• Published 30th Nov 2018
  • 8,184 Views, 901 Comments

Continuity Disrupted - Doug Graves

Twilight Sparkle arrives in Ponyville, as per the specific instruction of Princess Celestia, and becomes the Element of Magic. All according to plan. But one out of place character threatens to derail everything she has worked for.

  • ...

148 Mitts, Part Four

Twilight and Spike hear the shouts, recognizing Rainbow Dash’s characteristic rasp and Applejack’s drawl, long before they can see them. She picks up her trot, expecting a brawl from their hostile tone. The pugnacious shouts of the other ponies either egging them on or half heartedly begging for a diplomatic solution, but not in so many words, doesn’t help matters either. She skids along the snow as she turns past Rarity’s nest table, nearly throwing Spike off of her as she rears back in surprise.

The surprise being the third pony engaged in the heated argument. “Fluttershy?” Twilight mutters to herself, shaking her mane to clear her eyes, half expecting to see somepony else. What could have happened to make the normally meek pegasus so furious? She trots closer, peeking through the crowd of ponies to try to get a better view of her herdmates.

“Well, that wouldn’t be a problem if’n you cleared the whole sky instead of just bits here and there!” Applejack stamps a hoof on the ground, Apple Bloom mimicking the action right behind her.

“What do you think we’ve been doing?” Rainbow Dash shouts, throwing her hooves to the sky as she hovers. “Do you think we’ve been laying on the clouds all morning? Or can you possibly lift your eyes off your hooves for two whole seconds to see what’s going on around you?”

“Have you seen what’s going on around you, Rainbow Dash?” Fluttershy demands, sweeping her foreleg towards the melting snow. “Because if you did, you wouldn’t be happy about it! Not at all!”

“Excuse me!” Twilight exclaims, pushing her way past the other ponies and stepping into the makeshift arena, one hoof rocketing towards Rainbow Dash. “That is no way to talk to a Friend, much less anypony!”

“But, Twilight!” Rainbow Dash huffs as she points a hoof at each of Applejack and Fluttershy. “They keep telling me to do different things! And we don’t have the wingpower to do everything! Not all at once!”

“Oh, dear!” mourns Mayor Mare, a tan hoof coming up to her gray mane. “All this arguing! Ponyville is going to be late bringing in spring again! Just like last year, and the year before that!”

Late?” Twilight’s grin grows maniacal. But in a good way. “Not if I can help it.” She boots Spike off in the direction of the Golden Oak Library. “Spike, get me my checklists and quills, stat!” She looks around the gathered ponies, picking out Meringue and Amethyst Star. “Anypony with an ounce of organization, I need your help!” Not seeing Doug, she turns to Mayor Mare. “I need topographical maps of Ponyville, now!” The mayor’s two assistants rush off towards the town hall.

Twilight spins her hoof towards Applejack and Fluttershy, the two curiously watching the purple unicorn practically flying into action. “I know I got here after the fact, but you’re going to need better arguments than that!” She pulls out her lists of all the actions that the ponies perform, slamming them down on the table brought out by Noteworthy. “Mind explaining to me what’s going on?”

All three of her Friends talk at once.

“I’ve got too much to do and not enough ponies to do it!” “We need the clouds cleared up to melt off all this snow!” “We need the animals woken up without their homes being flooded!”

“STOP!!” Twilight glares, though at least they all go quiet. Diamond Tiara joins Meringue and Amethyst Star at the table. Twilight points a hoof at Rainbow Dash. “Rainbow, until we know what needs to be done first, I want you to stop doing everything piecemeal.” Twilight looks over her list of weather pony responsibilities. “Until I tell you otherwise, I want the lakes scored and houses cleared of snow. Leave the clouds as they are.”

“Who put you in charge?” demands Rainbow Dash, though it looks like Diamond Tiara had the same question on her lips.

Twilight meets Rainbow’s eyes. “What we need here is organization. Up until now you’ve been like three ponies pulling a cart three different ways. We need somepony with coordination! And if we want any chance of finishing on time, we need direction! And I’m just the pony for the job! I’ve got Organization, Coordination, and Direction in spades!” Her hoof spreads over the parchment like they are so many accolades. “Anypony else want the job?”

“Just tell us what to do!” shouts Diamond Tiara eagerly, all saccharine smiles and cheer. “And we’ll get it done!”

“Exactly!” Twilight Sparkle turns to Rainbow Dash. “Do I need to repeat myself?”

Rainbow Dash snaps a hoof to her mane. “No, ma’am!” She spins around, rocketing into the air. Pinkie Pie drops a whistle on the table as she pronks off towards Sugarcube Corner, dozens of pegasi soon swarming over the houses.

“Applejack!” Twilight motions to her list of earth pony objectives. “I know you want that snow melted off as soon as you get it pushed to the lakes and streams so you can clear more. I-”

“No!” shouts Fluttershy, ignoring Twilight’s raised hoof. “That’ll melt it too quick, and anycreature who made their burrow near a stream will be flooded!”

“Fluttershy,” Twilight says patiently, taking a calming breath and briefly staring at the ground before she meets her herdmate’s eyes. “I know you have your own concerns. Please trust me to get to them, and take them into account. Once I hear what Applejack has to say, I will get your side; and Amethyst Star’s, if she has anything else to add.” Twilight’s eyes flick to the purple unicorn. “Agreed?”

“Oh, um,” Fluttershy stammers. “I… I just wanted to make sure the animals were taken care of. I’m sorry.”

“Nothing to be sorry about.” Twilight turns back to Applejack. “Applejack, I want a list of the highest priority objectives you have. Things that need to be done first. Along with that, the order that you want fields to be cleared.” She motions to the topographical maps Mayor Mare is bringing over. “More importantly, I want to know what areas need to be cleared of clouds first. The places that you push snow to be melted, that sort of thing. Work with Diamond Tiara on that.”

Applejack looks over at the young pink mare. Reluctantly at first, but then more confidently, she nods. Diamond Tiara gives an imperious nod back; her eyes find Apple Bloom, then flicks her head towards the papers. Applejack rolls her eyes a little, though her expression falls as she sees Big Mac walk up with a sorrowful Caramel in tow.

Twilight turns to Fluttershy. “You’ve been very patient, Fluttershy. Now, I understand that you’re concerned about the burrows flooding. What areas are those, and how much water can we safely run though each? Are there any other considerations we should take into account?”

“Oh, well, every place is different.” Fluttershy places a hoof on the furthest east stream. “Without flooding, the flow rate here can go up to about-”

“As long as Applejack understands how much snow they can dump there per hour, I don’t need to know.” Twilight smiles to herself. “Well, I want to know, I just have higher priority issues right now than trivia that I may or may not put to use later.” Twilight clears her throat. “Anyway. Work with Amethyst Star and Meringue on calculating those numbers. Let the Green team know as soon as you can. I would also like some sort of list that details the best places for the cleared snow to be taken, and pass that on to Rainbow for them to clear out the skies.”

Fluttershy snaps a salute, beaming. “You got it!”

“And this is more of a future consideration, but perhaps we can convince some of the animals to not make their winter burrows so close to waterways.” Twilight taps a hoof against her chin. “But, I can’t worry about that now.” She looks up to the sky, grimacing at the scattered clouds that don’t let any sunlight through. “That’ll make melting the snow uneven. Actually, it already has.” She scribbles on her papers, grinning as Spike returns with a quill and extra parchment.

Rainbow Dash flies up to Twilight. “Well, we’re out of shovels, and Pinkie Pie's about done distributing skates. Anywhere else you want us, or just hang tight?”

“Hmm.” Twilight considers for a few seconds, Rainbow and the dozens of pegasi behind her getting antsy. “Hang tight. I’m waiting on Applejack and Fluttershy to get back, and they’ll let you know where to start clearing. If you want to send pegasi to help with animals or plowing, that’s up to you. But resting might not be a bad idea.”

Rainbow nods. “Alright, everypony, you heard her. Take a well deserved, but I expect you to be ready to go as soon as we get the say-so! You’re off until my whistle!” She grabs the whistle from the table, two quick bursts before she flies up to a nearby cloud, pushing it down to take a quick nap in earshot.

Several minutes later and Doug and Trixie arrive, both carting plows. “So, we’re clearing Ponyville’s streets again?” He looks at the papers strewn about the table. “What’s going on here?”

“Organizing. Busy.” Twilight flicks a hoof towards the houses that are being cleared of snow first. “You know what to do.”

“...Right.” Doug shrugs at Trixie while Applejack and Fluttershy, having come to a provisional agreement of where to start. The two grin at each other, walking in step towards Twilight.

“You need something?” Beat. “Anything?” Beat. “Something, anything, everything that I can do! It’s nothing!” Twilight beams at Doug as he stands around.

Doug clears his throat. “Oh." Beat. "No." Beat. "Can’t say anything’s wrong. Just expecting a song.” Beat. “Or a montage.” He grimaces as Rarity, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle begin drumming on the nests they are busily making, tossing bits and pieces to each other that seem to magically fit into place. “Oh sweet Celestia it’s happening.”

Twilight leaps onto the table, hind legs barely missing all of her papers as she stomps to the beat of shovels against the roofs. Forelegs gesture at double time, distributing assignments first to the right, then to the left, then both hooves to the air, practically throwing lists as ponies approach. Even Pinkie Pie, pronking along with a line of skate wearing ponies bouncing behind her, gets a list.

“You know what this looks like to me?” Doug remarks, watching as all the little ponies leave to their assigned duties.

“Mm?” replies Twilight, pondering over the next set of things that need to be done, the timing required, and various contingency plans if things don’t go perfectly. Behind her ponies burst into action, in unison singing or humming along.

“This looks like a test case of running a country.” Doug motions to all the various groups going about their tasks. “How well you can best utilize your available resources, plan for eventualities, and even broker deals and smooth relationships. All the things a ruler would do.”

“Oh sweet Celestia you’re right.” Twilight grimaces, pawing through her various papers. “What if I miss something? What if I missed something already, and didn’t notice it? What if-”

“Well, I’d say you’re doing a pretty bang-up job already.” Doug pats Twilight as she looks up at him. “And by that I mean you’re doing a good job. You'll be able to handle it, or hoof it, no matter what comes up!”

Twilight grins, a bit of the mania leaving her face. “Maybe you’re right, Doug.” She looks over at the town, marveling at the sight. “And look what it’s let me do!” She grins as Applejack and Fluttershy draw near, followed by Rarity. Pinkie Pie pauses her pronking, and Rainbow Dash drops from her cloud to listen.

Twilight beams at each of them in turn. “My Generosity to help others, and my Loyalty to my fellow Ponyvillians, got me to undertake a difficult task that I otherwise would have had no inclination to do. And Kindness helped get me through it!” Twilight looks to Applejack, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie, smiling wider. “In the same way, true Friends can be honest with each other. Even when, especially when the words their Friend needs to hear don’t make them happy. As long as the words are spoken from a desire to see your Friend improve! Nothing can be more optimistic and joyous!”

Applejack, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie grin, leaping forward to embrace Twilight.

“Because True Friendship comes from knowing your Friends! Understanding them; the things they enjoy, even the things they don’t. The challenges they face, and how you can help them overcome them! I'm so lucky to have each and every one of you as my Friends!”

Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Trixie, and Doug eagerly join in the embrace. Spike and the Cutie Mark Crusaders are right behind, squeezing in between to hug Twilight.

The large magenta star on Twilight Sparkle’s flank glows, matching the five white stars. Twilight grips as tightly as she can, hooves wrapping around every one of them. “And with you all by my side, I know there is nothing we can’t do!”

Comments ( 51 )

Keep that up and we're going to end up with a pair of wings early, Twilight.

Well, that or a limit break. Maybe a Super Art? I hope she doesn't spontaneously develop a Stand.


I thought that was about to happen myself. I do wonder though how this will play out in the next story possibly as the story was marked complete? I do want to see how Chrysislis does her invasion in this universe.

You know, when I first say this story I had no idea it'd be this long. Please respond to this comment.

Indeed! I mean, to a certain extent I wasn't sure it would be this long either. But a third act is in the works, hopefully to tie everything up!

Hoo boy, me too. You'll have to see how it all turns out!

Completed story. Now I'm guessing on to year 2 of the show?

Woo! Finally caught up!


Comment posted by Luna is back deleted Aug 1st, 2019

“What we need here is organization. Up until now you’ve been like three ponies pulling a cart three different ways. We need somepony with coordination!And if we want any chance of finishing on time, we need direction! And I’m just the pony for the job! I’ve got Organization, Coordination, and Direction in spades!”

I see what you did there :moustache:

I must say, I’m quite surprised that Twilight didn’t just up and sprout wings from that, but we’ll see if that happens in the next series, eh?

Nice work for this one! Had a really fun binge read through it. I especially liked the arc involving Starlight Glimmer and the CMCs. See ya in the next story! :pinkiehappy:

We certainly shall, won't we?

CD was quite a lot of fun to write. Glad you enjoyed it!

That's quite the ending location for this story, but all right. On to the next one!

Damn, didn't even notice i was at the end until i went to click on the next chapter and couldn't.

This is such an easy story to read and such an enjoyable one to boot. Can't wait to continue.

Most excellent.

Lol and I for one am glad you have the keyboard DG.

I forgot about the general thing. Well not forgot per se just forgot who knew about it I guess? I don't know but it hadn't even occurred to me till now. :facehoof:

[Rainbow Dash]
Three months of winter coolness
And awesome holidays
[Pinkie Pie]
We've kept our hoofsies warm at home
Time off from work to play
But the food we've stored is runnin' out
And we can't grow in this cold
And even though I love my boots
This fashion's getting old
[Twilight Sparkle]
The time has come to welcome spring
And all things warm and green
But it's also time to say goodbye
It's winter we must clean
How can I help? I'm new, you see
What does everypony do?
How do I fit in without magic?
I haven't got a clue!
Winter Wrap Up! Winter Wrap Up!
Let's finish our holiday cheer
Winter Wrap Up! Winter Wrap Up!
'Cause tomorrow spring–
[Rainbow Dash]
–is here!
'Cause tomorrow spring is here!
[Rainbow Dash]
Bringing home the southern birds
A Pegasus' job begins
And clearing all the gloomy skies
To let the sunshine in
We move the clouds
And we melt the white snow
[Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie]
When the sun comes up
Its warmth and beauty will glow!
Winter Wrap Up! Winter Wrap Up!
Let's finish our holiday cheer
Winter Wrap Up! Winter Wrap Up!
'Cause tomorrow spring is here
Winter Wrap Up! Winter Wrap Up!
'Cause tomorrow spring is here
'Cause tomorrow spring is here!
Little critters hibernate
Under the snow and ice
We wake up all their sleepy heads
So quietly and nice
We help them gather up their food
Fix their homes below
We welcome back the southern birds
[Fluttershy and Rarity]
So their families can grow!
Winter Wrap Up! Winter Wrap Up! ([Rarity] Winter, winter)
Let's finish our holiday cheer
Winter Wrap Up! Winter Wrap Up! ([Rarity] Winter, winter)
'Cause tomorrow spring is here
Winter Wrap Up! Winter Wrap Up! ([Rarity] Winter, winter)
'Cause tomorrow spring is here
'Cause tomorrow spring is here!
No easy task to clear the ground
Plant our tiny seeds
With proper care and sunshine
Everyone it feeds
Apples, carrots, celery stalks
Colorful flowers too
We must work so very hard
[Applejack, Cherry Berry, and Golden Harvest]
It's just so much to do!
Winter Wrap Up! Winter Wrap Up!
Let's finish our holiday cheer
Winter Wrap Up! Winter Wrap Up!
'Cause tomorrow spring is here
Winter Wrap Up! Winter Wrap Up!
[Pinkie Pie]
'Cause tomorrow spring is here
'Cause tomorrow spring is here!
[Twilight Sparkle]
Now that I know what they all do
I have to find my place
And help with all of my heart
Tough task ahead I face
How will I do without my magic
Help the Earth pony way
I wanna belong so I must
Do my best today,
Do my best today!
Winter Wrap Up! Winter Wrap Up!
Let's finish our holiday cheer
Winter Wrap Up! Winter Wrap Up!
'Cause tomorrow spring is here
Winter Wrap Up! Winter Wrap Up!
[Twilight Sparkle]
'Cause tomorrow spring is here
'Cause tomorrow spring is here
'Cause tomorrow spring is here!

Sorry......that song was going through my mind as I was reading the last 4 chapters. I just had to put the lyrics down. :scootangel:

Exactly *points hoof at you*

Exactly! That's what I was thinking. I just wasn't sure if Doug was at or past that point where he can keep it from becoming a disorder. Bc if too late then the likelihood of working through the underlying problems isn't going to be looking good. No matter what though therapy is a must, bc not getting help can only make things worse.

True. We have the benefit of the canon. Doug doesn't. Though my point still has some merit, because at times his naiveté, or cluelessness or whatever you call it, is just so painful to read. Don't get me wrong, I love EVERYpony of Herd Apple regardless of species.

Crap! I ran out of chapters

Guess I get to start staring at the author


Not too much; I figure there are 'normal' wolves that, unlike timberwolves, Fluttershy would be able to communicate with.

Foolish fool! You fell for my trap! Now I am going to stare at you!

*Stares at intently*

Take a well deserved, but I expect you to be ready to go as soon as we get the say-so!

Can I have a well deserved, too? :P

Hey, you're back!

Fair enough. Though the whole guard isn't stallions, just the crew assembled for the grueling flight to Ponyville.

Clarified. You have the gist of it correct; Meringue was the shrill voice, she followed them to help Pinkie Pie.

Made sure there were transitions for each shift in perspective. It was an experiment I'm not sure played out perfectly, having the same discussion happening at two places at once. Works better in movies, that's for sure.

Glad I can still do that from time to time.

Nothing specific in mind beyond what the chapter suggests, just an argument about trivial things. If the elephant is Applejack, then the others don't know what to say and are hoping she is able to work through it, or will come to them when she is ready. She's still going out and doing things, so it's the right direction.

The elephant is Rarity, she came across as real ornery in ch 93. Almost like she doesn't know Doug is an omnivore. She doesn't have to like eating meat, but why can't he?

Should have listened during the tour instead of getting caught up with all those books!, ya know?


Fair enough; she could have been more tactful about it.

The unfortunate thing about a lot (one might even go so far to say all) of the various rules and regulations we have, especially for flying, is that they are written in blood. That is to say there was an accident, or multiple often fatal accidents, that led to their adoption. The Equestrian flying program hasn't been around long enough to have enough of those, though Doug should know better. This time at least? Rainbow Dash was his reserve chute :rainbowwild:

DG, I just got done reading this story again and I gotta say that I love it just as much as, if not more than, the first couple of times I read it.
I'm glad I found your stories and I hope you continue blessing us with your talents.

Yeah it was just a moment of clarity and the song appeared.

I love this site. Kek

so how do i read these stories, whats the proper order to consume them in?

The First Year, Years Two - Seven, Continuity Disrupted (you are here), Errant Finale, Growing Harmony. Note: The First Year and Growing Harmony are rated M. The descriptions will have links to whatever story comes next in the series, or find the sequel on the right.

If I'm going to be perfectly honest my real issue with it was it it felt like you were using poor Spike to shoehorn in a conflict where one wasn't needed

Fair enough. Mostly, I was referencing Trixie in Magic Duel when she challenges Twilight with the condition that the loser leaves Ponyville forever.

you don't HAVE to hit the show note for note you know, the whole point of doing an AU is to do your own thing and you were doing a fantastic job of it, whats more trixie only did that cause she was under the influence of a mind altering enchanted artifact, as pinkie so graciously pointed out with her fourth wall destroying powers so yeah...not the best light your casting poor spike in there once again implying by proxy that he in his current state is as bad as trixie was at her absolute WORST, i know that wasnt your intent there but you can see how it could come off that way
and yes he moved past it i get that but still that he was ever 'at' that point at all makes me groan

and yes if i havnt made this abundently clear im a spike fan, so im going to be perhaps over sensative to anything you do to the little guy that casts him in a negative light so ill admit here and now yes...im a bit biased.

Lol. Wouldn't doubt it.

That depends. Did the dad pull out one of the guns, load and pump said gun, and place the barrel on his new son-in-law's forehead?

Fair enough. Though, in a movie, if that was done by the protagonist's father it would show how super cereal he is about protecting his daughter.

If he's a villain? You know that gun's getting turned around in the third act.

So Velvet's a villain? Or an antagonist?

I had actually forgotten that at the time, but I remembered later. Regardless though a treebrary wouldn't be my choice of places to stay in a lightning storm. With a lightning rod wouldn't that have made it more likely to strike the tree anyway? I mean yes a lightning rod is supposed to have a metal grounding rod that is sunk in the ground, but a lightning rod on a tree would mean the grounding rod would still have to run down the tree trunk which would give plenty of opportunity to jump to living lightning rod.
I don't know though, I could be mistaken, I'm not exactly a physicist or anything like that. :scootangel:

love this one also now onto the next one

Hey before I read this, does doug get magic?

Nope. (He temporarily gets it in Errant Finale, but doesn't keep it for long)

The reason why I don't like Doug isn't because he is a doormant, even though this does piss me off to no end no, the reason why I hate this man is because He. Doesn't. Act. Like. A. Human!

Are you seriously telling me that ANY human would not try to obtain magic in a magical world? Especially when he can be killed by quite literally EVERYTHING that has a lick of magic?

Your history is good author, I love it, but Doug? Nah, whatever this man is a Human he is not.

Yeah, this ends badly, one less point for Doug, really how can you let your daughter go to the wrong side without trying to do something? That there’s no point in trying the inevitable? Fuck it, I’d protect my family even if it cost me my life even if it meant being in bad shape with them

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