• Published 30th Nov 2018
  • 8,165 Views, 901 Comments

Continuity Disrupted - Doug Graves

Twilight Sparkle arrives in Ponyville, as per the specific instruction of Princess Celestia, and becomes the Element of Magic. All according to plan. But one out of place character threatens to derail everything she has worked for.

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59 The Coming Storm, Part Seven

The Golden Oaks Library is mostly quiet, how Twilight Sparkle normally likes it. But, right now, it is certainly not quiet for the reason she wants. “Y-you want to know about how my magic show with Doug went?” Twilight Sparkle stammers, nervously glancing around the library as Applejack's and Rarity’s eyes bore into her. Her gaze finally rests on one of the books she had used for the demonstration, an introductory text to the discipline of stagecraft she had been flipping through in between tricks.

Applejack slowly nods, as though she is dealing with a particularly stubborn foal, “Yes, Twi, that is what Ah asked.” She flicks her head towards Rarity, “Ever since you told us about it there’s been a bit too much speculatin’ in the herd for my likin’.”

“Hey,” Rarity says indignantly, “it’s only been the once.” She stares back at Applejack, though she quickly quails under the earth pony’s steady gaze. “Per day.”

Applejack nods at this, before turning her penetrating gaze back to Twilight Sparkle.

Twilight Sparkle coughs, clearing her throat. She looks around, levitating a glass of water from the kitchen, and drinking it down, before finally meeting Applejack and Rarity’s gaze. “Well, the magic part was, um, pretty normal. I showed Doug the different spells that I can cast. Like levitation, and teleportation, and some minor conjuration. It started off with pretty basic Friendship magic, really.”

“Teleportation is hardly basic,” Rarity comments, shaking her head at the casual display of prowess. “It requires a high amount of focus and control. Not the sort of ability one can just pick up after a moment’s notice, or a day’s practice.”

A smile breaks out from the complement, “Well, sure. Not many unicorns can perform it, certainly. But, I thought there would be more excitement when I showed him my moves. Instead, he just, kind of, watched.” Twilight Sparkle shrugs, unsure of where to go from there.

Rarity raises an eyebrow, “So it was merely a demonstration? You didn’t go any, hmm, further?”

“For the most part.” Twilight Sparkle sighs, shaking her head a little. “Doug said that he was expecting, I don’t know, a little more mystique in my performance. Like he thought that I was just showing off for him. Not that he said so much, he said it was less like a magic show and more a magic talent act.”

“You don’t think he liked it? Or enjoyed himself?” Rarity says, puzzlement on her face. “He seemed happy afterwards.”

Twilight Sparkle lets out a frustrated grunt, “Yes! I mean, after he said that I tried a couple times to make it a little more, um, exotic” -Applejack’s and Rarity’s eyes raise as Twilight speaks faster- “but Doug didn’t respond at all how I thought a stallion would respond. Only a little dilating of the eyes, no heavy panting. I even tried turning around and presenting during the middle of a trick, if just to see what would happen, and nothing! It’s like he isn’t interested in me at all!” She sinks down, somewhere between mad at Doug for ignoring her assets and herself for not possessing more ‘desirable’ ones. Her head rests between her hooves, just staring at the floor. Which is just as flat as she is.

Applejack rests a hoof on Twilight Sparkle’s withers, a smooth, circular rubbing that slowly draws the unicorn out of her shell. “You might not have noticed, but Doug ain’t like most stallions. He don’t respond in the same ways. And, sometimes he expects us to respond in weird ways, too.” Applejack shakes her head, “Like how he rubs us. He sees our bellies as way more intimate than they have any right to be, but you let him get his hands there?” Applejack shakes her head, a breathy ‘whew!’ escaping her lips.

“So, you don’t think that it’s, like, he doesn’t like me?” Twilight Sparkle asks with a shy smile, her head slowly raising off the floor. Her gaze gets a far off look, reminiscing about the time they spent that day and then later ones, “He certainly was impressed by a lot of the things I can do. And he kept trying to take them in different ways, like when I told him about shield spells! For instance, he asks, ‘what about using a shield to lift yourself’?" Twilight huffs, "I should have told him about the times Shiny would ‘surf’ around the gardens on his shields! Now, he has some amazing control.”

Twilight Sparkle shakes her head, sighing in regret, “Instead, I explained how hard it is to control. How you have to carefully balance the force on each point, or risk spinning out of control. Literally, like a little toy helicopter, because of how the various…” -Twilight Sparkle’s cadence slows a little as she tries to put concept in simpler words- “forces… rotate the object instead of pushing it? So you want to push on the center of gravity as best you can, but with a pony and pushing on their hooves that’s kind of hard to do?” Twilight Sparkle’s brow furrows at the lack of comprehension on Applejack and Rarity’s face, forcing herself to not take it personally, that not everypony needed to have an exhaustive understanding of physical mechanics, to say nothing of the thaumic mechanics behind using a spell for a similar purpose.

“I’m glad that you two enjoyed yourselves,” Rarity says diplomatically, a small, if uncomprehending, smile. “Twilight, I do believe it is your turn again.”

“Oh. Hmm.” Twilight’s gaze falls over Applejack, taking in the earth pony’s casual smirk. She definitely wants to know more about whatever it was the two of them were doing. Maybe it’s the sugar talking, or the last conversation, but she’s feeling a lot more antsy than she normally does. Like she’s got a lot of energy she wants to burn off, and just sitting around talking won’t cut it.

Twilight Sparkle turns to Rarity, “Okay, Rarity. Truth or dare?”

Rarity pauses for a second, miming deep contemplation. “Hmm. Truth.”

“Aww,” Twilight Sparkle pouts, her hooves restlessly tapping against the floor like a wind up toy, ready to explode into motion. Her voice rings out, only slightly petunant, “But I wanted dare.”

“Oh, fine, darling, it is your sleepover after all.” Rarity rolls her eyes, knowing exactly where this is going. “Dare.”

‘Yay!” Twilight Sparkle exclaims, grinning as her gaze flashes between Applejack and Rarity. “I dare you to do, um, whatever it is between you and Applejack that you were talking about before.”

“Are you sure?” Rarity asks, a hesitant look to Applejack. The earth nods back. Rarity turns back to Twilight, taking in the mare’s eager smile, the way her body is pulsing with energy. “As long as you can contain yourself, I think we can.”

“Yay! Yay! Yay!” Twilight Sparkle prances around, excitedly hopping up and down. She spins, ending up facing the two with absolutely no regard for their personal space. “So, what happens first? And, what is it exactly?

“Ya might need to get ahold of yourself, Twi,” Applejack says with a smirk, though she doesn’t pull back at all, remaining inches away from Twilight Sparkle. She barely shifts her gaze to Rarity, “So, how you want to do this?”

“Kneeling is fine,” Rarity says, dropping down to her barrel. She closes her eyes, the tip of her horn glowing a faint blue. “Mm,” she purrs, her eyes closing as her body noticeably relaxes. “I’m ready.”

Twilight Sparkle’s eyes glow white, though a frown quickly spreads across her face as she scans the two. “Is something supposed to be happening? I don’t see anything happening.”

“Relax, darling. It has nothing to do with how much I am putting out, but rather how.” Rarity sighs, smiling as she hears Applejack approach. The two herdmates face each other, Rarity bowing her head down subserviently, except that Applejack is approaching with just as much humility. Rarity holds perfectly still as Applejack’s tongue slides out, resting the tip right on the point of her horn. Applejack carefully guides Rarity’s horn, cautious of either scraping her teeth against the hard edge or accidentally stabbing herself, just an inch disappearing.

Twilight Sparkle watches, enraptured as the glow around Rarity’s horn increases steadily. It lights up the inside of Applejack’s mouth, shining through the thin cheeks, even spilling out of her nose. Applejack lets loose a low moan, her forelegs beginning to creep forwards towards Rarity’s open mouth.

“You’re channeling nearly pure Honesty!” Twilight exclaims, her gaze fixated on Rarity’s horn. She draws even closer, her eyes shining brighter as she examines the thaumic flow as closely as possible. “How did you even come across this in the first place?” Twilight Sparkle asks, withdrawing enough to take in the whole picture.

“We were… curious, when we became the Elements,” Applejack says as she briefly pulls away, the light fading. “Nothing more.” She returns, her tongue running along the edge as it guides the horn back into her mouth, though Twilight Sparkle raises an eyebrow as Applejack’s lips caress Rarity’s horn..

“Ah. I see.” Twilight Sparkle says, a bit of a smirk on her mouth as Rarity’s horn lights again. “I wouldn’t have pegged you as the kind of pony to do this, though.”

Rarity exclaims, more than a little frustrated at the constant comments, “She is not sucking on my horn like it is some sort of phallus. Sex has nothing to do with this!”

“Ah huh. I get it.” Twilight Sparkle’s smirk doesn’t fade as she sits back, watching Rarity. “So, do you get anything out of this? Is Applejack able to channel her Generosity in the same manner?”

“Mm, I could use a little break,” Rarity says, the blue glow around her horn fading. She sighs in relief, her face showing a bit of the exhaustion she is feeling. Applejack slides her hooves forward, tilting them up slightly. Rarity’s head dips down, her own hooves holding onto Applejack and bringing them to her mouth.

Applejack’s brow furrows briefly before she relaxes. She imagines herself walking down an orchard, reveling in the green, healthy, growing trees around her. Only for a wayward pegasus to come crashing down, nearly splitting one of her precious trees in half! Applejack bounds over, running a hoof along the injured gash. Rarity moans as Applejack feels her Generosity, the healing magic channeled through her hooves. It grows more difficult, like holding her breath under the pond, slowly becoming too much for the earth pony unused to sustaining a channel for so long.

“Wow,” breathes out Twilight Sparkle, still observing the two. “This is… this is incredible.”

Applejack groans, “So help me, Twilight, if you don’t stop interrupting Ah will come over there and make you.”

“But it’s so exciting!” Twilight Sparkle huffs, but quiets down.

Applejack slowly pushes her head forward, her lips finding Rarity’s horn again. The glow returns, though not as bright as before, their breathing quickly becoming labored as they struggle to give the other everything they can.

Twilight Sparkle leans in slightly, whispering to the two, “So, have you ever had Doug with you, while... you know… while you do this?”

Rarity grunts as her body tenses, the glow fading. “Please, darling, don’t take this the wrong way,” Rarity says, pulling her lips away with such regret that Twilight Sparkle, for perhaps the first time in her life, is sorry for asking a question. “Why would we sully this with something as base as sex?” She nearly returns her mouth to Applejack’s hooves, the barest of kisses before she says, “Perhaps you should stick to observing for now, instead of trying to analyze every detail.”

Applejack returns to resting her lips against the tip of Rarity’s horn, contentment spreading over her face as a blue glow emanates from Rarity’s horn, filling her mouth. Applejack moans, the tip of her tongue flicking out and lightly running along the edge.

“Are you sure this has nothing to do with sex?” Twilight Sparkle asks, watching with far more interest than she would have ever admitted.

“Yes, darling, even I thought that time was a little much,” Rarity says with a grin. She gently pulls away from Applejack, her horn withdrawing with a regretful ‘pop’. “Perhaps we should stop while we still have our dignity intact.”

“Aww,” Twilight Sparkle says, forlornly looking at Rarity’s horn.

“What’s that?” Applejack says, raising an eyebrow. “You want to give it a try too?”

“Um, a little,” Twilight says sheepishly. “I-if that’s okay with you two.”

A sly look crosses Rarity’s face as she peers into Twilight’s eyes. “Okay,” she states, a commanding tone she rarely uses. “But you’re going to do exactly what I tell you. First, no talking, telling me how much you enjoy it.” As Twilight’s mouth opens Rarity says, “You may say if it is painful, or you wish to stop, but I do not need the constant updates on how good it feels.”

“I was going to ask if there was a safe word, but okay,” grins Twilight.

Rarity sighs, pulling away just enough that Twilight frowns. “If you see this just as some pleasurable experience? A way to ‘get your rocks off’, so to speak, then we are stopping. Right. Now."

“Okay,” Twilight says sheepishly, her smirk disappearing.

“Let’s see,” Rarity says, inspecting Applejack. The earth pony is breathing heavily but still alert, eyes tracing over Twilight as if seeing the unicorn in a new light. She is occasionally licking her lips, trying to recall the taste now absent, a slight frown as she fails to find it. “Applejack, do you know any Friendship magic?”

“But Friendship is Magic!” Twilight pipes up. Her grin fades as Rarity turns to the couch, turning to a frown as the unicorn lays down facing away from her. Her hoof motion zipping her mouth shut is lost as the unicorn doesn’t look back; Rarity instead just closes her eyes, pointedly looking away.

Twilight softly says, “I’m sorry,” but to no avail. She sighs, hanging her head, glancing to Applejack as she walks up.

“Ah thought it was funny,” Applejack quietly says, nuzzling Twilight. “Um, if you want to try with me, but Ah know it won’t do nothing for you. Us earth ponies ain’t the best at teleportatin’, unless it’s making a whole bunch ’a portatoes disappear.”

“Okay.” Twilight nods, dropping down like Rarity had. She recalls Rarity’s gem finding spell, one of the more exotic Honesty spells she knows. Her horn flares, a bright gleam in the room as she casts the spell, her eyes now glowing white. Oh, that’s where she left Spike’s emeralds! Or maybe he hid them there, the sneaky little sneak.

“You aren’t casting the spell,” Rarity says firmly, her tone perhaps a little harsher than necessary. She steps off the couch, each clop of hoof on floor forcing Twilight’s head a little lower. “You hold the spell in your mind, about to cast but waiting for the opportune moment.” She steps next to Twilight, “Then, slowly allow the channeled magic to escape, just as you replace it.”

“Huh?” Twilight says, turning to look at the white unicorn as the white fades from her eyes. “How do you let magic out and replace it at the same time?”

Rarity taps a hoof on her chin, “I suppose it isn’t so much replacing as it is continuing to fill past capacity. And what the other person is imbibing is the excess, that you can’t hold. Of course, this is all my theory, I’ve never actually studied this sort of thing.”

“Fascinating.” Twilight begins channeling again, her horn glowing, her eyes remaining unlit. She had never tried ‘overcharging’ a spell like this before, without a destination in mind. As a way to create new spells, or modifying existing spells, certainly. But watching Rarity had given her some insight, and with the explanation she is quickly able to put the pieces together. “Like this?”

Applejack moves forward, taking Twilight’s horn just as slowly as she took Rarity’s. Her eyes, though, remain focused, nothing close to the joy she felt when she was with Rarity. In fact, barely anything at all.

Twilight’s calm exterior fades slightly as she notices Applejack tensing, herself feeling none of the contentment Rarity had earlier. She continues charging, trying to fill the spell past capacity like Rarity had. But it doesn’t seem to matter how much she pours in. She can feel the spell in her mind morphing, the area of effect increasing, the duration lengthening, though with none of the control or direction she would normally use. Maybe she could control it? Perhaps even cast the spell on others? Multiple others!

She feels her body getting tired, shutting down, but it is nothing! Irrelevant! The rush of power, flowing through her, will invigorate her! How far can she push this?

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