• Published 6th Dec 2019
  • 1,166 Views, 23 Comments

I've seen too much (tales of love never forgotten) - Shadowlight Wanderer

A mare is saved by a dragon from the storm. Little does she know that she and her host are linked by mysterious past and more emotions than a heart can fill

  • ...

Chapter 21: I am home

When Spike, Rarity and Iris parted, they looked at each other in anticipation.

So what are we going to do now ? Surely not stick out here in this dreadful cold ? You two might have higher body temperature, but it's really chilly, even when I am dressed. " she wrapped her winter fur tighter around her body.

Spike looked at Iris, who simply nodded back. He smiled at Rarity:

"We are going back... all of us !"

Rarity exhaled softly.

"I was hoping you say that"

Spike looked at his daughter, who was smiling absentmindedly at him.

"Iris... are you okay ?" he asked.

The unicorn blinked and nodded reassuringly

"I am sorry dad, it's just..." she hesitated for a moment " I said that I remember everything, but I probably spoke too soon... it is still coming back... it's like a watching a hidden movie from my own life. Nothing wrong with it, it's really interesting. I feel like I want to rediscover life anew !"

"Well, it was quite a big part of your life " Spike sighed " It will take time for the memories to fully reincorporate. For now, they might seem like something new and alien, but the truth that you once lived them already. Once you go through them once more, it would seem as if they were always there. Now, let's... oh, I would almost forgot !"

His medallion glowed and suddenly, he shrunk a little and his form became bipedal, with muscular arms, broad chest, jovial eyes and distinct jaw line.

Iris's own jaw dropped, as she stared at her dad. He looked like...

"That's right !" Spike smirked slightly, flexing his body " That's how I looked like when you were born and when I married your mom. I felt that if show you this, your return home will be more welcoming. When I was away, I had my second big growth spurt, thus, I moved away to temporarily live within the mountain range. But then I was inspired by your talisman and made Twilight enchant it in the same, only in my case the illusion of my body is regressed, not progressed."

Iris nodded in understanding.

"It kind of suits you" she smiled.

With that, she activated her own solid illusion, and her body glimmered, transforming back to 20 year old mare.

Spike flew back towards the cave, shouting:

"I will be right back, I just want to grab a few things."

He disappeared in the mist.

Two mares stood silently for a minute, before Iris quietly said:

"Mom... after all of this... I have to ask you one thing."

Rarity looked at her with curiosity.

"Please do darling. I know you must be very confused right now. "

"It's just..." Iris pondered on how to phrase what she really desired to say " When I was with dad in the cave... back when he was just Spike to me... he told me that he wanted to tell me a story of the pony who shared similar doubts and insecurities about her purpose in life. That pony was you. Even though that story eventually revealed to me this whole memory erasure thing, the original point of getting into that conversation still stood... so I have to ask you: are you happy ? After all of this, do you feel... complete ?"

Rarity tilted her head, thinking deeply about the question.

"Well..." she began after a while" I would certainly rearrange some events... but as I told you before, Spike made me realize one of my biggest mistakes and gave me the greatest gift of all".

"Which is ?"

"You, my little one !"

Iris's eyes widened, as the wind blew her mane in all directions. She simply stared at her smiling mother

"Me ?..."

"Oh, don't be so surprised" Rarity came closer to her" There is an old saying, that being a mother is the greatest act of generosity of all, because you give the world something you love the most. As an Element of Generosity, I wholeheartedly applaud of that. Before me and Spike reconciled, I was sad and depressed. I seemed to lack focus and sense of entirety of my life. I was... and still am... a queen of fashion, I was in equestrian elite, I had a crowds of stallions and mares willing to do anything to see my smile or the wink of my eye... but I felt empty. I became obsessed with finding something to satisfy me and stop the fear before the end of my life, which seemed to flow dramatically fast. But then, by the twist of fate, Gabby's intrigue allowed me to have you with Spike... which is something that could never happen under normal circumstances. When you were born, I realized that all this time I was stuffing myself, indulging myself inside the illusion of happy life. I was scared and running away from the thought of having a family... that's why I was never successful in my previous romantic endeavours. But during that night, Spike showed me what real safety of being with someone who loves you back... and although I didn't see it for a long time, he was always protecting me, taking time to really get to know me, never letting go... and then you were born. Raising you proved to be a difficult task, but nonetheless, I am so proud of you darling. You are going to go further than Spike and I ever dared to reach."

Iris wiped a tear from her eye.

"Thanks mom... but... it the second time I hear you regretting not giving me a sibling. If that potion worked before, why not use it again ?"

Rarity's smile disappeared from her face.

"That... will not happen, sweetheart" she said quietly, yet softly " When I had you inside, Twilight came to have a serious talk with me. She explained to me that giving birth to you will have a backlash on me, since in some ways it was a violation of the laws of nature. She described to me the possible effects and said... that if it's my desire... the pregnancy can be eliminated, since it was still the early stage..."

Rarity sat on her rump and look Iris in the eyes.

"Darling, tell me, what do you see ?"

Iris looked at her mother, at her gleaming white coat and purple mane... what was she supposed to see ?

" Didn't it strike you as unusual that I started to have a grey mane in my 40s ?" Rarity pointed out the singular streak of grey, almost white hair " Or that I catch colds and illnesses a little more often ? Or that I have to use twice as much cream to mask my wrinkles ? Can you say that all the mothers of your friends do that ?"

Iris's body froze in dread. She was right. When Iris thought about it now, it was not normal at all.

"Mom..." she whispered fearfully" What have you done ?"

Rarity smiled in melancholy.

" I couldn't part with you, my dear" she answered" so in exchange for giving birth to you, my body began to age faster. Not to worry, I will still live normally, as a regular pony would. Well, during our chat Twilight pointed out, that our long exposure to the Elements could increase my lifespan beyond that regularity. Not as long as Twilight's, but still impressively large. But I renounced this by delivering you to this world."

Iris hugged Rarity tightly, crying for yet another time that day.

"You rejected prolonged youth, chance of timeless beauty..." she choked out" for me ?"

"Yes..." Rarity softly stroke her daughter's mane" younger me would probably do anything to stay beautiful. But external beauty would fade away with time anyway. And you...and your children... will also be the proof of my being, more beautiful than anything I could ever design. You are my greatest dream come true. It just took some time to realize it."

They hugged each other.

" Sometimes...I hated you alongside dad... and yet you did so much for me...thank you, mom" Iris smiled, looking at her.

"Anytime, my little diamond" Rarity cooed softly " anytime..."

Then she slightly punched Iris, lifting up their spirits.

"But of course..." she tossed her mane haughtily" I am still sexy as heaven itself !"

They laughed together, and with their laughter, Spike returned with the a few bags tied up to him.

In the middle of the descent, he stared to grow and he landed before them in his bigger form.

"Hop on !" he shouted" we are taking off to Canterlot !"

Rarity and Iris both climbed onto him back and with mighty flap of his wings, they rose in the air.


Since her memory of dragon flight was erased before, Iris felt complete and total freedom and enjoyed every second of it, as Spike soared through the skies towards the Canterlot.

She felt happy, she felt at peace, exhilarated by the experience of reunion with both of her parent, as they finally landed in the castle gardens.

Twilight, who watched everything from the window, smiled knowingly.

"I see" she simply said to herself" They are home. Finally, they are all back."


1 month later...

"How do I look ?" Iris turned around, examining the white sundress with yellow golden lining she was wearing.

Luster Dawn yawned for hundredth time and shrugged.

"Fine by me, I guess" she looked at her friend with confusion " Since when are you so interested in being all that proper ?"

Iris smiled. She loved irritating Luster when she got a chance.

"I am not" she answered, undressing and levitating the dress away. "But mom would never stop nagging if she saw that I am going without a dress. You know how crazy she can get. Besides, I want to look nice for this."

"For whom ? For elementary school fillies ? Iris, it's Friends and Family Day, not some gala !" Luster snorted.

Iris rolled her eyes.

"Say what you want Lus, I am still taking that dress. I have a discount for mom's designs anyway"

They exited the shop and after a moment, they were both drinking smoothies on the other side of the mall.

"A lot has happened, huh ?" Luster sighed " You were reunited with your dad, I was sent back to Ponyville over year and a half ago..."

"How are you doing with your friendship lessons ?" Iris asked, taking a gulp of vanilla-flavoured liquid

"Well, to be honest, it is not bad at all..." Luster smiled slightly" although I cannot break my old studying habits. Not to mention that I am now living with mom and dad again. They sent me to Canterlot to be Twilight's student when I was 7, and throughout the 9 years when I was with her, they were only paying visits and travelling with me, all of that quite regularly. But I didn't live with them under one roof for a long time and it's just... uuggh..."

"Aunt Starlight is that horrible ?" Iris rose one eyebrow.

"Well, yes and no. It's just mom was always that super cool sorceress, who almost defeated Twilight in a fight, having powers to manipulate cutie marks and almost destroying time itself... and now..." Luster groaned " she is all like: "I am so happy you are back home, Lusty-poo.", " I will help you with homework, cutie-pie". It's worse than grandpa Firelight ! Dad is not helping either. But... I am glad to see them again..."

"Good to hear it."

"Plus, I made some new friends, five of them, each from a different race. That's neat, I guess. I was not expecting them to welcome me so warmly. When I was smaller, I hated friendship, because I thought that it was taking my parents away from me. Twilight made me realize that and so, I opened up to my new friends... and they really helped me. It's a miracle, with a loner like me..."

"You had friends before. Me, Lil' Cheese, Apple Butter, Ennie..." Iris remarked.

"That was different !" Luster protested " I knew all of you since we were children. That was effortless, I didn't consider you as friends, but rather as a family."

"Point taken" Iris put her smoothie down " I am really glad that we will be able to spend some time with everyone tomorrow."

"Yeah, it is about time ! We weren't together for so long." Luster smirked at her friend " Are you nervous because you have a main speech for the foals reserved by our dear Twilight ?"

Iris blushed and bit her lip.

"Auntie wants me to do it because of the reunion with my family. She thinks I will say something inspiring."

"I bet you will." Luster slurped her smoothie loudly.


Next day...

That year, Twilight organised a big celebration in Canterlot, and invited every family in Equestria to join together in Canterlot. Many attractions, museums and restaurants have reduced prices or were completely free. It was the time for everyone to come together in harmony.

However, the main event was the presentation for colts and fillies about the Equestria, hosted by the Princess herself, who believed that shaping the minds of the young ponies towards the values of friendship and harmony from the youngest years was a task of crucial importance. This year the guests was the members of Council of Friendship and their families.

Luster and Iris were on their way to the Royal Theatre, when the presentation was taking place, when they heard a scream coming from the small alley next to the main street.

They turned in the directions of the outburst and noticed a small changeling, cornered by a minotaur and a bulky dog.

Iris's face fell

"Is that... again ?"

"Yep" Luster sighed " It sure is."

"Please, go away !!!" shouted the female changeling " I really don't have any bits !"

"So why don't you let us see ?" growled the minotaur." Just a little check..."

Iris and Luster slowly approached them. Under the reign of Twilight, crime dropped to practically zero, but sometimes small gangs or solitary criminals appeared, it couldn't be help. Nothing to major, just mugging, like here and now.

"Excuse me" Iris began politely" don't you think that you should listen to her ? She says she doesn't..."

"Just drop her and go home ! It is not like the two of you can ever do anything like this" Luster Dawn sighed.

The two criminals immediately turned around.

'Seriously ? Basics of friendly communication ! Don't be arrogant !' Iris thought in horror.

"So you think that we are incapable of beating you and your friend here ?" the minotaur growled.

Iris quickly raised her hoof:

"What? No, we don't want to-"

"Of course you are"

"Sweet Twilight, Lus !!! We don't have time-"

"You two are done !" hissed the dog, as he dropped the changeling and charged at the two girls.

"You owe me for this !" Iris shouted, as minotaur's fist came down to slam her.

Then the fist collided with the white hoof, which not only stopped it, but didn't even shiver.

Iris looked at her attacker flatly and pushed the arm back, with a force that make minotaur fly into the air, and then onto the ground a few meters away.

"Iris, I know how you dislike fighting, but we really have to !" Luster said back " We should take them to the police before they hurt anyone else. We won't be violent, okay ?"

Iris rolled her eyes.

" You just want to show off, are you ?"

"Well..." Luster smiled, perfectly imitating Starlight's nonchalant grin" I have a few spells to test out.

The dog pounced at her, but Luster's horn glowed and he phased through her, slamming into the wall.

"Wow, so this is Permeatio."Luster giggled like a little filly" So cool !"

"Focus Lus, we have to do this quickly" Iris muttered, as her left eye glowed bright green." I have a presentation to attend and a friend to save."

Minotaur was already on his legs and he was ready to strike again.

"How dare you attack a lady " Iris muttered, carefully scanning flow of the energy through the minotaur's body.

The rising temperature, flow of blood by the left side of the heart... strike from the left. She could see it all.

Then from the right...from below...from the left again...

As Iris was tiring her opponent, Luster assumed a position in front of the dog.

"Last chance, this is a never tested formula. You can give up and we will just smoothly go to the..."

Dog screamed and charged, making a desperate attempt to reach her.

Luster groaned.

"I am trying to be benevolent here. You had the choice...well, I will make this quick. Here we go !"

Her body exploded into the blinding flash of light, crackling and filling the air with the smell of ozone.

Dog's eyes widened in shock:

"What the-"

ZAP !!! BOOM !!!

Dog's body shook from electricity, as the current of lighting passed through his body and left on the other side, without leaving any physical sign aside from slightly burnt fur.

Dog collapsed, twitching slightly, but still conscious.

Luster materialized a few meters further, panting heavily, sparks still flying around her. The trace of her flight was marked with small flames.

"Wow, the level of control for this one was insane ! But I did it ! "she looked at the dog" It is not anything dangerous, but you won't be able to move for a while."

Then she noticed that Iris was still fighting with the minotaur.

She looked around and noticed the trashcan lid laying near her hooves.

"Iris !" she shouted, levitating the lid " Jump and catch !"

Iris briefly turned around.

She understood.

Luster threw the lid with her magic and in the same time, Iris jumped in the air.

Her fusion of a left eye was looking in every direction, as she flew over the strike the was meant to reach her...

She grabbed the lid, spun around in the mid-air and...

WHAM !!!

Minotaur wobbled around and fell to the ground, when Iris whacked him on a head with a lid, and landed on the ground

Just when the minotaur fell on the ground, he and the dog disappeared the in a white flash.

The small changeling came to the light, with her head low in shame.

" I am sorry, I was so scared... but at least that I can do. I sent them to do the police" she smiled shyly.

Luster facehoofed

"En, I know that you are shy like your mom, but you are supposed to have your dad's magic too. We won't be able to defend you every single time. Also... you are a changeling... with yak hooves... a horn... and bat wings today..."

"Is it bad ?" the girl called En pondered" I thought it was really chaotic and cool..."

"Just switch back to the basic form, please"

"Oh, you are no fun !" in a flash, the "changeling" became a slender pegasus mare with a moderate pink coat, white-greyish mane with black streak and violet eyes, that seemed to switch from red to light blue when she moved.

The strange mare was Iris's and Luster's childhood friend. She was the daughter of Discord and Fluttershy. Lord of Chaos loved to spoil his daughter and decided that he will name her Entropy (which is a fancy word for chaos) ,to Fluttershy's horror, when she discovered that the name was permanently recorded in every office and couldn't be erased. To make a compromise, the full name of the mare was Entropy Bloom, and she was known under both parts of it.

Entropy, or Ennie for short, inherited all of her dad's magic, yet she didn't master it yet. Even though she could pull an occasional prank and had a great sense of humour, generally she was kind-hearted and reserved creature, just like her mom.

She also enjoyed magically composing her body into a strange chimeras, similarly to her dad.

"Thank you again !" Ennie dusted herself off and smiled to the girls " I sometimes forget that I have infinite powers... Luster, that was really amazing ! What was that thing with the lightning"

"If I were you, I would never forget" Luster mumbled." As for the spells, it was Permeatio plus Double Fulminata plus Accelero, mom's old spell. I turned to lightning, switching between material and immaterial form-"

"Girls, we have to hurry ! The presentation !" Iris interrupted with urgency.

"Come here..." the grey- manned pegasus closed her eyes" I will take us all there. And... jump !"


They appeared in the right spot... but five meters above the ground.

After they stretched out all the pains and aches from the fall, they heard a familiar voice.

"Oh, there you are !"

Three girls noticed two earth ponies leaning over them. One of them was Apple Butter, son of Big Mac and Sugar Belle. He was the straightforward guy, like his father, but talked a lot more than him, being warm and passionate about his family and friends.

The other one was Lil' Cheese. Before talking about him, it should be remarked that none of the members of their little group was "normal. Ennie had chaotic powers, Luster was incredibly advanced for her age in both intellect and magic, Iris was strong and had a unicorn/draconic powers. Well, Butter appeared to be just an earth pony, but did not express the desire to be a farmer, which was rare in the Apple family. But he was only 9, so it could easily change.

But Cheese was above any scale, being random and bizarre beyond even the level of his own mother, appearing out of nowhere and giving strange foals free toys and balloons. With Cheese, one couldn't ever be sure of anything. Iris wasn't even sure if he was a colt or a filly. His body was petite and foal-sized (despite entering the teenage phase) with long eyelashes and delicate legs. It was sometimes hard to believe that he was a guy, 13 years old at that. Cheese seemed to be aware of the confusion and was only making it stronger, by asking creatures to address him as guy one day and as the girl the other. Only he seemed to be certain about the truth. When Pinkie Pie was asked about it, she sadly stated that it "wasn't specified by the writers", whatever that meant. Iris didn't dare to mention that there were certain body parts that could be checked in the instance of such a confusion.

Even though Cheese was a good willing and cheerful, he enjoyed playing with the minds of others, also through deceptions and pranks. It was no wonder that Discord was his favourite uncle and they were passing time together. Like in symbiosis, Ennie was spending lots of time baking with Pinkie.

"Are you okay ?" Butter asked, helping them get up " We were worried about you !"

" Nah, you were worried, silly !" Cheese winked at Luster, who rolled her eyes at him, yet allowing herself a smile a moment later. Despite his young age and even younger appearance, Lil' Cheese developed a crush on young scholar " I knew that they will make it !"

"Come on, we are late already !" Iris shouted, as they instinctively gabbed each other and dashed towards the entrance of theatre.

Author's Note:

Firstly, I am glad that the Iris-Rarity scene worked its way into the story very emotional moment.

Luster and Iris are badass. I HAD THE DEEPEST NEED to make them so.

As a self-rule, I generally don't create and write many OCs. I don't consider myself as someone so talented that I can write them easily. In this moment however, the world needed expanding beyond what we knew, as this chapter is a description of the parts of Iris's word after the entire drama. One could ask: Why introduce so many characters so close to the story's end ? Well, it's because I am planning a sequel. I don't know when it will appear but it will surely come... I am far too invested into this at this point...

So there came Ennie's character. I find it highly possible that Flutters and Discord had a child if they began living together as something more than friends. I wanted to create Ennie as someone who is not sure of her origin, and in constant flux between kindness and chaos. She wants to logically apply Discord's magic, which makes her look like a clutz.

An affair with Lil's Cheese's gender is utterly amusing.

In the next chapter we will have the presentation of families and evening of that day. As an extra part, I can tell that Sweetie and Button have a son in this reality, also Twilight may surprise us with something as well...

Here are some character trivia if someone is interested:

Serenity Iridescence, "Iris"
Parents: Spike and Rarity;
Birthday: 23rd of July;
age: 18,5;
Enjoys: painting, singing, rainy days, poetry, shopping, O&O, Parks, sharks and puppies, shade of fucchisa, Ember's gem stew.
Dislikes: Noise, Fighting, Prolonged dressfitting, maths, horror movies, boredom, cowardice.
Favourite uncle/aunt: Gabby, Ember.
Additional: Like her mother, she is considered as one of the most attractive mares in Equestria in her age group. In contrary to Rarity, she is not eager to romance on just yet...

Luster Dawn, "Lus/Lusty"
Parents: Starlight Glimmer and Sunburst
Birthday: 11th of October
Age: 17
Enjoys: Learning, magic, acrobatics, flirting, adventure novels, efficiency in work, daring challenges, equations and problems, cats, colour orange.
Dislikes: restraint, too much sentiment, illogical solutions, stuck-up creatures.
Favourite uncle/aunt: Twilight, Shining Armor
Additional: She inherited her mother's vast reserves of magical power. She is even more devious and creative than Starlight, and easier to irritate.

Entropy Bloom, "Ennie/En"
Parents: Discord and Fluttershy
Birthday: 32nd day of 13th month (in Discord's dimension)
Age: 15,5
Enjoys: flowers, gardening, meditation, antigravity, sweets, transforming herself, asymmetrical sculptures, dizziness, having fun
Dislikes: too much order, confrontations, boredom, loud noises, her friends getting hurt, allergies
Favourtie aunt/ uncle: Pinkie Pie, Scootaloo
Additional: She is a sweetheart of the group. She sometimes displays a sarcastic sense of humor, which often makes her embarrassed later on.

Apple Butter
Parents: Big Mac and Sugar Belle
Birthday: 9th of April
Age: 9
Enjoys: Helping his parents, apple treats, travelling, dancing, folk music, exotic sights
Dislikes: Being stuck on the farm, being called "plain", sour meals, feeling of misunderstanding
Additional: He has a sweet tooth and likes to bake. He is not a big fan of physical labour, unlike his father. He likes to help his aunt Applebloom in Crusader work and sometimes appears at the School of Friendship.

Lil' Cheese
Parents: Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich
Birthday: 27th of February
Age : 14
Enjoys: Pulling pranks, flirting with Luster, playing games, hide and seek, charades, mechanic toys, comedy, puppetry, strategy, being charismatic.
Dislikes: Storms, drama and tragedy, broken promises, depressed creatures.
Favourite uncle/aunt: Discord, Limestone Pie.
Additional: He is very intelligent for his age, and mysterious as well. Many creatures remain confused about his gender for a long time because of his feminine looks.

That's it for now ! Penultime part coming after a week. I have exams now, so I won't be able to write that much. Love you all !

Comments ( 6 )

I will probably finish the story in a few days ! After my exams, I was a bit knocked out of my creative process, but I will round it up shortly !

There are a lot of errors in this story, but the story itself is strong enough to mitigate that. Could do with some editing, though.

I really appreciate the allusion to Mistmane wrt Rarity's unnatural but desired motherhood in this chapter. And like you say in the author's notes, it was a good time to acknowledge it after everything that happened -- I've liked the idea that there's a long story behind that grey streak ever since seeing the epilogue episode. Not gonna lie though, it is kind of a bummer that Rarity is likely to experience early onset osteoporosis 😞

Anyway, *bangs table* Speech! Speech! Speech! Iris must speak, to everycreature

I am working on it, It was a crazy month, I had no time to write but I will conclude it soon.

No need to apologise my man, I didn't get much done January either because life happened. Take your time if you need to, I'm sure the end of the story will be as good as the rest of it!

So, I do need to ask, how come this story is incomplete?

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