• Published 30th Nov 2018
  • 8,184 Views, 901 Comments

Continuity Disrupted - Doug Graves

Twilight Sparkle arrives in Ponyville, as per the specific instruction of Princess Celestia, and becomes the Element of Magic. All according to plan. But one out of place character threatens to derail everything she has worked for.

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138 The Hoarder, Part One

January 10th, 1001 Domina Solaria, First Year of the Two Sisters

Spike whistles to himself as he walks down the stairs of the Carousel Boutique, yawning and stretching his arms. He always wakes up early to help out, just like when he is at the Golden Oaks Library. Soon enough and Spike has an assortment of haycakes sizzling on the stove.

“You know,” Spike remarks to himself, “I really like it when I have a topaz or two for breakfast. I’m sure Rarity wouldn’t mind if I got some.” He glances at the pan, then towards the storeroom where she keeps her gems. He can’t help but lick his lips at the thought of getting his claws on one, his fingers bending and grasping like they are already holding one of the precious gems.

He slips out of the kitchen without a second thought, the door to the storeroom opening just as easily. He scans left and right, then up and down, searching through the dozens of containers for the perfect breakfast meal.

And then he sees it.

Just sitting on a shelf, like a scarlet letter, except that it’s black. A rock hidden among a dozen other rocks right where you would expect to see a bunch of normal, everyday rocks.

But this is no ordinary rock.

In all his days of accompanying Twilight on geological surveys, gazing longingly through storefront windows in Canterlot, and sifting through Rarity’s stocks, he had never seen a rock quite like this.

He wants it.

Legs stretch up, claws scratching into the wood as he climbs higher and higher, finally reaching the shelf where it rests. He cautiously stretches forward, almost unable to believe it is real.

He needs it.

Tongue smacks against teeth and lips as a claw delicately rests against the empty crystal. Empty crystal. They say nature abhors a vacuum. Well, magic abhors one even more. It’s probably only a matter of time before a wayward leyline fills this crystal, ruining the unique taste of nothing.

He must consume it.

Spike gleefully raises the empty crystal to his mouth, just as an infuriated scream rends the Boutique.


He uncoordinatedly spins towards the source, losing his balance and toppling off the shelf. The short fall barely even fazes the dragon, used to much longer rapid descents from ladders in the library; he races out of the storeroom, crystal clutched to his chest.

“Sweetie Belle?” bellows Rarity next, standing at the stove, the burner off. She glances over as Spike enters the kitchen, her eyes narrowing. She angrily points a hoof towards the blackened husk still sizzling in the pan. “Spike! While I appreciate you making breakfast, surely you know better to leave it unattended while it is cooking!”

“But I was hungry! And you know how important gems are for a growing dragon.” Spike motions with his arms, drawing Rarity’s eyes to the crystal in his claws.

“Yes, but that is no excuse!” Rarity’s horn flares, dumping the haycakes onto a plate. “You could have burned far worse than just your breakfast!”

“Mama?” Sweetie Belle sleepily calls from upstairs, staggering out of her room. She slowly descends down the stairs, nostrils puckering at the smell of burnt hay. "Everything okay?

“Whatever.” Spike ignores the two ponies, turning his attention to the crystal. He greedily inhales, mouth watering as the complete lack of scent clears any remnants of smoke. He runs his tongue along one of the edges, savoring the light prick of pain the sharp edge leaves.

“Spike,” Rarity admonishes, “that is no way to talk to me, or anypony else!”

Spike squats down, facing away from Rarity, sucking on the crystal.

"Spike!" Rarity yells, gritting her teeth at the recalcitrant drake.

“Spike?” Sweetie Belle cautiously asks, slowly approaching. “Did, um… did you get bigger?”

“Huh?” Spike looks down at his claws. They do seem a little longer. “Maybe?”

“It, uh… it’s a good look for you. I like it.” Sweetie Belle nuzzles Spike, laying down next to him. Her eyes focus on the crystal. “What is that?”

“It’s, uh,” Spike glances over, a faint smile trying to break free at the young mare cuddling next to him. “It’s an empty crystal. Do you like it?”

“It’s really cool. Like, there’s so much potential, that anything could happen with it. You know?” Sweetie Belle turns her head slightly, gazing into Spike’s eyes. “Kind of like you!”

“Hey, I was going to say the same thing about you!” Spike cheekily rubs a claw through Sweetie Belle’s mane, ending up pulling her into a close hug. His other claw slowly rotates the crystal, a certain dullness surrounding where light should have reflected.

“Where’d you even get this, anyway?” Sweetie Belle asks, following Spike’s glance towards Rarity.

“I fished it out of Doug’s jacket when I was cleaning it.” Rarity icily replies, shakes her head as she finishes preparing her and Sweetie Belle’s breakfast. “I don’t know where he found it, or what happened to make it like that.”

“Well, do you know what I think this is?” Spike says, pulling Sweetie Belle’s head back towards him. “It’s a shiny rock that proves I love you.” He pauses for a second. “Wait, that came out wrong.”

“It’s okay, Spike, I know what you meant. It’s very generous of you.” Sweetie Belle carefully takes the crystal from Spike’s outstretched claw. She gives him a light kiss on the cheek. “And that’s my present back to you.”

Spike raises a claw to touch the area just around the spot. “I’m never washing this spot again.”

“Mm,” Sweetie Belle says, her muzzle drawing a little closer. “I think I might have different plans.”

Spike’s eyes go wide as Sweetie Belle topples him over, desperately trying to evade the mare intent on licking every inch of his face. He can’t quite bring himself to shout at her, or push her away, his arms instead holding her inches above him. His head, though, keeps shifting back and forth, exposing more and more to her questing tongue.

“Alright, you two,” Rarity says, trying to keep the amusement out of her voice and the exasperation in. “Breakfast is getting cold, and you have school soon.”

Sweetie Belle and Spike both sigh heavily, reluctantly making their way to the table. Sweetie Belle frowns as she drags the crystal around. A few seconds of thinking later and her expression brightens. “Hey! I should have Silver Spoon make this into a pendant for me! Or a necklace!” She quickly hugs Spike, scarfing down her breakfast to her dam’s consternation. “I better go quick, before she leaves for school!”

“Sweetie Belle,” Rarity tries, though her admonishing tone is lost on her filly as she scampers through the house, grabbing her schoolbags before darting out the door. She shakes her head, a longsuffering glance at Spike. “You don’t suppose I spoil her too badly, do you?”

“Sweetie Belle? Nah.” Spike pats his belly, the burned haycakes disappearing without complaint. “Besides, she’s a good kid. Filly. Mare. Whatever.”

“Yes, I suppose so, but I do not wish to remind you that she is my filly, and you should treat her with the utmost respect at all times. Even when, or perhaps especially when, she is, how shall I say, particularly frisky.”

“O-of course! I wouldn’t dream of treating her wrong!” Spike shakes his head as he gathers up the dirty plates. Oh, and, um, thanks for letting me have that crystal, too. I think Sweetie Belle really liked it!”

“That?" Rarity' harsh demeanor evaporates, smiling at the young dragon. Oh, to be young and in love again. "Think nothing of it, darling, you are most welcome. Besides, I don’t think it much mattered what you gave her, as long as it was from the heart.”

Spike smiles, placing the dishes on the counter, a claw coming up to touch his cheek again.

Rarity’s horn lights, a few shards of fire emerald and baby blue sapphire levitating over. “Now, as you said, you are a growing dragon. So consider this a present from me.” She nuzzles Spike as he stares at the delicacies, almost hesitant to take them. “Now, my little Spikey-Wikey, I must be off.” Rarity levitates over a few heavy coats; the rest of the herd has been complaining about the frigid cold that seems to be ever present in Ponyville this winter. That and she never wants to be seen in a brown coat again. “Have a good day!”

“You too!” Spike calls before his eyes grow as wide as his smirk, quickly devouring the delectable treats. “Mm,” he cackles to himself, “Who else has a present for Spikey-Wikey?

His eyes travel around the room, finally settling on the frying pan. He grabs it, using it as a container of sorts to pile a few forks, plates, and basically anything shiny that isn’t nailed down. Rarity’s showroom fares no better; if he was paying attention, he would notice how his limbs reach things more easily, able to pull down the curtains with ease and make a rough rucksack with which to drag his horde.

His bulk barely manages to squeeze through the doors of the looted Boutique, the bag actually getting caught. Spike roars in frustration, the fabric tearing as he yanks harder. After his second attempt fails he plants one large foot next to the door, a mighty tug ripping both the bag and a good chunk of the wall.

Spike fumes at the scattered objects. If only he had a wheelbarrow! Nevertheless, he collects all of them as only a dragon can, managing to leave one arm free with which to acquire even more loot! In fact, there’s a pony with something he wants right now!


The colt drops his soccer ball, bolting off to the nearest piece of cover. Spike stomps over, delicately picking up the ball between two of his claws. It wouldn’t do to hurt even a single item in his horde! And there are so many treasures around him, just waiting to be collected!

It would be nice to have someplace to store his precious cargo. His grin widens; there are wheelbarrows, perfectly suited for giants and storming castles, at Sweet Apple Acres! He utters a low, keening call, letting everydragon know that he will not be denied his rightful property, and none shall stand in his way! Especially as more of that property is right in his way, a present from everypony in Ponyville to their gallant defender!

Spike bares his massive teeth as another dragon echoes his call, the deep bass rumbling off the nearby mountain. A challenger! And, from the sound of it, an elder! He must hurry, lest his position as Dragon of Ponyville be usurped! Even in his haste, though, he can’t help but snag every shiny lamppost and amazing broom he comes across, his collection growing to an impressive four of each!

Leaving giant clawprints in his wake Spike barrels down the streets of Ponyville, cautiously peeking above the roofs to spot the intruder. He growls as his foe remains concealed, though he is in no state to meet an opponent in the field of battle. Not with his horde snugly carried in one arm. No proper dragon would leave their horde undefended, liable to be picked up by anycreature!

Spike bravely slinks to Sweet Apple Acres, the orange and red farmponies standing in his way of little concern to him. He merely steps around and above them, ignoring their high pitched shouts to focus on locating the challenger. Spotting and hearing nodragon he carefully winds his way through the orchard, grinning as he finds a suitable vessel. Long purple arms lift the wagon, piling his horde inside next to the baskets of apples.

His ears perk as a loud klaxon rings from Ponyville, his eyes widening in alarm. The other dragon is attacking! Sweetie Belle could be in danger!

He bellows in anger, only for a deep challenge to echo back to him! He casually snaps the rope securing one of his legs to a nearby tree as he rushes to Ponyville, intent on rescuing his fair Sweetie Belle!

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