• Published 30th Nov 2018
  • 8,184 Views, 901 Comments

Continuity Disrupted - Doug Graves

Twilight Sparkle arrives in Ponyville, as per the specific instruction of Princess Celestia, and becomes the Element of Magic. All according to plan. But one out of place character threatens to derail everything she has worked for.

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5 The Hermit

Row after row of apple trees pass by almost unheeded, a warm breeze blowing through the fruit laden branches. Twilight grabs one of the ripe apples that had rolled to the ground, chewing the mouth watering deliciousness as she mulls over the events of the past few days. She briefly pauses as the farmhouse comes into view, waving at the small group of four fillies and one colt traveling along the dirt road. Doug's younger fillies, she reminds herself, but she can't recall any of the names. She smiles at the tiny saddlebags strapped to each, filled with the precious joy of knowledge.

The brown filly in lead - the only one with a cutie mark, an exploding Red Delicious apple - waves back, the rest of the herd quickly following along. Their passing seems uneventful, the excited chatter briefly disappearing, just as quickly resurfacing, as if the events of the last few days didn't even register with them. Quite the resilience they display, even as they clearly favor one of their legs. Was it like that for her? The irregular clip clop of their hooves fades, leaving Twilight alone with her musing.

So, she got to Ponyville. Met the Ponyvillians, most prominently her five new friends and fellow Elements. After Nightmare Moon attacked, the six of them traveled through the Everfree Forest. They freed Princess Luna from Nightmare Moon's transformation (or possession, or dark influence, whatever you want to call it; some ponies had called it a curse, but that's nonsense, curses aren't real) and then Princess Celestia came and forgave her sister. They all came back to town as Princess Celestia raised the sun, and then the partying started in earnest. But partway through, both Princesses and the Elements went to the Apple farmhouse. She and the rest of the Elements - as well as, apparently, the Element's foals - listened to what had happened to Princess Celestia. And to Doug and his foals. And then they all returned to the party, leaving Applejack with the human.

Twilight reaches the farmhouse, stopping just before the wooden porch. She rests her hooves, dropping the weather manuals to the side; after all that running around yesterday, and walking around now, she really should try to get into better shape. Especially because the various stores and things to do in Ponyville are more spread out than Canterlot, requiring her to walk to get to them. Or she could send Spike. Maybe he should come along with her on the walks? Twilight's eye squints; she can't let herself get distracted so easily!

Back to her recollection. Doug ended up okay; his arm is injured, sure, but it will heal over time, and he isn't crippled. His fillies are fine; apparently they had just been trapped in their room, sustaining a small cut each. Of all the creatures involved, if anypony would be suffering from the encounter, then Princess Celestia should fear magic after what had happened, right? She was just as restrained as he was! And she had to suffer her magic being drained! Unlike the human; he hadn't mentioned anything about that happening to him. Did Nightmare Moon not attempt to drain him, as though she didn't fear his power at all compared to Princess Celestia? Could he have somehow been protected against it?

Especially because she still doubts that he doesn't have any magic. Ridiculous.

A light thumping against the wood comes from inside the farmhouse, just a few hooftaps in quick succession. Twilight's ear flicks towards the noise, quickly going back to her thoughts.

And yet Princess Celestia was just as chipper as always after the fact! As if the outcome had never been in doubt! But, there were plenty of times that she and her friends could have failed! Was the Princess' reaction just a facade? Covering for the slim chance of success they actually had?

What if one of the traps along the way had gotten them? Or if Nightmare Moon's concentration hadn't been broken at precisely the perfect time? Then, would Princess Celestia have been banished to the moon? Or merely imprisoned, or forced to labor under Nightmare Moon for the sake of her little ponies?

A stifled moan from the building rouses her, the unicorn's ears again flicking towards the noise. Was somepony in trouble? She cautiously creeps up the wooden porch, trying to get to a better vantage point. The old, splintering boards squeak underneath her, the unicorn grimacing at her poorly concealed attempt at stealth.

The noises inside didn't notice, or react, merely growing slightly louder but still difficult to make out.

Twilight presses her ear against the door, her muzzle screwing up in concentration, trying to discern the rhythmic thumping against the wood from the low voices. She focuses, barely able to make out a louder pair of moans, followed by muffled voices from inside.

"...better feel...right?"


"...alright, dude..."

A harsh laugh comes from inside, then a loud slap, quickly followed by the front door bursting open. Twilight doesn't even have time to gasp as the wood swings the few inches and smacks into her muzzle, knocking her back with a sharp twinge of pain. She rubs her jaw, a strong musk hitting her nostrils as she inhales, looking up to see Rainbow Dash - still wearing Applejack's hat - hovering above her. Rainbow's playful smile twists into a mean scowl, one hoof pointing accusingly at Twilight.

"YOU!" she shouts, shaking with rage as she lands next to Twilight's prone body. "What are you doing here! Come to finish the job?"

"No!" Twilight yells as she shakes her head, her coat snagging against the wooden porch as she tries to backpedal away from the vengeful pegasus. "I didn't!"

Rainbow advances, baring her teeth as she crouches down, ready to pounce. "A likely story!"

Twilight brings her forelegs up, trying to shield her head against the anticipated assault.

"Rainbow." Doug's husky voice rings out, like he is still trying to catch his breath. Twilight peeks through her hooves; Doug is staring right at her, eyes occasionally flicking up to her horn before going back to her eyes.

Rainbow stops, turning her head and regarding the human standing in the doorway. After a few seconds she snorts, glaring at Twilight as she paces back to Doug, affectionately rubbing her head along his leg and mashing the hat against him. His hand comes down, scratching along her mane; her scowl fades, replaced by a contented smile. Rainbow turns back to Twilight, her voice oozing with restrained fury as she grunts out, "So. What do you want?"

Twilight rolls to her hooves, rubbing the ragged fur on her coat. She lowers her head as she meekly says, "I was waiting for Applejack and Rarity. To apologize for what happened before. At the party, and the orchard."

"Then why were you eavesdropping on us? Huh?" Rainbow stomps a hoof on the porch, an exasperated snort as Doug's hand pushes her head down. She twists, a short lived glare at Doug before she turns back to Twilight.

Twilight stammers, "I wasn't! I didn't mean to! I mean, I thought somepony was in trouble!" Twilight pauses, one eyebrow raising, "But, if nopony was in trouble, then what was happening in there?"

Rainbow huffs, a glance just to the side at Doug before she again glares at Twilight, "That was me reassuring my stallion. No thanks to you." Rainbow looks past Twilight, the unicorn turning to see Applejack and Rarity trotting close, Spike riding on the white unicorn's back.

Twilight sighs as the three come up to the porch, "I'm sorry, Rainbow. And Doug. I didn't mean for any of this to happen."

"Yeah," Rainbow snarls, "you better not have."

"Alright, Rainbow, Ah think she gets the picture," Applejack says as Twilight hunkers down. "Doug, are you feeling better?"

Doug rubs Rainbow's head, the pegasus smiling as he pulls her close, "Somewhat, yes." He glances at Spike and Rarity, a short wave to the two of them.

Rarity steps forward as Applejack nods to her, the unicorn's nose briefly scrunching as she nuzzles Doug. "Somepony could use a bath, hmm?" she softly says, her horn lighting. Spike rises to the air as Doug flinches, Rarity looking up with a puzzled expression. "Darling? Are you okay?"

The front door slams shut in her face, a stunned Rarity glancing to her two herdmates.

Applejack mutters, "Did he just..."

"That was quite rude, dear," Rarity calls as a blue aura surrounds the door, the wood swinging open. Rarity turns to Applejack and Rainbow Dash, the two nervously looking at the orchards and sky respectively. "If you two need to get back to work, I assure you that Doug is in capable hooves." Rarity fixes Twilight with a harsh stare, "Correct?"

Twilight nods, "I'll be good." She slowly stands, "But, before you go. I'm sorry about what happened at the party. I didn't mean to kick you all out like that."

Rainbow's muzzle slowly curls to a friendly smile, "Hey, no big!"

Relief comes over Applejack and Rainbow Dash, both exchanging a quick nuzzle with Twilight, then Rarity. Applejack straps on a cart, bringing another load of goods to Ponyville. Rainbow returns the Stetson before she takes off, flying towards the building clouds over the Everfree. A few look to have broken free, a haze over some of the southern orchards. A rainbow blur soon surrounds them, corralling and pushing the wayward rain clouds away from the farm.

Twilight gulps as she returns a sheepish grin to Rarity, the white unicorn's expression softening. Twilight meekly ventures, "So, what now?"

"I know you didn't mean to hurt Doug, or anything of that matter." Rarity shuts the door behind the three as she looks around the farmhouse. The splattering of pancakes frying from the kitchen catches her attention, the two unicorns and dragon making their way over as Rarity continues, "At least, I am assuming that is the case and I desperately hope you do not prove me wrong. But, obviously, something has happened."

"Obviously." Twilight rolls her eyes at the evident claim, nearly missing the quick glare Rarity shoots her. She forces a grin back to her muzzle, her ears flicking back.

"None of that, now," Rarity admonishes, entering the kitchen and scanning the sizzling pans. "This smells delicious, Doug. But, are you doing okay?"

"I'll be fine," Doug says in a falsetto, turning from the stove with an obviously faked smile plastered on his face. "Really." He nervously glances between Rarity and Twilight, briefly closing his eyes and turning back to the stove.

"Do I need to get Applejack?" Rarity says, standing up as tall as she can. "Or would you like to admit to us what is wrong?"

"Look," Doug says, his voice grating, dropping the spatula as his hands clench the counter. He sighs, turning and crouching down to look Rarity in the eye. One hand roughly rubs into her withers; the unicorn glances back with a slight frown before returning his gaze. "It'll be okay, all right? I just need to work through this."

"You don't want our help?" Rarity pushes forward, nuzzling her stallion, her large eyes brimming with tears. "Oh, darling. Stallions shouldn't need to be so strong." Rarity allows Doug to pull her close for a soft kiss; she gently returns it as Doug lightly tries to push her away. Rarity instead presses up against him, walking up to the counter; one hand remains in her mane as he grabs the spatula and returns to the pancakes. Rarity sighs, quickly smirking as she looks at the amount of nuts and chocolate he has added to the mix, saying, "And here I thought that you didn't partake in comfort foods."

Doug chuckles as his hand rubs deeper into Rarity's mane, the mare's eyes rolling up in pure contentment. "Yeah, you know me, I prefer comfort s-"

He cuts himself off, glancing over at Twilight and the growing blush on her cheeks, then at the young dragon staring at him. Doug awkwardly coughs, his eyes going to Rarity, "Just a, um, late breakfast with some comfort... spices."

Spike raises an eyebrow, "You realize I'm fifteen, right? I know what sex is." He points a claw at Rarity, "And, given that she's getting like Twilight does when she gets a new box of books delivered,"

Twilight gasps, "Spike!"

"I'm thinking that we ought to give them their privacy," Spike finishes.

Rarity groans as she shakes Doug's hand out of her mane, "As much as I might like that, there is something else we need to address." She puts a hoof on Doug's chest, lightly pushing him to a sitting position. "Doug. Please, relax." Doug takes a deep breath, glancing up at the pancakes cooking.

Spike smiles, "Don't worry about those! I'll take care of it." The dragon climbs up to the stove, grabbing the spatula and readying himself for when any of the pancakes need flipping. He even goes so far to pour a new batch of pancakes, tossing in the nuts and most of the chocolates while keeping a few for himself to sample.

Twilight nervously looks back and forth, one eye raising as she says, "Wait, nopony cares that I..."

Rarity softly smiles at Twilight, "Please, darling, what you do in the privacy of your... I assume bedroom, is your own business. Unless you wish for us to help." She winks at Twilight, the purple unicorn's blush deepening as Rarity turns back to Doug. "Now, to the heart of the matter. Doug, something is obviously wrong, and it would be best if you let us help you. I've noticed that you can't stop glancing at Twilight's or my horn. And from what Applejack was saying, and what I've seen, it sounds like every time we use magic you tense up, if not something more drastic."

Doug grimaces, his hands steadying himself on the counter. "It's just... I just can't help but think about Nightmare Moon." He offers a pleading look to Rarity, "Just... just don't push it, okay? It'll get better over time, I'm sure."

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