• Published 6th Dec 2019
  • 1,165 Views, 23 Comments

I've seen too much (tales of love never forgotten) - Shadowlight Wanderer

A mare is saved by a dragon from the storm. Little does she know that she and her host are linked by mysterious past and more emotions than a heart can fill

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Chapter 5: Rarity is in the game


"Wait, wait hold up !" Iris objected "How do you know all of these ? Like the conversation between Rarity and that griffon...Gabby ?"

"Well, Rarity eventually told me her part of the story" Spike explained

Iris stared at him bewildered

"She and you were really an item ? It is so irrational to think about it"

Spike laughed at loud

"In our relationship, whatever it was at the time, nothing seemed to made sense. But I had friends that wanted...push me in right direction..."


"Is there any reason why we are doing this ?" Spike groaned, as he, Discord and Big Mac popped their heads from around the corner.

"Because something is clearly coming" Discord grinned mischievously "Your girls are acting strange lately and trust me, I know something about weird ?"

Spike's powerful muscles tensed a little

"They are not my..." he gulped a little, uncertain and ashamed. Neither Rarity or Gabby were his girlfriends, he was not officially dating either of them. But even so...

"I feel terribly bad doing this" he muttered, watching Rarity from across the street. Her purple locks were waving at the wind in synch with her specially designed scarf. " Why can't I just ask her ?"

Discord sighed

"And where is the fun in that ? Remember how it was in the past ? Spying in the bushes during Hearts and Hooves day ? We had fun back then."

Spike facepalmed

"That doesn't make it better."

Big Mac adjusted his work shirt and slowly said

"Ah am not for spyin' but Discord is right about one thing. Ya have to man up. Y'ar approachin' those two gals like a pig wants a wash."

Discord grinned

"See, he gets it. We are spying to give you the best opportunity to go and talk to her. You have to resolve it once and for all."

"Why do you want it so badly ?"

"Because we...ugh, care about you. We are best buddies !"

Spike raised an eyebrow

"Does this rule apply to you and Fluttershy as well ? Cause you keep inviting her over to you without any further steps and we know every time Equestria is in danger you go out of your way to protect her. Sure you didn't love her ? Dude, who is the hypocrite now ?"

"You have absolutely no right to lecture me about this ! I was repenting for my plan to boost Twilight's confidence years ago I didn't want to strain her trust in me." Discord said, appearing in a cloak of a poor beggar.

"Oh, come on, that is long forgiven. She is thrilled to have you over, she practically begging you to date her. Why don't you just-"

Big Mac stretched his forelegs and smashed their heads together.

Discord and Spike fell to the ground, both clenching their skulls

"Ya fools" red stallion sighed "really need to get galls or else entire world might be in danger of yer antics."

Discord sent an irritated look towards Big Mac

"You are always eager to go with us on guys night ! Is married life really appealing for a free, handsome spirit like me ?"


"Oh, okay I give up. Better get back to checking on Rarity." Discord said, looking back at the street.

The trio looked to the street but the white mare vanished

"What ?" asked Spike

"Where did she go ?" Big Mac searched for the clue on the street

"How did she do that ?" muttered Discord

"Yes, how could she possibly do something like that ?" whispered Rarity.

The group froze and then a very unmanly shriek pierced the city of Canterlot.

Rarity's melodious laughter echoed in the small street when O&O group fell to the ground, shivering in shock

"W-w-w-what was that ?" Big Mac stuttered wide eyed.

Rarity's laughter ceased as she stared at the group angrily

"That should treat you right for spying on a lady. Hmph !" she turned away, with her nose high

Discord gulped

"And I thought Fluttershy is scary when mad. Sorry Spike, but we will be leaving. I wouldn't dream of interfering in your personal space."

And with a flash, he and Big Mac were gone, leaving Spike with Rarity.

Spike quickly got up and faced the unicorn

"Rarity, it is not what you think, I can explain... how did you even knew we were there ?"

Rarity smirked slightly

"Ha-ha, I may not have such great magic potential as Twilight, Starlight and my sister but even I know a few tricks. I have detail-noticing skills second only to Rainbow Dash. When you are a designer, you have to carefully evaluate every aspect of your surroundings. You never know where the inspiration may come from."

Rarity placed a hoof on his shoulder, although she really had to stretch up to do this. He was still growing in height and musculature after all.

"Spikey, you are the kindest and sweetest gentledrake I know. I understand you would never violate my privacy in such a horrid manner. I would bet it was Discord's idea"

Spike relaxed a little

"That's good to hear...

Rarity's brows knitted together as she started to repeatedly poke Spike's chest with one of her forehooves.

"What I can't understand is why you listened to them ? Oh Spikey, why did you abandon your nobility for such a trivial and disgusting procedure, huh ?" she said, anger reddening her cheeks which puffed out a bit.

Spike opened his mouth, pinned down by the intensity of Rarity's anger, but the only thing that came to mind was:

"You are cute when you are mad like that"

Rarity stopped her rant and blinked slightly, averting her eyes slightly, with a small blush.

"You stop that ! I am supposed to be the one who is in control now and scolding you " she mumbled, clearly far more satisfied that she let out " Besides, ladies are not cute. They can be charming, sophisticated and beautiful but"

"Okay, okay" Spike stopped her with a smile " Answering your question, tagging along was the fastest way to find you and I need to talk to you."

Rarity opened her mouth slightly

"You do ? That's actually what I was trying to do too. But I just wanted to till you show up. So after all, we had similar goals"

"Yes, I guess so"

Silence reigned for a few moments

"You see" Spike stretched his sturdy torso and gently looked into Rarity's eyes, grinning shyly "I've been thinking and I realized that sooner or later, this system of sharing time with three of us will become impractical and ultimately, it can absolutely ruin all the wonderful things we already have...not to mention that I know that this is only a temporary fix created by you girls..."

Rarity waited with a with bated breath, really curious about what Spike decided.

"So I want to test something..." Spike bent his claws in visible awkwardness. He then inhaled and spoke firmly "I will spend extended periods of time with each of you...and after that...if you'll still want it, that is...I will decide...about with whom to get involved more..."

Rarity was staring in awe at the dragon

"Spike "she uttered breathlessly " I actually wanted to say the same thing. This is marvellous."

She would continue to ramble but Spike lowered his head, taking a small bow

"Rarity, will you do me a great honour and join me for the dinner tonight ?"

Rarity's heart melted. No matter how much Spike changed physically, he still was an utterly kind and adorable dork. He was constantly getting flustered when he was speaking to girls in such a matter...to her in particular,

Still, she smirked slightly

"Oh ? Whatever is the occasion?"

"As a date" Spike concluded, red on the face.

Rarity could be as well a perfectly sculpted marble statue because she didn't even blink. But she could feel like traitorous heart was starting to beat in a strange, erratic fashion.

As a real date. A simple statement, but it was really changing the whole viewpoint.

They never actually dated before, just meeting, chatting, spending quality time. Sure, they known each other longer than many dating couples would, but the fact that he wanted to date her was bringing a tone of...formality.

Spike looked at her worryingly

"Are you not okay with that ? Maybe I should..."

Rarity snapped out of her trance and quickly shook her head

" No, no, it's not that at all. I...Spike, I will be delighted to go on a date with you" she smiled and batted her eyelashes at him, making him let out an exhale of relief " It's just a bit unexpected from your side right now because...Gabby left some time ago and she is busy so apparently I can spend as much time with you as our responsibilities will allow. So I was actually wondering if we might engage in something of that sort."

She winked at Spike

"Still, I am very glad that you asked me out like that. It certainly makes it more memorable and romantic...also it may help discover what it's this mess of a relationship after all those years."

She looked at the dark and obscure alley and scrunched her snout

"Although I wouldn't expect you inviting me to first date in a place like this..."

Spike scratched his head in embarrassment

"Yeah, that could have gone better..."

Rarity touched his claw with her hoof

"Darling, please don't trouble yourself with such trivialities. As I said, I am certainly not displeased with the outcome. So maybe Sun Regalia at 8.00 PM tomorrow..."

Spike thought for a moment before lightening up.

"Sure thing, sounds good."

"Splendid ! See you there !" Rarity beamed, turning to exit to main street.

She was stopped when Spike suddenly asked

"Rarity ?"

Her voluminous violet locks bounced slightly as she turned slightly towards him

"Yes darling ?"

Spike took few steps towards her

"You say that Gabby had to left the city and now you can take her time as well ?" he muttered " That's weird."

Rarity slowly nodded. She chose not to tell Spike that Gabby wasn't summoned elsewhere but gave up her time by her own volition.

Something was off here. Throughout the years, Rarity came to genuinely respect her rival and as far as she could tell, Gabby wasn't the type of a cunning backstabber. Maybe it was even wrong of Rarity to think in such a fashion. But if that was so, why did she sacrifice her own time with Spike for her. Each one of them would never trade it for anything.

"Indeed" the unicorn answered Spike's confusion, looking up at the sky" quite strange..."