• Published 6th Dec 2019
  • 1,165 Views, 23 Comments

I've seen too much (tales of love never forgotten) - Shadowlight Wanderer

A mare is saved by a dragon from the storm. Little does she know that she and her host are linked by mysterious past and more emotions than a heart can fill

  • ...

Chapter 19: Birth in light, life in darkness

Spike nervously paced in front of delivery room.

It was almost 3 hours since Rarity screamed and her waters broke. Now, she was taken to the Royal Hospital and the painful process began, under watchful eyes of doctors, Twilight, Starlight and Ember.

"Dude, sit down !" came a male voice from behind Spike " Running around only gets you more nervous".

Spike turned around and gave a crossed look to Button Mash.

"I know..." he sighed, sitting down " but Rarity's clearly suffering out there and I just can't... little one just doesn't want to come out. She is a stubborn one."

"She clearly takes after her mother" Button muttered, which caused the other two to chuckle a little.

An extremely high pitched and loud scream shook the hospital, causing all the glass windows to vibrate and everyone to cover their ears.

"Jeez, and I thought that I have crazy high voice. Show off..." Sweetie Belle tried to joke to brush off her own worry, but that didn't stop her from tightly grabbing both Spike and Button.

Guys looked each other and shrugged, smiling.

It didn't take long to get Button Mash to reunite with Sweetie Belle, given that it was the unicorn who broke up with brown stallion in the first place. But Spike had to ensure that they won't leave each other again, and he took Button on a guys-only survival trip, giving him quick course on most of the abilities that Sweetie Belle wanted him to possess. Initially, the gamer was more than bored, but he eventually opened up. He and Spike spent good time bonding. Button ultimately thanked Spike for everything he did, saying that he missed Sweetie Belle greatly, but his pride didn't allow him to contact her.

So Sweetie Belle and Button Mash were together for a 4 months and even started to think about having a foal themselves. But that didn't make Sweetie Belle cease being affectionate towards Spike, using the amount of closeness that was generously permitted by Rarity. Spike and Button had to accept the fact that Sweetie was still crushing on both of them. Maybe she was still too used to it after the years. Or maybe she was just enjoying herself. In contrary to her older sister, Sweetie never feared any sorts of scandals.

As it turned out, Button didn't seem to have a problem with that, because Sweetie Belle was still spending majority of the time with him, so occasional kisses and snuggling was not that big of a deal. Besides, he considered it as a payback for getting Sweetie and him back together.

For Spike however, the most important mare in the world was currently in labour and it was driving him crazy.

"I heard that it can take a lot of time but this is insane !" the dragon clenched his head " And it is happening only after 8 months ! Pony pregnancy usually lasts 11 months, and according to Ember, dragon's can last over a year. It is just..."

"Unnatural ?" Sweetie whispered.

In that moment, a painful sobbing and yet another scream was heard from behind the door .

Spike got up and ran towards it.

"That's it, I am going in !" he said, forcibly opening the door.

"Spike, wait !!!" Button and Sweetie shouted, but he already barged inside.

He was welcomed by chaos. Doctors were checking something on the readings, Rarity was laying on the bed...looking absolutely exhausted, breathing heavily, her mane sticking to her sweaty fur. The area around her legs was...nasty and messy, to say the least.

Starlight was leaning over Rarity's enormous belly, Ember was picking some sharp, knife-looking tool. Twilight was nervously talking to one of the doctors, before noticing Spike and gasping loudly.

Spike cursed under his breath. So the situation was so dire that Twilight and the rest had to get involved.

"Spike, you shouldn't be he-" Twilight stopped mid-sentence, shaking her head " No, scratch that, it is actually good that you came. We need as much help as we can get !"

"What happened ?" Spike asked, visibly moved by the state Rarity was in.

"Everything was going well, but the foal shifted before actually exiting, and presumably got tangled into the umbilical cord. Rarity's life isn't in danger but there is a risk that the baby will be suffocated if she stays in the position she is right now-"


"We need more warm towels and some antiseptics as well-"

Twilight never saw Spike move that fast. He was out in one moment and back with requested items only a minute later.

He ran to Rarity's side. One sapphire eye followed him with a blank stare.

"Spikey...Whi..." Rarity chocked out, before her eyes rolled out in their sockets.

"Patient passed out !" one of the doctors shouted" Princess, under those circumstances, we should proceed with caesarean birth !"

"I am aware of that !" Twilight shouted back and then look at Spike " Spike, please move aside. We will handle this. If we will have any requests for you, we will let you know."

Spike gave Rarity one more pained look and then stepped back

"I understand. I would only get in the way" he mumbled.

Then, he put his arm on Twilight and looked at her firmly

"Twilight..." he said in a low, serious voice "bring my daughter to us, do whatever you must to save her !"

Twilight's gaze was equally stern and serious

"I swear it on my life" she whispered before turning to Starlight and Ember.

"I am ready to cut Twilight" Starlight said, her horn glowing with bright blue light. "You and the doctor's just guide me."

"Same here, I am ready" Ember extended her claws, freshly disinfected in a boiling water.

Twilight took a deep breath and approached Rarity

"Everyone, let's commence !" she ordered.


3 hours

For 3 long hours, the recovery team and the doctors were cutting, massaging and stitching, trying to untangle Spike's daughter from the umbilical cord. Rarity's strange anatomy, changed by the potion, extended the period of time in which the help took place.

Spike was sweating bullets. He couldn't do anything and yet...he wanted to just go and get the foal out. But that was obviously bad idea, since Rarity was already very weakened and it would definitely made things even worse. What was needed was absolute precision.

So all Spike could do was to bring hot water. It was something at least.

All of the parts of the team had crucial parts to play. Starlight precisely cut and operated, instructed by the doctors, so she was the one who ultimately untangled the foal. Ember knew the spots in dragon womb that were most sensitive, so by applying pressure with her claws, she forced Rarity's muscles to ease up, creating as safe way of recovery for the foal. Twilight was efficiently distributing the supplies around and keeping Rarity's strength by transferring some of her magic into her.

Finally, a small shape raised above Rarity's opened womb.

Doctors quickly attended the filly, checking her vital functions.

"She has trouble breathing !!!" one of them shouted.

"Remove all obstacles immediately !!!" Twilight yelled back.

Soon enough, the foal was cleaned up and all of the mucous was cleaned up.

"Still not good enough" Starlight said nervously.

"Come on..." Spike clenched his fists "just cry...please !!!"

A minute passed in horrible silence...

And then the crying, initially very weak but getting louder by every second, sounded in the room.

Everyone let out a breath of relief, listening to that scream of newfound freedom, symbolizing the beginning of life.

Spike smiled wearily

"Suspense till last moment, huh ?" he looked at the little unicorn, who was now screaming almost at the top of her small lungs " You really like dramatic entrance, just like your mom."


Rarity's condition was deemed stable but she was still sleeping, recovering her strength from the incredibly taxing delivery, so it was up to Spike to take care of their daughter.

Right now, Spike was standing by the window in the room which Rarity was sent into, with his newborn daughter safely in his claws.

"You know " he addressed the foal, gently caressing her head " I was really waiting to meet you. Me and your mom...we had to come a really long way to have you. Many crazy adventures, many sleepless nights...it was all worth it for you."

She slowly waked to Rarity's bed and placed the filly near her mother's belly. Quickly, she found the nipple and began to devour the fresh milk.

"So you drink milk like a pony ?" Spike said to himself " That's great, it will save us worry."

When little unicorn finished her meal, Spike delicately hugged her, meanwhile stroking Rarity's mane

"I love you both so much..." he said softly " I want to give you everything. "

His daughter turned her head a little and let out a gurgle, one of her first attempts to laugh.

Spike smiled back at her

"I am not the best one around... " he whispered, kissing the foal" but please, let me try. I would move heaven and earth for your mom and I will try to do it for you as well. You would reach even further than we ever dreamed of. I know that Rarity and me...we will make mistakes, there will be dark and gloomy days...but I will make sure that you will always find the sunny ones. Even more than being your parent, I want to be your friend, to understand and to love you."

As on cue, sun started to shine through hospital's windows. Little filly made another sound, this time it was clear and recognizable as giggling.

"Yeah, there sure is lot of light to live for in this world" Spike sighed.

Then he started to sing a song, the words flowing into his head as if in poetic trance, as he held his newborn girl in his embrace :

When Spike stopped singing, he noticed that the foal fell asleep.

"Well, isn't your singing something lovely ?" came the voice from the bed.

Spike looked at Rarity, who stared at him with her eyes shining vibrantly and small smile on her lips.

"You are awake" Spike whispered. " How are you doing ?"

"Well, that definitely wasn't a beauty sleep" Rarity yawned cutely and then smacked her lips" I still feel very tired. My mouth feels acidic and I feel as half of my innards were in the wrong places."

'Pretty accurate description of everything that happened' Spike thought.

Rarity noticed the small shape in Spike's arms

" Is this..." she whimpered " Can I..."

Spike hurried to her side and slowly put the sleeping filly on Rarity's lap.

"Of course you can, I was just waiting for you to wake up." Spike reassured her" She is sleeping though."

Rarity didn't seem to mind, as she carefully cradled her daughter.

"Hi there darling, it's your mommy" she hummed" Mommy is very happy to see you and loves you very much. Welcome to this world little one. My, you look positively charming ! Spikey, doesn't she look gorgeous "

Spike had to admit that so far he didn't notice any abnormalities, so he could relax himself a little. And little filly was very graceful in her own right. Her fur was alabaster white, a perfect copy of Rarity's own colour, shared with Sweetie Belle. The beginnings of the infant's mane were visible and it seemed that the mane would be in lighter colour than Rarity's, more matching to the shade of Spike's scales.

Rarity and Spike both looked fondly at their sleeping child

"Spike..." Rarity whispered after a while " I am really glad I met you before the Summer Sun Celebration, all those years ago."

"As am I. But you should rather thank Celestia and her retirement schemes" Spike joked.

Rarity giggled softly as she leaned on, placing her head on his shoulder.

With their daughter safely secured, two fresh parents fell into a deep, much needed sleep.


The sound of doors slamming against the wall brutally woke Spike up. Slightly annoyed, he looked up and was stunned, seeing a huge crowd in the door frame.

Princess Celestia forced her way through, her ponytail waving around like a voluminous whip. She was wearing a pink T-shirt, with a symbol of the sun with a heart in the middle, and the writing that said: "Best grandma". Princess Luna followed her closely, wearing a matching blue t-shirt with a text saying "best grandaunt".

They were followed by the very cheerful and smiling Cookie Crumbles, who apparently baked some goods for the hungry to feast upon. Hondo Flanks was levitating a camera and he seemed eager to document the event.

Then Twilight's parents appeared, walking slowly and patiently throughout the crowd. Years of excursions and adrenaline preserved Twilight Velvet's well-endowed body and aside from a small patch of wrinkles, she didn't seem to age at all. Night Light looked sharp as always, except the glasses he was now wearing almost all the time. They both looked warmly at Spike and he greeted them as well.

Finally, Twilight entered, alongside Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. Additionally, Discord teleported into the room with Big Mac.

"SURPRISE !!!" Pinkie Pie yelled, shooting balloons and confetti all over the room with her party cannon.

In conclusion, it all started to be really crowded in the room.

Some poor nurse tried to keep things in check.

"Please, you shouldn't disturb them " she tried to reason with the gathered" they are sleeping..."

"Not anymore, darling" Rarity sighed, finally waking up and making the foal scream. She gently cradled the little unicorn, humming gently and after a minute the crying subsided.

Rarity smiled, facing everyone.

"Thank you so much for coming, it is lovely to see all of you here " she whispered.

"Excuse me, but is all this crowd really family ?" nurse still tried to enforce hospital rules" For example, who is Lord Spike's mother ?"

"Me !" Celestia, Twilight Velvet and Twilight Sparkle said in unison.

It took all of Spike's and Rarity's willpower to not burst into laughter. Since the case who was Spike's mother was never specified, there were 3 mares who could compete for that title. When Spike was an infant, it was Princess Celestia who took care of him for some time. When she presented Spike to Twilight and he began to live with her, Twilight Velvet became his motherly figure for a while. But it was Twilight Sparkle who gave life to Spike by hatching him and had potentially the biggest influence on him. However, because Twilight herself was switching from "mother" to "sister" in the middle of the conversation, the case of Spike's mother was forever unclear.

Poor nurse paled and only when purple alicorn approached her and assured her that everything was alright, she left, muttering something under hear breath.

"I am really glad that everything is okay with your baby" Celestia smiled as she lowered her head to the foal's level. Sensing her breath, the infant reached for her and put her tiny hooves on Celestia's cheeks.

"Oh, she is adorable ! I know we will have lots of fun with you if you ever visits Granny Tia." Celestia chirped sweetly making.

"I am so proud of you my, boy" Night Light patted Spike on the shoulder "I am glad that I am here to see this."

"So are we" Twilight Velvet smiled, as she smiled at Rarity alongside Cookie Crumbles " We cannot be more happy".

Twilight just stood her with tears in her eyes

"Spike, Rarity..." she whispered " You guys have been through so much that I sometimes doubted if I will be able to see you have a family...but I wanted to believe and nothing prepared me for the joy I feel today. I cannot wait for your daughter to grow up and begin her own adventures !"

"Hell yeah !" Rainbow Dash smirked, looking at the baby " She is a hybrid, right ? Who knows what she will show us ?"

"Rainbow ! That's rude to mention !" Applejack scolded the pegasus.

"But as far as I can see, the little one doesn't look odd at all..." Fluttershy pointed out.

Discord shook his head

"My dear, sweet Fluttershy, there is no such thing in this world as normality. Come on child, do the thing, and make uncle Discord proud !"

He snapped his claws and the intense drumbeat sounded throughout the room

"9...8...7..." Discord began to count down

"Discord ! What are you talking about ? What do you mean by "do the thing" ?"


The baby yawned and...


...opened her eyes.

Rarity gasped, Spike opened his mouth, and the majority of the room was stunned into silence.

"This is...most peculiar" Luna admired the sight before her.

"It is ORIGINAL, Lulu." Discord corrected.

The foal's right eye was sapphire, in profound hue of blue that looked as if it was transplanted straight from Rarity's own eye. It shimmered and sparkled brightly in the sun.

Left eye however looked completely different. Firstly, it was in moderate green shade, matching Spike's eye. Secondly, the iris of this second eye looked as if it couldn't decide to be horizontal or vertical, so overall, it looked a little bit like a "+" sign.

The little filly laughed loudly, as she extended her hooves to both of her parents.

After the initial shock wore off, Spike smiled.

"If that's not dangerous, we will manage" he sighed" she will look a little different, but overall it is a small price to pay."

Rarity smiled and kissed her daughter on the base of small horn

"I took pride in finding beauty in almost anything. You are my sweetest gem, little one ! You will always look fabulous to me" she smiled, nuzzling her daughter.

"Emm, how should we call her ?" Hondo Flanks, pragmatic as always, snapped the guests out of the trance that was caused by unexpected heterochromia.

Spike looked at Rarity

"Well, we wanted to name her after we will get a look at her. Rarity, would you like to..."

The door opened once again and the doctor moved passed the crowd. Rarity and Spike, and later everyone else, focused his attention on him.

"I have the results of the examination !" he calmly stated, speaking in a professional, dry tone" The child of Lord Spike and Lady Rarity retains most of the traditional unicorn traits, including the ability to use magic. There are only 4 draconic traits found in her body:

Firstly, she already started developing teeth, most of them in fang-like appearance. They are not sharp yet and they would not bother her when she will be older but I would advise taking them into consideration while breastfeeding."

Rarity bent down to look at her nipples and noticed a few points, as if from small bite, around them. She cringed a little.

"Secondly" doctor continued without missing a beat " iris of her left eye is slightly deformed, however that does not impair her vision, if anything, it makes it better. That peculiar shape was a result of manifestation both draconic and pony iris at the same time. It will require further tests, but my friends are sure that this left eye possesses abilities never seen in either pony or a dragon.

Thirdly, dragon blood influenced a construction of muscle tissue that has eightfold density of the normal pony muscles. Your daughter will possess incredible strength, while not looking physically able to use such a force"

"What does it mean ?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"It means" Twilight quickly explained" that her muscles are stronger than, for example, Bulk Biceps', even if she will look like Rarity"

Rainbow Dash's jaw dropped, as she stared at the baby unicorn

"Lastly, the cellular degeneration in her body appear to be much slower than pony's. While she will not live as long as a dragon, it is almost certain that her life will be over twice as long as an average pony lifespan can last. So let's estimate 160 to 180 years. Thank you, that is all for now" doctor bowed deeply, and quickly returned outside.

Everyone was sitting still for a moment until Cookie spoke

"That...is a lot to take in"

Spike wanted to answer her but Rarity grabbed him tightly.

"Darling, let's name her !"


"I am in the zone !!! This is the right moment !"

"Okay then" Spike looked at his magical, unique daughter" I would like to give her a name that shows that we love her for everything, with differences and flaws, virtues and cool stuff."

"Something that is connected to her, that is inspiring and beautiful" Rarity wondered out loud.

They looked at each other, smiled, took a deep breath...


"Serenity Iridescence !!!//Iris !!!" they said in unison.

The room was silent and then Rainbow Dash began to laugh

"What was that Rarity ?"

Rarity blushed and scowled at the pegasus:

"A beautiful and regal name. Besides, it is a family tradition for a while for daughter's names to end on "-ity" or "-ie", isn't it mother ?"

Cookie stepped from one leg to the other

"Well it is true, sweetheart" she began" but..."

"No one will call her that !" Spike objected " It is too long and too complicated ! How did you even thought of that ?"

"Your option is too plain ! " Rarity presented her doubts" Everyone will only think about her eyes"

"But her eyes are part of who she is ! She shouldn't be ashamed of that ! I think "Iris" has a nice ring to it.



After some time, Rarity's proposition was taken as the foal's full, formal name, while Spike's option was deemed that of everyday use, a casual one.

And so Serenity "Iris" Iridescence, born on 23rd day that of 7th month, in the 6th year of Twilight Sparkle's reign, daughter of the Jewel of Equestria and Bringer of Peace, was presented to the world and adored by her family



There were many types of silence in the world. This one crept over the hearts, freezing them in the chilly, terrifying grasp.

That is until Iris began to laugh. She laughed and laughed till she lost her breath

"Are you saying that you are my dad ? You lost your mind, that doesn't make any sense. Well, that story was fun, but I really should be off."

She started to walk towards the entrance to the cavern.

And then Spike spoke:

"This manestyle was chosen by you when you started to go to school. You were scared that the others will bully you because of your eyes."

Iris touched her long, light-violet mane, which was styled to cover her left eye.

"How did you-"

"You always love to join O&O club. You are a druid. When you were 7, you and your mom made a first costume together. You were very happy because of it, and we all went for ice cream with you and auntie Belle. You are best friends with Starlight's daughter, Luster Dawn, and you went to a school together. Your favourite colour is fuchsia, your favourite food is a spicy stew made by Ember, you love to sing and cook.

You were never feeling like the others. You are abnormally strong, can bite through almost anything, and your left eye can see others temperature and magical energy if you focus hard enough. I also know that I am torn out from almost any visible account and by the royal order, no one could ever tell you about me."

Iris was now shaking and crying

"Lies ! There is no way... you are some sort of a stalker, that's creepy !" she managed to speak " You can't be him...he is gone...he is gone..."

Spike stared at her for a moment. Then in one swift motion, he took the necklace with the symbol of green flame off her neck.

Iris paled dramatically

"Hey !!! Give it back !!!"

Spike bit his lip, as he felt the pain inside of his own heart.

"Iris, I am your father. Even though right now I have no right to call myself that...I swear that I can fix this. Long ago, I had to make a choice that heavily impacted on you and your life. For all the years of loneliness I inflicted upon you, I will never forgive myself. But there is a way to restore everything, created by myself and Rarity. To get you to listen and believe me, I present you the ultimate proof of my identity. Something a stranger couldn't have know."

He looked at the object he snatched away.

"Only a closed group of ponies knows about this amulet" Spike twirled the necklace around his claw " You age slower than the actual unicorn. That's why Twilight and Starlight made this thing: it creates a perfectly stable and material illusion of your body, progressed through time. In other words, makes you look older than you actually are and disguises your actual body."

Iris' body flickered and burnt away, like a colourful whirl of flame.

Instead of a mare in her early 20s, there was a 10 year old foal standing on the hard ground.

"It really is you !!!" she shouted, her voice slightly higher than before." What does it mean ?!!!! Where have you been for 13 years ?!!! Mom didn't want to me to see her cry, but I waited for you... I waited...and you were just away, chilling in some cave ?!!!! What kind of father abandons his own daughter and wife?!!! I hate you !!! I...I don't know what to feel...why did you leave ?!!!! Why ?!!!!"

Spike felt his eyes well with tears.

"It is not that I didn't love you two. Actually, I loved you far too much" he hung his head low " and this is precisely why I had to leave."

"No, no , no !!!" the unicorn continued to scream " This is all some kind of a nightmare !!! I want to believe you...but I can't...it hurts so badly !!! How do you even remember things when I was above 5 ? You left one night and never returned. I am sure of it...and yet, you know all that stuff...but I can't remember you. Why do you remember and I don't ?"

Spike closed his eyes, took a deep breath and finally spoke:

"Your memories of me...were erased."

Iris's heart almost stopped

"E...erased...what...you did this ? Who gave you permission to toy with my mind ?!!!"

"Listen, I did it to protect you" Spike shouted back "They are not lost, if you let me expl-"

"I heard enough !!!" the unicorn started to run towards the exit.

Spike blocked his way

"Iris, please, just listen-"

"LEAVE ME ALONE !" the unicorn cried as she straightened her front leg and sunk it right into Spike's stomach area.

Before Iris's leg collided with him, Spike remembered 3 words

Eightfold muscle density

He was sent flying outside of the cave, the impact shaking his body and smashing him into the snow pile outside.

Iris went outside as well, panting heavily, as she stared at the dragon

"Dad...I...don't want to hate you..." she closed her eyes and tears streamed from underneath her long eyelashes" but there is too much I can't forgive you...please...I..."

She spun around and started to run, her light violet mane flowing behind her, as the lonely tears flowing through the air shone like small diamonds.

Spike slowly rose up

"It was a while since she hit me with full force" he smiled " I deserved that though. Besides, Rarity anticipated that. Heck, I would be furious if someone told me what I just told her. She feels betrayed and her entire world collapsed. But this is only an illusion... a something we forced upon her, to protect her. But now it is time to return to how things were...she is old enough to take care of herself after all, and I felt that right now..."

He started to chase his daughter, still very pained from her punch.

Spike looked at the clear blue sky and nodded

"Once we return to Iris all of the truth, she will at least understand. I am not asking to be forgiven but...I don't want to lie to her anymore. As Rarity planned, on her 18th birthday I am returning home. But Iris will not let me fix things on my own. That's why I am counting on you too, Rarity" he whispered through the howling wind.

Author's Note:

Iris's origin and childhood tragedy is revealed. Spike is really her father. It seems cruel for him to abandon her and running away, Iris feels hurt. Deep down, she wants to understand her dad, but there is too much suffering blocking her.

But why did Spike leave ? Did he really do it ? And why Iris's memory was erased ? What really happened in the past ?

The history of Iris's childhood and the choice that Spike and Rarity had to face to keep each other safe will be told in the next chapter: "Serenity and (her) forgivness".

Wow, that was an emotional thing to write, and lots of stuff were on my mind. I experimented on many concepts for Iris and her personality.

Fun fact: If someone happens to know an anime called Kimetsu no Yaiba, aka Demon Slayer, you may be interested to know that Iris's peculiar "eightfold muscle density" concept (as a part of her dragon strength) was inspired by the female swordsman Mitsuri Kanroji, who has muscle structure with the same condition:

4 chapters left !