• Published 30th Nov 2018
  • 8,184 Views, 901 Comments

Continuity Disrupted - Doug Graves

Twilight Sparkle arrives in Ponyville, as per the specific instruction of Princess Celestia, and becomes the Element of Magic. All according to plan. But one out of place character threatens to derail everything she has worked for.

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9 The Last One Standing, Part Four

"Finally," Doug says to his empty office, "some peace and quiet around here." The rain pounds against the roof, a monotonous drone that quickly drowns out any outside distractions. Doug rifles through the many folders, neatly arranged by primary city. The Manehattan folder comes first; Doug likes to finalize their area before the others. Same when he goes through the long list of requests that the Manehattanites have, as they are easily the most vocal and volatile. One might have thought that would be Canterlot, and the prissy unicorns that live there. But, instead, the weather on the top of a mountain in the middle of a giant plains, only a few nearby rivers? Very easy to handle, with little variation needed or desired since he doesn't need to account for a lot of nearby farming communities. Lots and lots of clear skies, the Princess of the Sun gazing across her kingdom. Princessdom? Whatever.

Manehattan, though? It borders the sea - strike one. Pretentious new-money socialites who can't tolerate a single thing wrong - strike two, and probably three. Lots and lots of nearby farming communities - three strikes all on its own, purely on how many requests for what they see as mild, unremarkable changes that threaten to send everything nearby out of alignment, quickly devolving into an uncontrollable tailspin, and things just cascade from there. But, that's why he gets paid a modest amount of bits, so the weather pegasi can focus on wrangling clouds instead of crafting increasingly complex and interdependent schedules.

Halfway through the weather schedule for the nearby suburbs, the city proper and outlying farms completed, a loud knock reverberates through the farmhouse. It sounds more than mildly aggravated, as if the mailmare has been sitting out in the rain for a while now and is finally getting perturbed at his lack of hearing. Or it's Derpy, and she only has one volume - whatever speed she runs into your door.

Doug walks up to the front of the house, glancing down at the gray mailmare sprawled out on the porch. She managed to only lightly dent the door this time, her eyes spinning not quite in time with each other. A small box is scattered among a dozen or so letters, each starting to get a little damp from the rain splattering down.

Derpy smiles up at him, "Package for Herd Apple!" She glances around, gathering up the letters and making sure they aren't the package she is looking for. Once she grabs the last letter she spots the box, reaching down and hoofing it up to Doug.

Doug takes it with a smile, "Thanks, Derpy. Hey, Pinkie Pie brought over the leftovers from the party they were having at Golden Oak. I think they have one muffin, smothered in Fire Sauce, if you'd like to have it!"

Derpy's eyes light up, "I would love a muffin! And it makes you burst into flames, right?"

Doug nods, "Harmless flames, yes."

Derpy smiles, "That'll be perfect for this chilly rain! Thanks, Doug! You're the best human I know!"

"Come on, Derpy, I'm the only human you know!" comes his predictable response, the best kind of thing to have around the easily confused mailmare. Doug returns with a single muffin, stained a deep red. "Make sure not to eat it until you're airborne!"

"Okay, Doug! See you later!" Derpy eyes the muffin, raising her hoof to her mouth before pausing. Wasn't there something to do? Oh yeah! "I gave you your package, right? It was supposed to be really important, and I was supposed to go here first! Even though normally I go here last, because it's the farthest place on my route."

"Yup, Derpy, I got the package. Thank you for double checking." Doug waves at the pegasus; she takes off, deciding that the object in her hoof is a muffin and greedily devouring it as the rain hits her. Her mane and tail erupt into flames, the surrounding water forming a cloud of steam as it evaporates. "Huh," Doug says to himself, "I wonder why the rain is affected but not the wood of a house. Or nearby ponies. Or the letters." He grumbles, "Stupid magic not obeying consistent rules."

Doug opens up the package, looking at the ornate calligraphy on the box inside. He reads aloud, "For Herd Apple ONLY." He sighs to himself; hopefully whoever keyed this box into the Herd's magical signature remembered to include him this time.

He pauses, steeling himself as he raises two fingers to the packaging. He pulls his hands apart, a sigh of relief as the box opens neatly in front of him. His eyes open wide as he pulls out a gilded piece of paper. He reads to himself:

"Hear ye, hear ye. Her Grand Royal Highness, Princess Celestia of Equestria, is pleased to announce the Grand Galloping Gala to be held in the magnificent capital city of Canterlot, on the 21st day of February.

Princess Celestia, in recognition of their service to the Crown, cordially extends an invitation to the five Mares of Herd Apple, the Bearers of the Elements of Harmony, in addition to their Stallion. Please RSVP at your earliest convenience. If you need lodging or have any special requirements do not hesitate to ask, and they will be provided to the best of our abilities.

Princess Celestia, May Her Sun Shine as Long as She Deems Necessary, and
Princess Luna, May Her Moon Guide Us In Times of Strife, and
Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, May Her Heart Give Joy Generously

Doug grins as he pulls out the six tickets, rifling through them. Each has, embossed under the fanciful golden lettering, the name of which pony the ticket is specified for. Though the fine print does allow for them to be transferred to another in the event somepony is unable or unwilling to go. Or as long as both parties come to an agreeable conclusion. Doug shrugs; it looks like nopony will have to make a hard decision after all!

Doug packs the tickets, including the one Twilight gave him, back into the box, standing up to return to his office. He pauses as he spots a rainbow blur bursting through the clouds, leaving a large hole above the dirt path. At least it isn't over the crops.

Rainbow Dash crashes into the farmhouse, rolling to a stop upside down against the opposite wall. Her eyes circle around their sockets as Doug rolls his own, moving over and grunting as he picks up the pegasus. Rainbow comes to, latching onto Doug and shouting, "Doug! Bestest best friend I've ever ever had!"

"Yeeess?" Doug draws out, smirking at the pegasus trying to look cute in his arms. Okay, fine, she's adorable. "Is there something you'd like?"

Rainbow playfully giggles as Doug tickles her belly, coyly holding a hoof up to her mouth and noting how his eyes drift lower. "Mm, I think you know exactly what I want," she purrs, one hoof going up and rubbing his shoulder.

"Mm," Doug echoes, one hand rubbing into her withers while the other traces the line his eyes drew. "One condition."

Rainbow's eyes narrow as she huffs, her bubbly demeanor immediately bursting, "Ah, come on, seriously? That's it? But, we already did that!" She rolls her eyes at his grin, "Fine. I mean, it's not like I don't like it or anything. It's just not... ugh, not terribly special." Rainbow sighs, "Okay, that came out wrong. But-"

"Rainbow, I get it," Doug says, lowering her to the ground. Rainbow stands, an exasperated grunt as she flicks her tail to the side. Doug doesn't move forward, one hand instead opening the box while the other pulls her next to him. Rainbow looks up, her eyes twitching at the ticket he is holding in his hand. "And what I want from you is something only you can provide."

"Really?" Rainbow says, her awestruck eyes growing larger and larger as she finds her hooves holding the shining ticket. "Omygosh omygosh omygosh! Seriously?"

Doug nods, "Seriously. Part of the condition," he puts one finger onto Rainbow's lips, her eyes looking up with a trace of confusion, "is that you can't tell the others that I have a ticket for each of them, including one for me, until I tell them. Agreed?"

Rainbow stares at her ticket for a few seconds longer before she grins up at Doug. "So, we're pranking them."

Doug's smirk grows larger, "You might say that."

Rainbow's smirk matches Doug's, "Have I ever shown you how much I love you?" She leans back, kissing Doug and smirking as his hands start travelling down her flanks. She spins him around, Doug laying on the floor as Rainbow's hooves press into his back and shoulders.

Some time later the door to the Carrot House slides open, Fluttershy peeking her head inside. She quietly walks to Doug's office, gently pushing the door open. She smiles as she spots Doug; he is hard at work, reading through the weather reports. Rainbow is laying next to him, her eyes covertly watching the door. Fluttershy says, "Good afternoon, Doug! Still feeling well?"

Doug nods, grimacing a little as he motions towards the unopened letters in front of him. "Yeah, feeling pretty good, but just a lot of work to get through. You been busy?"

Fluttershy nods as she walks up, sniffing at Rainbow Dash. Her muzzle curls to a frown, a disappointed sigh escaping her lips. "Yes. I was helping Twilight clean the library, a... um... a bit of a surprise. In the hopes that she would give me the extra ticket." Her tear filled eyes meet Doug's, "But, I can tell Rainbow got to you first. I just..."

Doug sighs as Fluttershy sinks to the ground, whimpering as she covers her face with her mane. Rainbow looks up at Doug, her shake of the head enough to let him know to abort their plan. He gets up; this isn't how he wanted this to go at all. He sits next to her, rubbing his hand along her back. "What did you want to happen when you got here, 'Shy?"

"Oh, um..." Fluttershy trails off, sniffling as she looks over at Rainbow. "I thought that you didn't want to go to the Gala, so I would ask you for the ticket, and you would, um, give it to me?" She forces a smile at Doug, though it quickly grows natural as she continues, "There are so many cute little creatures in that beautiful garden that aren't easily found anywhere else." She beams up at him, "And I would make friends with them, and they would... um..." Fluttershy sighs, "But, it doesn't matter any more."

"Well, that sounds like a great reason," Doug says. "What if I told you that I haven't given away the ticket Twilight gave me?" Rainbow smirks at his evasion, watching Fluttershy's quick reaction.

Fluttershy jumps up, nuzzling Doug as she quietly shouts, "You haven't? Oh, um..." Fluttershy lowers her head, pausing for a few seconds before she looks up. Her luscious mane, normally just a simple wave, perfectly frames her face and draws his gaze further in. Her eyes, glistening with the barest hint of tears, are the widest that Doug has ever seen. Her lower lip quivers, her muzzle curling up in a soft smile, her eyelashes fluttering as she coos. "Doug? I-If you don't mind, I would like the ticket to the Grand Galloping Gala."

"Gah!" Rainbow shouts, pulling away from Fluttershy. She had nearly given the yellow pegasus her own ticket, just to get her to stop making that face!

Doug quietly laughs as Fluttershy smiles, pulling her into his arms and standing. He slowly walks over to his desk, withdrawing Fluttershy's ticket from the box. He holds the golden ticket up, Fluttershy's eyes growing wide as she reaches her hooves forward. Doug says, "One condition."

Fluttershy glances back up, a confused look at Doug. "Um, okay. If you want, I guess. But aren't you tired after Rainbow?"

Doug closes his eyes, controlling his breathing as he counts to three. He finally says, his voice forced, "You can't tell the others that I have a ticket for each of them." He holds up a finger, Fluttershy sinking back a little, "That isn't the condition, that's just you not ruining their surprise. What I want from you is for you to tell me all about the Gala, and how much you enjoyed it. What your favorite parts were, things you wanted to see more of, ways it could have been handled better, etcetera."

Fluttershy perks up, "Oh! I can do that!" She grabs hold of the ticket Doug offers her, staring at the golden writing. She beams up at him, "Thank you so much!"

"For what?" Doug says with a smirk, "I'm just giving you what's yours."

"Oh." Fluttershy giggles, "I guess you are!" She pauses, frowning as she says, "Does that mean I don't need to tell you about the Gala?"

Doug shakes his head, "Hmm? Oh, no, you still need to do that. You agreed in order to get the ticket!"

"But, you said the ticket was mine!" Fluttershy gasps, "You tricked me!"

Doug raises his hands, "Guilty! And what did I trick you into doing?"

Fluttershy pauses for a few seconds before she starts snickering. "Oh! I get it!"

All three turn as the door to the office slams shut. They nervously glance at each other, just for the door to burst open, showering each of them with confetti. Pinkie Pie leaps into the room, clashing a pair of cymbals together, banging on a drum, and echoing herself with a trumpet as she sings at the top of her voice, "Doug you are my bestest friend! Whoopie!" *trumpet blast* "Whoopie!" *louder trumpet blast*

"Stop." Doug says, holding up a hand. He rubs one ear as Pinkie Pie frowns, "I'm glad you wrote me a song, but I don't need to hear all six verses."

"Don't be silly!" grins Pinkie Pie, "There were seventeen more verses!"

"Yeah," Doug grunts out, "exactly my point." Doug groans as Pinkie Pie tackles him, "So, what else have you got?"

"Hmm..." Pinkie Pie hums, holding a hoof to her chin as she sits on top of Doug's chest. "Free tap dancing concerts every night?"

"Oh pony no," Doug moans as Pinkie Pie demonstrates. He tries to push the writhing mare off of him, merely spurring her on to greater and greater heights, leaving red marks all over his chest. "There's something I want from you, a condition for me giving you this ticket."

"Oooh! Like you could help me practice playing instruments! Or I could teach you!" Pinkie Pie pulls two harmonicas out of her mane, quickly blowing a quick chord on each. Simultaneously. She drops them onto the floor, pulling out a guitar, accordion, and trumpet. She begins struggling with something in her mane, two hooves digging deep as she rolls off of Doug. She grunts as she exclaims, "Stupid... pipe... organ! Ugh, it wasn't this hard to get in there!"

Doug slap Pinkie Pie on the flank, the pink mare grinning sheepishly as she stops tugging. "I was thinking of something a little more personal, actually."

Pinkie Pie glances over at Rainbow Dash, shrugging as she says, "Eh. Okay, I guess. If that's what you want. You want it now or after the Gala?"

Rainbow gives Pinkie Pie the stink-eye, muttering to herself, "Stupid physical touch. What, my massages aren't special enough?" She flicks her mane out of her face, "Or, everypony just wants to copy me." Rainbow smirks to herself, "Yeah, that's it. Definitely it."

Doug huffs as he looks at Pinkie Pie, "I guess it would be after the Gala, but what I would like is for you to find something. Anything, really, that reminds us what happened. Basically, I want a souvenir."

"A gift?" Pinkie Pie says, her muzzle beaming a smile at Doug. "Us?" Her body begins vibrating, shaking more and more violently as she continues, "You want me to give you a gift that perfectly encapsulates the super duper amazing time WE'LL have at the most wonderful fantabulous party EVER?"

Doug nods, an almost superfluous, "Yes," tacked on.

PInkie Pie comes to an abrupt halt, saying in a neutral tone, "I can do that."

"Perfect." Doug pulls out a ticket, holding it up.

Pinkie Pie stands still for a few seconds as she absorbs the moment. The wait becomes too much, her eyes widening as her pupils shrink, steam pouring out of her ears. One single strand of her mane blows back and forth.

Doug blinks, staring at the blank spot in his hand where the ticket used to be. He looks over at Pinkie Pie pronking around and grinning uproariously, the other two mares giggling at the outburst. "One other thing," Doug says, Pinkie Pie briefly pausing to regard him before she resumes pronking, "I have a ticket for Applejack and Rarity as well, so no ruining their surprise until they get their ticket."

Pinkie Pie stops cold, glancing between Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. The two mares glance at each other before their gaze returns to Pinkie Pie, sheepish smiles from both. Pinkie Pie says, "You mean, they had a ticket this whole time! And they didn't tell me?!"

Doug nods, "Yup! Wouldn't have wanted them to ruin the surprise, right?" He points a finger at Pinkie Pie, "And no ruining the surprise for the others!"

Pinkie Pie draws a hoof across her muzzle, mumbling something unintelligible without opening her mouth.

"Perfect!" Doug says before glancing to Rainbow and Fluttershy, "Good job not spoiling it for her."

"Of course," Fluttershy softly says, Rainbow returning a grunt and shrug. "We wouldn't want to spoil a friend's surprise, or the surprise for a friend."

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