• Published 6th Dec 2019
  • 1,166 Views, 23 Comments

I've seen too much (tales of love never forgotten) - Shadowlight Wanderer

A mare is saved by a dragon from the storm. Little does she know that she and her host are linked by mysterious past and more emotions than a heart can fill

  • ...

Chapter 10: Winter Gala

The storm outside was indeed gone. Iris decided to have a peek outside.

"Wow, it looks so beautiful" she gasped as she looked down upon the fields, forests and rivers of Equestria all scattered below her.

On her right, partially covered by mountains, was Canterlot. Ponyville could be seen in the distance, glimmering slightly in the gentle light.

"Yeah, it is really nice" Spike said, as well going outside " You can actually see very far away today."

The young unicorn played with her necklace as she consumed the view into herself

"If I only had some proper canvas left" she whined quietly " I would repaint this view into a masterpiece of art"

She started to shiver. Even though snowstorm itself ended, the air still needed time to warm up even a little more.

Suddenly, she felt something wrapping around her.

She looked around and noticed that Spike flexed his wing, so it was shielding her from the wind. It was touching her side and even slightest contact with the membrane was sending a wave of heat through her body

Spike smiled lightly

"I am sorry that I did that without asking...but I really didn't want you to freeze again"

Iris stared at him for a moment with open mouth, before sending him a warm smile of gratitude

"You may....I mean, thank you. Very considerate of you."

She got comfortable and sighed

"You know, your story is really fascinating but didn't you desire to tell me it because situation of...Rarity had some connection to mine ? Even if this is so, I don't see how she stopped fearing that her impact on the world will disappear."

Spike's features darkened a bit

"This is why I need to finish the most important chapter of the story. It is crucial that you understand what happened that night...on Gala of Winter Solstice..."


Rarity looked at Spike at they ride on the road towards the castle.

He was taking in the view as the path towards the castle was getting more and more narrow. The city of Canterlot, in its marble and gold structure, was glowing in the rays of slowly setting sun. Down below, slowly appearing lights in a different cities were also a signal of approaching nightfall.

Coming back to the dragon himself, Rarity couldn't help but sigh in delight, seeing his body adorned with a majestic sleeveless tuxedo, with golden buttons and his Royal Adviser medal on the crimson ribbon.

To surprise Rarity with his gala look, Spike didn't get clothes from her shops. Instead, he asked another designer to make them. That other designer, as it was later revealed was none other than miss Coco Pommel, currently running her own shop in Manehattan. In contrary to Rarity, Coco never felt the need to expand her business all that much and stuck with the local economy.

She was more than happy to help Spike although Rarity had to muster all of her will to not laugh out loud while imagining the blunette doing so. Even after the years of training, Coco was still bashful and shy. Rarity could saw her fellow designer going beet red while taking Spike measurements.

Coco even gave him a small fedora with an emerald. He didn't need it but she insisted on it since making hats was her specialty.

But the last part of Spike was the most extraordinary. On his back, between his wings, he had a sword attached to him. It was a gift from the King of Abissynia and it proven useful during many of Spike's travels. Seeing it reminded Rarity that out of all of their group, Spike was living the most hazardous and dangerous life.

"But the reason Spike brought it with him" Rarity thought with amusement "is that he is the biggest dork in the world."

Finally, she decided to speak:

"Are you worried that Gabby didn't come with us ?"

Rarity's voice broke Spike's musing

He looked at her and shook his head

"No, that's actually less...awkward. She said she will meet us at the gala. It's just...this journey reminds me of the first time we ever went to the gala."

Rarity cringed a little at the reminder of their "best night ever". She automatically checked her mane, the memory of frosting falling down onto her coat was still too vivid.

"During that time, before you...emm, left me behind, I imagined this night as perfect because I wanted to spend it with my friends...because I wanted to make it perfect for you" Spike smiled at the memory

Rarity nodded with a bit of sadness upon her features.

She let out a soft gasp as Spike grabbed one for her front hooves.

"So let's make this night something we will never forget" he spoke softly

Rarity's eyes widened and she turned away to hide her blushing cheeks.

"C-Certainly darling, let's make this celebration memorable"


Helping Rarity got out of the carriage, Spike could see his date for the first time in the good light.

Rarity's mane changed into a sea of small curls that were falling onto her neck. Her dress was rather rich yet simplistic, made form white silk with the golden underlining and sapphires etched to the stitches. Small, dulled shards of sapphire could also be found in some of the curls in the mane and tail. Her eyeliner was slightly more pronounced than usual, her fire ruby necklace was also on place. Rarity looked like a princess of some of the ancient kingdoms Twilight had written about in her history books.

Rarity giggled, watching his reaction

"I guess this means you approve of my new look ?" she teased him.

Spike gulped and nodded

"Yes, mam"

Rarity took his claw as they both walked towards the entrance

"Let's go and see who is already inside darling"


The ballroom , as well as various corridors, gardens and other facilities within the castle walls, were open for the guests of the Gala for the night.

Winter Gala could be smaller than her summer counterpart, but it was certainly more special in one particular aspect.

Twilight allowed unlimited travels in and out of the country and as a result, ethnography of Equestria was now more varied than ever before. To celebrate newfound equality of races and prosperity at the beginning of her reign, in the end of the first year after her coronation, Twilight invited the rulers of the world to join her and the ponykind in a huge celebration. Even if there was some minor hesitation, it turned out that battling Cozy Glow, Chrysalis and Tirek under a united cause brought all the kingdoms together. And after that first celebration, the guests liked it so much that they decided to create international party. Initially, the date for this celebration was same as the summer Grand Galloping Gala, but it turned out that this time of year was already busy in many kingdoms. So it was ultimately moved to the date of Winter Solstice, the longest night of the year.

The castle was filled with various creatures, all different shapes and sizes, some wearing dresses, some with no clothes. That was the site that greeted Spike and Rarity upon the entrance.

Rarity knew that most of the guests were still ponies, mainly from the nobility (as always on such occasions) but there was also a fair number of changelings, griffons, dragons, hippogriffs, yaks, kirins and various others dancing, playing or just chatting with each other.

The guard at the door looked at the list of the guests and nodded in approval

"Lady Rarity Belle, Jewel of Equestria, Element of Generosity, co-ruler of Equestria... and Lord Spike the Dragon, Bringer of Peace, Royal Adviser of the Princess, co-ruler of Equestria" the guard announced their arrival.

His voice, although very loud, was drown out by the choir of even louder rumour of all the guests near the entrance. Which Spike was really grateful for. Unlike Rarity, he was never comfortable with all the titles and praise. He was just doing what he had to do.

The crowd moved to the sides and Twilight trotted to them, and hugged them tightly.

"I am so glad you are here !" she beamed.

"I am glad to be home too, Twi" Spike said smiling to the tall alicorn.

"Yes, it is positively lovely to see you after all this time darling. You look absolutely glamorous today !"

Twilight rose her eyebrow. Just as Celestia, she didn't overdress herself for the parties.

"Thanks, but I think others did a much better job than me" she answered modestly.

"YO ! Isn't that Spike and Rarity ?" asked the masculine voice.

Spike looked towards the entrance to the ball and noticed a group of six creatures approaching them.

Spike grinned widely

"Oh ? Long time no seen !"

Gallus, Silverstream, Ocellus, Yona, Sanbar and Smolder greeted their former teachers.

Rarity now understood that specific type of pride that is felt by a teacher or a parent when they see the younger generation spreading their wings, becoming independent and successful.

She of course knew all about Yona's accomplishments and a bit of Sandbar's as well. She didn't see Gallus in a bit of time, but she heard from Twilight that he was one of the most promising cadets of her guard. Smolder was slowly developing into more mature shapes, although her growth in all dimensions wasn't nearly as impressive as Spike's. The orange dragoness was part-time teacher in School of Friendship, although mostly she travelled the land making maps of the land and weather forecasts. Silverstream was Starlight's helper in the school, like Cozy Glow was to Twilight before it all went awry...Rarity wasn't quite sure what Ocellus did, but she heard that whatever it was, it had very positive effect on the others...or something like that.

"It is nice to see you miss Rarity" the female changeling said with a shy smile, looking around in the same time " Nice gala, isn't it ?"

"Sure it's nice when you are not hiding in the garden" Gallus playfully elbow the Ocellus, who blushed

"She is nervous because it's her first time on the Gala" Sandbar smirked

"No, IT IS NOT !" whined Ocellus " I was here year ago as well".

Yona groaned

"Gala before Gala, Ocellus turned rock the whole time. Not moving, not speaking, just watching. Yona not count"

Rarity smiled, trying to encourage Ocellus

"Don't worry darling, most of the guests are really welcoming for the new faces in the crowd. I am sure that someone will catch your eye"

Meanwhile, Smolder approached Spike

"Hey, you have cool sword there " the dragoness pointed towards the blade partially sticking from behind Spike's back.

Spike's face became smug and nonchalant, as he twisted his neck a little.

Gallus looked towards the object of Smolder's attention and his eyes widened, as if he was just a small kid waiting for a present

"She is right you know, show it us !" he cheered " I would love to have such a cool weapon in our arsenal.

Spike grabbed the hilt of his weapon, looked around to check if the area around him was cleared enough.

"I don't know Gallus..." he said, quickly pulling his accessory out" This sword is sort of special"

The blade was long and a little curved, with the hilt resembling a silver dragon with a sapphire for an eye. But the blade itself was a most curious thing of it all. Although it seemed to be made of silver, it had a purplish-black base and from that base a vein like lines of darkness spreading through the blade. It reminded everyone of vines or thick flames.

"I got it because I protected the King of Abyssinia with my life " Spike told them " In abyssinian its name its Daw'Shabh, which means "Shadowlight"."

"Wow, so cool dude" Sandbar also marvelled over Spike's weapon " Why does it have black thingies over silver ?"

"Yeah, it looks really weird !!! But cool in the same time !!! It is like, co-wierd or something" Silverstream shouted, looking over the sword from up in the air.

"It is an abyssinian craftsmanship. "Ocellus explained, she always was the most knowledgeable " It is made from silver and the black veins are from sacred obsidian, extracted from desert volcanoes. Those two metals in combination add the sort the property of..."

There were a loud cheers from the ballroom.

"Oh, no ! Vinyl and Octavia are performing together and we are not there ! Come on guys " Silverstream started to drag her friends back

"Alright, alright, no need to tell me ! Release me !" Gallus shouted

Smolder smiled and saluted to Spike before disappearing in the crowd

"See ya, macho !"

Rarity cringed. Smolder kept balancing on the line of checking out Spike in a way that was making unicorn's teeth to be grit a little too hard and her eye to twitch a little too much.

"Spikey darling, I am going to make a quick solo randez-vous. Maybe I will be able to make an acquaintance with someone new or just have a lady chat with our old friends. Are you okay with that dear ?" she said towards Spike and Twilight.

Spike was impressed how much she changed in regard of him accompanying her. In older days, she would want to keep it with him and satisfy her every whim. Since Spike started to meet up with Gabby, Rarity realized that all of them had a need for spending their time apart as well.

"Sure. Don't be away for too long though. I want to dance with you"

Rarity blew him a kiss and disappeared in the ballroom.

Spike looked around as well

"Well, I think I need to find Gabby as well. I promised her that I will spend some time with her. She is really good in all of the party games Pinkie is organizing for tonight."

"Mind if I walk with you ?" Twilight asked.

They started to walk together, greeting other guests and enjoying the atmosphere of pleasure and warmth.

"You thought Ocellus knew the real power of this sword ?" Twilight motioned towards Spike's back.

Spike shrugged

"I wouldn't be surprised. She was always very smart, one of your favourites, if I remember right"

Twilight blushed in embarrassment

"I was headmare back then, I didn't have favourites" she protested with little effect, as if trying to convince herself " But you know I can never refuse someone who is willing to listen to an extra lecture"

"I know you can't Twi" Spike sighed " Although either way, I am glad that I acquired this sword...and all I know from my journeys".

Twilight looked at him with a bit of sadness in her eyes

"Don't you get homesick ? It's been 5 years...I know that those things I put you through are really hard, but just say a word and I will-"

She was stopped by a gentle claw on her lips

"Twilight, it is true that my job is hard, and sometimes dangerous. But look around you and tell me what you see.

They both took some time to take in vivid and joyful image of the castle, decorated in winter ornaments, in the hues of silver and white.

Pinkie Pie was throwing contest for the best pony polka dancer. She was jumping and laughing with all of her heart. The yaks, seeing the dance floor, started to jump with energy and loud cheers. The pink mare was unaffected by the trembling ground and improvised, as her moves became more and more erratic.

Rainbow Dash was having a race with various other guests, including Scootaloo, Pharynx, Autumn Blaze, Thunderlane and Flash Magnus. Applejack had was drinking cider with Gilda, while Trixie, Capper and Starswirl the Bearded were putting a magic show for the cheering crowd. Fluttershy was conversing with Coco Pommel, Mistmane and Kerfuffle, Starlight was teaching a group of foals how to make an improvised kites. In the other corner of the enormous chamber creatures were dancing. Discord was trying (that was a good word, because every step was terribly off key) to match the movements of princess Cadence, who was sending longing looks towards her husband, currently keeping an eye on Flurry Heart who was galloping between guests, interrupting in each activity they took part in. Other dancing pairs were including Lyra and Bonbon, Cranky and Mathilda, Thorax and Queen Novo. The dance floor was observed by amused Tempest Shadow, accompanied by Limestone Pie and Stygian.

The most commotion however was caused by the arrival of two particular ponies. Former rulers of Equestria, Princesses Celestia and Luna didn't even manage to say anything before the way of ponies rose them up and threw them in the air, with cheer.

Celestia had her mane, now motionless, in a bun, with multiple strands shading both sides of her face. Luna spiked her own mane, trying to keep it up, even without magic to keep it flowing.

Both sisters looked very fresh and almost youthful, as much as over millennium old ponies can look. They might regularly complain on the boredom of retirement, but in truth, they enjoyed it a lot.

"My goodness, this must be the biggest Winter Gala in years. Luna, should we join now ?" Celestia teased her younger sibling

Luna's night blue eyes ignited with passion

"Let us party sister ! We will show the young that Silver Shoals didn't make us soft"

Twilight and Spike moved through various corridors. They saw Garble in training his beat poet rhyming skills with Zecora, Wind Sprint riding on the back of Quibble Pants, Saffron Masala handing over bowls of her curry to the group of young dragons and yaks, Chancellor Neiseigh using his amulet of teleportation to help a group of elderly hippogriffs go to the other part of the castle.

Finally, dragon and alicorn reached the gardens. They were extended and accustomed for the bigger creatures, so they could also take place in the festivities. Former Dragon Lord Torch was sleeping soundly, allowing children of all races to use his body as a slide

"Now...do you see it all?" Spike said softly, motioning around " Since we came to Ponyville, Celestia and Luna were slowly guiding you to become a leader of a better future. When you ascended the throne, you established the reign of openness and equality that the world has never seen before. So when you say that I may regret my job, I think this is stupid. My job is to protect all we, the girls and all of other friends built over the years, from the outside. Just like you are amazing leader who rules Equestria in the sunlight, while I watch over it from the shadows. Kind of like Celestia and Luna did through the years"

Twilight's eyes watered as she pulled Spike into tight hug

"Thank you Spike ! You are truly amazing, little brother"

Before Spike managed to reply, a scream came from above

"Spike ? Spike, is that you"

Twilight and Spike looked up and noticed a sapphire head poking out from behind Torch's horn.

The owner of the voice quickly landed in front of Twilight and Spike.

Over the years, Ember grew ever so slightly, her body becoming a little more slithery and curvy, her wings wider and her scales changing into a even more intense shape of sapphire blue.

The Dragon Lord narrowed her amber eyes as she got a closer look on Spike

"Well, well, well, we've only been writing to each other for some time and now that I see you after all this years, you look...not bad".

Spike shot out a toothy smile, flexing his arms

"Only "not bad" ?"

Ember whacked him on the head.

"Yes, just that." she huffed " give it a couple decades and it will be decent. Not that I care what you look like...idiot !"

Spike suddenly felt someone's claws over his eyes.

He knew this scent.

"Hi Gabby, I was wondering where you went off to"

The grey feathered griffon laughed as she jumped in the air and landing in Spike's embrace

"I wanted to find you sooner, but there was so much fun things to do that I am sliiiiiiightly late. I am sorry !" she gave Spike small nuzzle on the cheek with her beak

She looked at Ember with a pleasant smile

"Hiya, I don't think that we've met before !!! I am Gabby the Griffon, official mail carrier of Griffinstone. Nice to meet'cha !!!"

Ember looked slightly irritated that her earlier conversation with Spike was interrupted

"I am Ember. Dragon Lord Ember " she said, putting an unusual emphasis on her title " We actually met before. You know, in that battle for the fate of the world. Almost all of Equestria was there !"

Gabby thought for a moment deciding:

"No, nothing comes to mind"

Ember's jaw dropped while Spike smirked

"Now you know how it's like having your name mistaken or forgotten, huh ?"

Ember's blue cheeks flushed dark purple

"Sh-Shut up !!!" she yelled

Gabby shifted in Spike's arms.

"Spike, come inside ! Let's have fun together !" she started to shake the dragon

"Okay, okay" Spike said, waving Twilight and Ember "see you later" and walking back inside, while Gabby swiftly landed on the floor.

Ember sighed

"Sweet father of dragons, guy is getting more...Spike-y the more I see him"

She smiled at that revolutionary statement. The dragoness spread her wings and was ready to take off but she was stopped by a purple hoof.

"Ember, please wait"

She twisted her body around a little bit as she looked at Twilight with questioning look

The Ruler of Equestria looked dead serious, and adding the mesmerizing effect of her flowing mane, it gave her the monumental and nostalgic aura.

"Please, come with me" she said politely, yet firmly "Seizing the opportunity of us seeing each other in person, I would like to discuss something with you...in private".


Rarity revelled on the attention that others were giving her. No matter how much time passed, she loved galas of every nature. Even if that particular one wasn't really an esteemed event of sorts, Rarity tried as she could to loosen up a bit and just enjoy herself without fear of being improper.

She sighed with content, walking out to through the gardens, deep in thought

"All those years I yearned to be a part of the world of elite. A mare from a simple town wanting to be royalty " Her mane was tossed aside, as she let out melodramatic gasp " Ah, such is the dream of every mare who knows her value yet she cannot escape the bindings of reality ! And after all this time, the world is so much more different that I've dreamed of. But nevertheless, I am glad that I played a part in building it."

She looked at the couples, swirling around to the tones of slow dance

"For so much time I wanted some fairy tale prince " she mused, her sapphire eyes glowing from the reflected light of golden chandeliers " But in truth, I just wanted to be adored, I never wanted family or a lasting bond. I see that now. It was Spike who showed me that there is more to loving than just pleasure. Sometimes, love had to be earned, it had to be fought for, it had to be protected. This side of those feelings I, always considered as a wonder by all those stallions, never knew."

Distracted, she didn't notice an obstacle on her way until she walked right into it

"OW !!!!" she let out a short, girly whine as he the sharp pain from colliding with a hard structure.

When she rose her head, she was met with a twisted face of a changeling queen.

"WAAAHHH !!!" Rarity screamed, as she jumped back, recognizing the monument she bumped into.

A face of horror frozen on a face of a small pegasus filly. A frail centaur covering in fear. And of course, the female changeling taking one last attempt to attack her foes.

Once Rarity's breathing returned to normal, a thought came to her mind.

'Chrysalis, Tirek, Cozy Glow...all of them were lacking love. Cozy Glow supposedly never encountered true closeness and was feared even by her own relatives. From what Discord told us, Tirek's father, King Vorak, never valued him as a son nor as a successor. It might have come from Tirek's personality, but he wanted to gain power just to be accepted by his dad. And Chrysalis...she misinterpreted love altogether. Although she was thinking it just as something to make her vital and strong, she never even bothered to try to give it to the others, like Thorax did. Taking love for granted, using it to boost once ego...If Spike didn't get into my heart, I could've become just like her in treating the others...'

A chill run down her spine, but she stood tall and proud

"That's right ! Thanks to Spikey Whikey, I avoided a terrible fate ! And if I am ever going to be truly in love, it will be with the one who cares for me, who protected me, who sees me as more than pretty face, the one who changed my own approach and warmed my heart. Spike, it is still surreal, but...I want you. I want you more than anything now. And if Element of Generosity can allow herself to be selfish for once, I will use this opportunity now !"

Her affectionate trance came to a halt when she realized that she was still saying it to the face of snarling Chrysalis.

Cringing awkwardly, she spun around. Her skilfully crafted curls bounced, and sapphires on her dress twinkled as she faced the other way

She started to move quickly towards the castle

'Gabby is an amazing choice as well. I kept Spike waiting for so long that it could not be such a surprise if he chose her in my place. But I am not giving up, not now, not ever. Whatever your choice will be Spike, whatever this night will bring, I want to stand by your side darling. And lady does not take back her words' Rarity thought, marching towards the lights of the party.