• Published 6th Dec 2019
  • 1,166 Views, 23 Comments

I've seen too much (tales of love never forgotten) - Shadowlight Wanderer

A mare is saved by a dragon from the storm. Little does she know that she and her host are linked by mysterious past and more emotions than a heart can fill

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Chapter 12: Greed of Generosity, Generosity of Greed

Rarity marched out from the bathroom. Not to be paranoid, but she had to make sure she was looking absolutely best for what was about to come.

Her locks very still in swirly curls ? Check. Fur smelling like lavender ? Check. Dress in perfect condition ? Well, that was debatable. It was a little bit ruffled from her collision with the villainous statue earlier on but Rarity knew that as much as Spike appreciated and valued her work, he won't notice the difference. Still, her fashion perfectionism was screaming at the sight.

Wasn't long before she found them. Spike and Gabby were by the buffet, chatting and laughing. Gabby took the muffin from the table and started to feed Spike with it.

Rarity rolled her eyes. Gabby's signature flirting technique. Very cute but for the love of Celestia, she could do something else once in a while. She looked like mommy bird feeding her newly hatched children...well, that comparison wasn't that much off, given Gabby's body built.

Spike noticed Rarity and waved at her to come join them. She suddenly felt a bit bad for barging in like that. Above everything, she TRIED to be honourable. Gabby had the same right to spent her quality time undisturbed as Rarity. Maybe she should come back later.

Gabby then leaned in to kiss Spike.

Rarity found her legs moving on their own and her stream of thoughts about morality suddenly seemed too farfetched. Everybody makes mistakes, so one shouldn't consider himself as a saint.

Gabby acknowledged Rarity's presence and smiled at her

"Hi Rarity ! We are having a blast here !" she screamed

Rarity couldn't help but smile as well. Griffon's energy was always infectious

"So I saw darling. But I was wondering if I could talk with Spike for a moment ?"

Gabby frowned

"Do you have to, for realsies ? It took me so much time to find him ! I have something important to say to him in a moment !!!"

"I do think that this is a striking coincidence but believe me when I say that this is the matter of great importance"

"Mine is even more !"

"Certainly not"

"It is"

"It is not"

"Ladies..." Spike tried to get the word but he was cut shortly

"STAY OUT OF THIS !!!" both girls shouted.

Spike was desperately thinking about the way out of the situation when suddenly an incredibly high pitched sound caused everyone to cover their ears.


Suddenly, sound of jazz and swing music started to come from everywhere.

Spike let out a sigh of relief. He spoke to the girls, who were now just giving each other glares

"Hey, that's not the type of music I wanted to dance to...but this may be interesting. Let's go to the dance floor. Both of you !!"

Gabby and Rarity looked at each other in shock, before Spike grabbed each by the leg and lead them to the parquet.

While Spike waited for good tune, both females looked each other in the eyes. Rarity's sapphire ones burnt with determination and Gabby's light blues were filled with nonchalant happiness.

Gabby winked to the unicorn

Rarity reddened on the face. She knew that as good willed and nice Gabby can be, she was a prankster and enjoyed challenges

"IT.IS.ON !!!" Rarity muttered

"Let's go !!!" Spike shouted

Each of the girls had one front leg in his front claw as they spun and twirled.

Rarity glided around, finishing her pirouette cuddled into Spike's broad chest. Then she was smacked on the face by the grey wing, as Gabby commenced her own figure. Striking a pose, she swiftly moved between Spike and Rarity. Her beak came very close to Spike's lips before a certain blue aura engulfed her body, causing Gabby to spin counter-clockwise and find herself face to face with the unicorn. Two girls performed their own set of steps, bearing calm and stoic expressions. Then Spike grabbed them both yet again and the three of them performed a set of pseudo-tap dancing, with each time one girl coming seductively closer to Spike and being stopped by the other one.

Finally, at the end, Spike used his wings and tail to spin Rarity into his embrace and he lifted Gabby high in the air. The music died down and there was an applause around them.

Three dancers felt a bit embarrassed as they didn't notice that they were being watched.

Gabby was the first one to speak up

"Well, that was amazing !!!! I am so thirsty right now ! I will go and grab something good from the bar ! What do you think ?"

Spike nodded eagerly and Rarity smiled with encouragement. She was truly tired after the performance but even so, quite satisfied. It wasn't nearly as good as slow dancing with Spike alone, but somehow, they all managed to play it cool and nice.

Gabby disappeared in the crowd and Spike turned to Rarity

"I didn't know you are so good in dynamic dance like this. You were so beautiful, swirling out there !"

Rarity winked at him, puckering her lips a little

"There is a lot you didn't see yet..." she said quietly, staring at here in a sensual manner "It took you and the girls years to discover that I am a master in playing the guitar, right ? Pinkie was so shocked when she saw me go"

Spike smiled at her

" 'Oh, the one whose coat are like finest of marbles, thy mysteries shan't ever be unravelled' " he intonated

Rarity let out a small "oooh"

"One of your poems I presume ? Well, allow me to enlighten you a little bit" she said softly, closing her eyes and pulling closer to Spike

The dragon himself seemed a bit surprised, but didn't object and leaned a little close as well.

Finally, they kissed.


'Hmm, I always thought that Spike's lips are warm and...spicy, not harsh and tickly' Rarity thought

'Emm, in my dreams Rarity's lips would be soft and sweet, not scratchy and tasting...like burnt cotton candy...' Spike had his doubts as well.

They both opened their eyes, and realized that instead of each other, they were both kissing a pair of grey cheeks, covered in short fur.

Each of Discord's eyes moved in autonomy as he looked at both of them at once

The mare and the dragon instantly pushed back, gagging and looking for something to wash their faces with.

Discord laughed out loud, watching the them wobble around in disgust.

"I was going to ask your opinion on the groove and congratulate of this triple threat of a dance, fantastic performance by the way !!! But..." spirit of chaos hovered above them, giving them an amused look "You looking all lovely-dovey made me think of a great prank ! Looks on your faces were priceless !"

"I will get you for this Discord, I swear !" Rarity muttered, wondering how to get the taste of her lips.

"Well, I will be waiting for it" Discord patted the side of his orange tux and swirled his chaos cane" Well, I am going to find Fluttershy now, so I will be..."


As Discord turned around, Gabby, returning with the beverages, flew into him with high speed. The impact knocked the mail carrier to the ground and sent the drinks flying.

Discord sighed


With a snap, liquid (cider, as it seemed) froze in the air and returned to back to the respective mugs, which spun around and levitated to Discord's paw, claw, and tail, which he morphed into a white appendage.

He levitated Gabby off the ground and dusted her off.

"There you go" he said, handing Spike and Rarity their mugs.

Gabby blinked, as she came back to her senses. Discord's tail-hand gave her the mug and waved to everyone, before draconequus himself vanished in a flash.

Spike helped Gabby get up

"Are you okay ?" he asked

"Cool beans...I crashed worse than that during my deliveries..." Gabby calmed down, shaking off her remaining dizziness.

"Well, that's a relief. Looked like a horrid accident" Rarity added dramatically

Gabby looked at her mug and smiled. She rose it high in the air

"To the future !" she exclaimed

Rarity looked at the amber liquid. Applejack's cider reserves, no doubt. She smirked. Good toast, one shall not be afraid of the future, no matter what it held.

She levitated her mug high and saw that Spike is rising it high as well

"To the future !!!"

The three lowered the cider and began to drink.

Rarity was taking gentle sips, savouring the sweet of the drink. It was particularly strong today, except the sweetness she could feel something between eucalyptus and ginger. She had to ask Big Mac and Sugar Belle when she had the chance, they knew it better than anyone else.

Spike finished first and smacked his lips with visible pleasure

"I swear that this stuff gets better and better with the years"

They all looked at each other

"So...what's next ?" Rarity put a hoof to her mouth, deep in thought.

"Well..." Gabby wiggled her eyebrows at Spike " I was wondering if Spike wouldn't like some..."

Then, two screaming mares ran between them. It was Scootaloo and Applebloom, who both looked quite distressed.

"Gabby ! Can you please help us search for Sweetie Belle? You always know how to find her when she wanders off !" Scootaloo pleaded

"We wanted to perform multi-talent spectacle, but she vanished some time ago and we can't find her anywhere ! Please help us or we are going to run out of time "

Gabby was dragged aside by her friends and she managed to shout

"Stay here ! I will be right back !" she managed to shout back.

"Oh dear, I hope that nothing happened to poor Sweetie. Darling has a terrible tendency to attract misadventures" Rarity worried, watching the crusaders.

Spike put her claw on her necklace

"Don't worry, she is a grown mare now, she can take care of herself. I am sure she is just watching the stars or sniffing flowers. She is super romantic."

Rarity looked at Spike with gratitude. She loved the care he expressed towards not only her, but also her sister and all of her friends.

Handsome, strong protector of all of Equestria.

His body seemed to shine, as the world became hotter...


Spike looked at Rarity. She had that eerie, distant look of pleasure, that she sometimes wore on her face when she was designing and thought of something incredibly good.

Only this time, she seemed to be looking at him.

Sweet Celestia, her eyes could burn though him if that was possible.

"Rarity...is everything okay ?" he asked the white mare, who still had a rather goofy expression on her muzzle

Rarity let out a very unladylike giggle as she shook her head

"Everything is absolutely splendid darling. Especially...you. All that warmth is making me a bit..." she scooted closer to him.

They walked to the window and Spike smiled at the sight of snow white specks in the darkness

"Look, first snow ! How marvellous !"

Spike looked at Rarity. At her vibrant, soft mane, her curious, sparkling gaze that rivalled the purest sapphires in Equestria, her goofy smile, her marble white coat, her squishy cheeks, now bearing an adorable shade of pink.

For some reason, all of her up-tied lady act was gone. And for Spike, she never looked more beautiful than now.

She was right though, there had to be something hot in the air, because he was starting to feel as if the edges of his vision blurred a little bit

"We should probably get back to the others, hmm..." Rarity pondered in not-so-honest tone

They looked at each other...


Rarity squealed like a school filly, while she and Spike ran through the less known corridors of the castle.

What were they doing ? She didn't know but for some reason, she felt one thing with absolute certainty.

She did not want to stop.

Finally, they found themselves in front of Spike's bigger room. He unlocked it and they got inside.

"Darling, what are we even doing ?" Rarity managed to use some of her rationality, that was faintly visible through the heat and...feelings

Spike didn't answer instantly, his eyes turned into a thin draconic slits, his breathing was rapid and shallow, as if he was having a fever attack.

"I don't know" he choked out "All of the sudden I feel that I...that me and...you... should"

"I know" Rarity interrupted, fighting the wave of giddiness, excitement and craving "I feel that too and it is quite...out of character for me !"

"Tell me..." Spike approached her, shivering slightly "Are you...drunk ?"

Rarity smiled, before gently putting her well polished hoof to Spike's chest and sensing his fast heartbeat

"Ladies do not get drunk. Assuming that I am however...I should have problems with my sentence formulation or maintaining my balance. I think I am doing a splendid job in that, Spi-key Whi-key...no, I am sober, I assure you. I only have the strongest of feelings, something so deeply buried in me over the years of our intercourse."

"I know..." Spike leaned closer to her " There are so many things that the awkwardness between us didn't allow to express. Glad I am not the only one who didn't had those...problems..."

Rarity's breath was hot when she closed the gap between them, kissing him softly and gently

"As sweet as it is...you talk too much" she whispered

Spike felt that they needed this. All of the years of love, jealousy, sorrow, awkwardness and waiting....endless waiting, that for some blessed reason could not wait any longer.

This time he kissed her, to which she responded by squeal of delight.

He didn't know what was happening, that should be uncovered later.

The reality was that they wanted each other. Only that mattered.

They melted within each other's embrace.

And so the dream has begun.