• Published 6th Dec 2019
  • 1,166 Views, 23 Comments

I've seen too much (tales of love never forgotten) - Shadowlight Wanderer

A mare is saved by a dragon from the storm. Little does she know that she and her host are linked by mysterious past and more emotions than a heart can fill

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Chapter 14: Heinous act of pure innocence part 1

Rarity shifted and lazily opened her eyes.

She yawned and then looked at Spike.

They did it...she could recall their bond through flesh..the waves of pleasure and almost overwhelming ecstasy...and the waves of pain inside of her gut...

She really did it with him... after all those years...

Suddenly, her eyes widened.

They did it. Here. IN THE MIDDLE OF THE GALA !

She felt the wave of panic rushing over her.

She wasn't really worried about the fact that it happened, deep down she knew that it was bound to happen. She admired Spike for some time now. She started to be enamoured with him roughly almost 7 years ago, after his song for her started something that she would never expect. But only after Spike gained musculature and grew in size 3 years prior this Gala, she could allow herself to properly wait for the courtship.

What scared her was the fact that they did it in here, during one of the most important celebrations of the entire world, which was absolutely inappropriate by itself, but that didn't answer the question of how it happened.

It was unrealistically sudden and while it might have been something they wanted, she was sure the form and the lustful rush was alien to both of them

So then, what happened ? Why did they suddenly feel that they needed to do it ?

Then she felt another way of chill run down her spine. How could they forget about Gabby ? Throughout all the mess and their strange behaviour, they left their friend alone.

No, that case had to be solved. Rarity didn't have even a slightest feeling of guilt after those few hours. What they did and what Spike gave her that night was one of the most magical things she ever experienced. It was loving reunion, purified from all the manipulation and possessiveness.

But it didn't mean that the way it all happened didn't worry her.

She looked at Spike. He was sleeping soundly and peacefully. Rarity hated to disturb him but she knew she would need all the help she could get

She nudged him and he groaned slightly

"Spikey...please wake up..." she cooed, trying to slowly guide him to consciousness " We have a bit of a peculiar situation here..."

She didn't manage to say more as the doors' lock clicked and then the passage itself was forcibly opened, causing Rarity to scream in fright.

Spike groaned once more but still remained asleep.

In the now opened doors was a hooded figure of average height, with the posture that radiated tension and malice. By the body shape, one could deduce that the mysterious intruder was a pony but nothing more than that

Hooded pony glared at the pair in the bed

"So..." came the voice that emanated cold and some kind of disappointment "You two really did it. That was a horrible miscalculation from my side. But it all will be fine now. I am going to turn this whole thing around, I was prepared for this. And no one will get hurt"

That voice...that pony's voice sound painfully familiar, although it was clearly distorted by some magical spell. Rarity didn't know what was more creepy: the very presence of the masked assaulter and his very clear evil intent or rather the fact that he was speaking as if to reassure himself rather than to threaten her.

"Who are you ? And what do you want from us ?" she mustered her question.

The hooded figure approached the bed.

"All I want " voice spoke calmly " Is to keep Spike safe and happy. So I please, get away from him and there would be no need for violence."

Rarity's eyes widened as she hugged Spike tighter.

"No ! I am not leaving him, especially after some strange creep broke into the room" she exclaimed "If you want Spike's "happiness", as you claim, please keep your distance and show your face, as any civilized pony would"

The pony trembled and for the first time, anger was visible in his voice

"You have no right to lecture me, you manipulative excuse for a mare ! If you don't want to let go, I will make you !!!"

Rarity suddenly felt herself pulled up and levitated in the air, even though the pony didn't move a muscle.

She didn't feel anything that could characterize the caster of the spell, she didn't even see the colour of levitation magic around her. Whoever was assaulting her, had to be extremely cautious.

"You lied to him, you hurt him, you gave him the illusion of happiness "the voice continued, while Rarity struggled in the mid air. " I am here to help him...and help you as well, see your true colours yet again."

There was a loud "BANG" from the outside. Rarity was released just as Twilight ran inside the room.

"Spike ? Spike ?!!! Is everything-"

She paused as she looked at Rarity and then at Spike

"It was true then" she whispered

"Twilight ? Darling, what is going on here ?" Rarity asked, still visibly shaken.

Twilight scanned room with her eyes, and focused them on Spike.

"Rarity, an hour ago we received an anonymous information that you used some malevolent means to get Spike into intimacy. I didn't believe it of course. But after that, a member of the guard came with an information that you and Spike were seen running away from the party, I had to check it...it was my duty to ensure that you are both all right. "

Rarity looked at her with disbelief

"Twilight, this sounds ridiculous...you do realize that you are talking to the mare that loves and values Spikey Whikey so highly ?"

Twilight looked at her from above and only now she noticed that her eyes were glowing

"Rarity, I know you and treasure you in my heart as a dear friend. I refuse to believe in all of those accusations but...I'll let you see what I can see now."

Her horn glowed and the purple aura spread throughout the room. Rarity gasped as she saw her hooves glowing gold, as well as multiple tiny spots on the floor and around Spike's lips.

"That spell detects any toxins in the vicinity " Twilight said in a stern tone " Rarity, I am sorry, but since you two were here alone for almost 3 hours, I have to temporarily isolate you, because...right now, it doesn't look very good."

Rarity felt a droplet of sweat fall flow down her face as she stared at Twilight in shock. This clearly was some big mistake. What hurt the most was that Twilight didn't give her any credit and seemed convinced of her guilt. But why ?

And there was also the strange pony, who remained silent and motionless ever since Twilight entered the room and we totally ignored by the alicorn. It seemed that he was only visible to her....somehow. What in Tartarus was causing all of this ?

But then something occurred to her.

"Twilight darling, this is madness ! "Rarity said, trying to remain calm and speak clearly "You say that you received an anonymous information. Who gave that information to you ? If you received it some time ago, why you intervened so much later ? And most important thing, you seemed convinced that I am a culprit without a deep research ! This doesn't seem like you at all...what happened Twilight ? What is going on ?"

Twilight blinked rapidly a few times, with mouth opened, and even lose balance a little, as if Rarity's questions hit her physically. However, she quickly regained his composure.

" We don't have time for this now ! I am sorry, but you have to follow me ! I will think about what to do with you later. Now, come !"

Twilight levitated Spike off the bed and Rarity reluctantly followed her.

As they found themselves at the corridor, Rarity turned around and gulped

Hooded pony followed them, silent steps serving as a grim reminder of the strange situation they found themselves in.


Twilight burst through the doors of the ballroom. After 3 hours, it was no longer packed with guests, but there was still a considerable number of creatures, mainly high class ponies, at the buffet or dancing in a lone pairs.

Every conversation ceased immediately when Twilight entered, levitating Spike and leaving him in front of Rarity.

"Wait here ! I am going to go fetch somepony" she galloped away.

Hope awakened in Rarity's heart. If Twilight trusted her enough to leave her alone with Spike, maybe there she believed that she was innocent.

But hopes and dreams were brutally crushed when she looked around. She wasn't alone in the slightest. Twilight probably left them here to ensure that the other guests would watch them.

And they were doing it. In a chilly, uncomfortable silence.

Rarity was looking for some friendly face in the crowd...with no effect.

They knew something, they had to. Rarity knew firsthoof how fast could the rumours and gossips spread. Unfortunately for her and Spike, the version that nobles feasted on was probably Rarity's worst sexual assault in history. Nowhere near the comfort or pleasure Spike gave her.

Spike, please wake up...please wake up...

Suddenly, some random voice echoed through the crowd

"Good for you, hussy !"

Rarity's pupils shrunk as she felt something wet hitting her and recognized the tomato juice dripping down.

A few other projectiles were thrown at Rarity, but she was already anticipating them and managed to avoid them. Years of adventuring managed to create quite good reflexes.

"Serves her right. Seducing and using her position to manipulate the Ambassador, unthinkable !" a female voice chimed, as the laughter started to rise.

Rarity began to tremble. Even in the era of friendship and peace, some things couldn't be rearranged easily. Jealousy and the rivalry couldn't be simply turned off. Ever since her ascension to be a co-ruler of Equestria, many ponies envied her. Some thought that they would be a better Element of Generosity, the fact that she helped save Equestria multiple times held little to no value for them. Stallions wanted her power and influence, mares her looks and charm...and maybe Spike as well. And now those bitter and dark emotions, usually so meticulously hidden, were boiling and spilling out like a venomous acid.

Rarity loved high society but that side of it was making her want to cry and run. Being criticized and laughed at without any means of defence was one of her greatest fears.

And yet, she just sat there, with her straight mane covering her in the veil of purple, as the laughter echoed around her.

She was shaking, she felt a few tears flow down her face. All she wanted was for Spike to wake up so they could explain this misunderstanding.

She wanted to go to him and hug him tightly, not only to make herself feel better but to make sure that he is okay. But she knew that the laughing crowd, who lacked any of her friends, only waited for something like that. With her heart pained beyond belief, she restrained herself.

Finally, Twilight returned, immediately silencing all the laughter. She looked at Rarity

"Fine, let's begin. Come forth please !" she shouted towards the door.

The crowd parted and Starlight Glimmer swiftly moved passed them. She joined Twilight as they both stared at miserable Rarity

"Rarity, please don't hate us for this, but we will have to put you on trial" Starlight said, with concerned face, but with cold tone in her voice

Twilight glared at Rarity with disgust

"I will make sure that the trail will be just. But if you fail it... you will have to suffer the consequences."

She lowered her head to Rarity's level. The unicorn mare closed her eyes in fear as she heard the whisper

"No one hurts my friends and gets away with it !"

"Twilight...please...I..." Rarity whimpered.

"I wasn't talking to you"

Shocked Rarity managed to open her eyes just in time to see Twilight swiftly toss her head aside and fire the beam of magic in the direction of the hooded figure who didn't react in time and fall to the ground.

Rarity's jaw dropped. So Twilight saw this creep all along ?

She suddenly found herself shielded by Twilight's enormous wing and heard alicorn shouting

"Starlight, now !"

The edges of the wings became unnaturally bright and, as Rarity deduced, the whole world beyond them.

Light spell with amazing intensity. Befitting the most powerful unicorn in the land.

She heard a scream and then the light dimmed down.

Twilight lowered her wing.

Starlight was now restraining the hooded opponent, who was struggling with might, temporarily blinded by the spell.

Rarity felt Twilight hug her and saw the tears falling down her face

"Rarity, I am so sorry for make you suffer like this. We had to make it look realistic so we could blast this pony. This whole act was supposed to make him loose concentration and it pained me that I had to be so cruel towards you during it. Hope someday you will forgive me this act."

Rarity hugged back, waves of relief flowing through her mind

"Thank goodness. That was all just an act...and yet, you seemed so convinced. You saw the Hood the entire time ?"

Twilight flinched

"Not exactly..."

She turned to the hooded opponent

"...but I hoped that our guests will explain it himself"

Twilight looked at the pony, still restrained by Starlight's aura.

"I don't know who you are but this behaviour here I will not tolerate ! You tried to frame my friend into the harassment, take Spike away, and manipulated everyone to get what you wanted. You even managed to brainwash me for a moment. If Rarity didn't break the spell, this entire thing could have been much, much worse. Lucky for you, she has a heart of a true detective. And nothing is a better antidote on the brainwashing spells than a good portion of logic..."

"TWI !!!" Starlight shouted " I hate to interrupt but can you do something about him.., or rather, her ? I can't hold on forever, you know"

Twilight furrowed her brow

"Really ?"

Starlight rolled her eyes

"Yes really. I feel traces of Persuadere, Senno, Permeatio, Oculto Miteta, Axinavox...this is seriously powerful stuff and it is still in her aura. Don't talk big just yet. Plus, I am still trying to take this hood off but she is resisting."

And then, hooded pony shouted

"No !!! No, please, release me !!! I am only doing this for Spike !!! You have to trust me, he can't be happy with HER around" Hood seemed to look at Rarity and reaching in her direction " Rarity, I don't want to hurt you. But maybe this all wasn't going to be efficient. Better to lock you up on my own."

There was a loud scream and in a flash of green light, the figure launched herself at Rarity.

The unicorn let out a soprano scream as the pony flew through the air with enormous speed towards her.

Rarity's mind went blank and she could only stare in fear as the danger approached.

Then, a few things happened, almost at once.

There was a blur of purple and green. The pony collided with the extended arm made out of hard muscles and Rarity could almost see the moment when the air was pushed out of attackers lungs. Then the hooded figure was catapulted back and fall down sliding on the floor.

Spike looked at Rarity from his protective stance. He seemed tired yet his eyes burned with passion

"Sorry that I am late" he muttered "But I felt that I seriously couldn't wake up and-"

Rarity practically jumped into the kiss, and after a few seconds she whispered

"Spike, I was so scared...you saved my life..."

"Well, you would-"

"I love you"

"... Wow...this is something else" Spike blushed from the strong and firm confession of the unicorn.

Feminine groan from the floor cause their attention to Twilight and Starlight who were slowly approaching their opponent.

"But maybe later ?" he suggested shyly

Rarity nodded

"I have your word darling" she whispered

The hooded pony stood up. Two unicorns, dragon and the alicorn braced themselves...

No one was prepared for what happened next...

It was probably because of the collision with Spike's arm, although that was only a speculation. The fact was however that in that moment the brown rope slowly fell down to the floor

Rarity's blood froze in her veins as she took in characteristics of no-longer-masked-attacker, with each new thing per heartbeat


White coat


Mulberry and pink mane


Lime green eyes

Rarity put a hoof to her mouth as she looked at the unicorn standing now in the middle of the ballroom


Author's Note:

Word of advice: Don't trust anything you think you know. That includes the ending...and basically everything,