• Published 30th Nov 2018
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Continuity Disrupted - Doug Graves

Twilight Sparkle arrives in Ponyville, as per the specific instruction of Princess Celestia, and becomes the Element of Magic. All according to plan. But one out of place character threatens to derail everything she has worked for.

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56 The Coming Storm, Part Four

“Everypony still alive?” Doug calls as he enters the Carrot House, only half joking. The eight fillies of the herd all glance from their huddled perch, crammed at the window with the best view of Ponyville and the roiling storm above. He had seen their faces watching him as he ran back inside, many quite worried as to his safe return. At least they have taken the repeated warnings about straying outside seriously, and didn’t rush outside to greet him like they are fond of doing.

Scootaloo turns back to the window first, watching Rainbow Dash zoom to the center of Ponyville. She sighs as the pegasus disappears into the haze of the rain, turning to slink back to her room. Well, at least to the ladder that leads to her room. She stops at the bottom, a fearful look up as the sound of thunder begins in earnest.

In fact, many of the fillies, including Doug, give trepid looks back towards Ponyville. Only Lemon and Meringue - the two fillies rarely straying from their expressions of exuberant joy or base impassiveness - lack the look of awe as brief bouts of lightning burst from the sky, the peals of thunder getting closer and closer together.

Apple Bloom cautiously asks, “Um, shouldn’t Applejack and Rarity be here by now?” She hops up to the window, taking the spot Scootaloo just relinquished, her hoofs pressed against the glass as she tries to see through the light rain. “Do ya think she got lost?”

Doug peers through the window, worry starting to cross his face. His mouth pulls to a grim smile, trying to keep his voice steady as he says, “She knows the way. She likes cutting it close, making sure everything is done.” He points a finger at an approaching figure, “See, there she is now!”

Apple Bloom squints as Sweetie Belle jumps up to join her, the younger fillies groaning as their older sisters fill the window. “Are ya sure?” Apple Bloom says, tapping a hoof against the glass, “Because that looks like Trixie to me.”

“You’re right,” Doug says, his smile turning to a frown. He leaves the window, grabbing a towel and opening the door for Trixie. The blue unicorn bounds inside, grunting as she plows into the towel Doug holds out for her. She wipes off her face and horn before making her way to the bathroom, washing off her hooves while Doug asks, “Where are Applejack and Rarity? Shouldn’t they be right behind you?”

“They said they would be, and Trixie thought it best to hurry home regardless of how much faster she is than they are.” Trixie steps out of the bathroom, her mane in disarray, though her confident smirk disappears at Doug’s worried look. “They aren’t there?”

Doug shakes his head as he stares outside, now unable to make out anything through the hard rain. “I just hope they’re okay,” he says. Doug sighs as he turns, the five younger fillies starting to lag in their efforts to stay awake. “Alright, everypony, let’s get ready for bed.”

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle turn to glare at their sire, a stony refusal. Doug shuts the front door as he nods to them; they wouldn’t be going to sleep until their dams returned. They go back to staring out the window, trying to spot anything as the lightning illuminates the falling rain. Doug walks to the kitchen; he would be joining the two in their vigil.

Scootaloo continues to sit at the base of the ladder that leads upwards to her room on the very top floor, shaking a little at the thought of spending the night alone in the most exposed room of the house. Even if she knows it is safe, that doesn’t make the thought of going up there any easier. She hesitantly puts a hoof on the first rung; what would her dam say if she saw her struggling like this?

The other five move with varying degrees of lethargy, Pomarbo naturally the slowest of the group. Lemon skips to her room while Hedge yawns, tiredly walking down the stairs with Meringue to their room.

Applebaum glances out the window, callously remarking, “Well, either she’s safe, or she isn’t. Not like we can help, and I’m not staying up late worrying about it.” She turns, taking a few steps before Apple Bloom tackles her.

“How can you say that?” Apple Bloom yells, pushing Applebaum onto the floor. “She could be hurt, or worse!”

Trixie glances over at Doug from the opposite side of the room; he seems to be in no hurry to intervene, rather allowing the two to physically work out whatever they are feeling. Fillies will be fillies, after all.

Applebaum struggles against her larger sister, retorting, “What, you going to run out there and save her?” Her greater strength lets her push to her hooves, Apple Bloom now riding on top of her, hooves wrapped around Applebaum’s neck.

“Well, you didn’t have to be so mean about it!” shouts Apple Bloom, dropping off to the side. She and Applebaum lock hooves, now trying to push each other over.

“So what about how mean I am about it? It doesn’t change the fact that she could be dead out there, and we don’t know and can’t help!” Applebaum sniffles, shoving Apple Bloom away and retreating to her room. The sound of muffled crying comes through the closed door, barely audible over the thunder above.

Apple Bloom huffs, shaking herself off before returning to the windowsill and staring outside. The rest of the fillies go to their own doors, or downstairs, each off to bed. Apple Bloom glances up as Doug moves over; she shakes her head, practically spitting out, “What?”

“I’m worried, ” Doug softly says, calmly stroking Apple Bloom’s mane, “And you can tell Applebaum is worried, too.”

“Yeah, well,” Apple Bloom huffs.

“Perhaps tackling her wasn’t the best way of letting her know that you care, too.” Doug ruffles her mane one more time before getting up.

Apple Bloom snorts.

Doug walks over to Scootaloo, sitting down next to the still immobile filly. “You doing okay, Scoots?” At the filly’s head shake he nods along knowingly, “Want me to get one of the cots?”

Scootaloo shakes her head again.

Doug sighs, “You want to sleep in my bed?”

Scootaloo turns just a little, a shy nod of her head.

Doug nods along, “Okay. Just tonight.” Scootaloo grins before trotting to the master bedroom, slipping through. Doug glances over, “Apple Bloom? Sweetie Belle? Do you want to sleep in the cellar, or which room?”

Sweetie Belle hesitantly offers, “Applebaum’s room has the most space.”

“Not sleeping in there,” Apple Bloom grunts out. She glances to the stairs leading to the lower floor, “And Ah don’t want to sleep in the cellar.” She gazes at Doug, “Can we sleep with you, too?”

“Sure, but it might get pretty crowded when Applejack and Rarity return,” Doug replies as he gets up. He walks over to Apple Bloom, saying firmly, “But before you go to bed, you should apologize to Applebaum for tackling her.”

“Well, she should apologize for saying that mean stuff about Applejack.” Apple Bloom turns, resolutely staring out the window.

“I’m sure she feels just as bad about that as you do,” Doug says, holding a hand halfway between Apple Bloom and debating whether he can still pick her up and force her. She’s getting to the age when she’ll have to make these kind of decisions for herself, and pay the consequences one way or the other. He finally decides against it, turning at a sound at the front door.

Rainbow Dash pushes the door open, quickly glancing around the room. “Applejack here? Or Rarity?”

“No,” Doug says, now even more worried. “Haven’t they started?”

“Yeah, they have,” Rainbow Dash says, grimacing as her hoof strokes the amulet around her neck. “You sure she’s not at the main house?”

“We’ve been watching,” Apple Bloom calls from the window, “And nothing.”

“Great.” Rainbow moans, turning to go back outside. “Wish me luck.”

“Good luck,” Doug says, giving Rainbow Dash one last rub before she disappears into the dark night.

Rainbow Dash flies low, heading from one outcropping of trees to another. She can feel the tingling on her skin, the charge building up and making her hair stand on end. She scowls at her enforced slow flight; the lightning storm reacts poorly to flight magic, and by poorly she means a bolt of enhanced electricity. She glances at her amulet as she gets to Ponyville proper - already dimmed, but not out.

The structures of Ponyville offer considerably more protection, but she can still feel the charge building whenever she slinks from one alleyway to another. Soon enough, though, she is at the last house she saw Trixie at, but all the lights are off and knocking at the door yields nothing. Probably sounds too close to the thunder ringing about her. Plus, she can’t imagine that Applejack and Rarity are both off foaling around or asleep when they should be home.

One building still has lights on, so Rainbow Dash heads over to the Golden Oaks Library, though peering through the window next to the door yields nothing. She knocks on the door before trying it, finding it to be open. Well, it is normal operating hours, right? And she doesn’t see a closed sign.

“Now, who in tarnation could that be?” Rainbow hears Applejack’s voice from further inside, “Somepony returning a late book?”

“I certainly hope not,” replies Twilight Sparkle.

“It’s just me,” Rainbow Dash calls out, walking into the main library area. She snorts as she spots Applejack, Rarity, and Twilight Sparkle. All three are reclining on chairs, their faces covered with green goop and cucumber slices over their eyes. They are foaling around! All three glance in the direction of her voice, Rainbow continuing, her voice shaking with repressed laughter, “You three… having a good time?”

“Of course!” Twilight Sparkle says happily, Applejack barely nodding as Rarity smiles through the goop. “We’re giving each other makeovers!”

“Right.” Rainbow Dash coughs, looking around the library and spotting one book opened on the table. “Well, Doug and the rest got pretty worried when you didn’t show up. Luckily they have me to save the day!”

“Oh, dear,” Rarity says, frowning. “It completely slipped my mind, after Twilight Sparkle invited us in just before the storm started. And I had to fix my hair, and then Applejack’s hair.”

Hair is more important to you than your herd?” Rainbow frowns, crossing her forelegs in front of her, even though they can’t see her actions.

Rarity nods along just a little, “I’m sorry, Rainbow. But it’s not like we could just send a message to you even if we wanted to.”

Rainbow huffs, “Yeah, yeah. I get it. Still, you should have at least tried to make it home.” She inspects the book a little closer, reading to herself, ‘Slumber one oh one: All You’ve Ever Wanted to Know About Slumber Parties and Were Afraid to Ask’. She grabs the book, flipping to the first section. Makeovers. Bleh.

“Did Trixie make it home, at least?” Applejack asks, a little worried.

“She did.” Rainbow curtly replies, glancing to Twilight Sparkle. The unicorn is alternating between worried pulls on her muzzle and mouthing what she is guessing is things like, ‘it’s okay’, or ‘everypony’s fine’. “And, I should be heading back too, or they’re going to be up all night worrying.”

“Alright, Rainbow. Thanks for doing all this.” Applejack blindly reaches forward, Rainbow moving to give her hoof a quick nuzzle.

Rainbow nuzzles Rarity next, then moves to Twilight Sparkle. She grabs the amulet, saying, “Hey, Twilight, I’ve got this amulet to help against the lightning, but it could use more charge. Any chance you can do that?”

“Sure!” Twilight Sparkle says, reaching a hoof forwards. Rainbow holds out the amulet, a brief jolt of magic returning the amulet to its previous bright gleam. “Anything else?”

“No, thanks,” Rainbow Dash says, a smirk growing on her muzzle. “You colts have fun.” She flies to the front door, still holding the slumber book in her hooves. The return trip is no less harrowing, especially because she doesn’t want to get Twilight’s slumber book wet. The amulet again eats up what she recognizes as half of the charge, finally making it back to the Carrot House. Her hair is all standing on end, especially noticeable as she pushes open the front door.

“Hey,” Rainbow says to Doug, Trixie, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle. She raises an eyebrow at how close Trixie and Doug are sitting to each other, one arm wrapped around her withers and holding her tight. “Applejack and Rarity are both safe.” Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle let loose the breaths they are holding, wiping a hoof across their forehead. “They’re at Twilight’s, and I think they’ll be spending the night there.”

“Well, that’s good to hear,” Doug says, looking to the fillies. “Alright, time for bed.”

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle rush to Rainbow Dash, yelping at the small shocks they receive from the staticky pegasus. They hug her quickly after, whispered thanks for finding out their dams are safe, before Sweetie Belle heads to the master bedroom and Apple Bloom goes to talk to Applebaum.

“So,” Doug says, looking at the book in Rainbow’s hooves, “What’cha got there?”

Rainbow Dash snorts as she hovers over, landing and shoving herself roughly against Doug’s other side. She holds the book up for Doug to take.

He does, reading the title, “Slumber one oh one.” He turns to look at Rainbow Dash, “Really?”

Rainbow Dash nods, unable to keep the smirk off her muzzle. “Yup. Twilight was using it as a reference guide! Can you believe that? Like, who doesn’t know what you’re supposed to do at a slumber party?”

“Jeez, it’s been a while since I’ve had a slumber party,” Doug says, opening up the book to the table of contents. He rolls his eyes at Rainbow’s smirk, “And the stuff we do doesn’t count.” He skims through a few, “And I don’t know that I’ve ever done half of these. Maybe most of them. Makeovers?”

“What, colts don’t give each other makeovers?” Trixie asks, pushing herself closer to Doug in order to read as well.

“No,” Doug drawls out, shaking his head. “That’s a female thing. Exclusively. Well, maybe not entirely, but still.”

“Yeah, well, Rarity might be a little coltish, but she somehow convinced Applejack to give it a shot.” Rainbow Dash looks through the next few items.

Doug says in a sing-song voice, “Sounds like somepony’s a little jealous~” He ruffles Rainbow’s mane, the hairs still standing on end, as she glares up at him. Doug looks to Trixie; even after she dried off her mane it is still quite unkempt, and could use a good brushing. “Maybe both of you.”

“Trixie would certainly not object to some sort of spa treatment.” Trixie levitates over one of the filly’s brushes, though she raises an eyebrow at Doug’s refusal to take it.

Instead, Doug runs his fingers through Rainbow’s mane, nails digging into scalp and ears. Rainbow’s exasperated expression disappears, replaced by a euphoric stupor. Trixie lets loose a small whine as Doug gets up, straddling Rainbow’s back and forcing the pegasus to lay on the ground completely. Rainbow sprawls out as Doug’s fingers trace down her mane, pressing into neck and shoulders. One hand finally gets the brush, untangling the strands into their individual colors.

“See, it’s all about getting her in the right mood,” Doug says, one hand moving to tickle under Rainbow’s jaw. She grins, her hips bucking just a little before her mouth opens, her tongue coming out to lick his finger. Doug’s hand withdraws, a light whimper from Rainbow, as he returns to splitting the rainbow mane and then braiding the cooler colors.

“Can Trixie try? She is sure to put Doug’s skills to-” Trixie stops talking as Rainbow’s eye opens, rancor aimed directly at her. She stutters briefly before saying, “Um, what Trixie… what I meant to say, is, I am sure I have a lot I can learn from Doug’s skills.” Trixie smiles at Rainbow’s continued glare, the pegasus eventually grunting and closing her eyes, relaxing.

Rainbow’s whine returns as Doug gets up, Trixie taking his place next to her and levitating the brush. The unicorn gives a small ‘eep’ as Doug straddles her, a briefly fearful look at the creature now forcing her down. Doug smiles back, his hands running through the base of her mane, though her reaction isn’t nearly as intense as Rainbow’s.

Trixie turns back to Rainbow, the pegasus again watching but with none of the animosity from before. Her brush runs along Rainbow’s coat, smoothing down the hairs that love to stick right back up. Rainbow’s eyes follow Doug’s fingers whenever they poke through the two tone blue mane, though she can’t tell if they are resentful of missing out on the action, or trying to vicariously remember when those hands were on her moments ago.

Trixie frowns; she wants Rainbow to look at her with the same longing, that desire for Trixie’s horn and hoof to be the instrument eliciting the blissful reactions. Not a source of resentment, a tramp making moves on her stallion.

Trixie groans as Doug’s fingers dig into her neck, finding a few particularly sore spots. She tries to get her mind off the pain as his fingers return, relentlessly pressing and kneading. She grunts out, “So, Rainbow, are you enjoying yourself?”

“Rather it was Doug,” Rainbow replies, a bit of a huff, but she immediately checks herself. “It’s not bad, I guess.”

“Well, maybe Tr-, maybe I can learn a few things from him,” Trixie says as seductively as she can between gasps of pain.

Doug lets up, removing his hands from Trixie’s withers. “Oh?” he asks, sliding off Trixie. He pulls her up, walking her forward until she is straddling Rainbow Dash. He takes one of Trixie’s forehooves, resting it along Rainbow’s spine, just at the base of her mane. “Now, gently rest your weight on your barrel and hind legs, and move the other forehoof there.” Rainbow twists her head to watch, grunting as Trixie’s weight pushes her flanks down.

“Now, gently push down with your forehooves. You should be able to feel her ribs further down, but what you’re really trying to find is any of those tense muscles that I found on you. Just stroke, starting from the center, slowly working your way down along those ribs.” Doug grins as Trixie complies, eliciting a light moan from Rainbow.

“Okay, my turn!” Rainbow says after a minute of Trixie fumbling around; she’s pretty dextrous with her hooves, but used to using her hooves on objects, not a living body. She pushes up, dumping a squawking Trixie off to the side, spinning and pushing Doug so he is on the one facing the floor. She turns to Trixie as the unicorn picks herself up, “So, Doug likes to teach what he enjoys. Just remember that when you’re working on, say, Fluttershy. You’ve got to be really gentle with her, you can’t dig in like you can with Doug or Applejack.”

Rainbow demonstrates as she squats down on top of Doug, sliding her hooves just under his shoulder blades. She grins as she finds a spot, pulling back just a little and letting Trixie take over. Doug’s moans of pain - but a good kind of pain - ring through the house, competing with the storm outside.

Minutes later, Trixie lets a much more relaxed Doug up, the human stretching his arms and neck. “So,” he says, looking towards the bookmarked book. “What’s next?”

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