• Published 30th Nov 2018
  • 8,184 Views, 901 Comments

Continuity Disrupted - Doug Graves

Twilight Sparkle arrives in Ponyville, as per the specific instruction of Princess Celestia, and becomes the Element of Magic. All according to plan. But one out of place character threatens to derail everything she has worked for.

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28 Three Faces in the Dark, Part Two

Apple Bloom and Scootaloo bound back to Big Mac and Twilight Sparkle, the happy grins on their muzzles turning apologetic as they spot Twilight's disapproving glare. "We're sorry, Twilight," they chorus, mournful eyes that quickly break the unicorn's harsh exterior. Her sigh is disappointed, sure, but there is that touch of honest realization that the fillies are trying.

Scootaloo quickly explains, "We had to go check on what's happening with Lemon."

"And she needs our help!" Apple Bloom continues, nodding along.

"I got that," Twilight says sternly, "but you two have a job to do. And I can't... we can't have you running off whenever you decide!"

"Okay, Twilight," the two fillies chorus, adorable little angels.

Twilight is buying none of it.

Apple Bloom trots up to Big Mac, her eyes growing wide as they automatically trace under his barrel. She stops, sniffing the air, then inspecting the nearby trees. She glances at Twilight, but nothing seems to be out of the ordinary for the unicorn. Besides a bit of sweat from chasing them around earlier, that is.

Big Mac turns to face Apple Bloom directly, his face impassive as he lowers his front legs nearly to the ground. "Afternoon, Apple Bloom," he finally says, the filly turning to look at him. "Are ya ready to get started?"

"Sure am!" comes the fast reply, though Apple Bloom hesitates as she approaches the tree. "Big Mac?" She asks, a touch of trepidation in her voice.


Apple Bloom stammers for a second before asking, "Um, Ah was wondering. How has Rainbow Dash been doing?"

"She's been doing. Much as anypony can ask." Big Mac moves closer to the tree, a gentle reminder that they had a job to do.

Apple Bloom bucks the tree, just like her dam had showed her, a torrent of apples cascading around them. "And, we're trying to help her... keep doing, but better. Do you have any ideas for that?"

Big Mac ponders this for a long time as he places his hooves on the tree, though it didn't need nearly as much encouragement to continue growing as when Rainbow Dash or Doug are out here.

Scootaloo straps herself into the small cart now full of baskets, courtesy of Twilight Sparkle, though she can only drag around about eight baskets at a time. She starts hauling the wagon to the barn, stopping as she sees Rainbow Dash approaching.

The pegasus looks invigorated. Far better than when she had returned to the barn for lunch. Her coat has been washed clean of the dirt caking every available inch, her mane styled up in a simple ponytail peeking out from her dusted off Stetson. The grim determination on her muzzle somehow seems much more care-free, as if she knows the heavy load ahead of her is hard but manageable. Her wagon stocked with empty baskets rolls on the well-traveled road, a quick pace yet slower than the breakneck speed Rainbow Dash kept at before. Rainbow Dash nods her Stetson down at Scootaloo as they pass, the filly beaming back.

Scootaloo starts pulling her cart as Twilight walks alongside her, glad to see her dam alive and well. She remarks, "Do you know where I can get a hat like that? Rainbow looked so cool!" She can't help but glance back at the cyan pegasus, seeing the slight curl of her dam's muzzle as she unloads the baskets.

"I bet Applejack knows," Twilight replies, the two quickly coming to the barn. Unloading the baskets by hoof is far more difficult than using magic, yet Twilight can see the elderly Granny Smith watching her like a griffon. One of these days she'll need to introduce the Apples to the wonders of magic. Not today, though, with tensions still a little high from the many bodies in the room.

Lemon returns from wherever she had run off to, whispering with Scootaloo before both fillies take their empty carts away. This raises Twilight's suspicions, though she better make sure everything is running smoothly here. Nopony was sure how well the fillies would help Rainbow with bucking apples, so she needs to make sure every step of the operation is equally staffed. No sense in bucking so many apples that they can't sort in time, or having too many sorters!

Doug gets up, pulling one of the long slabs of wood down and placing it on top of a full crate. His left hand still isn't fully cooperating, so Sweetie Belle magically holds the nails in place as he hammers down the edges, only one falling from her grasp. Doug ruffles her curly mane as the unicorn takes the thick black marker and, in the same elegant script Rarity has her use when she fills out papers, records the contents and destination.

Pomarbo convenes with Meringue, the small yellow filly methodically sorting through the stacks and stacks of order forms. She locates three; Pomarbo brings them over to Sweetie Belle, the filly directing the sorters. Doug grunts as he lifts the heavy crate and takes it out the back. Twilight follows Doug, spotting the largest wagon the Apples own. It is loaded with nearly two dozen crates, though by the way the wheels are sinking into the ground they probably can't fully load it. Not with apples, that is.

Satisfied this situation is sailing smoothly, Taskmaster Twilight traipses towards the troublesome trio. Well, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Lemon, that is. She arrives to Rainbow Dash bucking yet another tree. It looks like the ponies have used a bit of their own direction, as Applebaum is arranging baskets while Apple Bloom and Rainbow trade off bucking trees on opposite sides of the dirt road. Scootaloo and Lemon work on getting the baskets nearly as large as they are into their carts; maybe she can attach a ramp or something so they don't have to lift and can instead push. Depending on the angle of the ramp, of course, but any sort of inclined plane would make their job far easier!

Twilight almost misses the looks traded among Lemon, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo, though the three gathering and whispering afterwards made their attempts at subtlety a little wasted. Not that Rainbow noticed, as she is already moving to her next tree.

“Wow, Rainbow, you’re really bucking that tree!” Apple Bloom says with a grin. She walks up to her tree, focusing for a second before her own hooves *thud* against the tree at nearly the same time as Rainbow's. All the apples from both trees fall down in the baskets, Applebaum gathering up the stray apples while Scootaloo pulls the cart over. Big Mac wheels along, crisscrossing the road to get to each tree.

Rainbow Dash lifts the baskets into the cart as she grins, “Yup! You’d think I have some earth pony blood in me, but it’s all pegasus here!” She flares her wings, strutting up to the next tree and turning around.

“Well, Ah was thinking,” Apple Bloom says, pointedly tapping a hoof to her chin in an imitation of her sire, Rainbow Dash pausing to listen. “You’re way stronger than me, but Ah can still buck all the apples off the tree.” Behind her Lemon takes her full cart, leaving at a quick pace.

“Well, yeah,” Rainbow Dash says, another powerful double-hooved hit showering apples around her. She states, like the answer is obvious, “You’re an earth pony.”

“Well, Doug can do it too, and he ain't an earth pony.” Apple Bloom shrugs as she moves up to the next tree, “And Ah’m about as strong as he is, if Ah'm bucking, and you’re way stronger, right?"

Rainbow Dash nods, "I mean, yeah. I can kick that training bag he has set up harder than he can. Not as much power, um, 'punching', I think he called it." She moves to the next tree, taking a deep breath before yet another powerful hit rings out. She smirks to herself; five in a row! Better not get cocky, though. "I think he can drag close to as much as me, but he's got a bit more practice there. Carries more, too, though I don't know if I've ever really tested my max load."

"Yeah, Ah guess that makes sense." Apple Bloom looks down at herself, then over at Rainbow. "Ah heard he can run for a long time, too."

"Yup!" Rainbow smiles as she reminisces, though the distraction makes her whiff her next buck. She scowls as she drops her internal counter back to zero. "The Running of the Leaves is a good example. It's about, um, fifteen miles or so. Just about the max an athletic pony like myself wants to run at a good trot, before we need to take a break. He runs the race with Applejack most years." Rainbow pauses as she bucks the tree again, a solid hit this time. "Wait, why am I telling you this? You should know all this stuff already."

Apple Bloom nods, "Yeah. Ah guess Ah do know this stuff. But sometimes we just need a reminder to pace ourselves. Kind of like the Running of the Leaves!"

Rainbow Dash's eyes narrow, though she doesn't say anything as she moves to the next tree.

"Like Ah was saying earlier, um, it seems like you are using your full power on every hit." Apple Bloom pauses to glance at Rainbow Dash, continuing despite her cold stare. "And, um, maybe it would also work if you didn't hit the tree as hard?"

Rainbow Dash huffs, turning and spacing herself from the tree, landing another full powered blow.

Apple Bloom gives a shy smile, strapping herself into the wagon as Lemon returns. The two whisper to each other before Apple Bloom grunts, dragging the half full wagon to the barn.

Lemon pulls her cart next to Rainbow Dash, saying, "You sure got a lot of apples down! You know, Rainbow, you've done an admire-able job of turning what could have been a really, really bad situation into a way for all of us to work together!"

Rainbow Dash raises an eyebrow, "Um, thanks? I guess?"

Lemon beams as her cart is fully loaded, "I think it's going to be great fun, working with you all week long! Though I bet I'm going to get tired of dragging these carts, much like Apple Bloom is going to get tired of bucking! So, maybe if you don’t want to tire yourself out so much, then-“

Rainbow Dash scowls, “What are you trying to say? That I can’t keep up? That I’m not going to last the rest of the week?” She grunts, Lemon sheepishly looking to the side and trying to figure out her next move. Apple Bloom returns with the wagon, Rainbow lifting the baskets around the tree, depositing it into the higher wagon. Applebaum starts pulling the empty baskets out of the wagon while Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle return, panting as they pull their empty carts into position, Scootaloo relishing the time to rest her 'weary' hooves.

“This isn’t anything like riding a scooter,” Scootaloo loudly complains with a grimace, a sly glance at Apple Bloom. “It’s like I’m using way different muscles, and it’s hard figuring out the best way to pull.”

Sweetie Belle's slightly rehearsed voice rings out, "And with the sorting going so well, I thought that I would help out. With the carts. In order to give somepony else a break."

Rainbow Dash stops, glancing between Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo. “You three are planning something,” she eventually says, a slight frown as she tries to figure it out. She points a hoof at Scootaloo, “Spit it out. What’s your angle?”

Scootaloo shies down, “Just trying to help is all. We thought-“

“Scootaloo!” Apple Bloom whispers loudly, shaking her head.

Scootaloo glances to Lemon; seeing the earth pony's nod she continues with a huff and frown, looking down at the ground and pawing nervously, “We thought you could use some pointers on ways to improve your apple bucking. So we talked to Big Mac, and Applejack, and they gave us some things to look for.”

Rainbow Dash stops, “Wait. So.. you already talked to Big Mac?” She glances back at the red pony and his unhurried pace from one tree to another. He returns her gaze with a smile and nod, going back to his work as if nothing is wrong. Rainbow Dash continues, “And Applejack?” At Lemon’s nod Rainbow sighs, a happy smile on her muzzle, “And they don’t think less of me?” Rainbow’s smile fades as their nods grow more eager, “Doug isn’t going to let me hear the end of this.”

Lemon grins up at her, “I think you’ll be surprised at that, Rainbow.” She reaches up, placing a hoof on Rainbow’s withers.

Rainbow Dash places her own hoof on Lemon’s, “Thanks, all of you, for helping me with this. I know we can get through this together!”

"And I couldn't have done it without these three!" Lemon says, the trio taking a slight bow. "They really helped push me to do what I needed to do, even if I might have had some doubts!"

Rainbow Dash sighs, a smile breaking out and spreading across her face. "Okay, you four, you win. I'll try out some of those suggestions. What were they? Try not to hit the tree as hard, and take breaks?"

Lemon says, “Yup! And I’m going to go help Daddy get…” Lemon trails off as her body shudders, falling to her barrel. She forces out, “No! I'm not done! I’m going to help…”

Another violent wave rips through her body as she yells, “I’m going to help everypony get past the difficult times in their lives!”

A flash of light shines from Lemon’s body, everypony raising a hoof to shield their eyes.

Scootaloo is the first to recover, spotting the yellow filly laying on her side, her barrel slowly moving up and down. She scampers over as the rest of the ponies recover, blinking their eyes to clear away the pricks of light. Lemon stirs, moaning and raising a foreleg to her head. Scootaloo gasps as she yells, “Lemon! Your cutie mark!”

They all turn, even Lemon, to stare at the gray pitcher filled with bright yellow liquid on her flank.

Rainbow says with a grin and happy laugh as they all draw closer, inspecting the new addition, “Lemonade! You turn lemons into lemonade!”

"MY CUTIE MARK!" Lemon yells! “And I couldn’t have done it without you three!” Lemon exclaims, drawing her older sisters in for a hug. “Without your help and inspiration, I might not have been able to help Rainbow nearly as well!”

“You’re right!” Apple Bloom says, beaming a smile to Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. “Maybe we can get our cutie marks in helping ponies!”

A dull glow surrounds the trio, unnoticed by everypony else.

“But, isn’t that Lemon’s cutie mark?” Scootaloo says, a frown on her face. “Helping other ponies with their problems?”

Sweetie Belle sighs, “Yeah. I mean, two ponies having cutie marks for the same thing?” The dull light surrounding the three fades as they all sigh. “It just wouldn’t be as special, you know?”

Apple Bloom sighs, the light fading completely, "Yeah. And Ah want my cutie mark to be special."

Rainbow Dash exclaims, "Are you foaling me? Come on, you three!" She turns to the newly minted young mare, "Lemon! We need to tell everypony!"

Rainbow Dash takes to the sky, zooming towards Ponyville, as the stallion, three fillies, and young mare scamper to the barn, their work forgotten.

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