• Published 30th Nov 2018
  • 8,184 Views, 901 Comments

Continuity Disrupted - Doug Graves

Twilight Sparkle arrives in Ponyville, as per the specific instruction of Princess Celestia, and becomes the Element of Magic. All according to plan. But one out of place character threatens to derail everything she has worked for.

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25 Earth Drinker, Part Five

Applejack prances down the road leading back to Sweet Apple Acres, the warm summer sun nearly as glowing as the praise from the pegasus above her. Behind her trail the herd's fillies, a mix of excitement and trepidation after the disaster that had narrowly been averted in Ponyville. School had let out early, following the commotion in town. But everything is better now, leaving Applejack able to bask in the adoration. Though at brisk pace, as best the fillies can manage; she has to get back to work, the clock is ticking!

"That was awesome, Applejack! The way you leapt from one cow to another, and how you used your rope while you were riding them? And then you steered those steers clear of here!" Rainbow Dash pauses to take a breath before exclaiming in a high voice, "That was" - she mashes her muzzle with her forehooves - "so awesome!"

"Can ya tell us again, Applejack?" Apple Bloom excitedly asks, beaming up at her dam. "About how you lassoed the lead cow and saved everypony?"

"Alright, RD, enough of that," Applejack grins, clearly not going to stop the pegasus if she continues. "And Ah'm sorry, Apple Bloom, Ah'd like to tell y'all the story again, but we've got to get back to work!" She glances to the barn where Twilight, Doug and Granny Smith are waiting outside. "Actually, Bloom, if'n you can corral your sisters, get them to Doug. He'll have something for y'all to do." Applejack tilts her Stetson before heading into the orchards, finding her wagon and starting where she left off.

Rainbow Dash groans, her exuberant expression fading as she looks over the rows and rows of apple trees waiting to be harvested. She stretches her legs while flying, muttering, "Just one more hour. You got this!" She beats her forehooves together twice in quick succession before arcing above the barn, a short wave to Doug as she hitches herself to her empty wagon. She huffs, undoing the clasps and loading the wagon with empty baskets before setting off to her side.

Doug ushers the eight chattering fillies into the barn, only empty baskets stacked against the walls, listening to their rendition of how Applejack saved everypony, is getting a medal, and is best pony. Actually, that last part is hotly contested; Doug interrupts the quickly heating discussion by saying loudly, "Okay, team, we've got a lot of work ahead of us. Applejack will be in here shortly, with another load of apples. I think she's just about done bringing in Golden Delicious. I need somepony to see how many baskets of what varieties she will be bringing in."

Apple Bloom steps up, "Ah can do that!"

"Okay, good," Doug continues, nodding at the filly. "We'll need an estimate of how many more Red Delicious Rainbow Dash will bring in, but I think it's at least four more wagons full."

"Ah can do that too!" says Apple Bloom, moving to the barn door.

"If'n one of you young'ins feels up to sorting, we could use a keen eye in here," Granny Smith adds.

"Ah like sorting! Ah can do that!" Apple Bloom says excitedly.

"Leave something for the rest of us," Scootaloo snidely remarks, rolling her eyes. "You're starting to sound like Applejack."

Apple Bloom smiles, "Thanks!"

"It sounds like you need some help organizing," Twilight Sparkle pipes up, a bit of a twinkle in her eye. "Can I help?"

"You want to play pit boss?" Doug replies, a wary look at the purple unicorn. "It ain't like sorting library books."

"Please," Twilight says, smiling. "I got this! What could go wrong?" At Doug's long sigh and eventual nod she continues, "So, first off, what are all the jobs that need to be done, and who can do what job?"

"Let's see," Doug says, humming to himself as he glances around the barn. Twilight levitates a quill and paper, her eager expression intensifying as Applejack brings in another wagon load, this time a mix of golden and green apples. Doug starts, "In no particular order. We need ponies to help sort apples. Anypony can help there, older the better. Next, find out which apples are coming, and how many. Anypony can fill that spot, as long as they know the varieties. Figuring out which crates should be filled next, and how many apples they need, once we know what apples are coming up. Not Lemon or Scootaloo for that one."

"Hey!" says Scootaloo, a little affronted she is being excluded from a job.

"You sure you want to be the one figuring all that out?" says Lemon, a glance at the tall stack of papers.

"Oh. Um, I guess not," Scootaloo says, though her frown remains. "But I could still do it!"

Doug continues, "Once one o'clock rolls around, somepony to help Rainbow Dash by dragging one of the smaller carts to and from the orchard. Apple Bloom would be best for that, but Applebaum, Sweetie Belle, or Scootaloo could also help. We have a second cart if we need more help there. Helping Rainbow buck apples; probably only Apple Bloom or Applebaum, and they'll need to stay near Big Mac. Recording the apples brought in. Anypony there. I could also help buck or drag a wagon."

"That's a lot of jobs," Twilight says, her quill scratching furiously. "Anything else?"

"Need somepony to gather lunch and dinner for everypony." Doug holds his hand on his chin, a low humming coming from his chest. "I think that's about it, but we might have more things crop up." He glances to the eight young ponies, "If anypony doesn't want to help, say something now or hold your peace."

As expected, silence amid slight glances from side to side, the fillies checking their sisters and making sure everypony is going to chip in.

"Excellent!" Twilight Sparkle says with a smile as she steps up. "Okay, girls. Together we're going to get these apples good and bucked!"

Applebaum snickers, quieting as several of her sisters turn to glance at her. She coughs, clearing her throat.

Twilight Sparkle continues, "Alright, we have a little less than one hour until Rainbow is done with her side. Fifty two minutes to be exact. Until then, Apple Bloom, Applebaum, Scootaloo, and Lemon. You four will get us lunch ready. Do you need more help with that?"

"Nope!" Apple Bloom says, her sisters lining up behind and next to her.

Twilight smiles, "Excellent! Once you finish that, get your carts ready. Apple Bloom and Applebaum, you'll be bucking apples while Scootaloo and Lemon cart the apples around." She looks at the pegasus and yellow earth pony, "You two good carting apples around?"

"I mean, I've never done it before, but how hard can it be?" says Scootaloo with a shrug, Lemon nodding along.

Twilight kneels down, her face turning more neutral, "Pomarbo, do you know your apples?"

Pomarbo looks at Twilight Sparkle for one second before nodding, a soft, "Eeyup."

"Good!" Twilight smiles, "I need you to go and find out what apples Applejack, Rainbow, and your sisters will be bringing in. Okay?"


Twilight turns to Meringue, "Meringue, you'll be using the information Pomarbo gives you to get the next crates to be filled ready. Also, recording what apples Rainbow Dash or Applejack bring in during their shifts."


"Sweetie Belle and Hedge, you two will help Doug and Granny Smith sort apples." Twilight inspects the gathered fillies, all of them excited to get started, "Any questions?"

The fillies smile before all dashing off to various parts of the farm.

Apple Bloom looks up to Twilight Sparkle, "What do we want for lunch?"

"Um," Twilight says, glancing at Doug, "Apples? And hay?"

"Keeping it simple? That's fine," Doug replies as Sweetie Belle and Hedge move to him. "Alright, girls. When we sort the apples, the first thing we look for is any discoloration or soft spots. If they have any, those apples, the ones we don't sell, go into this pile. Otherwise, we need to know which crate needs how many apples. So, Meringue, we need at least one order form that needs Granny Smith apples, and preferably one that includes Granny Smith, Red Delicious, and/or Golden Delicious."

"Determining efficient sequence."

"Ooh, that sounds like fun!" says Twilight, glancing at the papers Meringue is rifling through. "You need any help?" She frowns as Meringue continues focusing on the papers, frustration quickly building at being denied the ability to sort through the many possibilities.

"Must examine closely."

"Yeah, I guess," Twilight Sparkle says with a loud sigh, glancing around the barn, her boredom quickly replaced by a certain sense of dread. "Where did the rest of them run off to?"

"Welcome to the herd," Doug replies with a chuckle and shake of his head.

Granny Smith snickers, "Young Bright Mac was far worse than yer young'ins. He was always traipsing around places he shouldn't be!"

"Yeah, at least they keep an eye on each other." Doug pauses. "Most of the time." A short time later, he adds, "Sort of." He looks over at Twilight Sparkle, "You might have to chase them around, especially as it gets later. Make sure they don't get distracted."

Twilight Sparkle nods, glancing at Spike as lunch arrives. Maybe her assistant can help out with that, once he's done with his nap. Or given some good incentives.

Many wagon loads of apples later and Twilight Sparkle has only had to chase down the trio twice to get them to focus on helping sort apples during the seemingly endless wait. Finally, Applejack and Rainbow Dash both grab a bite to eat as Rainbow's shift ends. "So, Rainbow," Applejack asks between mouthfuls of apple, unloading baskets while she eats, "You enjoy your first day of real work?"

"Please," Rainbow Dash says with a smirk. "Today was a cinch! You haven't been too bad either; exactly what I'd expect from the number two athlete in Ponyville!" Rainbow Dash laughs at Applejack's delayed scowl. "I mean, I think you'd be a perfect candidate to help me with that new trick I'm working on!"

"Oh, Rainbow, Ah don't think you could convince anypony to help you out with that trick after what happened with Big Mac." Applejack shakes a reproving hoof at Rainbow Dash as she loads more empty baskets, "And don't you go trying! It's too dangerous, and even if it works it doesn't launch you fast enough!"

"Ah can help!" pipes up Applebaum. She shrinks down for a fraction of a second as Applejack and Rainbow Dash both spin. Applejack glares at her while a hopeful expression briefly crosses Rainbow's face, though it quickly fades. Applebaum stands up straight and adds, "Honest!" in the hope that it can mollify her dam and convince Rainbow she can help.

"Oh, no you don't," commands Applejack, stomping a hoof on the floor with a face of stone. "No way, no how."

"And, you're kinda, um..." Rainbow Dash stammers, trying to figure out the least insulting way of putting this. "Small."

Applebaum rolls her eyes, "Well, yeah. You think Ah don't know that? But Ah wouldn't be jumping." She mimes pulling a wagon, "You just lift up a big rock! Maybe even using the same pulley system we used to lift the structure up in the first place. And then just drop it when you're ready. The rock's bigger than Big Mac anyways, and it don't mind being dropped down."

"Huh," Rainbow says, taking a long look back at Ponyville. "You know, that might work! After we get finished we should totally do that!"

Rainbow takes a step towards her wagon, her leg seizing under her. She flaps her wings, quickly recovering before her muzzle can get another coat of brown, her gaze nervously shifting to the ponies around her.

Applejack's eyebrows furrow, "You okay over there, Dash?"

"I'm fine!" Rainbow says, hovering to Doug as she forces a smile to her face. "Just need to get that massage." She leans in close, "You don't mind going somewhere a little more private, right?"

Doug rolls his eyes, "Aren't you a little worn out already?"

Rainbow Dash huffs, "Never! Now, come on!" She grabs hold of Doug's arm, dragging him just outside the barn and around the side. Applejack merely sighs, pulling her wagon out for yet another harvesting run.

Doug looks around as Rainbow drops to the ground. He remarks, as his hands go to her flanks, "You know, they can probably see us right when they walk outside. And you aren't always the quietest."

Instead of a biting reply, Rainbow Dash's eyes close; the mare flops to her side, her ragged breathing coming in deep breaths far too quick too be rejuvenating. Her clenched eyes try to keep the tears from flowing, her weary body spending the last of her reserves to eke out, "Doug..."

"What is it, Rainbow?" Doug says rapidly, his hands quickly moving to cup her head as he leans down, cradling her close to him. His mouth turns to a frown when Rainbow doesn't immediately reply, "Are you okay? Should I get help?"

Rainbow Dash weakly shakes her head, stifling a sob, "Doug, I can't do it. I don't know what I'm going to do."

"It's okay, Rainbow," Doug says, gently rocking his mare, "It'll be okay. We can just tell the others-"

"No!" Rainbow Dash forces out before she collapses again, a coughing fit wracking the pegasus' dirty body. "I can't let them see me like this!"

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