or the other?” Doug nods again, drawing a snort. “And why should I believe you?”

“Because I, like Celestia, want what’s best for you, Queen Chrysalis. And the rest of the changelings. We honestly do want to become friends, not enemies.” Doug continues despite Queen Chrysalis’ disbelieving ‘pah’. “I hope, through my actions, and my lack of other actions, that we can prove this to you.” He pauses for a moment before conceding, “That, and I’m worried about what you would do to my family and friends were I cheating, and you found out.”

“And our love shortage? How did you find out about that?” Queen Chrysalis rises, eyes boring into Doug.

Doug raises an eyebrow. “I didn’t? I used it as an expression with Twilight. You know, ‘filling the love tank’ as a way of maintaining one’s relationship, and love for each other?” He sighs at Queen Chrysalis’ steady stare. “I’m guessing it means something different for you.”

“...Yes.” Queen Chrysalis glances into the corner, a white alicorn materializing out of nothing.

“Are you satisfied?” Princess Celestia demands, drawing a hearty snort from Queen Chrysalis. “He has kept his side of the bargain. As have I. You have my word on this.”

Queen Chrysalis clenches her teeth, an angry glare between the two. She turns to the door, leaving without another word.

“...Joy,” Doug mutters. He glances up at Celestia. “So, how do I know it’s really you?”

“I want to have your foal,” Celestia casually replies.

After a second Doug nods. “Yeah, she probably wouldn’t have guessed that. By the way, do you have pencil and paper? I wanted to get started on that report for you.”

Celestia frowns as Doug heads to the door, materializing paper and pencil for him regardless.

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